Taking Behavioral Science to the next Level: Opportunities for the
Use of Ontologies to Enable Artificial Intelligence-Driven Evidence
Synthesis and Prediction
Oscar Castro
, Jacqueline Louise Mair
1,2 b
, Florian von Wangenheim
1,3,* c
and Tobias Kowatsch
4,5,3,1,* d
Future Health Technologies, Singapore-ETH Centre,
Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise (CREATE), Singapore
Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Centre for Digital Health Interventions, Department of Management, Technology, and Economics,
ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Institute for Implementation Science in Health Care, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
School of Medicine, University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland
Keywords: Taxonomy, Classification System, Ontology, Behavioral Medicine, Health Psychology, Evidence Synthesis,
Systematic Review, Machine Learning.
Abstract: Decades of research have created a vast archive of information on human behavior, with relevant new studies
being published daily. Despite these advances, knowledge generated by behavioral science the social and
biological sciences concerned with the study of human behavior is not efficiently translated for those who
will apply it to benefit individuals and society. The gap between what is known and the capacity to act on that
knowledge continues to widen as current evidence synthesis methods struggle to process a large, ever-growing
body of evidence characterized by its complexity and lack of shared terminologies. The purpose of the present
position paper is twofold: (i) to highlight the pitfalls of traditional evidence synthesis methods in supporting
effective knowledge translation to applied settings, and (ii) to sketch a potential alternative evidence synthesis
approach which leverages on the use of ontologies – formal systems for organizing knowledge – to enable a
more effective, artificial intelligence-driven accumulation and implementation of knowledge. The paper
concludes with future research directions across behavioral, computer, and information sciences to help
realize such innovative approach to evidence synthesis, allowing behavioral science to advance at a faster
Increasing physical activity, reducing greenhouse gas
emissions, or avoiding antibiotic overuse. The
solution to many health and environmental challenges
humanity faces today lies in changing people’s
behavior (Ghebreyesus, 2021). Behavioral science
including a wide range of disciplines such as
psychology, sociology, economics, anthropology,
law, or political science is critical in our ability to
These authors share senior authorship
understand, predict, and ultimately shape human
behavior. The success of behavioral science in
reaching these aims lies in its capacity to successfully
integrate and build upon evidence cumulatively. In
other words, to effectively synthesize the existing
body of evidence.
Evidence synthesis refers to the process of
bringing together all relevant information
investigating the same topic (typically scientific
publications and/or datasets) to comprehensively
Castro, O., Mair, J., von Wangenheim, F. and Kowatsch, T.
Taking Behavioral Science to the next Level: Opportunities for the Use of Ontologies to Enable Artificial Intelligence-Driven Evidence Synthesis and Prediction.
DOI: 10.5220/0012437300003657
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024) - Volume 2, pages 671-678
ISBN: 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
provide an answer to a given research question
(Langlois et al., 2018). Evidence synthesis often
involves using a specific methodology such as
systematic reviews, meta-analysis, scoping reviews,
rapid reviews, umbrella reviews, qualitative reviews,
or narrative reviews (hereby referred to as ‘traditional
evidence synthesis methods’). While the research
questions addressed and the approaches used by such
reviews vary considerably, they all share the
principles of rigor, transparency, and accountability
of methods.
Traditional evidence synthesis methods have
proven to be somewhat helpful in providing
trustworthy information to identify gaps in
knowledge, establishing an evidence base for best-
practice guidance, and helping policymakers,
researchers, and the public to make more informed
decisions (see, for example, the evidence-based
medicine movement; Signore & Campagna, 2023).
However, they also have several documented
limitations (Moore et al., 2022), which hamper
behavioral science development in particular and
scientific progress in general. The present position
paper aims to highlight these limitations and present
a potential alternative evidence synthesis approach,
including a research agenda moving forward.
2.1 Slow Methods to Synthesize a
Rapidly Growing Body of Evidence
The amount of funds spent on research and the
number of researchers globally have grown steadily
over the past few decades (Lewis et al., 2021). In
addition, an academic system that heavily
incentivizes the publication of academic work to
succeed has gained traction in many countries. As a
result, the proliferation of scientific publications in
the behavioral and other sciences is happening at an
unparalleled rate (Bornmann et al., 2015).
With the already vast scientific literature growing
exponentially, it is difficult for researchers to
manually track and analyze new publications in their
field. Traditional evidence synthesis methods involve
a series of pre-defined steps, most of them being
extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive, such
as relevant study identification, data extraction, or
risk of bias assessment (Borah et al., 2017). Because
of the extensive work required, even in cases where
solid evidence is found and synthesized, the
evaluation and recommendations that follow are often
unavoidably outdated by the time the review is
finished (Garner et al., 2016). This does not even
account for the peer-review process once the review
is completed, which might take months from
submission to publication. A more efficient analysis
of the behavioral science literature is needed to help
tackle pressing problems where human behavior
plays a pivotal role.
A prime example is the COVID-19 pandemic,
when governments needed to urgently understand
how to encourage individuals to adhere to mask-
wearing and hand-washing for the control of SARS-
CoV-2 transmission. Even if a rapid review of
existing evidence on individual protective behaviours
was conducted, it would still take several months for
a highly trained research team to produce and publish
a report, by which point it would be too late to
implement findings.
2.2 Prone to Human Errors and Bias
In the context of traditional evidence synthesis
methods, the processes of (i) reporting study results
and (ii) manually gathering such reports for evidence
synthesis purposes are highly disjointed. The second
step is frequently carried out by a different team than
the one who conducted the study in the first place.
While this facilitates impartial evidence synthesis, it
also introduces a high risk of errors (Wang et al.,
2020). The study report itself is already a
simplification of what happened, and reviewing
efforts add a second layer, further blurring what was
done and found in the real world. For example, a
study found a high prevalence of data extraction
errors (up to 50%) in systematic reviews and, most
worryingly, these often influenced effect estimates
(Mathes et al., 2017). Another study analyzing the
search strategy of 137 systematic reviews found that
a majority (92%) incurred some type of error, such as
missing key terms or wrong syntax (Salvador-Oliván
et al., 2019). In addition, it is worth noting that many
subjective decisions are made by researchers at
different stages of a review, which increases the risk
of bias (voluntary or not) and may influence various
aspects of the study, such as the search strategy,
selection criteria, or interpretation of findings.
2.3 Only as Good – or as Bad – as the
Underlying Study Reports
Traditional evidence synthesis methods rely almost
exclusively on the use of study reports. This is
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
problematic for many reasons. First, despite the
proliferation of standard reporting guidelines for
different types of research (e.g., EQUATOR network;
Simera et al., 2010), many reports fail to account for
key aspects of the study, including population
characteristics, research methods, theoretical basis, or
the active components and their delivery for
intervention research (Sumner et al., 2018).
Second, even if all key information about a given
study is reported, authors tend to do so in a
heterogeneous way. Clear labelling and classification
are the basis for the organization of scientific
knowledge, yet the constructs that have been
established in behavioral science have not been
systematized or formalized (Lawson & Robins, 2021)
and often incur in ‘jingle-jangle’ fallacies (i.e., when
one makes the erroneous assumptions that two
different things are the same because they bear the
same name). This phenomenon is notoriously
common in behavioral science, affecting both
constructs and measures (e.g., personality and values
are sometimes mixed and treated as the same
construct). An explanation for this might be that the
terminology used in behavioral science often overlaps
with informal and colloquial vocabulary, which is
polysemous in nature (Hastings et al., 2022). The fact
that study reporting is often inconsistent and
incomplete leads to research waste (as findings
cannot be integrated with other research) and could
also be one of the reasons for which many meta-
analyses (regarded as the gold standard method for
evidence synthesis) often exhibit a high degree of
heterogeneity and inconclusive results (Bryan et al.,
2021). It might be possible that studies thought to be
comparable were indeed different, introducing noise
into the analyses (i.e., ‘mixing apples and oranges’).
Third, study reports leverage on text to summarize
the study and communicate the results. This is logical
as written language has been a main vehicle to convey
information throughout human history. However,
compared to numerical or other types of data, text is
not universal (most publications are written in the
English language), adds variability because of the
different styles in writing and word-choices among
researchers, and it is challenging to produce and
2.4 Too Many of Them
In an era of perverse academic incentives, the
publication of evidence synthesis studies is also
proliferating, and in some fields it even outpaces the
publication of primary research (Niforatos et al.,
2020). Publishing reviews has become a goal on its
own, often perceived as more important than the
service reviews are meant to provide. As a result,
many reviews are even conducted without an
adequate evidence base to justify the synthesis
efforts. For example, the median number of studies
included in Cochrane reviews is six to 16, and the
median number of participants per trial is
approximately 80 (Roberts & Ker, 2015). Systematic
reviews of few trials with small sample sizes deceive
the public by advertising inflated treatment effects
that often become smaller or absent when more,
higher-quality trials are conducted. This and other
practices have led many to argue that the publication
of redundant, untrustworthy, or poor-quality reviews
is an increasingly unwanted contributor to the
‘research waste’ phenomenon (Ioannidis, 2016).
2.5 Summary
We argue the current status quo regarding evidence
synthesis in behavioral science is plagued with
problems caused by too much, incompletely reported
evidence and mismatched conceptualizations for key
constructs and measures, for which traditional
evidence synthesis methods are not well-equipped
nor provide an adequate and timely response.
Business-as-usual is not an option if we are to build a
robust scientific field to address the many 21st-
century challenges for which understanding and
changing human behavior is key (Hallsworth, 2023).
Recent advances in behavioral, information, and
computing sciences could enable researchers to
overcome the above-mentioned pitfalls in evidence
synthesis, providing opportunities to address complex
research questions efficiently and effectively. In
Figure 1, we sketch a novel evidence synthesis
approach that leverages ontologies to facilitate (i)
complete, comprehensive, and interoperable
reporting of research and (ii) a combination of human
and artificial intelligence as part of the evidence
synthesis process to gain speed and optimize the
value of existing evidence.
An ontology is a consensually created structure
for organizing knowledge in a particular domain
which includes a systematic set of shared terms
(controlled vocabulary) and is explicit on their inter-
Taking Behavioral Science to the next Level: Opportunities for the Use of Ontologies to Enable Artificial Intelligence-Driven Evidence
Synthesis and Prediction
relationships (e.g., one is part of the other).
Ontologies are a result of early attempts to
computationally represent and reason with
knowledge and can be used to define and categorize
a wide variety of constructs and terms in different
fields, from wine products to Netflix content
(Oliveira et al., 2021). Basically, anything that exists.
While the use of ontologies is common in the
biomedical sciences and other fields (see, for
example, the successful use case of the gene
ontology; Gene Ontology Consortium, 2019), they
have not been broadly adopted within the social and
behavioral sciences (Sharp et al., 2023). More
recently, the interest in the application of ontologies
has been rising, including a recent consensus report
by the USA National Academies of Sciences,
Engineering, and Medicine on the need to develop
and use ontologies to accelerate behavioral science
(Sharp et al., 2023). Published ontologies in the field
include the Behaviour Change Intervention Ontology
(Michie et al., 2020), the Cognitive Atlas (Poldrack
& Yarkoni, 2016), or the Ontology for Medically
Related Social Entities (Hicks et al., 2016).
The approach depicted in Figure 1 starts with a
key process consisting of coding research findings
and/or datasets using ontologies (i.e., identify the
presence of ontology entities as meta-data
summarizing study methods and results), with the
ultimate goal of creating a database – knowledge
repository which contains the evidence base of a
given domain. Unlike traditional evidence synthesis
methods, a key advantage of using ontologies is that
entities are formally and logically connected to one
another using machine-readable terms (Husáková &
Bureš, 2020), and thus they enable codification of
knowledge in a computer-readable format to facilitate
organization, re-use, integration, and analysis
(Michie et al., 2020).
A distinction is made between ‘new’ research
findings, for which the most effective method would
be to engage researchers in routinely registering their
research findings using an ontology-based platform,
and ‘past’ research findings, which would require
additional efforts in case study authors are not
available to register the findings retrospectively. A
hybrid artificial intelligence-human information
extraction tool would be needed to process these
‘legacy’ study reports and formalize them according
to a given ontology structure (e.g., West et al., 2023).
In addition to study reports, ontologies could also
be used as a framework to harmonize different
datasets. Data harmonization refers to the process of
reconciling various types, levels and/or sources of
data in formats that are comparable and compatible.
Harmonizing and integrating data from multiple
sources can potentially increase the statistical power
that a single dataset would provide, allowing for
better decision making. There have been various
efforts for cross-cohort data harmonization and
integration using an ontology approach (e.g., Hao et
al., 2023).
Ontologies could also help to better represent
theory, which is an integral component of behavioral
science. Theories so far have been communicated
using natural language and thus the same issues as
with study reports and the wider behavioral science
literature apply (e.g., lack of clarity and consistency).
Many theories overlap by referring to fundamentally
the same constructs using different terms, hindering
comparison and integration. Formulating theories in
an ontology format provides a better basis for
searching, comparing, and integrating them. It would
also allow researchers to be more precise and test
their propositions, as behavior science theories have
been deemed to be often formulated so vaguely or
abstractly that it is challenging to test or falsify them
(Eronen & Bringmann, 2021). In this context, an
Ontology-Based Modelling System has been already
developed to formally represent 71 behavior-change
theories in a way that is clear, consistent and
computable (Hale et al., 2020).
Once a comprehensive database has been built,
the pre-defined ontological structure would allow for
the application of innovative data analysis approaches
that go beyond traditional meta-analysis, including
the use of artificial intelligence to answer research
questions, guide future research, and inform decisions
(Mac Aonghusa & Michie, 2020). For example,
machine learning could be applied to predict
outcomes of behavior change interventions. The
system would consider subsets of previously inputted
interventions based on their similarity with the
scenario proposed (e.g., in terms of setting,
population, intervention content, or mode of delivery)
and predict an outcome value accordingly (Ganguly
et al., 2022). The prediction could even take place
beyond the current evidence base by allowing
extrapolation of the likely outcomes of hypothetical
studies (i.e., for scenarios without direct evidence).
This goes a step further compared to existing
meta-analyses and meta-regressions, which focus
only on estimating the average difference (e.g., mean
effect size) between an intervention and comparator
in an existing set of studies, and could provide a more
direct answer to the questions that practitioners and
policymakers typically ask (e.g., give the best
estimate of the outcome for a specific scenario if we
apply A or if we apply B). In addition, we are seeing
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
a rapid advance in the development of new techniques
that combine effective data-driven learning
algorithms with formalizations like ontologies. Thus,
it can be expected that reporting knowledge in such a
way will allow for increasingly sophisticated
applications able to harness the automation of
learning and inference (Hastings, 2022).
Last, predictions and other outcomes resulting
from this approach (Figure 1) should ideally include
meta-data on the outcomes themselves, helping users
understand what the level of confidence is in the
outcome, as well as how much and what research has
been used as part of the evidence synthesis process.
Various stakeholders (e.g., health care practitioners,
researchers, policymakers, educators, and students)
could use such a system freely, providing feedback
and helping sense check the outputs. The evidence
synthesis approach described is thought to operate
autonomously as much as possible, allowing
researchers to shift efforts towards producing primary
research or other productive tasks.
Realizing the vision represented in Figure 1 will not
be a simple feat, requiring innovative, coordinated,
and multidisciplinary research work on several fronts.
The Human Behaviour Change Project (HBCP; 2017-
2023) has been the most comprehensive effort to date
assessing the feasibility of developing an artificial
intelligence-based Knowledge System, including an
automated information extraction component from
study reports and an automated prediction
component, both of which following a Behaviour
Change Intervention Ontology (BCIO) developed as
part of the project to provide the semantic structure
for the domain (Michie et al., 2020).
The project has been instrumental in raising
awareness about the need to improve evidence
synthesis in behavioral science, as well as in
providing first-version tools and resources that offer
a step change in the possibilities for addressing
evidence synthesis (e.g., an ontology, automated
study identification and information extraction tools).
However, the field is still in its infancy, and
substantial additional efforts are needed covering
various domains.
A critical first step to building the proposed
evidence synthesis approach is the development of
high-quality, semantically ‘strong’ ontologies (i.e.,
formal representation in a logic that allows
specification of machine-readable properties of
entities). The BCIO developed as part of the HBCP is
probably the most comprehensive ontology
developed in the behavioral science domain and has
been highlighted in the NASEM report as a good
example of a successful ontology characterized by
‘strong’ semantics. The BCIO is an ontology for all
aspects of human behavior change interventions and
their evaluation (e.g., where did the intervention take
place?, who took part?, what Behavior Change
Techniques were used?, what was the intervention
schedule?), including hundreds of entities with
uniquely identifiable IDs to clearly and
comprehensively described what happened in a
behavior change intervention. While it applies
specifically to interventional research, it is a good
starting point, and their development methods have
been published to help inform the development of
future ontologies (Wright et al., 2020). This will
certainly be needed as most of the current
classification systems used in behavioral science do
not have formal semantics. Thus, they do not readily
support automated reasoning and other artificial
intelligence applications (Sharp et al., 2023).
Figure 1: A hypothetical evidence synthesis approach that relies on an ontology-based Knowledge Repository system to
enable the application of artificial intelligence for evidence synthesis and prediction.
Taking Behavioral Science to the next Level: Opportunities for the Use of Ontologies to Enable Artificial Intelligence-Driven Evidence
Synthesis and Prediction
Another important step is the development of
tools to enable and facilitate the different processes
included in the novel evidence synthesis approach,
including evidence identification, ontology
management and visualization, post-study
registration for researchers based on an ontological
structure, data infrastructure, and evidence
visualization, synthesis, and prediction. The HBCP
and other projects have conducted some early work in
this regard. For example, study identification has
progressed greatly in the past few years. It is now
possible to largely automate the process of filtering
new literature on a given topic (e.g., COVID-19) with
high accuracy (Shemilt et al., 2021). From an initial
purely manual workflow, algorithms were developed
and trained to move into a position where most of the
screening work is automated. As another example, the
Paper Authoring Tool (PAT) is an online tool for
writing up randomized controlled trial reports that
prompts users for all required information (this can
follow an ontological structure) and creates both
Word and machine-readable JSON files upon
completing the process (West, 2020). Other tools
exist to semi-automate the process of assessing the
risk of bias in randomized controlled trials (Jardim et
al., 2022). For each tool and subprocess, researchers
will need to investigate how to optimally combine
human and artificial intelligence, leveraging on what
each of these do best.
Specific to the computer science domain, there is
also the need to investigate how to best extrapolate
existing artificial intelligence methods for making
predictions and synthesizing information for the
database of behavioral science research. For example,
a challenge to developing accurate prediction models
in research is the relatively reduced number of data
points for a given domain (e.g., hundreds of physical
activity promotion trials) compared with the vast
databases in which these models are typically trained
and evaluated (e.g., billions of digitized books and
newspaper articles, all pictures on the internet). In
addition, this specific artificial intelligence
application requires a certain degree of explanation
for users to trust the system (e.g., confidence in the
prediction, an overview of which evidence has been
synthesized), which is not typically available when
neural networks or other commonly employed ‘black
box’ artificial intelligence approaches are used. The
HBCP team has started developing a new method of
explainable prediction that leverages a semantically
constrained, rules-based system, combining aspects
of symbolic and neural approaches. Early results
suggest the system works with sparse data and it is
not far from the predictive power of a black-box deep
neural network, with the added benefit of providing
substantially more transparency and explainability
(Glauer et al., 2022). Regarding information
extraction from ‘past’ research, the HBCP found a
major challenge in fully automating the process of
extracting comprehensive and accurate information
from study reports due to the incomplete and unclear
presentation of data. The advent of large language
models may offer a step-change to assist humans in
extracting information from study reports
(Thirunavukarasu et al., 2023). Overall, we argue that
behavioral science can also positively impact
computer science by providing challenging use cases
that require developing novel methods.
Once built, the proposed evidence synthesis
approach must be thoroughly evaluated. A proof-of-
concept system could be first developed and tested
using a specific type of evidence synthesis (e.g.,
focusing on randomized controlled trials) in a
particular behavior change domain (e.g., smoking
cessation). Outcomes could be compared with
traditional evidence synthesis methods addressing the
same research questions.
Even if an effective system is developed and made
available, behavior change research must investigate
how the proposed evidence synthesis approach could
gain broad adoption and be integrated into the
standard research cycle. This might include surveying
researchers to identify pain points and potential
solutions, as well as exploring the ethical challenges
and potential risks and liabilities of such an artificial
intelligence-driven system in light of relevant
regulations (e.g., the recently approved EU AI Act).
Last, a caveat of this innovative evidence
synthesis approach, shared by traditional evidence
synthesis methods, is that the system will be only as
good as the data it operates with and is trained on (i.e.,
the quality of the underlying evidence). The available
evidence on behavior change is not free of bias. For
example, most behavioral research is conducted in
high-income countries with predominantly white
samples. Thus, findings might not be applicable to
other contexts and ethnics groups. In addition,
successful interventions are more likely to be reported
and published. Current initiatives, such as
preregistration of trials, could mitigate the publication
bias for results that are statistically significant.
The achievement of effective, efficient, and timely
synthesis of evidence in behavioral science is key to
addressing the most pressing challenges of our time,
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
from the climate emergency to the high prevalence of
non-communicable diseases. Yet current evidence
synthesis methods cannot keep up with a vast, rapidly
growing body of evidence, which is often incomplete
and ambiguous. Developing and implementing good-
quality ontologies in the behavioral science domain
promises to improve how evidence is organized,
understood, and used. While advances have been
made recently, there is still a long way to go to adapt
our evidence into formats that computers can process,
providing enough structured data available for large-
scale learning algorithms to use. The proposed
evidence synthesis approach will require close
collaboration between domain experts (behavioral
scientists), ontologists, and computer scientists with
expertise in organizing and retrieving information.
This collaboration has the potential to initiate a new
phase in behavioral research in which studies are
conducted, reported, and synthesized in a way that
allows the easy retrieval of relevant research findings
by a broad range of stakeholders, contributing to
democratize human behavior knowledge.
Conceptualisation: OC; Writing – original draft: OC;
Writing review & editing: all authors. For
definitions see http://credit.niso.org/ (CRediT).
This project was conducted as part of the Future
Health Technologies program, which was established
collaboratively between ETH Zurich and the National
Research Foundation, Singapore. The research is
supported by the National Research Foundation,
Prime Minister’s Office, Singapore, under its Campus
for Research Excellence and Technological
Enterprise program. FvW, TK, and JM are affiliated
with the Centre for Digital Health Interventions
(CDHI), a joint initiative of the Institute for
Implementation Science in Health Care at the
University of Zurich, the Department of
Management, Technology, and Economics at ETH
Zurich and the School of Medicine and Institute of
Technology Management at the University of St
Gallen. CDHI is funded in part by CSS, a Swiss
health insurer, MTIP, a Swiss digital health investor
company, and Mavie Next, an Austrian health
provider. TK is also a founder of Pathmate
Technologies, a university spin-off company that
creates and delivers digital clinical pathways.
However, Pathmate Technologies, CSS, MTIP, and
Mavie Next were not involved in this position paper.
The remaining authors (OC) declare that the research
was conducted without any commercial or financial
relationships that could be construed as a potential
conflict of interest.
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