RetailKLIP: Finetuning OpenCLIP Backbone Using Metric Learning on
a Single GPU for Zero-Shot Retail Product Image Classification
Muktabh Mayank Srivastava
ParallelDots, Gurugram, India
Packaged Grocery Goods, Image Recognition, Zero Shot, Vision Transformers.
Retail product or packaged grocery goods images need to classified in various computer vision applications
like self checkout stores, supply chain automation and retail execution evaluation. Previous works explore
ways to finetune deep models for this purpose. But because of the fact that finetuning a large model or even
linear layer for a pretrained backbone requires to run at least a few epochs of gradient descent for every new
retail product added in classification range, frequent retrainings are needed in a real world scenario. In this
work, we propose finetuning the vision encoder of a CLIP model in a way that its embeddings can be easily
used for nearest neighbor based classification, while also getting accuracy close to or exceeding full finetuning.
A nearest neighbor based classifier needs no incremental training for new products, thus saving resources and
wait time.
Recognizing Retail Product or packaged grocery
goods in images or videos can help to solve multi-
ple problems in supermarket floors and supply chain
hubs. Enabling self checkout stores, measuring re-
tail execution to evaluate merchandising activities and
automatic slotting of products during fulfillment are
some of the applications. Retail Product Image Clas-
sification has generally been treated as one-shot or
few-shot classification problem, because, unlike say
a class like dog or cat, the variance between dif-
ferent images of a retail product is much lesser and
just involves different occlusions, blurring and light-
ing changes. Finetuning or Transfer learning in Deep
Neural Networks, often Convolutional Neural Net-
works, has been used in existing literature for this pur-
pose. However, even in such cases, previous classifi-
cation methods require gradient descent to be run to
train classifiers for the full neural network backbone
or the last linear layer to get best results. Because gro-
cery products have very frequent new launches, pack-
age redesigns and offer tags, this involves finetuning
quite often. This process requires usage of comput-
ing resources to finetune models being used to clas-
sify 100s or 1000s of products, again, even when say
2 images of a newly launched product are discovered.
This process not just makes maintaining real world
Retail Product Classification models costlier, it also
creates a ”blind spot” time, where for the time being a
new model is being finetuned to add new products as
classes, the model cannot recognize these new prod-
CLIP is a way to train an image encoder and a
text encoder in parallel such that the embedding of an
image and its text description are close in a common
space (Radford et al., 2021) . OpenCLIP is an im-
plementation of CLIP available under a permissive li-
cense (Ilharco et al., 2021) . Because of large number
of training examples and text descriptions providing
descriptive annotations for objects, the CLIP image
encoder has been used for many classification prob-
lems with a linear layer or even nearest neighbors.
While embeddings from CLIP encoder are much bet-
ter than any other pretrained weights to use in zero
shot setting and can be used as good baselines, fine-
tuning them for a specific domain is always desirable
to make the zero shot classification more accurate.
However, CLIP has generally proven to be hard to
finetune. We propose an end to end pipeline to fine-
tune a CLIP backbone for zero shot Retail Product
image classification, identifying and addressing dif-
ferent concerns.
Our work has two components: 1. Creating a large
dataset which can be used for finetuning a CLIP back-
bone for retail product images. 2. Proposing a learn-
Srivastava, M.
RetailKLIP: Finetuning OpenCLIP Backbone Using Metric Learning on a Single GPU for Zero-Shot Retail Product Image Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0012576000003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ing rate strategy, class balancing approach and other
finetuning components which solve for erratic fine-
tuning of CLIP backbones and address imbalanced
large retail datasets.
Our constraint in this work is that we have to limit
our work on one GPU and so cannot train any models
which go beyond a single GPU both for Zero Shot
classification or any baselines.
Retail Product Image Recognition has been studied
using multiple techniques. Older works use feature
descriptors like SIFT and BRISK (Leutenegger et al.,
2011; Lowe, 2004) to recognize retail products. More
recently, tricks to finetune Convolutional Neural Net-
works (Srivastava, 2020; Peng et al., 2020) to perform
well in the task were proposed. However, given fine-
tuning the entire backbone is costly, recent works pro-
pose training just a linear layer to learn classify repre-
sentations given by a backbone trained by contrastive
supervised/semi-supervised methodology on relevant
datasets (Srivastava, 2022) . There have also been
works where GAN-like backbones have been used to
recognize retail products using information retrieval
techniques (Tonioni and Stefano, 2019).
More recently, there has been a trend to use LVMs
(Large Vision Models) as a backbone instead of tra-
ditional ImageNet pretrained backbones for transfer
learning in Computer Vision. CLIP is one method of
training these LVMs where Billion plus sized datasets
of images and their text descriptions are trained to
learn image embedding and text embedding of de-
scription of the image such that they lie close on a
common space (Radford et al., 2021) . Because these
datasets are huge and text descriptions have more de-
tails than just a classification dataset, this training
mechanism yields excellent image encoders. CLIP
Image encoders have shown great results on zero shot
and linear layer only training tasks on internet images.
A CLIP image encoder for example can be used to get
excellent results on ImageNet, by just simply compar-
ing the embeddings or training a linear layer on top of
embeddings generated. OpenCLIP is an implementa-
tion of CLIP with permissive license, that we use in
our work (Ilharco et al., 2021).
CLIP image encoder backbone however is con-
sidered hard to finetune for related but different do-
mains. There have been some publications which give
some hints about finetuning (Dong et al., 2022; Ku-
mar et al., 2022). Their work inspires our finetuning
technique. The image encoder finetuned has a Vision
Transformer architecture (specifically, a large variant
of Vision transformer or ViT-L) (Dosovitskiy et al.,
Deep Metric Learning (Musgrave et al., 2020)
techniques can be used to learn encoders which gener-
ate discriminative embeddings. Unlike softmax based
classification, metric learning approaches generalize
better to openset recognition (Deng et al., 2019). Ar-
cFace loss, a metric learning loss function, used gen-
erally in long tailed facial recognition tasks is used to
finetune CLIP (Deng et al., 2019). To our knowledge,
this is the first time metric learning has been used to
finetune a LVM to a new domain.
Given that retail datasets are very imabalanced is
another reason we use ArcFace loss to finetune the
CLIP model to the retail domain. Previous works
have shown that plain ArcFace handles imbalanced
datasets better than softmax loss even when aided
with data balancing techniques (Zhang and Deng,
2020) . We use ArcFace loss with a custom data bal-
ancing technique for our final results.
We would like to list the datasets used for the ex-
periments in our work. To finetune CLIP image en-
coder to retail product image recognition, we use an
inhouse (not publicly available) dataset called RP6K
with 6500 retail products. This has over 1 Million im-
ages of retail products with their class tags. Just like
real world, the number of images of these products in
RP6K is long-tailed with some products having upto
4000 images, while many having lesser than 10 im-
ages. We finetune CLIP image encoder on this dataset
using a novel mixture of techniques which yields a
model that can be used for Zero shot classification on
other datasets.
Grozi-120 is the first dataset used for evaluation
(Merler et al., 2007). It is a one shot classification
dataset with one train image per product, which is
packshot like, while test set images are from real
world. It has 120 products.
CAPG-GP (Geng et al., 2018) is another one shot
dataset, but with fine grained products. However, the
train and test images both appear to be from similar
domain here.
We have explicitly made efforts to make sure
none of the products in CAPG-GP and Grozi-120 are
present in RP6K.
RP2K (Peng et al., 2020) is a dataset with 2388
retail products, with substantial number of both train
and test images for each product. However, we still
use the dataset in a few shot setting like Grozi120 and
CAPG-GP. That is, while the entire test set will be
RetailKLIP: Finetuning OpenCLIP Backbone Using Metric Learning on a Single GPU for Zero-Shot Retail Product Image Classification
used to test the performance of Zero Shot classifica-
tion, only one image per class from train set will be
used to calculate class representations for classifica-
Our work involves finetuning OpenCLIP image en-
coder on a retail product image dataset RP6K such
that resultant image encoder can yield embeddings of
product images useful for zero shot retail product im-
age classification on other datasets. The image en-
coder after finetuning with RP6K is referred to as Re-
tailKLIP. For zero shot classification, one image per
product is taken and augmented and then passed to
RetailKLIP to get embeddings for that product. This
process is repeated for all products to create a set of
products’ embeddings. To test an unseen image, its
image embedding created using RetailKLIP is com-
pared to product embeddings created earlier and the
product with closest embedding is considered to be
the output of RetailKLIP.
4.1 Finetuning OpenCLIP to
We use the ViT-L OpenCLIP pretrained model to ob-
tain RetailKLIP through finetuning. Specific Archi-
tecture used is ViT-L/14 trained on LAION-2B avail-
able on OpenCLIP’s Github (Ilharco et al., 2021). We
take the trick of using AdamW optimizer to finetune
CLIP from (Kumar et al., 2022). We also use differ-
ing learning rate with depth like in (Dong et al., 2022),
but instead of layerwise rate decay, we use block wise
rate decay. That is, within each block of ViT there is a
common learning rate, but learning rate varies across
blocks. RP6K is a very imbalanced dataset, hence we
use ArcFace loss to finetune OpenCLIP. Specifically,
ArcFace (Deng et al., 2019) implementation of Py-
Torch Metric Learning library (Musgrave et al., 2020)
is used for the task. ArcFace is considered good for
openset recognition and we use it because while the
finetuning is being done on RP6K dataset, the model
is used for Zero Shot classification on CAPG-GP,
Grozi-120 and RP2K datasets, making it an openset
task. ArcFace seems to also hold itself better against
softmax on datasets with a long tail distribution ac-
cording to previous work, infact just vanilla ArcFace
finetuning is better than softmax finetuning with data
balancing tricks (Zhang and Deng, 2020).
4.1.1 Techniques Used for Finetuning
OpenCLIP on RP6K
CLIP models have proven to be hard to finetune.
However, (Kumar et al., 2022) have proposed meth-
ods that can be used to finetune the CLIP vision-
backbone for Image Recognition and other Computer
Vision tasks. We use AdamW optimizer as is sug-
gested. ArcFace (Deng et al., 2019) is used as loss
function while finetuning.
4.1.2 Block Wise Learning Rate Decay Trick
We also find like in the case of (Dong et al., 2022)
that using a common learning rate for the entire model
performs at much lower levels than using differing
learning rates across the backbone. However, we re-
place the LLRD (Layerwise Learning Rate Decay)
strategy of the work with Blockwise learning rate de-
cay. LLRD starts with a learning rate for the top
layer (classification head in case of cited work) and
decreases learning rate for each layer by a constant
multiplicative decay. In our work, we use a blockwise
multiplicative decay strategy. The last ViT-L block
(top block) starts with learning rate of 2e-4 and each
previous block having a decreasing learning rate by
a factor of 0.7. The blocks used here are blocks of
transformers and other layers labelled in OpenCLIP’s
code implementation of ViT.
4.1.3 Data Balancing
While ArcFace gives good results even without any
data balancing while training, we use a custom data
balancing approach to finetune on a steep imbalanced
dataset like RP6K. While finetuning of RP6K, we cre-
ate a held out validation set from RP6K dataset with
equal number of test images from each product. Av-
erage accuracy on this validation set is used to de-
termine optimal data balancing. (Zhang and Deng,
2020) takes 2 concepts into account while data bal-
ancing, depth, which is number of datapoints per class
in train set and breadth, that is number of classes.
We find that keeping breadth to maximum possible
gets best average accuracy on the mentioned valida-
tion set. We test many values of depth to find the
value which gets best avg accuracy on RP6K valida-
tion set. So maximum breadth and determined value
of depth is used for finetuning. Classes are oversam-
pled or undersampled accordingly with various aug-
mentation tricks to get the balanced dataset.
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: RetailKLIP is trained on RP6K. Its then evaluated for Zero Shot classification on Grozi-120, CAPG-GP and RP2K.
4.2 Zero Shot Classification Using
To use RetailKLIP as a Zero Shot classifier on a new
dataset, one doesn’t need to finetune RetailKLIP. One
image per product is taken from trainset and its aug-
mentations are created. These augmentations of a
product image are passed through RetailKLIP to get
a set of embeddings for the product. Once we have
embeddings for all products, we are ready to classify.
An image of the test dataset is passed through Re-
tailKLIP to get its embedding and compare it with ex-
isting products’ embeddings. The nearest embedding
from train set is taken to be the result of classification.
This is k-nearest-neighbors classification process with
For Grozi-120 (Merler et al., 2007) and CAPG-GP
(Geng et al., 2018), we compare the accuracy of Re-
tailKLIP Zero Shot classification with full finetuning
of a ResNext-WSL model (Mahajan et al., 2018). We
also compare it with tricks like using LCA layer and
maxent loss while full finetuning ResNext-WSL to in-
crease accuracy from (Srivastava, 2020). These meth-
ods involve full finetuning of the Convnet backbone
making the process slow and compute intensive. We
also compare it with accuracy of using a pretrained
semi supervised backbone with trainable linear layers
(Srivastava, 2022). While training just a linear layer is
also quite fast, zero shot classification with RetailK-
LIP needs no training at all. The basis for compar-
ing ResNext-WSL with ViT-L despite difference in
number of parameters is because these are the largest
models than can fit on a single Nvidia 1080Ti GPU
for training.
Table 1: Results of various Models on CAPG-GP Dataset
which can be trained on a single GPU. First two are meth-
ods full finetuning a ResNext-WSL backbone, the third is
using a semi supervised pretrained backbone and training a
Linear Layer. The fourth is zero shot method with RetailK-
LIP neeeding no training.
Model Name Accuracy [CAPG-GP]
ResNext-WSL (full fine-
layer+MaxEnt Loss (full
Pretrained Semi Super-
vised ResNext-WSL
backbone + linear layer
RetailKLIP (Zero Shot) 88.6%
Table 2: Results of various Models on Grozi-120 Dataset
which can be trained on a single GPU. First two are meth-
ods full finetuning a ResNext-WSL backbone, the third is
using a semi supervised pretrained backbone and training a
Linear Layer. The fourth is zero shot method with RetailK-
LIP neeeding no training.
Model Name Accuracy[Grozi-120]
ResNext-WSL (full fine-
ResNext-WSL + LCA
layer + MaxEnt Loss
(full finetuning)
Pretrained Semi Super-
vised ResNext-WSL
backbone + linear layer
RetailKLIP (Zero Shot) 82.8 %
As we can see, RetailKLIP gives competitive re-
sults to full finetuning or linear layers trained on semi
supervised trained backbone.
RetailKLIP: Finetuning OpenCLIP Backbone Using Metric Learning on a Single GPU for Zero-Shot Retail Product Image Classification
5.1 RP2K Results
RP2K dataset paper proposes full finetuning ResNet
and other backbones on their dataset one category at
a time to get upto 95% accuracy in some categories
of their dataset. For some other harder categories, the
accuracy can be lower than 90%. However, due to
language barrier, our team has been unable to sepa-
rate out categories and thus we have to use models on
all categories combined, so this makes the problem
harder for RetailKLIP. Also RetailKLIP takes just one
image from train set to classify test images unlike full
finetuning which uses the ample amount of images
available. The accuracy for Zero Shot classification
on RP2K is 87.7%. This is close to the accuracy full
finetuning approach of (Peng et al., 2020) gets on the
hardest categories.
Our work proposes a method to create a Zero shot
classifier for Retail Product images on a single GPU
by finetuning OpenCLIP. The accuracy is competitive
or even sometimes better than full finetuning large
Convnet backbones on the same GPU. This enables
real world retail computer vision systems to quickly
integrate new products into their range and avoid re-
source intensive trainings multiple times.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications