Fine-Grained Clustering of Social Media: How Moral Triggers Drive
Preferences and Consensus
Emanuele Brugnoli
1,2 a
, Pietro Gravino
3 b
, Donald Ruggiero Lo Sardo
1,2 c
Vittorio Loreto
1,2,4 d
and Giulio Prevedello
3 e
Sony Computer Science Laboratories Rome, Joint Initiative CREF-SONY, Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi, Rome, Italy
Centro Ricerche Enrico Fermi, Rome, Italy
Sony Computer Science Laboratories Paris, Paris, France
Physics Department, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Moral Foundation Theory, LLMs, Social Media Analysis, Political Polarization, Clustering Comparison.
The increased access to online information provided by social media platforms allows individuals to form and
convey their beliefs regarding events in their daily lives. The wide range of interactions carried out in these
virtual environments has the power to impact the decisions and behaviours of others, also creating conflict,
polarisation, misinformation, and toxic content. When individuals engage in public debates about topics tied
to significant societal concerns, these discussions often regard or imply moral values. By analyzing five years
of Italian Twitter/X debate on immigration, we show how a language model aware of moral values detects
community structures more accurately, better depicting the actual political scenario in Italy.
Social media platforms are pivotal in the modern in-
formation landscape, acting as robust channels for the
swift dissemination of a vast array of information to a
global audience. This rapid and extensive online dis-
tribution of content is crucial in shaping public opin-
ion on various issues. On these platforms, users play
dual roles: they are not only recipients of informa-
tion but also active contributors, constantly shaping
and reshaping the online narrative. This process ap-
parently democratizes information sharing, enabling
diverse voices to participate in the collective dialogue,
profoundly influencing the formation and propagation
of opinions. However, this diversity of interactions
on social media can sometimes result in the creation
of echo chambers (Cinelli et al., 2021). In such en-
vironments, individuals primarily encounter opinions
and information aligning with their beliefs (Brugnoli
et al., 2021). This phenomenon can deepen ideolog-
ical divides as users become increasingly entrenched
in their viewpoints, potentially intensifying disagree-
ments and societal divisions. While the role of In-
formation Technologies in echo chamber dynamics
is still not fully understood (Gravino et al., 2019;
De Marzo et al., 2023), this aspect of social media
interaction is particularly evident in discussions sur-
rounding social and moral issues.
Building on the principles of the Moral Founda-
tion Theory (Graham et al., 2013), it is evident that
moral beliefs, which are not uniform but are based
on a diverse range of “irreducible basic elements”
described by ve moral dyads: care/harm, fair-
ness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion,
and purity/degradation, play a significant role in these
discussions. Social media platforms thus emerge
as critical arenas for the debate, challenge, and re-
shaping of societal norms and values. The relative
anonymity and lack of face-to-face interaction on
these platforms can sometimes lead to more polarized
and extreme expressions of moral values, escalating
discussions into conflicts.
Despite the recognition of these dynamics, there
remains a gap in understanding how the expression of
moral values on social media influences group forma-
tion and affects user reactions. Our current research
addresses this gap by examining the complex inter-
Brugnoli, E., Gravino, P., Lo Sardo, D., Loreto, V. and Prevedello, G.
Fine-Grained Clustering of Social Media: How Moral Triggers Drive Preferences and Consensus.
DOI: 10.5220/0012595000003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 1405-1412
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
play of moral beliefs in the Italian Twitter/X discourse
on immigration. In this study, we integrate moral do-
main analysis into social network analysis, revealing
nuanced patterns of user interactions and group dy-
namics related to moral beliefs.
Our methodological approach employs advanced
computational techniques, including a BERT-based
model specifically fine-tuned to classify Italian tweets
according to the expressed moral dyads (Brugnoli
et al., 2023b). This allows us to effectively map
tweet content onto a framework of moral beliefs, pro-
viding insights into how these beliefs influence user
preferences and lead to the formation of consensus
within online communities. Through this innovative
approach, our work contributes significantly to un-
derstanding social media dynamics, particularly in the
context of morally charged debates.
In our comprehensive analysis of the Italian immi-
gration debate on social media, we employed a novel
approach to delineate the intricate relationships be-
tween leaders and followers within the network. By
“leaders” we mean the main influential actors of the
social debate: news outlets or political entities (Brug-
noli et al., 2023a), while the “followers” represent
the rest of the community of users. By focusing
on retweets (RTs) as a primary measure of endorse-
ment, we identified followers’ engagement with lead-
ers’ content, thus revealing the patterns of influence
and information dissemination in the network.
We constructed a bipartite network, segregated
into leaders and followers, connected by retweets.
Analyzing this configuration through a monopartite
projection on the leader layer, we utilized an opti-
mized Louvain algorithm (Blondel et al., 2008) to dis-
cern communities based on political leanings. This
analysis was further extended by labelling these com-
munities and mapping their influence on the follow-
ers, thus inferring followers’ political orientations
based on their retweet behaviour.
Our study deepened by examining two distinct
datasets: one encompassing all tweets from leaders
and the other exclusively containing tweets that ex-
pressed moral values. This dual approach unveiled
critical insights, particularly in distinguishing polit-
ical groups and ideologies when moral content was
considered. Notably, a more nuanced political spec-
trum emerged from the moral tweets dataset, high-
lighting the significance of moral values in discerning
political affiliations.
Additionally, we observed a consistent cluster-
ing of questionable sources among the news outlets
within specific communities, indicating potential bi-
ases or alignments with certain political ideologies.
We conducted a rigorous comparison against a ran-
dom benchmark to validate our findings, assessing the
significance of the overlap between community struc-
tures derived from both datasets.
Crucially, we quantified the moral orientations of
individuals within these communities using a novel
method. By mapping each node onto a 4-dimensional
probability simplex, we assigned a “moral vector”
to every individual, indicating their likelihood of en-
gaging with content related to specific moral dyads.
This mapping, normalized using z-scores and soft-
max functions, revealed distinct moral configurations
within communities, showcasing varied ethical under-
pinnings across the political spectrum.
2.1 Unveiling Real and Nuanced
Ideological Divisions with a Moral
Distinguishing accounts between leaders and follow-
ers in social networks, particularly in the context of
discussions surrounding immigration, offers a valu-
able framework for understanding how public opin-
ions and attitudes are shaped and how consensus is
reached within digital communities. Leaders in social
networks play a crucial role in influencing the beliefs
and attitudes of others, thus driving the collective con-
sensus on various topics (Dong et al., 2017).
In our study, we focus on identifying these leaders
within the context of the immigration debate in Italy
over five years from 2018 to 2022. To accomplish
this, we analyze a comprehensive set of entities com-
prising news media outlets and political figures ac-
tively participating in this discourse. These news me-
dia outlets are further classified based on assessments
by independent third-party organizations, which cate-
gorize them as either questionable or reliable sources.
This categorization is pivotal as it helps in under-
standing the quality and potential bias of the infor-
mation disseminated by these outlets, particularly in
terms of their reputation for spreading misinforma-
To capture the discourse around immigration,
we collected tweets containing specific immigration-
related keywords (see Section 3). This keyword-
based approach ensures that our dataset is focused and
relevant to the topic of interest.
Followers in the immigration debate are then iden-
tified through their engagement with the content pro-
duced by these leaders. Specifically, we consider
retweets as a key metric for this identification, being
AWAI 2024 - Special Session on AI with Awareness Inside
retweeting unanimously regarded as an endorsement
of the content created by others (Becatti et al., 2019).
By analyzing retweet patterns, we can discern the fol-
lowers in the network, and understand how they inter-
act with and propagate the leaders’ messages. This in-
teraction is crucial, as it reflects the extent of influence
leaders have in shaping the discourse and how follow-
ers contribute to the dissemination and reinforcement
of these narratives.
With this node configuration, we built a bipar-
tite network whose layers are leaders and follow-
ers and whose links represent retweets. If a partic-
ular group of followers retweets two different lead-
ers, it suggests that these leaders are likely convey-
ing similar messages or viewpoints. To further an-
alyze these relationships, we employed a monopar-
tite projection on the leader layer (for further infor-
mation on the construction of the monopartite net-
work refer to Section 3.3). This projection simpli-
fies the network by focusing only on the leaders and
the connections inferred through their shared follow-
ers. For the analysis of this projected network, we
utilized an optimized version of the Louvain algo-
rithm (Blondel et al., 2008). Namely, the nodes’ or-
der undergone a random shuffle 1, 000 times, and the
configuration with the highest modularity value was
selected. Once these communities were identified,
we assigned labels to each community based on the
political leanings of the leaders within them (for a
detailed list of leaders and their identified commu-
nity membership see
Rome/Italian information leaders). The next step in
our analysis involved propagating these community
labels to the followers in the retweet network (Ragha-
van et al., 2007). This process allows us to infer the
political leanings of the followers based on the leaders
they retweet. We assume that followers who predom-
inantly retweet leaders from a particular community
are likely to share similar political leanings.
To deepen our analysis, we repeated this labelling
process twice with two different datasets. The first
dataset included all tweets collected from the leaders,
providing a general overview of the network dynam-
ics. The second dataset was more focused, including
only those tweets that expressed values aligned with
at least one of the moral dyads, as identified by our
BERT fine-tuned model. This allowed us to under-
stand not only the political leanings but also the moral
underpinnings of the interactions within the network.
Panels (A) and (B) of Figure 1 show a representa-
tion of the monopartite RT network of leaders aggre-
gated in terms of communities identified. In these vi-
sualizations, the node positions remain constant, pro-
Figure 1: (a) Monopartite RT network of leaders obtained
considering all tweets they produced. (B) Monopartite RT
network of leaders obtained considering only moral tweets.
Node positions are preserved. Node colours refer to com-
munities. Nodes frame colours refer to the different types of
leaders: political entities (azure), questionable news sources
(dark red), and reliable news sources (dark blue).
viding a consistent framework for comparison. The
community labels, assigned a posteriori, reflect the
political leanings of the leaders within each commu-
nity. This approach allows us to visually and analyti-
cally discern the political landscape within the debate.
The comparison between the two representations
one leveraging all retweets in the followers-leaders
interaction network and the other limiting retweets
to those expressing moral values reveals critical
insights into the structure of the debate. When all
retweets are considered, the network appears to reflect
a two-party system. This system is accompanied by a
minority of news sources that do not align with any
political faction, indicating a certain level of unbiased
or neutral reporting within the media landscape.
However, when the analysis is refined to include
only retweets that express moral values, a more nu-
anced and realistic separation of political entities
emerges. This approach successfully identify the dis-
unity of the Italian left, distinguishing the Far Left
from the Left, as well as the Five Stars Movement
(M5S) from the right-wing bloc (simply called Right),
offering a clearer understanding of the complex polit-
Fine-Grained Clustering of Social Media: How Moral Triggers Drive Preferences and Consensus
ical spectrum within the debate. It underscores the
significance of moral values in discerning finer dis-
tinctions between political groups and ideologies.
An interesting observation from both network
configurations is the placement of questionable
sources. In both cases, these sources tend to cluster
within the same community. This consistency sug-
gests a potential alignment or affinity of questionable
sources with specific political leanings or ideologies
within the debate.
Then, we exploit the contingency table (Brier,
1980) associated with the the two network represen-
tations to compute the community overlap. This cal-
culation is designed to demonstrate how the commu-
nity structure emerging from the moral tweet analysis
represents a more detailed, fine-grained version of the
broader community structure obtained by analyzing
all tweets.
In Figure 2, we present a visualization that illus-
trates this relationship. This panel specifically shows
the maximum percentage of nodes from each commu-
nity in representation (B) of Figure 1 - which is based
on moral tweets - that correspond to a single commu-
nity in representation (A) of the same figure, derived
from all tweets. This comparison is crucial as it re-
veals the degree of alignment or divergence between
the two community structures, providing insights into
how the inclusion of moral content refines our under-
standing of the network’s dynamics.
To ensure the robustness of our findings, we
benchmark these results against a random model.
This is achieved by shuffling the order of the nodes in
representation (A) 10, 000 times, thereby generating
a wide range of random community structures. For
each shuffled version, we calculate the community
overlap with the structure of representation (B). By
comparing our observed overlaps to this confidence
interval derived from the random benchmark, we can
assess the significance of our findings.
This comparison against a randomized benchmark
is essential for two main reasons. First, it allows us
to determine whether the observed overlap between
the two community structures is statistically signif-
icant or merely a product of random chance. Sec-
ond, it provides a baseline to understand the extent
to which focusing on moral tweets enhances the res-
olution of community detection in social media net-
works. If the observed overlap significantly exceeds
the random benchmark, it underscores the value of in-
cluding moral dimensions in network analyses, partic-
ularly in understanding complex social and political
Figure 2: Community overlap between the Leader RT net-
works of all tweets (A) and moral tweets (B), respectively
(see Figure 1). Radar shows the maximum percentage of
nodes of a community of (B) that fall in exactly one commu-
nity of (A). Results are also compared with the confidence
interval of a random benchmark (10,000 reshuffling).
2.2 Diverse Ideologies Align with Varied
Moral Configurations
To characterize the moral configuration of the
emerged communities, we developed a method to
quantify the moral orientation of both leaders and fol-
lowers. This method involves mapping each individ-
ual in the network onto a 4-dimensional probability
simplex, a mathematical space used to represent prob-
abilities of different outcomes. In our context, the
vertices of the simplex (the 5 standard unit vectors
in R
) correspond to the five moral dyads as outlined
in the Moral Foundations Theory. These dyads are
care/harm, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, author-
ity/subversion, and purity/degradation. Namely, we
assigned to each individual in the retweet network its
“moral vector”, whose i-th component represents the
probability to tweet (if the node is a leader) or retweet
(if the node is a follower) content related to the i-th
moral dyad. For example, if a leader frequently tweets
about issues related to fairness/cheating, this moral
dyad will have a higher probability in their moral
vector compared to the other dyads. To ensure that
our analysis of these moral vectors is consistent and
comparable across all components, we further process
the data using a statistical normalization technique.
Specifically, we convert the raw probabilities into z-
scores. This transformation allows us to compare how
strongly an individual aligns with a particular moral
dyad relative to the average alignment within the net-
work. Finally we normalize using softmax in order to
AWAI 2024 - Special Session on AI with Awareness Inside
Figure 3: Moral configuration of both leaders (diamonds) and followers (circles) of the retweet network, divided by commu-
nity membership. The position of a node represents how the propensity to share moral content is distributed between the five
moral dyads. The node size indicates the corresponding activity regarding tweets if the node is a leader or retweets if the node
is a follower.
better appreciate the behaviours in which moral val-
ues are over-represented.
Figure 3 clearly shows how nodes within the same
community share similar moral beliefs and how dif-
ferent communities exhibit very different moral con-
figurations. Namely, the Right community is almost
exclusively represented in the region to the right of the
diagonal identified by the vertices fairness/cheating
and purity/degradation. Conversely, the Far Left,
Left, and Centre communities, each following dif-
ferent moral patterns, mainly occupy the region to
the left of this diagonal. In other words, care/harm
seems to be not a pivotal dyad in the moral configura-
tion of Right, as well as loyalty/betrayal and author-
ity/subversion for Far Left, Left, and Centre. Instead,
nodes belonging to the M5S community are mainly
distributed along the diagonal authority/subversion
- care/harm. Beyond visual inspection we assess
how significantly the distributions differ through a
MANOVA test (Stevens, 2012). The results show the
differences are extremely significant, p-value 0.05
(see Appendix for further information on the results
of the MANOVA).
3.1 Data Collection
Our study focuses on the social discussion around im-
migration in Italy, particularly its representation on
Twitter/X. To capture a comprehensive view of the
online immigration debate, we combined lists from
external organizations, encompassing a wide range
of news media and political groups active in Italy
from 2018 to 2022. We then utilized the Twitter/X
API to search for tweets from these sources, filter-
ing for content containing specific keywords (Poletto
et al., 2017), i.e. immigrat* (immigrant*), immi-
grazion* (immigration*), migrant*, stranier* (for-
eigner*), profug* (refugee*), ong (ngo). These terms
were chosen for their neutrality, avoiding bias towards
any particular stance on immigration. We also gath-
ered data on the retweeters of these tweets, focus-
ing on tweets with significant interaction. Addition-
ally, we used a binary classification from prior studies
on disinformation spread (Gravino et al., 2022; Pen-
nycook and Rand, 2019) to determine the credibil-
ity of Twitter/X accounts, categorizing them as either
questionable or reliable sources. Unlike news outlets,
whose reliability can be more commonly agreed upon
in academic literature, political entities do not have
a widely accepted measure of reliability. Therefore,
we did not apply the reliability label to political en-
tities in our research. Table 1 shows a breakdown of
the dataset, which is the same used in (Brugnoli et al.,
Table 1: Breakdown of the Twitter dataset.
Category Accounts Tweets Retweets
Questionable 76 23,033 345,624
news outlets (14.7%) (13.1%) (20.5%)
Reliable 403 130,398 362,595
news outlets (78.1%) (74.1%) (21.5%)
Political entities
37 22,507 976,033
(7.2%) (12.8%) (58.0%)
516 175,938 1,684,252
(100.0%) (100.0%) (100.0%)
3.2 Modelling Morality
To explore the influence of moral beliefs on content
creation and user engagement on Twitter, we fine-
tuned a BERT-based model (Devlin et al., 2018) to
classify, limited to the topic immigration, tweets in
Italian according to the moral dyad expressed, as de-
Fine-Grained Clustering of Social Media: How Moral Triggers Drive Preferences and Consensus
fined by the Moral Foundation Theory (Graham et al.,
2013). Of note, moral values are considered as dyads
of opposing poles (e.g., care/harm), instead of consid-
ering the poles as two separate labels (e.g., care and
harm). Then, every post was annotated by which one
of the five dyads was mostly expressed, or if no dyad
was present. The fine-tuned model is the same used
in (Brugnoli et al., 2023b) to which the readers can re-
fer for further details about the training set (Stranisci
et al., 2021) and the performance scores.
3.3 Leader Networks
By distinguishing between the selected Twitter/X
accounts (leaders) and the general audience who
retweeted their content (followers), we naturally de-
fine a biadjacency matrix A whose entries a
f l
cate the number of times the follower f retweeted
the leader l (Holme et al., 2003). Then, to make
the connections between different leaders explicit, the
bipartite network of followers and leaders, which is
completely defined by its biadjacency matrix A, is
projected on the corresponding layer (Saracco et al.,
2017). In other words, by exploiting the relations es-
tablished between followers and leaders when the for-
mer retweet the latter, we can obtain an adjacency ma-
trix for each layer. The adjacency matrix for the lead-
ers tells us how similar are the population of follow-
ers between each couple of leaders. This operation
is straightforwardly implemented through the matrix
product A
A · A. If we indicate with L the to-
tal number of users and with F the total number of
accounts, the dimensions of A and its transpose are
F × L and L × F, respectively. This implies that A
results in a symmetric L ×L matrix whose generic el-
ement a
, with l ̸= l
, represents the strength of the
link between the leaders l and l
. In addition, to pro-
vide a fair representation of all the leaders, thus re-
ducing popularity bias and size effects, we consider
the following normalization procedure. Let T be the
vector of total retweets per page, namely the column
sums of A
. We set T
= (T
· T )
, where X
denotes the Hadamard inverse of X (Horn and John-
son, 2012). Then, we consider A
= T
the normalized adjacency matrix of the correspond-
ing leader network, where denotes the Hadamard
product. The diagonal of A
is set to zero in order to
discard loops.
3.4 Clustering Comparison
A clustering C refers to a way of dividing a set of
data points D into pairwise disjoint non-empty subsets
, . . . ,C
called clusters. Namely,
C = {C
, . . . ,C
} such that
= D.
Let the cardinality of D and C
be n and n
, respec-
tively. Let a second clustering of the same set D be
= {C
, . . . ,C
}, with |C
| = n
. It is straight-
forward to observe that
n =
Most methods for comparing clusterings can be ex-
plained through the use of a contingency table asso-
ciated with the pair of clusterings C and C
2007). This table is essentially a matrix N with di-
mensions I ×I
, where each element n
represents the
count of data points belonging to the intersection of
clusters C
from C and C
from C
. The cluster sizes
in respective clusterings are the row and column totals
of N, that is,
| = n
and |C
| = n
In simpler terms, the contingency table provides a
systematic way to compare how data points are dis-
tributed across the clusters of the two different clus-
Our comprehensive analysis of the Italian immigra-
tion debate on social media has underscored the crit-
ical role of moral values in shaping the dynamics of
digital discourse. Through a novel approach that com-
bined Network Analysis with the Moral Foundations
Theory and Natural Language Processing, we were
able to dissect the intricate relationships and influence
patterns between leaders (news outlets and political
entities) and followers in this debate.
Our key findings reveal that the structure of the de-
bate on social media is not only influenced by political
affiliations but is also deeply rooted in moral values.
By examining retweet patterns, we were able to map
out a complex landscape where leaders and follow-
ers formed distinct communities based on shared po-
litical and moral orientations. The use of a bipartite
network, coupled with a monopartite projection and
the application of the optimized Louvain algorithm,
allowed us to identify and label these communities ef-
AWAI 2024 - Special Session on AI with Awareness Inside
The distinction between the datasets - one encom-
passing all tweets and the other focused on tweets
with moral content - brought to light the nuanced na-
ture of the discourse. The more granular analysis of
moral tweets led to a clearer differentiation of polit-
ical entities and ideologies, highlighting the pivotal
role of moral values in distinguishing between seem-
ingly similar political groups.
Furthermore, our observation of the consistent
clustering of questionable sources within specific
communities sheds light on the potential biases in in-
formation dissemination and the echo chambers that
can arise as a result. This finding emphasizes the need
for critical examination of source credibility in social
media discourse.
By mapping individuals onto a 4-dimensional
probability simplex and assigning them moral vec-
tors, we were able to characterize the moral land-
scape of the debate quantitatively. This approach illu-
minated the varied moral underpinnings within each
community and revealed how different communities
prioritize different moral dyads.
Our study’s visualization, particularly in Fig-
ure 3, effectively illustrates these moral configura-
tions, clearly representing how different communities
align with specific moral values. This visual evidence
reinforces the importance of considering the moral di-
mension in understanding social media interactions
and community formation.
In conclusion, taking the moral domain into ac-
count seems to be crucial not only for inferring the
community structure of social networks at a finer res-
olution, but also for understanding where preferences
and the resulting consensus are rooted and differ-
entiated. Our findings highlight the need for com-
munication strategies that recognize and leverage the
moral dimensions, particularly in politically and so-
cially charged discussions. This approach holds the
potential to mitigate polarization and the formation of
echo chambers.
As we navigate the complexities of digital dis-
course in an increasingly interconnected world, our
findings offer valuable insights for researchers, pol-
icymakers, and communicators alike. They empha-
size the importance of a holistic approach to under-
standing social media dynamics, one that goes beyond
political leanings and takes into account the under-
lying moral values that drive human interactions and
consensus-building in the digital age.
This work has been supported by the Horizon Eu-
rope VALAWAI project (grant agreement number
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Table 2: Significance of moral value distribution difference in identified clusters. Summary statistics of the MANOVA
Intercept Value Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
Wilks’ lambda -0.00 5.00 19369.00 1.76 × 10
Pillai’s trace 1.00 5.00 19369.00 1.76 × 10
Hotelling-Lawley trace 4.55 × 10
5.00 19369.00 1.76 × 10
Roy’s greatest root 4.55 × 10
5.00 19369.00 1.76 × 10
Group Value Num DF Den DF F Value Pr > F
Wilks’ lambda 0.51 20.00 64240.66 732.29 0.00
Pillai’s trace 0.54 20.00 77488.00 602.08 0.00
Hotelling-Lawley trace 0.89 20.00 42604.36 861.67 0.00
Roy’s greatest root 0.78 5.00 19372.00 3026.45 0.00
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