A Virtual Reality Prototype as a Tool Against Verbal Abuse in
Classrooms: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Irene Fondon
, Mar Elena
Irene J. Lagares
and Susana P. Gaytan
Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones, Universidad de Sevilla,
Camino de los Descubrimientos, Seville, Spain
Departamento Ingeniería Electrónica, Universidad de Sevilla, Camino de los Descubrimientos, Seville, Spain
Departamento Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación, Universidad de Sevilla, Camilo José Cela, Seville, Spain
Departamento Fisiología, Universidad de Sevilla, Avenida Reina Mercedes, Seville, Spain
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Bullying, Verbal Abuse, Depression, Anxiety.
Abstract: The exploration of affective response and its vegetative correlate to verbal abuse (VA) is a relevant research
area to prevent bullying at schools. Taking advantage of the possibilities that virtual reality offers regarding
to immersion in non-real environments inducing feelings in the users, this paper presents a virtual reality
application focused on the study of VA in a school context. The versatility of the proposed project is directly
related to its applicability. It has been designed under the premises of the psycho-neural effect of VA. The
tool is intended to be used under professional and parental supervision, to perform experiments regarding
bulling awareness. In this first stage, the authors propose a prototype that will be optimized and upgraded in
future versions.
There is no doubt that the school environment can
provide favourable scenarios for the development of
verbal abuse (VA) on vulnerable people.
Maltreatment-related childhood adversity is the
leading preventable risk factor for mental illness and
substance abuse. Indeed, emerging evidence suggests
that maltreatment alters trajectories of brain
development to affect sensory systems, network
architecture and circuits involved in threat detection,
emotional regulation and reward anticipation
(Teicher et al. 2010; 2016). Emotional abuse during
childhood can cause significant harm to the child’s
development and exert a deleterious effect on adult
life. Among various types of emotional abuse, VA is
highly prevalent during childhood and adolescence.
Victims of VA during childhood have been
associated with increased psychiatric symptoms such
as depression, anxiety, or suicidal ideation. Having
tools available in safe and controlled environments is
crucial to explore toxic effects of early-life stress, the
relationship between psychopathology and brain
changes, and the distinction between resilience,
susceptibility, and compensation in the behaviour of
1.1 Psychological and Behavioural
Aspects of Verbal Abuse
It is well-known that VA is a form of psychological
or emotional abuse in which an individual uses
spoken or written words to harm, manipulate, or
control another person. It involves the use of language
to belittle, demean, intimidate, or threaten someone
(https://dictionary.apa.org/verbal-abuse). For that
reason, it is very important to remember that VA can
take various forms, including: Name-calling
(insulting, demeaning, or using derogatory names to
belittle the victim); Shouting or yelling (raising one's
voice aggressively to intimidate or control the other
person); Blaming (holding the victim responsible for
Fondon, I., Elena, M., Lagares, I. and Gaytan, S.
A Virtual Reality Prototype as a Tool Against Verbal Abuse in Classrooms: A Multidisciplinary Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0012454000003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 1: GRAPP, HUCAPP
and IVAPP, pages 313-320
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
the abuser's actions or problems); etc. VA can have
serious emotional and psychological consequences
for the victim, including low self-esteem, anxiety,
depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder
(Straus and Field; 2003; Vissing et al. 1991; Iram-
Rizvi and Najam 2014).
VA can make individuals constantly alert for
potential threats, which can lead to chronic stress and
an overactive stress response. This constant state of
vigilance or hypervigilance can wear down the brain
and body. Finally, all these situations could have
health consequences: The stress caused by VA can
lead to physical problems such as, for example,
cardiovascular issues or a compromised immune
system (Teicher et al. 2010;2016; Jae Hyun Yoo, et
al. 2023; J-W Chun et al. 2015; Choi J, et al. 2008).
1.2 Neuro-Physiological Aspects of
Verbal Abuse
There is evidence of the effects on the brain of people
who suffer VA. For that reason, it is important the
design a multidisciplinary approach that allows
evaluating in safe conditions the possible psycho-
neural damages that are expected to be studied with
the virtual reality tool. All the effects observed must
be based on changes in neural structure, because
chronic stress from VA can lead to structural changes
in the brain, particularly in areas related to the
emotional response. Indeed, VA can impact with
diverse areas of the brain related to emotional
processing, stress response, and cognitive functions.
In some cases, VA can lead to changes in the reward
system, potentially affecting self-esteem and the
ability to experience joy. For example, an abusive
relationship may lead to dependency on the abuser for
emotional validation, as the brain's reward system
may be activated when the abuser is temporarily kind
or supportive (Teicher et al. 2010;2016; Jae Hyun
Yoo, etl al. 2023; J-W Chun et al. 2015; Choi J, et al.
Regarding the present work, virtual reality
previous studies have shown that exposure to peer
VA is related with the incidence on anxiety,
depression, anger-hostility, dissociation, "limbic
irritability," and drug use. Peer and parental VA were
essentially equivalent in effect and exposure to peer
VA is an aversive stimulus associated with greater
symptom ratings and meaningful alterations in brain
structure. The evidence of the risk of suffering VA
including imaging studies that have provided a
remarkable view of the potential effects on brain
structures previously mentioned. However, the
vulnerability of brain structures to the effects of early
experience may be moderated to a considerable
degree by genetics. In this way, in genetically
susceptible individuals, maltreatment-induced
epigenetic modifications that alter trajectories of
brain development may, in many cases, represent the
beginning of a crucial chain of events leading to
psychopathology and risk of substance abuse, for
example (Yoo et al. 2023). In this way, according to
a neurocircuitry model of emotion processing,
recruitment of cortical regions could downregulate
amygdala activity (the structure that is responsible of
emotional responses, including fear or ignite
behavioural responses) modulating the negative
affective response. For example, a hyper-responsive
amygdala and hypo-responsive ventromedial
prefrontal cortex in response to traumatic scripts was
associated with failures in negative emotional
regulation in subjects having post-traumatic stress
disorder. Interestingly, a recent functional magnetic
resonance spectroscopy study with a visual
perception task demonstrates a dissociation of
neurovascular and neurometabolic responses (Jae
Hyun Yoo, 23). These effects could be explored
through stimuli induced with virtual reality tools such
as those proposed in this project. In parallel with these
findings, a putative mechanism for this abnormal
brain development is an increased response of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis to emotional
stress (Jae Hyun Yoo, 23).
1.3 Research Hypothesis
The use of the virtual reality technology in classroom
immerses students in interactive and practical
learning, while enhancing their commitment and
interest in the subjects. The premise is as simple as it
is didactically perfect: learning in interactive
environments that seem real, where mistakes can be
made without suffering their consequences and that
manage to enhance the effectiveness of learning
(Garcia et al. 2023; Harris et al. 2020. Piccione et al.
In the context of the VA in classroom, virtual
reality offers immersive experiences in three
dimensional environments that allow the student to
experience each situation from different points of
view, analyse the consequences of their decisions and
even realize the time it takes them to respond to each
This technology also saves time for trainers, who
are not forced to repeat the same workshop
repeatedly. The content is available at any time at any
place improving the user's empathy and emotional
GRAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
intelligence (Garcia et al. 2023; Harris et al. 2020;
Piccione et al. 2019).
The present prototype addresses the task of
learning soft skills such as communication, conflict
resolution or social and emotional intelligence like a
response to VA. The environments provide a video
game aesthetic immersing the user in a highly
realistic scenario in which they are the active
protagonist of a learning story (Garcia et al. 2023;
Harris et al. 2020; Piccione et al. 2019).
1.4 Objective and Multidisciplinary
Nature of the Virtual Reality Tool
The aim of the present work is implementing a virtual
reality tool that will be used in the research of the
affective and emotional response and its vegetative
correlate to VA in children under professional and
parental supervision. Moreover, this tool could be
used for harassment prevention, concretely, in the
way of VA in early educational stage.
The proposed tool constitutes the initial version
developed by this multidisciplinary collaboration and
highlights the need of pooling individual knowledge
to achieve a useful and scientifically designed
The tool has been developed by a
multidisciplinary group of researchers with
knowledge in several fields such as Neurobiology,
Psychology or Engineering.
This section shows the description of the design
carried out on the platform, the scenarios carried out,
the parameterization possibilities, as well as the
hardware and software components that allow the
creation of the presented prototype.
2.1 Virtual Reality Design
The virtual reality glasses used in this prototype are
the Meta quest 2 (Reality Labs, USA), which can be
used in children from 10 years old, as indicated by the
manufacturer's instructions, as well as Spanish
legislation, always under the supervision of
professionals and through parental control
The prototype designed used the cross-platform
game engine Unity@ 2022.3.7f1 (Grant Educational
License), and the most relevant packages:
Autodesk FBX Sdk
AiçI Navigation 1.1.5
FBX exporter
AR Foundation
Google AR Core XR Plug in
Open XR Plug in
Shader Graph
Universal Render Pipeline (URP)
Visual Studio
XR Interaction toolkit
Additional applications used to complete the
content and audio effects of the stage are: 3ds Max
2024@ (Autodesk Education Plan), Audacity and
Gimp (Open Source) to create sound effects, and
materials respectively.
To achieve a high level of sense of presence, each
scene has been carefully designed to provide a high
sensation of realism and interactivity while avoiding
cyber sickness. We have added global volumes,
realistic materials, personalized illumination with
light and reflection probes, lighting profiles that are
automatically loaded through script, etc. Hoover
effects have been added as well to indicate the user
whether an area or object is interactable or not.
Oculus hands models have been selected to represent
both controllers, improving the sense of presence
when the user sees his or her own hands in the virtual
reality world.
To address the cybersickness issue, we have
integrated room-scale, controller-based, and
teleportation-based systems. The incorporation of
room-scale allows the application to capitalize on its
heightened sense of presence, enabling users to
navigate within the predefined guardian space
established during the configuration of the Head-
Mounted Display (HMD). To address the limitations
associated with open-world experiences, we have
introduced a teleportation system. This feature
empowers users to teleport to locations beyond the
guardian zone, overcoming spatial constraints and
contributing to the application's resilience against
cybersickness. To facilitate interaction with objects or
enable slight movements, we have also implemented
a controller-based system. Collectively, we have
seamlessly integrated three cutting-edge locomotion
methods. Each method is strategically employed to
leverage its unique strengths, with the inclusion of
others serving to offset individual weaknesses.
Moreover, users can opt for either continuous or snap
turn and activate a vignette effect, also known as a
tunnel vision effect, in both turning modes. Opting for
a snap turn with a vignette is widely regarded as the
optimal choice to mitigate the risk of cybersickness.
A Virtual Reality Prototype as a Tool Against Verbal Abuse in Classrooms: A Multidisciplinary Approach
2.2 Virtual Reality Scenario
Following description of the patterns shows the user
2.2.1 Main Menu
The main menu includes the possibilities for the user
to configure the characteristics of the experience. In
it, you can adjust the volume of the music (free use),
as well as the effects of the audios that are included.
Turn and vignette settings can be configured in this
UI menu. The values set on this first screen are
maintained throughout the game, in case it is not
changed, there is a default setting.
2.2.2 Training Stage
First, the user is immersed in a training scenario: a
school multi-sport gym (Figure 1). There the subject
can interact with different objects (such as balls
rackets) or climb several wall bars.
The objective in this phase of the experience, to
make the player comfortable with the virtual reality
environment. The user can therefore get used to the
different actions triggered by the controllers and
different types of movements. Once again, in other to
avoid cybersickness, we have added the option of
continuous movement or teleport. The user can freely
move and interact in this 3D space changing position
and field of view with the subsequent feeling of
The user must remain in this scene for three
minutes to ensure that the training is effective. The
remaining time is showed in two UI menus.
2.2.3 Gaming Stage
After this training period (that ensures that the player
does not suffer any type of discomfort related to the
use of the application), the subject moves on to the
second scenario that represents a classroom with
individual tables for the students (Figure 2). The
player enters the class and is free to move in the class
interacting with different objects getting familiar with
the new environment. However, after one minute, the
player is "attacked" by intelligent words that
approach and even chase him/her.
Several postprocessing effects, such as chromatic
aberration, are launched to make the user conscious
of the change of mood in the scene. These words
include terms that constitute authentic VA to which,
in the present prototype, the player can only be a
passive spectator.
Figure 1: Training Stage a multi-sport-gym, with objects to facilitate the user immersion.
GRAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 2: Gaming Stage, a classroom to interact with objects during the first minute of playing.
Words are identified as enemies and are spawned in
random positions of the navmesh with a fixed delay.
These words can select the way to the player
automatically avoiding the obstacles in the scene.
Additionally, the words are provided with an audio
source configure to work in 3D. perceives the insult
coming from the place where the word is located.
This allows the experience to be even more authentic.
When a word reach a location closer than a
threshold of two to the player an impact occur and a
epical damage effect is perceived. When the number
of impacts is above a threshold, the user is supposed
to lose the game and is directed to a final scene where
he or she can restart the experience or quit it.
Figure 3:
An insult reaching the player.
Figure 3: An insult reaching the player.
2.2.4 Insults
There are multiple forms of VA, among them, insult
is the most common way to belittle a classmate. In
this application, words are chosen by the research
team for each player, according to the personal
situation. In this first technical approach, the insults
have been distributed into three categories:
General insults: Geek, weird, foolish, Imbecile,
Asshole, Subnormal/delayed (incorrect, but
Specific insults (not implemented in this first
prototype, to be considered in new versions):
Homophobic slurs or racist/xenophobic insults.
Expressions contempt/exclusion: It's disgusting,
You smell bad, Get the out of here (these
expressions used as a first-person plural are
especially relevant, as they are not personal
characteristic, but try to reflect that it is the entire
group that is manifesting that contempt).
The evidence on the neural effects of exposure to VA
comes from various scenarios (virtual environment,
social networks, etc.). However, they all came
together in similar results. For instance, VA is very
frequently experienced via the Internet. In this way,
although the Internet is an important tool in our daily
life, is necessary to control its use and prevent
subsequent difficult problems. There is evidence
showing the cognitive control of affective events in
A Virtual Reality Prototype as a Tool Against Verbal Abuse in Classrooms: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Internet gaming disorder (IGD) and the influence of
IGD on neural activities regarding swear words (as a
sign of VA) in young adolescents. Indeed, there are
differences between adolescents with IGD and
healthy control adolescents with respect to swear,
negative and neutral word conditions. Indeed, there is
neurophysiological data that shown that, swear words
as a VA, induced more activation in regions related to
social interaction and emotional processing such as
the superior temporal sulcus, right temporoparietal
junction and orbitofrontal cortex when compared
with negative words. Adolescents with IGD exhibited
reduced activation in the right orbitofrontal cortex,
related to cognitive control and in the dorsal anterior
cingulate cortex, related to social rejection during the
swear word condition. In addition, adolescents with
IGD were negatively correlated with activity in the
right amygdala toward swear words, indicating the
important role of the amygdala in the control of
aggression in adolescents with IGD (J-W Chun et al
20159). All these results indicate the importance of
exploring the effects on the nervous system of VA in
controlled environments.
In the present study a virtual reality tool for VA
awareness has been proposed. As virtual reality is an
immersive technology that can create a sense of
presence and realism, blurring the lines between the
virtual and physical worlds, the assumption of this
technique being useful in the research of VA and its
phycological and neurobiological consequences is
not unreasonable. Therefore, the proposed prototype
could potentially simulate or even amplify the
emotional impact of VA in the users.VA in virtual
reality could lead to emotional distress, anxiety, and
other psychological effects, just like in the physical
world. Moreover, the age that the tool is intended for
is a period of life when is fundamental the
establishment of appropriate social interactions. In
this sense, virtual reality gives the possibility of
developing this kind of social interactions in game
like environments. Finally, a prolonged exposure to
VA in virtual reality could negatively impact mental
health and well-being. It may contribute to feelings of
isolation, depression, and a decline in overall mental
This article presents a new virtual reality tool to both
aid in the research field of VA and prevent it in
classrooms. This approach addresses the creation of
virtual environments that enable analysis, prevention,
and intervention in situations of verbal bullying in the
school environment.
The experience consist on short scenes (2-3
minutes), designed to be used in the school with
students in the last year of primary education (10–12-
year-old) under professional supervision and parental
control. Currently the user is able to participate in
situations of verbal harassment from victim point of
view. However, we are currently working in adding
functionalities to the software tool. For instance, in
future versions, the user will be able to adopt different
roles: victim, aggressor and spectator in a multiplayer
experience. This version would make possible to
analyse the impact of verbal violence from the
perspective of all participants, the influence of
relevant contextual variables, the most common
associated behaviours, the interaction between
participants and the skills involved in coping. In
addition to the usual psychological self-report
measures, the design will allow obtaining
physiological measures of response to the situations
The current version of the application however is
already useful in the study of VA. The level of
emotion induction on virtual reality inmersion is
under test while studying the victim's reactions and
to exposing the victimizers to the effects of
their harassment. The design principles show
robustness, feasibility and in real-time intervention.
The prototype is prepared to be optimized and
upgraded to future versions with impairments, and is
totally customizable. For instance, the virtual reality
controllers are able to be used in any type of device,
scenes can be added as new modules to the
experiences, etc. This prototype prioritizes the user
privacy by implementing measures to protect user
data and ensure a safe online environment.
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Copy Rights: The list of resources used in
programming the prototype is included below.
A Virtual Reality Prototype as a Tool Against Verbal Abuse in Classrooms: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Unity Asset Store
Standard Unity Asset Store EULA
ame Autho
FREE Casual
Game SFX Pac
AllSky Free - 10
box Set
rpgwhitelock https://assetstore.unity.com/publishers/3830
Free Sports Kit Sports-Actions
Sketchfab: Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ )
ame Autho
“SELF Labs School G
m” Mirror Ima
e Studios is licensed under https://skfb.l
“Basic Classroom” Kibele https://skfb.l
GRAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications