An Ontology for Value Awareness Engineering
es Holgado-S
, Holger Billhardt
, Sascha Ossowski
and Alberto Fern
CETINIA, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Value Awareness Engineering, Value-Alignment, Ontology Engineering.
The field of value awareness engineering claims that intelligent software agents should be endowed with a set
of capabilities related to human values, enabling them to identify value-aligned outcomes and, ultimately, to
choose their behaviour in value-aware manner. In this work we develop an ontology that links many of the
models and concepts that have been proposed in relation to computational value awareness, so as to be able to
formalize in a common language the various heterogeneous research proposals in the field. Specifically, we
illustrate its capability for describing multi-agent systems from the value-awareness engineering perspective
through several case studies grounded in concrete approaches from literature. The ontology, implemented
in OWL and extended with SWRL rules, is evaluated following scenarios of the NeOn Methodology and is
interconnected with relevant ontologies in the Semantic Web.
AI systems that explicitly represent and reason with
human values have recently been studied in the new
research field of value-awareness engineering (VAE)
(Sierra et al., 2021; Montes et al., 2023). The VAE
field covers various approaches to formally design
value-aware systems, i.e. systems involving cogni-
tive agents that are provided with mechanisms to be-
have according to values and being able to reason with
them; assessing the feasibility of executing different
behaviours, selecting reasonable norms or following
different goals in terms of their value-alignment (Rus-
sell, 2022; Rodriguez-Soto et al., 2022; Balakrish-
nan et al., 2019); caring about specific value rela-
tionships (i.e. formalizing and understanding value
systems (Lera-Leri et al., 2022; Serramia et al.,
2018)); and taking into account (or learning) their
context and agent-dependent nature (i.e. that differ-
ent agents may hold different preferences in differ-
ent situations (Montes and Sierra, 2022; Osman and
d’Inverno, 2023; Sierra et al., 2021; Soares, 2018)).
Despite the undeniably fruitful research made so
far, the diversity of proposals leads to an increasing
heterogeneity in the nomenclature in the field, mostly
due to application-biased interpretations of values
from different computational and social science the-
ories (e.g. (Montes and Sierra, 2022; Osman and
d’Inverno, 2023) with (Schwartz, 1992), (Lera-Leri
et al., 2022) with (Chisholm, 1963) or (Rodriguez-
Soto et al., 2022) with (Arnold et al., 2017)). Though
first efforts have been put forward towards the “for-
malization of the moral and social values as abstract
objects with social capital” (De Giorgis et al., 2022),
there is still a lack of a common-language around
even basic notions in value-aware AI. For instance,
there are different notions of norms (Serramia et al.,
2020; Serramia et al., 2018; Rodriguez-Soto et al.,
2022); different ways to ground values (i.e. the spe-
cific ways of evaluating values under specific prob-
lems) and value systems (Serramia et al., 2018; Os-
man and d’Inverno, 2023); and diverse definitions of
value-alignment of AI behaviours, referring to either
actions and strategies (deontological view, (Lera-Leri
et al., 2022; Rodriguez-Soto et al., 2022)) or on states
and/or sequences of decisions (consequentialist view,
(Montes and Sierra, 2022; Holgado-S
anchez et al.,
Recent proposals from the value awareness engi-
neering field were discussed within the VALE work-
shop celebrated at ECAI 2023 (Steels, 2023)
. In par-
ticular, interesting discussions were spawned regard-
ing the acceptation of high level concepts related to
the field.
VALE-2023 pre-proceedings, Osman et al. (eds.):
Holgado-Sánchez, A., Billhardt, H., Ossowski, S. and Fernández, A.
An Ontology for Value Awareness Engineering.
DOI: 10.5220/0012595500003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 1421-1428
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Inspired by that effort to advance towards a ter-
minological consensus, in this paper we propose the
‘VAE ontology”
(based on OWL
). The goal of this
ontology is to represent with a common vocabulary
different concepts and notions that the VAE commu-
nity has proposed so far regarding the design of value-
aware agent-based systems, their relations and the un-
derlying formalisms. It aims at reducing the gap be-
tween the theoretical experiments (and the theory it-
self) and implemented prototypes, providing interop-
erability with regard to different theories. To validate
our proposed ontology, we analyze in detail three pro-
posals from the literature, regarding consequential-
ist value-aligned norm selection (Montes and Sierra,
2022), value representation using taxonomies (Os-
man and d’Inverno, 2023), and deontological value-
aligned norm selection (Serramia et al., 2018), and
show how these approaches can be modelled and rep-
resented within the VAE ontology.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2
compiles related work regarding computational value-
awareness and ontologies. In section 3, we describe
in detail the different parts of the VAE ontology.
Section 4 illustrates how different research proposals
from the literature can be modelled within the VAE
ontology. Finally, section 5 discusses some of the
lessons learnt, while section 6 concludes the paper
and outlines avenues for future research.
2.1 Value-Awareness Engineering
According to (Poole and Mackworth, 2010), in a de-
cision problem, for intelligent agents to know which
action to take, they should understand the effects of
each action and the preferences they have over their
effects. Human values should certainly have an im-
pact over these preferences, but assessing that impact
has turned out to be notoriously difficult.
Still, approaches to incorporate specific values
into the reasoning and decision-making schemes
of intelligent software agents have been developed.
These proposals date back from practical reasoning,
pioneers using the notion of value systems in argu-
mentation systems (Bench-Capon et al., 2012), de-
fined via value preferences over states and or actions.
This was then used later in various original problems
such as finding value-aligned normative systems (Ser-
ramia et al., 2020; Montes and Sierra, 2022; Montes
VAE ontology IRI:
and Sierra, 2021); analyzing the value-alignment
of outcomes (value-aware decision making) (Sierra
et al., 2021; Rodriguez-Soto et al., 2022), value ag-
gregation (aggregating agents preferences into ranked
values) (Lera-Leri et al., 2022); and value learn-
ing (Soares, 2018), i.e. learning representations of
values, by classifying (potential) outcomes.
However, most differ in their understanding of
values. Some authors in the VAE community advo-
cate for a consequentialist view (Montes and Sierra,
2022), mostly inspired by Schwartz’s theory of Basic
Human Values (Schwartz, 1992). The key assumption
is that “values serve as standards, refer to desirable
goals and transcend specific actions” (Sierra et al.,
2021), which a similar stance than that of (Poole and
Mackworth, 2010).
Other authors prefer a deontological approach,
stating that the actions or norms have an intrinsic
meaning related to values (Lera-Leri et al., 2022; Ser-
ramia et al., 2020) and not the results of their appli-
cation. Others are skeptic defining such intrinsic rela-
tionships between outcomes (or even goals) with val-
ues (Soares, 2018; Osman and d’Inverno, 2023).
2.2 Ontologies for Value-Aware Systems
The justification of using an ontology to represent
value reasoning theories is sustented by (Soares,
2018), where he presents the problem of ontology
identification as essential for the value learning prob-
lem. The approach relies on learning an ontology
that reflects the knowledge that agents need to classify
outcomes according to values in changing contexts.
However, work on ontologies modelling or sup-
porting value-awareness in AI is scarce. A notable ex-
ception is the ValueNet ontology network (De Giorgis
et al., 2022), “a modular ontology representing and
operationalising moral and social values” correspond-
ing to different value theories, namely “Basic Human
(Schwartz, 1992) and “Moral Foundations
(Graham et al., 2013). The goal of that on-
tology was finding moral content in human discourse.
Despite the lack of ontologies considering human
values, there is a variety of ontologies formalizing rel-
evant notions in the VAE literature, namely, the notion
of social norms that regulate agent behaviour (ide-
ally being aligned with our values); agents that op-
erate in line with them; and outcomes that occur or
are provoked in the system. For instance, the OWL-
based ontology NIC (Gangemi, 2008) modelled inter-
actions between agents, plans and norms. In a simi-
lar line, (Fornara and Colombetti, 2010) developed an
AWAI 2024 - Special Session on AI with Awareness Inside
OWL application-independent ontology with SWRL
rules (Grosof et al., 2003) conveying temporal propo-
sitions, events, agents, roles, norms and social com-
mitments. Another example of an ontology for nor-
mative specification is the ODRL Information Model
2.2 (Ianella and Villata, 2018), a W3C recommended
ontology for representing statements about the rights
of usage of content and services.
The goal for the VAE ontology is providing a common
representation for VAE theories usable in agent-based
value-aware and normative systems. To develop it, we
followed the NeOn methodology for Ontology Engi-
neering (Su
arez-Figueroa et al., 2015), specially de-
signed for building ontology networks. It comprises
a series of activities
designed for different scenarios.
Here we summarize the key activities performed.
First, we performed the specification of compe-
tency questions (CQs) (i.e. the functional require-
ments), summarized in the following list.
CQ1. What is the definition of a value-related con-
depending on the context and, if it is part of
a theory (e.g. BHV), what is its classification?
CQ2. How do norms affect agents?
CQ3. What type of outcomes (events) exist and what
agents participate in them?
CQ4. What properties of an outcome or norm are re-
lated with a given value and in which context?
CQ5. What statements can an agent propose about
alignment of outcomes/norms with values, by
looking at what properties?
CQ6. What agents are stated to be value-aware, ac-
cording to properties of their behaviour?
CQ7. What arguments
an agent proposes to support
its value statements about the world?
Then, we investigated reusable ontological re-
sources. highlighting: first, parts of the DOLCE+DnS
Ultralite ontology, a general-purpose and lightweight
version of DOLCE (Gangemi et al., 2003) (from
the authors of NIC), where we root our notions
We treat values as mere “abstract concepts”, in line
with ValueNet’s (De Giorgis et al., 2022) notion.
The assumed argumentation theory comes from argu-
ment mining proposals (Lawrence and Reed, 2019; Segura-
Tinoco et al., 2022) where claims and premises are the ba-
sic argumentative units linked via argument relations. Sim-
ilarly, we consider arguments as statements composed by
premises and claims, that are related via certain criteria.
Figure 1: Schematic conceptual diagram of the VAE on-
tology with the most relevant relations between high level
concepts. Colors are used to identify groups of similar no-
tions in the ontology.
for norm (dul:Norm), agent (dul:Agent), outcome
(dul:Event), statement (dul:Description) and
context (dul:Situation); second, classes from the
ODRL ontology for norm specification; and third, all
values from the BHV ontology from ValueNet, and
their of value (vcvf:Value).
The next activities were the conceptualization and
formalization of the ontology. The design of the VAE
ontology was conceived as a core module to which
other ontologies representing different specific pro-
posals are aligned to. To guarantee essential interop-
erability in the Semantic Web, we opted for OWL as
the implementation language, aided by SWRL rules.
Finally, the implementation was subject to an
evaluation process, that consisted of checking the
complete representation of the CQs, checking design
pitfalls with OOPS! (Poveda-Villal
on et al., 2014) and
assessing the correctness of the ontology using the
Pellet (Sirin et al., 2007) reasoner.
To illustrate the resulting ontology, we provide
Figure 1, which represents all its main concepts
(norms, agents, values, outcomes and statements) and
their high-level relationships. The more specific Fig-
ure 2 represents the key notions of the ontology and
their relationships with higher detail. For more detail,
please refer to the following Github repository
The VAE ontology (core module)
consists of
1575 axioms, 129 classes, 121 object properties and
5 datatype properties. Also, it features 7 SWRL rules
for binary relation properties such as transitivity or re-
flexivity. Most of the axiom complexity is due to the
DOLCE+DnS Ultralite (Borgo et al., 2022) imported
classes. DOLCE has a very detailed object property
and class hierarchy (1549 axioms in total) that allows
to represent both specific and abstract notions.
VAE ontology core:
An Ontology for Value Awareness Engineering
Figure 2: The centre of the VAE ontology, featuring agents,
values, norms and outcomes. Most of the terminology is
rooted in (Steels, 2023), among others.
In this section we are interested in evaluating the
representation power of the ontology to formalize
VAE proposals in agent-based value-aware (norma-
tive) systems. To do so we explicitly conceptual-
ize and implement three inluential VAE proposals
(Montes and Sierra, 2022; Osman and d’Inverno,
2023; Serramia et al., 2018) in the next sections.
The methodology followed to implement into on-
tologies those theories involved again NeOn method-
ology activities, following a similar process to Sec-
tion 3. In short, we reused the VAE core, coded the
necessary new notions for each case and then popu-
lated the ontologies with individuals from examples
or use cases used in the corresponding papers.
For each new ontology, we present its represen-
tation power by giving a mapping from each notion
present in the corresponding theory to classes and
properties from the ontology (adding its relation to
the VAE ontology core). Then, we discuss the con-
ciseness of the representation, accounting to the num-
ber of axioms per notion and classes per notion ra-
. The notions of conciseness are inspired by
(Davis et al., 1993).
4.1 Case 1: Synthesis and Properties of
Optimally Value-Aligned Normative
Systems (Montes and Sierra, 2022)
The problem presented at Montes and Sierra (Montes
and Sierra, 2022) consisted of finding parametriza-
Calculated with Prot
e (v5.6.3) after importing the
ontology and removing the core module import statement.
tions of parametric norms (composing normative sys-
tems) that, applied to a certain MAS system (Multi-
Agent System), are optimally aligned with a set of
values. The authors assumed a consequentialist view,
i.e. that the alignment of a concrete parametrization
of a set of norms relies only on the alignment with
values of the possible evolutions of the MAS, which
should be evaluated via the semantics of the values in
the states that are allowed to happen by the norms.
Most of the terminology is present in the core
module, though some concepts require a specific rep-
resentation (e.g. parametric norms). Table 1 presents
how these notions have been introduced in the ontol-
ogy framework.
In total, taking into account the referenced classes
from the VAE ontology, the new ontology
the modelled example actively use 800 axioms, 90
individuals, 50 classes, 53 object properties and 6
datatype properties. The average number of axioms
utilized per required notion is
= 100. It must
be noted that most of the axiomatization effort was
put in technical details of the paper’s running exam-
ple, rather than on actually new VAE concepts. Thus,
the classes per notion ratio is high at 6.25, but if
we remove the example-dependent classes we get 39
classes, so the ratio drops to 4.875.
4.2 Case 2: A Computational
Framework of Human Values for
Ethical AI (Osman and d’Inverno,
This work presents an original “computational defini-
tion of values” based on taxonomical representations
of values without specifically committing to a conse-
quentialist or deontological view.
The theory assumes that values are general con-
cepts that become more specific as one travels down
the taxonomy, becoming “concrete and computa-
tional” at leaf nodes (i.e. becoming properties that
have a computable degree of satisfaction at the world
states”). Also, the authors define the importance of
the concepts and properties building the taxonomy,
which is fully context-dependent. Finally, they con-
sider a characterization of value-alignment, proposing
a user-defined function that calculates the alignment
of an entity’s behaviour depending on the context.
Table 2 presents the specific notions integrated
in the ontology
as classes, while Table 3 does
the same for notions integrated as OWL properties
12 montes sierra
13 osman dInverno
AWAI 2024 - Special Session on AI with Awareness Inside
Table 1: Represented notions from (Montes and Sierra, 2022) in the VAE ontology as OWL classes and some important
axioms written in OWL Manchester Syntax. The prefix ms: is used to identify terms of the new ontology. The is used to
denote inheritance.
Notion in (Montes and Sierra,
Ontology class + (relevant classification)
Norm, Action, State, Transition,
Agent, MAS
vae:Norm, vae:Action, vae:State, vae:Transition, vae:Agent,
Parametric norm ms:ParametricNorm ( vae:Norm)
Normative System ms:NormativeSystem ( vae:Norm)
Path (with final state) vae:Path :hasOutState some vae:State
Norm Parameter dul:Parameter
Semantics Function ms:SemanticsFunction
Aggregation Function (of
Semantics Functions)
ms:SemanticsFunctionAggregation ( vae:QuantitativeVaeProperty)
Normative System Alignment ms:NormativeSystemAlignment ( vae:QuantitativeVaeProperty).
Added axioms to indicate that it is measured on a set of possible paths after
applying a normative system (i.e. over P
from (Montes and Sierra, 2022)).
Optimal Normative System
ms:OptimalNormativeSystemAlignment ( ms:NormativeSystemAlignment
Note that some notions were already modelled in
the core module, e.g. the notions of context and
properties. Of course, more OWL axioms and SWRL
rules were added, for instance, to maintain the direct
acyclic graph (DAG) structure of the taxonomies,
respect of importance condomains, and propagate
We considered as use cases the example tax-
onomies present in Figures 1, 2 and 3 from the paper,
that represent different taxonomies, and automatically
calculated their alignment function values.
In total, taking into account the referenced classes
from the VAE ontology, this case ontology actively
uses 734 axioms, 90 individuals, 46 classes, 45 object
properties and 10 datatype properties. That accounts
for an axioms per notion ratio of
= 52.43, sug-
gesting a better core ontology reuse than in the last
case. The classes per notion ratio is also lower at 3.28.
4.3 Case 3: Moral Values in Norm
Decision Making (Serramia et al.,
The third proposal (Serramia et al., 2018) approached
a similar problem to Montes and Sierra’s, namely,
finding the subset of norms—norm system—with
maximum value support (considering also its repre-
sentation power and minimum implementation cost)
from a set of feasible norms—norm net—. The solu-
tion is obtained by solving a linear optimization prob-
lem. The main difference from Montes and Sierra’s
is that Serramia and colleagues define the relation
between norms and values assuming a deontological
stance, defining a support rate function that charac-
terizes the degrees of promotion or demotion of some
values by one norm. The theory takes into account
rich relationships between norms (exclusivity, substi-
tutability, generalization) and values (value systems).
The notions that were representable in the ontol-
ogy are given at Table 4 (classes) and Table 5 (prop-
erties). This case extensively uses SWRL rules, so we
recommend the reader to inspect the full ontology
Serramia’s theoretical approach requires utiliz-
ing most of the VAE ontology, such as pairwise re-
lations and comparisons between both norms and
values (vae:ComparisonStatement) and quantita-
tive properties measurable in norms, that are must
be defined as instances of deontic operators, e.g.
New notions were to be defined, though, namely,
statements about the new norm binary relations (mod-
elled as context-based classes) and optimization prob-
lems. And although value systems are again presented
as a DAG (similarly to the case in Section 4.2), for
parallelisms with the norm representation, the DAG
structure of each value system was implemented with
SWRL rules over pairwise comparisons.
As proof of concept, we modelled the main exam-
ples from the paper, e.g. Examples 2.1 (a basic norm
net with different agents, norms and their binary rela-
tions), 4.1 (a sample value system) and 4.2 (presenting
the optimization results, and the inferred preferences
of norms and norm systems based on the value pref-
This case ontology uses 671 axioms, 55 individ-
uals, 80 classes, 64 object properties and 4 datatype
properties, for a total of 27 notions (22 translated into
classes, 5 into properties). The number of new SWRL
The ontology about (Serramia et al., 2018): https:
// moral values in norm DM
An Ontology for Value Awareness Engineering
Table 2: Represented notions from (Osman and d’Inverno, 2023) in the VAE ontology as OWL classes and some important
axioms. The prefix odi: is used to identify terms of the new ontology.
Notion in (Osman and d’Inverno,
Ontology class + (relevant classification)
State, Agent, System, Context vae:State, vae:Agent, vae:System, vae:Context. Basic terminology.
Context-based Value Taxonomy odi:ValueTaxonomyStatement ( vae:AgentStatement
dul:hasSetting. vae:Context)
Nodes in a value taxonomy odi:TaxonomyNode ( vae:AgentStatement)
Label nodes (“representing abstract
value concepts”)
odi:ConceptNode ( odi:TaxonomyNode)
Property nodes odi:PropertyNode ( odi:TaxonomyNode)
Properties verified in states odi:TaxonomyProperty ( odi:QuantitativeVaeProperty)
Importance of a Node odi:NodeImportance ( vae:QuantitativeVaeProperty)
Aggregation of importance
odi:AggregationOfImportance ( vae:QuantitativeVaeProperty). Stands
for the calculation of importance of a Taxonomy.
Condomain dul:Region
Alignment function odi:TaxonomyAlignment ( vae:ValueProperty
vae:QuantitativeVaeProperty vae:AggregationFunction)
Table 3: Notions from (Osman and d’Inverno, 2023) in the
VAE ontology as OWL object and datatype properties. The
prefix odi: is used to identify terms of the new ontology.
Notion in
(Osman and
d’Inverno, 2023)
Ontology property + (relevant
( odi:generalizesNode)
Condomain of
( dul:hasRegion)
Degree of
odi:degreeOfSatisfaction (
Importance of a
odi:importanceValue (
rules is 16. That accounts for an axioms per notion
average of
= 24.85, halving the ratio of the last
case. This is due to an extensive reuse of the VAE
ontology axioms, and having more (overlapping) no-
tions. If we look at the classes per notion ratio we get
a similar one as the previous case, 2.96.
The three case proposals where successfully imple-
mented with competent coverage. In the Case 4.1
(8 new notions) we represented the fundamental the-
ory for representing optimally-aligned normative sys-
tems and the evolution based on sequences of transi-
tions leaving out of scope the second part of the paper
about model analysis. In Case 4.2 (14 new notions),
we implemented all the logic for consistently build-
ing context-dependent value taxonomies with the no-
tions of importance and alignment (using 14 notions).
In Case 4.3 (27 new notions) we managed to control
the compatibility of the inserted individuals within the
theory by checking sound norm systems properties;
representation and inference of norm relations; and
selecting the value preferences of a value system that
respect the desired DAG structures.
Limitations of the ontological representations are
most due to OWL+SWRL limited representation and
inference power, sometimes limited by the Open
World Assumption. For example, it was not al-
ways possible to calculate the aggregation of nu-
merical values (e.g. Monte-Carlo estimation of the
ms:NormativeSystemAlignment in Case 4.1, align-
ment function and aggregation of importance in
Case 4.2 or value preference utilities in Case 4.3) nor
provide inferences via second order logic and nega-
tion (e.g. impossibility to infer what norm systems
are conflict-free or non-redundant in Case 4.3 or to
define monotonocity and idempotence in Case 4.2).
In general, we highlight the fact that the ontolo-
gies remain interoperable even them assuming op-
posed views such as consequentialism (Case 4.1) or
deontology (Case 4.2). Also, we highlight the in-
creasing metrics of conciseness achieved despite the
increasing notion complexity of the cases seen.
In this paper we presented a new ontology for value-
aware agent-based systems. It aims to be a step to-
wards a common representation for key concepts in
the emerging field of value awareness engineering
(VAE), comprising a compilation of computational
interpretations of social science definitions, thereby
supporting the research community by easing the im-
plementation gap for new value-aware systems. The
ontology was implemented in OWL, using SWRL
to enhance its representation power, and following
AWAI 2024 - Special Session on AI with Awareness Inside
Table 4: Represented notions from (Serramia et al., 2018) in the VAE ontology as OWL classes and some important axioms.
The prefix mvndm: is used to identify terms of the new ontology.
Notion in (Serramia et al., 2018) Ontology class + (relevant classification)
Norm, Agent mvndm:Norm ( vae:Norm odrl:Rule), vae:Agent.
Norm Exclusivity, Substitutability,
Direct Generalisation
mvndm:Exclusivity, mvndm:Substitutability,
mvndm:DirectGeneralizationStatement ( vae:RelationStatement)
Indirect generalization of a norm mvndm:TransitiveGeneralizationStatement ( vae:RelationStatement).
Norm system mvndm:NormSystem ( vae:Norm dul:Collection)
Conflict-free norm system,
Non-redundant norm system
mvndm:ConflictFreeNormSystem,mvndm:NonRedundantNormSystem (
Sound norm system mvndm:SoundNormSystem ( mvndm:ConflictFreeNormSystem
Norm Net mvndm:NormNet ( vae:AgentStatement dul:Collection)
Norm cost, representation Power mvndm:NormCost, mvndm:NormRepresentationPower (
( 1).vae:measuredOnConditionedEntity mvndm:Norm)
Norm system cost, Rep. Power (analogous to last notion)
Maximum Norm System Problem mvndm:MaximumNormSystemProblem ( vae:VaeStatement)
Value System mvndm:ValueSystem ( vae:AgentStatement dul:Collection)
Partial order of value preferences mvndm:PartialOrderValueComparison ( vae:ValueComparisonStatement
Support rate function mvndm:SupportRateComponent ( vae:QuantitativePromotionDemotion)
Value preference utility mvndm:ValuePreferenceUtility ( vae:QuantitativeVaeProperty)
Value support mvndm:NormValueSupport ( vae:QuantitativeVaeProperty)
Norm system preference relation mvndm:NormComparisonStatement ( vae:ComparisonStatement)
Value-based norm optimisation
mvndm:ValueBasedNormOptimizationProblem (
Table 5: Notions from (Serramia et al., 2018) in the VAE
ontology as OWL properties. The prefix mvndm: is used to
identify terms of the new ontology.
Notion in
et al., 2018)
Ontology property + (relevant
Budget mvndm:hasBudget
Utility in a
comparison of
( vae:expressesProperty)
Norm system
of a norm net
( dul:isMemberOf)
the NeOn methodology; thus, conveying to stablished
standards for ontology engineering.
The expressive power of the ontology in relation
to value-aware systems was illustrated through case
studies comprising the representation of three influen-
tial theories from the VAE field as well as their main
running examples. We achieved concise yet deep rep-
resentations of the proposals, integrated without logi-
cal inconsistencies despite their diverse philosophical
This work opens up several lines of future work.
Firstly, we will look into an implementation for the
argumentative framework (which remains at the rep-
resentation level). Secondly, the use of SHACL
constraint validation with closed-world assumptions
to enhance the expressive power of the ontology needs
to be explored. Finally, the interoperability facet of
the ontology is to be tested in a simulated or deployed
value-aware system.
This work has been supported by grant VAE:
TED2021-131295B-C33 funded by MCIN/AEI/
10.13039/501100011033 and by the “European
Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”, by grant
COSASS: PID2021-123673OB-C32 funded by
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF
A way of making Europe”, and by the AGROBOTS
Project of Universidad Rey Juan Carlos funded by
the Community of Madrid, Spain.
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An Ontology for Value Awareness Engineering
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