FAQ-Based Question Answering Systems with Query-Question and
Query-Answer Similarity
Vijay Kumari
, Miloni Mittal
, Yashvardhan Sharma
and Lavika Goel
Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, India
Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
FAQ Retrieval, Question-Answering System, Information Retrieval.
A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Answering System maximizes knowledge access by enabling users to
request a natural language question using the FAQ database. Retrieving FAQs is challenging due to the lin-
guistic difference between a query and a question-answer pair. This work explores methods to improve on
this linguistic gap in FAQ retrieval of the Question Answering System. The task is to retrieve frequently
asked question-answer pairs (FAQ pairs) from the database that are related to the user’s query, thus providing
answers to the user. We do so by leveraging natural language processing models like BERT and SBERT and
ranking functions like BM25. The best results are obtained when BERT is trained in a triplet fashion (question,
paraphrase, non-matching question) and combined with the BM25 model, which compares query with FAQ
question answer concatenation.
Building a Question Answering (QA) System is an
important problem statement in the field of Natural
Language Processing (NLP). It involves extracting
the most relevant information from abundant informa-
tion, which may be classified into relevant, useful, or
irrelevant. Due to the information overload with re-
spect to quantity and categories, searching for the rel-
evant answer to the posed query is of utmost impor-
tance. A question-answering system can be built for
two domains: 1) Open Domain: There is no bound-
ary on the content category for extracting the answer.
Example: Google search engine, Yahoo search en-
gine. 2) Closed Domain: There is a certain bound-
ary on what queries this type of system can answer.
These systems restrict a particular category of ques-
tions and sometimes even answers by referring to
a document—for example, QA services on various
business websites and solution providers for school
textbooks. The speed of deriving the answers to the
user query plays a major role in such systems, which
demands a need to find methods to extract relevant
answers to the queries in the fastest manner possible.
One way to do this is to look into the database of al-
ready asked and answered questions, or FAQs, and
provide the most relevant answers from that list.
The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database
is made up of manually generated question-answer
pairs. Large-scale service providers tend to use FAQ
lists to present easily accessible information to their
clients. These collections focused on the closed do-
main of interest of QA system. Users can browse FAQ
databases on their own, using a faster and more effi-
cient FAQ retrieval model. A FAQ retrieval system
offers a natural language interface for making queries
about the FAQ list. The model generates a series of
question-answer pairs ranked by their relevancy ac-
cording to a user’s query. A method for answering
frequently asked questions (FAQs) gives users quick
access to internal FAQ databases, which improves ser-
vice quality and efficiency (Karan and
Snajder, 2018).
Many questions have usually been answered in the
FAQ section of a question-answering system. How-
ever, the vastness of such a database might make it
difficult for a user to search for a particular relevant
query. Thus, answers to a user query posed to a
closed domain QAS can be derived using the exist-
ing FAQ database. By checking if a similar question
exists in the database, a faster and more efficient QAS
can be built that does not need to access the original
database for every query. In this work, we retrieve
the FAQ pairs from the database that are pertinent to
the user’s query, thus providing answers to the user.
Initially, this problem statement was solved only by
referring to the similarity between the FAQ question
Kumari, V., Mittal, M., Sharma, Y. and Goel, L.
FAQ-Based Question Answering Systems with Query-Question and Query-Answer Similarity.
DOI: 10.5220/0012454800003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 1189-1196
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(Q henceforth) and user query (q henceforth). But in
recent times, researchers are leaning towards more ro-
bust modeling involving FAQ answers (referred to as
A henceforth) and similarity comparison (Mass et al.,
2020). This method tends to give better results as the
other can compensate for lexical gaps in either com-
parison (q-Q or q-A).
Labeled data is essential for training a model to
predict the relationship between user queries and FAQ
questions. A dataset of this kind is often created man-
ually or collected through query logs (Mass et al.,
2020). The FAQIR dataset specifically contains pairs
of questions and answers without any labeling to
query, but a relevance score is given to each query.
The proposed system’s goal is to train the differ-
ent models for the task of retrieving frequently asked
questions (FAQs) and assessing their performance to
provide the most accurate model. This comprehensive
approach aims to enhance the effectiveness and preci-
sion of the system in handling user queries and re-
trieving relevant FAQs. The significant contributions
of the paper are as follows:
1. We developed a FAQ retrieval model and
experimented with various ranking techniques
[weighted measures, re-ranking after initial re-
trieval] to rank top FAQ pairs. Explored and
implemented various techniques for generating
embeddings in order to find query-question and
query-answer similarity.
2. We trained and evaluated the outcomes of various
models in the context of the FAQ retrieval task to
provide the most accurate model.
3. Built a website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
and Flask and integrated our final model [BM25
q(Q+A) + BERT qQ training] with it. Created an
end-to-end website that gives top answers based
on FAQ from the FAQIR dataset and 5 FAQ pairs
that are similar to that category.
The paper structure comprises a review of FAQ
Question Answering System-related work in Section
2, an overview of task techniques in Section 3, exper-
iments and results in Section 4, and a conclusion in
Section 5.
FAQ models simply need to extract the FAQ pairs in-
stead of the complete context-specific answer. These
FAQ pairs are made up of a question and an answer.
The correspondence between the query and the FAQ
pairs is determined by comparing the query to either
the questions, answers, or the concatenation of both.
The appropriate class label must be present for su-
pervised learning to rank the FAQ pairs. Recent ap-
proaches shown in Table 1 utilize both supervised and
unsupervised techniques for the FAQ retrieval task.
Unsupervised methods can act more effectively as
they require no labeling of the data. (Sakata et al.,
2019) proposes a supervised technique for FAQ re-
trieval. It leverages the TSUBAKI model for retriev-
ing the q-Q similarity and BERT for q-A matching
(Sakata et al., 2019). A novel technique that gener-
ates question paraphrases compensates for the lack of
a query-question matching training data (Mass et al.,
2020). For the re-ranking, it uses elastic search,
passage re-ranking, and finally ranks on the basis
of query-answer and query-question similarity. This
model uses BERT for training query-question and
query-answer similarity.
(Piwowarski et al., 2019) uses an attention mech-
anism for FAQ Retrieval. It compares various aggre-
gation methods to effectively represent query, ques-
tion, and answer information. It is observed that at-
tention mechanisms are consistently the most effec-
tive way to aggregate the inputs for ranking. Atten-
tive matching in FAQ retrieval eliminates the need
for feature engineering to effectively combine query-
answer and query-question embeddings. (Jeon et al.,
2005) assumed that if answers demonstrate seman-
tic resemblance, their associated questions will also
possess a comparable level of similarity. The author
employed different similarity metrics, including co-
sine similarity with TF-IDF weights, LM-Score, and a
symmetric version of the LM-Score. LM-Score mea-
sures semantic similarity by converting answers into
queries and using query likelihood language model-
ing for retrieval. However, its resulting scores are not
symmetric. The measure gauges the semantic simi-
larity between answers, with higher scores indicating
stronger semantic connections. To address the non-
symmetry issue, a modification is introduced known
as Symmetric LM-Score which employs a harmonic
mean of ranks for a balanced assessment in question-
answering systems. It uses the rank method instead of
scores, where the similarity between answers A and B
is determined by the reverse harmonic mean based on
their respective ranks.
3.1 FAQIR Dataset
We used the FAQIR (Karan and
Snajder, 2016)
dataset for evaluation, which is derived from the
“maintenance & repair” domain of the Yahoo! An-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Existing State-of-the-art FAQ retrieval models.
Method Dataset Additional experiments and findings
Two BERT models are trained for query-answer
and query-question matching using unsuper-
vised FAQ retrieval and then augmented with
the BM25 similarity measure for effective re-
ranking according to user queries (Mass et al.,
FAQIR The unsupervised model competes with or out-
performs existing supervised approaches. How-
ever, entire dataset findings are omitted; alterna-
tive models built for query-answer and query-
question similarity give opportunities for cap-
turing semantic details.
The research compared three aggregation
techniques—Deep Matching Network (DMN),
Multihop Attention Network (MAN), and Sym-
metrical Bilateral Multi-Perspective Match-
ing—and ranked them using cosine similarity
(Gupta and Carvalho, 2019).
task3, Tax-
Domain QA
Using an attention technique during the aggre-
gation step improves performance.
The unsupervised technique TSUBAKI anal-
yses query-question similarity, BERT tests
query-answer similarity, and the suggested
method picks the top 10 BERT question-answer
pairings, followed by questions with the high-
est TSUBAKI score based on the OKAPI BM25
similarity measure (Sakata et al., 2019).
in Japanese
Retrieval can be combined with the query-
question and query-answer matching score also
The study considers that the semantic similar-
ity among answers indicates similar queries and
employs three metrics for symmetry: Cosine +
TFIDF for symmetry, LM-Score for query con-
version with non-symmetric probability, and a
symmetric variation of LM-Score(Jeon et al.,
5200 question-
answer pairs
from NHN
The approach recovers comparable question
pairs through answer matching across varied
collections, utilizing provided similarity met-
rics for clustering, with potential applications
in automating FAQ development and improv-
ing question and answer retrieval system per-
swers community website. The dataset contains 4313
FAQ pairs and 1233 queries with corresponding man-
ually annotated relevance judgments. The judgments
are described as 1- relevant, 2- useful, 3- useless, and
4- irrelevant. Each query has at least one FAQ pair
annotated as “relevant”. However, it is possible for a
FAQ-pair to be irrelevant for all queries. We utilized
the FAQIR dataset for the FAQ task as it also has an-
swers to the questions.
3.2 Quora Question Pairs (QQP)
Each logically distinct question is represented by
a single question page in the dataset, enhancing
knowledge-sharing efficiency. For instance, queries
such as ”What are the symptoms of influenza?” and
”How can I identify if I have the flu?” should not be
present as separate entities on Quora, as they share
identical intent. The purpose of the data set is to
facilitate a study on whether question text pairings
match semantically identical queries. The dataset fa-
cilitates the development and evaluation of models
of semantic equivalence using authentic Quora data,
which holds 363,871 question pairs. Each line in-
cludes a binary value (0/1) indicating if the line con-
tains a duplicate pair, the complete text of each ques-
tion, and the IDs for each question in the pair (Chen
et al., 2017). The reason for not utilizing this dataset
is that it doesn’t contain data on the answer aspect of
the FAQ; it only contains question pairs.
3.3 Other Datasets
There are other datasets, such as StackFAQ and
COUGH Dataset (Zhang et al., 2020), which provide
FAQ questions and answers along with the queries.
StackFAQ holds some ambiguity with respect to what
is to be treated as a FAQ pair and what is to be treated
as a query. The COUGH dataset is a multilingual
dataset and can be explored for the multilingual task.
This section will elaborate on the model adopted for
the FAQ retrieval system, followed by the details re-
garding the web interface.
The FAQ section of a QA system typically con-
tains answers to many commonly asked questions.
An FAQ comprises sets of questions and their corre-
sponding answers. The FAQ retrieval task entails the
process of ranking question-answer pairs based on a
provided user query. The developed model provides
responses to user queries within a closed domain
question-answering system (QAS) by leveraging the
information stored in the pre-existing FAQ database,
FAQ-Based Question Answering Systems with Query-Question and Query-Answer Similarity
Figure 1: Flowchart for the Developed Question-Answering
achieved through the process of verifying whether a
similar question is present within the database. Upon
receiving a user query, the model first utilizes an SVM
(support vector machine) classifier(Cortes and Vap-
nik, 1995)to determine the question’s context, check-
ing if it aligns with the domain. If the query re-
lates to the domain, the model conducts a search
in the FAQ database. Conversely, if the query is
not domain-related, the model provides relevant links
from other systems based on the question’s context.
The question-answering model, as depicted in Fig-
ure 1, initially conducts a search for the user’s query
within the FAQ database. In the event that the query
is not located in the database, the model proceeds to
derive the answer from the context (paragraph). Fol-
lowing the extraction of the answer from the con-
text, the question and answer pairs are subsequently
stored within the FAQ database. We employed the
transformer-based Bidirectional Encoder Representa-
tions from Transformers (BERT) model (Devlin et al.,
2018) to extract answers from the context. We con-
ducted experiments with various FAQ retrieval tech-
niques to optimize the provision of answers to user
queries. The completed model suggests the most per-
tinent list of FAQ pairs to the user, along with the re-
sponse to their query. The details pertaining to the
techniques employed and the training of FAQ models
are presented as follows:
4.1 Data Preprocessing
Data Preprocessing is a very important step to fine-
tune the dataset. The major sub-tasks we performed
during data preprocessing include:
1. Made all the FAQ pairs and queries lowercase
2. Removing punctuations
3. Removing stopwords
4. Removing question numbers
The Sentence BERT (SBERT) and DistilBERT mod-
els used pre-processing steps 1, 2, and 4. The BM25
models used pre-processing steps 1, 2, 3 and 4. The
BERT models used pre-processing steps 1 and 2.
4.1.1 Building the Training Data for the
Query-Answer (q-A) Model
The original FAQIR dataset is composed of question-
answer pairs sourced from the FAQ database. Addi-
tionally, it incorporates queries, each accompanied by
a list of questions from the FAQ database that corre-
sponds to the query. The final q-A model should be
able to give a similarity score of whether the given an-
swer matches the query or not. To build it, we need to
fine-tune the model with a dataset that contains:
(Q, A) the matching FAQ pair
(Q, A’) an FAQ question with a non-matching an-
This is done by randomly selecting A’ for every ques-
tion. The (Q, A’) pairs were labeled as 0, whereas the
(Q, A) pairs were labeled as 1, as in Figure 2
Figure 2: A sample of the dataset used for training the q-A
4.1.2 Building the Training Dataset for the
Query-Question( q-Q) Model
The model built with this dataset should be able to
give a similarity score of whether an FAQ question
matches the query. The training dataset was derived
from the model proposed in (Mass et al., 2020). La-
bel 1 was assigned to the corresponding question-
paraphrase pairs. The label 0 was assigned to the
question pairs that did not match. The second half of
the dataset was built by random selection of a ques-
tion from the FAQ database.
4.2 FAQ Models
4.2.1 BERTScore
BERTScore was introduced as a metric for evaluating
language generation (Zhang et al., 2019). The central
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
idea is that, given a candidate sentence and a reference
sentence, contextual embeddings are used to represent
tokens (in the sentences) and compute cosine similar-
ity. To compute the cosine similarity between tokens,
greedy matching is used for matching of every token
in a sentence to the most similar token in the other
sentence, thus maximizing the aggregated matching
score. We used BERTScore to compute the similarity
score of a given input query with the FAQ pairs pro-
vided in the dataset for FAQ retrieval. The intuition
here is that a relevant FAQ pair to a query will con-
tain words similar to those in the query, thus yielding
a higher similarity score. Using this method, we can
retrieve FAQ pairs in a completely unsupervised and
scalable manner.
We compute similarity scores as shown in equa-
tion 1 for each input query q with every FAQ pair p
provided in the dataset. Here, p represents the contex-
tual embedding of the concatenation of both the ques-
tion and answer for the given FAQ pair, and q rep-
resents the contextual embedding of the input query
generated by the BERT model.
= Cosine
contextual embeddings
, p
Using the bert-score library, recall, precision, and F1
scores can be obtained for each such query and FAQ
pair. Using these candidates, we then use the top-
k FAQ pairs based on the F1 score as our retrieved
FAQ pairs and compute our evaluation metrics (P@5,
4.2.2 SBERT
Sentence-BERT (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) is an
adapted version of the pre-trained BERT model. It
employs siamese and triplet network structures to
generate semantically meaningful sentence embed-
dings, allowing for comparison using cosine similar-
ity. We trained SBERT for query-answer (qA) com-
parison in two ways: 1) Taking 1:1 ratios in A vs A
ratio for the dataset 2) Taking 1:5 ratios in A vs A
ratio for the dataset. We tried two variants of SBERT
for query-question (qQ) comparison. SBERT encod-
ing is directly used to obtain the similarity score for
query and FAQ questions. Fine-tuned SBERT is built
by training the SBERT model using the dataset de-
scribed in the previous section. For the query-answer
(qA) comparison, a bert-base uncased model is used.
4.2.3 DistilBERT
DistilBERT is a rapid, cost-effective, and lightweight
transformer-based model derived from the BERT ar-
chitecture. The model is obtained using knowledge
distillation during the pre-training stage to decrease
its size. The model has fewer parameters than the
original BERT model but preserves over 95 % of
BERT’s performance. (Sanh et al., 2019).
For the query-answer (qA) model, distilbert base-
uncased is used, and for the query-question (q-Q)
comparison model, distillery-bert-uncased is used to
obtain the sentence embeddings.
4.2.4 BM25 qQ
The corpus is built using the pre-processing methods
applied to the FAQ questions. Then, the BM25 model
is applied using the rank-bm25 library. The top 100
results are retrieved, and the performance metrics are
calculated for them (Robertson et al., 2009).
4.2.5 BM25 q(Q+A)
Each corresponding FAQ question and answer is con-
catenated and is represented as Q+A. The corpus is
built using the pre-processing on the FAQ Q+A. Then,
the BM25 model is applied using the rank-bm25 li-
brary. The top 100 results are retrieved, and the per-
formance metrics are calculated for them.
4.2.6 BM25 q(Q+A) + BERT qA
The BERT model is trained on triplets (question,
corresponding answer, non-corresponding answer)
to understand the intricacies of matching and non-
matching answers. The learning rate is 2e-5, and the
number of epochs is 3.
Figure 3: Training example of BERT qA model.
The top 100 FAQ pairs are picked using BM25
Q+A. The encoding of the answers of these 100 FAQ
pairs is found and compared with the query encoding
using cosine similarity. The FAQ pairs are re-ranked
based on these cosine similarity scores. The relevance
of the retrieved FAQ pairs is cross-checked with the
relevance score in the dataset, and the performance
metrics are calculated accordingly. An example for
training BERT qA is given in Figure 3.
FAQ-Based Question Answering Systems with Query-Question and Query-Answer Similarity
Figure 4: Training example of BERT qQ model.
4.2.7 BM25 q(Q+A) + BERT qQ
The BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) model is trained
on triplets (question, paraphrase, non-matching ques-
tion) to understand the intricacies of matching and
non-matching questions. The learning rate is 2e-5,
and the number of epochs is 3. Top 100 FAQ pairs
are picked using BM25 Q+A. The encoding of the
questions of these 100 FAQ pairs is found and com-
pared with the query encoding using cosine similarity.
The FAQ pairs are re-ranked based on these cosine
similarity scores. The relevance of the retrieved FAQ
pairs is cross-checked with the relevance score in the
dataset and the performance metrics are calculated ac-
cordingly. An example for training BERT qQ is given
in Figure 4.
The experiments have been executed employing
methods for FAQ retrieval, and subsequent compar-
isons of results have been conducted. Various models
and ranking techniques were explored. The following
performance metrics have been used for the retrieval:
1. Mean Precision at 5 (P@5) is the measure of a
number of relevant documents within the first five
retrieved documents. It helps to determine how
many relevant documents are ranked in the top 5.
The more documents in the top 5, the better the
information retrieval system is.
2. Mean Average Precision (MAP) is a measure of
whether all of the relevant documents get ranked
highly or not. It is needed because a relevant
document being retrieved but present lower in the
list would not be very useful for a user entering
his/her query.
3. Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) is a measure of
the position at which the first relevant document
occurs within the retrieved documents.
5.1 Evaluation on FAQIR Dataset
We compared the results with the original full dataset
and the filtered dataset. In our studies, training the
model on the filtered dataset resulted in greater ac-
curacy than training on the complete dataset. Initial
retrieval for the filtered FAQIR dataset is performed
on a subset of 789 FAQ pairings pertinent to at least
one user query (Mass et al., 2020). The metrics ob-
tained for different methods on the filtered dataset
have been displayed in Tables 2. Using the BertScore,
we retrieved the FAQ pairs completely in an unsu-
pervised way with comparable accuracy. The model
with BM25 q(Q+A)+BERT qQ gives better results
than others. While the filtered dataset led to higher
accuracy, it is essential to acknowledge potential lim-
itations, such as reduced diversity and the risk of in-
troducing biases. Utilizing the complete dataset, we
intend to capture the full range of variances and com-
plexity included in the data, allowing for a more thor-
ough study. The metrics obtained for different meth-
ods on the full dataset have been displayed in Tables
3. An example of the top 5 retrieved answers with
relevance scores is shown in Figure 6.
We observed that the BM25 q(Q+A) + BERT qQ
model gives the best results among all other models.
This is because the BM25 model focuses on lexicons
in the corpus, and the BERT model focuses on se-
mantic meaning. Hence, they complement each other.
BM25 q(Q+A) works better than BM25 qQ because
concatenating the answer with the question provides
more scope for matching lexicons. Words present
in the query may be absent in the FAQ question but
present in the FAQ answer. The BM25 q(Q+A) +
BERT qA model does not work well in comparison
to the BM25 q(Q+A) + BERT qQ model. This is be-
cause the semantics of a query and answer are usually
very different. And hence, BERT qA does not per-
form that well. It is also observed that on adding the
BERT qA model to the BM25 q(Q+A) model, the per-
formance worsens.
5.2 Evaluation on QQP Dataset
We rigorously evaluated the top-performing models
on the QQP dataset, adjusting both the number of
examples and the threshold for determining question
similarity based on the cosine similarity score. Our
evaluation methodology involved varying the number
of examples and introducing thresholds (random val-
ues with a higher similarity score) to discern ques-
tion similarity. For instance, with a threshold set
at 0.8, we selectively retrieved examples with scores
surpassing this threshold, calculating accuracy based
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Performance Comparison on FAQIR Dataset (on Filtered Queries).
Model Ranking Method P@5 MAP MRR
BM25 q(Q+A) (top qA, sort qQ) 0.48 0.44 0.74
BM25 q(Q + A) + BERT qQ (All pairs ) 0.423 0.515 0.681
BM25 q(Q + A) + BERT qQ (Only {1, 2} pairs ) 0.499 0.751 0.788
BertScore (all pairs) 0.215 0.552 0.554
Table 3: Performance Comparison on FAQIR Dataset (on the full dataset).
Model Ranking Method P@5 MAP MRR
1:1 qA training SBERT (top qA, sort qQ) 0.14 0.32 0.33
1:5 qA training SBERT (top qA, sort qQ) 0.19 0.35 0.37
1:5 qA + qQ training DistilBERT (0.2*qA score+0.8*qQ score) 0.18 0.30 0.40
BM25 qQ training (top 100 FAQ Q) 0.30 0.38 0.57
BM25 q(Q+A) training (top 100 FAQ Q+A) 0.34 0.39 0.60
BM25 q(Q+A) + BERT qA training (BM25 top 100 + rerank qA) 0.27 0.32 0.52
BM25 q(Q+A) + BERT qQ training BM25 top 100 + rerank qQ) 0.42 0.51 0.69
on this subset of retrieved examples. This meticu-
lous approach allowed us to comprehensively assess
the models’ performance under different conditions,
providing valuable insights into their effectiveness in
capturing question similarity nuances. The accuracy
metrics for the experiments are shown in Table 4.
Table 4: Performance comparison on QQP dataset.
Threshold 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 Example
BERT 61.6 62.8 63.3 62.4 1000
SBERT 69.3 70.02 71.6 69.5
BERT 63.28 64.12 63.98 62.62 10,000
SBERT 70.33 72.82 72.61 69.60
BERT 65.38 67.12 69.98 65.62 100,000
SBERT 73.33 74.82 75.61 74.60
We noticed that SBERT consistently outperforms
BERT over all the different numbers of training sam-
ples. The accuracy peak occurs at a threshold value of
0.9 for 1000 examples, 0.85 for 10,000 examples, and
0.9 for 100,000 examples. The maximum accuracy
achieved is 75.61 for SBERT on 100,000 examples of
the QQP dataset.
5.3 Web Interface
The web interface is built using HTML, CSS,
JavaScript, and Flask. The BM25 q(Q+A) + BERT
qQ model is implemented at the front end. The front
end consists of a home page (Figure 5 ), where the
user enters the query to get the responses. The result
has two aspects: an answer and a ”People also asked”
section, which lists five pairs of FAQs that are similar
to the query. Users can directly access these recom-
mended question-answer pairs according to the query.
Figure 5: Web Interface.
FAQ retrieval is a common natural language process-
ing task where the goal is to match a user’s query to
a relevant, frequently asked question (FAQ) from a
dataset. We trained and evaluated different unsuper-
vised techniques for the task of FAQ retrieval using
the FAQIR dataset. Starting from the vanilla SBERT
model with an MRR of 0.33, we present the final
BERT qQ + BM25 q(Q+A) model with P@5, MAP,
and MRR of 0.69 on the full FAQIR dataset. We
observe that SBERT consistently outperforms BERT
over all the different numbers of training samples on
the QQP dataset by matching the query with FAQ
questions. Our final model is a fusion of triplet-
trained BERT and BM25 ranking functions. The
current model limitation involves reliance on con-
textual or external sources for unanswerable ques-
tions, prompting a need for innovative solutions. Fu-
ture work may extend model evaluations to diverse
datasets to comprehensively assess generalizability.
FAQ-Based Question Answering Systems with Query-Question and Query-Answer Similarity
Figure 6: List of some generated answers by the FAQ model.
The authors extend sincere gratitude to the
Department of Science and Technology
16:(T-856)) for financial support at CSIS, BITS
Pilani, India.
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