Identifying Indian Cattle Behaviour Using Acoustic Biomarkers
Ruturaj Patil, Hemavathy B, Sanat Sarangi, Dineshkumar Singh,
Rupayan Chakraborty, Sanket Junagade and Srinivasu Pappula
TCS Research, Tata Consultancy Services Limited, India
patil.ruturaj, hemavathy.b, sanat.sarangi, dineshkumar.singh, rupayan.chakraborty, sanket.junagade,
Cattle Vocalisation, Acoustic Feature Recognition, Livestock Behaviour, OpenSMILE, Deep Learning.
A system to recognise sounds from some major cattle breeds commonly found in India and linking them to
intents reflecting specific behaviour along with associated needs is proposed. Cattle breeds in India consist of
a mix of indigenous and exotic breeds where Sindhi, Sahiwal, and Gir make up a significant fraction of the
indigenous breeds. Exotic breeds are Jersey and Holstein Friesian. Vocalisation from the animals in this cattle
group is used to create a sound dataset comprising 120 utterances for over six intents where the intents were
labelled by domain experts familiar with the animals and their behaviour. MFCCs and OpenSMILE global
features from the audio signal with 6552 properties are used to model for intent recognition. The dataset
is scaled and augmented with four different methods to 870 cattle sounds for the six classes. Two model
architectures are created and tested on data for each method independently and with all of them together. The
models are also tested on unseen cattle sounds for speaker independent verification. An accuracy of 97%
was obtained for intent classification with MFCCs and OpenSMILE features. This indicates that behaviour
recognition from sounds for Indian cattle breeds is possible with a good confidence level.
Livestock are a critical component of the global food
production ecosystem. Behaviour and health of live-
stock must be monitored to ensure their welfare, pro-
ductivity, and profitability (Orihuela, 2021). Control-
ling cattle in large herds can be difficult for farmers,
as monitoring the behaviour of each individual ani-
mal in a sizeable group takes time and requires con-
stant attention (Herlin et al., 2021). Cattle monitoring
can be facilitated by understanding their behaviour
from vocalisation. Some work has been done to clas-
sify sounds of animals and birds based on their dis-
tinct characteristics (Lin et al., 2018), (Schr
oter et al.,
2019), (Thakur et al., 2019), (Briggs et al., 2013),
(Esposito et al., 2023). There are studies that dis-
cuss sound classification in human and environmen-
tal context (Song et al., 2021), (Gong et al., 2022),
(Wang et al., 2021), (Jindal et al., 2021). Dairy-
cattle in India largely consists of a mix of indigenous
and exotic animal breeds. Indigenous breeds include
Gir, Sindhi and Sahiwal while the exotic breeds are
Jersey and Holstein Friesian (HF). Traditional live-
stock monitoring involves regular visual inspection of
the cattle by farmers based on their experience and
knowledge. They check for indicators of disease or
discomfort, as well as irregularities in behaviour and
health. In modern livestock monitoring procedures,
body sensors are attached to the animal’s body and
vital signs such as heart rate, body temperature, and
respiration rate are monitored (Sharma and Koundal,
2018). Cameras are utilized to observe the animal’s
behaviour and detect any indicators of illness or dis-
comfort (Wu et al., 2023). GPS collars are used to
track the animal’s location in real time and to monitor
its activity and health. Livestock behaviour monitor-
ing could be significantly enhanced if a more natural
and non-invasive approach involving deeper interpre-
tation of cattle sounds and conversations in their cor-
responding ecosystems could be part of the interven-
tions. This would even strengthen the body of work
on human-cattle interaction systems going forward.
We present an intelligent cattle monitoring system
based on the interpretation of cattle behaviour using
their vocalisation. The system involves (a) creating
a corpus of cattle sounds by collecting data from the
field for the scope of interest, (b) preparing a dataset
in which the utterances and intents for each animal are
extracted with certain segmentation and preprocess-
ing steps, and (c) developing models that work on spe-
cific features to analyses these sounds in order to iden-
tify the cattle intent or behaviour. Handcrafted audio
Patil, R., B, H., Sarangi, S., Singh, D., Chakraborty, R., Junagade, S. and Pappula, S.
Identifying Indian Cattle Behaviour Using Acoustic Biomarkers.
DOI: 10.5220/0012576800003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 594-602
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
deep model based embeddings are explored to extract
meaningful features for training a deep sound clas-
sification architecture. For the handcrafted features,
we extract a 6552 dimensional vector that consists of
statistics (mean, standard deviation, skewness, kurto-
sis, extremes, linear regressions, etc.) of several Low-
Level Descriptors (LLDs) (e.g., Zero Crossing Rate
(ZCR), Root Mean Square (RMS) energy, Fundamen-
tal frequency (F0), Harmonic to Noise Ratio (HNR),
Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs)) from
each audio sample (Eyben et al., 2010). MFCC fea-
tures are also extracted separately. Next, deep learn-
ing techniques are used to train the model to recognise
various sorts of cow sounds and connect them with
specific behaviours. Using simply vocalisation, our
cattle monitoring system can assist in monitoring cat-
tle behaviour, health, and anomalies. It is important to
note that, to monitor cattle activity and health, no ad-
ditional equipment such as multiple sensors, GPS col-
lars, or cameras will be required. This research article
intends to contribute to the development of innova-
tive cattle monitoring tools that can assist farmers in
optimising herd management practices and improving
animal welfare.
The main contributions of the paper are as follows.
(1) To the best of our knowledge, a sound corpus for
indigenous dairy cattle breeds is created to be used
in an intelligent cattle monitoring system for the first
time in India. (2) The exploration of a diversified set
of state-of-the-art features in an intelligent cattle mon-
itoring system is done for the first time, with an aim to
understand which one shows promise for cattle-sound
classification. (3) A framework with a deep learn-
ing model, trained using only a handful of real-life
audio recordings, with an extension of sample space
through diversified augmentation techniques, shows
good performance (accuracies around 88%) even in
subject independent testing scenario. This suggests
that it is possible to build generalised models with
a small dataset. The rest of the paper is organized
as follows. In Section 2, we discuss briefly the prior
art. Section 3 describes different methods of feature
extraction and the deep learning model architecture.
Section 4 presents the dataset, data augmentation, ex-
perimental details, results and analysis. In Section 5,
we conclude our work.
In (Jung et al., 2021a), a deep-learning based model
for classifying four different cattle vocal sounds, in-
cluding oestrus call, food anticipating call, cough
sound, and normal call is proposed. Authors used
Korean native cattle with 897 cattle voice samples.
The developed model achieved a final classification
accuracy of 81.96%. In (Sattar, 2022), authors used
Multiclass Support Vector Machine (MSVM) classi-
fier with contextual acoustic features to group 270
cattle records into four classes such as oestrus call,
food anticipating call, cough sound, and normal call.
The system achieves 84% classification accuracy.
In the above papers, authors studied only four be-
haviours with a single breed and in a limited age
group. In (Green et al., 2019), authors analysed
333 calls of 13 HF non-pregnant virgin heifers us-
ing Praat DSP package v.6.0.31, through calculation
of both oscillograms and spectrograms. Vocalisa-
tion is grouped into five classes, as in oestrus, antic-
ipating feed, denied feed access, physically isolated
from conspecifics, and physically and visually iso-
lated from conspecifics. In (Ikeda and Ishii, 2008),
authors examined how a Japanese black cow’s vocal-
isation changed under two psychologically demand-
ing circumstances: being hungry before eating and
being taken away from her calf during weaning, and
found that the cow’s vocalisation varied in both cases.
In (Jung et al., 2021b), authors built convolutional
neural network (CNN) models to categorise the vo-
calisation of laying hens and calves where the cattle-
sound classes include cattle call for isolation of col-
leagues, oestrus, pain by parturition, food anticipa-
tion, maternal after parturition, cough, weaning and
growing calf food anticipation call, and neonatal calf
call. In (Green et al., 2019), (Ikeda and Ishii, 2008)
and (Jung et al., 2021b), authors studied a single ex-
otic breed with a limited age group. In the prior work,
study on behaviour or intent identification of cattle
breeds in India and especially for indigenous breeds
is missing. The scope in terms of breed, age-group,
or classes is small, so there is a limited view into gen-
eralisation of the outcomes. Furthermore, subject in-
dependent evaluation of the proposed models are not
carried out.
3.1 High Level Features Extraction
For audio samples in the dataset discussed in
Sec. 4.2.3, multiple feature vectors are extracted for
analysis, which includes (a) global features from
OpenSMILE (Eyben et al., 2010) and (b) mean
MFCC features as the low-level features. OpenS-
MILE features include a 6552-dimensional vector
made up of statistics for a number of low-level de-
Identifying Indian Cattle Behaviour Using Acoustic Biomarkers
Table 1: Dataset Across Breeds.
Exotic 34 75
Indigenous 26 45
(a) Asking for Water (b) Hunger
(c) Wants to go for Grazing (d) Calling Mother
Figure 1: Example Dataset.
scriptors (LLDs), including mean, standard deviation,
skewness, kurtosis, extremes, linear regressions, etc.
It supports low-level audio descriptors like loudness,
Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, perceptual linear
predictive cepstral coefficients, linear predictive coef-
ficients, fundamental frequency, formant frequencies,
etc. Separately, the mean MFCC features are used
to prepare a 40-dimensional feature-vector to train
the model. MFCC features extraction included sev-
eral steps, viz., Pre-emphasis, Frame Segmentation,
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Mel Filerbank, Log-
arithmic Transformation, Discrete Cosine Transform
(DCT), Delta and Delta-Delta Features. Pre-emphasis
is a filtering technique that emphasizes higher fre-
quencies. Its objective is to balance the spectrum of
spoken sounds, which has a sharp roll-off in the high-
frequency range. The transfer function below pro-
vides the pre-emphasis filter.
H(z) = 1 bz
where the value of b controls the slope of the filter
and is usually between 0.4 and 1.0 (Picone, 1993).
To limit spectral leakage, audio signal is divided into
frames and window function is applied. DFT is used
to transform each windowed frame into a magnitude
X(k) =
;0 k N 1 (2)
where N is the number of points used to compute the
DFT. The Fourier transformed signal is run through
the Mel-filter bank, a collection of band-pass filters,
to compute the Mel spectrum. A Mel is a unit of mea-
surement based on the perceived frequency by human
ears. Mel can be approximated by physical frequency
as follows:
= 2595 log
(1 +
) (3)
where f denotes the physical frequency in Hz, and
denotes the perceived frequency (Deller Jr,
1993). The magnitude spectrum is multiplied by each
of the triangular Mel weighting filters to get the Mel
spectrum of the magnitude spectrum X(k).
s(m) =
(k)]; 0 m M 1 (4)
where M is total number of triangular Mel weighting
filters (Zheng et al., 2001), (Ganchev et al., 2005).
(k) is the weight given to the k
energy spectrum
bin contributing to the m
output band. To obtain
MFCC coefficients, DCT is applied and first few co-
efficients are retained. To capture temporal changes
in MFCCs, delta and delta-delta coefficients are com-
MFCC is calculated as (Picone, 1993),
c(n) =
πn(m 0.5)
) (5)
where c(n) are the cepstral coefficients, n = 0, 1, 2 ,...,
C-1 and C is the number of MFCC features.
3.2 Classification Model Architecture
To classify the features extracted from audio, a neural
network (ANN) model is proposed with six classes,
which constitute the output shape. The ANN is cre-
ated with three dense layers, as shown in Fig. 2.
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
(a) With MFCC Features
(b) With OpenSMILE Features
Figure 2: Classification Model Architecture.
ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) (Hara et al., 2015)
and Softmax Activation Functions (Kouretas and
Paliouras, 2019) are used with the dropout layer at
a rate of 0.5. ReLU outputs the input for positive val-
ues and zero for negative values, aiding in model con-
vergence. Softmax Activation Function used in the
output layer for multi-class classification. Converts
raw scores into probabilities, making it easier to in-
terpret results. To compile the model, Sparse Cate-
gorical Cross Entropy loss function (Dousti Mousavi
et al., 2023) is defined and Adam optimizer (Zhang,
2018) is used. Sparse Categorical Cross Entropy loss
function is suitable for multi-class classification prob-
lems. Particularly useful when the target classes are
mutually exclusive. An adaptive optimisation algo-
rithm efficiently adjusts learning rates for each pa-
rameter, improving convergence speed. Augmenta-
tion methods discussed in Sec. 4.2.2 that involve noise
injection, pitch shift, time stretch, time shift and all of
these together are used to develop five datasets. Five
models are created, one for each of the datasets with
MFCC features. Similarly, ve models are created
with OpenSMILE features. A split of 60 : 20 : 20
is used for training, validation, and testing data from
the combination of original and augmented data. This
translates to a split of 208 : 70 : 70 audio chunks for
each augmentation approach and a split of 522 : 174 :
174 audio chunks for the overall dataset as discussed
in Sec. 4.2.3. Each model is trained for 100 epochs.
Table 2: Dataset Across Intents.
Asking for water 14 31
Calling Mother 11 15
Hunger 10 20
Mating 14 19
Wants to go for grazing 6 30
Wants to go home 5 5
4.1 Data Collection
A total of 60 audio or video files across breeds of in-
terest were collected as shown in Tables 1 and 2. Data
is collected from different places associated with the
usual environment and movement context of the cat-
tle, such as cattle shed, grazing field, and veterinary
hospital. The associated utterances and correspond-
ing intents were recorded such as: wants to go for
grazing, asking for water, calling for hunger, wants
mating, calves calling their mother, wants to go home
as shown in Fig. 1 and Table 2. Fig. 1 shows exam-
ple utterances in waveform in the time-domain fol-
lowed by spectrograms in the frequency-domain. Col-
lected audio and video files of cattle utterances are
converted into wav files. Table 1 gives the utterance
data across 34 animals for exotic (HF, Jersey) and in-
digenous (Sindhi, Sahiwal, and Country (crossbred))
breeds where average cattle age varies from 0.5 year
to 7 years.
4.2 Data Preprocessing and Cleaning
4.2.1 Data Annotation and Extracting Audio
To annotate the data, the utterance start and end times
are recorded for every small utterance captured in
the entire audio file. Intents of cows are recorded
Identifying Indian Cattle Behaviour Using Acoustic Biomarkers
as sound description, which are our targeted output
classes. The trigger that caused the utterance is also
recorded. Annotated utterance start and end times can
be used to manually extract small audio chunks from
a complete audio file. However, to automate the pro-
cess, we have used a threshold method to extract utter-
ances. We used silence length as 100 ms and silence
threshold as 30 dB. Audios in these small chunks are
verified for cattle sounds. 120 small audio chunks are
generated after extracting all utterances as shown in
Tables 1 and 2. A pictorial view of the extracted ut-
terance for some intents is shown in Fig. 1.
4.2.2 Augmentation
Four different audio augmentation methods (Nanni
et al., 2020b) are used, viz., noise injection, pitch
shift, time stretch, and time shift for six different
classes as wants to go for grazing, asking for wa-
ter, hunger, calling mother, mating, and wants to go
home. In noise injection, a randomly generated value
of the noise factor between 0 and 0.01 multiplied by
noise is added to the data. In pitch shift, pitch is
changed with a randomly generated pitch factor be-
tween -1 and 1. In time stretch, the times series is
stretched by a randomly generated speed factor be-
tween 0.8 and 1.2. In time shift, audio is shifted to
left or right with a random second value between -0.5
and 0.5.
4.2.3 Database
Five datasets are prepared after augmentation. The
first dataset, having each class with 58 audio utter-
ances, contains original audio chunks as shown in Ta-
ble 2 and remaining augmented chunks with noise in-
jection. The resultant dataset contains 348 audio ut-
terances with six classes, each with 58 chunks. Simi-
larly, 348 audio utterances are generated for each aug-
mentation approach. The fifth dataset, consisting of
870 utterances, is created by combining datasets from
all augmentation approaches. Datasets have mean,
median and mode durations of 1.28, 1.27 and 2 sec-
Table 3: Comparison of Accuracy.
With OpenSmile
Pitch Shift 83 89
Noise Injection 86 86
Time Shift 87 89
Time Stretch 89 87
Overall Data 97 97
Unseen Data 87 88
onds respectively. The minimum and maximum file
durations are 0.24 and 2.98 seconds, respectively.
Datasets have a variance and standard deviation of
0.33 and 0.58 seconds, respectively. One more dataset
is created by keeping unseen entities (cattle) aside
to test the speaker independent performance of the
model. These audios are not used in model training,
i.e., utterances by new cattle. The unseen dataset con-
tains five classes as wants to go for grazing, asking for
water, hunger, mating, calling mother. Each class has
3 to 4 chunks, which are augmented to make 15 audio
chunks per class.
Table 4: Scores for Pitch Shift Model with MFCC Features.
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for Water 0.60 0.25 0.35
Calling Mother 1 1 1
Hunger 0.56 0.82 0.67
Mating 1 1 1
Wants to go
for grazing
0.79 0.92 0.85
Want to go home 1 1 1
Table 5: Scores for Pitch Shift Model with OpenSMILE
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for Water 0.86 0.5 0.63
Calling Mother 0.92 1 0.96
Hunger 0.67 0.91 0.77
Mating 0.92 1 0.96
Wants to go
for grazing
1 0.92 0.96
Want to go home 1 1 1
Table 6: Scores for Noise Injection Model with MFCC Fea-
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for Water 0.71 0.42 0.53
Calling Mother 1 1 1
Hunger 0.63 0.91 0.74
Mating 1 1 1
Wants to go
for grazing
0.83 0.83 0.83
Want to go home 1 1 1
4.3 Results
4.3.1 All Datasets
The classification of six classes is achieved with test
accuracy of 83%, 86%, 87%, 89% and 97% as shown
in Table 3 with kappa coefficients of 0.79, 0.83, 0.85,
0.86 and 0.97 for models with pitch shift, noise in-
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 7: Scores for Noise Injection Model with OpenS-
MILE Features.
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for Water 0.67 0.5 0.57
Calling Mother 1 1 1
Hunger 0.64 0.82 0.72
Mating 0.92 1 0.96
Wants to go
for grazing
0.91 0.83 0.87
Want to go home 1 1 1
Table 8: Scores for Time Shift Model with MFCC Features.
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for Water 1 0.33 0.50
Calling Mother 1 1 1
Hunger 0.61 1 0.76
Mating 1 1 1
Wants to go
for grazing
0.85 0.92 0.88
Want to go home 1 1 1
Table 9: Scores for Time Shift Model with OpenSMILE
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for Water 0.78 0.58 0.67
Calling Mother 1 1 1
Hunger 0.69 1 0.81
Mating 1 1 1
Wants to go
for grazing
0.90 0.75 0.82
Want to go home 1 1 1
Table 10: Scores for Time Stretch Model with MFCC Fea-
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for Water 1 0.42 0.59
Calling Mother 1 1 1
Hunger 0.65 1 0.79
Mating 1 1 1
Wants to go
for grazing
0.85 0.92 0.88
Want to go home 1 1 1
jection, time shift, time stretch and overall data, re-
spectively, with MFCC features. For OpenSMILE
features, the test accuracies achieved are 89%, 86%,
89%, 87% and 97% with kappa coefficients of 0.86,
0.83, 0.86, 0.85 and 0.97 for models with pitch shift,
noise injection, time shift, time stretch and overall
data, respectively. The models were verified with the
ground-truth data after training. The detailed per-
formance metrics for each model with MFCC fea-
Table 11: Scores for Time Stretch Model with OpenSMILE
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for Water 0.73 0.67 0.70
Calling Mother 1 1 1
Hunger 0.62 0.73 0.67
Mating 1 1 1
Wants to go
for grazing
0.91 0.83 0.87
Want to go home 1 1 1
Table 12: Scores for Overall Data Model with MFCC Fea-
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for water 0.96 0.86 0.91
Calling Mother 0.97 1 0.98
Hunger 0.94 1 0.97
Mating 1 0.97 0.98
Wants to go
for grazing
0.97 1 0.98
Wants to go home 1 1 1
Table 13: Scores for Overall Data Model with OpenSMILE
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for Water 0.93 0.97 0.95
Calling Mother 1 0.93 0.96
Hunger 0.91 1 0.95
Mating 1 0.97 0.98
Wants to go
for grazing
1 0.97 0.98
Want to go home 1 1 1
Table 14: Scores for Unseen Data with MFCC Features.
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for Water 0.87 0.87 0.87
Calling Mother 1 1 1
Hunger 0.91 0.67 0.77
Mating 0.75 0.80 0.77
Wants to go
for grazing
0.83 1 0.91
Table 15: Scores for Unseen Data with OpenSMILE Fea-
Class Precision Recall F1-Score
Asking for Water 0.75 1 0.86
Calling Mother 1 0.93 0.97
Hunger 1 0.67 0.80
Mating 1 0.80 0.89
Wants to go
for grazing
0.79 1 0.88
Identifying Indian Cattle Behaviour Using Acoustic Biomarkers
Table 16: Comparison of prediction accuracies for animal sound classification.
Animal Classification Target Approach Accuracy (%)
Bird (Lucio et al., 2015) Forty-six species
Handcrafted features with
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Whale (Nanni et al., 2020a) Whale identification CNN 97.80
Bird (Zhao et al., 2017) Eleven bird species SVM 96.60
Cow (Jung et al., 2021a) Four behaviours MFCC with CNN 81.96
Cow (Sattar, 2022) Four behaviours Multiclass Support Vector Machine (MSVM) 84.00
Chicken (Huang et al., 2021) Eating behavior Deep Learning 96.00
Cow Six behaviours MFCC or OpenSMILE features with ANN 97.00
(a) Pitch Shift
(b) Noise Injection
(c) Time Shift (d) Time Stretch
(e) Overall Data (f) Unseen Data
Figure 3: Confusion Metrices with MFCC Features.
tures and OpenSMILE features can be seen in Ta-
bles 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 respectively.
The confusion matrix for each model with MFCC fea-
tures and OpenSMILE features can be seen in Fig. 3
and Fig. 4 respectively. Kappa coefficient measures
inter-rater agreement for categorical items. A value
of 1 indicates perfect agreement, 0 indicates agree-
ment equivalent to chance, and negative values sug-
gest less agreement than expected by chance. Preci-
sion, also known as positive predictive value, it’s the
ratio of true positive predictions to the total predicted
positives. High precision means fewer false positives.
(a) Pitch Shift
(b) Noise Injection
(c) Time Shift (d) Time Stretch
(e) Overall Data (f) Unseen Data
Figure 4: Confusion Metrices with OpenSMILE Features.
Recall, also called sensitivity or true positive rate, it’s
the ratio of true positive predictions to the total ac-
tual positives. High recall indicates capturing most of
the positives. F1-Score is harmonic mean of precision
and recall. Balances both metrics and provides a sin-
gle score. Useful when there’s an imbalance between
classes. The time-stretch data model excelled in in-
dividual augmentation techniques, while the over-
all dataset model outperformed others. The major-
ity of models demonstrated superior performance in
distinguishing between “calling mother”, “mating”
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
and “wants to go home”. These three classes ex-
hibited higher feature variations when compared to
the closely related other classes. Collecting data for
more number of unique entities (cows) for ”Asking
for water” and ”Wants to go home” classes could in-
crease accuracy of classification of these classes. Ta-
ble 16 summarizes performance comparison of prior
arts methods. This table provides a representative ref-
erence for the animal speech classification accuracy
of the existing deep learning technologies. Our re-
sults are added in the last row.
4.3.2 Unseen Dataset
The performance of the models with overall data is
checked for subject independent unseen data. The
classification of five classes is achieved with test ac-
curacy of 87% and 88% with kappa coefficients of
0.83 and 0.85 for MFCC features and OpenSMILE
features, respectively. The detailed performance met-
rics and confusion matrix for the model with MFCC
features for unseen data can be seen in Table 14 and
in Fig. 3, respectively. Similarly, the detailed perfor-
mance metrics and confusion matrix for the model
with OpenSMILE features for unseen data can be
seen in Table 15 and in Fig. 4, respectively. From
Table 3, the accuracy was highest at 97% with both
the feature extraction methods for overall data (i.e.,
when all augmentation methods are used together).
We find that the model with OpenSMILE features per-
formed slightly better for subject independent unseen
data with 88% accuracy than with MFCC features
with 87% accuracy. Results indicate that the proposed
methodology can be effective in monitoring cattle be-
The results of this study could be utilised to create so-
phisticated non-invasive systems for tracking the be-
haviour of cattle and generating a richer understand-
ing about their individual and collective response in
various scenarios. This would be helpful for farmers
and ranchers to manage them. Future studies could
focus on expanding the horizon of the study to include
aspects like handling the effect of background noise,
intrusion detection by recognizing non-cattle sounds,
and new cattle scenarios.
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