This paper presents various approaches based on
Deep Learning to detect streaks from astronomical
images captured with smart telescopes from Luxem-
bourg Greater Region, which required collecting data
for over 188 different targets visible from the North-
ern Hemisphere, with equipment accessible to ama-
One approach consists in using ASTRiDE, and
this tool is efficient to detect images without streak.
The second one is a pipeline combining a ResNet50
binary classifier and the XRAI method, allowing the
detection of real streaks with a good accuracy. The
last one is an experimental model based on Genera-
tive AI in order to highlight the pixels corresponding
to the detected streaks.
As a result, we observed that less of 0.05 percent
of the captured raw images are damaged by streaks,
potentially caused by satellites. In this case it’s not
much, not enough to require special treatment to fix
the affected raw files, a simple filter here may be
enough to ignore them after detection.
In future work, we plan to reproduce and improve
the current tests on recent and future observations,
we plan to gather additional astronomical data
(especially from the South Hemisphere), and we will
work on optimizations to embed the presented Deep
Learning approaches into low resource devices.
Data Availability: The MILAN Sky Survey can
be accessed by following the links listed in (Parisot
et al., 2023). Additional materials used to support
the findings of this study may be available from the
corresponding author upon request.
This research was funded by the Luxembourg
National Research Fund (FNR), grant reference
15872557. Tests were realized on the LIST AIDA
platform, thanks to Raynald Jadoul and Jean-Franc¸ois
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