Discrimination of Signals from Large Covariance Matrix for Pattern
Masaaki Ida
National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Assurance of Higher Education, Kodaira, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Pattern Recognition, Eigenvalue Distribution, Signal, Randomness, Large Covariance Matrix, Neural Network.
Abstract: Pattern recognition applications and methods are important areas in modern data science. One of the
conventional issues for the analysis is the selection of important signal eigenvalues from many eigenvalues
dominated by randomness. However, appropriate theoretical reason for selection criteria is not indicated. In
this paper, investigating eigenvalue distribution of large covariance matrix for data matrix, comprehensive
discrimination method of signal eigenvalues from the bulk of eigenvalues due to randomness is investigated.
Applying the discrimination method to weight matrix of three-layered neural network, the method is examined
by handwritten character recognition example.
Data Science is rapidly spreading particularly in
business and social science fields such as psychology
or education. In various data analysis methods, the
eigenvalues and eigenvalue distributions of variance-
covariance matrices or correlation matrices are often
studied. The issue is identifying whether the
eigenvalue is an important one or not. In other word,
signal eigenvalue selection is the problem that is
encountered in various data analysis situations.
As conventional selection methods,
predetermined number of selected eigenvalues (two,
three and so on) is adopted as selection criteria, or
predetermined cumulative contribution ratio of
eigenvalues (e.g., 50% or 70-80% and so on) is
sometimes adopted as selection criteria. However, the
criteria depends on the analysis situation, and there is
no appropriate theoretical reason as selection criteria.
Another powerful selection or discrimination
method uses random matrix theory. This method
examines the difference between the eigenvalue
distribution of sample covariance matrices of large
random data matrix and the distribution of real data
matrix including randomness and signal features.
However, all eigenvalues included in the difference
do not have important signal properties.
In this (work in progress) research based on the
idea of random matrix theory, discrimination method
of important signal eigenvalues from the bulk of
random eigenvalues is discussed.
In order to consider the feature of eigenvalues, by
performing singular value decomposition of the data
matrix, then data matrix is reconstructed by
combining the important singular values. By
performing statistical hypothesis test on the
reconstructed matrix, we obtain information that
identifies whether the eigenvalues are important or
The contents of this paper are summarized as
follows: (i) investigate the eigenvalue distribution
that can be separated to the random part and the signal
part of eigenvalues, and explain discrimination
method, (ii) apply the method to weight matrix of
three-layered artificial neural network for simple
MNIST dataset as a pattern recognition application.
The discrimination method is explained by showing
numerical example.
Data models mainly dominated by randomness have
been frequently studied in Random Matrix Theory
(Bai 2010, Couillet 2011, Couillet 2022). In this
Ida, M.
Discrimination of Signals from Large Covariance Matrix for Pattern Recognition.
DOI: 10.5220/0012463300003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 866-871
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
section, we see the results of random matrix theory
related to eigenvalue distribution.
The formulation of this paper is as C = X
X / n,
where X is an n x p random data matrix. Eigenvalues
of the matrix C are denoted λ
(k = 1, ..., p) with
ranking in descending order. Based on Random
Matrix Theory, asymptotic eigenvalue distribution
can be calculated with enlarging the matrix size to
In general, eigenvalue distribution of random data
agrees with the predicted eigenvalue distribution
based on Random Matrix Theory, which is called
Marchenko-Pastur (MP) distribution. Under the
condition that n, p go to infinity with p/n goes to c,
asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues with random
entries, P(λ), is described as follows:
P(λ) = ((λ
- λ) (λ - λ
/ (2πcλ)
where λ
= (1 + c
, λ
= (1 - c
. As an
approximation in real case, we can apply it to finite
large covariance matrix.
As seen in Figure 1, red curve shows the MP
distribution, which are fit to distribution of random
bulk histogram.
Figure 1: Example of MP distribution. horizontal axis:
eigenvalue, vertical axis: density.
However, many empirical studies indicate that the
eigenvalue distribution of actual data matrix has
dominant random eigenvalues (bulk) and small
number of large eigenvalues (signals or spikes) that
are not random related eigenvalues (Plerou 2002,
Baik 2006). This is shown in Figure 1.
The studies for the phenomena in references
(Martin 2019, Martin 2021) describe that eigenvalues
distributions are classified into some types of
distributions such as Random-like, Bulk-Spikes, Bulk-
Decay, Heavy-tailed, and so on. Figure 1 is an
example of Bulk-Decay-Spikes type distribution with
random bulk in left side and other signal eigenvalues
in right side.
This MP distribution can be used as a method to
distinguish whether eigenvalues have randomness or
signal characteristics. In other words, assume that the
eigenvalues included in the red distribution have
randomness, and the eigenvalues on the right which
are not included in the MP distribution have signal
However, in actual eigenvalue distribution, the
boundary or separation point between random part
and signal part is not necessarily clear. Therefore,
appropriate discrimination or extraction method of
signals from eigenvalue distribution is important.
Other question is whether all eigenvalues that deviate
to the right from the red MP distribution are signals
or not. It is true that properties other than randomness
are included in such eigenvalues, but not all of them
necessarily have important meaning.
Regarding this issue, the author's past initial
experiments have confirmed that there are cases in
which the separation based on the MP distribution
and the separation suggested by statistical tests almost
match. However, in general, this may not always be
the case. In this paper, we will deeply consider this
In this paper, signal discrimination method is
extended which is based on the eigenvalue
distribution of random matrix theory but does not
simply depend on the MP distribution. Particularly
focusing on Bulk-Spikes or Bulk-Decay type
distribution, discrimination method of signals from
eigenvalue distribution of large covariance matrix is
First, we perform singular value decomposition of
the data matrix. Next, we consider the method for
identifying signals by reconstructing data matrix
using the important singular values and performing
the statistical test on the matrix. The final signal
discrimination is determined comprehensively by
combining the indication of statistical test and other
considerations. This method provides an appropriate
indication of separation point for signal eigenvalues.
Data matrix reconstruction in the above process
means ‘Sparsification’ which extracts and utilizes
only useful eigenvalues.
[Discrimination method]
Set: Target data matrix X.
Process: Singular value decomposition for the
target data matrix, X = U diag(s) V
, where s is a
list of singular values (descending order), ‘diag’
means a diagonal matrix, U is a matrix of left-
singular vectors, and V is a matrix of right-
singular vectors.
while not appropriate separation do
Discrimination of Signals from Large Covariance Matrix for Pattern Recognition
Set: sp (separation point) = minimum singular
value (eigenvalue) of candidate signals.
Set: Reconstruction matrix X’ = U diag(s’) V
where sis a list of singular values of 1 to sp
from s.
Process: Hypothesis test (Kolmogorov–
Smirnov test for normality) for X’.
Check p-value and average p-values for
columns and rows of (standardized) X’.
if p-values of the test < 0.05 then
determine the distribution is not normally
Addition of new singular value to
candidate signals.
Go to next section.
Subtraction of singular value from
candidate signals.
Go to next section.
Algorithm 1: Discrimination process.
The final signal discrimination is determined
comprehensively by combining the indication of
Algorithm 1 and the following considerations:
Consider the eigenvalue distribution of the MP
Consider real-world applications of hypothesis
testing for normality.
In the case of supervised learning, consider the
relationship with the accuracy or correct
recognition rate.
4.1 Pattern Recognition Application
In this paper, as an application of the discrimination
method, weight matrices of artificial neural network
are examined. The network structure is restricted to
the simple three-layered structure with random data
entries as initial data. This basic experimental
structure has been frequently studied in machine
learning field. The network consists of input layer,
intermediate layer (hidden layer) and output layer.
The network weight matrices are dented W
(from input layer to hidden layer) and W
hidden layer to output layer). The activation function
of each node is the sigmoid function. The weight
update of network connection is based on the
conventional backpropagation rule. In this section we
examine the weight matrix W
(from input layer to
hidden layer) as the target data matrix X described in
previous section.
[Target data]
A concrete target data of this experiments is
commonly used MNIST dataset, which is the dataset
of ten types of handwritten number images and
consists of 784 elements (28 x 28 grayscale image)
associated with labels of ten classes as shown in
Figure 2
Figure 2: Ten classes of MNIST images.
As numerical examples, number of training (test)
data is 200 (100) randomly selected from 60000
(10000) MNIST dataset. The networks’ hidden nodes
= 200, and learning rate = 0.1.
The author's past initial experiments have
confirmed that there are cases in which the separation
based on the MP distribution and the separation
suggested by statistical tests almost match. However,
various other cases were not considered. In the case
of this MNIST, many eigenvalues occur outside the
MP distribution. In this paper, we will deeply
consider this issue.
It should be noted that the following figures are
one trial of experiments. Since the learning process is
stochastic, result might change to some extent in each
4.2 Initial Learning Stage
In initial stage (epoch = 1) of learning process,
average of accuracy or correct recognition rate is 0.55
(std:0.09 for 100 trials) for training data, and about
0.4 for test data. Since it is an early stage of learning,
learning is biased strongly depending on the training
data. Therefore, we perform the same initial training
100 times and show the average and standard
deviation of the correct recognition rate.
The eigenvalue distribution of network weight
is shown in Figure 3. The horizontal axis means
eigenvalue and vertical axis is its density. The blue
histogram corresponds eigenvalues of covariance of
data matrix W
In this figure, the distinctive random bulk (blue
bulk) is recognized in the left side of the figure, and a
small number of signal eigenvalues are recognized in
the right side of the figure (e.g., around 7 or 3 in this
case). Therefore, The figure shows an eigenvalue
distribution which can be regarded as a typical Bulk-
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Spikes type of eigenvalue distribution. This is the case
when there are a few eigenvalues that fall outside the
MP distribution.
Figure 3: The eigenvalue distribution of network weight
of initial stage of learning process.
In order to consider the state of learning process,
back query is performed. Back query is the inverse
query from output layer with fixed class vale for
corresponding ten classes to input layer (28 x 28
image layer).
Figure 4 shows back query images of initial
learning stage, which is the blurred images of back
query from output layer to input layer. This figure
shows undifferentiated initial learning stage.
Figure 4: Back query images of initial learning stage.
4.3 Late Learning Stage
4.3.1 Eigenvalue Distribution
Late learning stage (epoch = 50 or 100): Correct
recognition rate for the test data is about 1.0 for
training data and about 0.8 for test data. The
eigenvalue distribution of network weight W
shown in Figure 5. There are many other eigenvalues
outside the right side of this figure (73, 63, 59, 55, 50,
… ).
In this figure, the distinctive random bulk (blue
bulk) is recognized in the left side of the figure, and
many signal eigenvalues are recognized in the right
side of the figure and outside the figure. There are
many (more than 15) eigenvalues that located outside
the MP distribution.
Unlike conventional identification methods,
where eigenvalues that are located outside the MP
distribution are important, it is necessary to select
eigenvalues that have influence on the recognition
rate. Therefore, careful selecting and extracting is
needed. It is difficult to separate between the left
random bulk and right signal values. Therefore, for
searching the appropriate separation, proposed
discrimination method is applied.
Figure 5: Eigen value distribution in late learning stage.
4.3.2 Application of Discrimination Method
For standardized reconstructed weight matrix without
first to sixth (6th) eigenvalues, the KS test indicates
the hypothesis that the distribution of the element is
‘normal distribution’ is rejected. On the other hand,
For standardized reconstructed weight matrix without
first to seventh (7th) eigenvalues, the KS test
indicates the hypothesis that the distribution of the
element is ‘normal distribution’ is not rejected.
In other words, by the KS test, the 6th to 7th
eigenvalues are candidates for eigenvalue separation.
Figure 6 shows blue line as accuracy for training
data of 50 epoch. Green line shows for test data of 50
epochs. This figure indicates that at the nineth and
tenth eigenvalue, correct recognition rates is saturated.
Since the KS test is a hypothesis test, if we allow a
little margin, we can say that the 9th and 10th
eigenvalues are actually reasonable separation points.
Figure 6: Accuracy for reconstructed matrix.
CR-Re50-training CR-Re50-test
Discrimination of Signals from Large Covariance Matrix for Pattern Recognition
4.3.3 Accuracy of Reconstructed Weight
Reconstructed weight matrix using the 1st to nth
eigenvalues is examined. As seen in figure 6, in case
of n>=10, the accuracy rate is approximately 1.0 for
the training data and approximately 0.8 for the test
data. In other words, it can be seen that only a limited
number of "signal eigenvalues" are sufficient for the
pattern recognition.
Furthermore, it can be seen even in the case of
n=7 that accuracy rates of 0.8 or higher and 0.6 or
higher are recognized for the reconstructed weight
4.3.4 Confirmation by Back Query
Here, back query is considered. As a comparison data,
Figure 7 shows the result images of the back query
from output layer to input layer with original weight
matrix. Figure 8 shows the back query images for the
reconstruction matrix with combination from first
eigenvalue to tenth eigenvalue. These two figures
shows very similar images. In other words, it can be
seen graphically that sufficient approximation is
obtained even with the reconstructed weight matrix.
This means that ‘Sparsification’ is sufficient with the
reconstructed matrix.
Figure 7: Back query images of late learning stage.
Figure 8: Back query images for reconstructed weight
matrix with combination of first eigenvalue to tenth
4.3.5 Correspondence Between Eigenvalues
and Images
Correspondence between each eigenvalue and the
identified image is considered.
Figure 9 shows the case of first eigenvalue. This
is the result of back query using the weight matrix of
only the first eigenvalue.
Figure 10 shows some different parts of images
(bright points) that are attracting attention.
Large signal eigenvalues are closely related to
individual classes of digits. The relationship between
eigenvalues and image classes are recognized.
Figure 9: Back query images for the reconstruction with the
first eigenvalue.
Figure 10: Back query images for the reconstruction with
the sixth eigenvalue.
The summary of this paper is as follows: (i)
investigate the eigenvalues that can be separated to
the random part and the signal part of eigenvalues,
and explain discrimination method, (ii) apply the
method to weight matrix of three-layered artificial
neural network, and explain the discrimination
method by showing the example of MNIST dataset.
In this paper, distribution of specific Bulk-Decay-
Spikes type is considered. As for data matrix,
extending the ideas of this paper to the weight matrix
of deep learning networks is expected. The results of
this paper will also lead to the refinement of various
data analysis methods that utilize eigenvalue
distribution including Principal Component Analysis
and other data science methods.
We are currently implementing this discrimination
method on CNN (convolutional neural network) rather
than a simple three-layer neural network. In that case,
the random part also has properties different from the
MP distribution. Therefore, further improvement of the
identification method will be required.
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Discrimination of Signals from Large Covariance Matrix for Pattern Recognition