Variational Autoencoders for Pedestrian Synthetic Data Augmentation of
Existing Datasets: A Preliminary Investigation
Ivan Nikolov
Computer Graphics Group, Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology,
Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Synthetic Data, Variational Autoencoders, Object Detection, Dataset Augmentation, Surveillance.
The requirements for more and more data for training deep learning surveillance and object detection models
have resulted in slower deployment and more costs connected to dataset gathering, annotation, and testing.
One way to help with this is the use of synthetic data giving more varied scenarios and not requiring manual
annotation. We present our initial exploratory work in generating synthetic pedestrian augmentations for an
existing dataset through the use of variational autoencoders. Our method consists of creating a large number
of backgrounds and training a variational autoencoder on a small subset of annotated pedestrians. We then
interpolate the latent space of the autoencoder to generate variations of these pedestrians, calculate their posi-
tions on the backgrounds, and blend them to create new images. We show that even though we do not achieve
as good results as just adding more real images, we can boost the performance and robustness of a YoloV5
model trained on a mix of real and small amounts of synthetic images. As part of this paper, we also propose
the next steps to expand this approach and make it much more useful for a wider array of datasets.
Deep learning models require larger and larger
datasets, which in many cases require specialized data
not available freely online. This is especially true for
vision models deployed for specific use cases like au-
tonomous surveillance of indoor or outdoor scenes,
anomaly detection, traffic analysis, etc. In these cases,
if there is no easy access to comparable open-source
datasets, the training and testing data needs to be
captured for long periods, manually annotated, and
then used for training and verification of the specific
model. This can significantly slow down deployment
and can put a large monetary and development bur-
den upfront (de Melo et al., 2022). In many cases
even if useful datasets exist online, they may not con-
tain the required images or videos in large enough
quantities to provide sufficient resources for training
robust enough models based on modern architectures
like transformers (Nikolenko, 2021).
Another widely spread problem with gathering
datasets is that in some scenarios installing and con-
figuring the required hardware and capturing footage
can be a dangerous or impossible process that could
require trained specialists and necessary permits.
Looking from an ethical standpoint capturing data can
also infringe on people’s privacy, even if it is done in
outdoor scenes (Voigt and Von dem Bussche, 2017).
As mentioned before capturing the necessary data
is only the start of the process, after which it needs
to be annotated, which can pose an even larger bur-
den. Even with modern labeling tools like Labelbox,
CVAT, Labelerr, among others, and the emergence
of companies focused on providing services for the
annotation of data by volunteers like Humans in the
Loop (in the Loop, 2018; V7Labs, 2019), the creation
of fine-grained bounding boxes and pixel annotations
can take a lot of time and money.
This scarcity of image data has prompted re-
searchers to look more and more into synthetically
generating data for deep learning. We can separate
the generation of synthetic data into two main types -
based on the use of digital twins and based on deep
learning models. Research based on digital twins
focuses on the modeling of real-world environments
(Ros et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2019), objects (Nikolov,
2023; Acsintoae et al., 2022), and phenomena (Halder
et al., 2019) and using them to reproduce synthetic
approximations of the scene from which images and
videos can be captured. Deep learning-generated syn-
thetic data relies mostly on large generative models
Nikolov, I.
Variational Autoencoders for Pedestrian Synthetic Data Augmentation of Existing Datasets: A Preliminary Investigation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012570700003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 2: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed generation of synthetic pedestrians using a VAE for image augmentation.
like Dall-E, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney (Ab-
duljawad and Alsalmani, 2022; Borji, 2022), as well
as Generative adversarial networks (GANs) and au-
toencoders (Huang et al., 2018; Brock et al., 2018;
He et al., 2022; Islam and Zhang, 2020). Many of
these approaches focus on generating or manipulating
the full image from a given prompt or a starter image,
which require much larger models and are susceptible
to distribution gaps between synthesized and real im-
ages. On the other hand augmenting parts of images
with synthetic elements a lot of times requires com-
posing and blending with semi-realistic objects (Chan
et al., 2021; Tripathi et al., 2019).
We propose a preliminary study in the genera-
tion of synthetic pedestrian variations for augmenting
surveillance images. This way we can easily extend
existing datasets with more pedestrian visualizations,
thus making them more varied and helping train more
robust deep learning algorithms on them. We choose
to use the LTD (Nikolov et al., 2021) dataset as part
of this paper, but the proposed pipeline can be eas-
ily extended to other datasets. Our approach consists
of training a deep feature consistent variational au-
toencoder (VAE) (Hou et al., 2017) on a small subset
of pedestrian images and sampling its latent space to
generate interpolations of pedestrians. We then com-
pose and blend these interpolations using the Pois-
son Image Editing (P
erez et al., 2023) method to-
gether with the extracted background images from the
dataset to generate synthetic variations with different
numbers of people at different positions.
We do an initial testing of our augmented data by
training a YoloV5 (Jocher et al., 2020) model and
comparing its performance on detecting pedestrians
when trained only on real data, several mixed varia-
tions between real and augmented synthetic data and
only augmented synthetic data. We show that the
mixed datasets where only a small amount of syn-
thetic data is given have the potential to boost the per-
formance and robustness of the models against data
The contributions of this early-stage research are:
1. We propose a lightweight and easily transferable
approach for generating synthetic variations for
augmenting datasets with accompanying ready-
made bounding box annotations, that require rel-
atively little manual preparation work;
2. We do an initial test of the feasibility of the ap-
proach for training models with less real data and
in some cases boosting their performance;
3. We propose the next steps to expanding this ap-
proach, making it more robust and more useful
for a wider range of datasets.
In the next section, we will give an overview of
the related work on surveillance datasets and generat-
ing synthetic data. In Section 3 we will present the
overview of our approach and its different compo-
nents. Finally, in Section 4 we will show our initial
results together with a proposal for the next steps in
expanding the pipeline.
In this section, we will focus on both existing real-
world surveillance and anomaly detection datasets, as
well as the different approaches to generating syn-
thetic datasets.
2.1 Surveillance Datasets
Surveillance datasets can be roughly separated into
two categories (Nikolov et al., 2021). The first one fo-
cuses on changing backgrounds representing images
and videos captured from movie perspectives like ve-
hicles and egocentric views. The second category
is directed towards stationary views captured from
surveillance CCTV cameras.
From stationary background datasets, most are di-
rected towards anomaly detection and pedestrian de-
tection and tracking use cases. These datasets are cap-
tured from cameras sitting in one place for varying
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
amounts of time. Most of these datasets also are cap-
tured for very short amounts of time giving them a
limited variation of scenarios, pedestrians, and vehi-
cles (Lu et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2018). The excep-
tion to this are the MEVA (Corona et al., 2021) and
LTD (Nikolov et al., 2021) datasets, which focus on
larger periods and diverse environmental conditions
and pedestrians. Even with the larger datasets, the
problem persists that they are finite and do not pro-
vide all possible pedestrian scenarios to train robust
enough models. In addition to this, annotating these
datasets can be challenging and time-consuming.
2.2 Synthetic Data Generation
Synthetic datasets can be divided mainly into two
groups - ones that are fully generated from scratch ei-
ther by a deep learning model (Borji, 2022; He et al.,
2022) or through digital twin technology (Wang et al.,
2019; Grci
c et al., 2021) and others that rely on aug-
menting existing datasets with synthetic parts and ob-
jects depending on the use case. Fully synthetically
generated datasets oftentimes have the problem of a
larger distribution gap between the synthetic and real-
world data and require additional post-processing be-
fore training (Acsintoae et al., 2022). Datasets that
only contain augmented synthetic elements, often fare
better as they contain real-world backgrounds and ob-
jects together with the synthetic ones. In both cases,
synthesizing data has the potential to create hard-to-
reproduce scenarios, small data variations or emer-
gencies, and anomalies that would be hard to capture
in real life (Nikolenko, 2021).
The LTD dataset is one of the largest datasets
for surveillance. It contains different weather con-
ditions and times of day, together with variations in
pedestrian activity, vehicles, bicycles, and even ships.
Together with its newer extension providing annota-
tions for large parts of the dataset, this makes it an
ideal candidate for testing synthetic data generation
methodologies, as shown from the work of Madan
et. al (Madan et al., 2023). We chose this dataset
to demonstrate our proposed solution as it has been
proven to provide a challenging environment for out-
of-distribution testing data, as shown from the results
of anomaly and pedestrian detection models given in
the dataset paper presenting it. Thus we can show if
our proposed synthetic data can alleviate these prob-
We propose the initial exploration of a method for
generating synthetic pedestrian variations by explor-
ing the latent space of a variational autoencoder
trained on a small subset of pedestrian images. This
section presents the different parts of the generation
and augmentation process. The full pipeline is shown
in Figure 1.
We first extract real background images from the
LTD dataset, the same way it is presented by Madan
et. al (Madan et al., 2023) We then select a subset
of pedestrian annotations from the ground truth of the
LTD dataset and pre-process them so they can be used
as inputs for the selected VAE model. We train the
selected model on the pre-processed data and extract
from its latent space linear interpolations between two
given pedestrian inputs. We then select a random in-
terpolated output from the VAE and blend it into the
background on a position that is also calculated as
an interpolation from the given pedestrians’ positions.
For blending we use the Poisson Image Editing (P
et al., 2023) method for smooth blending. In this
way, we can augment different number of pedestri-
ans into each background image. The pipeline of our
proposed solution is explained in the new subsections
as follows - 3.1 Background Generation, 3.2 Pedes-
trian Extraction and Pre-processing, 3.3 VAE model
Explanation, and 3.4 Generation of Pedestrians and
3.1 Background Generation
For generating the background images used for the
augmentation process we use the process proposed by
Madan et. al (Madan et al., 2023). As we currently
generate only still images, we use a temporal median
filter on the full image, without a specified mask. As
the dataset spans 8 months of day and night footage
and we want to create widely varying backgrounds we
uniformly sample one background from the captured
2-minute videos once every two hours. We do this
process for one week out of each of the 8 months,
which gives us 672 background images. Later on, we
will select at random from these backgrounds when
blending them with the generated pedestrian images.
3.2 Pedestrian Extraction and
To gather enough data to train the VAE model we use
the small annotated training subsets given as part of
the LTD dataset (Nikolov et al., 2021) - for the daily,
weekly, and monthly February data. Even though
Variational Autoencoders for Pedestrian Synthetic Data Augmentation of Existing Datasets: A Preliminary Investigation
Figure 2: Pre-processing of the extracted pedestrian sub-
images before using them as input for the VAE.
there are more annotations in the second iteration of
the dataset we wanted to show the performance of
our proposed method when data is generated from a
small subset of annotations, when researchers do not
have the means or time to annotate more. We use
the bounding box annotations to extract the pedestrian
sub-images. We filter the extracted sub-images to re-
move those that do not have heights at least twice as
large as the width. This is done to remove annota-
tions of pedestrians behind vehicles, parts of the back-
ground, or other pedestrians, which would be out of
place if augmented into the background images. As
the chosen VAE tends to blur the images and the in-
puts are very low-resolution, we also use a sharpening
filter on them to pronounce the smaller details. We
then reshape all pedestrian images to the same size by
adding black borders around the sub-images to get it
to a size of 128x128 pixels. This way the autoencoder
can be fed the same size inputs without distorting the
sub-images. The pedestrian pre-processing pipeline
is given in Figure 2.
3.3 VAE Model Explanation
To generate the pedestrian variations we use a deep
feature consistent variational autoencoder (Hou et al.,
2017). Even though there are much more complex
autoencoders like VQ-VAE2 (Razavi et al., 2019),
DIP VAE (Kumar et al., 2017), MIWAE (Rainforth
et al., 2018), which can provide better reconstruc-
tions, but require more data and more resources to
train, we wanted to test our initial idea with a rela-
tively straightforward architecture. We train the VAE
using 1000 pre-processed pedestrian images. The
training is done for 100 epochs, with a batch size
of 8, using the combination of binary cross entropy
and Kullback–Leibler divergence loss (Kingma and
Welling, 2013). The latent space of the VAE was set
to 1000 and the input image size was set to 128x128.
We have chosen the size of the latent space to ensure
a large enough information is learned by the autoen-
coder to be able to represent the input images and in-
terpolate them. In the paper proposing the model, the
authors use a latent space of only 100, which is large
enough for capturing the use case of human faces they
present. After heuristically exploring the results from
using different sizes of latent space we come to the
conclusion that a size of 1000 helps the model learn
the smaller details of the pedestrians, as for some of
them only a couple of pixels can represent body parts.
Examples of inputs together with interpolated latent
space outputs are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Example pedestrian inputs to the VAE (left two)
and outputs from interpolating the latent space (right ones).
3.4 Generation of Pedestrians and
Once we have the backgrounds created and the VAE
trained, we create a workflow that first selects a back-
ground image randomly. Then two of the input pedes-
trians are selected at random from the same training
set and run through the encoder part of the VAE. The
resultant latent space encodings between the two im-
ages are interpolated with the desired number of steps.
We use the same linear interpolation of the space, pre-
sented in the paper proposing the VAE (Hou et al.,
2017), where the interpolation is defined by a linear
transformation z = (1 α) z
le ft
+ α z
, where
le ft
and z
are the latent vectors of the two input
pedestrian images and α = 0, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 1. Heuristi-
cally we have seen that between 10 and 15 steps give
enough variation with noticeable differences between
the images created from the interpolations. These
interpolations are then run through the decoder part
of the VAE to produce images that are interpolations
between the two inputs. We have selected to use a
VAE for this, instead of a simple linear interpolation
between the images as extracting interpolation from
the latent space would result in more meaningful and
gradual changes between the images and more visu-
ally coherent and pleasing results. It also minimizes
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
noticeable visual artifacts and is more likely to gener-
ate images that contain the same overall characteris-
tics as the input images. This is especially important
as we are working with very low-resolution pedestrian
images, where each pixel captures a lot of information
about the object.
We then select at random one of the generated im-
ages from the interpolation sequence and use linear
interpolation between the coordinates of the two input
sub-images to calculate its position in the larger back-
ground image. Finally, we blend between the back-
ground and the generated pedestrian image using the
Poisson Image Editing (P
erez et al., 2023) algorithm.
This algorithm removes many of the border artifacts
between the pedestrian image and the background but
also has the added benefit of changing the pedestrian’s
color to better match the background. This is es-
pecially important as the background is taken from
different months and times of day compared to the
pedestrian images. This process is performed as many
times as we need synthetic pedestrian augmentations
on the background image. After observing the distri-
butions of pedestrians in the real images we select that
between 1 and 15 pedestrians are augmented in the
proposed way for each synthetic image. A compar-
ison between real images from the LTD dataset and
synthetic images from our proposed solution is given
in Figure 4.
We can see that even after the blending some of
the synthetic pedestrian images contain darker parts
and visual artifacts around the edges when the differ-
ence between the background and pedestrians is too
big. We will discuss ideas on how to mitigate this in
Section 5.
To test out the proposed synthetic data augmentation
and the generated data, we choose to train a YoloV5
model to detect pedestrians. We have seen from the
work connected to the LTD paper, that the YoloV5
model had problems when tested on data from other
months than the one it was trained on. We propose
to see if training the YoloV5 model on a combination
of real and synthetically augmented data can help the
model perform better with more diverse data, effec-
tively minimizing the data drift.
To this extent, we select six training datasets. The
first two datasets are comprised only of real data
present in the LTD data. The dataset contains ther-
mal videos of size 288x384, captured with a Hikvi-
sion DS-2TD2235D-25/50 thermal camera. The clips
are 8-bit grayscale. The videos are separated into
frames. First, the February month subset contains
200 images (D
) captured from the full month both
through the day and night. The second subset is a
combination of the February month and March week
datasets comprising 300 images (D
). This was
chosen to see how much performance is gotten from
training the model on more real data. The other three
datasets contain synthesized images together with the
real ones. We wanted to see how the presence of syn-
thetic data would influence the performance of the
YoloV5 model, so the datasets contain the real Febru-
ary month 200 images, plus 100 (D
), 200 (D
and 800 (D
) synthetic training images. With this,
we wanted to see how the algorithm performs when
the synthetic data is less than the real one, when it
is equal to it, and when it is the larger part. Finally,
we also have one dataset comprised of only 3000 syn-
thetic images (D
We use each of the six datasets to train the
YoloV5s pre-trained model, with a batch size of 16 for
100 epochs. We use the validation dataset provided
as part of the LTD dataset and test on the three test
datasets for the January, April, and August months.
Each of the testing datasets contains 100 images and
For evaluation metrics, we calculate the precision,
recall, as well as the mean average precision at an in-
tersection over union (IoU) threshold 0.50 - mAP
and at a varying IoU threshold between 0.50 and 0.95
. The results are given in Table 1.
We can see from the table that adding more im-
ages from another month (D
) helps with the per-
formance of the model especially for the April and
August testing subsets. Using additional synthetic
data in D
also results in a model that is more ro-
bust towards data drift, even if the performance boost
is not as strong as adding additional real data. Adding
more synthetic data with D
and D
does not
result in better results but is seen to degrade perfor-
mance in most cases, except for the mAP
for April
in the case of using 800 additional synthetic images.
When trained only on synthetic data the model does
not learn enough to be useful for detecting real pedes-
trians. This shows that even though the initial results
are positive in boosting model performance without
the need for the annotation of additional real data,
there is still a distribution gap between the real and
synthetic pedestrians. This is most probably caused
by the blurry outputs from the simpler VAE and the
imperfect blending in some cases. We will discuss
possible ways to address these problems and extend
the proposed approach.
Variational Autoencoders for Pedestrian Synthetic Data Augmentation of Existing Datasets: A Preliminary Investigation
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 4: Visual comparison between the real images taken from the LTD dataset (top images) and the augmented synthetic
images using the VAE latent space interpolation outputs (bottom images).
Table 1: Results from training YOLOv5 on the 6 chosen subsets of data - February month 200 real images(D
), February
month plus March week 300 real images (D
), February month 200 real images plus 100 (D
), 200 (D
), and 800
) synthetic images and 3000 synthetic images only (D
). The models are then tested on the January, April, and
August test data from the LTD dataset.
January Test Data April Test Data August Test Data
Datasets mAP
0.809 0.461 0.476 0.213 0.512 0.243
0.826 0.492 0.620 0.301 0.585 0.282
0.81 0.458 0.524 0.259 0.548 0.246
0.795 0.415 0.494 0.194 0.494 0.222
0.793 0.420 0.530 0.222 0.487 0.215
0.397 0.171 0.238 0.079 0.244 0.091
The next steps for developing the proposed synthetic
data generation algorithm would be to swap the sim-
ple VAE with some of the newer more complex and
robust models like VQ-VAE2, DIP VAE, MIWAE,
etc. This is especially evident from looking at the gen-
erated pedestrian variations, which have a great deal
of blurring and artifacts. This is especially problem-
atic as the pedestrian images are very low-resolution
and any loss of details can be problematic for gen-
erating useful data. Additionally, the more complex
variational autoencoders would give us the possibil-
ity to generate data for higher-resolution datasets like
Avenue (Lu et al., 2013) and ShanghaiTech Campus
(Liu et al., 2018), in which the pedestrians have much
more detail.
In the current research, we show that even with the
simple VAE encoder augmentations, the additional
synthetic images helped the YOLO model be more
robust to the visual changes in the training data over
time. We would like to do two additional studies to
further prove that the proposed solution is the thing
that improves performance. First, we would like to
compare augmentations created through variational
autoencoders with more straightforward approaches
like linear interpolation between two pedestrian im-
ages and not through the linear space created by the
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
VAE. Second, an ablation study that removes parts
of the proposed pipeline like Poisson Image Editing,
contrast enhancement, etc. to see which has the most
effect on the performance of the pipeline.
Another problem that can be addressed is smooth-
ing the visual borders between the generated pedes-
trian’s background and the background image. Cur-
rently even after the blending algorithm in some cases
when the background is much brighter or darker than
the pedestrian’s background, some artifacts remain.
One way to prevent that from happening is to use
a segmentation model like ClipSEG (L
uddecke and
Ecker, 2022) on the generated synthetic image and
only capture the pixels that belong to the pedestrian
or even parts of their bodies. This way the borders
will be less of a problem.
Figure 5: Example of possible Stable Diffusion variation
outputs that can be augmented into the background.
Finally, to expand this proposal we would like to
combine the synthetic pedestrians with a generative
model like Stable Diffusion (Rombach et al., 2022),
which can additionally augment them and lower the
chance of the synthetic data being less varied and
overfitting models trained on it. An example of such
augmentation of the synthetic pedestrians is given in
Figure 5.
We presented our initial exploration into creating syn-
thetic pedestrian data augmentation for surveillance
tasks using variational autoencoders. Synthetic data
has become more and more widely used in deep learn-
ing tasks, especially in anomaly and object detection.
We propose a lightweight approach to generate syn-
thetic augmentation for existing datasets by blending
interpolated variations from the latent space of a VAE
trained on pedestrian data into pre-made background
images extracted from the dataset.
To test our proposed pipeline we train a YOLOv5
object detector on real, synthetic, and mixed data
from the LTD dataset. We show that even though the
synthetic data does not result in better performance
than adding more real data, we see a performance
uptick with testing data that is farther from the train-
ing one. This shows that the introduction of syn-
thetic data can make the model more robust to data
drift. The generated pedestrians are too simplistic and
without enough variation, which results larger distri-
bution gap between real and synthetic data. We pro-
pose ways to alleviate these problems by employing
newer variational autoencoders and using segmenta-
tion models to better separate the models from the
background and make blending easier. Even with the
imperfect results from this initial research, we show
that there is usefulness in generating synthetic hu-
mans through the use of exploring the latent space of
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