Frames Preprocessing Methods for Chromakey Classification in Video
Evgeny Bessonnitsyn, Artyom Chebykin, Grigorii Stafeev and Valeria Efimova
ITMO University, Kronverksky Pr. 49, bldg. A, St. Petersburg, 197101, Russia
Chromakey, Transformer, Video Analysis, Classification, Deep Learning, Image Processing.
Currently, video games, movies, commercials, and television shows are ubiquitous in modern society. How-
ever, beneath the surface of their visual variety lies sophisticated technology, which can produce impressive
effects. One such technology is chromakey a method that allows to change the background to any other
image or video. Recognizing chromakey technology in video plays a key role in finding fake materials. In this
paper, we consider approaches based on deep learning models that allows to recognize chromakey in video
based on unnatural artifacts that arise during the transition between frames. The video consists of a sequence
of frames, and the the video accuracy can be determined in different ways. If we consider the accuracy frame
by frame, our method reaches an F
score equal to 0.67. If we consider the entire video to be fake in case there
is one or more fake segments, then the F
score equal to 0.76. The proposed methods showed better results on
the dataset we collected in comparison with existing methods for chromakey detection.
Recognizing chromakey technology in video is one
of the key innovations in realistic and immersive cre-
ation field. The basic technology principle is to use
a special color background, usually green or blue,
which is easily distinguishable from other objects in
the video; less often, white, yellow and other colors
are used for a replaceable background. Then, using
special software, the background is recognized and
separated from objects or people. First, the color of
the background to be removed is selected, and then
the desired image is substituted in its place.
Modern laptops and smartphones use simpler
technologies to create the effect. For them, it is not
necessary to use a solid special color background, and
the objects separation from the background occurs us-
ing neural networks. However, this approach has sig-
nificantly lower accuracy than classic chromakey. For
example, when an object moves, a “halo” may appear
with the previous background parts.
In general, if chromakey is used unprofessional,
artifacts may arise in the form of overly clear or, con-
versely, unnatural blurry contours. Moreover, chro-
makey artifacts include a sharp difference in the fore-
ground object lighting from the background light-
ing. By the such artifacts quantity, we can determine
whether the video is fake or real. However, after qual-
itative post-processing stage, it is quite difficult for the
human eye to recognize negative effects, and one has
to draw conclusions based on the video plot realism
Moreover, video frames classification without pre-
processing leads to the fact that naive algorithms, like
the human eye, do not notice the difference between
fake content and real content. Therefore, in com-
puter vision methods it will not be possible to use pre-
trained models, since they do not take into account the
preprocessing clues.
In the past, due to these problems, analytical
methods and attempts to preprocess data for further
analysis were used to solve such problems. In this pa-
per we develop preprocessing approach and combine
it with deep learning methods.
Our research is aimed primarily at finding optimal
approaches to data preprocessing and their further im-
plementation into classical methods. Due to the rea-
sons described above, at the moment there is no large
and high-quality dataset for chromakey recognition.
Our tasks also included its formation based on short
Our contribution is threefold:
We propose frame preprocesing, which can be
used with image classification networks.
We proposed frame preprocesing, which can be
used with vision transformers.
We release the labeled dataset of 200 video links
with chromakey.
We provide access to the code and data set
Bessonnitsyn, E., Chebykin, A., Stafeev, G. and Efimova, V.
Frames Preprocessing Methods for Chromakey Classification in Video.
DOI: 10.5220/0012467900003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
In Section 2 we will talk about existing ap-
proaches to solving the problem. In Section 3 we
will describe the method we developed using machine
learning models. Finally, in Section 4 we will demon-
strate our approach results.
2.1 Analytical Method
So far, the analytical approach for high-quality video
preprocessing played a key role in chromakey recog-
nition (Singh and Singh, 2022). This paper high-
lights the fact that chromakey is much easier to rec-
ognize in motion, which means that it is necessary
to evaluate not individual frames, but the pixel-by-
pixel difference between them. At the final processing
stage, the difference frame is converted to grayscale.
Since chromakey leaves artifacts or unnatural differ-
ences in lighting mainly at the objects edges, thus,
on the difference frame should be left only pixels re-
lated to objects contours obtained by Canny edge al-
gorithm (Ding and Goshtasby, 2001).
di f f
= |Fr
|, (1)
= GrayScale(CannyEdge(Fr
di f f
)), (2)
where Fr
is i’th frame in video sequence.
After preprocessing, the paper suggests an analyt-
ical method for assessing such a difference frame us-
ing a threshold value obtained from image binariza-
tion using the Otsu algorithm (Otsu, 1979). Unfortu-
nately, this approach is ineffective on video with high-
quality post-processing and a small object movement
amount, since generally it is not possible to analyti-
cally evaluate most of the edge cases. It follows that
the current approach is imperfect and requires sig-
nificant improvement and generalization to existing
methods of chromakey creation.
2.2 Computer Vision Algorithms
Today, there are many machine learning models that
allows solving the classification problem extracting
visual features. Among the most famous and ef-
fective are EfficientNet (Koonce and Koonce, 2021),
ResNet (Targ et al., 2016), Unet (Huang et al., 2020),
Vit (Yuan et al., 2021), Swin (Liu et al., 2021) and
others. These models can be used for processing RGB
images in quite complex and specific tasks, such as
identifying diseases (Li et al., 2020), defect classifi-
cation (Song et al., 2019) and others. With the proper
preprocessing of the input frames, it is possible to col-
lect a dataset for training the model that will deter-
mine the chromakey technology usage for exam-
ple, using the same difference frames principle as a
2.3 Transformers
The Vision Transformer (ViT) model (Yuan et al.,
2021) made a huge impression on the computer vi-
sion community; it is not only capable to process im-
age as a sequence, but had a higher modeling ability
thanks to a new attention mechanism (multi-headed
self-attention), designed specifically for transformers
for natural language processing tasks, wide receptive
fields, as well as smaller biases. All this allowed ViT
to achieve the best results (SOTA) in the image clas-
sification task on the ImageNet dataset (Deng et al.,
2009). Gradually, the transformer architecture began
to displace advanced methods in other computer vi-
sion areas, including video classification.
The paper about TimeSformer (Bertasius et al.,
2021), proposes a method for processing video se-
quences based on ViT. Embedding for a sequence is
created by combining the batch size, the sequence
length, dividing each frame into patches, pulling
them into vectors, which are then multiplied by the
training matrix, and then positional embedding is
added to the result. Paper also propose a more ef-
ficient spatio-temporal attention architecture, called
“Divided Space-Time Attention”, in which tempo-
ral and spatial attention are divided into two separate
blocks and applied one after another.
The paper proposes the use of ViViT (Arnab et al.,
2021) model and several alternative approaches to
solve the video classification problem. The first
method is to create two independent encoders, the first
for the spatial embeddings and the second for the spa-
tial encoder outputs to evaluate the entire sequence,
this is called a temporal encoder. This approach is
very similar to a convolutional neural network: at first
the network sees only individual small pieces, but as
it moves deeper into the network, the receptive field
increases until it becomes equal to the whole image,
and then it is fed to the classifier. The second method
is to leave one encoder, but divide the attention mech-
anism into two parts: spatial and temporal. This ap-
proach was also described in the paper about TimeS-
former. The last method is to create two independent
heads groups in Multi-Head Dot Product Attention:
spatial and temporal. The last two approaches allows
preserving the one method functionality and reduc-
ing the calculations complexity. Moreover, the paper
provides techniques for initializing model weights for
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
video classification using analogues for image classi-
fication, since to train a model from scratch you need
a huge video dataset, which is difficult to collect.
The VideoMAE paper (Tong et al., 2022), pro-
poses a solution to the data lack problems, high cor-
relation between frames. Frames sequence is taken,
than, divide these frames into patches, randomly ap-
ply a tube masking on them with an extremely high
coefficient, then create an embedding from this. The
embedding is then encoded and decoded trying to
recreate the missing patches. This should help the
transformer “pay more attention” to dynamic objects,
and also not retrain and remember low-level features,
but focus on high-level ones.
In general, there is a problem with the analytical
approach to implementing the chromakey recogni-
tion algorithm of using this technology in different
cases, leading to a large false positive results number.
We discuss existing method (Singh and Singh, 2022)
problems in Subsection 3.1, after that we propose two
chromakey classification methods, the first based on
a convolutional neural network (Subsection 3.2), and
the second based on the transformer model (Subsec-
tion 3.3).
3.1 Existing Problems
The initial idea was to simply replace the analytical
approach with a classification algorithm and select the
best model. The fact is that despite the good results
during training, the results on the test set was much
worse. This happens because the model, evaluating
one difference frame during the training process, be-
gins to rely solely on the video plot and on the pix-
els configuration, and not on their unnaturalness rela-
tive to others. The model just remembers “scenarios”,
considering some to be natural and others not. Due to
the fact that it is impossible to include every possi-
ble video content variety in finite data set, the dataset
turns out to be very limited. Consequently, the model
performs much worse on the test sample than during
the training process.
3.2 CNN-Based Method
Based on the experiment results described above, we
hypothesized that a single difference frame may not
be enough to detect a fake. Note that our difference
frame after preprocessing is a single-channel image,
while most machine learning models are made to an-
alyze three-channel RGB images. Thus, it is possi-
ble to analyze not two consecutive frames, but four at
once, since from them you can make three consecu-
tive single-channel difference frames, and then com-
bine them into one RGB image.
= [Sample
, Sample
, Sample
], (3)
where Sample
is calculated following equation 2.
As a result, it will describe the change in the im-
age contours over 4 frames, with each frame being
used exactly once for each color (RGB). It should be
noted that the machine learning model has no infor-
mation about the image coloring; this is a convention
only for understanding the classified images prepro-
cessing. This approach gave better results on the test
set, since it assessed a larger video period and could
work with previously unknown scenarios. There are
three examples of classified samples in Fig 1.
Figure 1: Triplets example.
3.3 Transformer-Based Method
As is the case with computer vision models, trans-
formers do not work well with raw data and ”notice”
chromakey where there is none in reality. Here we
propose a second method for preprocessing the input
video. Each frame in a video containing chromakey
can be conditionally divided into two parts according
to the noise pattern. This is due to the fact that we
insert one image into another, that is, the areas have
different intrinsic noise (with different characteristics)
due to the imperfection of the physical photons con-
verting processes into electrical energy and illumina-
tion. All this affects the level and noise nature in the
In this method, we will use the idea described
above to preprocess the input videos by creating stan-
dard deviation maps for each frame. We first convert
the image from the RGB format to the YCbCr for-
mat, since the RGB color space is inefficient for stor-
ing and transmitting color signals (Kaur and Kranthi,
2012). In YCbCr there is no division into primary col-
ors; all of them are converted into visually significant
Frames Preprocessing Methods for Chromakey Classification in Video
information. We take only the Y channel, since it is
responsible for the pixel brightness value, and calcu-
late it using following equation:
Y = wr · R + (1 wb wr) ·G + wb · B, (4)
where wr = 0.299 and wb = 0.114.
Next, we apply a 2D discrete wavelet brightness
transform (db4) (Zhang and Zhang, 2019) to the im-
age in order to calculate the noise heterogeneity, be-
cause the wavelet coefficients at the first level are, in
fact, pure noise.
y[n] = (x ·g)[n] =
k= inf
x[k]g[n k], (5)
where n a signal and g low-pass filter with
impulse response.
We are only interested in the diagonal component,
since it is an approximation coefficient. Next, we cal-
culate the absolute median deviation (MAD) to find
the noise variation, that is, we divide the image into
NxN blocks and take the median over the blocks.
Basically, near objects with many contours, the
noise level will always be slightly higher than where
there are no objects. To eliminate this factor, we cal-
culate the minimum for each block and subtract the
MAD value for the block elementwise. Finally, we
reassemble the image from the blocks. Fig 2 shows
the frame preparation process.
Figure 2: Preprocessing example. At the first step, the
original image is converted into the YCbCr format and the
preprocessing described above is applied. In the second
step, the 2D discrete wavelet brightness transformation is
applied. In the third step we calculate the MAD value for
each block. In the final step we subtract the MAD value
from the second step result.
After processing the frames, we create sequences
of the required length from them. Then, due to the
lack of a sufficiently large dataset necessary for train-
ing the transformer, we decided to feed the trans-
former with features obtained using a convolutional
neural network from a preprocessed frames sequence
obtained in the previous step. Intermediate extractor
usage also allows us to find very different chromakey
appearance on various videos. A schematic diagram
of the algorithm is presented in Fig. 3.
Transformer is a DeiT (Xie et al., 2021) encoder
that is great for learning from small data amounts. It
consists of two layers, containing 4 attention heads.
The small size is due to the careful input videos pre-
processing presence.
4.1 Dataset
There is currently no publicly available dataset
for classifying chromakey, so we collected it from
YouTube. The set contains 200 videos each lasting
up to 10 minutes and marked second by second for
the chromakey presence or its absence. All videos are
720p quality or higher. In Table 1 are frame statistics
for the entire dataset and for the train/test parts.
Table 1: Dataset statistics, # denotes number of correspond-
ing items.
Train 26368 13242 13126 156
Test 115112 61895 53217 44
All 141480 75137 66343 200
In the future, when enlarging or customizing the
dataset, it is worth paying attention to several points.
For correct testing, videos in the test and training sets
should not overlap. In addition, the number of fake
and real frames in both samples should be approxi-
mately the same.
4.2 Selected Metrics
The algorithms quality can be assessed in three differ-
ent ways:
Frame-by-frame evaluation For each video
frame, we try to determine whether the model’s
results are true.
Evaluation per second — Each second consists of
the frames we measured in the previous metric. To
draw a conclusion about the particular second fak-
eness, it is necessary to select a threshold for the
fake frames number in it. Our threshold was se-
lected empirically on the dataset test part. This is a
configurable setting, which is manually tuned for
specific videos sets. For example, if a dataset con-
sists mainly by static videos, the threshold should
be increase to 0.9. If a dataset contains a large
number of videos with fast dynamics, it is worth
reducing the threshold to 0.5. In our test we used
an average value of 0.7.
Video rating If a certain number of consecu-
tive fake seconds is found in a video, specified by
a custom hyperparameter, then this video can be
considered fake. Otherwise, the video is consid-
ered real. Based on this metric, you can evaluate
the performance on the entire test videos set.
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Algorithm scheme.
Table 2: F
scores for method comparison, best value is marked with bold.
Frame-by-frame evaluation Evaluation per second Video rating
Analytical approach 0.23 0.27 0.12
EfficientNet B0 w/o preprocessing 0.3 0.31 0.33
EfficientNet B0 with preprocessing 0.67 0.72 0.76
4 frames interval w/o preprocessing 0.4 0.41 0.39
4 frames interval with preprocessing 0.6 0.71 0.75
8 frames interval with preprocessing 0.6 0.56 0.63
16 frames interval with preprocessing 0.61 0.64 0.61
32 frames interval with preprocessing 0.59 0.57 0.58
Since all of these metrics can be important when
solving specific problems and allows hyperparame-
ters tuning, we tested our algorithm on all of them. In
our testing, we used a second confidence threshold of
0.7, and when evaluating the latter metric, we did not
take into account fake intervals less than 3 seconds.
The hyperparameters were selected empirically, but
can be easily replaced depending on the dataset fea-
4.3 Models Results
After the first preprocessing method described in sub-
section 3.2, we can use any classical computer vi-
sion classifier model that work with RGB images
such as EfficientNet, ResNet, VGG and others. It is
worth mentioning that using pre-trained models gives
worse results than those trained from scratch since
pretrained models do not take into account data pre-
processing. As a result, EfficientNet (B0, B1, B2,
B3, B4), ResNet-(50, 101), VGG-16 were trained and
tested. After training different versions of these mod-
els on our dataset, EfficientNet B0 showed the best
For the second preprocessing method described in
subsection 3.3, the length of the analyzed video pe-
riod can be selected. We trained the transformer at
intervals of length: 4, 8, 16, 32 frames. The results
evaluated by the metrics described above for proposed
methods and analytical approach are presented in the
Tab. 2.
Despite the similar results of both methods, we
consider the second approach more promising, since
the training set size was small, while transformers
need more data for training than convolutional neu-
ral networks to show superior performance. However
even at the current stage, the proposed preprocessing
to a large extent compensates for this shortcoming.
4.4 Limitations
Despite the decent results, the methods we propose
work differently on various types of video. CNN-
based method 3.2 copes much worse with videos
in which there is a small number of movements,
and as a result there are few contours for analysis.
The Transformer-based method 3.3 copes better with
static videos, but works much worse on bright videos,
since due to excessive brightness it is not possible to
identify the different nature of noise in the object and
the background. Both methods do not work well with
films, since the chromakey in them is done with much
postprocessing and it could not be identified in the ab-
sence of artifacts.
Frames Preprocessing Methods for Chromakey Classification in Video
Video classification is becoming increasingly relevant
in the modern world due to the large amount of video
content and its various categories. In this paper, we
described a method to analyze a video sequence using
machine learning algorithms and a new approach to
data preprocessing. This approach has been success-
fully implemented and tested on the searching and
classifying chromakey in video problem. The results
outperformed existing algorithms. Our approach can
be easily applied to other video classification prob-
lems and can also be scaled to estimate larger video
spans depending on the specific task. In the future,
it is planned to conduct more qualitative comparisons
of different length chromakey sequences. There are
many ways to use chromakey technology and each
of them has its own specifistic and artifacts. In the
future, it is planned to study in detail all chromakey
types and select the necessary preprocessing for each
type individually, which will help to manage edge
cases better.
The research was supported by the ITMO University,
project 623097 ”Development of libraries containing
perspective machine learning methods”.
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications