Conditional Vector Graphics Generation for Music Cover Images
Ivan Jarsky
, Valeria Efimova
, Ilya Bizyaev and Andrey Filchenkov
ITMO University, Kronverksky Pr. 49, St. Petersburg, Russia
GAN, Image Generation, Vector Graphics.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) have motivated a rapid growth of the domain of computer image
synthesis. As almost all the existing image synthesis algorithms consider an image as a pixel matrix, the
high-resolution image synthesis is complicated. A good alternative can be vector images. However, they
belong to the highly sophisticated parametric space, which is a restriction for solving the task of synthesizing
vector graphics by GANs. In this paper, we consider a specific application domain that softens this restriction
dramatically allowing the usage of vector image synthesis. Music cover images should meet the requirements
of Internet streaming services and printing standards, which imply high resolution of graphic materials without
any additional requirements on the content of such images. Existing music cover image generation services
do not analyze tracks themselves; however, some services mostly consider only genre tags. To generate music
covers as vector images that reflect the music and consist of simple geometric objects, we suggest a GAN-
based algorithm called CoverGAN. The assessment of resulting images is based on their correspondence to the
music compared with AttnGAN and DALL-E text-to-image generation according to title or lyrics. Moreover,
the significance of the patterns found by CoverGAN has been evaluated in terms of the correspondence of the
generated cover images to the musical tracks. Listeners evaluate the music covers generated by the proposed
algorithm as quite satisfactory and corresponding to the tracks. Music cover images generation code and demo
are available at
Drawing images manually is a time-consuming pro-
cess, therefore, image synthesis is a trending re-
search direction due to its high demand in many
fields. Various Generative Adversarial Networks
(GANs) (Goodfellow et al., 2014), Variational Au-
toencoders (VAEs) (Kingma and Welling, 2019), Au-
toregressive Models (Oord et al., 2016), and other
models (Bond-Taylor et al., 2021) have been proposed
to address this challenge. They all work with bitmap
generation representing an image as a matrix of pix-
els. This results in limitations of the image quality
when its resolution is meant to be high. Moreover,
new networks capable of synthesizing high-resolution
bitmap images are very time- and power-consuming.
An alternative to raster images is vector graph-
ics that may help avoid fuzzy lines and artifacts typ-
ical of GANs (Hertzmann, 2020) and achieve suffi-
cient image resolution. However, vector image gen-
eration from scratch has not been sufficiently stud-
Figure 1: Music cover images generated in vector format
with the proposed CoverGAN.
ied. Recently, the vector images are generated con-
taining only points or thin curves (Frans et al., 2021;
Li et al., 2020), however artists usually draw vector
images with color-filled shapes.
Jarsky, I., Efimova, V., Bizyaev, I. and Filchenkov, A.
Conditional Vector Graphics Generation for Music Cover Images.
DOI: 10.5220/0012456100003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 2: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Being motivated by the potential of vector graph-
ics synthesis and lack of relevant work, we formu-
late our research question as: is it possible to syn-
thesize visually appealing vector graphic images with
machine learning methods?
The main challenge here is that vector images are
highly different from raster images. Raster images are
represented as a two-dimensional rectangular matrix
or grid of square pixels, while a common vector image
is an XML (xml, 2024) file containing descriptions of
geometric lines, which can be completed or not. The
most useful tag of the XML file is the <path> tag; it
defines a set of rules for drawing straight segments,
ezier curves of the 2nd and 3rd order, and circular
arcs. This tag mainly consists of control points speci-
fying the type and shape of the rendered figure.
A promising application area is music cover im-
ages, which have retained their importance as a key
component of music marketing despite the digital mu-
sic distribution. Listeners usually navigate music col-
lections by small cover images before actual listening
to tracks. The attractiveness of cover image does not
determine music quality but draws the attention of on-
line music consumers to discographies (Cook, 2013),
and remains one of the most important issues of pop-
ular culture, especially on physical media (Medel,
2014). Noteworthy, streaming services require high-
resolution cover images (a common recommendation
is 3000 × 3000 pixels). Independent musicians order
cover image production from artists, designers, and
photographers, or make attempts to create them on
their own, which, however, requires special skills mu-
sicians usually lack.
Despite the recent advancements in text-to-image
generation (Xu et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2017),
few audiovisual models have been developed. Ex-
isting models are mostly aimed at correlating sound
information with certain real scenes (Qian et al.,
2020), actions (Gao et al., 2020), or actors (Oh et al.,
2019). Currently, various simplified editors and tem-
plate constructors exist, but there are only four pub-
licly available Internet services offering musicians
computer-generated images as cover images for their
musical compositions: Rocklou Album Cover Gener-
ator (Gavelin, 2023), Automated Art (aa, 2023), GAN
Album Art (Seyp, 2023), and ArtBreeder (art, 2023).
We propose a GAN, which can generate vector
graphics using only image supervision. Therefore, we
suggest an approach to cover generation in vector for-
mat for musical compositions and call it CoverGAN.
The samples of generated cover images can be seen in
Fig. 1.
The structure of the paper is as follows. In Sec-
tion 2, we briefly describe the results achieved. In
Section 3, we present a novel method for the cover
generation task. Experimental evaluation is presented
in Section 5. Limitations of the approach presented
are discussed in Section 6. Section 7 concludes the
paper and outlines future research.
The construction of an audiovisual generative model
using musical composition includes the extraction of
its sound characteristics and conditional image gen-
eration. Cover generating services have also already
been created for musical compositions.
2.1 Music Information Retrieval
Music information retrieval (MIR) from audio data is
a well-studied interdisciplinary field of research (Choi
et al., 2017; Schedl et al., 2014; Moffat et al., 2015)
based on signal processing, psychoacoustics and mu-
sicology. Currently, various information can be ob-
tained automatically from audio data. Librosa li-
brary (lib, 2024) can extract mel-frequency cepstral
coefficients (MFCC) (Davis and Mermelstein, 1980),
which measure the timbre of a music piece and are
often used as a feature for speech recognition. They
are also widely used for classification based on acous-
tic events in the habitat. Essentia library (Bogdanov
et al., 2013; ess, 2024) offers methods for extracting
tonality, chords, harmonies, melody, main pitch, beats
per minute, rhythm, etc.
2.2 Conditional Image Generation
Conditional image generation is the process of con-
structing images corresponding to specified criteria
based on certain input data (most often categori-
cal). The Conditional Generative Adversarial Net-
work (cGAN) (Mirza and Osindero, 2014) is one of
the most popular model architecture applied. Unlike
a common unconditional GAN, in this model the con-
dition is passed to the input of both the generator and
the discriminator. It becomes possible to generate an
image based on a text condition.
Successful modification of the cGAN model is At-
tnGAN (Xu et al., 2018). This model considers the
mechanism of attention (Vaswani et al., 2017) as a
learning factor, which allows selecting words to gen-
erate image fragments. Due to modifications, this net-
work shows significantly better results than traditional
GAN systems. ObjGAN (Li et al., 2019) also uses
the attention. However, its basic principle of image
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Automated cover generation services examples:
left-top: Rocklou Cover Generator, right-top: GAN Album
Art, left-bottom: The Automated Art, right-bottom: Art-
generation is to recognize and create individual ob-
jects from a given text description. MirrorGAN pa-
per (Qiao et al., 2019) uses the idea of learning by re-
description and consists of three modules: the seman-
tic text embedding module, global-local collaborative
attentive module for cascaded image generation, and
semantic text regeneration and alignment module.
Not only cGANs can generate images by condi-
tion. A well-known model is Variational Autoencoder
(VAE) (Kingma and Welling, 2019). A striking rep-
resentative of this approach is the NVAE model (Vah-
dat and Kautz, 2020), which uses depth-wise sepa-
rable convolutions, residual parameterization of Nor-
mal distributions, and spectral regularization that sta-
bilizes training.
A well-known project from OpenAI (ope, 2024)
is the DALL-E model (Ramesh et al., 2021), which
is a decoder-only transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017)
built on GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020) architecture and
capable of generating realistic images based on pro-
vided text condition. At the same time, OpenAI has
released a Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training
(CLIP) model (Radford et al., 2021) that learns the
relationship between the whole sentence and the im-
age it describes, and can act as a classifier.
2.3 Vector Images Generation
The generation of vector images, in contrast to the
generation of raster images, is still poorly studied.
However, several papers on this topic have been re-
cently published.
The well-known SVG-VAE (Lopes et al., 2019)
and DeepSVG (Carlier et al., 2020) models are ca-
pable of generating vector images. However, they
require vector supervision and need collecting large
datasets of vector images, which is complicated.
DiffVG (Li et al., 2020) has become a great
achievement in creating vector images. This work
proposed a differentiable rasterizer for vector graph-
ics, which bridges the raster and vector domains
through backpropagation and enables gradient-based
optimization. This method supports polynomial and
rational curves, stroking, transparency, occlusion, and
gradient fills.
In the paper (Reddy et al., 2020) the problem of
differentiable image compositing was considered by
proposing the DiffComp model. The authors pre-
sented a differentiable function, which composes pro-
vided discrete elements into a pattern image. Us-
ing this operator, vector graphics becomes connected
with image-based losses, and it becomes possible to
optimize provided elements in accordance with losses
on the composited image.
Another successful work is Im2Vec (Reddy et al.,
2021), which discusses synthesizing vector graphics
without vector supervision. Inspired by ideas of SVG-
VAE (Lopes et al., 2019) and DeepSVG (Carlier et al.,
2020), authors proposed an end-to-end VAE that en-
codes a raster image to a latent code and then decodes
it into a set of ordered closed vector paths. After that,
these paths are rasterized and composited together us-
ing the DiffVG and DiffComp solutions mentioned
above. An important element is the proposed path de-
coder, which is capable of decoding the latent code
into closed B
ezier curves. It becomes possible due to
sampling the path control points uniformly on the unit
circle, which is then deformed and transformed into
final points in the absolute coordinate system of the
drawing canvas. In this paper multi-resolution raster
loss solves the problem when at the early stages the
gradients have a small area of influence using ras-
terisation at multiple resolutions. The authors claim
that Im2Vec shows better results than SVG-VAE and
ClipDRAW (Frans et al., 2021) paper is devoted to
generating vector images based on the input text. This
model combines CLIP language-image encoder and
DiffVG rasterizer. Initially, a set of random B
curves is generated, after that, they gradually trans-
form into understandable silhouettes. Also, the model
allows creating more or less realistic pictures depend-
ing on a given number of strokes.
Conditional Vector Graphics Generation for Music Cover Images
2.4 Approaches to the Automatic
Creation of a Cover for a Musical
For the best of our knowledge, four services have
been proposed to generate covers for musical com-
positions. The examples of the generated covers for
each of them are presented in Fig. 2.
The Rocklou Album Cover Generator (Gavelin,
2023) service allows generating covers with resolu-
tion of 900 × 900 pixels specifying the name of the
artist and the title of the track, and selecting the genre
of the audio track. To generate the album covers, it
picks one of 160 fonts and one of 1500 template im-
ages. However, the covers are only for inspiration,
they are not allowed to be used commercially.
The Automated Art (aa, 2023) service allows se-
lecting from pre-generated covers using GAN, but
they contain a lot of fuzzy lines and artifacts. Two
types of licensing are provided: One Time Use and
Extended. Both of them limit the cover resolution to
a maximum of 480000 pixels in total, permit to use
the purchased media in one project only and contain
many other prohibitions in use.
The GAN Album Art (Seyp, 2023) website dis-
plays a randomly selected low-resolution image from
pre-generated covers, with an internal division by
genre, but without any input data and without speci-
fying a license. In addition, the generated covers con-
tain a lot of characters from different and seemingly
non-existent languages, which are impossible to read
and understand.
The ArtBreeder (art, 2023) service allows creat-
ing up to 5 high-resolution images per month for free
based on user-defined color preferences and random
noise. All generated images are considered the public
domain. However, the resulting covers contain fuzzy
figures, artifacts, as well as fragments of signatures
and human bodies.
In addition to the Internet services listed above,
the use of GAN for generating covers of musical com-
positions is found in the paper (Hepburn et al., 2017).
The authors report successful generation of images
with a resolution of 64 × 64 pixels for the specified
genre labels and with genre-specific visual features.
It can be noted that all of these works have signifi-
cant drawbacks, such as the use of generation meth-
ods with a poor diversity of results, low resolution of
output images, and the presence of a large number of
artifacts. Moreover, they do not analyze a music track
itself. As seen from all literature reviewed, all the
approaches did not solve the task to generate music
cover images of acceptable quality and corresponding
to music track. Therefore, we have challenged our-
selves to develop such a model.
The creative nature of the problem has moti-
vated us to use unsupervised learning, and we ap-
ply the Conditional Generative Adversarial Network
(cGAN) (Mirza and Osindero, 2014). In this work,
music cover images are generated based on several
sound features, which is a hallmark of this research.
Both generator and discriminator inputs are condi-
tioned. The condition can be an embedding of the en-
tire music track or its fragment (Duarte et al., 2019),
as well as some additional data, for instance, a track
emotion indicated by a musician. It is required to train
the mapping both from an audio embedding and a ran-
dom vector to an output vector to find a correlation
of the cover image content with the features obtained
from audio data.
3.1 Input Features
We have used several common algorithms for calcu-
lating the following music features (Bogdanov et al.,
2013): MFCC (Davis and Mermelstein, 1980), spec-
tral contrast (Jiang et al., 2002), spectral peaks (pea,
2024), loudness (Skovenborg et al., 2004), danceabil-
ity (Streich and Herrera, 2005), beats per minute and
onset rate, mean beats volume, Chromagram (Ko-
rzeniowski and Widmer, 2016), music key and its
scale. These parameters can strongly influence musi-
cal perception (Col, 2024; Freeman, 2020; Lindborg
and Friberg, 2015; Tsiounta et al., 2013). For exam-
ple, covers for songs with a rough voice, high vol-
ume, non-standard alarming fast rhythm or tonality
with abundant musical chromaticisms, usually con-
tain dark shades and sharp lines. At the same time,
for the quiet, calm, and harmonious tracks the light
and soft colors are prevailing on the covers.
The track is resampled to a frequency of 44100Hz.
After that music features are calculated for 10-second
track fragments with 5-second overlapping and then
Emotions in musical compositions are one-hot en-
coded as a vector with the length equal to the total
number of emotions. The positions corresponding to
the selected emotions are encoded with ones, and the
rest are encoded with zeros.
3.2 CoverGAN
The noise vector, encoded track emotion selected by
a musician and audio features are passed as an input
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Fully-connected generator architecture.
to the generator that creates a description of an image
consisting of vector primitives. We have tested two ar-
chitectures of the generator. The first one is presented
in Fig. 3. It consists of 5 fully-connected layers with
LeakyReLU with slope 0.2 for 4 layers and sigmoid
activation function for the last one. As the result, out-
put range is (0;1), which allows direct setting of color
channels values. The coordinates of the points are set
relative to the size of the canvas. However, the actual
canvas size available to the generator for each of the
dimensions is twice as large as the visible one; this
gives the generator the ability to place parts of shapes
outside the visible area. The thickness of the outlines
is predicted relative to the specified maximum. To
prevent internal covariate shift and speed up learning,
batch normalization with a momentum of 0.1 is ap-
The second tested architecture of the generator,
consisted of a three-layer recurrent neural network
with long short-term memory (LSTM) and several
fully-connected layers corresponding to the optimized
shape parameters: point coordinates, outline thick-
ness, transparency, fill color, and outline color. Al-
though this model has not yet brought an acceptable
result, work on its refinement and improvement con-
For correct error backpropagation during model
training, the rasterization of vector cover images must
be differentiable, which is achieved by using the dif-
fvg library (Li et al., 2020) as the renderer. However,
diffvg library cannot optimize the topology, such as
adding and removing shapes, changing their order and
type; therefore, the number of shapes is fixed to 3 cu-
bic B
ezier curves of 4 segments. Each B
ezier curve
consists of 13 points: one initial and 3 points by seg-
ment. We also create a square to represent the can-
vas color. For the first model the number of curves
is fixed and equal to 3; for the second architecture,
it corresponds to the number of embeddings of track
fragments received by the generator.
The discriminator is presented in Fig. 4. The
model consists of 3 convolutional and 2 fully-
connected layers. Tensors of real and generated cov-
Figure 4: Discriminator architecture.
ers with 3 color channels (RGB) are provided as the
input to the first convolutional layer. Real and gen-
erated covers are Gaussian blurred to prevent the in-
fluence of real covers noise on the discriminator de-
cision. Then, the first layer outputs 24 channels, the
subsequent ones 48 each. The first fully-connected
layer takes as input the result of convolution, the
mood vector and embedding of a large fragment of the
musical composition. The number of features of the
next layer is 64 times less. The output of the network
is one number the assessment of the realism of the
cover, which takes into account the compliance with
audio data. LeakyReLU is the activation function on
all layers, except the last one. Its slope for convolu-
tional layers is 0.1, for fully-connected layers 0.2.
On the last layer, in accordance with the recommen-
dation of the Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) (Arjovsky
et al., 2017), the activation function is not applied.
Layer normalization and normalization by elimina-
tion with a probability of 0.2 are used.
The first loss function of the discriminator is the
Wasserstein loss with the gradient penalty (Gulrajani
et al., 2017). Additional stimulation of the discrimi-
nator training in the correspondence of covers to the
characteristics of musical compositions is provided
by the secondary loss function. It is set as the dif-
ference of the average scores on the rearranged cyclic
shift and on the corresponding covers from the train-
ing set batches, as follows (see Eq. 1):
= D(˜r, a, e) D(r, a, e), (1)
where a is a batch of audio embeddings, e is a batch
of emotion embeddings, r is a batch of real cover im-
ages, ˜r is a random cyclic shift of the real covers r.
The cyclic shift is important, because we do not want
at least one cover in a batch to remain in its original
place as it might with random shuffling.
We considered the possibility of shape parameters
selection in a separate (nested) GAN. Then, the ex-
ternal GAN would operate with vectors of the latent
space of the internal one. However, despite the ap-
plication of the pre-training on a Variational Autoen-
coder (VAE) to stabilize the training of the internal
Conditional Vector Graphics Generation for Music Cover Images
Figure 5: Captioning network architecture.
GAN, this approach led to no results. Currently, the
nested GAN is not used.
After captioning (see Subsec. 3.3), the resulting
description of the cover is saved in a common vector
graphics format (SVG) (Cohn et al., 2000) or raster-
ized. The generated image of the cover does not vio-
late the rights of the authors of the covers used while
training (Gillotte, 2019). After generation, it can be
licensed to the performer of the track.
3.3 Captioning
To format generated images as complete covers, we
add captions with authorship information, which op-
timal placement, color and style are determined by
an additional neural network presented in Fig. 5. It
consists of 6 fully-connected layers with 3 × 3 and
5 × 5 convolutional kernels and two 2-layered sub
networks, all with LeakyReLU activation with slope
Images with four channels are fed to the network
input, namely, three color channels (RGB) and the
boundaries of the figures in these images, determined
by the Canny edge detector (Canny, 1986). The net-
work outputs text bounding boxes and text colors for
captions. The optimal font size is selected accounting
the predicted bounding rectangles. The font family is
currently selected randomly from Google Fonts.
The training dataset is described in details in sec-
tion 4, it consists of original covers with text captions
removed using a graphic editor. For training the cap-
tioning network, each image was labelled with text
bounding boxes and colors. The labelling was par-
tially automated by comparing the edited covers with
the original ones.
The advantages provided by vector graphics in the
field of scalability come at the cost of disadvantages:
not every bitmap image can be rationally represented
as a set of vector primitives. Thus, if the cover, for
example, is a detailed photo, an attempt to vectorize
and enlarge such a cover leads to a noticeable change
in style. In this regard, it is reasonable to make a
training dataset from covers that can be reproduced
by a generator that draws vector primitives (basic ge-
ometric shapes and curves with strokes and fills). In
addition, to better match the covers to musical com-
positions, it is preferable to collect a dataset from sin-
gles or mini-albums, where the album cover obviously
refers to one of the tracks.
These limitations determine the need to collect a
new dataset. In accordance with the listed require-
ments, a set of 1500 musical compositions of various
genres was collected. With the help of the Adobe Pho-
toshop graphic editor (pho, 2024), the captions were
removed from the covers. On the crowdsourcing plat-
form Yandex Toloka (tol, 2024) the tracks were la-
beled with emotions and included in the dataset. The
label contains 2-3 emotions of a musical composi-
tion from the following list: comfortable, happy, in-
spirational, joy, lonely, funny, nostalgic, passionate,
quiet, relaxed, romantic, sadness, soulful, sweet, se-
rious, anger, wary, surprise, fear. We can not release
the dataset with music cover images due to copyright;
however, its part containing 1500 objects in the fol-
lowing format: track author – track title, 2-3 emotions
from the list, is publicly available
Furthermore, to obtain additional information
about tracks (genres, release date, artist attributes,
and others) was prepared a program that extracts
available metadata directly from audio files and sup-
plements them with information from public infor-
mation databases (Wikidata (wik, 2024) and Mu-
sicBrainz (mus, 2024)). Track metadata is not cur-
rently used by the algorithm, but it is possible to do in
the future.
After all, the collected dataset contains a number
of covers that is not large enough to train deep learn-
ing models. Thus, to enlarge the resulting dataset,
augmentation was applied; operations such as hor-
izontal flip and 90 degrees clockwise and counter-
clockwise rotation were applied to the covers.
Unlike the existing solutions, which generates covers
that do not take into account musical compositions,
the suggested model allows using extracted sound
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
features in a generative algorithm. The created cov-
ers contain titles with information about authorship
and track name and are available in a common vec-
tor graphics format without additional licensing re-
strictions on components. This allows us to speak
about their compliance with generally accepted re-
quirements for the design of musical compositions re-
5.1 Training
Training of neural networks was performed on the ca-
pacities of the Google Colaboratory (goo, 2024) ser-
vice using the CUDA computing architecture. To
achieve stable training of the model, various hyper-
parameters were tried, including different network ar-
chitectures, the number of layers in models, learning
rate, optimization algorithms, gradient penalty coef-
ficient and the number of steps to update discrimina-
tor. The final version uses the generator consisting
of fully-connected layers, a learning rate coefficient
of 0.0005 with a batch size of 64, a five-time repe-
tition of the discriminator training and a canvas size
of 128 × 128 pixels. The training took 7200 epochs
based on a manual assessment of the quality of the
generated images.
The Adam optimization algorithm (Kingma and
Ba, 2015) was chosen for CoverGAN training. Its
gradients decay rate control coefficient β
was set to
0.9 and for the second moments of gradients β
To train the captioning network, batch normaliza-
tion with a following hyperparameters is used: a mo-
mentum of 0.1 and normalization by elimination with
a probability of 0.2. The Adam algorithm with gradi-
ents decay rate control coefficient β
= 0.5 and for the
second moments of gradients β
= 0.999 is chosen as
the optimization algorithm.
During the training of the captioning network,
256 × 256 pixel images and a batch size of 64 are
used to select the design of signatures. The aver-
age quadratic error is used as a loss function. For
validation, the Generalized Intersection over Union
(GIoU) (Rezatofighi et al., 2019) metric is calculated
and averaged for the entire dataset. In order to maxi-
mize it, training lasts 138 epochs. The value of GIoU
metric of 0.65 has been achieved for the arrangement
of rectangles; the average error value for colors on the
entire training set reaches about 0.00014 at the end of
Table 1: Comparison of the covers generated by the
proposed CoverGAN with DALL-E for titles denoted
, DALL-E for lyrics denoted as DALL-E
for lyrics, and AttnGAN for lyrics fine-tuned on
covers denoted as AttnGAN
+ covers. ’All score’ column
indicates the normalized score given by all assessors. ’Mu-
sicians’ column indicates the normalized assessment score
given by assessors identified themselves as musicians.
Method All score Musicians
0.34 ± 0.03 0.31 ± 0.05
0.3 ± 0.03 0.26 ± 0.05
0.44 ± 0.04 0.23 ± 0.06
+ covers 0.36 ± 0.03 0.19 ± 0.04
CoverGAN (Ours) 0.68 ± 0.05 0.71 ± 0.05
5.2 Comparison with Text-to-Image
To assess the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm,
we tested it on musical compositions not included in
the training set. As a result, for different musical com-
positions, the algorithm created significantly different
covers (Figure 1).
Due to the lack of alternative algorithms that rely
on musical features for cover creation, we used im-
ages generated by the AttnGAN (Xu et al., 2018) and
DALL-E (rud, 2024) based on lyrics for the following
quality comparison. AttnGAN takes as input text of
arbitrary length, when more modern approaches, such
as DALL-E, focus on short texts (up to 200 symbols)
that are much shorter than a song lyrics. Thus, we
also assess the quality of DALL-E-generated-images
by query: ’Cover for the track <title> <lyrics>’.
Furthermore, we fine-tuned AttnGAN model initially
trained on COCO dataset on our dataset of vector cov-
We conducted a survey asking participants to lis-
ten to 15 popular musical compositions and rate the
covers generated by the proposed algorithm and At-
tnGAN on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 stands for completely in-
appropriate, 5 stands for the perfect fit). 110 assessors
aged 16 to 40 years took part in an anonymous survey,
24 of them identified themselves as musicians. Nor-
malized survey results are presented in Tab. 1. The
examples of the generated images are shown in Fig. 6.
As it can be seen from the figure, DALL-E gener-
ates unknown symbols and undetermined shapes, At-
tnGAN generates patterns, whereas shapes generated
by our CoverGAN are very simple.
The text-to-image generation models are very sen-
sitive to the input text string, which often does not
describe the entire track, and sometimes even contra-
dicts the general mood of the song. Therefore, the
Conditional Vector Graphics Generation for Music Cover Images
Figure 6: Generated music cover images using different models; each row corresponds to real music track.
resulting images do not often correspond to music.
Although the AttnGAN
+ covers model gener-
ates images with a monotonous background, the ob-
jects depicted have incomprehensible outlines and ar-
tifacts. Moreover, the generated images can have grid
pattern. These are probably the reasons that assessors
rated this model worse than the previous one, as it can
be seen from the table.
The CoverGAN score means that the generated
cover images are quite satisfactory, however, further
work in this direction is reasonable.
5.3 Different Genres
To assess the significance of the patterns found by the
GAN model comparing sound and the generated cov-
ers, another survey was conducted using the crowd-
sourcing project Yandex Toloka. Its participants were
asked to listen to 10 musical compositions from vari-
ous genre categories and choose the most suitable of
the two generated covers for each. One of the cov-
ers was created by the generator directly based on
the specified track, the other based on a track from
another category with the replacement of the caption
According to the results based on the assessments
collected from 110 listeners, the probability of the re-
spondents, who have chosen the cover created by the
generator for the track, was 0.76 ± 0.03. This score
confirms the presence of significant differences be-
tween the proposed covers for listeners and indicates
a moderate tendency of survey participants to agree
with the conclusions of the generator. At the same
time, there is a need for further improvement of the
generative algorithm, including to increase the diver-
sity of generated images.
Figure 7: The results of running the algorithm on several
versions of the same musical composition with different
volume levels (from left to right volume level: 100%, 75%,
50%, 25%).
Figure 8: The dependence of the cover on the specified
emotion of the track (from left to right: comfortable, pas-
sionate, relaxed, wary).
5.4 Qualitative Analysis
To check the generalization ability of the CoverGAN,
we analyzed the results of running the algorithm on
musical compositions, which are not included in the
training set. It was revealed that the algorithm creates
significantly different covers for different tracks (see
Fig. 1). By changing the noise vector, we achieve the
generation of alternative images to provide the user
with a choice.
For individual sound features, it can be traced
how the generated cover image changes with a grad-
ual change in the feature (for example, for the same
musical composition at different volume levels as in
Fig. 7).
Moreover, user-specified emotions have a signifi-
cant impact on the generated covers. Figure 8 shows
the change of the cover when the specified emotion
Finally, on the test dataset, it was found that the
covers of similar tracks also have some similarities.
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 9: Covers generated for lullabies and rock music.
Therefore, for several lullabies, the algorithm sug-
gested covers of light tones, while the covers gen-
erated for heavy metal genre turned out to be dark
(Fig. 9). Such connections are not universal, although
their presence is consistent with the conclusions of the
work (Hepburn et al., 2017). In the future, such corre-
spondences can be used to detect and analyze patterns
found by a trained generative network.
The major limitation is the simplicity of generated
paths. They usually do not have any regular shape
such as a circle or a square. Moreover, it is difficult for
CoverGAN to generate objects with visual semantics
(i.e., person images, natural scenes). The generated
images are abstract and cannot cover all scenarios in
art design.
The generated covers are diverse and often quite
well suited to musical compositions. Nevertheless, it
is not always easy to interpret the connections taken
into account by the generator for choosing the shape
parameters. Sometimes, the covers of two completely
different tracks may turn out to be visually similar. It
is assumed that in order to obtain more stable and ex-
plicable patterns in the generation of covers, it is nec-
essary to enlarge the dataset, as well as significantly
complicate the generator architecture used. The basis
of such a model can be an implemented recurrent gen-
erator, modified to transform a sequence of musical
fragments embeddings into a sequence of figures, for
example, using the transformer architecture (Vaswani
et al., 2017). However, such developments require
preliminary theoretical research in the field of vector
image generation.
For the additional network engaged in the creat-
ing of captions, the main difficulty in practice is to
ensure that the color is sufficiently contrasting with
the background. In real covers, artists often use ad-
ditional visual effects (shadows, contrasting strokes,
glow, background fill) to achieve matching of slightly
contrasting colors; a similar approach may be imple-
mented for this solution in the future. Another diffi-
cult task is to wrap text inside the bounding box es-
timating the best number of lines. Currently, this is
not provided and the text may not fit the canvas com-
pletely. In the future, it is supposed to use the func-
tionality of the HarfBuzz (har, 2024) text generation
library or the Pango (pan, 2024) rendering library.
There exist music services offering musicians
computer-generated images as cover images for their
musical compositions; however, they do not consider
the music track itself. In this work, we have devel-
oped the CoverGAN model to generate vector im-
ages conditioned by a music track and its emotion.
We have compared the model suggested to AttnGAN
and DALL-E models for text-to-image generation.
The reported results prove that the proposed algo-
rithm is competitive in the task of music cover syn-
thesis. This is also good evidence that vector graph-
ics synthesis is a promising research direction. The
approach applied is limited only with the parametric
space where the image is located. In the future, it is
planned to generate B
ezier curves with an arbitrary
number of segments based on an approach similar to
Im2Vec (Reddy et al., 2021), as well as potentially
some concrete shapes (natural scene, human silhou-
The research was supported by the ITMO University,
project 623097 ”Development of libraries containing
perspective machine learning methods”
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