Fact-Checked Claim Detection in Videos Using a Multimodal Approach
eric Rayar
LIFAT, University of Tours, Tours, France
Multimodal Multimedia Analysis, Computational Journalism, Fact-Checking, Verified Claims Retrieval.
The recent advances in technology and social networks have led to a phenomenon that is so called, information
disorder. Our information environment is polluted by misinformation, disinformation and fake news and at
a global scale. Hence, assessing the veracity of information becomes mandatory nowadays. So far, most of
the efforts in the last decades have focused on analysing textual content, scraped from blogs and social media,
and trying to predict the veracity of information. However, such false information also appears in multimedia
content and have a peculiar life cycle throughout time that is worth leveraging. In this paper, we present a
multimodal approach for detecting claims that have already been fact-checked, from videos input. Focusing
on political discourse in French language, we demonstrate the feasibility of a complete system, offline and
The advent of internet and social networks in the last
decades has emphasized the proliferation of misin-
formation and disinformation. The expression ”fake
news”, popularised during the 2016 United States
presidential election, has nowadays became part of
our daily lives. Appearing in several domains, such
as politics, health or finance, it has become a major
and urgent concern, due to its impact on the society
(acceptance of false beliefs, impact on brand and or-
ganisations, etc.). This concern is emphasized when
it touches the political sphere and has to be addressed
to improve the democratic accountability, restore con-
fidence in political institutions and the political dis-
To do so, several fact-checking initiatives and
organisations have emerged to validate the veracity
of claims that can be found online or in traditional
media (newspaper, radio, television). Fact-checkers
play an essential role in today’s information environ-
ment, however coping with the deluge of informa-
tion that has to be verified appears to be impossi-
ble. Furthermore, recent advances in Artificial In-
telligence have lead to the curation of more suspi-
cious content that can be disseminated online, such
as DeepFakes (Westerlund, 2019) or ChatGPT out-
. Hence, finding effective and large-scale so-
lutions to assist human fact-checkers becomes a ne-
cessity. This has shed light on the potential of auto-
mated fact-checking technologies that can assist hu-
man fact-checkers. Automated fact-checking is an
umbrella expression in academic research that encom-
passes several sub-tasks such as identifying check-
worthy claims, verifying claims or identifying ru-
mors and satire, among others (Kotonya and Toni,
2020). Thorough surveys on current automated fact-
checking technologies can be found in (Kotonya and
Toni, 2020)
, (Nakov et al., 2021a), or (Guo et al.,
Figure 1 illustrates a classic fact-checking
pipeline: first, one has to find claims that are worth
fact-checking from various sources. Second, it ap-
pears relevant to verify if the selected claim has al-
ready been fact-checked previously. Third, one has
to gather relevant evidence to help understanding the
context and the veracity of the claim. Finally, one has
to decide either the claim is wrong, mostly wrong,
imprecise, mostly true or true. Note that several grad-
uation scales can be considered in the latter step.
Most of the efforts on asserting the veracity of in-
formation in the last decade have focused on textual
content, whether scraped from blogs and social me-
dia or obtained with video/radio transcripts, thanks
to techniques from the Natural Language Processing
(NLP) field. However, political information mainly
appears in television broadcasts, such TV shows (in-
Rayar, F.
Fact-Checked Claim Detection in Videos Using a Multimodal Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012545500003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Classic fact-checking pipeline (illustration from (Nakov et al., 2021a)).
terviews or debates) or breaking news. This fact leads
to the need to leverage methods that can analyse mul-
timedia content (image, audio and video) in order to
perform multimedia (or multimodal) automated fact-
checking (Akhtar et al., 2023). Furthermore, as man-
ual fact-checking is very time-consuming, it is worth
saving these efforts and leverage them to help others
fact-checkers, avoiding them to waste time on claims
that have already been fact-checked. Indeed, we rely
on the anterior logic of false news, that are often
slightly modified (or not) and repeated over different
time scales.
In this paper, we propose to address this issues by
proving the feasibility of a multimodal detection tool
for fact-checked claims in videos. Our contributions
can be summarized as follows:
To the best of our knowledge, this study is the
first one that searches French fact-checked claims
from videos input.
We demonstrate the feasibility of a complete sys-
tem, with a simple, yet promising, offline and ex-
plainable approach.
We experiment on a video dataset and demon-
strate the effectiveness of our approach. Future
improvements are also discussed.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 provides a brief review of related works. Sec-
tion 3 presents the proposed multimodal approach.
Section 4 details the methodology and results of the
system’s evaluation on a toy dataset. Finally, Sec-
tion 5 states conclusions and perspectives of this
To the best of our knowledge, the earliest work on de-
tecting whether a claim has already been fact-checked
is rather recent (2020). The authors (Shaar et al.,
2020) leverage BERT models to do so and present
their results on the PolitiFact dataset
and Snopes
, that are only in English. Following this first
study, the authors have built a specific lab, namely
CheckThat!, in the Conference and Labs of the Eval-
uation Forum (CLEF). This conference contributes
to the evaluation of information access systems, pri-
marily through experimentation on shared tasks (i.e.
challenges). A dedicated task on the claim retrieval
has been running since 2020 (Barr
no et al.,
2020), (Nakov et al., 2021b) and (Nakov et al., 2022).
As defined in their website
, the task consists in
”given a check-worthy claim, and a set of previously-
checked claims, determine whether the claim has been
previously fact-checked with respect to a collection of
fact-checked claims”. If we focus on the latest edi-
tion (Nakov et al., 2022), a subtask is more related to
our work: ”detecting previously fact-checked claims
in political debates/speeches [...] This is a ranking
task, where systems are asked to produce a list of
top-n candidates”. As the earliest work (Shaar et al.,
2020), the subtask is only given in English and uses
the PolitiFact dataset
Hence, contrary to our work, these studies only
focus on an unimodal detection, based on NLP tech-
niques, and do not take into account French language.
Figure 2 illustrates the workflow that we propose in
this paper to perform multimodal detection of fact-
checked claims from videos. The video is processed
as follows : first, facial regions of interest are detected
and we verify if the face is recognized with regard to
a set of persons of interest that have been learnt. Sec-
ond, the audio of the video is extracted and used to
retrieve the transcription using an Automatic Speech
Recognition system (ASR), along with timestamps of
words. Third, we perform a search in an existing
database of fact-checked claims, described by their
authors and a list of keywords. To de so, we use both
visual (face recognized) and textual (keywords from
the transcription) features. If a relevant fact-checked
claim is found in the database, we link it at the spe-
cific time of the video where the claim is being said
and can notify the viewer using, for instance, a pop-
up. These steps are detailed below.
Fact-Checked Claim Detection in Videos Using a Multimodal Approach
Figure 2: Proposed workflow to perform multimodal detection of fact-checked claims from videos.
3.1 Face Detection
The face detection step is performed using Google
BlazeFace (Bazarevsky et al., 2019). Adapted from
the Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD) frame-
work (Liu et al., 2016) and MobileNetV2 (Sandler
et al., 2018), BlazeFace has been optimized for in-
ference on mobile GPUs. Therefore it fits perfectly
our real time video processing consideration, since it
runs at a speed of 200–1000+ FPS on flagship smart-
phones. Furthermore, it can provide an accurate facial
region of interest or a task-specific model of the face.
In our experimentations, we have used the Python im-
plementation of BlazeFace provided by the Face Li-
package. Since this implementation doesn’t
use heavy frameworks (such as TensorFlow, Keras or
PyTorch), it can be easily embed for production.
3.2 Face Recognition
Several state-of-the-art face recognition models can
be found in the literature, such as VGG-Face (Parkhi
et al., 2015) (Oxford University), FaceNet (Google
Research) (Schroff et al., 2015), OpenFace (Bal-
trusaitis et al., 2018) (Carnegie Mellon Univer-
sity) or DeepFace (Taigman et al., 2014) (Face-
book Research). According to a recent comparative
study (Serengil and Ozpinar, 2020), FaceNet outper-
forms the other three aforementioned algorithms and
achieves the best performance, in terms of F1-score
(98.55%). Therefore, we have selected FaceNet in
the rest of our experimentations. Regarding its imple-
mentation, we have used the DeepFace Python frame-
(Serengil and Ozpinar, 2020). This framework
is not only appropriate for real-time face recognition,
but could also be leveraged for taking into considera-
tion several facial attributes in future works (e.g. age,
emotion and gender). Furthermore, it allows to easily
fine tune the model to consider new persons of inter-
https://github.com/a-akram-98/face lib
3.3 Transcription Generation
In order to leverage textual features in the proposed
multimodal approach, we have used the videos’ tran-
scriptions. To generate these transcriptions, an auto-
matic speech recognition, also known as Speech-to-
Text (STT), algorithm is needed. In our experimenta-
tions, we have selected a solution that could be used
in an offline mode, namely Vosk
. Vosk is an of-
fline open source speech recognition toolkit. It en-
ables speech recognition for more than 20 languages
and dialects, including French, which is the language
of interest in this study. Two models are provided for
French : a big and accurate model (1.4GB), that is
relevant for servers and a smaller one (41MB) more
adapted for desktop and mobile applications. The lat-
est model have be used in our experimentations. An-
other plus of Vosk is that it provides word-level time
offset (timestamp) values, allowing us to align a de-
tected fact-checked claim to the transcription, hence
the video.
3.4 Multimodal Retrieval
We assume that the fact-checked claims are stored
in a dataset and are described by, at least, their
authors and a set of keywords (let us name this
set claim
keywords). The retrieval of fact-checked
claims in the videos is performed in a multi-
modal scheme, using both visual and textual fea-
tures. First, we select the fact-checked claims
in the dataset that have been said by people that
have been recognized in the current video. Let
us name this set candidates claims. Second, from
the transcription, a part-of-speech tagging is per-
formed and only nouns, pronouns, verbs and adjec-
tives (tagged as ’ADJ’, ’NOUN’, ’PROPN’, ’ADJ’
and ’VERB’ respectively), that are unique, are
kept as keywords. Let us name this set of key-
words transcription keywords. Third, we compute
the similarity between tr anscription keywords and
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
each set claim keywords of a claim that belong to
candidates claims. This similarity is computed by
comparing word vectors (or word embeddings) that
have been generated by the classical Word2vec al-
gorithm (Mikolov et al., 2013). The Word2vec has
been outperformed by transformer models in the re-
cent years, however we chose this simple method in
our first experimentations to validate the feasibility of
our multimodal approach in real-time. Finally, if at
least or more than N keywords match (similarity >
sim thresh), then we consider that a sentence corre-
spond to the fact-checked claim. For the experimen-
tations presented in the next section, we have empiri-
cally set N = 2 and sim thresh = 0.8. Hence, by con-
struction, the proposed multimodal approach to re-
trieve claims that have been fact-checked in videos ,
is explainable. The Python free open-source library
has been used for the implementation of
NLP algorithms.
4.1 Data
4.1.1 Fact-Checked Dataset
Factoscope is an initiative that has begun at the end
of 2016, to address the political discourse claim fact-
checking during the debates of the 2017 French pres-
idential elections. The fact-checked claims are pre-
sented in a website powered by a content management
system software, namely WordPress. Each claim cor-
responds to a given article in a web page. Each article
presents several features of the claim: its author and a
picture of the author’s face, the claim itself, the level
of veracity of the claim, a contextual description of
the claim, and links that have been used to perform
the fact-checking. We have led a web scraping cam-
paign to gather the fact-checked claims in a structured
scheme. The scraping of the Factoscope website led
us to create a dataset of more than 1, 300 fact-checked
claims. These claims deal with 12 various topics (e.g.
education, environment, justice, health, security, etc.)
that have been stated by more than 200 political fig-
ures between 2017 and 2022. Three levels of veracity
are considered in the Factoscope fact-checking ser-
vice: the claims that have been fact-checked are com-
posed of 55% false claims, 25% of imprecise claims
and 20% true claims. Sources to check the verac-
ity of the claims are either original or extracted from
well-known national fact-checkers, such as Factuel
(l’AFP - Agence France Presse)
, Les Decodeurs (le
or Le Vrai du faux (France Info)
. This
dataset is publicly available for the community
(upon signing an agreement) and described in (Ra-
yar et al., 2022). Early NLP analysis have been con-
ducted on this dataset using Unitex/Gramlab (Paumier
et al., 2009), an open source
, cross-platform, multi-
lingual, lexicon- and grammar-based corpus process-
ing suite. Focusing on the description attribute of each
claim, we consider a corpus of 241, 202 words (with
17, 998 unique words), that contains 23, 886 named
entities (mostly persons, organisations, roles, places
and dates).
4.1.2 Video Dataset
From the Factoscope dataset described above, we
have selected the top-10 political figures that have
fact-checked claims. First, we have trained the face
recognition model to take into account these new 10
person of interest, with an average of only 80 training
images per person (crawled online from image search
results). Then, we have built a toy video dataset where
at least one of the selected political figure is present
to validate the feasibility of our multimodal approach.
This dataset consists in 15 short videos featuring po-
litical discourse (mostly interviews) in French. They
have been cherry-picked from online streaming plat-
forms such as they contain at least one claim that ap-
pears in the Factoscope dataset. Table 1 describes the
dataset, that is also available online
. The original
resolution of these videos are either 720p or 1080p,
but we have also conducted experimentations with
a reduced video resolution of 240p. Indeed, this
240p resolution corresponds to the resolution of the
videos that are in the STVD-FC dataset, a larger video
dataset that has been curated for future experimenta-
tions, composed of 6, 730 TV programs, that repre-
sent a total duration of 6, 540 hours and a memory
storage of 2TB. It is currently publicly available
and described in (Rayar et al., 2022).
4.2 Results and Discussion
Table 2 presents the results that are obtained by our
approach on the video toy dataset. Each video has
Fact-Checked Claim Detection in Videos Using a Multimodal Approach
Table 1: Video toy dataset description.
id Political figure Video name Veracity Timestamp
1 Jordan Bardella Bardella-Travailleurs-Detaches False 00:17
2 Jordan Bardella Bardella Soins Gratuits False 00:21
3 Nicolas Bay Bay France Raciste False 00:24
4 Nicolas Bay bay kamikaze manchester False 00:27
5 Christophe Castaner Castaner-Attaque-Hopital False 00:03
6 Nicolas Dupont-Aignan Dupont Aignan Constitution La
e False 00:32
7 Nicolas Dupont-Aignan dupont aignan seul parti progresse False 00:14
8 Nicolas Dupont-Aignan Dupont-Aignan-Taire False 00:09
9 Emmanuel Macron macron croissance six pourcent True 00:18
10 Emmanuel Macron macron plus grave crise True 00:20
11 Jean-Luc M
elenchon melenchon vaccins russes False 00:23
12 Marine Le Pen MLP 5000 expuls
es False 00:36
13 Marine Le Pen MLP Nationalit
e Coulibaly False 00:24
14 Marine Le Pen MLP-5-Ans-Nationalite False 00:12
15 Laurent Wauquiez wauquiez jamais gilet jaune False 00:22
Table 2: Face recognition and fact-checked claim detection results.
id Recognized faces’ name Correct claim
Wrong claim
1 Bardella Yes No
1 (240p) Bardella Yes No
2 Bardella Yes Yes
2 (240p) Bardella, Wauquiez Yes Yes
3 Bay No No
3 (240p) Bay, Wauquiez No No
4 Bay Yes No
4 (240p) Bay, Blanquer Yes No
5 N/A N/A N/A
5 (240p) N/A N/A N/A
6 Bay, Macron, Dupont-Aignan Yes Yes
6 (240p) Blanquer, Dupont-Aignan Yes No
7 Dupont-Aignan Yes No
7 (240p) Dupont-Aignan Yes No
8 Dupont-Aignan No No
8 (240p) Dupont-Aignan No No
9 Castaner, Blanquer N/A N/A
9 (240p) Castaner, Blanquer, Le Pen, Dupont-Aignan N/A N/A
10 Macron Yes No
10 (240p) Macron Yes No
11 M
elenchon Yes Yes
11 (240p) M
elenchon Yes Yes
12 Le Pen Yes Yes
12 (240p) Le Pen, Wauquiez, Dupon- Aignan Yes Yes
13 Le Pen, Dupont-Aignan Yes No
13 (240p) Le Pen Yes No
14 Le Pen Yes Yes
14 (240p) Le Pen Yes Yes
15 Le Pen, Wauquiez Yes No
15 (240p) Castaner, Wauquiez Yes Yes
been considered both in their original and reduced
resolution. For each video, the table describes if the
correct claim has been found (true positive) and if
additional wrong claims have also been found (false
When considering the original resolutions, we ob-
serve that our approach successfully identify the cor-
rect claim in the fact-checked dataset 11 times out of
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
15 , corresponding to a recall of 73.3%. Failing at
finding the correct claim can be explained by two ex-
1. The claim author’s face is not correctly recog-
nized (for instance, in videos 5 or 9, where
no faces or wrong faces are recognized, respec-
tively). This could be addressed by using more
training images when fine tuning the face recog-
nition model.
2. The quality of the transcription did not allowed
a correct matching (for instance, in videos 3 or
8, where the correct claim author’s face is recog-
nized). This could be addressed by either deter-
mining optimal values of the parameters N and
thresh sim or considering more recent matching
algorithm (for instance, transformer models).
Since wrong claims are also found in 5 cases, the
proposed method has a precision of 68.75%. Simi-
lar explanations (solutions) could explain (improve)
this score:
1. The face recognition module find other faces than
the correct claim author’s face, either by mis-
take or because they do actually appear in the
video, leading our system to consider more el-
ements in candidates claims (i.e. more claims
in the dataset), and thus having the possibility to
match a wrong claim.
2. The overlap between claim keywords sets are im-
portant, meaning that some claims of the dataset
share several identical keywords with some other
claims. This could be addressed by refining the
quality or the diversity of the keywords describ-
ing fact-checked claims (either manually curated
or automatically extracted/inferred).
Regarding our experimentations with video resolution
reduced to 240p, it appears that the impact is not im-
portant. Indeed, for all the videos considered in the
toy dataset, when the correct claim was found on the
original resolution, it was also found on the 240p ver-
sion. The influence of this reduced resolution can
however be observed at the facial recognition step: for
most of the videos (7 out of 15, nearly 50%), the face
recognition module find several wrong persons. This
argue for the fact that our multimodal approach, that
considers both visual and textual features, is relevant
when dealing with reduced video resolution.
In this paper, we have introduced a multimodal ap-
proach for detecting claims that have already been
fact-checked in videos input. Due to the recurring as-
pect of false information that is propagated through-
out different media and the time-consuming task to
assess the veracity of information for fact-checkers,
we believe that such a system could be provided as an
asset to experts such as journalists, but also the gen-
eral public. Focusing on political discourse in French
language, we demonstrate the feasibility of a com-
plete system, offline and explainable. The results that
have been obtained are promising towards future real-
time applications, and its robustness could be easily
improved using more recent and performing state-of-
the-art methods such as transformers models. In fu-
ture works, we also plan to stress out our workflow
with a larger fact-checked dataset that is currently be-
ing curated and the larger STVD-FC video dataset.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications