Automated Medical Text Simplification for Enhanced Patient Access
Liliya Makhmutova
1 a
, Giancarlo Salton
2 b
, Fernando Perez-Tellez
1 c
and Robert Ross
1 d
Technological University Dublin, School of Computer Science, 191 North Circular Road, Dublin, Ireland
o, Servid
ao Anjo da Guarda, 295-D - Efapi, Chapeco, Brazil
Medical Texts Simplification, LLM Evaluation.
Doctors and patients have significantly different mental models related to the medical domain; this can lead to
different preferences in terminology used to describe the same concept, and in turn, makes medical text often
difficult to understand for the average person. However, getting access to a good understanding of patient
notes, medical history, and other health-related documents is crucial for patients’ recovery and sticking to a
diet or medical procedures. Large language models (LLM) can be used to simplify and summarize text, yet
there is no guarantee that the output will be correct and contain all the needed information. In this paper, we
create and propose a new multi-modal medical text simplification dataset with pictorial explanations following
along the aligned simplified and use it to evaluate the current state-of-the-art large language model (SOTA
LLM) for the simplification task for the dataset and compare it to human-written texts. Our findings suggest
that the current general-purpose LLMs are still not reliable enough for such in the medical sphere, though
they may simplify texts quite well. The dataset and additional materials may be found at
LiliyaMakhmutova/medical texts simplification.
Medical texts can be very difficult to understand for
patients, which may lead to health problems. More
importantly, patients often don’t have access to their
medical records, and where they have, the patients of-
ten cannot understand the meaning due to the very dif-
ferent mental models and background knowledge that
patients and clinicians have (Slaughter, 2005; Rote-
gard et al., 2006). This leads to patients’ partial exclu-
sion from the recovery process and sub-optimal out-
Medical texts usually contain lots of special ter-
minology, many abbreviations, lack of coordination,
subordination, and explanations in sentences making
it harder to understand causal relationships. More-
over, medical texts usually consist of short ungram-
matical sentences (Kandula et al., 2010). This makes
their understanding difficult not only for laymen but
also for healthcare professionals from other fields.
Given these challenges, a machine learning model for
medical text simplifications may be very beneficial
both in terms of democratising information access and
improving outcomes. Although a model under no cir-
cumstances should add irrelevant information (mak-
ing up some facts), it may incorporate true knowledge
that is not mentioned in a report to make a medical
text clearer and more understandable for a patient. So,
for example, a model might add “Your mother or fa-
ther are likely to have similar conditions too” explain-
ing “genetic” reasons, but should not judge whether
the blood sugar level in a patient is normal or not.
Currently, there are multiple datasets related to
medical text simplification available (Basu et al.,
2023; Luo et al., 2020; Sakakini and Lee, 2020; Van
et al., 2020; Luo et al., 2022; Trienes et al., 2022).
With the recent advance in the quality of the LLMs
(OpenAI, 2023; et al., 2023; Chowdhery and et al.,
2022; Li et al., 2023; Touvron and et al., 2023),
more and more studies are investigating the quality
of the LLMs’ output by various benchmarks (Ari-
yaratne et al., 2023; Nascimento et al., 2023; Liao
et al., 2023). Although current SOTA LLMs can pro-
duce texts of exceptional quality, there may be many
problems related to it. The produced text may be
biased, contain offensive language, or even include
some made-up facts. The latter problem is known
as hallucination (Manakul et al., 2023). The hallu-
Makhmutova, L., Salton, G., Perez-Tellez, F. and Ross, R.
Automated Medical Text Simplification for Enhanced Patient Access.
DOI: 10.5220/0012466100003657
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024) - Volume 2, pages 208-218
ISBN: 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cination may be also related to data leakage (Borkar,
2023) in a way that a model may reveal some out-
put from its training data (which may be very bad for
medical privacy), and there is no known direct way of
controlling it.
In our paper, we make three contributions to the
medical text simplification problem. Firstly, we cre-
ate a multi-modal aligned dataset, which simplifies a
subset of texts from Vydiswaran (2019) line-by-line,
with some pictures illustrating the devices or proce-
dures where appropriate. Secondly, we compared the
human simplifications from the dataset with the out-
put of an LLM tasked with simplification (namely
ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2023) in this case). The com-
parison was based on multiple metrics such as simi-
larity score, perplexity, and POS-tagging distribution,
as well as congruence, fluency, and simplicity. We
also conducted a survey, where we asked respondents’
opinions on the quality of simplifications including
questions on factual accuracy, complexity, structure,
etc. Finally, we adapted a widely-used protocol on the
quality of general simplifications (adequacy, fluency,
and simplicity), by adding some rules for simplifica-
tion in the medical field.
The importance of medical text simplification for pa-
tience has been noted by several authors. For exam-
ple, Kandula et al. (2010) advocates a lexical-centric
approach to the challenge by applying the Open Ac-
cess and Collaborative Consumer Health Vocabulary
(OAC. CHV) for terminology simplification.
Prior studies have shown that there are significant
differences between a patient’s and a healthcare pro-
fessional’s mental model of the medical domain and
they prefer different terms to describe the same con-
cept (Slaughter, 2005; Rotegard et al., 2006). This has
been further reinforced by works that emphasise the
clinical concerns related to simplification. The ethi-
cal (and not only) concerns related to simplification
are outlined by Gooding (2022).
While most work in the area has looked at the sim-
plification task, it is notable that some related work
looks at the opposite problem. For example, Manzini
et al. (2022) introduced a tool that solves the oppo-
site task: by human description inputted, it can output
the corresponding term in a structured vocabulary of
phenotypic abnormalities found in human disease.
Cao et al. (2020) created the dataset for style trans-
fer to simplify medical texts. They scraped the Merck
Manuals (MSD Manuals) to find aligned sentences
and hired experts to select sentences from each ver-
sion of the group to annotate pairs of sentences that
have the same meaning but are written in different
styles. They also developed benchmarks.
After the release of ChatGPT in November 2022
by OpenAI, it has become a widely used tool for solv-
ing everyday tasks due to its excellent zero-shot and
few-shot abilities in various domains. That’s why
many papers nowadays focus on analysing its poten-
tial in many fields including medicine. Gao et al.
(2023); Guo et al. (2023) compared the output of hu-
man beings and ChatGPT against each other to know
more about the accuracy and integrity of using these
models in scientific writing. Guo et al. (2023) pro-
pose the HC3 (Human ChatGPT Comparison Cor-
pus) dataset, which consists of nearly 40K questions
and their corresponding human/ChatGPT answers.
They also answered multiple questions about Chat-
GPT possibilities, limitations, and prompt engineer-
ing. The studies revealed that although the ChatGPT
texts are well-written and without plagiarism, it is still
can be distinguished from human-written ones.
Liao et al. (2023); Jeblick et al. (2023) conducted
a comparative study of human- vs ChatGPT-generated
medical texts. Liao et al. (2023) compare texts to un-
cover differences in vocabulary, part-of-speech, de-
pendency, sentiment, perplexity, etc. They concluded
that medical texts written by humans are more con-
crete, more diverse, and typically contain more useful
information, while medical texts generated by Chat-
GPT pay more attention to fluency and logic, and usu-
ally express general terminologies rather than effec-
tive information specific to the context of the problem.
They also created A BERT-based model that can ef-
fectively detect medical texts generated by ChatGPT,
and the F1 exceeds 95%. In the exploratory study
of Jeblick et al. (2023), the authors concluded that
most participating radiologists agreed that the sim-
plified reports were factually correct, complete, and
not potentially harmful to the patient, indicating that
ChatGPT is in principle able to simplify radiology re-
ports. Nevertheless, they mention that instances of
incorrect text passages and missing relevant medical
information were identified in a considerable number
of cases, which could lead patients to draw harmful
Although ChatGPT may be very beneficial for
many tasks (summarization, information extraction,
code generation, writing stories, etc.) (The New York
Times, 2023; Meghan Holohan, Today, 2023; Will
Douglas Heaven, MIT Technology Review, 2023), it
also can lead to unforeseen consequences (especially
in a sensitive sphere like medicine) (Dan Milmo,
The Guardian, 2023; Ken Foxe, Irish examiner, 2023;
The White Hatter, 2023; JMIR Publications, Medical
Automated Medical Text Simplification for Enhanced Patient Access
Xpress, 2023).
Currently, the following metrics for automatic
simplification evaluation are used, including SARI
(Xu et al., 2016), FKGL (Flesch, 1948), BLEU (Pap-
ineni et al., 2002), Levenshtein distance (Levenshtein,
1966), Type-Token ratio (Johnson, 1944), textual lex-
ical diversity (McCarthy, 2005), etc. Most of them
were created for another purpose (machine transla-
tion, lexical richness of texts, readability), so not fully
suitable for simplification evaluation. Martin et al.
(2020) identify four attributes related to the process
of text simplification. Namely, amount of compres-
sion, amount of paraphrasing, lexical complexity, and
syntactic complexity. In addition, for simplification
and especially for medical texts simplification, it is
crucial that no important information is missing.
Given the great variety of automatic metrics for
evaluation, there has also been considerable interest
in evaluation based on manual evaluation. Commonly
used protocol (Jiang et al., 2020; Narayan and Gar-
dent, 2014) usually evaluates adequacy (is the mean-
ing preserved?), fluency (is the simplification flu-
ent?), and simplicity (is the simplification actually
simpler?). Schwarzer (2018) claim that adequacy and
simplicity are negatively correlated suggesting a com-
mon, underlying fact: removing material from a sen-
tence will make it simpler while reducing its ade-
quacy. Still, these criteria should be supplemented by
more medical-sphere-specific information.
3.1 Principles of Medical Text
We propose a refined protocol for medical simplifica-
tion, which also includes three criteria (congruence,
fluency, and simplicity). The first criterion conver-
gence contains two components: 1) preserve the orig-
inal information, 2) don’t add extra information. As
much information must be preserved as in this case al-
most every detail is important. This includes the med-
ical test outcomes, dates related to medical history
and treatment process, medication names and dosage,
diseases (history and current state), doctor and hos-
pital names, race and other body features, reference
values, etc. There are however cases (for example,
some inner body parts, medical devices) that cannot
be simplified and retain the meaning fully at the same
time, so there is always a balance between detailed
and easy-to-understand explanations. It also is very
important that no other information is added and a
machine learning model doesn’t add its judgments or
Secondly, textual fluency (readability) and cor-
rectness are the other important aspects of simplifi-
cation. This metric is related to overall text quality
(weakly related to the “medical” characteristic of a
text). The questions we address in textual fluency are:
1) Are sentences grammatically correct?, 2) Are sen-
tences relatively short? 3) Are sentences easy to fol-
low? The latter question includes making sure that
two related concepts come as close as possible in sen-
tences and a text and using the right ordering within
sentences. A good topic explanation may be found in
a book written by Stafford and Webb (2010).
Thirdly, let us discuss the simplicity aspect. Based
on our analysis, some principles may help to create a
more easy-to-understand simplified medical text. It
may be crucial for understanding and mistake avoid-
ance to disclose abbreviations while keeping the orig-
inal abbreviation (for example, in brackets), so that
a patient may refer to it in them in the source text.
However, some abbreviations are quite common and
can be left as they are (for example, we can keep
“CT” instead of writing “computed tomography”).
Besides affecting patients’ understanding badly, com-
plex medical text can sometimes be hard to read for
healthcare professionals due to lots of short ungram-
matical sentences. Some medical abbreviations can
in turn even threaten a patient’s life (National Coor-
dinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and
Prevention, 2023). For example, “Q.D.” (Latin abbre-
viation for every day), here the period after the “Q”
has sometimes been mistaken for an “I,” and the drug
has been given “QID” (four times daily) rather than
daily. In (Health Service Executive, Code of Practice
for Healthcare Records Management, 2010) a list of
agreed abbreviations and other recommendations on
abbreviating is provided. Another thing that may im-
prove simplicity is repeating new or rare terminology
in multiple places in a text. It may also be beneficial
to include the main purpose at a high level (or briefly
explain how it works) for each medication. As well
as for each medical test, try to include information on
the reason why it was taken. Also, for each procedure
or surgery, try to explain the steps during the surgery.
3.2 Dataset
For this work, we created a small, proof-of-concept
dataset. The dataset consisting of 30 triples
(around 800 sentences) of the original text, human-
and ChatGPT-simplified texts was created from the
dataset of Vydiswaran (2019). The original dataset
consists of medical notes, which come from exactly
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
one of the following five clinical domains: Gastroen-
terology, Neurology, Orthopedic, Radiology, Urol-
ogy. There are 1239 texts in total in the original
The original texts were first preprocessed which
included removing HTML tags, replacing multiple
spaces with single spaces, and enumeration of each
sentence. Simplified text was created out of complex
text (Vydiswaran, 2019) under the previously out-
lined congruence, fluency, and simplicity principles
by a non-native English speaker with no medical or
healthcare professional background. New texts were
aligned with the original, with each sentence with the
number N in the original text corresponding to a sen-
tence with the number N in the simplified instance. In
some cases, one sentence in an original text can cor-
respond to multiple sentences in simplified text (each
of them is also numbered N). In this way, we would
make sure that aligned pairs are created as the align-
ment is crucial for simplification tasks (Jiang et al.,
Automatically created simplifications were ob-
tained through the use of the OpenAI chat prompt
where the following prompt was used: “Please sim-
plify the text so that non-professionals could under-
stand it”. ChatGPT tends to produce summarization
rather than simplification on longer texts, so, for long
texts (typically more than 20 sentences), the text was
inputted by parts (with the following prompt after the
main one within the same chat context: “Could you
also simplify one more follow-up text so that non-
professional could understand it: <NEXT PART OF
THE COMPLEX TEXT>”). It was decided not to
add any examples or guidance for clarity reasons.
3.3 Questionnaire
To provide a subjective evaluation, a survey has been
conducted via Prolific (Prolific, 2014). Each respon-
dent was required to be fluent in English and use a
computer or tablet to take the survey. No other restric-
tions were posed. Forty-seven people participated in
the evaluation (out of the total pool of around 120,000
preselected Prolific users).
The survey consisted of three sections. In the
first two sections, full-text simplifications were com-
pared against each other with questions intended to
ascertain the easiness of getting the main idea, de-
tailedness, text quality, and easiness of understand-
ing. Each text was presented to the participants side
by side. For clarity, each sentence in all of the three
variants was numbered so that the relationships be-
Specific questions are available at the Github page pro-
vided in the abstract.
tween the sentences were clear. In some cases, one
sentence in a text could correspond to multiple sen-
tences in another text.
In the third section, standalone sentences from
medical texts were evaluated. The participants were
given the original sentence, some context (description
of the procedure from which the sentence was taken
and an illustrative picture where applicable), and two
possible simplifications to choose from. The ques-
tions were aimed to measure whether new forms re-
tained clarity, factual accuracy, easiness of grasping
the context, bias, misinterpretation, etc.
The survey also gathered demographic informa-
tion such as gender, age group, English language pro-
ficiency (native or non-native, bilingual, etc.), edu-
cation, and information on whether participants be-
longed to the medical profession in some way (at a
student or professional level).
4.1 Automatic Metrics Analysis
The manually and automatically simplified texts are
first compared via several text analytical metrics to
get an overall idea of the texts’ differences. To get
the results, aligned sentences were evaluated and an
average score was obtained. The metrics used are
the similarity score of PubMedBERT (Deka et al.,
2022) between the original and both human and Chat-
GPT sentences, the average number of character and
words, words frequency according to Zipf frequency
without stop-words (pypi, 2023b), POS-tagging dis-
tribution using spaCy library (spaCy, 2023), words
dependency in sentences distribution using spaCy li-
brary (spaCy, 2023), sentiment score distribution us-
ing NLTK Vader library (NLTK, 2023), lexical read-
ability (the Flesch Reading Ease) (pypi, 2022), and
lexical richness (type-token ratio) (pypi, 2023a).
Some overall textual characteristics were also ob-
tained. Namely, total number of sentences, vocabu-
lary variety (total number of unique lowercased words
in all texts), stemmed vocabulary variety (total num-
ber of unique lowercased and stemmed words in all
texts), perplexity score (Huggingface, 2023b) of the
sentences using Microsoft’s BioGPT model (Hug-
gingface, 2023a).
Tables 1 and 2 along with Figures 1-4 summarize
the obtained results. In Table 1, we can see that hu-
man produces more similar simplifications to the orig-
inal ones and uses more words and characters. Sur-
prisingly, Zipfs word frequency score results show
that the Original text uses more frequently used words
Automated Medical Text Simplification for Enhanced Patient Access
on average. In terms of perplexity, from Table 1 and
Figure 1, we can deduce that ChatGPT produces more
“predicted” outputs, which is in line with the findings
in the paper of Liao et al. (2023)
. Also, based on
lexical richness (terms to words ratio), the original
text is more lexically rich, while ChatGPT and Hu-
man output are identical. As for lexical readability,
ChatGPT’s text corresponds to the “Fairly Easy” cat-
egory, while Human and Original texts fall into the
“Standard” and “Fairly Difficult” categories respec-
tively. From Table 2, we can deduce that the ChatGPT
vocabulary variety is the smallest one, while the Orig-
inal text and Human’s simplifications are more varied
in vocabulary (which is again in line with the results
of Liao et al. (2023)).
In Figure 3, it can be seen that ChatGPT tends to
use more DT (determiner or article such as “which”,
“the”, “this”, etc.), while less JJ (adjectives) and CD
(cardinal digits). As for human texts, it uses more
prepositions (IN) and fewer personal pronouns (“me”,
“I”, “he”, etc.). The original texts contain more ad-
jectives (JJ), NNP (proper noun, singular such as per-
sonal and organizational names), and cardinal digits
(CD). However, there are relatively small percentages
of DT (determiner) and IN (prepositions) in the origi-
nal texts. Some results depicted in Figure 3 are similar
to the results of Liao et al. (2023).
From Figure 2 we can deduce that the Original
text has more punctuation (PUNKT), numeric modi-
fier governing the case of the noun (NUMMOD, for
example, “dollar”), while having fewer determiners
(det) and auxiliary verbs (aux). Human texts tend
to include more prep (prepositions that are used to
change the meaning of an adjective, verb, or noun,
such as “up” in “get up”) and more pobj (object of
a preposition). As for ChatGPT texts, they tend to
have more determiners, nsubj (syntactic subject of a
clause), dobj (accusative object of the verb), advcl
(clause modifying the verb, for example, conditional
or temporal clause), and poss (possession modi-
fier, for example, “my” or “mother‘s”). However,
ChatGPT’s texts contain fewer compounds (multiple
words that represent one morphosyntactical unit, for
example, “adventure time”) and amod (an adjective
that changes the meaning, for example, “blue” in
“blue car”). Overall, it can be deduced that ChatGPT
is producing more argumentative sentences, with
more explicit connections within sentences.
Human simplifications were created by non-native En-
glish speaker, which may also affect perplexity score.
Table 1: Comparison of Human and ChatGPT on a sentence
level, averaged.
Metrics Original Human ChatGPT
Similarity score 1.0 0.82 0.73
Number of characters 69 113 79
Number of words 12 21 15
Words Zipf frequency 4.3 4.7 4.9
Average perplexity 218 140 102
Lexical richness 0.25 0.17 0.17
Lexical readability 52.26 63.8 75.4
Table 2: Comparison of Human and ChatGPT overall char-
acteristics for all texts.
Metrics Original Human ChatGPT
Number of sentences 800 914 798
Vocab variety 2151 2543 1820
Stemmed vocab variety 1898 2065 1527
Figure 1: Kde distribution of perplexity comparison be-
tween original (complex text) and human- and ChatGPT-
simplified text.
Figure 2: Words dependency distribution comparison be-
tween original (complex text) and human- and ChatGPT-
simplified text.
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 3: POS tagging distribution comparison be-
tween original (complex text) and human- and ChatGPT-
simplified text.
Figure 4: Sentiment distribution comparison between orig-
inal (complex text) and human- and ChatGPT-simplified
4.2 Manual Evaluation
During the manual evaluation, some ChatGPT fea-
tures based on their outputs compared to human ones
were found.
Firstly, let’s consider some positive
1. ChatGPT can disclose abbreviations depending
on the context.
2. ChatGPT has a very good rewriting ability (this
is related to both general language skills and the
ability to understand and simplify medical terms).
Some problems were also found in ChatGPT’s
medical text simplification.
Specific examples are available at the Github page pro-
vided in the abstract.
1. ChatGPT tends to produce abstracts or summa-
rizations rather than simplification on long texts.
This may be explained by the limited length of the
2. ChatGPT sometimes makes up some facts, which
may be very dangerous in such a sensitive field as
medicine. ChatGPT may even contradict its out-
3. ChatGPT somehow lacks commonsense reason-
ing or medical “knowledge”.
4. ChatGPT may omit important facts or oversim-
plify. As was mentioned in the Congruence prin-
ciple, it is very important to retain details of a hu-
man body or medical history for making a diag-
5. ChatGPT is biased towards rewriting a text by any
means, even if it has been already quite simple.
Sometimes the rewriting may change the mean-
ing. ChatGPT also tends to produce more per-
sonal sentences.
6. ChatGPT sometimes uses words such as “a”,
“about”, “some”, “called”, rather than properly
simplify a concept or explain. It also frequently
outputs undersimplifications.
4.3 Questionnaire Results Analysis
For the subjective survey, there were almost equal
numbers of female and male participants, around 80%
of them are under 35, around two-thirds of them have
native-equivalent English language proficiency, and
more than 70% have at least an Undergraduate degree
(bachelor, associate). Only ve respondents are stu-
dents in the medical sphere. Only two people consider
themselves medical professionals (both are medical
The respondents were paid £9,21 per hour (aver-
age recommended value by the platform). On aver-
age, it took a survey participant around twenty min-
utes to complete the survey.
Figures 5-8 represent the averaged results of the
first and second sections of the survey where partic-
ipants were given three texts per section (Original,
Human- and ChatGPT-simplified) to compare against
sentence-by-sentence. The results in Sections 1 and 2
are mostly similar. However, there were remarkable
variances in Human- and ChatGPT-generated text’s
detailedness evaluation. It was found that respondents
likely consider the longest text to be the most detailed.
The reason behind it may be the deduction that the
longer the text, the more details it should have. There
were three non-mutually exclusive options to assess
Automated Medical Text Simplification for Enhanced Patient Access
Figure 5: Participants’ answers summary on the question of
“Please evaluate the three texts according to their easiness
of geting the general idea?”.
Figure 6: Participants’ answers summary on the task of
“Please evaluate the three texts according to the number of
details provided”.
each of the three texts (original, human-written sim-
plification, and ChatGPT’s output). Texts were pre-
sented side-by-side. In the first section, the length
distribution of the texts was 421 for the Original text,
591 for human simplifications, and 512 for ChatGPT.
It resulted in more than 70% of people thinking that
human-written text was “Very detailed”, around 30%
considered ChatGPT’s text to be very detailed, and
only 20% classified the original text in the “Very de-
tailed” category. As for the second section with the
same setting but the other simplification triplets, the
Figure 7: Participants’ answers summary on the task of
“Please evaluate the three texts according to their language
fluency (how well are they written?)”.
Figure 8: Participants’ answers summary on the task of
“Please evaluate the simplicity of these three texts (how
easy is it to understand them?)”.
length distribution of the texts was 738 for the Orig-
inal text, 955 for human simplifications, and 940 for
ChatGPT’s. In this case, around 50% of people con-
sidered human text to be “Very detailed”, more than
80% decided that ChatGPT’s output is very detailed,
and less than 40% classified original text to be very
detailed. However, no new details have been added in
either the human or ChatGPT texts (it was the other
way around as simplifications tend to omit some de-
tails for the sake of more easily understood text). So,
in terms of retaining the information, the original texts
can be considered to be the most detailed ones, though
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
they are shorter in terms of length as they contain
more descriptive terms. Unfortunately, the number
of people with medical backgrounds is not enough to
test for any difference between the answers of profes-
sionals’ and laymen’s answers.
Table 3: Section 3 survey results. Here the percentages in
favor of human- or ChatGPT-produced texts are presented.
Question Human ChatGPT
Which option retains the
main idea or meaning of the text?
51% 49%
Which option is more clear
and easy to understand?
70% 30%
Which option maintains the
factual accuracy of
the original information?
70% 30%
Which option is better at
using relatable comparisons
or examples to help
the audience grasp
the concept more easily?
47% 53%
Which option better maintains
an appropriate level of
complexity, avoiding the loss
of essential nuances?
75% 25%
Which simplification is better at
maintaining the spirit and purpose
of the original content, while
making it more accessible?
77% 23%
Which option is more
well-organized, well-structured,
and easy to navigate?
85% 15%
Which option is more free from
unnecessary details or
information that doesn’t
contribute to the understanding
of the main message?
26% 74%
Which simplification piques
the audience’s interest
and encourages them to
explore the topic further?
34% 66%
Which option is more un-
ambiguous and straightforward?
10% 90%
Which simplification is more free
from bias or misrepresentation?
70% 30%
Let’s now discuss the third section where human
and ChatGPT texts are compared against each other
by various characteristics. Here the options were ran-
domly shuffled for the respondents and there was no
information related to the source of the text (whether
it is specialist-, human- or machine-produced). For
each question where appropriate, the respondents
were given a pictorial or textual context, so that it
would be easier for them to understand medical texts
from a question. The summarizing results are de-
picted in Table 3.
Overall, the results of the conducted survey sug-
gest that people consider to be clear and easy to under-
stand (and consider them to have an appropriate level
of complexity) those simplifications that explain the
process well, though may be quite long. The results
also suggest that people are not always able to detect
untruthful information in the simplifications. Another
finding was that people are less interested in medical
conditions’ explanations and exact definitions. We
also found that ChatGPT produces texts that people
consider to be easily understood by many people.
During the evaluation of ChatGPT outputs against hu-
man simplifications, it was found that ChatGPT tends
to produce more “average” (in terms of perplexity)
and be more argumentative (it has more determin-
ers according to POS-tagging and words dependency
distributions) texts. Although in terms of language
fluency, ChatGPT produces very good texts and can
successfully disclose abbreviations depending on the
context, it may make up some facts, lack common-
sense reasoning (or medical “knowledge”), omit im-
portant facts, or oversimplify, etc. According to the
survey results, we found that people sometimes can-
not distinguish untruthful information in the simpli-
fications, which may be dangerous. Another finding
was that people are less interested in medical condi-
tion explanations and exact definitions in simplified
texts even though they more accurately correspond to
the original text. We also found that ChatGPT’s sim-
plifications are considered to be accessible to a large
percentage of people.
We hope that our paper and dataset will help to bridge
the gap between medical professionals and patients’
vision. We believe that AI tools would be used more
concisely in the medical sphere, because of the prob-
lems associated with omitting important information,
made-up facts, oversimplification, etc. Bearing in
mind the features of current SOTA LLMs, we can
make a safer model for the medical field.
Automated Medical Text Simplification for Enhanced Patient Access
Multiple things have been found that are worth fur-
ther investigation. Firstly, some of ChatGPT’s sim-
plifications weren’t found on the web in English (by
keywords), so it would be interesting how the model
utilizes the multilingual data it has been trained on.
Is it implicitly translating the simplifications from the
other languages?
Another thing we faced during the writing of this
paper is that it is hard to decide which term should
be simplified and which one shouldn’t. For example,
should we keep “placenta” word? Or maybe should
we simplify it to “afterbirth”? Or is it better to explain
that term?
Speaking about which terms should be simplified,
it is obvious that it heavily depends on the target au-
dience. It would be beneficial to try other prompts
or techniques for ChatGPT that would be better de-
signed for a particular group (“Simplify this text for
a fifteen years old non-native English speaker. Here
you will see some examples of a good simplifica-
tion...”). So, chain-of-thought, explicit role state-
ment (Salewski et al., 2023), psychological manipu-
lations, in-context learning, self-consistency verifica-
tion (Wang et al., 2023), etc. techniques may be used.
We should also take into account that our respon-
dents from Prolific are educated enough to use this
platform, so, our results weren’t evaluated on illiter-
ate people or people with poor (health) literacy. In fu-
ture studies, it would be beneficial to take this group
of people in account.
Lastly, as new text generative models are being re-
leased on an almost everyday basis, it would also be
worth looking into the other models other than Chat-
This publication has emanated from research con-
ducted with the financial support of Science Foun-
dation Ireland under Grant number 18/CRT/6183
and the ADAPT SFI Research Centre for AI-
Driven Digital Content Technology under Grant No.
13/RC/2106 P2. For the purpose of Open Access, the
author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence
to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising
from this submission.
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