Is Noise Reduction Improving Open-Source ASR Transcription Engines
Asma Trabelsi, Laurent Werey, S
ebastien Warichet and Emmanuel Helbert
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, ALE International, 32, avenue Kl
eber 92700 Colombes, Paris, France
Speech Recognition, ASR, Data Sovereignty, Vosk, Whisper.
Transcription has becoming an important task on the field of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
Much research has focused on such a field so that we find a lot of paid and open-source ASR solutions. The
choose of the best solution is crucial. Open source ones seems to be appropriate especially for companies
that would maintain the aspect of data sovereignty. Vosk and Whisper are ASR open-source tools that have
been revolutionized this last period. The first idea of this paper is to compare these two solutions in term of
Word Error Rate (WER) to conclude who performs best. In the meantime, a lot of models aroused focusing
on removing disturbing noises (such as dog barks, child screams, etc) during remote communication. The
second idea of the paper is to study the influence of such models applied prior to the transcription service on
the quality of the communication transcription. In our study, we focused on voice mail transcription use case.
In the sector of communications solutions, NLP ser-
vice are changing the game, bringing new features
and improving performance far beyond hardware
or digital communication signal processing. Cloud
Communication platforms offer several features to
cite a few video or audio call, screen or file shar-
ing, which can be stored on the Cloud. It allows
fluid and modern communication inside companies
as well as with the external environment. Transcrip-
tion functionality is a key function brought by NLP. It
makes the content of a conversation accessible to ev-
eryone including those with hearing loss and allows
for additional processing such as language translation,
project and data knowledge management (Bain et al.,
2005). Today, there are several Automatic Speech
Recognition (ASR) solutions. There are paid solu-
tions such as Google, IBM, Microsoft, Linagora (Re-
bai et al., 2020), etc. There exist also open-source so-
lutions like Mozilla DeepSpeech(Nacimiento-Garc
et al., 2021), Kaldi (Povey et al., 2011), Vosk (al-
phacephei, 2023), wav2letter (Collobert et al., 2016),
SpeechBrain (Ravanelli et al., 2021), Whisper (Rad-
ford et al., 2023), etc. Choosing the best solution is a
crucial and essential step for companies and will de-
pend on the context of use and operation. In a pre-
vious work (Trabelsi et al., 2022), We defined four
important criteria (SCQA) for choosing the most ap-
propriate solution.
Data Security. To guarantee data security and
comply with the GDPR, we preferred that the cal-
culation (hosting) be done either on premises or
on a well-identified cloud server.
Cost. The choice of the solution will also be based
on the cost of the operation. Paid solutions charge
either per transaction or per model.
Quality. The performance of the models is a sig-
nificant criterion for ensuring a better service.
Adaptability. The chosen solution must be ad-
justable to the vocabularies of our customers. The
solution must be adapted according to the needs of
our customers and according to the business sec-
The majority of paid solutions shows poor results re-
garding criteria of cost and data sovereignty. There
are non global suppliers ensuring better data security
and opening up to more flexible business models but
their Quality criterion is poor as they do not support
many languages. For an international company, this
criterion is critical. Hence, the best trad-off seemed
to use open-source models such as Vosk (alphacephei,
2023) and SpeechBrain (Ravanelli et al., 2021) that
have revolutionized in recent times. In (Trabelsi et al.,
2022), we conducted an experimental study to com-
pare these two solutions based on the Word Error Rate
Trabelsi, A., Werey, L., Warichet, S. and Helber t, E.
Is Noise Reduction Improving Open-Source ASR Transcription Engines Quality?.
DOI: 10.5220/0012457100003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 1221-1228
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(WER) and the Inference Time (IT). We have exper-
imentally proven that Vosk outperforms SpeechBrain
in both WER and IT critertia. At the beginning of
2023, we experienced the revolution following Ope-
nAI tools. Among its tools, we identify additional
open-source solutions for transcription with the re-
lease of Whisper. It became then highly relevant to
compare the results delivered by Whisper with those
of our first champion, Vosk.
In parallel to this work, we did some experimenta-
tion of ML models to improve the overall quality of
communication by adding features to reduce or event
remove external noises during conversation. That ap-
proach was definitely in the scope of the Q criterion of
our framework and it raised the question of the impact
of this pre-processing on voice transcription. Will the
noise reduction decrease the performance of the tran-
scription or on the contrary, will it improve the WER
of the transcription model? Our hypothesis is that a
noise reduction treatment on the audio content can in-
crease the transcription quality. Thus, the second aim
of this paper is to study the impact of noise reduc-
tion on transcription quality based on the Word Error
Rate. We consider two well-known noise reduction
frameworks which are RNNoise(Mozzila, 2023) and
ASTEROID (Asteroid, 2023) that will be applied to
the winner ASR framework among Vosk and Whis-
The remaining of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In section 2, we focus on existing open source
solutions by highlighting their advantages and their
drawbacks. In Section 3, we present some well-
known noise reduction techniques. We explain the
experimentation settings and results in Section 4. Sec-
tion 5 discussed the results obtained and we draw the
conclusion and our perspectives in Section 6.
Open-source tools seem particularly well suited to
meet our SCQA criteria. Kaldi (Povey et al., 2011),
Vosk (alphacephei, 2023) and Whisper (Radford
et al., 2023) have been remarkably successful in both
academical and industrial areas. We detail below each
of those frameworks.
2.1 Kaldi and Vosk
Kaldi (Povey et al., 2011) is one among the well
known framework that has seen a lot of success re-
cently. Several ASR companies have been develop-
ing their offer using this framework such as Linagora
(Rebai et al., 2020) to cite a few. It is a compre-
hensive toolkit for speech recognition that has gained
popularity in both research and industry. It provides
a wide range of tools and resources for building and
customizing ASR systems. Kaldi is known for its
flexibility and extensibility, allowing researchers and
developers to experiment with various ASR compo-
nents, such as acoustic modeling, language modeling,
and decoding algorithms. It is designed with a mod-
ular architecture, making it easier to experiment with
different ASR components and integrate external li-
braries. It includes state-of-the-art models and train-
ing techniques for acoustic and language modeling. It
supports multiple languages and it can be tailored to
specific languages and dialects. Vosk (alphacephei,
2023) is a well known open-source solution for ASR
that is build on top of Kaldi. It is a lightweight
and efficient ASR tool that is built with a focus on
speed, accuracy, and ease of use. It comes with pre-
trained models for multiple languages, simplifying
the setup process. Vosk is designed to be resource-
efficient, making it a good choice for resource con-
strained devices and it is particularly well-suited for
applications where low-latency speech recognition is
required, such as online transcription, voice assis-
tants, etc (Gentile et al., 2023).
2.2 Whisper and Whisper-Faster
At the beginning of 2023, we experienced a very re-
markable evolution with the arrival of OpenAI solu-
tions, notably ChatGPT and its newest Large Lan-
guage Models (LLM) (Mao et al., 2023). Ad-
ditionally, OpenAI has succeeded in improving its
transcription engine called Whisper (Radford et al.,
2023). It represents a significant advancement in the
field of Automatic Speech Recognition. Whisper’s
capabilities have been harnessed in a variety of ap-
plications, from transcription services to voice assis-
tants (Mul, 2023; Spiller et al., 2023). One of the
key strengths of Whisper lies in its ability to adapt
and perform exceptionally well across multiple lan-
guages and accents, making it a versatile tool for
speech-to-text conversion on a global scale. Its train-
ing data, which comprises a vast and diverse dataset
of multilingual and multitask supervised data, allows
it to continually improve its accuracy and robustness.
Researchers and developers have also been explor-
ing ways to fine-tune Whisper for specific applica-
tions, such as medical transcription and customer ser-
vice call analytics (Jain et al., 2023). This adapt-
ability and scalability make Whisper a valuable as-
set in fields where accurate speech recognition is cru-
cial, revolutionizing the way we interact with spo-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
ken language data. For online ASR service, real-
time ASR systems like Whisper, improving the speed
at which speech is recognized and transcribed is an
ongoing challenge. Faster-Whisper is a reimplemen-
taion of OpenAI’s Whisper model, built upon the ro-
bust CTranslate2 framework, a high-speed inference
engine tailored for Transformer models (Mach
et al., 2023). Compared to the original OpenAI Whis-
per, this implementation delivers a remarkable speed
boost, achieving up to fourfold faster performance
without compromising accuracy. Furthermore, it ac-
complishes this feature while consuming fewer sys-
tem resources, making it a more efficient choice. Ad-
ditionally, the implementation offers room for opti-
mization through the application of 8-bit quantization
on both CPU and GPU, further enhancing its effi-
ciency (Fas, ). Researchers are constantly working
on optimizing the processing time of ASR systems to
ensure faster real-time speech-to-text conversion. As
Whipser has not been designed in first place for real
time transcription, some open source solutions, built
on top of Faster-Whispser, exist today like Whisper
streaming (Mach
cek et al., 2023).
The world of noise cancellation and audio signal pro-
cessing is vast and constantly evolving (Benesty et al.,
2009). Each year, conferences such as ICASSP see
the publication of dozens of research papers deal-
ing with the subject, testifying to its growing im-
portance. Apart from scientific conferences, annual
challenges like the Deep Noise Suppression Chal-
lenge inspire the scientific community to innovate and
propose cutting-edge solutions for noise suppression.
Major players such as Microsoft, Amazon and Baidu
play a key role, often introducing new approaches
and methodologies. Noise cancellation is a crucial
technology in audio, operating in both real time or
offline audio signals. It aims to filter and eliminate
all impairing sounds that could be either background
noise, related to the audio environment, or commu-
nication noise, related to the communication infras-
tructure. This greatly facilitates communications dis-
tance, guaranteeing better listening quality and reduc-
ing inconvenience for users. These noise cancella-
tion techniques could be either based on Digital Sig-
nal Processing (Vaseghi, 2008) or on Machine Learn-
ing (ML) algorithms. In this paper, we focus only
on ML algorithms. One of the major problems intro-
duced by this mechanism is latency, especially when
it comes to deal with real time audio signals. La-
tency is the delay time between capturing an audio
segment and returning it once processed. Excessive
latency can significantly affect the quality of a con-
ference dialogue, increasing the overall round trip de-
lay and making the conversation less fluid and natural
(Suznjevic and Saldana, 2016). It will therefore be
necessary to ensure that latency is as low as possi-
ble on a set of devices with uncontrolled computing
powers. In this section, we will present two open-
source solutions: RNNoise(Mozzila, 2023) and AS-
TEROID (Asteroid, 2023). RNNoise is designed to
cope with both real time and offline audio signal and
to guarantee low latency in case of real time noise re-
duction. ASTEROID only treats noise reduction in
offline mode.
3.1 RNNoise
RNNoise is a valuable tool for enhancing audio qual-
ity by effectively reducing unwanted noise and dis-
turbances in audio recordings (Mozzila, 2023; Valin,
2018). It is an open-source project available under
BSD-3-Clause licence meaning that its source code
is freely available to the public even for commercial
use (RNNoise, 2023). This encourages collaboration,
improvement, and integration into various software
applications. RNNoise employs a machine learning-
based approach to distinguish between speech and
noise in audio signals. It uses neural networks to clas-
sify and separate these components, which helps in
effectively reducing background noise. It is mainly
designed to work in real-time, making it suitable for
applications like voice and video calls, online con-
ferencing, and live audio streaming where immediate
noise reduction is required. It is optimized for low-
latency performance, which is crucial in applications
like real-time voice communication, where delays can
negatively impact the user experience. Another ad-
vantage is that RNNoise can be integrated into vari-
ous software and hardware systems, making it versa-
tile and adaptable to different use cases. It is com-
monly used in voice communication software, speech
recognition systems, and audio post-processing tools.
Users can often adjust parameters and settings within
RNNoise to fine-tune the noise reduction process ac-
cording to their specific requirements and the nature
of the audio source. One drawback of RNNoise is its
incapacity to work with various audio formats. It op-
erates only on RAW 16-bit (machine endian) mono
PCM files sampled at 48 kHz. Another point is that
the model operates using 22 filter bands quite wide,
meaning it cannot isolate or remove noise with narrow
frequency bandwidth located in the voice frequencies
band. As a result, some noise remains in the output.
Is Noise Reduction Improving Open-Source ASR Transcription Engines Quality?
Additionally, the model showed notable sensitivity to
variations of input volume and voice characteristics,
such as timbre and pitch.
ASTEROID is an open-source toolkit (Pariente et al.,
2020) designed to facilitate deep learning-based au-
dio source separation and speech enhancement, cater-
ing to both researchers and industrials. Built using
PyTorch, a highly popular dynamic neural network
toolkit, ASTEROID prioritizes user-friendliness, ex-
tensibility, promoting reproducible research, and fos-
tering effortless experimentation. Consequently, it ac-
commodates a diverse array of datasets and architec-
tures and includes pre-configured setups to replicate
significant research papers. ASTEROID is publicly
accessible on (Asteroid, 2023). ASTEROID propose
audio source separation models such as Deep clus-
tering (Hershey et al., 2016), ConvTasNet (Luo and
Mesgarani, 2019), DPRNN (Luo et al., 2020) and oth-
ers (HuggingFace, 2023). In addition to the models
themselves, ASTEROID offers essential components
like building blocks, loss functions, metrics, and fre-
quently employed datasets in the field of source sep-
aration. This simplifies the process of creating novel
source separation models and facilitates their compar-
ative evaluation against existing ones.
4.1 Experimentation Settings
Data collection is still the most important task in any
machine learning application. GDPR rules for data
privacy and data governance imposes to collect care-
fully our data. We did not find public and open dataset
containing relevant business voice messages adapted
to our experimentation. Hence, the data collection
was done manually by asking volunteers within the
company to send us some professional voice mes-
sages. This procedure has allowed us to obtain 74
voice messages ( 47 French voice messages and 27
English voice messages). For the purpose of study-
ing the impact of noise reduction on the transcrip-
tion quality, we generate denoised voice messages
through RNNoise and ASTEROID. For ASTEROID
denoised tool, we have used specifically the DC-
CRNet Libri1Mix Enhsingle 16k model available on
HuggingFace. This model was preferred owing to
its proven efficacy in the domain of single voice en-
hancement compared to all other tested models.
Two metrics MOS (Union, 2016) and WER were
pivotal in our evaluations. The Mean Opinion Score
(MOS) provides an appraisal of the perceived quality
of an audio communication, rated on a scale from 1
(very poor quality) to 5 (excellent quality). It usually
aggregates the evaluations of multiple individuals, of-
fering a holistic sense of how the audio might be per-
ceived by an average listener. In our case we chose
to use DNSMOS (objective speech quality metric to
evaluate noise suppressors) to avoid setting the pro-
tocol of MOS and compute it objectively. The MOS
metric is chosen for its capacity to offer a compre-
hensive view and to lend insight into the real-world
implications and user perception. The WER reflects
the Word Error Rate and it will be used to qualify the
ASR engine. In our case, we only consider Vosk and
Whisper ASR engines.
4.2 Experimentation Results
In what follows, we present our experimentation re-
sults. We firstly compare Vosk and Whisper in term
of WER for both French and English data. Then, we
study the impact of noise reduction on transcription
quality for Whisper models.
4.2.1 Vosk versus Whisper in Term of WER
Figure 1 and Figure 2 presents the WER for various
models of Whisper and Vosk and for two languages,
French and English. While Whisper is able to cope
with various language with the same model, we had
to configure Vosk to use specific language models.
We tested one single model in French and four dif-
ferent models in English. On the Whisper side, we
varied the size of the model. If we compare the re-
sults between the French and English languages, Vosk
with the French model performs better than for En-
glish models. At the opposite, Whisper performs bet-
ter in English language. Now if we only consider
the different Whisper models, as expected and with-
out surprise, the experimentation confirmed that the
larger the model, the better the results. With the draw-
back that large models will require more computation
resources and lead to higher latency. Finally, when
comparing Vosk and Whisper figures, there is clear
and impressive better performances for all Whisper
models in English with WER below 25% even for
4.2.2 MOS and Whisper WER for Original and
Denoised Audio
MOS Results.
Before presenting the Whisper WER for origi-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Vosk Vs Whisper for French data in term of WER.
Figure 2: Vosk Vs Whisper for English data in term of WER.
nal and denoised audio, we present the MOS to
assess the impact of the noise suppression mod-
els. Figure 3 and Figure 4 depict the results for
both French en English voice messages. Though
we cannot extract a clear prediction of the im-
pact of the denoising, there are some trends which
stem from these preliminary results. ASTER-
OID perfoms better than RNNoise for voice mes-
sages with MOS above 3,1 (approximated thresh-
old). While ASTEROID improve the overall
MOS score for these samples, RNNoise degrade
the quality, decreasing significantly the MOS. But
for samples with poor quality (MOS lower than
3,1), RNNoise performs definitely better than AS-
TEROID, improving the overall score. This be-
haviour is independent from the language.
WER Results.
Figure 5 presents the WER results for original
and denoised audio using the different whisper
model from base to large-v2. We decided to con-
sider all the voice messages for the WER cal-
culation and the figures correspond to the mean
WER. This approach allow us to sense the gen-
eral trend of the impact of denoising on transcrip-
tion quality, whatever the initial MOS score. If
we compare the impact of denoising depending
on the Whisper model size, there is a real im-
provement of the transcription quality for base
and small models while, at the opposite, ASTER-
OID and RNNoise degrade the overall transcrip-
tion quality for larger models. For Whisper base
and Whisper small, ASTEROID performs slightly
better than RNNoise but one must recall that RN-
Noise tends to degrade the MOS score for mes-
sage with already good audio quality. For Whis-
per medium, Whisper large and Whisper large-v2,
RNNoise performs better than ASTEROID with
only a slight degradation of the WER.
Is Noise Reduction Improving Open-Source ASR Transcription Engines Quality?
Figure 3: MOS for English dataset.
Figure 4: MOS for French dataset.
We have experimentally proven that Whisper models,
even the small ones outperform all Vosk models for
English. For the French language, Vosk has outper-
formed Whisper base and small models but Whisper
medium, large and large v2 models have given bet-
ter results than Vosk. In short, for French and En-
glish language, the overall assessment is that Whis-
per performs better than Vosk in terms of Word Error
Rate. We have next studied the impact of noise re-
duction on the audio quality when based on the MOS
criterion. Two noise reduction approaches have been
used, RNNoise and ASTEROID. We have shown that
ASTEROID improves audio quality whatever the ini-
tial MOS score while RNNoise behaviour is a little
less deterministic. While RNNoise outperforms AS-
TEROID for audio messages with poor quality (MOS
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
base small medium large large-v2
ASTEROID denoise method
RNNoise denoise method
Figure 5: WER for noised and denoised audio.
lower than 3.1), for audio messages with relative good
quality, RNNoise behaves in the opposite way to what
is expected. This is may be due to the fact that RN-
Noise is more adequate for live streaming with sample
rate equals to 48khz while the voice mail audio col-
lected have 16khz as sample rate. When using RN-
Noise, we should upsample our audio to 48khz to re-
duce background noise and then we need to down-
sample to 16khz in order to compute the MOS. Once
noise reduction is done, we have applied Whisper to
get transcription. Results have proven that the WER
for base and small models of denoised files with both
ASTEROID and RNNoise is lower than the WER ob-
tained with the original audio. For base and small
models, the WER obtained for denoised files with AS-
TEROID is a little bit less than for the denoised files
with RNNoise. For medium, large and large-v2 mod-
els, original files have given the least WER and files
denoised with RNNoise have given a lower WER than
files denoised with ASTEROID. At this stage, we can
not conclude that improving the overall MOS score of
voice audio has a positive impact on the transcription
In this paper, we have compared Vosk and Whisper
using the WER criteria. Experimentation results have
proven the better performance of Whisper over Vosk.
We have then put the focus on the impact of noise re-
duction on the transcription quality. Results proved
that noise reduction can have a positive impact, es-
pecially for small language models. This may be ex-
plained by the fact that these models are trained with
a small amount of data that does not take into con-
sideration noisy data contrary to the larger models
(Medium, Large and Large-V2 for Whisper transcrip-
tion engine). For future work, we would like to aug-
ment the dataset by collecting more voice mail data
with various MOS and various type of audio impair-
ments. The purpose is to understand more in detail
what kinds of audio improvement brought by noise re-
duction frameworks have the best impact on the tran-
scription WER. Finally, We also would like to com-
pare models and study the impact of noise reduction
for languages other than French and English.
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence