Comparative Experimentation of Accuracy Metrics in Automated
Medical Reporting: The Case of Otitis Consultations
Wouter Faber
1 a
, Renske Eline Bootsma
1 b
, Tom Huibers
, Sandra van Dulmen
3 c
and Sjaak Brinkkemper
1 d
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Verticai, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Nivel: Netherlands institute for health services research, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Automated Medical Reporting, Accuracy Metric, SOAP Reporting, Composite Accuracy Score, GPT.
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to automatically generate medical reports based on tran-
scripts of medical consultations. The aim is to reduce the administrative burden that healthcare professionals
face. The accuracy of the generated reports needs to be established to ensure their correctness and usefulness.
There are several metrics for measuring the accuracy of AI generated reports, but little work has been done
towards the application of these metrics in medical reporting. A comparative experimentation of 10 accuracy
metrics has been performed on AI generated medical reports against their corresponding General Practitioner’s
(GP) medical reports concerning Otitis consultations. The number of missing, incorrect, and additional state-
ments of the generated reports have been correlated with the metric scores. In addition, we introduce and
define a Composite Accuracy Score which produces a single score for comparing the metrics within the field
of automated medical reporting. Findings show that based on the correlation study and the Composite Accu-
racy Score, the ROUGE-L and Word Mover’s Distance metrics are the preferred metrics, which is not in line
with previous work. These findings help determine the accuracy of an AI generated medical report, which aids
the development of systems that generate medical reports for GPs to reduce the administrative burden.
”Administrative burden is real, widespread
and has serious consequences (Heuer, 2022).
Although the Electronic Health Record (EHR) has its
benefits, the consequences regarding time and effort
are increasingly noticed by medical personnel (Oli-
vares Bøgeskov and Grimshaw-Aagaard, 2019; Moy
et al., 2021). In addition to less direct patient care (La-
vander et al., 2016), documentation sometimes shifts
to after hours: studies of (Anderson et al., 2020) and
(Saag et al., 2019) show that physicians spend hours
on documentation at home. Working after hours, a
poor work/life balance, stress, and using Health Infor-
mation Technology such as EHRs are associated with
These authors contributed equally to this work
less work-life satisfaction and the risk of professional
burnout (Shanafelt et al., 2016; Robertson et al., 2017;
Gardner et al., 2018; Hauer et al., 2018).
The notation used for documentation of General
Practitioner (GP) consultations is the Subjective, Ob-
jective, Assessment and Plan (SOAP) notation, which
has been widely used for clinical notation, and dates
back to 1968 (Weed, 1968; Heun et al., 1998; Sap-
kota et al., 2022). Based on a consultation, the SOAP
note has to be written by the clinician, to update the
EHR. To reduce the administrative burden, generative
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used to summarize
transcripts of medical consultations into automated
reports, which is also the purpose of the Care2Report
program to which this study belongs (Molenaar et al.,
2020; Maas et al., 2020; Kwint et al., 2023; Wegstapel
et al., 2023). Care2Report (C2R) aims at automated
medical reporting based on multimodal recording of
a consultation and the generation and uploading of
the report in the electronic medical record system
(Brinkkemper, 2022). However, for these reports to
be useful, the accuracy of the generated report has to
Faber, W., Bootsma, R., Huibers, T., van Dulmen, S. and Brinkkemper, S.
Comparative Experimentation of Accuracy Metrics in Automated Medical Reporting: The Case of Otitis Consultations.
DOI: 10.5220/0012422300003657
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineer ing Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024) - Volume 2, pages 585-594
ISBN: 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
be determined. Several metrics exist to compare the
accuracy of generated text (Moramarco et al., 2022),
but the application in the Dutch medical domain has
not been researched.
Therefore, this paper proposes research towards
metrics in the Dutch medical domain, resulting in the
following research question:
RQ. What Is the Preferred Metric for Measuring
the Difference Between an Automatically Generated
Medical Report and a General Practitioner’s Report?
This study contributes to the field of AI generated
medical reports by providing a case-level look and
adds to the larger field of Natural Language Gener-
ation (NLG). Furthermore, this work has societal rel-
evance by providing the preferred accuracy measure
for AI-generated Dutch medical reports. Being able
to identify the accuracy of a medical report, research
towards the generation of the reports can be extended,
to ensure a high accuracy. Namely, since reports play
a crucial role in patient care, diagnosis, and treatment
decisions it is vital that generated reports are correct
and complete. Reports with high accuracy would pre-
vent the medical staff from spending a lot of time
writing the report themselves or correcting the gener-
ated reports, which reduces the administrative burden.
First, a literature review will be presented in sec-
tion 2. The method and findings will be discussed in
section 3 and section 4 respectively, after which these
will be discussed in section 5. Conclusions will be
drawn and directions for future work will be given in
section 6.
Different accuracy metrics for NLG exist, which can
be compared in various ways.
2.1 Accuracy Metrics
Over the years, different evaluation metrics for mea-
suring the accuracy of NLG systems have been devel-
oped, such as BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002), ROUGE
(Lin, 2004), and METEOR (Banerjee and Lavie,
2005). All these metrics compare a generated text
with a reference text. In recent years, a number of
studies have provided an overview of these metrics
and divided them into different categories (Sai et al.,
2020; Celikyilmaz et al., 2020; Fabbri et al., 2020;
Moramarco et al., 2022). Our study adopts most
Table 1: Overview of existing accuracy metrics for Natural Language Generation.
Category Metrics Property Common use
Edit distance
Levenshtein Cosine similarity MT, IC, SR, SUM, DG & RG
WER % of insert, delete, and replace SR
MER Proportion word matches errors SR
WIL Proportion of word information lost SR
ROUGE-WE ROUGE + word embeddings SUM
Skipthoughts Vector based similarity MT
VectorExtrema Vector based similarity MT
GreedyMatching Cosine similarity of embeddings RG
USE Sentence level embeddings MT
on words IC & SUM
BertScore Similarity with context embeddings DG
MoverScore Context embeddings + EMD
Text overlap
Precision % relevant of all text MT, IC, SR, SUM, DG, QG, & RG
Recall % relevant of all relevant MT, IC, SR, SUM, DG, QG, & RG
F-Score Precision and recall MT, IC, SR, SUM, DG, QG, & RG
BLEU n-gram precision MT, IC, DG, QG, & RG
ROUGE-n n-gram recall SUM & DG
ROUGE-L Longest common subsequence SUM & DG
METEOR n-gram with synonym match MT, IC, & DG
CHRF n-gram F-score MT
Abbreviations for the subfield, as introduced by (Celikyilmaz et al., 2020). MT: Machine
Translation, IC: Image Captioning, SR: Speech Recognition, SUM: Summarization, DG: Document or
Story Generation, Visual-Story Generation, QG: Question Generation, RG: Dialog Response Generation.
EMD = Earth Mover’s Distance.
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
of the metrics and categories of (Moramarco et al.,
2022), which was inspired by the categories stated by
(Sai et al., 2020) and (Celikyilmaz et al., 2020). Met-
rics that are not specifically developed for summariza-
tion are also included, to ensure that the study does
not become too narrow. (Moramarco et al., 2022)
also introduce a new metric with its own category,
the Stanza+Snomed metric, which is not included in
this current study since there is no other known work
or use of this metric. The remaining three groups of
metrics are:
Edit distance metrics count how many characters
or words are required to convert the output of the
system into the reference text. They include Lev-
enshtein (Levenshtein et al., 1966), Word Error
Rate (WER) (Su et al., 1992), Match Error Rate
(MER) (Morris et al., 2004), and Word Informa-
tion Lost (WIL) (Morris et al., 2004).
Embedding metrics use encode units of text and
pre-trained models to compute cosine similarity to
find a similarity between the units. For this, they
use word-level, byte-level, and sentence-level em-
beddings. The metrics include: ROUGE-WE (Ng
and Abrecht, 2015), Skipthoughts (Kiros et al.,
2015), VectorExtrema (Forgues et al., 2014),
GreedyMatching (Sharma et al., 2017), Universal
Sentence Encoder (USE) (Cer et al., 2018), Word
Mover’s Distance (WMD) (Kusner et al., 2015),
BertScore (Zhang et al., 2019), and MoverScore
(Zhao et al., 2019).
Text overlap metrics rely on string matching, and
measure the amount of characters, words, or n-
grams that match between the generated text en
the reference. These metrics include BLEU (Pa-
pineni et al., 2002), ROUGE (Lin, 2004), ME-
TEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005), and Charac-
ter n-gram F-score (CHRF) (Popovi
c, 2015). The
F-measure, based on precision and recall (Maro-
engsit et al., 2019), also falls under this category.
Table 1 provides an overview of all the metrics,
along with their category, property, and common use.
This table extends data from (Moramarco et al., 2022)
and (Celikyilmaz et al., 2020). Information that was
not available in these studies was derived from the
original papers of the metrics.
2.2 Comparison of Metrics
In order to perform an evaluation of the accuracy met-
rics, a reference accuracy score is necessary to com-
pare the calculated scores. There are different ways
to determine these reference scores, which could in-
volve a human evaluation. One could simply ask hu-
man evaluators to compare the generated text with a
reference text and rate the general factual accuracy
on a scale of 1 to 5 (Goodrich et al., 2019). How-
ever, this is a very broad measure that is heavily in-
fluenced by subjectivity. Alternatively, other stud-
ies used different dimensions to compare generated
texts, such as Adequacy, Coherence, Fluency, Consis-
tency, and Relevance (Fabbri et al., 2020; Kry
et al., 2019; Turian et al., 2003). (Moramarco et al.,
2022), use Omissions, Incorrect statements, and Post-
edit times to evaluate automatically generated medical
The ratings of the human evaluators can be com-
pared with the results of the metrics, using correlation
measures such as the Spearman, Pearson, or Kendall’s
τ coefficient (Goodrich et al., 2019; Moramarco et al.,
2022; Fabbri et al., 2020).
2.3 SOEP Reporting for GPs
In the Netherlands, the SOEP convention is used by
GPs for medical reporting, which is the Dutch alter-
native to SOAP (Van der Werf, 1996). Subjective
(S) represents the state, medical history and symp-
toms of the patient. Objective (O) contains measur-
able data obtained from past records or results of the
examination and Evaluation (E) (or Assessment (A))
offers the opportunity to note the assessment of the
health problem and diagnosis. Finally, Plan (P) con-
tains the consultant’s plan for the patient. Close atten-
tion should be paid to the division between the symp-
toms and signs (subjective descriptions and objective
findings) since this is a common pitfall while writing
SOEP notes (Podder et al., 2022; Seo et al., 2016).
An overview of the research method of our study is
shown in Figure 1, which will be explained in the sub-
sections. The blue outline shows our research focus.
3.1 Materials
The C2R program provides data from seven tran-
scripts of medical consultations between GPs and
their patients concerning ear infections, namely Oti-
tis Externa (n = 4) and Otitis Media Acuta (n = 3)
(Maas et al., 2020). These transcripts are derived
from video recordings, for which both the patients
and GPs provided informed consent. The recordings
were made as part of a study by Nivel (Netherlands in-
stitute for health services research) and Radboudumc
Comparative Experimentation of Accuracy Metrics in Automated Medical Reporting: The Case of Otitis Consultations
Figure 1: Research Method Diagram, showing the method
along with its input and intended output.
to improve GP communication (Houwen et al., 2017;
Meijers et al., 2019).
Based on the transcripts, GPs wrote a SOEP re-
port (referred to as GP report), which is considered
the ground truth for this study. These GPs did not
perform the consultation but wrote the report solely
based on the transcripts. Furthermore, software of the
C2R program which runs on GPT 4.0 was used. The
temperature was set to 0 to limit the diversity of the
generated text. Based on the formulated prompt and
transcript, the GPT generates a SOEP report (referred
to as AI report) (Maas et al., 2020).
3.2 Pre-Study
Upon first inspection of the GP reports, it was noticed
that abbreviations such as ”pcm” meaning ”parac-
etamol” are frequently used. To gain more insights
into the experience and preferences of medical staff
regarding the formulation of SOEP reports, a pre-
study was conducted among Dutch medical staff (n
= 5; 1 physiotherapist, 1 paediatrician, 1 junior doc-
tor / medical director, 1 nurse and 1 nursing student).
The participants were asked about their experience
with (SOEP) medical reporting, important factors of
SOEP, the use of abbreviations, and general feedback
on the Care2Report program. All participants indi-
cated to have knowledge of SOEP reporting, and have
experience with writing medical reports, using SOEP
or similar methods. Distinguishing between Subjec-
tive and Objective information was indicated to be a
common mistake, which is in line with research (Pod-
der et al., 2022; Seo et al., 2016). In addition, the
notation of the Evaluation is important since this is
”the essence of the consult”, but is sometimes not
filled in completely. Regarding abbreviations, the par-
ticipants were divided. Some of them indicated that
they preferred using abbreviations, to enable faster
reading, but discouraged the use of difficult abbrevia-
tions. The other participants indicated always favour-
ing written terms since this improves readability. All
participants favoured using written terms when multi-
ple staff members (from different backgrounds) were
involved, for example when it came to patient trans-
fer, with the exception of general abbreviations.
In general, the medical staff agreed that an AI
report would be ”a great solution” that ”saves time,
which enables more consultation time”. In addition,
two of the medical staff indicated writing reports after
the consult due to time limits, which can cause a loss
of information. This insight is in line with previous
research (Olivares Bøgeskov and Grimshaw-Aagaard,
2019; Moy et al., 2021; Lavander et al., 2016; Ander-
son et al., 2020; Saag et al., 2019).
3.3 Prompt for Report Generation
The GPT software does not have the knowledge or
capability to use medical abbreviations like GPs use
in their SOEP report. This can result in the metrics
falsely identifying differences between written terms
and their abbreviations. That, in combination with the
fact that using written terms was preferred by half of
the medical staff of the pre-study and since the reports
will be read by staff members from different disci-
plines, led to the decision to change abbreviations in
the GP’s report to the full expression.
The GPT was given a Dutch prompt, of which the
translated text is given in Listing 1. The formulation
of the prompt was based on existing research within
the C2R program (line 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9), and has
been adapted to incorporate the input of the medi-
cal staff (line 3, 4, 5, 6, 8) and literature (line 3, 4,
5). Mainly, the division between symptoms and signs
(Subjective and Objective) and the definition of the
Evaluation category have been added.
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
1 Wri t e a med i c a l s. o . e . p r epo r t b a sed
on a c o n v e r s a t i o n b etw e e n a gp and
a p a t ien t and use s hor t a nd
co n c i se s e n t enc e s .
2 R ep o r t in the c a t e g o r ies of
su b je c ti v e , ob je c ti v e , e v al u at i on ,
and p l an .
3 Ma ke su re t h at f or su b j e c t i v e t he
de s c r i p t i o n o f t he co m p l a i n t s of
the pa t i ent is n o ted .
4 Also , po s s i b l e p ain me d i c a t i o n wh ic h
is us ed by th e p a t i en t and t he
in f o r m a t i o n th at em e r g es fr om the
an a m n e s i s m ay be n ot e d h er e .
5 At o b je c ti v e , the o b s e r v a t i o n of t he
sy m p t o m s by the gp a nd t he r e s u l ts
of the ph y s i cal e x a m i n a t i o n m u st
be no t ed .
6 The ev a l u a t i o n con t a i n s t he ju d g e m ent
of the ex a m i n a t i o n and the
di a g n o s i s .
7 The tr e a t m e n t p l an mus t be c le a r f ro m
the p l an .
8 Ma ke su re t h at t he me d i ca l terms ,
su ch as th e n am e of the med i c a t i o n
are no te d .
9 The co n t ent of t he r e p or t must be
de r i v ed fr om the g i ve n tra n s c r i p t .
Listing 1: Prompt used as input for the GPT.
3.4 Metric Selection and Execution
For this study, a spread of metrics between cate-
gories (see subsection 2.1) was chosen. More pop-
ular or common metrics were preferred due to fre-
quent application and public availability. The follow-
ing 10 metrics are part of the selection: Levenshtein,
Measure, METEOR, BertScore, WMD.
Each accuracy metric is applied to the AI report
with the GP report as reference. Five of the met-
rics could be run via an online application and the F-
Measure was calculated using an R function. In addi-
tion, the embedding metrics, BertScore and WMD, re-
quired running Python code. For these metrics, Dutch
embeddings were used. BertScore supports more
than 100 languages via multilingual BERT, including
Dutch, and for WMD the ”dutch-word-embeddings”
Word2Vec model was used (Nieuwenhuijse, 2018).
METEOR uses n-gram comparison with synonym
match. At the time of writing, there is no alternative
for Dutch texts. Therefore, METEOR will mostly rely
on n-gram comparison.
3.5 Human Evaluation
Concurrently, the AI reports are compared with the
GP reports by the first authors, i.e., the human eval-
uation. This is inspired by the work of (Moramarco
et al., 2022). This method of evaluation is adopted
because it is a domain-specific method that includes
the accuracy of the report and provides insight into
the amount of work needed by the GP as well. For
each AI report, seven aspects will be counted, as can
be seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Human evaluation aspects along with their descrip-
tions and abbreviations.
Aspect Description Abr.
Missing Missing in AI report MIS
Incorrect Incorrect in AI report INC
Added On-topic Not in GP report, on-topic ADD
Added Off-topic Not in GP report, off-topic ADD
Post-edit time Time (s) to correct AI report PET
Nr. of characters Nr. of characters in AI report NRC
Word length Avg. word length in AI report WLE
Firstly, the number of Missing statements and In-
correct statements, which include wrongly stated in-
formation. Next, the Additional statements, which are
divided into On-topic and Off-topic. Added On-topic
statements contain information that is not present in
the GP report but relates to the content, e.g ”There
is no pus visible, but there is blood leaking from the
ear”. Added Off-topic statements contain information
that is not present in the GP report and does not re-
late to the content, e.g. ”The patient called in sick
for work”. In addition, the Number of characters
and the number of words will be counted, to calcu-
late the Word length. An independent samples t-test
will be performed on the Number of characters and
the Word length between the AI report and the GP re-
port to gain more insight into a potential difference
in report length. Lastly, the Post-edit time describes
the time it takes to correct the AI report, i.e., adding
Missing, changing Incorrect and removing Additional
statements. This is interesting to consider since the
goal of AI reporting is to reduce the time spent on
reporting by GPs.
After performing the human evaluation, Pearson
correlation coefficients are calculated between the as-
pects of the human evaluation and every metric, ex-
cluding the Word length, and Number of characters.
In theory, the stronger the negative correlation, the
more effective the metric is in the domain of medi-
cal reporting. Namely, an AI report ideally has low
missing statements, low incorrect and low additional
To compare the metrics, a single Composite Ac-
Comparative Experimentation of Accuracy Metrics in Automated Medical Reporting: The Case of Otitis Consultations
curacy Score (CAS) is calculated for each metric.
For this, the correlations per Missing, Incorrect and
Added statements with the metric are normalised on
a scale from 0 to 1, where 0 is the lowest (negative)
correlation and 1 is the highest. Based on the nor-
malised correlations with the Missing (MIS), Incor-
rect (INC), Added On-topic (ADD
), and Added Off-
topic (ADD
) statements, the Composite Accuracy
Score (CAS) is calculated using Formula 1.
+ 0.5 × ADD
Every score has a weight of 1.0, except the Added
On-topic statements, which have been attributed a
weight of 0.5 since their presence in the AI report is
deemed less severe than the other aspects. The Post-
edit time is not part of the Composite Accuracy Score
because it is dependent on the other aspects of the hu-
man evaluation.
With respect to editing, a metric can be considered
preferred if it has a low Composite Accuracy Score as
well as a strong negative correlation with the Post-
edit time. If a metric fulfils these requirements, it is
an adequate tool to measure the accuracy of the report
itself as well as the administrative burden.
Performing the method resulted in measured human
evaluation aspects, correlations and the Composite
Accuracy Scores.
4.1 Human Evaluation
As mentioned in subsection 3.5, the seven human
evaluation aspects were counted for each AI report,
of which the first ve can be seen in Table 3. Of-
ten, the ear in question was Missing in the AI re-
port. Incorrect statements were statements which
were wrongly stated or wrongly defined as being said
by the GP. Of the statements that were not in the GP
report (Added), the distinction between On-topic and
Off-topic was less direct. Mainly, On-topic statements
contained additional information regarding the medi-
cal history, complaints or treatment. Statements re-
garding other topics then discussed in the GP report
and explanations to the patient were classified as Off-
topic because these would not be of any relevance to
the SOEP report, written by the GP.
The Number of characters and the number of
words were used to calculate the Word length for both
the GP report and AI report. The results of the in-
dependent samples t-test show that the AI reports are
significantly longer in terms of characters (1199.29±
Table 3: Human evaluation aspects per AI report. The averages of the aspects are rounded to whole numbers.
Human Evaluation Aspects R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 Average
Missing statements 12 5 8 7 9 8 7 8
Incorrect statements 2 1 1 2 1 5 1 2
Added statements - On-topic 6 9 5 7 8 3 7 6
Added statements - Off-topic 5 5 0 2 1 5 0 3
Post-edit time (s) 378 196 170 213 193 186 169 215
Table 4: Pearson correlation between human evaluation aspects and metrics, along with the Composite Accuracy Score.
Metric Miss. Incorr.
On-topic Off-topic
Levenshtein 0.122 -0.178 -0.011 -0.798 0.229 -0.320
WER 0.673 -0.042 -0.409 -0.315 0.434 0.385
BertScore -0.272 0.126 0.319 0.759 0.618 0.329
WMD -0.564 -0.168 0.381 -0.289 0.241 -0.591
ROUGE-1 -0.063 0.123 -0.394 -0.634 0.284 -0.483
ROUGE-2 -0.153 0.131 -0.021 -0.259 0.401 -0.201
ROUGE-L -0.233 -0.109 -0.056 -0.597 0.209 -0.461
BLEU 0.109 -0.013 0.002 -0.462 0.364 -0.258
F-Measure 0.698 0.119 -0.434 -0.339 0.501 0.333
METEOR 0.315 0.467 -0.220 0.045 0.677 0.103
The negative correlations are indicated by different intensities of orange, and the positive
correlations are indicated by different intensities of blue. The three lowest Composite
Accuracy Scores and PET correlations are in bold.
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
197) than the GP report (410.71 ± 94.32), t(12) =
9.520, p < 0.001. The words used in the AI report
(6.04 ± 0.33) are significantly shorter than in the GP
report (7.62 ± 0.29),t(12) = 9.555, p < 0.001.
4.2 Correlation Between Metrics and
Human Evaluation Aspects
Using the metric scores and the human evaluation
aspects, the mutual correlation has been calculated.
In contrast to the other metrics, for the edit distance
metrics (Levenshtein and WER) a low score equals a
good accuracy. To enable easier comparison between
the metrics, the correlations of the edit distance met-
rics have been inverted by multiplying with -1. All
correlations between the metrics and human evalua-
tion aspects are shown in Table 4. Ideally, these corre-
lations are strongly negative since the medical report
should be concise and contain all, and only, relevant
information. The three strongest negative correlations
with the Post-edit time and the three lowest Compos-
ite Accuracy Scores have been indicated in bold in Ta-
ble 4
Based on the findings in section 4, notable observa-
tions were found.
Human Evaluation. The results of the human eval-
uation (Table 3) show that all AI reports contain on
average 9 Added statements, compared to the GP re-
port. Consequently, the AI reports are longer than the
GP reports. Most Added statements are On-topic. De-
spite the additional information and length of the AI
report, each report misses on average 8 statements.
Added Statements. The first noticeable correlation
in Table 4 appears between more than half of the
metrics correlating moderately (-0.3 < r < -0.5) or
strongly (r < -0.5) negatively with Added Off-topic
statements. Interestingly, only three metrics have a
moderate negative correlation with Added On-topic
statements. This can be explained by the On-topic
statements adding extra, relevant, information to the
content of the SOEP report. Even though these state-
ments are added, the metrics could define this as rel-
evant information thus not having a strong negative
Comparison with (Moramarco et al., 2022). Ex-
cept for the WMD metric, none of the metrics
strongly correlate negatively with Missing statements
and Post-edit time, which is not in line with the find-
ings of (Moramarco et al., 2022). In their findings,
METEOR and BLEU scored good on detecting Miss-
ing statements and Levenshtein and METEOR rank
highly on the Post-edit time. Additionally, none of the
metrics moderately or strongly correlate negatively
with Incorrect statements, which is also not in line
with the findings of (Moramarco et al., 2022), where
ROUGE scored good on identifying these statements.
Opposite of Preferred Correlations. The WER
and F-Measure strongly correlate (r > 0.5) Missing
statements with better accuracy, and BertScore corre-
lates a high number of Off-topic statements with bet-
ter accuracy. These results indicate exactly the oppo-
site of what is preferred and therefore seem to be less
suitable for the evaluation of automatically generated
Post-Edit Time. Six metrics have a negative cor-
relation with the Post-edit time. WMD, ROUGE-1,
and ROUGE-L have the strongest negative correla-
tion, meaning that they are the preferred metrics con-
cerning the correlation with Post-edit time.
Composite Accuracy Score. When looking at the
CAS, The WER, BertScore, F-Measure and ME-
TEOR metrics score high (> 0.5), indicating that
these metrics are not suitable for the current appli-
cation. The high CAS of the BertScore is remarkable
since this metric performed as one of the best in the
study of (Moramarco et al., 2022). The high CAS of
METEOR could be explained due to the fact that the
used transcripts are Dutch, which is an unsupported
language by the metric. Therefore, it cannot use syn-
onym matching, which is the added benefit of the ME-
TEOR metric compared to other text overlap metrics.
There is no consensus within the categories of edit
distance, embedded and text overlap metrics. Conse-
quently, no conclusions can be drawn regarding pre-
ferred performing categories.
Preferred Metrics. Based on the CAS and the Post-
edit time correlations, ROUGE-L and WMD are the
preferred metrics, since they are in the top 3 for
both. The WMD scores slightly worse in terms of
CAS, which can be explained by the fact that it has a
positive correlation (0.381) with the Added On-topic
statements, whereas ROUGE-L has only negative cor-
relations with the human evaluation metrics. How-
ever, WMD scores better than ROUGE-L when look-
ing at the Post-edit time. (Moramarco et al., 2022)
Comparative Experimentation of Accuracy Metrics in Automated Medical Reporting: The Case of Otitis Consultations
found that Levenshtein, BertScore, and METEOR are
the most suitable metrics, which does not correspond
with the findings of our work.
AI generated medical reports could provide support
for medical staff. These reports should be as accurate
as possible, to limit the time needed by the medical
staff making corrections. To determine the accuracy
of a text, metrics can be used. This research inves-
tigated the performance of 10 accuracy metrics by
calculating the correlation between the metric score
and the following human evaluation aspects: Miss-
ing statements, Incorrect statements, Additional state-
ments and Post-edit time.
For each metric, the Composite Accuracy Score
has been calculated, indicating its performance.
Based on the CAS and the correlation with the Post-
edit time, the ROUGE-L and Word Mover’s Distance
(WMD) metrics are preferred to use in the context of
medical reporting, answering the research question:
What Is the Preferred Metric for Measuring the Dif-
ference Between an Automatically Generated Medical
Report and a General Practitioner’s Report?
Based on the results, we see that there is a diver-
sity among the applications of the different metrics.
Both strong positive and negative correlations with
the human evaluation aspects are found, which can be
explained by the different methods used by the met-
rics. The preferred method depends heavily on the
context of use and which aspect is deemed more im-
portant. Therefore, no unambiguous answer can be
given. However, we created the CAS score based on
our context of use, identifying the preferred metrics
in the context of medical reporting.
6.1 Limitations
The outcome of this study is not in line with previous
research, which could be due to the limitations. There
are three main limitations to this study.
Firstly, the data set used for running the accuracy
metrics consists of just seven AI reports. Addition-
ally, the transcripts used are all from GP consultations
on Otitis Externa and Otitis Media Acuta, making the
data limited in its medical diversity. These factors
make it difficult to draw general conclusions on ac-
curacy metrics that work for all AI generated medical
Adding to that, the GP reports were written solely
based on the transcripts, and not by the GP who per-
formed the consultation, which is not standard prac-
Lastly, the human evaluation was performed by
researchers who have no prior experience in writing
medical reports. Even though medical staff was con-
sulted in this study, it would be preferred if the human
evaluation was done by people with medical exper-
tise. That way, those with a deeper comprehension
of what should be included in a report could handle
the more challenging cases of evaluating the gener-
ated statements’ relevance.
6.2 Future Work
The main limitations should be addressed in future
work. Mainly, the study should be repeated with more
medical reporting, on other pathologies. Besides, it
would improve the quality of the study if the human
evaluation were executed by healthcare professionals.
Furthermore, the current AI reports result in low ac-
curacy scores for each metric. Therefore, it would be
beneficial if further research was done into optimis-
ing the prompt formulation, resulting in more accu-
rate AI reports. Additionally, the human evaluation of
this study does not take wrongly classified statements
to the SOEP categories into account, which could be
adopted in future work. Finally, the use of abbrevia-
tions in generated reports could be further explored,
since this was taken out of the equation for this study.
Our thanks go to the medical staff who helped us with
the pre-study. In addition, the icons of
enabled us to create Figure 1. Finally, many thanks go
to Bakkenist for the support of this research project.
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