What’s Your Purpose? An Approach to Incorporating GDPR Purposes
into Requirements Analysis
Evangelia Vanezi, Georgia Kapitsaki and Anna Philippou
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
GDPR Purpose, Privacy by Design, System Requirements, Use Case Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams.
Protecting personal data within software systems is crucial, and as such, several privacy regulations have been
enacted, one being the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). While GDPR emphasizes “Purpose
Limitation” for rightful personal data handling, the concept of purpose lacks clarity in software development
practices. Building on our previous work on Di
alogoP, which supports the definition of formal processing
purposes, this study introduces purpose-aware system requirements. We present An
alisisP, a methodology for
integrating processing purposes into the software engineering requirements analysis phase and visual repre-
sentations of these enhanced requirements by extending the Unified Modeling Language (UML) Use Case and
Sequence diagrams. We show how our approach enables the integration of An
alisisP with Di
alogoP towards
formal models whose compliance with processing purposes is rigorously validated. Additionally, we show-
case how the proposed extended diagrams assist in addressing further GDPR-related system design queries.
The Problem. Protecting personal data within soft-
ware systems is crucial, and as such, several privacy
regulations have been enacted, including the Califor-
nia Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) (Goldman, 2020)
and more recently the European Union (EU) General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (European Par-
liament and Council of the European Union, 2015).
The GDPR stands as a pivotal framework, empow-
ering individuals with rights over their data and im-
posing strict guidelines on organizations regarding its
collection, processing, and storage. One very impor-
tant principle of the GDPR, defined in Article 5, is
‘Purpose Limitation’, indicating that data collected
should be handled only in ways explicitly stated and
agreed beforehand between the user and the system.
In Software Engineering, purpose is meant to charac-
terize the usage of personal data by the system entities
processing, and therefore, it should comprise a cru-
cial part of a system’s functional requirements. An-
other important principle is Privacy by Design (PbD),
which advocates that privacy should be incorporated
into systems by default and should be a priority from
the beginning of a system’s design. Even though the
above are significant for privacy, the notion of pur-
pose is still not clearly defined, and software engi-
neers do not explicitly address it during the develop-
ment process, as some developers indicated in a previ-
ous work (Alhazmi and Arachchilage, 2021), let alone
in a proactive way, as indicated by PbD.
Our Contribution. In our previous work (Vanezi
et al., 2020), we presented Di
alogoP, a methodol-
ogy including a formal language for defining process-
ing purposes of systems as the communication ex-
changes between a system’s entities, and a tool for
supporting this definition through a visual interface.
In this work, we formalise the underlying layer on
which Di
alogoP is based: the purpose-aware sys-
tem requirements. We discuss and present our def-
inition of what purposes are in software engineer-
ing. We present An
alisisP, a methodology applied
during the requirements analysis step of the software
engineering process, integrating processing purposes
with the requirements. Purpose-aware requirements
can be depicted through textual format; however, they
are better demonstrated through the use of UML dia-
grams. We present an extension for visualising such
requirements for two of the most popular diagrams:
(i) Unified Modeling Language (UML) Use Case Di-
agrams (Gemino and Parker, 2009) and (ii) UML
Sequence Diagrams (Booch et al., 1996). This no-
tation allows the representation, definition and han-
dling of processing purposes in software engineering.
We then present the direct mapping and integration
of An
alisisP with Di
alogoP in a framework towards
Vanezi, E., Kapitsaki, G. and Philippou, A.
What’s Your Purpose? An Approach to Incorporating GDPR Purposes into Requirements Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0012474400003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 907-914
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
formally validated purpose-compliant system mod-
els. Additionally, we demonstrate how our extended
purpose-aware diagrams can assist in addressing fur-
ther important GDPR-related system design queries.
We validate our methodology with a running exam-
ple. Finally, our conclusions and future work are dis-
cussed. Our overall aim is to study purpose and pro-
pose a solution for formally integrating it into soft-
ware engineering following the principle of PbD.
Structure. In Section 2 we present our definition
for purpose and then in Section 3 we discuss related
work. In Section 4, we present our main contribution,
the An
alisisP methodology, in detail, presenting the
extended use case diagrams in Subsection 4.2 and the
extended UML sequence diagrams in Subsection 4.3.
Following, we present the integration with Di
in Section 5, the additional privacy queries in Sec-
tion 6, concluding with a discussion in Section 7.
The notion of ‘purpose’ was initially mentioned in the
declaration of the Protection of Personal Data as one
of the fundamental rights of the EU (European Par-
liament and Council of the European Union, 2012),
by declaring that data must be processed fairly for
specified purposes”. Within the GDPR, purpose is
mainly mentioned in Article 5, ‘Purpose Limitation’
stating that “personal data shall be collected for spec-
ified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further
processed in a manner that is incompatible with those
purposes”. Additionally, it is mentioned in many
more articles of the GDPR.However, the regulation
does not explicitly define what a purpose is, despite
constituting such an important notion.
Access Control, Roles and Permissions. Although
GDPR and purpose is now taken much into account,
most existing studies that provide support for purpose
control are not appropriate for guaranteeing that data
is not going to be reused for purposes other than those
intended during the collection of data (Byun et al.,
2005; Yang et al., 2007). In the work of (Kouza-
pas et al., 2016), the authors focus on user roles and
formal verification of permissions of access to spe-
cific data, capturing the sense of purpose at a certain
level, but do not control how these permissions and
roles will be used within the system. This is because
purpose contrasts with standard access control (Basin
et al., 2018), which regulates who may carry out an
operation in a system independently of context. For
example, if a courier service is allowed to access a
client’s mobile phone number, then they will be able
to do it for any purpose, both intended (delivery notifi-
cation) and unintended (advertisement). Access con-
trol needs to be related to an explicitly stated purpose.
However, the question remains, how is a purpose de-
Formal Semantics. Various works treat purposes us-
ing informal or semi-formal descriptions bearing lit-
tle or no semantics (Barth et al., 2006). This informal
treatment of the notion of purpose prohibits a precise
analysis to verify whether a system complies with its
purpose-aware specification. The research commu-
nity recognized this shortcoming, and recently, var-
ious works have been concerned with providing se-
mantic foundations for the notion of purpose, asso-
ciating purposes with the actions towards a purpose.
In one such approach, Markov Decision Processes
were used in (Tschantz et al., 2011) and (Tschantz
et al., 2012) and a formalism based on planning was
proposed for auditing systems against privacy poli-
cies. This approach is also adopted by (Basin et al.,
2018), identifying a purpose with a business process,
and use formal models of inter-process communica-
tion to audit or derive privacy policies. Furthermore
in (Jafari et al., 2011), the authors define a seman-
tic model for purpose-based privacy policies, a modal
logic and the corresponding model checking algo-
rithm to verify whether a particular system complies
with them. Other related works include (Riahi et al.,
2017) specifying purposes as workflows modeled by
Petri nets and model-checked against actor models,
and (De Masellis et al., 2015), proposing semantics
of purpose-based privacy policies in temporal logic
and defines a run-time monitoring methodology.
Our Definition. Our proposed approach is comple-
mentary to other similar works, based on the obser-
vation that a purpose can be broken down and ex-
pressed as a simple sequence of actions describing the
allowed data processing by the system entities during
their internal activities (locally), and interactions be-
tween them (globally). For example, purpose “Notifi-
cation for delivery” permits the usage of the client’s
mobile phone number. To define this purpose, we
should explicitly state which actions of which entities
preceded this processing (e.g., the shop informed that
the order is ready for delivery) and which actions are
to follow this processing by which entities, towards
fulfilling the purpose (a message is sent from the no-
tifications station to the client regarding the upcom-
ing delivery). With this definition, we aim to fulfil
two objectives: (i) to avoid misuse of personal data
(as in access control) and (ii) to be able to formally
validate the compliance of a system to its processing
purposes by checking the actions and interactions of
the system entities, in comparison with the defined
purposes. We then propose merging purpose directly
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
into the functional requirements sequence of flow. We
deploy a simple example to demonstrate a compliant
and a non-compliant system.
Example: Ordering in an e-Shop. Let us assume the
following system requirement “The client can place
orders through the e-shop that will be delivered to the
provided address”. This specification does not ex-
plicitly restrict the use of the client’s personal data for
any other purpose beyond delivering the products or
only after placing an order. We define the user’s ad-
dress as their personal data. We rephrase the above
requirement to include permission-based processing
of the personal data as follows: “The cart entity can
disclose the client’s provided address to the delivery
company.. This specification allows the user’s per-
sonal data to be sent to the delivery company anytime.
We rephrase the requirement in a purpose-aware man-
ner, as follows: “The client’s provided address can
only be sent from the cart to the delivery company
after the user confirms an order, and then a delivery
needs to follow. Based on this requirement, we ex-
amine a compliant and two non-compliant system ex-
ecutions: the first is non-compliant as the address is
disclosed before confirming the order, while the sec-
ond is non-compliant as the interaction ended without
resulting in the order delivery.
Compliant System Execution. The client adds ob-
jects to the cart The client fill-in their address
The client confirms the order The cart discloses the
client address to the delivery company The deliv-
ery company delivers the order end.
Non-Compliant System Executions. (1) The client
adds objects to the cart The client gives their ad-
dress The cart discloses client address to the deliv-
ery company violation; (2) The client adds ob-
jects to the cart The client fill-in their address
The client confirms the order The cart discloses
the client address to the delivery company end
Several works have been discussing and supporting
the incorporation of processing purposes in the Soft-
ware Engineering process, in the requirements phase,
with the use of popular diagrams.
Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs). An important step to-
wards integrating privacy and purpose into a system
technical design, and specifically into DFDs, with the
aim of (i) supporting PbD, (ii) validating the system
design in comparison to the textual privacy regula-
tion prescriptions, and (iii) reducing the semantic gap
between engineers and law, was done in (Antignac
et al., 2016). They extend the DFD notation to sup-
port specific technical privacy concepts, resulting in
privacy-aware DFDs (PA-DFDs). They add an anno-
tation purpo in each process, to reflect the way regu-
lations expect all kinds of personal data processing to
be associated with a purpose. They distinguish data
flows of “personal data” and generic data, and they
add the concept of personal data ownership by con-
necting personal data flows with specific data subject
entities. This work deals with processing purposes of
“personal data”, however, they consider them a sin-
gle “textual” description in a high level of abstrac-
tion. This work is extended in (Antignac et al., 2018)
with model transformations, however the handling of
processing purposes remains the same as in the initial
work. In (Alshareef et al., 2021b) they provide an ex-
plicit algorithm and a proof-of-concept implementa-
tion to transform DFDs into PA-DFDs. In (Alshareef
et al., 2021a) they are concerned with formal refine-
ment for PA-DFDs.
In (Alshareef et al., 2022) the work on PA-DFDs
is complemented with a focus on “Purpose Limita-
tion” that was previously handled abstractly. Aiming
to model “Purpose”, they extend DFDs with purpose
labels on data flows to represent the intended purpose
for which a piece of data is to be used and privacy
signatures on activators to model the impact of pro-
cessing and storage on these purpose labels. They de-
fine a formal mathematical framework for (1) annotat-
ing DFDs with purpose labels and privacy signatures,
(2) checking the consistency of labels and signatures,
and (3) inferring labels from signatures. They also
implement their theoretical framework in a proof-of-
concept tool. Once again, purposes, even handled in
more detail, are still addressed as textual labels.
Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN).
Many works are concerned with validating GDPR
compliance of Business Process Models like in (Kala,
2019), (Matulevi
cius et al., 2020), (Sing, 2018),
where a GDPR UML Model is adopted from the work
in (Tom et al., 2018), in which (among others) a 1-to-
many relationship is shown between “Consent” and
“Purpose”, and a many-to-many relationship is shown
between “Purpose” and “Data Processing”. Also, the
ownership of “Personal data” from a “Data Subject”
is modelled. The BPMNs should be designed follow-
ing the UML Model restrictions, e.g., each data pro-
cessing should be connected to at least one purpose.
Again, purposes are defined on a more abstract and
textual level.
In (Basin et al., 2018), the authors suggest that a
business process model, by its very nature, explicitly
represents one or more purposes and specifies at what
points data is collected and used. They show how for-
What’s Your Purpose? An Approach to Incorporating GDPR Purposes into Requirements Analysis
mal models of inter-process communication can be
used to audit or even derive privacy policies. Each
purpose is represented by the name of the business
process prescribing the actions that use the personal
data towards that purpose. In this case, Purposes are
defined similarly to how we define them. However,
BPMNs are not extended to highlight personal data
or their ownerships on the same model. Instead, a
process collection is defined to show more abstractly
which process collects and uses each personal data.
An algorithm is presented to infer privacy policies
(“we use d for p”) based on data usage.
In (Petkovi
c et al., 2011), they propose a pur-
pose representation model, which connects each in-
tended purpose of data (included in the privacy pol-
icy) to a business model and detects privacy infringe-
ments by determining whether the data have been pro-
cessed only for the intended purpose, by determining
whether the audit trail is a valid execution of the or-
ganizational processes representing the purposes for
which data are meant to be used. Similar wise to our
work, they advocate that it is necessary to extend the
current preventive approach by implementing mecha-
nisms for verifying the actual use of data. However, in
contrast, they do not perform the validation on system
models but in audit trails collected from the systems
logs, thus they do not follow the principle of PbD.
4 An
In this section we present An
alisisP, a methodol-
ogy for enhancing a system’s functional requirements
with processing purposes, i.e. how and why personal
data are used by each system entity, resulting in the
purpose-aware system requirements. The methodol-
ogy includes the following steps:
Step 1. Define the system functional requirements
and define the set of all system entities, e.
Step 2. Define the system purpose (how entities
handle personal data and for which reason) in a
textual format.
Step 3. Integrate purpose (from Step 2) with func-
tional requirements (from Step 1) in an allowed
sequence of actions, visualising them using the
extended use case and sequence diagrams pro-
posed in this work.
Example: a Simple Task Management Application
- Requirements. To demonstrate our methodology,
we deploy a simple case study. Table 1 lists the re-
quirements for a simple task management application.
Table 1: Example System Requirements.
1 Users should be able to create a new task
2 Users should be able to view a list of all their tasks.
3 Users should be able to edit and update existing tasks.
Users should receive notifications for approaching
task deadlines.
The application should support multiple users
with individual task lists.
The set of entities for this system is defined as e =
{User, Authorisation, Tasks, Notifications, DB}. A
User is an external entity, while Tasks, Notifications,
Authorisation and DB are internal entities of the sys-
tem. This completes Step 1.
4.1 Defining the System Purpose
In order to define the system’s purpose (Step 2), one
needs to: (1) List all personal data (2) For each en-
tity of the system, e
, define which personal data
they will be providing, collecting, and processing, and
how exactly they will be processing them (define pre-
ceding and succeeding actions), and if needed define
under which circumstances (i.e., conditions) this will
be done.
Example: a Simple Task Management Application
- Purpose. For our running example, we (1) define
the following personal data: fullname, email address,
username, password.
We then proceed with (2) defining the following
simple description of the processing purpose, omit-
ting some details for the sake of brevity:
- A User will be providing their username
and password during the login process to the
Authorisation entity, expecting to either receive an
authorisation message and proceed with accessing
their tasks, or a denial message and abort the system.
- Authorisation entity receives the personal data sent
by the User during the login process, checks them
with the DB and either grants or denies access.
- The Tasks entity, receives a request from a User ac-
companied by the user unique identifier (username),
checks with the DB, and returns a list of the tasks that
are owned by the specific user. The User can only edit
and add tasks on this list.
- The Notifications entity, in case a deadline is ap-
proaching, retrieves from the DB the user’s email ad-
dress and then uses the email address to send a mes-
sage to inform the User for the upcoming deadline.
The above is a strict specification of the process-
ing purpose to respect privacy. For example, the
Notifications entity purpose explicitly states that the
retrieval and use of the user’s email address should
only occur when there are upcoming task deadlines.
Therefore, if the system retrieves or uses the email
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
address in other scenarios, or when there are no ap-
proaching task deadlines, it would be considered non-
compliant. We proceed to present with the proposed
4.2 Purpose-Aware Use Case Diagrams
In the first level, we selected to exploit Use Case
Diagrams to demonstrate a high-level overview of
the purpose-aware requirements (Gemino and Parker,
2009). Use case diagrams are Behavioral Unified
Modeling Language (UML) diagrams showing how
users and other external entities interact with a sys-
tem in a simple way. They do not include a high
level of detail regarding these interactions or demon-
strate interactions between the system’s internal enti-
ties. They cannot replace the detailed textual descrip-
tion; they can, however, complement it visually.
They consist of the following elements (Figure 1
/ left side): (a) Use Cases, represented by an oval
shape; (b) Actors, i.e., users and external entities, rep-
resented by figures; (c) Associations, lines between
the Actors and the Use Cases; (d) System Boundary
Box, that sets the system scope.
Figure 1: Use Case Diagrams (basic, extended).
We extend Use Case Diagrams with two more ele-
ments: (e) “Personal Data” to be shown in the associa-
tions between Actors and the System, (f) “Ownership
of Personal data” to be shown next to the actor they
belong to, as shown in Figure 1 / right side.
We then present a methodology for defining
purpose-aware use case diagrams during the require-
ments capture stage as follows:
1. Define the “Personal Data” given by the user ac-
tors and other actors towards the system.
2. Define the “Personal Data” sent from the system
to other actors (external systems or users).
3. Define the “Personal Data” used within use cases
and on associations.
4. Define the “Ownership” for each “Personal Data”.
Example: a Simple Task Management Application
- Use Case Diagram. We demonstrate our methodol-
ogy by creating the use case diagram for the running
example, before and after the extension, presented in
Figures 2 and 3, respectively.
Figure 2: Example Basic Use Case Diagram.
We consider only User to be an external actor and
we recognize five use cases: Log-in, View all tasks,
Create new task, Edit tasks, and Receive notifications.
Figure 3: Example Extended Use Case Diagram.
The personal data given by the User towards the
system are: full name, username, email address, and
password. No personal data is sent from the system
to other external entities. The association between the
User and the Log-in use case carries on personal data
(username and password). The Log-in use case pro-
cesses the user’s password and username, the View all
Tasks, Create New Task, Edit Task use cases process
the username, while Receive Notifications processes
the user email address. If the registration operation
were also included in our example, we would notice
the User sending their full name and email address
towards the system. However, for this example, we
consider that this data already exists in the DB.
What’s Your Purpose? An Approach to Incorporating GDPR Purposes into Requirements Analysis
4.3 Purpose-Aware Sequence Diagrams
To accommodate our methodology and definition of
purpose, we needed to provide a second level of de-
tail and refinement. To do so, we exploited UML Se-
quence Diagrams (Micskei and Waeselynck, 2011).
Sequence diagrams are Interaction Behavioral UML
diagrams, capturing the interaction in a collaboration
to realise a use case or an operation. Interactions can
be between the user and the system, between subsys-
tems (entities of the system), or between the system
and other external entities. They detail how function-
alities should be carried out and are also used in re-
quirements engineering. Such diagrams demonstrate
the order (in time) of the interactions between system
entities and the messages exchanged.
They consist of the following entities (Figure 4 /
left side): (a) Objects, representing participants in-
volved in the interactions; (b) Lifeline, showing the
passage of time for a specific participant (order, not
duration); (c) Activation box, representing the period
the participant is active in an interaction; (d) Actors,
representing external entities interacting with the sys-
tem, including the user; (e) Messages, representing
the communications between two participants.
We extend sequence diagrams to highlight the pro-
cessing of personal data, with two elements: (f) “Per-
sonal Data“ sent along with messages, with annota-
tions as identifiers, i.e., to demonstrate that it is the
same piece of data moving on to the sequence of inter-
actions, e.g. Phone
; (g) ”Personal Data Ownership”,
in a similar manner as in extended use case diagrams.
We present the extended sequence diagrams in Fig-
ure 4 / right side.
Figure 4: Sequence Diagrams (basic, Extension).
We then present a methodology for defining
purpose-aware sequence diagrams as follows:
1. Define the “Personal Data” to be exchanged be-
tween objects and actors to fulfil an operation.
2. Define the exact messages on which personal data
are sent.
3. Define the “Ownership” for each “Personal Data”.
Example: a Simple Task Management Application
- Sequence Diagram. We demonstrate our methodol-
ogy by creating the sequence diagram for the running
example before and after the extension, presented in
Figures 5 and 6, respectively. The use case and se-
quence diagrams form the result of Step 3 of our
We only present the login functionality diagram
for the sake of brevity, which operates as follows:
the user requests to login, sending their username
and password towards the system authorisation entity,
which then in turn sends these personal data to the
database of the system to check if log-in can be autho-
rised. The database informs the authorisation entity
that the user is either authorised or denied, returning
only the userame, so that the authorisation entity can
identify the user for which this message goes. Once
the user is successfully logged-in the authorisation en-
tity informs the tasks management entity, asking it to
display all the tasks of the specific user while accom-
panying the request with the user username.
Figure 5: Example Basic Sequence Diagrams.
To model the above-described operation, we have
the User as an external actor and the Authorisation
Entity, Database, and Tasks Management Entity as
objects. The personal data to be exchanged be-
tween the object and actors in the specific operation
are: username, password. Both will be sent from
the User towards the Authorisation entity on the Re-
quest Log-in message, and from the Authorisation en-
tity towards the DB on the Check Log-in message,
while the username will be send from the DB to the
Authorisation entity on the Auth/Deny Log-in mes-
sage, and from the Authorisation entity to the Tasks
Management entity on the Display all tasks message.
All mentioned personal data are owned by the User.
With the above, we define the global purpose, i.e.,
prescribing the interactions of a number of system en-
tities, instead of individually. However, a number of
different sequence diagrams might be needed to com-
pile the total interactions of the complete system. The
prescribed sequence of actions is the only one allowed
regarding the personal data involved.
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 6: Example Extended Sequence Diagrams.
alisisP WITH
The proposed purpose-aware sequence diagrams have
a direct one-to-one mapping to our Di
alogoP formal
purpose language.
On the top level, we have purpose, which is the
same case for An
alisisP. Then, in Di
alogoP each pur-
pose consists of many sessions that correspond di-
rectly with sequence diagrams in An
alisisP. Subse-
quently, each session of DialogoP includes commu-
nicating entities, corresponding to actors and objects
in An
alisisP. The entities in DialogoP exchange mes-
sages and can be distinguished in sending entities and
receiving entities. In An
alisisP, we do not explicitly
distinguish the actors and objects as sending or re-
ceiving; we do, however, indicate the arrow direc-
tion, therefore implying sending and receiving par-
ties. Messages can carry text or numerical values, but
both methodologies also have a special type of per-
sonal data. Moreover, personal data stores define the
personal data ownership. A summary of these rela-
tionships can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Mapping Between An
alisisP and Di
alogoP An
1 Purpose Purpose
2 Session Sequence Diagram
3 Communicating Entity Object, Actor
3a Sending Entity Object, Actor if sending
3b Receiving Entity Object, Actor if receiving
4 Message Message, Return Message
5 Personal Data Type Personal Data
6 Personal Data Stores Ownership
Integration. In An
alisisP, the two types of diagrams
are created. Then, sequence diagrams are fed from
alisisP to Di
alogoP, where they are first converted
into visual purposes and automatically transformed
into formal language purposes. Additionally, the fig-
ure illustrates a future addition, Mod
eloP, aimed to
receive the formal purpose and transform it into a
formal process calculus model validated for purpose
compliance. All three tools, together, comprise the
ADMP Framework.
The defined purpose-aware use case (UCD) and
sequence diagrams (SD) can further assist in re-
sponding to a set of additional important privacy
queries, as follows:
Q1. Does the system send personal data towards any
external entities, and if so, to which entities? (UCD)
Q2. Which personal data does the system collect
from users? (UCD)
Q3. Which system entities are processing a specific
piece of personal data? (SD)
Q4. Which pieces of personal data are processed by
a specific system entity? (SD)
Q5. Are the personal data collected from the users
indeed processed by the system entities, i.e. are they
used? Correlation with Data Minimisation principle.
(combination from both diagrams)
Example: a Simple Task Management
Application - Privacy Queries. We return to
the previous running example to collect the responses
to the above queries.
Q1: we observe that the system does not send any
personal data towards external entities.
Q2: we observe that the system collects the pass-
word, username, full name, and email of the User.
Q3: we observe that (a) the username is being
processed by the Authorisation entity, the DB, and
the Tasks entity; (b) the password is processed by
the Authorisation entity, and the DB; (c) the email is
used by the Notifications entity.
Q4: we observe that (a) the Authorisation entity
processes the username and password; (b) the Tasks
entity processes the username; (c) the Notifications
entity processes the email.
Q5: we observe that all data collected from the
User are indeed processed by some system entities,
except the user’s full name. This raises a flag for the
system’s privacy, as the system collects personal data
that is not somehow used in the offered operations.
This work presents the integration of GDPR process-
ing purposes into system requirements, resulting in
purpose-aware system requirements. A visualisation
What’s Your Purpose? An Approach to Incorporating GDPR Purposes into Requirements Analysis
through extended use case and sequence diagrams is
proposed. In our previous work of (Vanezi et al.,
2020), we presented Di
alogoP, a formal language and
tool that allows the transformation of visual purpose-
aware requirements into a formal type language pur-
pose specification, which has the potential to be rig-
orously checked and validate the compliant behaviour
of a system model. As an immediate next step, we
plan on presenting Mod
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ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy