LSTM Autoencoder-Based Insider Abnormal Behavior Detection Using
De-Identified Data
Seo-Yi Kim
1 a
and Il-Gu Lee
1,2 b
Department of Future Convergence Technology Engineering, Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea
Department of Convergence Security Engineering, Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea
De-Identification, LSTM Autoencoder, Abnormal Behavior Detection.
Leakages of national core technologies and industrial secrets have occurred frequently in recent years. Unfor-
tunately, because most of the subjects of confidential data leaks are IT managers, executives, and employees
who have easy access to confidential information, more sophisticated theft is possible, and there is a risk of
large-scale data leakage incidents. Insider behavior monitoring is being conducted to prevent confidential data
leaks, but there is a problem with personal information being collected indiscriminately during this process.
This paper proposes a security solution that protects personal privacy through a process of de-identifying
data, while maintaining detection performance in monitoring insider aberrations. In the abnormal behavior
detection process, a long short-term memory (LSTM) autoencoder was used. To prove the effectiveness of
the proposed method, de-identification evaluation and abnormal behavior detection performance comparison
experiments were conducted. According to the experimental results, there was no degradation in detection
performance even when data was de-identified. Furthermore, the average re-identification probability was ap-
proximately 1.2%, whereas the attack success probability was approximately 0.2%, proving that the proposed
de-identification method resulted in low possibility of re-identification and good data safety.
Today, as science and technology increasingly be-
come a competitive edge among nations, data leak-
ages and theft incidents between countries or organi-
zations occur more frequently. If national core tech-
nologies are leaked overseas, it can have a fatal im-
pact on national security and the economy, lowering
national competitiveness and further leading to cy-
ber warfare between countries. Additionally, if the
internal secrets of an organization are leaked, it can
cause significant damage to the image of the orga-
nization and lead to loss of profits and competitive
advantage, thereby hindering corporate sustainability
(Goryunova et al., 2020). For this reason, countries
and organizations are trying to protect confidential
data and minimize damage caused by the leakage of
industrial secrets.
However, recently, cases of internal data leaks by
insiders have increased, emerging as a global secu-
rity problem. Because insiders already have access
to the network and internal services, they can easily
access confidential data, and thus, more sophisticated
theft is possible (Abiodun et al., 2023). To solve the
problem of confidential leakage by insiders, research
is actively being conducted to detect abnormal behav-
ior among insiders.
According to the 2023 Insider Threat Report (Gu-
rucul, 2023), in 2022, approximately 35% of the to-
tal respondents reported that they experienced insider
attacks 1 to 5 times, whereas approximately 8% re-
ported that they experienced insider attacks more than
20 times. Figure 1 shows the percentage of insiders
ranked by cybersecurity experts as posing the great-
est security risk to their organizations. Privileged
IT users/admins were approximately 60%, privileged
business users/executives were approximately 53%,
and other IT staff were 24%, indicating a high propor-
tion of IT managers, employees, and executives with
extensive access rights. These are all groups of users
that have easy access to confidential or sensitive in-
formation within an organization.
For example, in May 2022, there was a case
wherein a researcher who was working at Company
A at the time transferred to Company B, a competitor,
Kim, S. and Lee, I.
LSTM Autoencoder-Based Insider Abnormal Behavior Detection Using De-Identified Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012458000003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 609-620
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
and leaked the confidential information of Company
A to their new workplace. This researcher was a se-
nior manager in an advertising related product team
in Company A who, after receiving a job offer from
Company B, stole approximately 570,000 pages of
source code and confidential product-related informa-
tion using a personal external device in only a few
minutes. A few weeks later, Company A, which be-
came aware of the leak, filed a lawsuit against the re-
searcher who took possession of the confidential in-
formation of Company A through a personal external
device until they were ordered to stop.
Figure 1: Types of insiders that pose the greatest security
threat to an organization(Gurucul, 2023).
In July 2021, cybersecurity Company C was
robbed of confidential sales support data by a former
employee. The employee stole confidential data us-
ing a personal USB device before moving to competi-
tor Company D. Company C built and used its own
data loss prevention (DLP) solution but did not block
internal staff from accessing, downloading, and shar-
ing critical documents to external storage devices. A
few months later, Company C discovered the data leak
and sued the employee, but at that point, the leak may
have already proven useful to the channel sales power
of Company D, which recorded an increase in sales
following the incident.
As the number of cases and scale of damage
caused by confidential data leaks by insiders gradu-
ally increase, security solutions to prevent such inci-
dents are increasingly being introduced within orga-
nizations. One of these methods is to monitor insider
behavior using a user behavior analytics (UBA) tool.
According to the 2023 Insider Threat Report, approx-
imately 86% of organizations monitor insider behav-
ior; however, their most utilized method is to monitor
access logging only. The next most utilized method,
employed by approximately 25% of organizations, is
to monitor all actions of insiders 24/7. Figure 2 pro-
vides a graph of whether and to what extent insider
behavior is monitored.
However, although monitoring all actions of insid-
ers can be effective at detecting abnormal behaviors
among insiders, it raises privacy infringement con-
Figure 2: Percentages of organizations by whether and to
what extent insider behavior is monitored (Gurucul, 2023).
cerns. In the process of monitoring all actions, sen-
sitive information that can seriously harm the human
rights of the users may be included, creating another
type of security problem. Therefore, organizations
must protect the privacy of insiders while quickly and
accurately detecting abnormal behaviors among them
to minimize the risk of leakage of confidential data
and damage to the company.
In this paper, we aim to present a security solution
that can protect the privacy of insiders through data
de-identification in the process of detecting abnor-
mal behavior among the insiders. After insider data
are de-identified using the ARX Data Anonymiza-
tion Tool (Koll et al., 2022), abnormal actors are
detected using a long short-term memory (LSTM)
autoencoder, an algorithm suitable for anomaly de-
tection. Three attack models were used to evaluate
the level of de-identification of the de-identified data,
and the level of re-identification was evaluated by
detecting insiders belonging to specific departments.
The proposed method protects the privacy of insid-
ers through de-identification while providing a similar
abnormal behavior detection rate to that of the con-
ventional method in the detection of abnormal actors.
The main contributions of this study are summa-
rized as follows:
After the insider data are de-identified to make it
difficult to identify individuals, a high degree of
de-identification, as evaluated by applying three
attacker models, was obtained, as indicated by a
probability of re-identification of approximately
1.2% and a probability of successful attack of
approximately 0.2%. Thus, the ability of the
proposed de-identification method to ensure the
safety of the dataset was proven.
Based on the results of detecting abnormal behav-
ior among insiders using the LSTM autoencoder
on the de-identified data, an accuracy of 94% and
F1-score of 97% were achieved, showing similar
abnormal behavior detection results to those pro-
vided by the corresponding identifiable data (orig-
inal data).
This paper is structured as follows. Section
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
2 introduces background knowledge related to de-
identification and analyzes existing research on ab-
normal behavior detection using machine learning.
Section 3 explains the proposed technology, and then
Section 4 describes the experimental environment in
which to evaluate the de-identification level and ab-
normal behavior detection performance of the pro-
posed technology. Section 5 provides a presentation
and analysis of the experimental results. Finally, Sec-
tion 6 presents the conclusions of the study.
2.1 De-Identification
As the transition to a digital society accelerates, the
need for new regulations and innovations to protect
personal privacy emerges. All areas of society are be-
ing digitized, and personal information and privacy
data are being collected online and transmitted, used,
and stored through networks. Various digitalized ser-
vices provide convenience, but at the same time, they
cause security problems such as personal information
theft and privacy threats (Yun et al., 2023). Thus, con-
cerns regarding the need to protect individual privacy
continue to be raised, and laws in each country are
being revised accordingly.
In Europe, the General Data Protection Regula-
tion (GDPR) was enacted in 2019, stipulating that
personal privacy data should be protected in all trans-
actions occurring within EU countries (Li et al.,
2023). GDPR specifies that non-identification mea-
sures such as pseudonymization and anonymization
must be taken when personal information is used.
Pseudonymization can be used for research and sta-
tistical purposes by ensuring that a specific individual
can no longer be identified based on the data without
additional information. In the United States, Califor-
nia’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will be imple-
mented starting in 2020, to which both domestic com-
panies with business establishments in California and
companies headquartered overseas are to be subject
(Naim et al., 2023). CCPA defines “de-identification”
as the use of technical/administrative protection mea-
sures to prevent re-identification, where the de-
identified information is not included in personal in-
formation. As such, the data protection laws of
many countries identify de-identification as a neces-
sary step in collecting and utilizing personal informa-
tion. Through appropriate de-identification, personal
privacy can be protected while effectively utilizing
personal information.
De-identification is the process of modifying or
replacing personal identifiers to hide some informa-
tion from a public perspective (Chomutare, 2022).
Non-identification will be subjected to a prelimi-
nary review process to review which data corre-
spond to personal information. Subsequently, it in-
cludes a follow-up management process such as re-
identifiability monitoring and safety measures after an
adequacy assessment process to determine whether an
individual can be easily identified when the data are
combined with other information. Non-identification
methods include kana processing, total processing or
average value substitution, data deletion, categoriza-
tion, and data masking. Table 1 shows a list of tradi-
tional methods of de-identification. Through this ap-
proach, data containing sensitive information are pro-
cessed and then used for research or statistical indica-
tors. Information loss must be minimized by select-
ing an appropriate de-identification method accord-
ing to the data type and purpose. In this study, de-
identification was performed using data reduction and
data masking methods. In the “adequacy evaluation,
which evaluates the possibility of re-identification af-
ter de-identification, methods such as k-anonymity, l-
diversity, and t-accessibility are typically used.
k-anonymity. k-anonymity is a non-identification
model that prevents the identification of specific
individuals by ensuring that there are more than
k identical record values in the entire data set. If
some of the information used is combined with
other information that is publicly available to
identify an individual, a linkage attack problem
may occur. To compensate for this vulnerability,
the k-anonymity model is used. In this way, at-
tackers will not be able to find out exactly which
record the attack target is from the de-identified
data (Ito and Kikuchi, 2022).
l-diversity. l-diversity is a de-identification model
used to complement the vulnerabilities of k-
anonymity. Records that are de-identified together
must have at least l different pieces of sensitive in-
formation. For context, k-anonymity is vulnerable
to identity attacks because it does not consider the
diversity of information during de-identification.
Additionally, it is vulnerable to attacks enabled by
background knowledge because it does not con-
sider the background knowledge of the attacker,
other than the provided data. Therefore, it must be
ensured that the de-identified data have more than
l different pieces of data, to enable some degree
of defense even in situations where the attacker
possesses background knowledge (Rai, 2022).
LSTM Autoencoder-Based Insider Abnormal Behavior Detection Using De-Identified Data
Table 1: De-identification methods.
Method Explanation
Replacing key identifying elements with other values to make it difficult to identify
an individual. Examples include heuristic pseudonymization, encryption, and exchange
Preventing individual data values from being exposed by replacing them with the total
value of the data. Examples include total processing, partial totals, rounding, and
Data reduction
Deleting values that are unnecessary or serve as personal identifiers among the values
included in the dataset depending on the purpose of data collection and the level of
sharing and openness. Examples include deleting or partially deleting identifiers,
deleting records, and deleting all identifiers.
Data suppression
Replacing data values with category values without directly exposing them. Examples
include hiding, random rounding, range method, and control rounding.
Data masking
Replacing data values with category values without directly exposing them. Examples
include hiding, random rounding, range method, and control rounding.
2.2 Abnormal Behavior Detection Using
Machine Learning
Al-Mhiqani et al. (Al-Mhiqani et al., 2022) proposed
a multi-layer framework for insider threat detection.
In the first step, the levels of performance of nine
machine learning models were evaluated using multi-
criteria decision making (MCDM) to select a model
optimized for insider threat detection. As a result
of simulations, random forest and k-nearest neigh-
bors (KNN) were selected. Based on these results,
for the second step, hybrid insider threat detection
(HITD), consisting of a misuse insider threat detec-
tion (MITD) component based on random forest and
an anomaly insider threat detection (AITD) compo-
nent based on KNN, was proposed. To evaluate its
performance, the CERTr4.2 dataset was employed to
test unknown and known insider attack scenarios. The
evaluation indicators used were recall, accuracy, pre-
cision, area under the curve (AUC), F-score, and true
negative rate (TNR). In terms of these measures, the
proposed HITD method demonstrated the best per-
formance. However, although the proposed method
showed significant improvement in terms of detec-
tion performance, it did not consider the overhead and
waiting delays that may occur when adopting a hybrid
method. In addition, the original data were used as is
after preprocessing. Because of this, there is a limita-
tion in that there is a risk of infringing on individual
privacy when the proposed method is applied to actual
Cui at el. (Cui et al., 2021) observed that tradi-
tional federated learning, while effective for privacy
protection and low latency, lacks stability because
of non-uniform data distribution among distributed
clients. Therefore, they proposed a blockchain-based
distributed asynchronous federated learning model
for anomaly detection in an Internet of things (IoT)
environment. The model mitigates the problem of im-
balanced data distribution because it is stored on the
blockchain rather than a central server, ensuring that
all clients share the same model regardless of data dis-
tribution or quantity during model updates. Simulta-
neously, it efficiently addresses privacy concerns by
storing only update information on the blockchain,
without exposing sensitive data directly to a central
server. For performance evaluation, a generative ad-
versarial network (GAN) algorithm was used; the
model demonstrated superior performance in terms of
accuracy and convergence speed compared to those
of traditional federated learning models. However,
the model does have a number of limitations, such
as significant accuracy variations in the learning rate
settings, as observed in the IoT device learning rate
comparison graph, and additional computational ef-
fort and time overhead in the process of setting the
optimal learning rate.
Jamshidi et al. (Jamshidi et al., 2024) proposed
a privacy enhancement model using an autoencoder
structure to efficiently de-identify personal sensitive
information when collecting data from providers dur-
ing the anomaly detection model learning process.
The data are first compressed using an encoder; the
confidential and non-confidential attributes are sepa-
rated and then passed through a classifier to weaken
the correlation. Among them, the confidential at-
tributes are de-identified by adding appropriate noise
based on differential privacy and combined with the
non-confidential attributes through a decoder, thus
creating original data. To evaluate its performance,
experiments were conducted using image datasets and
categorical datasets, and on both datasets, the pro-
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
posed model exhibited better accuracy, precision, re-
call, and F1-score compared to those of the conven-
tional autoencoder algorithms CelebA-G-M, CelebA-
G-S, and CelebA-G-C. Their proposed model demon-
strated excellent performance in the performance
evaluation. Additionally, in a differential privacy-
based noise optimization experiment, an appropriate
value was obtained for an efficient de-identification
parameter, which resulted in high accuracy. How-
ever, the process of adding noise to de-identify data
may also increase the model complexity and compu-
tational overhead compared to those of a conventional
autoencoder model.
According to a survey of previous studies re-
lated to detecting abnormal behavior using machine
learning, there are two challenging aspects that must
be considered: on one hand, privacy issues often
occurred when data were not de-identified, and on
the other hand, overhead was generated when de-
identification was performed. In this paper, we would
like to present an abnormal behavior detection solu-
tion that protects privacy by de-identifying data, while
maintaining high detection performance by using an
LSTM autoencoder.
Here in, an LSTM autoencoder-based abnormal in-
sider behavior detection technology that uses de-
identified data is proposed. This security solution
can solve the problem of insider privacy infringement
when abnormal-behavior monitoring is performed
within an organization. When insider activity is mon-
itored, the actions of all devices connected to the net-
work are recorded. Before these raw data are used,
they are subjected to a de-identification process to en-
sure that they do not contain sensitive information.
Abnormal behaviors among insiders are then detected
from the de-identified data using the LSTM autoen-
LSTM is an algorithm that complements the limi-
tation of recurrent neural networks (RNN), which op-
erate effectively only in short sequences, making it
difficult to model dependencies in long sequences. By
contrast, LSTM improves gradient propagation per-
formance by adding cell-state to the state of the hid-
den layer. In addition, the four layers interact and
operate, and in this process, the short-term state and
long-term state are learned separately and undergo a
merging and prediction process (Nguyen et al., 2021).
LSTM can process relatively long time-series data
without performance degradation and can efficiently
use memory by deleting data that are less relevant to
prediction (Ashraf et al., 2020).
On the other hand, an autoencoder is a type of ar-
tificial neural network (ANN) model for image data
compression. It consists of an encoder and decoder
and creates a model in the form of compressed data by
repeating the encoding and decoding process (Roelofs
et al., 2021). The autoencoder is an unsupervised
learning model that is actively considered in situa-
tions such as anomaly detection where there are only
small amounts of labeled data (Thill et al., 2021).
An LSTM autoencoder is a model that applies the
LSTM algorithm to the encoder and decoder of an
autoencoder and is used for the dimensionality re-
duction and anomaly detection of a dataset (Said El-
sayed et al., 2020). Because the detection of abnor-
mal insider behavior is performed on large datasets
with long time-series data, the LSTM autoencoder is
suitable for the purpose (Nam et al., 2020).
Figure 3 shows a flowchart illustrating how abnor-
mal insider behavior is detected using an LSTM au-
toencoder that uses de-identified data. After data gen-
erated from all PCs connected to the network of an or-
ganization are collected, preprocessing is performed
to replace the collected data with numerical data suit-
able for machine learning use. Among the collected
data, data that are personally identifiable and have
a high possibility of violating privacy are deleted,
whereas sensitive information are de-identified. After
de-identification, the data are subjected to a risk as-
sessment process to ensure that they are de-identified
to an appropriate level. The data processed in this
way are used as input data for the LSTM autoencoder
to detect abnormal behavior. If abnormal behavior is
determined, the abnormal actor is traced through a re-
identification process.
Figure 3: Flowchart of abnormal-insider-behavior detection
based on LSTM autoencoder using de-identified data.
LSTM Autoencoder-Based Insider Abnormal Behavior Detection Using De-Identified Data
Table 2: CERT dataset configuration.
File Contents Characteristics
PC login
or logoff
• Fields: ID, Date, User, PC, Activity (Logon/Logoff)
• 1,000 insiders each have an assigned PC.
• The following items appear similar among users.
- Start time (slight error)
- End time (slight error)
- Length of work day (slight error)
- After-hours work: Most users do not log on outside of working hours.
• Fields: id, date, user, pc, url, content
• URL includes the domain name and path. Words included in the URL are
generally related to the content of the web page.
• Each web page can contain multiple pieces of content.
files to
• Fields: id, date, user, pc, filename, content
• content: Consists of a hexadecimal encoded file header followed by a space-
separated list of content keywords.
• Each file can contain multiple topics.
• File header is related to file name extension.
• Each user has a normal number of file copies per day (deviations from these
normal numbers can be used as an important indicator).
• Fields: id, date, user, pc, to, cc, bcc, from, size, attachment count, content
• Some noise edges are introduced.
• A small number of insiders send emails to outsiders.
• There may be multiple recipients.
• Email size indicates the number of bytes of the message, excluding attachments
(email size and number of attachments have no correlation to each other).
input or
• Fields: id, date, user, pc, activity (connect/disconnect)
• Some users use flash drives.
• If the user shuts down the system before removing the drive, the disconnect
record is missing.
• Users are assigned a typical average number of flash drive uses per day
(deviations from the normal number of uses can be used as an important indicator).
of insider
• Fields: employee name, user id, email, role, business unit, functional unit,
department, team, supervisor
• Data for approximately 1 year and 6 months exist by month from 2009-12 to
• There is a significant difference in the numbers of emails received and sent,
depending on the role.
• role - ITAdmin: Systems administrators with global access privileges
4.1 Dataset
The CERT Insider Threat Test Dataset (Institute,
2013) was used in the experiment. The CERT dataset
was created by the Carnegie Mellon University Soft-
ware Engineering Institute in collaboration with Ex-
actData and LCC, and with support from DARPA
I2O. It was created for the purpose of researching in-
sider threat behavior, and currently, six releases have
been updated to 10 versions. The dataset includes
data on 1,000 insiders and malicious actors execut-
ing ve malicious behavior scenarios. In this exper-
iment, CERT r4.2 was used, because it was judged
to be suitable for the experiment for its higher rate
of malicious behavior data than in other versions.
Table 2 provides a description of the files included
in the CERT dataset. In this experiment, logon.csv,
http.csv, file.csv, email.csv, device.csv, and LDAP
were used. In the case of the CERT r4.2 data set,
there are 100 malicious actors among 1,000 insiders,
including thirty malicious actors in scenario 1, thirty
in scenario 2, and ten in scenario 3. Table 3 provides
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
descriptions of the scenarios used in this experiment
on the CERT r4.2 dataset.
4.2 ARX
The open source software ARX, which is used for
data de-identification, was used on the original data.
ARX supports a variety of anonymization tools and
privacy models and can analyze risks by applying at-
tacker models. Its de-identification process is illus-
trated in Figure 4. After the data to be de-identified
are imported, the type of each attribute is set as ei-
ther Identifying, Quasi-Identifying, or Sensitive / In-
sensitive. In the case of the Identifying and Quasi-
Identifying types, the value of each attribute is re-
placed with “*”. The privacy model to be applied is
then set. On the other hand, in the case of the Sen-
sitive type, a separate privacy model must be set for
each. After all settings for data de-identification are
completed, the appropriate de-identification level is
determined via the Explore process. Afterward, the
input data and output data are compared to evaluate
the de-identification performance. The Analyze util-
ity function can be used to check the classification
performance and quality model according to the target
variable. On the other hand, the Analyze risks func-
tion can be used to evaluate the risk level according to
various attacker models.
4.3 Evaluation Method
Experiments were conducted to demonstrate and eval-
uate the performance of the proposed technology.
Figure 5 shows the simulation model. All records of
operations by 1,000 insiders from PCs connected to
the internal network of the organization are transmit-
ted to the central monitoring server. The monitoring
server subjects the data to preprocessing to use the
collected data for machine learning. Data divided into
files such as logon.csv, http.csv, file.csv, email.csv,
device.csv, and LDAP are reclassified based on in-
sider ID and then undergo processing for missing val-
ues and the removal of outliers.
Two procedures are performed to de-identify the
preprocessed data. In the first step, a new item is cre-
ated by combining up to three appropriate items to
avoid using items that may contain content directly
related to the actions of the insider and their personal
privacy, such as date, content, and url. For exam-
ple, through the use of the logon and logoff records
of the logon data, it is possible to determine the time
work was performed within designated working hours
or the time work was performed outside working
hours. These newly created items can be combined
again with http and device data to create data such as
records of Internet access outside working hours and
records of files copied to external devices.
The second step is de-identification using the
ARX tool. First, the type of each field is set. In
this experiment, the type of user was set to Identi-
fying, that of sessionid was set to Quasi-identifying,
and those of role, f unit, dept, team, ITAdmin, and
n email related to position and department informa-
tion were set to Sensitive. The field n email shows
the sum of incoming and outgoing e-mails, and as
specified in Table 3, there is a large difference in the
amounts of e-mails received and sent, depending on
the role, and thus it was classified as Sensitive-type
data. The types of all remaining fields were set to In-
Next, the generalization hierarchy method to be
applied to the Sensitive-type data is set. In this ex-
periment, character masking was applied to the six
Sensitive-type data fields. Character masking is a
general purpose mechanism and is the most widely
available method for data anonymization. After all
values were aligned to the left, masking was per-
formed from right to left. After the length of the
longest string in each field was set to Max.characters,
padding was added for all values to have a length of
Max.characters. The settings are specified in Table 4.
Domain size refers to the number of different pos-
sible values for each field. For example, in the case
of role, the possible values for the field, that is, the
domain, are 0 to 41, and thus, the domain size is 42.
Max.characters indicates the length of the longest in-
teger type in each field.
Therefore, Max.characters is set to 1 for f unit and
ITAdmin, which have domain sizes of 10 or less, and
2 for the remaining fields, which have domain sizes
of 100 or less. Padding is then added according to
alphabet size for all values to have the same length.
After the privacy model was set to l-diversity, l was
set to 2. Abnormal behavior is detected by using the
de-identified data as input data to the LSTM autoen-
coder. If abnormal behavior is detected during this
process, the abnormal actor is tracked through a re-
identification process. If abnormal behavior is not de-
tected, the data are stored in the database.
In this experiment, 20% of the overall dataset con-
stituted the learning data set, whereas the remaining
80% constituted the validation dataset. We evaluated
the degree of de-identification by the proposed tech-
nology and compared the detection rate with those of
conventional technologies.
This study used log data collected over a short pe-
riod of time. This makes it difficult to reflect bias and
errors that may occur when massive amounts of log
LSTM Autoencoder-Based Insider Abnormal Behavior Detection Using De-Identified Data
Table 3: CERT experiment scenario descriptions.
Scenario Description
Scenario 1
User who did not previously use removable drives or work after hours begins logging in after
hours, using a removable drive, and uploading data to Leaves the organization
shortly thereafter.
Scenario 2
User begins surfing job websites and soliciting employment from a competitor. Before leaving
the company, they use a thumb drive (at markedly higher rates than their previous activity) to
steal data.
Scenario 3
System administrator becomes disgruntled. Downloads a keylogger and uses a thumb drive to
transfer it to the machine of their supervisor. The next day, he uses the collected keylogs to log
in as his supervisor and send out an alarming mass email, causing panic in the organization.
He leaves the organization immediately.
Figure 4: ARX de-identification process.
Figure 5: Simulation of abnormal-insider-behavior detection based on LSTM autoencoder.
data are collected in real situations. Therefore, in or-
der to use it in an actual intrusion detection system,
learning must be done using sufficient sample data.
We analyzed the results of the experiments that we
conducted to evaluate the performance of the pro-
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 4: Demonstration of data de-identification using ARX.
Fields Type Hierarchy
Privacy model
user Identifying Delete - - - -
sessionid Quasi-id. Delete - - - -
role Sensitive Masking 42 10 2 Distinct-2-diversity
f unit Sensitive Masking 7 7 1 Distinct-2-diversity
dept Sensitive Masking 23 10 2 Distinct-2-diversity
team Sensitive Masking 39 10 2 Distinct-2-diversity
ITAdmin Sensitive Masking 2 2 1 Distinct-2-diversity
n email Sensitive Masking 37 10 2 Distinct-2-diversity
posed technology. In this assessment, the levels of
performance obtained using identifiable data (origi-
nal dataset), using the conventional de-identification
method, and using the de-identification method of the
proposed technology were compared. The conven-
tional de-identification method is to select sensitive
data and then to delete the data.
5.1 De-Identification Performance
The safety of the de-identified data was analyzed us-
ing the ARX Analyze risk function. For safety anal-
ysis, it is important to consider what kind of and how
much knowledge the attacker has. The more knowl-
edge an attacker has that is necessary for an attack,
the easier the attack can be. In the risk analysis pro-
cess of this experiment, to analyze safety, we em-
ployed three attacker models: the Prosecutor attacker
model, the Journalist attacker model, and the Mar-
keter attacker model. The evaluation indicators used
included Records at risk, Highest risk, and Success
rate. Records at risk indicates the percentage of risk
above the standard value, whereas Highest risk indi-
cates the highest risk for a single record. Meanwhile,
the Success rate indicates the percentage of records
that can be re-identified on average.
The Prosecutor attacker model assumes that an
attacker targets a specific individual. The attacker
knows that the data regarding their target individ-
ual are included in the dataset. Table 5 shows the
results of risk analysis for when the Prosecutor at-
tacker model was applied on the original dataset and
de-identified datasets. In the case of the original
dataset, all evaluation indicators, i.e., Records at risk,
Highest risk, and Success rate, were at approximately
100%. On the other hand, when the conventional
de-identification method was applied, the risk was
at its lowest because sensitive data were completely
deleted. When the proposed de-identification method
was applied, the highest risk was only in the 1%
Table 5: Risk analysis results for when the Prosecutor at-
tacker model was applied.
Data type
at risk
Identifiable data 100% 100% 100%
De-identified data
0% 0.02% 0.02%
De-identified data
0% 1.30% 0.23%
range, indicating safety of the dataset.
By contrast, the Journalist attacker model assumes
a situation wherein an attacker targets, but has no
background knowledge about, a specific individual.
Table 6 shows the results of risk analysis for when
the Journalist attacker model was applied. When
the original dataset was used, all indicators of risk
were at 100%, whereas when the conventional de-
identification method was employed, all indicators
were at 0%, showing that the dataset was safe. When
the proposed de-identification method was applied,
the highest risk was in the 1% range.
Table 6: Risk analysis results for when the Journalist at-
tacker model was applied.
Data type
at risk
Identifiable data 100% 100% 100%
De-identified data
0% 0.02% 0.02%
De-identified data
0% 1.30% 0.23%
The Marketer attacker model aims to help attack-
ers re-identify multiple individuals rather than target-
ing specific individuals. An attack is considered suc-
cessful when a large number of records can be re-
identified. Table 7 shows the results of risk analysis
for when the Marketer attacker model was applied.
Even in this case, the proposed de-identification
method resulted in excellent safety, whereas the suc-
LSTM Autoencoder-Based Insider Abnormal Behavior Detection Using De-Identified Data
cess rate, which was 100% in the case of the original
dataset, was in the 0% range for both the conventional
and proposed de-identification methods.
Table 7: Risk analysis results for when the Marketer at-
tacker model was applied.
Data type Success rate
Identifiable data 100%
De-identified data (conventional)
De-identified data (proposed)
As a result of risk analysis by applying three at-
tack models, the dataset de-identified using the con-
ventional method was found to produce the lowest
re-identification probability. The dataset de-identified
using the proposed method was also found to produce
a sufficiently low re-identification probability that is
considered sufficiently safe.
5.2 Detection Rate Performance
Subsequently, an experiment was conducted to com-
pare abnormal behavior detection performance with
respect to whether and how data de-identification was
applied. The loss value obtained using verification
data is compared with a randomly set threshold value,
and if the loss value is greater than the threshold
value, it is judged to be an abnormal behavior. In
this experiment, thresholds were set to 1.1. Figure 6
shows a graph comparing the accuracy and F1-score
results of the LSTM autoencoder-based abnormal be-
havior detection experiment with respect to whether
and how de-identification was applied.
In the case of identifiable data, the accuracy was
0.950. By contrast, in the case of data de-identified
using the conventional method, the accuracy was
0.788, showing significant deterioration in detection
performance. Conventional de-identification causes
loss of information because it deletes data without re-
placing or generalizing sensitive data. This resulted
in a decrease in detection performance. On the other
hand, in the case of data de-identified using the pro-
posed method, the accuracy was found to be 0.954,
which was a slight improvement from that obtained
using the identifiable data.
With regard to the F1-score, that for the identifi-
able data was 0.975, that for the data de-identified us-
ing the conventional method was 0.881, and that for
the data de-identified using the proposed method was
0.976. It can also be observed from the F1-scores that
the data de-identified using the conventional method
resulted in significantly deteriorated detection perfor-
mance, whereas the data de-identified using the pro-
posed method resulted in a slight performance im-
provement compared to that obtained using the iden-
tifiable data.
Figure 6: Comparison of LSTM autoencoder-based abnor-
mal behavior detection accuracy and F1-score results with
respect to de-identification application.
Through experiments to evaluate de-
identification, it was confirmed that the proposed
de-identification leads to a low possibility of re-
identification and therefore good safety for the
de-identified dataset. In addition, as a result of
comparing the LSTM autoencoder-based anomaly
detection performance obtained with the identifiable
data and that obtained with the data de-identified
using the proposed method, it was confirmed that
the proposed de-identification resulted in a slight
performance improvement. On the other hand,
conventional de-identification provided the lowest
possibility of re-identification and, therefore, superior
data safety, but because significant information loss
occurred during the de-identification process, the
abnormal behavior detection performance deterio-
rated. We demonstrated that the proposed LSTM
autoencoder-based insider abnormality detection
technology that uses de-identified data provides
safety in terms of personal privacy and leads to high
detection performance.
In this paper, we present a security solution that
protects individual privacy by applying data de-
identification when monitoring abnormal behavior
among organization insiders, while maintaining ab-
normal behavior detection performance similar to that
obtained using existing identifiable data. In the ab-
normal behavior detection process, we attempted to
effectively process long time-series data using an
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
LSTM autoencoder, an algorithm suitable for abnor-
mal behavior detection.
To prove the effectiveness of the proposed
method, de-identification evaluation and abnormal
behavior detection performance comparison were
conducted. In the de-identification evaluation, risk
analysis was conducted by applying three attacker
models, and it was proven that the de-identified
dataset had only a low possibility of re-identification
and was therefore safe. On the other hand, in the ab-
normal behavior detection performance comparison
experiment, the de-identified data resulted in slightly
improved performance and a higher detection rate
than those obtained using the identifiable data.
In follow-up research, we plan to conduct further
studies to expand the scope of application of anomaly
detection solutions using de-identified datasets by set-
ting various anomaly detection situations and provid-
ing anomaly detection solutions tailored to each situ-
This work was partly supported by the Korea Institute
for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) grant funded
by the Korean Government (MOTIE) (P0008703, The
Competency Development Program for Industry Spe-
cialists) and MSIT under the ICAN (ICT Challenge
and Advanced Network of HRD) program (No. IITP-
2022-RS-2022-00156310), supervised by the Insti-
tute of Information Communication Technology Plan-
ning and Evaluation (IITP).
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ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy