Enhancing Summarization Performance Through Transformer-Based
Prompt Engineering in Automated Medical Reporting
Daphne van Zandvoort
1 a
, Laura Wiersema
1 b
, Tom Huibers
, Sandra van Dulmen
3 c
and Sjaak Brinkkemper
1 d
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Verticai, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Nivel (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research), Utrecht, Netherlands
Prompt Engineering, Automated Medical Reporting, Medical Dialogue Summarization, SOAP Reporting,
Performance, Care2Report.
Customized medical prompts enable Large Language Models (LLM) to effectively address medical dialogue
summarization. The process of medical reporting is often time-consuming for healthcare professionals. Imple-
menting medical dialogue summarization techniques presents a viable solution to alleviate this time constraint
by generating automated medical reports. The effectiveness of LLMs in this process is significantly influenced
by the formulation of the prompt, which plays a crucial role in determining the quality and relevance of the
generated reports. In this research, we used a combination of two distinct prompting strategies, known as shot
prompting and pattern prompting to enhance the performance of automated medical reporting. The evaluation
of the automated medical reports is carried out using the ROUGE score and a human evaluation with the help
of an expert panel. The two-shot prompting approach in combination with scope and domain context outper-
forms other methods and achieves the highest score when compared to the human reference set by a general
practitioner. However, the automated reports are approximately twice as long as the human references, due to
the addition of both redundant and relevant statements that are added to the report.
The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI), notably
Machine Learning (ML), to enhance healthcare and
assist medical decision-making is a rapidly growing
field (Hicks et al., 2022). Large Language Models
(LLM) are effectively tackling challenging healthcare
tasks, such as disease diagnosis, treatment planning,
and medical reporting, using personalized medical
prompts, even with limited data (Wang et al., 2023).
Prompt engineering in the medical domain, includ-
ing classification, data generation, anomaly detection,
content augmentation, question answering, and medi-
cal inference, is crucial in improving these healthcare
outcomes (Wang et al., 2023). Ensuring high levels
of accuracy and reliability in these AI-driven health-
care applications is essential for their successful inte-
gration into medical support systems (Balagurunathan
et al., 2021).
Expanding on the role of AI and ML in health-
care, Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have become
a pivotal focus, revolutionizing medical data man-
agement and communication (Coorevits et al., 2013).
EHR documentation has led to significant changes in
medical practice with an increase in data access and
communication among medical professionals com-
pared to paper records (Overhage and McCallie Jr,
2020). However, one significant challenge has been
the time-consuming data input and hindrances to in-
person patient care, resulting in professional dissat-
isfaction (Friedberg et al., 2014). In response, to
lessen this administrative burden, automation of this
process was developed by several research initiatives,
as demonstrated with the Systematic Literature Re-
view of (van Buchem et al., 2021). Care2Report
(C2R) is the only scientific initiative that focuses on
the Dutch medical field and automates medical re-
porting by utilizing multimodal consultation record-
ings (audio, video, and Bluetooth), enabling knowl-
van Zandvoort, D., Wiersema, L., Huibers, T., van Dulmen, S. and Brinkkemper, S.
Enhancing Summarization Performance Through Transformer-Based Prompt Engineering in Automated Medical Reporting.
DOI: 10.5220/0012422600003657
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024) - Volume 2, pages 154-165
ISBN: 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
edge representation, ontological dialogue interpreta-
tion, report production, and seamless integration with
electronic medical record systems (Maas et al., 2020;
ElAssy et al., 2022). This automated medical report-
ing serves as a prime example of prompt engineering,
specifically in the domain of medical dialogue sum-
marization (MDS), illustrating how technology can
streamline healthcare processes.
In automated MDS, the generation of automated
medical reporting relies on utilizing state-of-the-
art LLMs like Generative Pre-trained Transformers
(GPT). The level of detail and specificity in the
prompts directly influences the model’s comprehen-
sion and its ability to produce the expected results
(Bigelow, 2023; Heston, 2023; Robinson, 2023). Sev-
eral articles on the effective crafting of prompts, em-
phasize the significance of context and clarity in the
prompts, including the provision of additional rele-
vant information for optimal results (Bigelow, 2023;
Robinson, 2023).
Although prompt engineering has a substantial
impact on the performance of LLMs, its full potential
in the domain of medical problem-solving remains
largely unexplored. Thus, this research aims to
answer the following research question:
RQ: Which Prompt Formulation Detail Yields High
Performance in Automated Medical Reporting?
To answer the research question we focus on
prompt engineering related to automated medical re-
porting. First, we reviewed existing literature for
research within prompt engineering, automatic text
summarization, and medical dialogue summarization
(Section 2). Subsequently, Section 3 reports on
prompt formulation, execution, and analysis. The
findings are presented and discussed (Section 4). Fi-
nally, the work is summarized and suggestions are
provided for future work (Section 5).
This study builds on prior research in the realm
of prompt engineering, aiming to employ diverse
prompting methodologies for generating automated
medical reports within MDS, a subset of Automatic
Text Summarization (ATS).
2.1 Prompt Engineering
A human-initiated prompt serves as the initial step for
GPT in comprehending the context and meeting user
expectations by producing the desired output (White
et al., 2023). This process includes designing, imple-
menting, and refining prompts to optimize their effi-
cacy in eliciting this intended result (Heston, 2023).
An example prompt in the context of this work is
shown in Listing 1.
1 You are a b ot t h a t gen e r a t es a m e d i c a l
report in S OAP format b a s e d on a
co n v e rs a t i o n be t w e e n a d o c t o r and a
patie n t .
2 Only extract info r m a ti o n from the
co n v e rs a t i o n to produce t he
Subjective , O b jective , An alysis , a nd
Plan s e c tion s of t he me dical report
Listing 1: Example of a prompt for automated medical
reporting. The example is based on existing research of the
C2R program.
Based on literature, we decided to use the shot
prompting and pattern prompting methods to achieve
the highest-performing output since these provide an
opportunity to demonstrate an example of the ex-
pected output and to delineate the context.
2.1.1 Shot Prompting
In-context learning is a method where language mod-
els learn tasks through a few examples provided as
demonstrations (Dong et al., 2022). Shot prompt-
ing employs in-context learning to guide the model’s
output. There are three strategies: zero-shot, one-
shot, and few-shot prompting (Anil, 2023). Zero-shot
prompting, also known as direct prompting, involves
giving the model a task without specific examples, re-
lying solely on the knowledge acquired during train-
ing (Anil, 2023). In contrast, one-shot and few-shot
prompting provide examples or ‘shots’ to the model
at run-time, serving as references for the expected re-
sponse’s structure or context (Anil, 2023; Reynolds
and McDonell, 2021). The model then infers from
these examples to perform the task. Since examples
are presented in natural language, they provide an ac-
cessible way to engage with language models and fa-
cilitate the incorporation of human knowledge into
these models through demonstrations and templates
(Brown et al., 2020; Dong et al., 2022; Liu et al.,
2023a). Currently, there is no universally standard-
ized methodology for providing examples in shot-
prompting (Anil, 2023; Dragon, 2023; Tam, 2023).
For more straightforward tasks, like language transla-
tion or classification, a prompt could be formulated as
demonstrated in Listing 2. For more complex tasks,
like content generation, a prompt can be constructed
as demonstrated in Listing 3.
1 Text : My ear fe e l s fine a f t er the
tre a t m e nt .
2 C l a s s i f i c at i o n : Positive
Enhancing Summarization Performance Through Transformer-Based Prompt Engineering in Automated Medical Reporting
3 Text : The d o c t o r ex a m i n e d my ear , and
ev e r y t hi n g seems normal .
4 C l a s s i f i c a t i o n : Ne utral
5 Text : I exper i e n ce som e discomfort , I
suspe c t it m i g h t be e ar infect i o n .
6 C l a s s i f i c at i o n : Negative
7 Text : The ear pain is unb e a r a b l e , I
need to se e a s p e c ia l i s t .
8 C l a s s i f i c at i o n :
Listing 2: Example of few-shot prompt in a straightforward
1 W r i te a m e d i c a l r e p o r t about t he
fol l o w i ng tr a n s c ri p t : [ trans c r i pt ].
2 Use the f o l low i n g SOAP r e ports [
examp l e report 1] and [ ex a m p l e
report 2] as a g u i d e .
Listing 3: Example of few-shot prompt in a complex task.
2.1.2 Pattern Prompting
Pattern prompting involves the availability of var-
ious patterns that can be chosen and employed as
the basis for the formulation of prompts. These
patterns facilitate interactions with conversational
LLMs across various contexts, extending beyond just
discussing interesting examples or domain-specific
prompts (White et al., 2023). The aim is to codify
this knowledge into pattern structures that enhance
the ability to apply it in different contexts and do-
mains where users encounter similar challenges, al-
though not necessarily identical ones. This approach
promotes greater reuse and adaptability of these pat-
terns for diverse use cases and situations (White et al.,
The study of (White et al., 2023) introduces,
among others, the context control pattern category.
Context control captures the context manager pat-
tern, which enables users to specify or remove con-
text from the prompt. “By focusing on explicit con-
textual statements or removing irrelevant statements,
users can help the LLM better understand the question
and generate more accurate responses” (White et al.,
2023). The greater the clarity in the statements, the
higher the likelihood that the LLM will respond with
the intended action. Possible context statements are:
“within the scope of X”, “consider Y”, “ignore Z”; an
example is shown in Listing 4 (White et al., 2023).
1 L i s t e n to th i s tr a n s c ri p t b e t w e e n
doctor a nd patient a nd ma k e a EHR
entry f r om it .
2 C o n sid e r the medic a l g u i d e li n e s .
3 Do no t consi d e r i r r el e v a n t sta t e m ent s .
Listing 4: Example of a prompt using the context manager
2.2 Automatic Text Summarization
Since the introduction of transformer-based methods
in ATS, the usage of prompt engineering has been in-
strumental in enhancing the performance of ATS pro-
cesses. In ATS, various pragmatic algorithms can be
integrated into computers to generate concise sum-
maries of information (Mridha et al., 2021). When
used in Natural Language Processing (NLP), ATS is
used to evaluate, comprehend, and extract informa-
tion from human language (Mridha et al., 2021). The
introduction of transformer-based models like GPT
(Radford et al., 2019) shows improved performance
in NLP-tasks (Mridha et al., 2021) which is beneficial
for abstractive summarization.
Abstractive summarization creates summaries by
introducing new phrases or words not present in
the original text. To achieve accurate abstractive
summaries, the model must thoroughly comprehend
the document and express that comprehension con-
cisely through new terms or alternative expressions
(Widyassari et al., 2019). The opposite of abstrac-
tive summarization, is extractive summarization, a
method where the summary consists entirely of ex-
tracted content (Widyassari et al., 2019). Extrac-
tive summarization has been used most frequently be-
cause it is easier, but the summaries generated are far
from human-made summaries, in contrast to abstrac-
tive summarization (Widyassari et al., 2019; Yadav
et al., 2022).
2.3 Medical Dialogue Summarization
In MDS, it is important that the summaries are at
least partly abstractive. In one respect, the reports
are generated from dialogue, so extracting literal
(sub-)sentences will not lead to a coherent report;
conversely, the summaries must be comparable to
the human-made versions of the general practitioners
(GP). In MDS, the relevant medical facts, informa-
tion, symptoms, and diagnosis must be retrieved
from the dialogue and presented either in the form
of structured notes or unstructured summaries (Jain
et al., 2022). The most common type of medical notes
are SOAP notes: Subjective information reported by
the patient, Objective observations, Assessment by
medical professional and future Plans (Jain et al.,
2022; Krishna et al., 2021).
Previous work in MDS has produced the
transformer-based approaches of MEDSUM-ENT
(Nair et al., 2023), MedicalSum (Michalopoulos
et al., 2022), and SummQA (Mathur et al., 2023).
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 1: Example of part of a consultation transcript and the corresponding SOAP report (translated to English, the original
transcript and SOAP report are in Dutch).
Transcript SOAP report
GP: Good morning.
S: Since 1.5 weeks, ear pain and a feeling of deafness right
ear, received antibiotics from the GP. Feeling sicker since
yesterday, experiencing many side effects from the
antibiotics. Using Rhinocort daily for hyperreactivity. Left
ear operated for cholesteatoma, no complaints.
P: Good morning, hello. Last week I visited your colleague.
GP: Yes I see, for your ear.
P: I had an ear infection. Well, I’m actually getting sicker. Since
yesterday, I’ve been getting sicker and sicker.
GP: She gave you antibiotics, right?
P: Yes, the first three or four tablets were really like, whoa. And
after that, it was just the same. So, I still have ear pain. And now I
notice that my resistance is decreasing because of
O: right ear: eardrum visible, air bubbles visible, no signs of
infection. [left ear ?]
the antibiotics. I’m just getting more tired now.
A: OMA right
GP: We’re just going to take a look. There is some fluid. Also, air
bubbles behind the eardrum. That is clearly visible.
P: Advice xylomethazine 1 wk, continue antibiotics, review
symptoms in 1 week. Consider prescribing Flixonase, referral
to ENT?P: Yes, yes, yes, that’s correct. It gurgles and it rattles and it
rings. And it’s just blocked.
GP: Yes, I believe that when I see it like this. It doesn’t look
red. It doesn’t appear to be really inflamed.
GP: I think, for now, at least, you should finish the antibiotics.
P: That’s two more days.
GP: Yes, and continue using the nasal spray, or the other nasal
spray, for another week and see how it goes. Just come back if it’s
still not better after a week. And if it persists, well, maybe then
you should see the ENT specialist.
GP = General Practitioner, P = Patient OMA = Otitis Media Externa, ENT = Ear, Nose, Throat
“MEDSUM-ENT is a medical conversation sum-
marization model that takes a multi-stage ap-
proach to summarization, using GPT-3 as the
backbone”. MEDSUM-ENT first extracts med-
ical entities and their affirmations and then in-
cludes these extractions as additional input that
informs the final summarization step through
prompt chaining. Additionally, MEDSUM-ENT
exploits few-shot prompting for medical concept
extraction and summarization through in-context
example selection. Their study concludes that
summaries generated using this approach are clin-
ically accurate and preferable to naive zero-shot
summarization with GPT-3 (Nair et al., 2023).
MedicalSum is a sequence-to-sequence archi-
tecture for summarizing medical conversations
by integrating medical domain knowledge from
the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
to increase the likelihood of relevant medical
facts being included in the summarized out-
put. Their analysis shows that MedicalSum pro-
duces accurate AI-generated medical documenta-
tion (Michalopoulos et al., 2022).
SummQA is a “two-stage process of selecting se-
mantically similar dialogues and using the top-k
similar dialogues as in-context examples for GPT-
4”. They generate section-wise summaries and
classify these summaries into appropriate section
headers. Their results highlight the effectiveness
of few-shot prompting for this task (Mathur et al.,
The present study not only builds upon this exist-
ing knowledge base by integrating a combination of
shot prompting and context patterns into prompt en-
gineering but also includes a crucial human evaluation
component, in addition to the accuracy measurement.
This human evaluation provides comprehensive in-
sights into prompt performance beyond computer-
based metrics. Leveraging GPT-4 for Dutch consul-
tations, we ensure that the resulting medical reports
adhere to the widely recognized SOAP guidelines. It
is noteworthy that while prior studies have demon-
strated the efficacy of shot-prompting, this is the first
published study to incorporate both shot prompting
and context pattern prompting in the domain of Dutch
MDS, thereby making a significant contribution to the
Dutch medical field.
We conducted a causal-comparative study to iden-
tify the cause-effect relationship between the formu-
lation detail of the prompt and the performance of the
automated medical report (Schenker and Rumrill Jr,
2004). We followed the approach of the C2R pro-
Enhancing Summarization Performance Through Transformer-Based Prompt Engineering in Automated Medical Reporting
gram, by using transcripts that were made of the ver-
bal interaction during a series of video-recorded con-
sultations between GPs and their patients (Figure 1)
(Maas et al., 2020; Meijers et al., 2019). The record-
ings, for which patients as well as GPs provided in-
formed consent, were made as part of previous com-
munication projects carried out by researchers at Rad-
boudumc and Nivel (Netherlands institute for health
services research) (Houwen et al., 2017). Subse-
quently, medical professionals examined these tran-
scripts to generate SOAP medical reports, with an il-
lustrative example presented in Table 1. These SOAP
reports are used in the study as a human reference
for comparison with the automatically generated re-
ports. The automatically generated medical reports
were produced by GPT based on various prompt for-
mulations. Using prompt engineering, the prompts
were created using the shot prompting and context
manager pattern techniques. Each executed prompt
resulted in medical reports that were analyzed to de-
termine which prompt yielded the best results.
3.1 Formulation of Prompts
The prompts formulated in this work combine shot
prompting and context pattern prompting (Figure 2).
First, a base prompt was established upon which all
other elements in the prompt could be built. Vari-
ability in performance can then be attributed solely
to differences in shots or context, rather than possi-
ble other factors. The base prompt compels the GPT
to solely utilize elements present in the transcript to
Figure 1: Research method visualization.
Figure 2: The flow of prompt formulation (translated to En-
glish, the original prompts are in Dutch).
prevent hallucinations (Banerjee et al., 2023; Ji et al.,
This base prompt was initially employed to con-
struct three versions of shot-prompting: zero-shot,
one-shot, and two-shot. The most effective shot-
prompting among these three prompts was selected.
Using the context manager pattern, an increase in
context was added to the prompt to measure the effect
of incorporating more context into the prompt. The
context is divided into two types of contexts: scope
context and domain context. The scope context ex-
plains in what scope the GPT operates and what its
role is. The domain context gives more details about
communication and important elements in the medi-
cal field.
The following context statements are included:
a. Within the scope of medical dialogue summariza-
b. Consider that you are a general practitioner who
writes the medical report during the consultation;
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
c. Consider that the report is used for communica-
tion between doctors who use abbreviations and
short sentences or keywords;
d. Consider that in the medical field, the division be-
tween left and right, and the medication dosage
are important.
Each of these statements, as well as various com-
binations of them, as illustrated in Figure 2, were in-
cluded to assess their individual, as well as their com-
bined effects.
3.2 Running of Prompts
The crafted prompts served as a means to collect and
assess the data concerning their performance in prac-
tice. The formulated prompts were run in a self-
written prompt engineering software supported by the
Azure OpenAI Service, which is a fully managed ser-
vice that allows developers to easily integrate OpenAI
models into applications (Mickey, 2023). GPT-4 was
used with a temperature of 0; GPT-4 is the current
best-performing GPT-version and a temperature of 0
minimizes the creativity and diversity of the text gen-
erated by the GPT model (Liu et al., 2023b).
As a data source, seven real-world Dutch consul-
tations between a GP and patients, concerning Oti-
tis Externa and Otitis Media Acuta, were utilized and
employed in three distinct manners:
Five transcriptions of these consultations served
as input data to create automated medical reports.
Five manually created SOAP reports (of these five
transcriptions) by doctors were employed as a hu-
man reference for the automated medical reports.
Two manually created SOAP reports by doctors
were used as examples in shot-prompting.
It has been ensured that both an external and mid-
dle ear infection consultation are included in the ex-
amples, but the distinction between input and ex-
ample data has been randomly made. On average,
the dialogue transcriptions consisted of 1209 words
(SD = 411), ranging between 606 and 1869 words.
The manually created SOAP reports consisted, on av-
erage, of 60 words (SD = 17), ranging between 37
and 87 words.
3.3 Analysis of Prompts
Despite growing interest in ML as a tool for medicine,
there is a lack of knowledge about how these models
operate and how to properly assess them using various
metrics (Hicks et al., 2022). In this study, the resulting
automated reports were evaluated against the human
reference reports using accuracy metrics and a human
evaluation. By combining these quantitative and qual-
itative insights, this two-step review approach gives a
comprehensive assessment of the automated reports’
3.3.1 Accuracy Measurement
We used ROUGE as an accuracy metric since this is
the most used text summarization evaluation metric
to automatically evaluate the quality of a generated
summary by comparing it to a human reference and
it is suitable for our Dutch reports (Barbella and Tor-
tora, 2022; Tangsali et al., 2022). The ROUGE met-
ric code offered by the HuggingFace library was used
to calculate the ROUGE1, and ROUGEL scores of
the automated medical reports (Lin, 2004). ROUGE1
assessed the unigram similarities, and ROUGEL the
longest common subsequence of words, between the
automated report and the human reference reports
(Tangsali et al., 2022).
The generation of the automated medical report
is stochastic because generative AI models frequently
display variety in their replies to a given prompt. To
account for this variability every prompt was run five
times on all transcripts, yielding distinct responses
with each run. The prompts were run five times to
strike a balance between robustness and computa-
tional efficiency, taking the trade-off between thor-
ough analysis and computational costs into account.
For every run, ROUGE was calculated. The overall
performance and consistency of the automated med-
ical reports are indicated by computing the average
ROUGE score per consultation. Finally, an overall
mean of these averages, with their standard devia-
tions, was calculated and presented in the findings.
3.3.2 Human Evaluation
It is important to note that none of the automatic
evaluation metrics are perfect and that human eval-
uation is still essential to ensure the quality of gen-
erated summaries (Falc
ao, 2023). For the human
evaluation, the generated reports were manually an-
alyzed. The words in the reports were categorized
into three groups based on whether they were iden-
tical, paraphrased, or additional to the human ref-
erence. We also identified and classified the addi-
tional statements in the automatic reports into distinct
categories. The identified categories were: duration
of complaints, duration of treatment, previously tried
treatments, doctor’s observations, specific complaints
(all reported symptoms by the patient), referral to
which hospital, wait for results, discussed treatment
(all specific steps that the GP reports to the patient),
Enhancing Summarization Performance Through Transformer-Based Prompt Engineering in Automated Medical Reporting
expected patient actions, and other complaints that are
ultimately not related to the diagnosis made in the hu-
man reference. Based on the clinical report idea of
(Savkov et al., 2022) six medical professionals were
asked to evaluate the importance of these classified
additions in a SOAP report. Based on the response of
the medical professionals, the additions were classi-
fied according to an adapted version of the taxonomy
of error types by (Moramarco et al., 2022). Not all
of their errors were observed in our study, besides,
we replaced their “incorrect order of statements er-
ror” with a “categorization error”, and we identified
“redundant” statements additionally.
Running of the formulated prompts, resulted in auto-
mated medical reports with wordcounts shown in Ta-
ble 2. The automated reports are approximately twice
as long as the human references, indicating a sig-
nificant disparity in the length of the generated con-
tent. This could be explained by the fact that GPT
generates full sentences, providing more detailed de-
scriptions, while GPs tend to use abbreviations and
keywords to convey the same information more con-
cisely. Four out of six GPs in the expert panel in-
dicated that they prefer abbreviations and keywords
over full sentences, however, one GP preferred full
4.1 Accuracy Measurement
In the evaluation of the accuracy of the prompts, first,
the shot-prompting technique was evaluated, followed
by the context manager pattern technique that built on
the optimal numbers of shots.
4.1.1 Shot-Prompting
Table 3 shows the comparison of the different shot-
prompting approaches. The comparison shows that
the zero-shot prompting approach resulted in the low-
est ROUGE scores (0.121 and 0.079). One-shot
prompting resulted in slightly higher scores (0.150
Table 2: Word count comparison between the generated re-
port and the human reference.
Human Generated Difference
Reference Report
Subjective 29 47 18
Objective 11 20 9
Analysis 4 8 4
Plan 14 33 19
Total 111 58 53
Table 3: Mean and Standard Deviation (SD) for the
ROUGE1 and ROUGEL-scores for zero-shot, one-shot, and
two-shot prompting.
Mean±SD Mean±SD
Zero-shot 0.121±0.007 0.079±0.006
One-shot 0.150±0.009 0.104±0.006
Two-shot 0.174±0.005 0.123±0.004
and 0.104) and the two-shot prompting approach
resulted in the highest ROUGE scores (0.174 and
0.123). This result shows that adding shots to a
prompt improves the performance. This can be ex-
plained by the fact that the shots serve as a refer-
ence for the expected output, enabling the GPT to
generate similar outputs, which is in line with earlier
research (Reynolds and McDonell, 2021). Adding
an increasing number of shots could result in higher
performances than two-shots since few-shot prompt-
ing is generally meant to include a larger set of ex-
amples (Brown et al., 2020). This was, however,
not possible due to the limited data set. Controver-
sially, using fewer examples, makes it possible to cre-
ate more well-crafted examples and comes closer to
human performance (Brown et al., 2020). Addition-
ally, (Zhao et al., 2021) found that few-shot prompt-
ing might introduce biases into certain answers.
It is also worth considering that the absence
of a universally accepted method for applying shot
prompting introduces a degree of uncertainty regard-
ing the most effective approach. Including the tran-
scripts with the sample SOAP reports, rather than
only presenting the SOAP report as an example could
have potentially produced different results. However,
it is important to note that the main goal of this study
was to teach the GPT how to correctly use the SOAP
format and how to describe items in the SOAP cate-
4.1.2 Context Manager Pattern
The two-shot prompting strategy produced the highest
scores, thus the context manager pattern was added
to this foundation. Scope context and domain con-
text were evaluated separately as well as the combina-
tion of the two types of context. In the assessment of
the context manager pattern, a slight variation could
be observed in the ROUGE scores based on different
contextual additions (Table 4).
The combined scope context (0.179 and 0.126)
scored lower than the combined domain context
(0.220 and 0.167). This would suggest that scope
context has little effect on the quality of reports that
are generated. However, the combination of scope
context and domain context (0.250 and 0.189) re-
sulted in higher ROUGE scores than domain context
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 4: Mean and Standard Deviation (SD) for the
ROUGE1 and ROUGEL-scores for context prompts.
Mean±SD Mean±SD
Context: Scope
Context a 0.172±0.041 0.120±0.016
Context b 0.173±0.043 0.124±0.022
Context a & b 0.179±0.049 0.126±0.023
Context: Domain
Context c 0.242±0.035 0.179±0.016
Context d 0.173±0.048 0.121±0.025
Context c & d 0.220±0.064 0.167±0.037
Context: Total
Context a & b & c & d 0.250±0.049 0.189±0.025
by itself. A noteworthy finding is the difference be-
tween domain contexts c and domain context d, where
context d produced lower scores (0.173 and 0.121)
than context c (0.242 and 0.179). Remarkably, con-
texts c and context d together (0.220 and 0.167) also
produced lower results than context c by itself. This
suggests a potential negative effect of context d on the
overall performance. To test this, a prompt was run
that excluded context d from the prompt but this led to
even lower overall scores (0.239 and 0.178). This de-
cline in score may be explained by the limited dataset,
which could have resulted in skewed results.
A potential reason why domain context increases
the performance more than scope context is that the
shot prompting already provides clear direction on
how the GPT should behave; it has already set the
context to the medical field. Prompting to use ab-
breviations, short sentences, and keywords (context
c), may have had a considerable influence since GPT
itself tends to make long sentences and provide as
much information as possible. Prohibiting this action
resulted in improved performance in the automated
report. It is notable that it is unexpected that the GPT
does not already do this after the shot prompting, but
this could possibly be explained because only SOAP
examples were used without including the transcripts
in the examples.
This study also investigated the inclusion of a list
of abbreviations within the prompt and found that it
had a positive impact on the results, with ROUGE
scores of 0.273 and 0.261. However, it was ultimately
not selected as the optimal prompt since the use of
abbreviations varies between hospitals and healthcare
providers (Borcherding and Morreale, 2007), making
it difficult to create a universally applicable prompt
that incorporates all relevant abbreviations.
4.2 Human Evaluation
The results from the quantitative approach showed
that the two-shot prompting approach in combination
with the scope and domain context (Listing 5) resulted
in the best performance. However, since this still re-
sulted in a relatively low ROUGE score, human eval-
uation was performed for this final prompt.
1 W i t h i n the scope of m e d i c a l d i a l ogu e
summariz a t i o n , c r e a t e a m e dical
report fr o m th e consultation , follow
the SOAP guidelines , a nd u se t he
in f o r ma t i o n f o u n d in the p rov i d e d
tr a n s c ri p t as t he so l e source .
2 C o n sid e r that you are a general
pr a c t it i o n e r who writes t he medical
report .
3 C o n sid e r that the r e p o r t is u s e d fo r
co m m u n i c a ti o n b e t w e en doctors wh o
use a b b re v i a t i o n s an d shor t
sen t e n c es .
4 C o n sid e r that in th e medical f ield ,
the di v i s i o n between le f t an d right ,
and th e me d i c a ti o n d o s a g e ar e
imp o r t a nt .
5 Use the f o l low i n g e x a m ple s : [ e x amp l e 1
] , [ ex a m p l e 2 ].
Listing 5: The best performing prompt.
The expert panel showed that all six GPs agreed
on the fact that the duration of the complaints is rel-
evant to mention within the report. For all the other
categories there seems to be disagreement about the
relevance. For example, there appears to be disagree-
ment about the importance of recording specific pa-
tient complaints. When mentioning that in particu-
lar, the left ear caused problems, the GPs disagree on
the importance. Some indicate that this is relevant
(n = 3), while there are also GPs that indicate that
Figure 3: Human evaluation of the automated medical re-
port of transcript 2028 (translated to English, the generated
reports are in Dutch).
Enhancing Summarization Performance Through Transformer-Based Prompt Engineering in Automated Medical Reporting
Table 5: Error statements with occurrences in the five generated medical reports (translated to English, the generated reports
are in Dutch).
Type Definition - Examples Occurrence
Factual Errors An error in the information presented that contradicts reality. 14
Hallucinations “Pain originating from the syringing by the doctor’s assistant” 6
Pain was already present before the syringing.
Incorrect statements “The patient uses Rhinocort and cetirizine daily for mucous membrane hy-
Patient only uses Rhinocort for mucous membrane hyperactivity.
Stylistic Errors An error in the manner in which information is used or presented. 17
Repetitions “Patient feels sick” 3
“Patient also reports a feeling of being unwell”.
Classification error “The area around the ear feels numb. 14
in the Analysis part of SOAP.
Omissions An error characterized by the act of neglecting to include essential informa-
tion in the report.
In Subjective Indication of which ear is involved/ referred to 3
Parts of symptoms mentioned 2
Parts of relevant medical history 5
In Objective Indication of which ear is involved/ referred to 2
Parts of symptoms observed 2
In Analysis Indication of which ear is involved/ referred to 3
In Plan Agreement with patient 1
Possible future treatment 1
Redundant Statements The inclusion of unnecessary information that does not contribute substan-
tively to the report, although it is on the topic of the medical condition.
In Subjective The patient reports ... especially in the morning, and that the ear smells. 7
In Objective Left: some earwax. 5
In Analysis This can also radiate from the sinuses. 2
In Plan A dressing and plaster have been applied to the left ear to collect the dis-
Additional Colonoscopy scheduled for three years. Patient should contact for referral
to a gastroenterologist. Prescription for [name of medication] for consti-
In an additional NB (Nota Bene)
The occurrence is counted per consultation, so if the same error happened repeatedly in the reruns for the same consul-
tation, it was only counted once.
this is not relevant (n = 1) or they indicate that they
are neutral about this (n = 2). However, one of the
GPs who indicated that it is relevant did mention that
they would note it more briefly. Another example that
shows this disagreement is within the discussed treat-
ment: “gauze and plaster applied to the left ear to col-
lect discharge”. Two GPs indicated that this was rel-
evant, two indicated that this was irrelevant and two
indicated that they were neutral about this.
Table 5 shows the identified error statements in the
five automated reports during the human evaluation.
The human evaluation highlights several noteworthy
findings regarding the quality of the automated re-
ports. It is evident that the automated reports contain
a notable number of redundant statements, 25 in total,
with the majority occurring in the Plan section (n = 9)
and the Subjective section (n = 7). Moreover, stylistic
errors are prevalent, particularly classification errors
(n = 14) and occasional repetitions (n = 3). In addi-
tion to adding extra (relevant or redundant) informa-
tion, the automated report sometimes omits essential
information (n = 19) when compared to the human
reference. Factual errors are present as well, amount-
ing to a total of 8 incorrect statements and 6 halluci-
nations. For a visual example of the error statements
see Figures 3 and 4.
A possible reason for the omissions in the auto-
mated reports could be related to the GPT’s limited
understanding of the medical context, leading it to
overlook certain critical details during the report gen-
eration process. This is supported by research from
(Johnson et al., 2023), who found that a potential lim-
itation of GPT is handling complex medical queries,
but they did not reach statistical significance for this
statement. A potential reason for the classification er-
rors is that the GPT lacks genuine comprehension of
the distinct SOAP categories, thus negatively influ-
encing its ability to accurately allocate information to
the appropriate category within the SOAP report.
The human evaluation revealed substantial vari-
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 4: Human evaluation of the automated medical re-
port of transcript 2006 (translated to English, the generated
reports are in Dutch).
ations in the performance of the automated reports
across different consultations, with some reports dis-
playing higher performance levels than others. For
example, the report that was generated based on tran-
script 2006 (Figure 4) had a lot of redundant informa-
tion added to the report while the report based on tran-
script 2808 closely resembles the human references
(Figure 3). This discrepancy in performance may be
related to the difficulty that GPT encounters in dif-
ferentiating between various medical conditions dis-
cussed during a single consultation, which may result
in the creation of SOAP reports that include data per-
taining to several medical conditions.
One noteworthy finding is that, even though the
prompts make clear how important left-right orienta-
tion is, the automated reports frequently miss it. This
can be explained by the findings from the research of
(Ye and Durrett, 2022); in their research, they have
demonstrated that adding explanations or contextual
cues alone does not necessarily ensure an improved
result in the final output. This underlines the problem
of ensuring that complicated, contextually relevant in-
formation is consistently included in the generated
reports. This disparity highlights the ongoing diffi-
culties in optimizing automated report production for
medical contexts and argues the natural language pro-
cessing system’s flexibility and understanding when it
comes to adding important facts.
Even though machine learning is becoming more pop-
ular as a medical tool, little is known about these mod-
els’ workings or how to appropriately evaluate them
using different metrics. In this research, we inves-
tigated the combination of shot-prompting with pat-
tern prompting to enhance the performance of auto-
mated medical reporting. The automated medical re-
ports were generated with the use of prompt engineer-
ing software. The generated reports were evaluated
against human reference provided by a GP. For this
evaluation, the widespread ROUGE metric was used
in combination with human evaluations. The results
showed that adding examples to the prompt is benefi-
cial for the automated medical report. It also showed
that adding both scope context as well as domain con-
text improved the performance of the automated med-
ical report. This resulted in the overall best structure
for a prompt using a base structure in combination
with two shots and scope and domain context.
5.1 Limitations
Despite these promising results, this study has va-
lidity threats that could have influenced the findings.
Firstly, generative AI systems are stochastic which in-
troduces variability as they produce different answers
each time they are run, which may impact the relia-
bility and repeatability of the results. Secondly, the
findings have limited generalizability to other medi-
cal conditions because of the constrained data avail-
ability, with a small dataset exclusively on Otitis, and
the variability in medical reporting across diverse do-
mains. An additional concern is the missed opportu-
nity to explore every combination of shots and con-
texts. However, the feasibility of this approach was
constrained within the scope of this study. This in-
fluenced the study’s depth of analysis and its capac-
ity to provide nuanced insights. Lastly, the human
evaluation has some limitations, even though med-
ical professionals were consulted to gather domain
expertise the human evaluation was still performed
by non-medical professionals. This potentially intro-
duced a perspective misalignment that could have in-
fluenced the interpretation and assessment of the gen-
erated medical reports.
5.2 Future Work
This marks an initial investigation into optimizing
prompt sequences with a fixed LLM. Nonetheless, we
acknowledge that diverse LLMs may yield different
outcomes. Additionally, future studies should explore
Enhancing Summarization Performance Through Transformer-Based Prompt Engineering in Automated Medical Reporting
the applicability of our findings in the setting of dif-
ferent medical conditions and broaden the scope of
the study beyond Otitis. The prompt could be further
improved to avoid redundant statements by defining
the maximum length of the output, using an increas-
ing number of shots, or using a different method of
shots such as providing the consultation transcript in
addition to the resulting medical report.
Furthermore, future work should focus on finding
a more suitable metric to evaluate the output. In the
current research, the ROUGE metric was used for the
evaluation of the automated medical report as well as
human evaluation. ROUGE is commonly used within
summarization tasks however it has some downsides,
the metric is very black and white. It does not take
into account the meaning of the words in the summa-
rization but only the occurrence of specific words. For
future work a different evaluation needs to be created,
this metric needs to take into account the meaning of
the automated medical report, and it needs to inves-
tigate if the essence of the automated medical report
matches the golden standard. This new metric needs
to take into account rewording and paraphrasing so
that they are not automatically considered wrong. For
optimal evaluation, the complete reports should be
evaluated by GPs.
We want to thank all the GPs and other medical pro-
fessionals who aided us in our human evaluation.
Special thanks go to Rob Vermond for assisting with
the expert panel of the GPs. Their professional in-
sights ensured that we could execute the human eval-
uation. We also would like to thank Kate Labunets
for providing feedback on the paper. Finally, many
thanks go to Bakkenist for the support of this research
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Enhancing Summarization Performance Through Transformer-Based Prompt Engineering in Automated Medical Reporting