A Survey on Storytelling Techniques for Heritage on Nazi Persecution
Niek Meffert
, Camilla Vang Østergaard
, Stefan J
1 a
, Richard Khulusi
2 b
, Esther Rachow
and Nicklas Sindlev Andersen
1 c
Centre for Visual Data Science, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Bergen-Belsen Memorial, Lohheide, Germany
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Visual Storytelling, Interactive Media, Cultural Heritage, Nazi Persecution, Digital Humanities.
This paper explores Visual Storytelling (VS) as a means of conveying historical narratives, with a particu-
lar focus on Heritage related to Nazi Persecution (HNP). We refine and augment existing design spaces in
information visualization to broaden the scope and emphasize rich media elements while orienting our re-
fined design space towards VS for HNP. We analyze dimensions central for storytelling focusing on cultural
heritage, while digging deeper into aspects relevant for HNP like specific types of text (testimonies, diaries,
official documents) and person types (victims, survivors, persecutors). The key contribution of our study is the
development of a design space uniquely tailored to HNP, which highlights critical elements and trends from
existing storytelling projects, and comprehensively examines the unique challenges and opportunities within
VS for HNP. Furthermore, we discuss future directions, enriching the evolving domain of VS by equipping
heritage professionals and researchers with practical strategies to craft compelling narratives that aim to en-
gage contemporary audiences and to preserve the historical accuracy and ethical integrity of HNP.
Firsthand witnesses of important historical events
fade with time, and the urgency to capture their tes-
timonies and experiences for future generations thus
becomes increasingly important. In this context, Cul-
tural Heritage (CH) institutions are faced with the task
of not only preserving the collective memory of sig-
nificant events but also conveying them in a manner
that resonates with contemporary audiences. As the
media landscape undergoes rapid transformations, in-
novative strategies become vital in ensuring these pre-
served memories remain accessible and relevant to a
broad audience.
Visual storytelling (VS) embodies a storytelling
approach that combines narrative with visual design.
It is a promising avenue that has demonstrated the
potential to bring diverse historical narratives to life.
Drawing upon current research and development in
this area, we survey storytelling, focusing specifically
on VS for CH sites related to the Heritage of Nazi Per-
secution (HNP). We build upon prior work by Kus-
nick et al. (2021), which assemble a robust design
space of visualization-based storytelling (VBS) de-
sign choices specifically assembled for the digital hu-
manities and CH domain. Our goal is to adapt and
enhance this framework, placing a greater focus on
incorporating rich media elements to orient it towards
CH sites and tailor it around the narration of histori-
cal events, like the Holocaust. We thus aim to create a
more expansive and effective design space for VS for
HNP. In adapting the design space, we modify and
discard specific dimensions and incorporate and in-
terweave new categories and sub-categories. The ad-
dition of new categories or removal of existing ones
is based on the analysis of a refined list of storytelling
instances and related works focusing on storytelling.
Ultimately, this work allows us to identify trends, pos-
sible gaps, and missed opportunities in storytelling-
focused and technology-driven projects in various ar-
eas of historical remembrance and digital heritage.
Meffert, N., Østergaard, C., Jänicke, S., Khulusi, R., Rachow, E. and Andersen, N.
A Survey on Storytelling Techniques for Heritage on Nazi Persecution.
DOI: 10.5220/0012573200003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 1: GRAPP, HUCAPP
and IVAPP, pages 603-615
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In terms of related work, we primarily summarize
prior work that aims to identify central and vital build-
ing blocks for constructing narrative stories. Segel
and Heer (2010) established the foundational work
on data-driven and narrative storytelling. They intro-
duced key practices primarily centered on the jour-
nalistic reinterpretation of data into compelling vi-
sual narratives. Segel and Heer categorized these nar-
ratives based on three primary criteria: genre (the
main visualization technique utilized), VS tactics (in-
volving visual structuring, highlighting, and guidance
through transitions), and narrative structure strategies
(encompassing ordering, interactivity, and messag-
Subsequent research has expanded upon Segel and
Heer’s foundation. For instance, Tong et al. (2018)
conducted a comprehensive review of storytelling in
data visualization, analyzing various VS elements in
scientific publications. Their examination addressed
questions such as” Who?” (related to authoring tools
and user engagement), ”How?” (involving narratives
and transitions), and ”Why?” (concerning memorabil-
ity and interpretation). They also extended Segel and
Heer’s classification by introducing a second layer
of categorization, which examines the sequence of
events (linear, user-directed path, parallel, and ran-
dom). In the realm of newer web-based and data-
driven stories, Stolper et al. (2016) expanded upon
Segel and Heer’s foundation. They introduced addi-
tional genres (e.g., timelines), narrative structure tac-
tics (e.g., interactive brushing and linking), messag-
ing (e.g., audio), and VS tactics (e.g., linking sep-
arated story elements). Additionally, Gershon and
Page (2001) examined the role of storytelling in in-
formation visualization, addressing topics that over-
lap with those explored by Stolper et al. (2016).
Some researchers have acknowledged Segel and
Heer’s work while developing their own frameworks.
For instance, McKenna et al. (2017) identified seven
factors contributing to the flow of visual narratives.
Latif et al. (2021) examined the spatial arrangement
and interactive linking of visualization and text, em-
phasizing its impact on reception, engagement, com-
prehension, and recall. They explored various meth-
ods to integrate visualizations into the narration seam-
Zhao and Elmqvist (2023) introduced their unique
design space and analysis framework. Their frame-
work includes dimensions such as audience cardinal-
ity (describing the number of storytellers and recipi-
ents), space and time (impacting the delivery and stor-
age mechanism for data-driven storytelling), media
components (defining the composition of data-driven
storytelling), data components (conveying data from
the storyteller to the viewer), and viewing sequence
(describing the level of interactivity associated with a
storytelling artifact). The framework aims to provide
practical guidance for creating stories.
In a related context of narrative storytelling, Kim
et al. (2018) introduced the concept of story curves.
They applied this visualization technique to ana-
lyze narrated fiction’s (non-)linearity, particularly in
movies, drawing inspiration from Genette’s nonlinear
narrative patterns (Genette, 1983). Kim et al. (2018)
extended classical patterns with new ones, exploring
how historical events are ordered in narration.
Additionally, Roth (2021) contributed to carto-
graphic design by offering three perspectives on VS.
These include foundational plot patterns, which fol-
low the three-act structure and incorporate basic plot
patterns. While not directly connected to Segel and
Heer’s work, these perspectives enrich the overall
landscape of research in narrative storytelling.
From the perspective of emergent and computa-
tional digital storytelling, Trichopoulos et al. (2023)
also touches upon the fundamental elements of story-
telling that we have previously mentioned. Notably,
their research focuses on contemporary works encom-
passing authoring tools, systems, applications, meth-
ods, frameworks, and case studies. They categorize
these works based on aspects like scope (e.g., edu-
cation, CH, games), media (including tangible inter-
active digital narrative, gesture recognition, embod-
ied digital storytelling, VR/AR, video, and anima-
tion), and interaction methods (e.g., cards, paper ob-
jects, embodied replicas, special objects, hand ges-
tures). This perspective provides insights into how
technology is reshaping storytelling, with computers
and algorithms increasingly integrated into the narra-
tive creation and presentation processes.
Finally, the survey by Kusnick et al. (2021) fo-
cuses on VBS in digital humanities and CH. Their
paper builds directly upon the concepts and various
aspects introduced in the earlier mentioned work and
surveys prototypical storytelling instances relying on
visualizations. Based on the prior work and the anal-
ysis of prototypical VBS instances, a comprehensive
and robust design space is assembled that defines the
vital building blocks for creating VBS narratives in
the digital humanities and CH domain.
IVAPP 2024 - 15th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
On the topic of VS, a multitude of approaches and
projects exist. However, this survey narrows its focus
to those specifically related to CH sites and with a
strong emphasis on those within an HNP context.
3.1 Search Procedure
To obtain a representative set of VS instances, we
took a crowd-sourced approach, resulting in 174 in-
stances of different VS projects. These were collected
and provided by members affiliated with the MEMO-
RISE project
. These members comprise profession-
als operating in the heritage sector.
To obtain a small but varied sample of exemplary
storytelling instances from the much larger pool of
crowd-sourced instances, we applied the following
exclusion criteria to filter out storytelling instances:
Restricted Access. We eliminated storytelling in-
stances if they were not easily accessible e.g. due
to broken links or content hidden behind paywalls.
Location-Dependent Usability. Instances were also
excluded if their use was limited to specific geo-
graphical locations.
Concept Demonstrations. Moreover, we excluded
instances that were in the early stages of devel-
opment or served merely as demonstrative proofs
of concept without a functional, user-ready imple-
mentation or product.
Simple Storytelling Instances. Instances were ex-
cluded if they lacked a clear narrative structure or
used only a limited range of VS means (i.e. if only
a few design dimensions of Table 1 were used for
conveying the narrative).
By applying the exclusion criteria, we ended up
with a final sample of 20 VS instances. As indicated
by the last exclusion criterion, the pool of instances
was brought down through a preliminary analysis ac-
cording to the design space put forth by Kusnick et al.
(2021). In this context, we mention that at least two of
the authors of this paper were involved in the exclu-
sion and subsequent analysis of storytelling instances,
determining which ones to exclude and which to in-
clude for further in-depth analysis. This collaborative
approach was also applied to the in-depth analysis of
specific storytelling instances, ensuring a more reli-
able evaluation of the instances.
Lastly, to give an idea of the nature of instances we
later explore in detail, we specifically examine four
Dissemination website: https://memorise.sdu.dk/
Figure 1: Yad Vashem’s Online Database (Yad Vashem,
2023): A database that provides information about the
movement of Jews from Austria, Belgium, Czechoslovakia,
Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg,
and the Netherlands between 1939 and 1945.
exemplary instances, each illustrating a distinct ap-
proach to VS in the context of HNP. These examples,
chosen for their diversity in implementation, range
from comprehensive, multi-modal presentations to
more focused, singular narrative forms.
Yad Vashem’s Online Database (Yad Vashem,
2023). This comprehensive database, created by the
International Institute for Holocaust Research, pro-
vides information on the movement of Jewish popula-
tions across Europe from 1939 to 1945. It utilizes an
array of visual elements including topography, info-
graphics, animations, timelines, images, and text (see
Figure 1). The database offers a macro-view of exten-
sive data, allowing users to also delve into specific lo-
cations and individual stories. It starts with a brief lin-
ear exploration, outlining the project’s scope, and then
transitions to an interactive and exploratory user expe-
rience. The design encourages users to engage more
deeply with the content, blending structured guidance
with opportunities for free exploration.
Catastrophe Questioning Eichmann’s numbers
nkowska et al., 2023). Developed by the edu-
cational site House of the Wannsee Conference, this
application focuses on the statistics of Adolf Eich-
mann’s “final solution”. Shown in Figure 2, it effec-
tively uses text, imagery, sound, video, scrollytelling,
infographics, interactive maps, and timelines. The
narrative begins linearly, introducing background in-
formation, and then shifts to an interactive map for
exploring in-depth stories of the 11 million victims.
The site’s use of varied VS creates a personal and
immersive experience, connecting users emotionally
with the data.
uck Digital Tour (Europa-Universit
at Vi-
adrina, 2023). Showcased in Figure 3, this web
A Survey on Storytelling Techniques for Heritage on Nazi Persecution
Figure 2: Catastrophe Questioning Eichmann’s numbers
nkowska et al., 2023): A website blending topogra-
phy, infographics, animations, timelines, images, and text
to present an extensive HNP dataset, offering a macro
overview and enabling users to explore specific locations
and individual stories.
Figure 3: Ravensbr
uck Digital Tour (Europa-Universit
at Vi-
adrina, 2023): An interactive web app providing a guided
digital tour of the Ravensbr
uck women’s concentration
camp. It employs narrative audio and text, focusing on a
specific historical site, and offers a linear, informative ex-
ploration of the camp’s history.
app offers a digital exploration of the Ravensbr
women’s concentration camp. It starts with a
narrative-driven video tour of the site as it currently
stands, supplemented by textual information. The app
adopts a minimalist approach to VS, focusing on a
specific and narrow subject, thus providing a linear
and informative journey through this historical site.
The Commander’s House at Camp Westerbork
(Campscapes Westerbork, 2022). Showcased in
Figure 4, the virtual tour begins with a linear intro-
duction featuring video and text about the site’s his-
tory. Users are then guided to a 3D rendition of the
commander’s house, which they can explore freely.
Interactive text pop-ups appear at points of interest.
The site blends various VS elements—video, audio,
text, imagery, and virtual tours—to focus on a sin-
gular historical location. The absence of a guiding
user interface offers a slower-paced, immersive expe-
rience, though at the cost of a more direct informa-
tional delivery.
Figure 4: The Commander’s House at Camp Westerbork
(Campscapes Westerbork, 2022): A detailed virtual expe-
rience by Camp Westerbork exploring the Commander’s
house. The tour combines video, audio, text, and 3D vi-
suals, offering a self-guided exploration with interactive el-
ements to immerse users in the historical context of the lo-
3.2 Methodology
After defining the applicable sources of projects, the
analytical methodology has to be addressed. These
include design trends and exploring potential avenues
within VS for CH sites focusing on HNP.
Refinement of the Design Space. The preliminary
assessment of the 20 exemplary VS instances
prompted the refinement of the existing design
space proposed by Kusnick et al. (2021). This
led to a modified and more focused design space
appropriate for HNP. In the context of describing
the design dimensions that were kept from the
original design space, we describe relevant VS
instances that incorporate the building blocks
identified by the design dimensions. We then
give the full tabular analysis of the examples
according to the design dimensions that were kept
(see Table 1).
Augmentation of the Design Space. After analyz-
ing VS instances with the refined design space,
new aspects emerge, leading to its augmentation.
This augmentation includes additional story-
telling elements specific to HNP. It broadens
the framework, offering a more comprehensive
guide for creating and evaluating visual stories
in the context of CH. This expanded design
space ensures a nuanced approach, addressing
the unique sensitivities and specifics of HNP
In conveying narratives related to HNP, specific di-
mensions of the VBS design space by Kusnick et al.
IVAPP 2024 - 15th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
(2021) stand out for their potential to create impactful
storytelling experiences.
Entity-Orientation. The entity-orientation dimen-
sion identifies specific entities like objects, persons,
sets, events, and places around which stories re-
volve. For example, the Commander’s house tour by
Camp Westerbork (Campscapes Westerbork, 2022)
highlights a specific place, while the Danish Jews in
Theresienstadt webpage (Stræde and Hansen, 2018)
brings to life stories centered around individuals.
Story Complexity. The complexity of HNP stories,
in terms of entity numbers and temporal scope, is piv-
otal for conveying narratives effectively. Through a
preliminary assessment of storytelling instances, we
saw a preference for complex, synchronic story struc-
tures combined with simpler, diachronic elements, al-
lowing narratives like those on the Topography of Vi-
olence site (JMB, 2023) to present numerous entities
in an accessible manner.
Story Schemata. The structure of stories within the
HNP context reveals various story schemata that or-
ganize internal narrative architecture. These range
from actor, object, and location-based biographies to
a spectrum of set biographies. In HNP data, per-
sonal biographies are common, often combined with
sequences or bundles of biographies, as seen in the
webpage about the Wansee Conference (Chenchanna
and Gogelein, 2022), which allows exploration of dif-
ferent rooms and stories. This approach falls under
set biographies, enabling users to delve into diverse
stories within a single framework. Such schemata en-
able the bundling of individual and collective histories
into a larger narrative, providing a more comprehen-
sive view of history and heritage.
Media Types. Integrating diverse media types: au-
dio, text, images, film, and visualizations—forms the
core of visual storytelling. Blending these media
types enriches the narrative, making it more immer-
sive and impactful. Audio, for instance, plays a mul-
tifaceted role, from setting the atmosphere with back-
ground music (Ba
nkowska et al., 2023) to enhanc-
ing accessibility in terms of speech narration (Deinert
and Maier, 2020). An example is the Instagram story
about Gerrit Jongsma (O’Neill and Jongsma, 2021),
where a voiceover effectively carries the narrative.
Visualization Types. Various visualization types,
such as timelines, maps, graphs, and set-based vi-
sualizations, offer distinct ways to represent histori-
cal context and relationships. Timelines and maps,
like those in the Stolpersteine webpage (WDR, 2023),
provide a clear chronological and geographical per-
spective, while set-based visualizations categorize en-
tities. Graphs and charts, though less common, can
forge empathetic connections between data and indi-
vidual stories when used thoughtfully, as seen in the
Questioning Eichmann webpage (Ba
nkowska et al.,
Story Thread & Media-Text Linking. The story
thread and media-text linking dimension ensure a co-
hesive narrative flow in visual stories. The primary
threading method is language, either as written text or
spoken narration, which binds together various media
elements. Effective techniques include in-text refer-
ences to media content and coordinated scrolling, en-
hancing the interplay between text and media as seen
in the Liberation of Dachau site (Deinert and Maier,
Story Composition. We consider story composi-
tion options in HNP narratives to range from single
narrative pathways through various media arrange-
ments to multiple pathways offering diverse perspec-
tives. This dimension influences how viewers engage
with the content, as seen in the Topography of Vi-
olence site (JMB, 2023), where a mix of narrative
and exploration options allows viewers to choose their
path, thereby enhancing interaction and engagement.
Uncertainty. In the context of HNP narratives, bal-
ancing factual content with elements that address un-
certainties is crucial (Windhager et al., 2019; Liem
et al., 2023). This aspect is key to maintaining histor-
ical accuracy and ensuring respectful representation.
We identify two ways of displaying uncertainty in vi-
sual stories, namely quantified uncertainty whenever
it is possible to quantify the uncertainty in terms of
numbers thus being able to display and visualize the
uncertainty. Interpretet uncertainty is when the lack
of data has been interpreted to some extent (typically
by a domain expert) and a visual indication (e.g. a
deliberate gap or a question mark) can be incorpo-
rated into the story. A good example of Quantified un-
certainty is the Topography of Violence website JMB
(The Jewish Museum Berlin) (2023). The cite creates
visualizations of the acts of violence against the Jew-
ish population and combines known knowledge with
unknown elements to tell the story to the viewer.
An intriguing example of blending factuality with
creative elements is found in the use of a playable di-
ary on the ’Traces of Paper’ website (Wehnen Memo-
rial, 2021). This diary, rooted in real-life events and
A Survey on Storytelling Techniques for Heritage on Nazi Persecution
personal accounts, incorporates fictitious elements to
enhance viewer engagement through gamification.
Discarded Design Dimensions. Specific dimen-
sions of the original VBS design space were not em-
phasized for narratives related to HNP due to several
reasons. For instance, while plot patterns and struc-
tures provide a framework for storytelling, we argue
that the actual events and their accurate portrayal take
precedence in historical narratives like HNP. Using
classic plot structures like genesis, emergence, and
metamorphosis plots might not always be feasible or
appropriate, given the nature of events related to HNP.
Similarly, story arcs and hooks, crucial in fiction
and other storytelling forms, are approached differ-
ently in the context of HNP. The focus here is on pre-
senting historical facts and narratives in an informa-
tive and respectful manner rather than creating dra-
matic arcs or engaging hooks that could potentially
trivialize the subject matter.
While an important narrative technique, the lin-
earity or non-linearity of the story is less of a de-
liberate choice and more a reflection of how histor-
ical events unfolded. In HNP, a linear approach often
naturally arises from the chronological sequence of
events, although non-linear storytelling can be com-
pelling when used appropriately. On the other hand,
it might introduce a more complex story structure.
Lastly, gamification in storytelling about sensitive
topics like HNP can be controversial. It is crucial to
handle such topics with respect and sensitivity, and
gamification elements might risk undermining the se-
riousness of the subject matter. Similarly, due to these
concerns, we discarded the categories relating to in-
corporating fictitious elements.
Finally, due to our exclusion criteria focused
on location-dependent usability, as detailed in Sec-
tion 3.1, we have omitted the design dimension of tar-
get devices from our consideration. This decision is
based on the understanding that storytelling instances
primarily designed for mobile devices are likely to be
filtered out during our selection process. Mobile de-
vices are inherently suited for applications like on-
site augmented reality (AR) or location-dependent in-
tegration, which relate to how a visual story unfolds
at a specific site.
During the analysis, the dominant entity types in
the VS instances were persons, followed by places,
events, objects, and settings. This indicates a fo-
cus on individuals, especially their personal stories,
in presenting narratives related to HNP. Diachronic
(chronological) stories were more prevalent than syn-
chronic (non-chronological), with a preference for
simple to medium-complex story structures. This ob-
servation is consistent with the goal of reaching a
broad audience.
Text was found to be the most common media
type, often supported by secondary types such as im-
ages, video, or interactive media. Information is often
presented as freely explorable, allowing viewers to
engage at their own pace. To keep users interested, a
clear reason for investment, personal interest, engage-
ment through interactivity, or a call to action is essen-
tial. The analysis suggests a correlation between the
variety of elements in the design space and the size of
the data sets, highlighting the need for different pre-
sentation elements for different topics. The common
use of a combination of synchronous and diachronic
story complexity reflects a strategy to offer both sim-
plified information and more in-depth analysis for a
balanced user experience. Timelines and maps were
the most frequently used visualization types, reflect-
ing a preference for conveying temporal and spatial
information. The predominant narrative thread was
temporal succession, with text and speech as the ele-
ments that carried the story, emphasizing linear story-
telling with a temporal focus.
In terms of interactive implementations, anima-
tion, slideshow, and moving camera were used in sev-
eral examples, suggesting a preference for dynamic
elements. The tabular analysis also revealed that, in
some instances, there were multiple narrative paths
and mixed narrative and exploration, highlighting a
tendency to provide users with options for different
story experiences. The absence of the slideshow +
moving camera combination suggests a cautious ap-
proach to incorporating more advanced dynamic ele-
ments, potentially to ensure usability.
In summary, the analysis indicates a preference
for diachronic narratives, a focus on individual enti-
ties (especially persons), a reliance on textual infor-
mation supplemented by audio and visual elements,
and a desire for dynamic interactive features. In par-
ticular, there is a clear tendency to portray information
through a combination of simple synchronous and
more complex diachronic approaches or vice versa
to create a balanced experience for the end user, of-
fering either simplified information on many subjects
or more in-depth analysis of selected subjects. Story-
tellers aim to address a diverse audience with different
levels of interest and engagement.
IVAPP 2024 - 15th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Table 1: The table provides a summary of the refined narrative storytelling design space and the analyzed storytelling in-
stances. Rows represent different storytelling instances, and columns show design dimensions. A checkmark icon ( ) in
a cell signals that the instance has the noted characteristic or feature. The colored categories (orange, purple, red, and blue)
indicate categories that have been elaborated on in Table 2.
Orientation Story Complexity Story Schemata Media Types Vis Types Story Thread
Implementation Uncertainty
Storytelling Instance (Name)
Synchronic: Simple
Synchronic: Medium
Synchronic: Complex
Diachronic: Simple
Diachronic: Medium
Diachronic: Complex
Actor Biography
Object Biography
Place Biography
Hybrid Biography
Biography Sequences
Biography Bundles
Inverted Trees
Larger Topic / Era
Larger Topic / Multi-era
Interactive Media
Temporal Succession
Moving Camera
In-Text References
Visualization Legend
Coordinated Scrolling
Single Narrative Pathway
Multiple Arrangements
Multiple Narrative Pathways
Mixed Narrative & Exploration
Annotated Chart
Moving Camera
Slideshow + Moving Camera
uneburg forced sterilization (Rudnick, 2022)
On This Day 1945 (BMDMF, 2021)
Der Anfang vom ende (JMB, 2013)
Danish jews in Theresienstadt (Stræde and Hansen, 2018)
Liberation of Dachau (Deinert and Maier, 2020)
The Wansee Conference (Chenchanna and Gogelein, 2022)
Eva Heyman’s Instagram story (Kochavi and Kochavi, 2019)
The Action T4 commemoration (RLEGL, 2022)
Instagram story about Gerrit Jongsma (O’Neill and Jongsma, 2021)
Keeping memories (Dive Project, 2023)
Lediz (LMUM, 2018)
Mahn und Gedenkst
atte (art.vision, 2020)
Memory loops (Melian, 2010)
Traces of paper (Wehnen Memorial, 2021)
Questioning Eichmann (Ba
nkowska et al., 2023)
Stolen memory (Arolsen Archives, 2022)
Stolpersteine (WDR, 2023)
Topography of Violence (JMB, 2023)
The Commander’s House (Campscapes Westerbork, 2022)
Zeitzeugenportal (Rosenberger, 2018)
A Survey on Storytelling Techniques for Heritage on Nazi Persecution
Table 2: An augmentation of the refined storytelling design space in Table 1. The same storytelling instances are analyzed,
but now, according to a more fine-grained categorization. A checkmark icon ( ) in a cell indicates that the instance has the
noted characteristic/feature. The colored categories (orange, purple, red, and blue) correspond to categories in Table 2.
Person Types Place Types Text Types Image Types Accessibility
Storytelling Instance (Name)
Official Document
First Hand
Second Hand
uneburg forced sterilization (Rudnick, 2022)
On This Day 1945 (BMDMF, 2021)
Der Anfang vom ende (JMB, 2013)
Danish jews in Theresienstadt (Stræde and Hansen, 2018)
Liberation of Dachau (Deinert and Maier, 2020)
The Wansee Conference (Chenchanna and Gogelein, 2022)
Eva Heyman’s Instagram story (Kochavi and Kochavi, 2019)
The Action T4 commemoration (RLEGL, 2022)
Instagram story about Gerrit Jongsma (O’Neill and Jongsma, 2021)
Keeping memories (Dive Project, 2023)
Lediz (LMUM, 2018)
Mahn und Gedenkst
atte (art.vision, 2020)
Memory loops (Melian, 2010)
Traces of paper (Wehnen Memorial, 2021)
Questioning Eichmann (Ba
nkowska et al., 2023)
Stolen memory (Arolsen Archives, 2022)
Stolpersteine (WDR, 2023)
Topography of Violence (JMB, 2023)
The Commander’s House (Campscapes Westerbork, 2022)
Zeitzeugenportal (Rosenberger, 2018)
Through our analysis, we discerned recurring themes
extending beyond our refined design space. These
themes notably include the utilization of specific
types of source materials like testimonies, diaries, and
official documents. Our augmented design space ac-
knowledges the significance of source material, at-
tributing to it a greater weight than the general format
delineated in the design space analysis in Table 1.
We refined the design space further, focusing par-
ticularly on media types and entity orientation ar-
eas we found crucial for CH sites with an HNP focus.
Within media types, such as images and text, and un-
der entity orientation, such as persons and places, we
made nuanced distinctions. Images were categorized
based on their compositional role: first-hand images
directly support the text, while second-hand images
set the atmosphere. For text, we focused on its ori-
gins, whether in testimonies, diaries, or official doc-
uments, and evaluated the elaborateness of accessi-
bility features, ranging from basic, intermediate, and
Accessibility. In tailoring experiences for CH that
cater to diverse audiences across different age groups,
cultural backgrounds, and prior knowledge levels, ac-
cessibility becomes paramount. An insignificant part
of the global population faces some form of disability
limiting internet access (WHO, 2011). Our design so-
lution aims to include this demographic. We catego-
rized accessibility into three levels based on available
functions: Basic is just a single simple feature, such
as language switching. Intermediate offers 2-3 op-
tions, and more elaborate functions such as simplified
text or read-aloud features. Advanced provides +4 op-
tions, such as a dedicated accessibility toolbar provid-
ing alternative navigational aids, toggling of special
visual indicators, etc.
Image Types. We divided images into two subcat-
egories for the media types design dimension: First
Hand includes images that supplement textual con-
tent, such as portraits in descriptions or interviews, or
images depicting scenarios or locations mentioned in
the text. Second Hand includes images intended to
evoke specific moods or atmospheres, often achieved
IVAPP 2024 - 15th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
through background imagery that complements the
textual narrative. Sites like the L
uneburg forced ster-
ilization page (Rudnick, 2022), the Action T4 com-
memoration page (RLEGL, 2022), and Stolen Memo-
ries (Arolsen Archives, 2022) exemplify the effective
use of these image types, combining portraits, docu-
ment images, and video clips to enhance narratives.
Text Types. We categorized text into diaries, tes-
timonies, and official documents, recognizing their
prevalence and the need for careful visualization. It
is vital to convey personal memories and stories eth-
ically while acknowledging the subjectivity of di-
aries and testimonies and the potential dubiousness
of some official documents. ”On This Day 1945
(BMDMF, 2021) illustrates this approach, using var-
ious text types to narrate concentration camp stories,
supported by relevant images. We need to be cau-
tious when visualizing quantitative data from subjec-
tive sources, as charts and graphs can be misleadingly
perceived as objective truths (Isberner et al., 2013).
Testimonies and diaries often include textual and vi-
sual elements, while official documents frequently
lack text transcripts, highlighting a potential accessi-
bility gap.
Person & Place Types. We further refined the en-
tity orientation dimension for persons and places. Per-
sons are categorized as victims, survivors, or perse-
cutors, as these groups are central in HNP narratives.
For instance, the Westerbork commander’s house tour
(Campscapes Westerbork, 2022) tells the story from
the persecutor’s perspective, while the Danish Jews
in Theresienstadt page (Stræde and Hansen, 2018)
and Eva Heyman’s Instagram story (Kochavi and
Kochavi, 2019) provide survivor and victim perspec-
tives, respectively. Places are classified as current or
past, acknowledging the transformation of geographi-
cal locations over time. The Liberation of Dachau site
(Deinert and Maier, 2020) effectively demonstrates
this concept by overlaying present-day images with
historical ones.
Despite being able to provide a comprehensive
overview of the new augmented design space in Sec-
tion 6, it is important to emphasize that there are still
various challenges that offer great potential and op-
portunities for future work. In this section, we dive
deeper into these opportunities and challenges.
Historical Accuracy & Integrity. Incorporating
data-driven elements into narratives about CH sites
poses a challenge in preserving historical accuracy
and integrity (Bradley, 2005; M
uller, 2002; Man
2017). It is essential to stay true to sources, ensur-
ing that both tangible and intangible historical as-
sets, once digitized, genuinely mirror history instead
of unintentionally distorting it (Boyd Davis et al.,
2021; M
uller, 2002; Koller et al., 2009; Brown and
Waterhouse-Watson, 2014). There is also a risk of
oversimplification when translating these assets into
data or visualizations (Santana Quintero et al., 2020;
Koller et al., 2009). Many historical records offer
data that are either ambiguous or incomplete (Van-
cisin et al., 2023), either because the records only
have a narrow focus or parts of them have been lost
due to deliberate destruction (Brown and Waterhouse-
Watson, 2014). Consequently, they only reveal a
small part of a bigger context. Interpreting this data
demands precision (Windhager et al., 2019; Liem
et al., 2023; Koller et al., 2009) and a heightened
awareness of how contemporary biases might influ-
ence our perceptions of the past (Prutsch, 2013).
Ethical Representation. Beyond accuracy and in-
tegrity, CH sites must also consider the ethical dimen-
sions associated with digitizing and representing tan-
gible and intangible historical assets (Man
zuch, 2017;
Rich and Dack, 2022). When curating displays or
constructing narratives, it is typically necessary to
approach the subject with respect. This is particu-
larly true when recounting events that may have trau-
matic histories (Fisher and Schoemann, 2018). Digi-
tal recreations of tangible/intangible historical assets,
demand a balance between shedding light on histor-
ical facts and avoiding unintentional bias or misrep-
resentation, which, e.g., could arise from an uninten-
tionally biased perspective of the creator of the digital
recreations (Thompson, 2017) or due to uncertainty
related to the underlying historical assets. To try and
minimize these biases, creators need to reflect upon
their own biases and transparently reflect these to the
reader. Ultimately, an ethical obligation towards the
recipients is associated with the representation of dig-
itized tangible and intangible historical assets, and it
is an aspect that is crucial in digital storytelling at her-
itage sites, where there is a need to respect the com-
plexities and sensitivities of heritage narratives (Har-
good et al., 2023; Trichopoulos et al., 2023).
Physical & Temporal Constraints. Spatial and
temporal considerations inevitably influence story-
telling in the physical domain of heritage sites (Rossi
et al., 2017). The spatial arrangement of a heritage
A Survey on Storytelling Techniques for Heritage on Nazi Persecution
site can guide or even dictate the narrative flow (Be-
nouaret and Lenne, 2015; Lombardo and Damiano,
2012). Moreover, the narrative must be crafted con-
sidering visitors’ limited time at a site. The challenge
is to ensure that, within this brief window, visitors
gain a coherent and enriching understanding of the
narrative being presented.
Embracing Technology & Engaging the Senses.
CH sites have the unique potential to craft multisen-
sory experiences, unlike many traditional storytelling
mediums. For example, Katifori et al. (2018) high-
lights multi-sensory interactions’ transformative role
in enhancing visitor immersion, emphasizing the shift
towards emotive virtual experiences through person-
alized storytelling. In their research on the CHESS
prototype, Katifori et al. (2014) showcased how per-
sonalized, interactive digital storytelling experiences
can significantly elevate visitors’ experience. While
the potential of emotive virtual experiences in her-
itage sites is vast, there are also inherent challenges.
For example, an overemphasis on technology can
overshadow genuine historical value, potentially re-
ducing the experience to mere entertainment (Rich
and Dack, 2022). Some visitors might also feel that
digital augmentation hinders a direct connection with
heritage (Man
zuch, 2017). As narratives become
more emotive, there is also a risk of modern biases
affecting the representation (Prutsch, 2013).
Educational Ambitions & Audience Diversity.
Heritage sites can be said to operate at the intersec-
tion of engagement and education. While the narra-
tives must be compelling, an underlying educational
mission seeks to inform and enlighten visitors about
historical, cultural, or scientific facets. Complicat-
ing this mission is the vast diversity of the audience.
With visitors spanning different age groups, cultural
backgrounds, and levels of prior knowledge, the sto-
rytelling needs to be inclusive and universally acces-
sible. As discussed by Mason (2004), communica-
tion models at heritage sites have traditionally empha-
sized a unilateral approach. In this model, the her-
itage professional is the transmitter, sending a singu-
lar, one-way message to the visitor. However, such a
method is limiting. For narratives to resonate with
visitors, they should be formulated with a holistic
understanding of the visitor’s context. This encom-
passes their background, including prior experiences,
learning styles, interests, and motivations; the socio-
cultural backdrop of their visit; and their interaction
with the heritage site’s spatial and tangible aspects
(Lombardo and Damiano, 2012; Rizvic et al., 2019).
We acknowledge the inherent limitations in our data
collection methodology, which primarily relied on
the storytelling instance collection efforts of MEM-
ORISE project members. This dependence on a sin-
gle source might limit the diversity of storytelling ex-
amples, consequently impacting the range of perspec-
tives and potentially affecting the validity of our find-
ings. Recognizing this constraint, we have taken steps
to ensure that the principles of our refined and aug-
mented design space, initially shaped by a specific
context, are adaptable to a broader spectrum of his-
torical and cultural events. This adaptability extends
beyond the historical scope of HNP during World War
II and includes various instances of persecution. For
instance, we imagine our design space could be ap-
plied in the context of different historical events re-
lating to persecution and oppression, e.g., ranging
from the prosecution of Black individuals in America
(Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation, 2020)
to the situation in Uyghur camps in modern China
(Techjournalist, 2020). This applicability stems from
our design space’s reliance on universal storytelling
elements pertinent across the aforementioned histori-
cal and cultural contexts. These elements include but
are not limited to, specific image types (first/second-
hand images), text types (diaries, testimonies, and
official documents), and person types (victims, sur-
vivors, and persecutors), as well as place types (past
and present).
Nevertheless, applying our design space to con-
texts beyond those included in our initial study may
require additional modifications or considerations,
particularly as new storytelling methods evolve along-
side technological advancements (Chen et al., 2023).
We are aware of the potential biases introduced by
focusing primarily on HNP and relying on a single
source for our material. Therefore, we recommend
future research to expand the range of sources and
contexts. Doing so will not only improve the gen-
eralizability of our results but also contribute to the
continuous refinement and adaptation of our frame-
work, ensuring its relevance in diverse settings.
As CH departments play a pivotal role in communi-
cating the significance of historical sites to visitors,
the essence of this task lies in drawing lessons from
history. Understanding and acknowledging past mis-
takes and preserving memories take on heightened
importance in the contemporary context. This im-
IVAPP 2024 - 15th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
perative underscores the enduring relevance of CH
in fostering awareness, learning, and reflection. As
we navigate the complexities of VS in conveying his-
torical narratives, the enduring mission remains clear:
to bridge the past with the present, ensuring that the
lessons embedded in CH sites resonate with and guide
future generations.
In an ever-evolving media environment, the im-
perative to develop an agile design space, adaptable
to changing needs, is more critical than ever. Reflect-
ing on the existing VBS design space and the insights
obtained from our survey, certain key considerations
emerge for advancing design implementations in CH
contexts. The augmented design space, working in
tandem with the original VBS framework, offers a
comprehensive guide for enhancing communication
at CH sites.
This dynamic interplay between design spaces not
only serves to refine current practices but also sheds
light on novel challenges. Identifying these chal-
lenges opens avenues for fresh perspectives in de-
signing strategies’ ongoing development and itera-
tion. Thus, our study contributes to the evolving dis-
course on VS in CH and provides a roadmap for future
endeavors, ensuring that the rich tapestry of historical
narratives continues to engage and resonate with di-
verse audiences.
This work, part of a project funded by the EU’s Hori-
zon Europe research and innovation program (grant
agreement No. 101061016), reflects only the authors’
views. The European Commission is not responsible
for any use of the information herein, nor does it rep-
resent the Commission’s official stance.
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