Investigations on Anger Experience with Other Basic Emotions Using
Affective Ising Model
Gina Rose N. Tongco-Rosario
, Christie P. Sio
and Jaymar Soriano
Department of Computer Science, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Department of Psychology, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Keywords: Anger, Anger Experience, Emotion, Affective Ising Model, Computational Psychology, Personality.
Abstract: Understanding individual differences in anger experiences is pivotal for tailored interventions. This study
explores the variability in individual anger experiences, focusing on fear, happiness, and sadness as
intertwined emotions. A computational approach leveraging the Affective Ising Model (AIM) was performed
to analyze discrete emotion pairs to unravel the complex dynamics of how individuals experience anger. By
applying the AIM to individual-level data collected through Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM), the
study aims to derive parameter estimates that capture the nuanced emotional landscapes of participants. The
investigation seeks to elucidate not only how individuals experience anger but also how it interacts with co-
occurring emotions, shedding light on the uniqueness of emotional responses. This nuanced understanding
can pave the way for personalized interventions. The parameter estimates derived from the AIM will serve as
a basis for tailoring interventions, offering targeted strategies aligned with an individual's emotional
dynamics. Ultimately, this approach holds promise for shaping more effective and personalized interventions
to support emotional well-being.
Anger, as a basic emotion, is experienced uniquely by
individuals. While traditional approaches have often
considered emotions as homogenous responses,
recent research demonstrates that people exhibit
substantial diversity in how they experience and
express anger (Loaiza, 2021; Heylen, et al., 2015).
Some individuals might express anger through
assertiveness, while others may exhibit withdrawal or
aggression. Variability in how individuals experience
anger is a complex phenomenon that can significantly
impact mental health and well-being. Thus,
understanding individual differences in the
experience of anger is crucial for developing targeted
and personalized interventions to address these varied
emotional responses (Hamaker, et al., 2015).
Furthermore, emotions rarely exist in isolation.
Fear, happiness, and sadness are closely intertwined
with anger, influencing its expression and experience
(Panksepp, 2017). Exploring how these discrete
emotions interact and co-occur with anger can
provide a more comprehensive understanding of an
individual's emotional landscape.
Affective Ising Model (AIM) is a powerful tool
used in computational psychology to model and
understand the dynamics of emotions (Loosens, et al.,
2020). This model not only considers the presence of
discrete emotions but also their interactions,
providing a more nuanced representation of
individual emotional experiences. The AIM enables
the estimation of parameters for each individual,
capturing their unique emotional dynamics. By
applying the AIM to individual records of Experience
Sampling Methodology (ESM) data, researchers can
derive insights into how an individual experiences
and transitions between various emotions. ESM are
generally considered to be the golden standard (Myin‐
Germeys, et al., 2018) to study affect dynamics in an
ecologically valid manner - a participant’s emotional
state is measured repeatedly throughout the day
during several days, giving researchers a window into
their emotional experiences during their daily lives.
The insights gained from the AIM's parameter
estimates can be invaluable in designing interventions
Tongco-Rosario, G., Sio, C. and Soriano, J.
Investigations on Anger Experience with Other Basic Emotions Using Affective Ising Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0012470300003657
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024) - Volume 2, pages 738-745
ISBN: 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
that cater to an individual's specific emotional profile.
By understanding how an individual experiences and
transitions between emotions, interventions can be
personalized to address specific triggers, coping
mechanisms, and emotional regulation strategies that
align with their unique emotional patterns.
Investigating the individual experience of anger
using the AIM, within the context of other emotions,
holds the promise of advancing our understanding of
emotions and paving the way for personalized
interventions aimed at improving mental health and
well-being. This approach can revolutionize how we
address emotional concerns by tailoring interventions
to suit the unique emotional fabric of each individual,
thereby fostering more effective and targeted support.
A computational framework for studying the affect
dynamics was developed in 2020 (Loosens et al.) The
framework coined as the Affective Ising Model
(AIM) was inspired by the Ising Model initially used
to represent and explain ferromagnetism in statistical
mechanics. AIM utilizes a similar concept and applies
it to affect states. An individual’s emotional
landscape consists of stochastic binary neurons
grouped into two distinct pools. One pool processes
the positive affect while the other, the negative affect.
Internally, the neurons are self-exciting. Between
pools, mutual excitation or inhibition is present. The
contribution of external stimulus is also accounted for
in the model. These interactions are depicted in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: AIM with two pools of neurons. Neurons in each
pool are self-exciting. Between pool interaction is also
present and each pool may receive an external stimulus.
Define the populations of neurons processing
the positive and negative affective states as PA and
NA, respectively. Each population consist of N
stochastic binary neurons. As the neurons change
states over time, the average activations also undergo
temporal variations, resulting in variations in the
affective state. The probability density function (pdf)
is given by:
𝑝(𝑦  𝑒
where 𝐹(𝑦 is the free energy function given by
while Z is the partition function or the normalization
constant of the pdf. The parameter β is associated
with the inverse temperature in statistical mechanics.
Within the AIM framework, the parameter is arbitrary
and is assigned a value of 1 for simplicity. Other
parameters of the free energy equation are
summarized in Table 1.
Table 1: Internal parameters of the AIM.
Parameter Description
strength of self-excitation of PA pool
strength of self-excitation of NA pool
strength of mutual inhibition
activation threshold of PA pool
activation threshold of NA pool
An individual with a more positive affect has,
higher 𝑁
(than 𝑁
, respectively)
and lower
values (than
). A positive value of
signifies mutual inhibition between pools while
negative values means that both pools excite each
The dynamics of the affect states are given by
(𝑡 𝛽
are the associated Wiener processes
that are uncorrelated to each other (Verdonck &
Tuerlinckx, 2014).
The movement of affect on the energy
landscape is given by the diffusion parameter 𝐷
. When
is low, it means that an
individual stays longer in that specific affect state.
Inside Out Emotion Tracker is an ESM study that was
participated in by 109 university students from the
Department of Psychology of the University of the
Investigations on Anger Experience with Other Basic Emotions Using Affective Ising Model
Philippines Diliman. Students were asked to
complete an experiential measure of anger and other
emotions using their smartphones at multiple random
time points per day, across ten days. Before and after
the experience sampling task, a global measure of
trait anger was administered in a counterbalanced
order together with a Filipino Five-Factor inventory
(Del Pilar, G., et al., 2016). The research study was
approved by the Ethics Review Committee of the
University of the Philippines Diliman Department of
Psychology. We derive the emotion landscape for the
sample. Forty out of 109 satisfy one of the following
conditions: (i)high anger duration, (ii)high
neuroticism or (iii)low agreeableness. Emotional
landscapes from other participants did not have a
good fit based on fitness value and landscape plot.
An example of an ESM-based emotion-pair
impact data is shown in Figure 2. The happiness
impact and anger impact values were calculated based
on the participant’s responses during the experiment.
For each emotion, we determined the emotion impact
by multiplying the normalized emotion intensity with
the emotion duration. The emotion intensity is on a
scale of 1-5 (participants used a five-option scale “not
at all” = coded as 1, “a little” = 2; “moderately” = 3;
“quite a bit” = 4; “extremely” = 5). The emotion
duration is measured for the past hour and is indicated
on a sliding scale, anchored on opposing ends by 0%
(not at all) and 100% (all the time).
Figure 2: An example of an ESM-derived data consisting of
30 records of a participant’s happy-angry emotion impact.
Left plot shows the data in sequence while the right plot
shows the participant’s emotion impact scatter plot from
which the emotion landscape is derived.
We use AIM, with each pool representing discrete
emotions of fear, sadness, happiness, and anger. The
focus is on a basic emotion paired with anger (i.e.
fear-anger, sad-anger, happiness-anger,
fear/sad/happy-anger). To infer the parameters from
data, we used GradientDiffusion (Loosens et al.,
2020), a method developed by Loossens et al. This
method utilizes the maximum likelihood estimation
to derive an individual's affect dynamics in the
absence of an external stimulus i.e. solely on the
internal system. The implementation is carried out
with Julia, a platform known for rapid scientific
computing (Bezanson et al., 2017). In many
instances, multiple local minima exist and a
differential evolution heuristic (Price et al., 2005) is
utilized to find the global optimum.
From the estimated parameters, we can plot the
emotion landscapes given by the free energy function
in Equation (1).
4.1 Emotion Landscape and Parameter
Figure 3 shows the emotion landscape of an
individual for three emotion pairs: (a) afraid-angry,
(b) happy-angry, and (c) sad-angry. Each data point
represents an emotion impact pair (e.g. afraid, angry)
which is the product of one’s emotion intensity and
duration for a time point). Each emotion pair
landscape contains data measured across 30 time
Figure 3: Emotion landscapes of an individual for discrete
emotion pairs - (a) afraid-angry, (b) happy-angry and sad-
angry emotion pairs.
Among the four emotions, happy (24%) has the
highest average emotional impact, followed by sad
(21%), angry (13%) and afraid (9%).
Among the
emotions co-occurring with angry, happy has the
lowest activation threshold
). This signifies that
when one’s emotion is coupled with anger, it is
easiest to activate happiness. Fear activation follows
next and then sadness. Once an emotion is activated,
the self-excitation strength (λ
) measures how easy or
difficult it is to keep the emotion in an excited state.
The strength of mutual inhibition (
measures the
interaction between emotion pairs. A positive value
indicates that both emotions inhibit each other while
a negative value indicates that the emotions excite
each other.
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 2: Internal parameters of the emotion pairs of Figure
2. The subscripts refer to emotion 1 - emotion 2.
Emotion Pair
Parameter Values
6.062 12.463 0.010 11.697 15.135
Happy-Angry 0.004 8.137 7.493 2.309 8.597
43.885 11.020 0.102 47.903 13.712
Mutual inhibition (
is evident in the case of
happy-angry. Sad-angry has minimal mutual
inhibition and afraid-angry is almost independent of
each other (
. The self-excitation strength of
emotion-angry pair is lowest with happy-, followed
by afraid- and then with sad-.
4.2 Co-Occurring Emotions
Co-occurring emotions are emotions that occur
simultaneously, preserving their distinct features such
as valence and impact (Harley et al., 2012). These
emotional states, like anger and disappointment, are
experienced concurrently with one another. In Figure
4 (b1-b3) we can see that happy-angry emotions are
co-occurring for all three individuals. The same is
observed for sad-angry pair in Figure (c1). For the
other emotion pairs, i.e., afraid-angry in Figure 4(a1-
a3) and sad-angry in Figure 4(c2-c3), this
phenomenon is not apparent. We look at the
parameter values for cases in the happy-angry
emotion pair. Compared to the other emotion pairs, θi
is lowest,
is highest, and
is lowest. For sad-angry,
we observe bimodality in Figure 4(c1) and in this case
is 0.1 while the rest have
~ 0. This is
somehow consistent with anger and fear being on the
opposite side of the emotional wheel. Co-occurrences
of anger with sadness and happiness have also been
reported (Harley et al., 2012) though small.
4.3 Analysis of Parameter Values
In the succeeding sections we investigate the
parameter relationships with emotion impact. This
time, we consider a sample of forty individuals.
Activation Threshold. Across emotion pairs, higher
anger impact generally means lower anger activation
threshold as shown in Figure 5. Lower activation
threshold allows for easier and magnified anger
experience in an individual. When anger is coupled
with all three emotions (afraid, happy or sad), the
anger activation threshold is lowest with happiness
72% of the time, followed by sadness at 18% and
afraid at 10%. This means that anger is easiest to
activate when someone is happy and hardest when
one is sad.
With the happy-angry pair, the happiness
activation threshold is lower 90% of the time.
Happiness is generally easily activated compared to
anger. In Figure 6a in terms of magnitude, we see that
the activation threshold of happiness is just a fraction
of anger and almost zero for very low values of anger
impact (inset of Figure 6a). This signifies that one
experiences happiness most when anger impact is
Figure 4: Emotion landscape with co-occurring emotions.
Left to right shows the Afraid-Angry, Happy-Angry, Sad-
Angry pairs. Top to bottom plots are for decreasing anger
Figure 5: Anger activation threshold and anger impact
across emotion pairs.
For the sad-angry emotion pair, the activation
threshold of sadness is lower 70% of the time which
signifies that sadness is easier to experience than
Investigations on Anger Experience with Other Basic Emotions Using Affective Ising Model
anger. Generally at lower anger intensity, sadness is
favored (Figure 6b). At higher anger intensity
(>12.86%), anger activation thresholds are low which
means that in this range anger is easier to activate over
sadness. For the Afraid-Angry emotion pair, fear is
easier to activate 75% of the time. We can see that at
high anger intensity (>12.86%), anger is favored over
Figure 6: Activation Thresholds for (a) Happy-Angry, (b)
Sad-Angry and (c) Afraid-Angry landscapes.
Strength of Mutual Inhibition. The strength of
Figure 7: Emotion Impact for fear, happiness, sadness and
anger of participants (indexed based on increasing anger
Figure 8: Strength of mutual inhibition of afraid-angry,
happy-angry, sad-angry emotion pair.
emotion pairs. A positive value indicates that both
emotions inhibit each other while a negative value
indicates that the emotions excite each other.
on our initial look at the emotion impact magnitude,
it seems to have a relationship with the strength of
mutual inhibition parameters. In Figure 7 we can see
that happiness, sadness and then fear ranks from
highest to lowest in emotional impact. When we look
at the mutual inhibition parameters in Figure 8, we
can see that happy- angry are mutually inhibiting for
most cases with the magnitude of | λ
| >> 1. Sad-
angry follows this trend of mutual inhibition. Afraid-
angry on the other hand is generally independent with
| λ
| ~ 0.
Self-Excitation Strength. Once an emotion is
activated, the self-excitation strength measures how
easy or difficult it is to keep the emotion in an excited
First, we look at the self-excitation strength of
anger when coupled with other emotions (see Figure
9). As the self-excitation strength of anger decreases,
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 9: Anger self-excitation strength with afraid-, happy-
and sad- anger pairs for increasing anger impact. Inset
shows anger impact from 0%-3%.
anger in this range (anger impact > 10%), we see an
indirect relationship between the self-excitation
strength and emotion impact. Lower
signifies that
the emotion is felt for longer.
It is also evident that
anger self-excitation strength is generally reduced
when coupled with happiness.
In the succeeding subsections we delve deeper for
each emotion pair.
Afraid-Angry Self-Excitation Strength. Figure 10
shows the self-excitation strength with anger impact
for afraid-angry. We consider two cases for this
emotion pair to. One is when
11a) and
(Figure 11b).
Figure 10: Self-excitation strength of afraid-angry emotion
pair. Inset shows cases with higher λ
Figure 11a shows 62.5% of the population, where
. We stipulate that for this scenario (case
a), the afraid emotion impact is higher. This is
generally true. However, there are six out of the
five cases
emotion impact is
Figure 11: Self-excitation strengths for (a) Afraid < Angry
and (b) Afraid > Angry landscapes.
higher (Figure 11a inset). For Case b, when anger has
lower self-excitation strength (Figure 11b), afraid
generally has the higher emotion impact. There are
five of the fifteen cases where anger has the higher
emotion impact (Figure 11b-inset). For afraid-angry
emotion pair, the hypothesis that lowers self-
excitation strength leads to higher emotion impact
holds true sixty percent of the time.
Happy-Angry Self-Excitation Strength. Figure 12
shows the self-excitation strength for happy-angry
pair. We test the same hypothesis that lower
higher emotion impact for that emotion. For this
scenario, happiness self-excitation strength is lower
so we expect higher happiness impact.
We show the two cases in Figure 13. First, we
check the case when happiness has the lower self-
excitation strength which holds for 85% of our
population. Again, generally, happy impact is higher
than anger impact except for the seven out of the
thirty four cases (Figure 13a inset) where the reverse
is true. When angry has the lower self-excitation
strength, only one out of the six cases disagree with
the hypothesis. For the happy-anger pair, our
hypothesis holds true 67% of the time.
Figure 12: Self-excitation strength of happy-angry pair.
Investigations on Anger Experience with Other Basic Emotions Using Affective Ising Model
Figure 13: Self-excitation strengths for (a) Happy < Anger
and (b) Happy > Anger landscapes.
Sad-Angry Self-Excitation Strength. Figure 14
shows the self-excitation strength for the sad-angry
pair. Generally we observe that sadness
has the lower
Again we analyze the two cases and show them in
Figure 15 (a & b). For case a, sad has the lower
65% of the sample. Generally, sadness will have the
higher emotion impact for this scenario. We find
however, that twelve of the twenty two samples have
anger impact higher than sad impact (Figure 15 a
inset). For case b, there are six of the fourteen cases
where the reverse of our hypothesis occurs. In the
case of sad-angry pair, our hypothesis is true for only
42.5% of the time.
Across emotion pairs, the self-
excitation strength relationship and contribution to
emotion impact varies.
Figure 14: Self-excitation strengths of sad and angry and
corresponding strength of mutual inhibition.
Figure 15: Self-excitation strengths for (a) Sad < Anger and
(b) Sad > Anger.
Based on our investigations, we find the following
emotion process. An emotion is first activated. Lower
activation threshold allows for easier emotion
activation. Once activated, the interplay between the
pools contribute to the sustained emotional
experience measured by the emotional impact. A
positive value of strength of mutual inhibition
represents two pools mutually inhibiting each other.
The self-excitation strength of an emotion coupled
with the mutual excitation contributes to the emotion
Across emotion pairs, higher anger impact
generally means lower anger activation threshold.
Lower activation threshold allows for easier and
magnified anger experience in an individual. As the
self-excitation strength of anger decreases, the anger
impact increases across all emotions. For anger in this
range (anger impact > 10%), we see an indirect
relationship between the self-excitation strength and
emotion impact. When we look at the mutual
inhibition parameters, we can see that happiness and
anger are mutually inhibiting for most cases with the
magnitude of | λ
| >> 1. Sadness follows this trend of
mutual inhibition. Fear on the other hand is almost
independent of anger | λ
| ~ 0.
We demonstrated a computational framework of
understanding individual anger experience using
Affective Ising model. By performing maximum
likelihood of discrete emotion-pair landscapes, we
derived insights regarding how an individual
experiences anger differently as it co-occurs with
other basic emotions namely fear, sadness, and
While the approach may be promising, the study
is hoped to be validated in consultations with
psychologists and clinicians. The study shall be
extended to include external excitations that are
hypothesized to be events or situations experienced
by individuals that could critically affect their mental
health state and could be the reason for transitioning
to a multimodal emotion landscape. With this
computational approach, it may be possible to reverse
engineer an individual’s mental health state by
providing appropriate interventions. Once fine-tuned
the framework may be utilized to create an anger
software aimed at anger emotion diagnosis and
The study considered a sample size which can be
extended to cover the general population. AIM is a
simplified representation of emotion dynamics and
does not include representation of culturally specific
emotions. Parameter estimation challenges, absence
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
of biological factors, and limited incorporation of
external influences contribute to its realism
constraints. Despite these limitations, it remains
valuable, and researchers should acknowledge its
constraints while considering complementary
approaches for a more comprehensive understanding
of emotional processes.
G. Tongco-Rosario would like to acknowledge the
ERDT Program of the DOST-SEI for her scholarship
and other grants.
C. Sio would like to thank the participants in the
Inside Out Emotions Tracker survey, Ms. Grazianne-
Geneve Mendoza for her assistance in the ESM study
and the Philippine Social Science Center for their
support in funding the data collection phase through
the Research Award Program.
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Investigations on Anger Experience with Other Basic Emotions Using Affective Ising Model