An Assistive Technology Based on Object Detection for Automated Task
List Generation
eric Rayar
LIFAT, University of Tours, Tours, France
Object Detection, YOLOv7 Model, Task Generation, Assistive Technology, Intellectual Disability.
People suffering from Intellectual Disability (ID) face challenges to perform sequential tasks in their daily
life, impacting their education and employability. To help them, the usage of Assistive Technology (AT)
on mobile devices is a promising direction. However, most of them do not take advantage of the important
recent advances in Artificial Intelligence. In this paper, we address this lack by presenting a prototype of
an embed AT system that leverage computer vision advances to assist a user suffering from ID to perform
sequential tasks in a guesthouse rooms’ tiding-up activity. It first relies on a state-of-the-art object detector,
namely YOLOv7, that we have adapted for a real-time usage on mobile devices. Then, using a ”spot the
difference” approach, it identifies objects of interest that are either present, absent or displaced, compared to
a template image. A list of tasks to be achieved is automatically generated and conveyed to the user using
an accessible and ergonomic interface. Early qualitative experiments of this ongoing work lead us to believe
that our contribution could improve the life of people suffering from ID, allowing them to improve both their
functioning and independence.
Intellectual disability (ID) is a neurodevelopmen-
tal disorder, where one has limitations in intellec-
tual functioning (such as learning, problem solving,
judgement) and adaptive functioning (daily life activ-
ities such as communication and independent living).
These limitations could be either mild, moderate, se-
vere or profound, affecting a person at different lev-
els. ID is often associated with a genetic syndrome,
for instance, the Down syndrome, the Fragile X syn-
drome or the Cornelia de Lange syndrome. Due to
these limitations, performing sequential tasks alone is
a rather challenging task for children, teenagers and
adults suffering from ID. This has a direct impact on
their education and employability, often leading them
to social or economic exclusion.
Assistive technology (AT) concerns products (de-
vices or software), whose primary purpose are to
maintain or improve an individual’s functioning and
independence. It has a positive impact on the health
and well-being of a person and his/her family, as
well as broader socio-economic benefits, according
to the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Its us-
age and benefits for people with ID is still currently
being advocated (Boot et al., 2017) In recent years,
mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have
been widely used as AT by providing relevant soft-
ware solutions for people with a disability. Their us-
age in the context of ID is qualified as an ”emerging
promise” (Skogly Kversøy et al., 2020), while stat-
ing that ”it will open [their] world up” (Danker et al.,
2023). Leveraging recent advances in computer vi-
sion and artificial intelligence to develop mobile in-
telligent systems that can be used as AT appears to
be promising. Indeed, object detection for extract-
ing valuable information from images and videos can
assist people with ID understand their surrounding
environment and perform sequential tasks by them-
selves. Even if numerous object detection models
have been proposed in the literature based on Convo-
lutional Neural Networks (CNN), exploiting their out-
comes for building AT systems remains a challenging
task for the research community.
In this paper, we report our ongoing efforts to ad-
dress this challenge. The main contributions can be
summarised as follows: first, we adapted YOLOv7
Rayar, F.
An Assistive Technology Based on Object Detection for Automated Task List Generation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012453200003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
(You Only Look Once) model (Wang et al., 2023), a
widely used object detector to be used in real-time on
mobile devices. Second, we proposed an algorithm to
perform a ”spot the difference” task between a query
image and a template image. Third, our system can
automatically generate a task list that can be provided
to an end-user with ID via a simple and ergonomic in-
terface. Finally, we have implemented a prototype for
a specific usecase, namely the daily room tide up in
guesthouses. The validation of the performed tasks,
gamification for providing an engaging AT and user
evaluation are not discussed here as they are still on-
The paper is organised as follows: Section 2
presents a brief overview of the related works. The
proposed approach is detailed in Section 3. Section 4
presents the adressed usecase and the current imple-
mentation of our AT system. Finally, we conclude and
present directions for future works.
2.1 Image Comparison
In terms of image comparison, a ”spot the difference”
task can be formulated either as an image subtraction
or an image matching problem, which are also stan-
dard problems in computer vision. The purpose of
image subtraction (Paranjape, 2000) is to enhance the
differences between two images : after a step of im-
age registration, the resulting image is obtained by
subtracting one image from another, at pixel level.
This simple and fundamental techniques has mostly
been used in time-domain astronomy to study astro-
nomical objects change in time. Close to this field
is change detection (Singh, 1989), that refers to the
process of identifying differences in the structure or
properties of objects on Earth by analysing two or
more images taken at different times. Recent neural-
network have been considered to address change de-
tection such as CNN (de Jong and Sergeevna Bosman,
2019) or Transformers (Bandara and Patel, 2022).
One can find a thorough survey in (Parelius, 2023).
However, these approaches mainly deal with remote
sensing images and require a complex image registra-
tion step.
On the other hand, if we consider the image
matching paradigm, the problem boils down to es-
tablishing a sufficient number of pixel or region cor-
respondences from two or more images. Classic al-
gorithms use the optical flow (Beauchemin and Bar-
ron, 1995), that computes a vector field that maps
each pixel from one image to a corresponding pixel
in another image, while others algorithms match
salient image points (such as Harris corner (Harris
and Stephens, 1988), SIFT (Lowe, 2004), SURF (Bay
et al., 2006)) with pruning and robust fitting meth-
ods. Recent approaches have used deep learning,
by considering the matching at CNN layers’ feature
representation (Chen and Heipke, 2022). However,
the complexity and underlying overhead of these ap-
proaches make them not fitted for real-time usage in
mobiles devices.
2.2 Object Detection
Another approach to perform the ”spot the differ-
ence” task is proceed at instance-level and therefore
consider objects of interest in images . Object detec-
tion has always been an important field in the domain
of computer vision. If one focus on the recent neural-
network-based paradigm, this problem has been ad-
dressed by two different approaches:
with a two-stage approach: first, identify regions
of interest where objects are expected to be found,
then detect objects in those regions and eventu-
ally refine their bounding boxes. Most famous
algorithms that follows this two-stage approach
are R-CNN (Girshick et al., 2014) and Fast(er) R-
CNN (Ren et al., 2017);
with a one-stage approach: here, a fully con-
volutional approach is used and the network is
able to find all objects within an image in only
one pass. Most popular algorithms with this ap-
proach are YOLO (You Only Look Once) (Red-
mon et al., 2016) and SSD (Single-Shot Multibox
Detector) (Liu et al., 2016).
The two-stage approaches usually have a slightly bet-
ter accuracy but are slower to run, while single-shot
algorithms are more efficient and have as good ac-
curacy, explaining why the latter options are mostly
used nowadays.
Figure 1 illustrates the workflow that we propose in
this paper. First an image is acquired via a mobile
device such as a smartphone or a tablet. Second a
real-time efficient detection algorithm is used to rec-
ognize a predefined list of objects in the captured im-
age. Third, a ”spot the difference” task is performed
between the query image and template images that
have been stored in a database beforehand. Then, a
task list is automatically generated and delivered to
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Proposed workflow to perform automatic generation of task list leveraging object detection
the end-user using accessibility considerations. These
steps are detailed below.
3.1 Embedded YOLO
In our study, we have chosen the YOLO model (Red-
mon et al., 2016) over SSD (Liu et al., 2016). This
choice is based on detection accuracy and speed cri-
teria, considering that we want to embed this object
detector in a real-time AT mobile system. No prepro-
cessing to deal with classic challenges in real-scene
image acquisition, such as image quality restoration
or image luminosity rectification, is performed on the
current prototype. More specifically, we have chosen
a YOLOv7 (Wang et al., 2023) open source C++ im-
plementation and adapted it for an Android system
YOLOv7 recognises all objects that are present in
the MS-COCO dataset (Lin et al., 2014) and since
most of them are not relevant in the considered use-
case, it affects the smoothness and hence the usability
of the AT system. Therefore, we build a functional-
ity that allows an administrator of the system to select
the list of objects that is relevant to a given scenario.
The speed up ratio when considering only 6 objects
of interest over 80 object categories is 6, and allows
to reduce the visual overload that could have a severe
impact on people suffering form ID.
3.2 Spot the Difference
We detail here the proposed algorithm to perform
a ”spot the difference” task. Assume a tem-
plate image I, that contains a list of objects O =
, O
, . . . , O
} and their corresponding bounding
boxes BB = {BB
, BB
, . . . , BB
}. We recall that
a bounding box is given by BB = (x, y, w, h), with
(x, y) the top-left coordinates of the box and (w, h)
the width and the height of the box, respectively.
For a given query image Q, we assume that the
object detector algorithm has found the list of ob-
jects FO = {FO
, FO
, . . . , FO
} and their bounding
boxes FBB = {FBB
, . . . , FBB
This illustration uses resources from
Data: O = {O
, O
, . . . , O
FO = {FO
, FO
, . . . , FO
Result: presence
for i 1 to n do
ob j O
for j 1 to m do
f ob j FO
if ob j.label == f ob j.label then
presence[i] True;
Algorithm 1: Presence/absence detection of an ob-
Data: O = {O
, O
, . . . , O
BB = {BB
, BB
, . . . , BB
FO = {FO
, FO
, . . . , FO
, . . . , FBB
iou threshold
Result: displacement
for i 1 to n do
ob j O
bb BB
for j 1 to m do
f ob j FO
f bb FBB
if ob j.label == f ob j.label then
iou compute iou(bb, f bb) ;
if iou < iou threshold then
displacement[i] True;
Algorithm 2: Displacement detection of an object.
Figure 2: List of default objects to detect in our current im-
plementation. Images are from the MS-COCO website
An Assistive Technology Based on Object Detection for Automated Task List Generation
Figure 3: Examples of three interfaces of the proposed AT system: (left) template image with detected objects, (middle) query
image, after some objects have been removed or displaced and (right) automatically generated task list with ergonomic and
accessible considerations.
Two levels of spotting have been considered: the
first detects the absence or presence of a given ob-
ject in Q, compared to the template image I, and the
second, more refined, consider if an object in Q is
displaced compared to the template image I. Algo-
rithms 1 and 2 details the two proposed spotting ap-
proaches, respectively. For the displacement detec-
tion, we have considered the Intersection over Union
(IoU) metric, that is used to evaluate the performance
of object detectors. It computes the extent of over-
lap of a ground truth bounding box BB
to a detected
bounding box FBB
, using the following formula:
IoU =
Area of Overlap(BB
Area of Union(BB
The greater the region of overlap, the greater the
IoU value. In this work, we have empirically set a
threshold value iou threshold = 0.5, to estimate the
displacement of an object. Finally, by identifying
the presence, absence or misplacement of objects of
interest, a list of tasks to fit the template image I is
naturally deduced.
4.1 Usecase Description
In our first implementation, we have identified a spe-
cific usecase, namely the rooms’ tiding-up activity
in guesthouses. Each room has been segmented in
specific sections (e.g. desk part, bed part, bathroom,
etc.) and template images of these sections have been
stored beforehand. To speed up the ”spot the game”
task, the templates images have been processed by
the object detector algorithm and relevant information
have been stored. The proposed AT system aims at
supporting a person suffering from ID in the follow-
ing way: (i) the user enters a room, (ii) he position
himself at a given section of the room and takes a pic-
ture, (iii) the object detection is performed on a given
subset of objects, (iv) knowing the room and the sec-
tion, the ”spot the difference” task is performed be-
tween the query image and template images, (v) the
system then automatically generates the list of tasks
to be performed in order to tidy up the room. More
specifically, this list is created according to the pres-
ence or displacement of objects of interest, in order
to restore the room in its initial stage, as depicted in
the template image, and welcome new guests. Finally
the AT system (in)validates tasks that have been per-
formed by asking the user to take another picture (on-
going works, not describe in this paper). Figure 2 il-
lustrates the objects that are relevant in our usecase
and that are recognized by default by the current im-
plementation of our AT system (bed, bottle, chair, re-
mote, table, tv).
4.2 Prototype
Figure 3 illustrates examples of three interfaces of the
proposed AT system, in a test environment. The left
picture shows a template image, where the following
objects were found: a bottle, two cups, 2 chairs, a
table and a book. Note that the book is only detected
with only a 42.7% confidence and that the designed
thermo-insulated bottle is not detected. The middle
picture presents a query image, where some objects
were removed or displaced: one bottle was removed,
one cup and one chair were displaced. Finally the
right picture presents the view of our generated task
In order to provide an accessible and ergonomic
system, we have considered the following consid-
erations: (i) the possibility to customise the font,
(ii) a simple yet consistent palette (red, orange and
green) to represent the object status (absent, dis-
placed and present, respectively), (iii) the usage of
pictograms, commonly used in Augmentative and Al-
ternative Communication (AAC) and (iv) the usage of
an audio feedback, on-demand. The validation of the
tasks to be performed can be done in the current ver-
sion of the proposed AT system, by retaking succes-
sive pictures, however we believe that the gamifica-
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
tion of this validation process could increase the user
engagement, justifying our ongoing work.
In this paper, we have presented ongoing work on the
development of an AT system that leverage recent ad-
vances in AI, to assist people suffering from ID to per-
form sequential tasks autonomously in a guesthouse
rooms’ tiding-up activity. It relies on the cutting-edge
YOLOv7 object detector, that is used to identify ob-
jects of interest that need to be moved. A task list is
automatically generated and conveyed to the user us-
ing an accessible and ergonomic interface. In future
research, two main directions have been identified and
are ongoing : (i) the validation of the performed tasks,
through the gamification of the proposed AT system,
to ensure the engagement if the user and (ii) the on-
site user evaluation of the prototype, involving thus
young adults in a real usage for the room’s tidying-up
in guesthouse.
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An Assistive Technology Based on Object Detection for Automated Task List Generation