Double Trouble? Impact and Detection of Duplicates in Face Image
Torsten Schlett
, Christian Rathgeb
, Juan Tapia
and Christoph Busch
da/sec - Biometrics and Security Research Group, Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
Biometrics, Face Images, Dataset Cleaning, Mislabeling, Image Hash, Face Recognition, Quality Assessment.
Various face image datasets intended for facial biometrics research were created via web-scraping, i.e. the
collection of images publicly available on the internet. This work presents an approach to detect both exactly
and nearly identical face image duplicates, using file and image hashes. The approach is extended through
the use of face image preprocessing. Additional steps based on face recognition and face image quality as-
sessment models reduce false positives, and facilitate the deduplication of the face images both for intra- and
inter-subject duplicate sets. The presented approach is applied to five datasets, namely LFW, TinyFace, Adi-
ence, CASIA-WebFace, and C-MS-Celeb (a cleaned MS-Celeb-1M variant). Duplicates are detected within
every dataset, with hundreds to hundreds of thousands of duplicates for all except LFW. Face recognition and
quality assessment experiments indicate a minor impact on the results through the duplicate removal. The final
deduplication data is made available at
Face recognition or other facial biometrics research
often involves web-scraped face image datasets, e.g.
to train or evaluate face recognition models. Scraping
face images from the web can accidentally lead to the
inclusion of mislabelled or duplicated images. This
paper presents a duplicate detection approach that
searches for both exact and near duplicates, which is
applied to a selection of five web-scraped face image
datasets: LFW (Huang et al., 2007), TinyFace (Cheng
et al., 2018), Adience (aligned) (Eidinger et al., 2014),
CASIA-WebFace (Yi et al., 2014), and C-MS-Celeb
(aligned) (Jin et al., 2018). Additional steps are pre-
sented to mitigate false positives and to systematically
deduplicate the datasets through the use of face recog-
nition and face image quality assessment models. The
final deduplication data is made publicly available
and the general methodology should be applicable to
any typical web-scraped face image datasets beyond
the ones examined in this paper. The effect of the du-
plicate removal on face recognition and face image
quality assessment experiments is examined as well.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows:
Related work is discussed in section 2.
The fundamental duplicate detection approach is
presented in section 3.
Preservative deduplication steps after the initial
duplicate detection are described in section 4.
Effects of duplicate removal on face recognition
and face image quality assessment are investi-
gated in section 5.
Findings are summarized in section 6.
To the best of our knowledge there is no closely re-
lated facial biometrics work that proposes a simi-
lar face image duplicate detection based on file and
image hashes (section 3), with subsequent preser-
vative deduplication based on face recognition and
face image quality assessment (section 4), including
an examination of multiple existing separate web-
scraped face image datasets. There are however var-
ious more loosely related works on automated face
image dataset label cleaning.
Schlett, T., Rathgeb, C., Tapia, J. and Busch, C.
Double Trouble? Impact and Detection of Duplicates in Face Image Datasets.
DOI: 10.5220/0012422500003654
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 801-808
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Copyright © 2024 by Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In (Jin et al., 2018) a graph-based label cleaning
method is presented and applied to the MS-Celeb-
1M (Guo et al., 2016) dataset, resulting in the C-MS-
Celeb dataset that is further examined in this work.
This approach first extracts face image feature vec-
tors using a pretrained model, based on which simi-
larity graphs are constructed between the images of
each original subject label. The cleanup then consists
of the deletion of insufficiently similar graph edges
and the application of a graph community detection
algorithm. Only sufficiently large communities are re-
tained. An additional step computes the similarity of
remaining images to the retained community feature
centers, which may lead to the assignment of these
images to a sufficiently similar community.
This work in contrast aims to detect face image
duplicates across the examined datasets using gen-
eral file and image hashes, without any initial reliance
on subject labels or facial feature vectors. The latter
are however used in an additional but technically op-
tional preservative deduplication phase (in addition to
face image quality assessment). As this work exam-
ines C-MS-Celeb itself, it is shown that the original
MS-Celeb-1M (Guo et al., 2016) collection and the
C-MS-Celeb cleaning approach (Jin et al., 2018) did
not suffice to remove a substantial number of appar-
ent duplicates (over 500,000 are removed at the end
of this work in section 4).
Another cleaning approach applied to i.a. MS-
Celeb-1M (Guo et al., 2016) is presented in (Jaza-
ery and Guo, 2019), albeit without a comparison to
(Jin et al., 2018). This other approach first selects
a “reference set” of images for each subject, based
on face image quality assessment (and on web search
engine rankings for the images, if available). More
specifically the images with quality scores above the
mean quality score are selected within the subject
sets. The following cleaning steps then either keep or
discard the other images of each subject’s set, based
on whether each image’s mean similarity score to the
“reference set” images is above a threshold that varies
depending on the image quality score and parameters
configured by the researchers (through the examina-
tion of a data subset).
This is again in contrast to this work’s duplicate
detection objective, which this label cleaning doesn’t
conceptually address. A relation is the use of both
quality assessment and similarity scores. But in this
work, besides the use of different models, these are
used in the aforementioned preservative deduplication
phase, which builds upon the independent file/image
hash duplicate detection. The way in which the qual-
ity and similarity scores are considered differs as well,
and e.g. includes the resolution of inter-subject du-
plicates (instead of only filtering within each isolated
image set per subject).
In (Zhang et al., 2012) the “Celebrities on the
Web” dataset was constructed, utilizing names found
in textual data collected alongside the images to estab-
lish initial subject label candidates, with the final sub-
ject label assignment being facilitated through the use
of a face image similarity graph based on the initial
labels. This is more distantly related work as it per-
tains to the collection of dataset images from scratch,
instead of duplicate detection or label cleaning for ex-
isting face image datasets, which may not typically
provide the textual data that is used by this approach.
Nevertheless, part of this approach involves the inten-
tional web search for near duplicate images with the
help of image hashing, to gather further text data. The
approach can also handle multiple faces in collected
In this work the base duplicate detection in con-
trast only requires images (without subject labels or
text), which likewise do not necessarily have to be
images that show a single face. The additional preser-
vative deduplication however expects existing sub-
ject labels and assumes that each image is supposed
to show exactly one face, both of which should be
the case for typical already constructed face image
This section describes the fundamental duplicate de-
tection approach, which considers exact and near du-
3.1 Exact Duplicates
Exact duplicates can technically be found purely via
exact data comparisons. For the sake of computa-
tional efficiency we use BLAKE3 (O’Connor et al.,
2021) hashes of the file data to collect the initial du-
plicate sets. File hash false negative duplicates are
impossible, since the same data always results in the
same hash value, but false positives are technically
possible (hash collisions). Therefore an additional
step which checks for fully identical file data is em-
ployed within each duplicate set found by the file hash
step, to ensure that there are no false positives.
Although this kind of exact duplicate check is ar-
guably simple to conduct, exact duplicates were nev-
ertheless found in all of the examined datasets, imply-
ing that no such check was performed as part of the
datasets’ creation.
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 1: Three near duplicate pair examples, all detected
by pHash. From left to right, the first example is from
CASIA-WebFace, the second from C-MS-Celeb, and the
third from Adience.
3.2 Near Duplicates
There can also be images that differ slightly, yet are
arguably so similar that they should be counted as
near duplicates for typical facial biometrics research.
While it is well-defined what exact duplicates are,
as files are either exactly identical or not, there are
many different possible ways in which near duplicates
can be defined. In this paper we employ two image
hash implementations with default settings from the
“ImageHash” Python package at version 4.3.1
, based
on cursory manual examinations of found duplicates
prior to the main experiments: “pHash” (for “percep-
tual hashing”) and “crop-resistant hashing”. See Fig-
ure 1 for near duplicate examples.
The pHash method resulted in more detected du-
plicates across all examined datasets than the crop-
resistant hashing method, and so the latter may be
comparatively less suitable for this particular use case
(i.e. at least with the used default configuration).
As the duplicate sets found by different image
hash functions can overlap, and since image hashes
may also lead to false positive duplicates, additional
set merging and false positive correction should be
employed as part of the final preservative deduplica-
tion (i.e. deduplication that aims to keep one image
per duplicate set, instead of simply removing all pos-
sible duplicates). This is further described in subsec-
tion 4.2.
3.3 Preprocessed Face Images
Various face recognition and face image quality as-
sessment models rely on face image preprocessing,
which typically crops and aligns the original face im-
age based on detected facial landmarks. The just
Original Face detection Preprocessed
Figure 2: Preprocessing example using an image from the
CASIA-WebFace dataset.
described duplicate detection can optionally be car-
ried out using such preprocessed face images. This
should be done as an additional step after the dupli-
cate detection on the unmodified original images, as
the facial landmark detection required for preprocess-
ing may fail for some images, and because the pre-
processed/original image variants can both yield du-
plicate sets that the other image variant does not.
In this paper the similarity transformation as em-
ployed for ArcFace (Deng et al., 2019) is used for face
image preprocessing. The SCRFD-10GF model buf-
falo l from InsightFace (Guo et al., 2022)
is used to
obtain the facial landmarks that are required by this
preprocessing step. For images in which multiple
faces are detected, a primary face is selected based
on the detection’s bounding box width and height, its
proximity to the image center, and the detector con-
fidence score. The preprocessed images all have the
same 112×112 width and height. Figure 2 shows a
preprocessing example.
Face images for which the landmark detection
failed amount to 0 for LFW, 859 for TinyFace (only
4 of which are duplicates based on the detection on
the original images), 79 for Adience (9 of which are
duplicates), 129 for CASIA-WebFace (2 of which are
duplicates), and 6,179 for C-MS-Celeb (351 of which
are duplicates). These images are simply not consid-
ered by this additional duplicate detection step.
3.4 Examined Dataset Duplicates
Table 1 shows an overview of the examined datasets,
including the total image counts and the duplicate
counts. Intra-subject duplicates are duplicates found
within the same subject. I.e. the identical or very sim-
ilar images belong to the same subject (are stored as
mated samples), and are presumed to stem from dif-
ferent capture attempts or sessions, but in fact stem
from the very same capture attempt. Inter-subject du-
plicates on the other hand are found across different
LFW, TinyFace, and Adience each have under
20,000 face images. CASIA-WebFace is substantially
Double Trouble? Impact and Detection of Duplicates in Face Image Datasets
larger with 494,414 face images, which is however
still closer to the three smaller datasets than to C-MS-
Celeb with its 6,464,016 face images. The number of
different subjects does not increase as sharply as the
number of total face images for the larger datasets.
Among the datasets, LFW is the only one with a
very low number of duplicates. The evaluation in sec-
tion 5, which will investigate the impact on facial bio-
metrics, consequently omits the LFW dataset.
The TinyFace dataset includes 153,428 non-face
images, which are not examined in this paper. Only
the remaining 15,975 face images are considered.
For the Adience dataset we more specifically use
the “aligned” version of the face images.
Although the absolute number of duplicates for
CASIA-WebFace is higher than for the smaller
datasets, the duplicate percentage with respect to the
face image total is relatively low (excluding LFW).
The C-MS-Celeb dataset is a subset of MS-Celeb-
1M (Guo et al., 2016) with cleaned subject labels. In
this paper the “aligned” image variants are used. Both
the absolute number of duplicates as well as the du-
plicate percentage with respect to the face image to-
tal is the highest among all examined datasets. For
this dataset 33,918 inter-subject duplicates simulta-
neously are intra-subject duplicates. The combined
count of images that are part of some duplicate set is
thus 885,476. This intra-/inter-subject duplicate over-
lap did not occur for the other datasets, so the com-
bined count for each of these simply is the sum of the
intra- and inter-subject counts.
Besides duplicate detection within each dataset,
the approach can also be applied to check for overlap
between the datasets. No such inter-dataset duplicate
cases were detected using the original images. Some
cases were however found using the preprocessed im-
ages, and a subset has been manually confirmed to be
true positives (predominantly but not exclusively be-
tween CASIA-WebFace and C-MS-Celeb). Although
a more extensive dataset overlap investigation is out-
side the scope of this work, this does indicate that the
approach of this paper could be used as a part of fu-
ture work on this topic.
This section describes additional preservative dedu-
plication steps that continue from the fundamental du-
plicate detection of the prior section. These steps keep
one selected image per duplicate set (subsection 4.1,
subsection 4.3) and mitigate false positive duplicate
detections (subsection 4.2). They also move the kept
image of an inter-subject duplicate set to the most fit-
ting subject within that set, based on similarity scores
(subsection 4.4). The final image removal and im-
age subject-move counts for the examined datasets are
listed in Table 2. These counts correspond to the pub-
licly available deduplication lists
4.1 Exact Intra-Subject Deduplication
The deduplication of duplicate sets that consist of ex-
actly identical images all within the same subject is
trivial, as any one of the identical images could be
randomly selected. For the sake of reproducibility, we
more specifically sort the images in ascending lexical
file path order and select the first one to be kept as the
deduplicated image.
The deduplication of exact inter-subject duplicate
sets is less straightforward, as there are multiple dif-
ferent subject candidates to which the deduplicated
image could be assigned to. This is thus addressed
separately in subsection 4.4.
4.2 False Positive Correction
The image hashes used for near duplicate detection
as introduced in subsection 3.2 can lead to false pos-
itives, and these false positive duplicate sets can even
consist of images that a manual inspection can eas-
ily identify as different faces. To avoid the unde-
sired exclusion of these false positive images from the
cleaned datasets, an additional false positive correc-
tion based on face recognition is applied.
The complete near duplicate detection thus works
as follows: Near duplicate sets are first found sepa-
rately by the image hash functions. As different image
hash functions can yield overlapping duplicate sets,
the next step is to merge any overlapping sets, the re-
sult being disjunct near duplicate sets.
Then the false positive correction is carried out on
each near duplicate set. This correction step forms all
comparison pairs between the images within a dupli-
cate set, and then filters out any images of pairs for
which the similarity score is below a set threshold.
This work employs the publicly available
Face (Meng et al., 2021) model with iResNet100
backbone trained on MS1MV2 (another variant of
MS-Celeb-1M (Guo et al., 2016)) for face recognition
(similarity scores), as well as for quality assessment
in the following parts, as this model can be employed
for both use cases. The similarity score threshold for
the false positive correction is set to 0.40 based on the
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Image, subject, and duplicate counts for the examined datasets prior to the preservative deduplication in section 4.
Intra: Intra-subject duplicates (all images in duplicate sets belonging to only one subject). Subjects-w.-intra: Subjects with at
least one intra-subject duplicate. Inter: Inter-subject duplicates (all images in duplicate sets belonging to multiple subjects).
Subjects-w.-inter: Subjects with at least one inter-subject duplicate.
Dataset Images Subjects Intra Subjects-w.-intra Inter Subjects-w.-inter
LFW 13,233 5,749 6 3 6 6
TinyFace 15,975 5,139 662 286 53 52
Adience 19,370 2,284 1,609 274 4 4
CASIA-WebFace 494,414 10,575 9,614 2,677 288 186
C-MS-Celeb 6,464,016 94,682 753,277 76,841 166,117 27,895
Table 2: The number of images that the preservative dedu-
plication (section 4) removed from the dataset, and the num-
ber of images that were moved to a new subject (subsec-
tion 4.4). Note that the latter can coincide with the removal
of duplicates already present in the move’s target subject.
Dataset Removed Moved
LFW 9 0
TinyFace 354 0
Adience 912 0
CASIA-WebFace 5,032 37
C-MS-Celeb 531,018 13,175
manual inspection of a randomly selected duplicate
candidate subset.
4.3 Quality-Based Deduplication
After the false positive correction step described in
subsection 4.2, the images in each near duplicate set
are sorted in descending quality score order. The first
image is then selected as the deduplicated image (i.e.
the one with the highest quality score).
These quality scores are obtained using the same
MagFace model as in subsection 4.2. A negative in-
finity quality score is used for any image for which
no quality score could be computed, meaning that all
images with computed scores are preferred. The as-
cending lexical file path order serves as a tie breaker
if there are no images with computed quality scores,
or if the best two quality scores are identical.
For intra-subject deduplication the selection of the
deduplicated image concludes the preservative dedu-
plication. For inter-subject deduplication see the fol-
lowing subsection 4.4, as additional work is required
to decide to which subject the image should be as-
signed to (if any).
4.4 Comparison-Based Inter-Subject
Inter-subject deduplication is less straightforward
than intra-subject deduplication, as there are multi-
ple possible subjects to which the deduplicated im-
age could be assigned to per duplicate set. To resolve
this issue, the deduplicated image of a duplicate set
is compared against the non-duplicate images of all
subjects that are involved in the duplicate set.
Here “non-duplicate images” refers to those im-
ages that were never assigned to any duplicate set by
either the exact or near duplicate detection. If no such
images remain for a candidate subject, or if no face
recognition feature extraction could be applied to any
of these images, then the subject is excluded from
consideration. If no candidate subjects remain, then
the deduplicated image is excluded from the dataset.
The comparison of the deduplicated image to each
candidate subject’s non-duplicate image set is again
using the same MagFace model as in subsection 4.2.
For each subject the mean similarity score is com-
puted across the comparisons to the deduplicated im-
age. The subject with the highest mean similarity
score is selected as the potential target subject for the
deduplicated image.
However, if the mean similarity score of the poten-
tial target subject is below a set threshold, the dedupli-
cated image is instead excluded from the dataset. This
is done to avoid the assignment of the deduplicated
image to an incorrect subject, even if that subject is
the best candidate among the duplicate set’s subjects.
For this the same 0.40 similarity score threshold as in
the false positive correction in subsection 4.2 is used.
Additionally, if the absolute difference between
the mean similarity score of the potential target sub-
ject and the second best candidate subject is below
another set threshold, the deduplicated image is also
excluded from the dataset, to avoid uncertain subject
assignments. For this we select the similarity score
threshold 0.20 based on manual sample observations
and based on the statistics of the computed mean sim-
ilarity scores.
Double Trouble? Impact and Detection of Duplicates in Face Image Datasets
This section investigates how deduplication alters the
results for face recognition and face image quality as-
sessment experiments. Two forms of deduplication
are considered: One is the complete removal of all im-
ages that are involved in any duplicate set according
to the approach described in section 3, and the other is
the preservative deduplication described in section 4.
The used face recognition / quality assessment
models rely on the same face image preprocessing as
described in subsection 3.3 for the preprocessed im-
age duplicate detection step. Face images for which
the landmark detection failed are excluded from the
experiments in this section.
5.1 Face Recognition
The following face recognition experiments require
the selection of mated and non-mated (ISO/IEC JTC1
SC37 Biometrics, 2022) pairs of face images.
For the mated pairs, one approach could be to
select all possible pairs for each subject. This may
however result in a substantially increased number of
mated pairs for subjects with comparatively larger im-
age counts within a dataset, since a subject with N
images would yield (N · (N 1))/2 mated pairs, and
each image would consequently be involved in N 1
mated pairs.
All mated pairs
per subject:
“Circular” mated
pairs per subject:
Figure 3: Two mated pair selection approaches. The num-
bered graph nodes represent the ordered face images of a
single subject, with the graph edges representing the se-
lected mated pairs.
But since these experiments are supposed to com-
pare results for the datasets with and without dupli-
cates, a balanced number of mated pairs per image is
preferred. Mated pairs are thus instead selected in a
“circular” manner for each subject in a dataset, as il-
lustrated in Figure 3. This simply means that every
image with index i forms a mated pair with the next
image with index i + 1. The last image also forms a
pair with the first image if the subject has more than
two images. A subject with more than two images
thus results in a number of mated pairs equal to the
number of images, and a subject with exactly two im-
ages results in a single mated pair. Each image is con-
sequently always involved in exactly two mated pairs
for subjects with more than two images, or one mated
pair for subjects with two images. The lexicograph-
ically ascending order of the image paths is used as
the image order. An additional benefit of this “cir-
cular” mated pair selection is the reduction of the re-
quired computational resources for the experiments,
since the number of all possible mated pairs would be
substantially higher (over 300 million in total).
The following lists the mated pair count per
dataset, as well as the number of subjects implicitly
excluded due to only containing a single image:
TinyFace: 11,881 (153 excluded subjects).
Adience: 18,093 (815 excluded subjects).
CASIA-WebFace: 494,284 (0 excluded subjects).
C-MS-Celeb: 6,457,562 (123 excluded subjects).
A number of non-mated pairs equal to the number
of mated pairs is randomly selected per dataset.
The MagFace model previously described in sub-
section 4.2 is employed for face recognition. The sim-
ilarity scores are then used to assess the face recog-
nition performance in terms of the False Non-Match
Rate (FNMR), the False Match Rate (FMR), and the
Equal Error Rate (EER) (ISO/IEC JTC1 SC37 Bio-
metrics, 2022). Table 3 shows the results. There are
mostly minor differences between the variants with
and without duplicates, and duplicate removal both
increased and decreased error rates in different cases.
5.2 Quality Assessment
The effect of the duplicate removal on face image
quality assessment is examined in terms of the change
of partial Area Under Curve (pAUC) values for Error
versus Discard Characteristic (EDC) curves (Schlett
et al., 2023; Grother and Tabassi, 2007), using the
FNMR and FMR as the EDC errors. This evalua-
tion is based both on quality scores and the previ-
ously computed similarity scores. The quality scores
are computed by two state-of-the-art models, which
aim to assess the face image quality in terms of the
biometric utility for face recognition (ISO/IEC JTC1
SC37 Biometrics, 2022). The first model is again the
MagFace model described in subsection 4.2, and the
second model is CR-FIQA(L) (Boutros et al., 2023),
which is likewise publicly available
. Table 4 and
Table 5 show the results using MagFace and CR-
FIQA(L), respectively. The pAUC values are com-
puted for the [0%,20%] discard fraction range instead
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 3: Face recognition performance in terms of the Equal Error Rate (EER) and the False Non-Match Rate (FNMR) at
fixed approximated False Match Rate (FMR) values. The “Original” variant refers to the unmodified datasets, the “Full”
variant to the removal of all images involved in duplicate sets as per section 3, and the “Preservative” variant to the image
removal and subject-reassignment as per section 4.
Dataset Variant EER FNMR @ FMR 1e 3 FNMR @ FMR 1e 2
TinyFace Original 9.5783% 30.0564% 18.8115%
TinyFace Full 9.7627% 31.1831% 19.8787%
TinyFace Preservative 9.7489% 31.4489% 19.6862%
Adience Original 1.7576% 3.0122% 2.0063%
Adience Full 1.7527% 2.9770% 2.0120%
Adience Preservative 1.7539% 3.0017% 2.0172%
CASIA-WebFace Original 7.1955% 10.2724% 8.7041%
CASIA-WebFace Full 7.2278% 10.3316% 8.7493%
CASIA-WebFace Preservative 7.2100% 10.3130% 8.7240%
C-MS-Celeb Original 7.0506% 12.8246% 10.0817%
C-MS-Celeb Full 6.9599% 12.6121% 9.9401%
C-MS-Celeb Preservative 6.9094% 15.4464% 10.0007%
Table 4: FNMR and FMR EDC pAUC values for the
[0%,20%] comparison discard fraction range, using Mag-
Face for quality assessment.
Dataset Variant FNMR FMR
TinyFace Original 0.859% 0.977%
TinyFace Full 0.864% 0.972%
TinyFace Preserv. 0.865% 0.973%
Adience Original 0.708% 0.992%
Adience Full 0.731% 0.994%
Adience Preserv. 0.726% 0.996%
CASIA-WebFace Original 0.820% 1.002%
CASIA-WebFace Full 0.820% 1.002%
CASIA-WebFace Preserv. 0.820% 1.002%
C-MS-Celeb Original 0.814% 1.000%
C-MS-Celeb Full 0.804% 1.000%
C-MS-Celeb Preserv. 0.802% 1.002%
of the full EDC curves, since higher discard fractions
are not usually considered as operationally relevant
(Schlett et al., 2023). Similarly to the face recognition
results of the prior subsection, there are minor differ-
ences which include both increases and decreases in
the error values.
The presented exact and near face image duplicate
detection approach based on file hashes and image
hashes (section 3), including the additional use of pre-
processed face images (subsection 3.3), found dupli-
cates in all five examined web-scraped datasets (sub-
section 3.4). With the exception of the LFW dataset,
over 1% of all images in each original dataset are
duplicate candidates, which ranges from hundreds to
hundreds of thousands of duplicate candidates in ab-
Table 5: FNMR and FMR EDC pAUC values for the
[0%,20%] comparison discard fraction range, using CR-
FIQA(L) for quality assessment.
Dataset Variant FNMR FMR
TinyFace Original 0.801% 0.890%
TinyFace Full 0.803% 0.890%
TinyFace Preserv. 0.809% 0.885%
Adience Original 0.865% 0.958%
Adience Full 0.880% 0.959%
Adience Preserv. 0.875% 0.957%
CASIA-WebFace Original 0.799% 1.000%
CASIA-WebFace Full 0.800% 0.999%
CASIA-WebFace Preserv. 0.799% 0.999%
C-MS-Celeb Original 0.812% 0.997%
C-MS-Celeb Full 0.800% 0.997%
C-MS-Celeb Preserv. 0.798% 0.999%
solute numbers (subsection 3.4). While most du-
plicate set images belong to a single dataset subject
(intra-subject duplicates), there also are some that be-
long to multiple (inter-subject duplicates), especially
in the C-MS-Celeb dataset (subsection 3.4).
Preservative deduplication steps (section 4) were
applied after the initial duplicate detection. This com-
prised the mitigation of false positive duplicate detec-
tion, the selection of the highest quality face images
per duplicate set (according to a face image quality as-
sessment model), and the assignment of deduplicated
face images to the most fitting subject within inter-
subject duplicate sets (or none if uncertain). The final
deduplication data for the examined datasets is pub-
licly available
Minor effects due to duplicate removal were ob-
served on face recognition and face image quality as-
Double Trouble? Impact and Detection of Duplicates in Face Image Datasets
sessment results in the experiments (section 5).
Finding duplicates in all examined datasets does
indicate that such accidental inclusion of duplicates
could be a common occurrence for web-scraped face
image datasets, so that any potential future dataset
construction of this kind should consider implement-
ing a duplicate filter. It may further be sensible to
examine other existing web-scraped datasets, as they
could likewise contain duplicates.
This research work has been funded by the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the
Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Sci-
ence and the Arts within their joint support of the
National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity
ATHENE. This project has received funding from the
European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and inno-
vation programme under grant agreement No 883356.
This text reflects only the author’s views and the Com-
mission is not liable for any use that may be made of
the information contained therein.
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ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods