Your Robot Might Be Inadvertently or Deliberately Spying on You:
A Critical Analysis of Privacy Practices in the Robotics Industry
Farida Eleshin
, Patrick Iradukunda, David Ishimwe Ruberamitwe and Eric Ishimwe
College of Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Kigali, Rwanda
Privacy, Externality, Robot, Consent, Choice.
In 2022, there were approximately 4.8 million operational robots, with 3.6 million of them serving industrial
purposes and another 1.2 million dedicated to various service applications (Statistics, 2022). Robots, irrespec-
tive of their intended function, act as a kind of ‘third eye’ in the realm of activities. As we witness the growing
capabilities of robotics, concerns about privacy implications in these domains are becoming increasingly com-
mon (Ryan, 2020). One notable aspect of these concerns is the profound impact of robots on surveillance.
Their ability to directly observe and record information magnifies their potential for data collection. This
paper delves into the externalities stemming from the use of data gathered by robots. It also investigates the
themes of consent and choice in the context of data acquisition by robotics. Moreover, we explore privacy
policies, protocols, and regulations applicable to robots and how robot companies comply with them. Surpris-
ingly, our research unveiled the fact that not all companies seek explicit consent from their users to collect their
personal information. This raises the unsettling possibility that your robot might be inadvertently or deliber-
ately spying on you. In some cases, companies even go as far as selling user data to third parties, including
data brokers.
There are 4.8 million operational robots, with 3.6 mil-
lion robots used in industry and 1.2 million robots for
services in 2022 (Statistics, 2022). The International
Federation of Robotics, IFR, categorizes robots into
two based on their functionalities. Service and Indus-
trial Robots. According to them and based on the
International Organization for Standardization defi-
nition, the industrial robot is an “automatically con-
trolled, reprogrammable, multipurpose manipulator
programmable in three or more axes (Ifr, 2022a)” and
the service robot is one “that performs useful tasks for
humans or equipment excluding industrial automation
applications (Ifr, 2022b).
These functionalities categorize the majority of
robots used in companies and homes based on sec-
tors and industries. Among the industrial robots are
Data Acquisition Robots, Mobile Robotic Systems,
and Manipulation robots (, 2013). Ma-
nipulation robots perform functions such as weld-
ing material handling and material removing appli-
cations. Mobile Robotic Systems move items from
one place to another, and Data Acquisition robots
gather, process, and transmit information and signals
(, 2013). Service robots comprise house-
hold robots such as cleaning robots like Roomba,
cooking robots, robotic lawnmowers, and robot pets
such as Aibo - a robotic puppy.
This increasing variety of robots has seen their use
in certain otherwise impossible sectors. For example,
robots have been widely adopted in the health sec-
tor in facilitating and assisting in minimally invasive
surgeries (H.-yin Yu and Hu, 2012). Nursing robots
autonomously monitor patients’ vitals, UV disinfec-
tion robots for sanitizing and disinfecting, robots for
emotional support, robots for diagnosing patient con-
ditions, etc(Banks, 2022).
Furthermore, at home, a robot is like the third eye
to activities regardless of its function. Households are
likely to own many more robots with varying func-
tionality to help with the owner’s behavior, reduc-
ing the burden of household chores and helping with
other daily activities (T. Denning and Kohno, 2009).
Law enforcement agencies rely on robotic technology
to monitor foreign and domestic populations (Ryan,
2020). Robots also provide private agencies with
tools for observation in security, voyeurism, and mar-
keting (Ryan, 2020). The number of robots used in
Eleshin, F., Iradukunda, P., Ruberamitwe, D. and Ishimwe, E.
Your Robot Might Be Inadvertently or Deliberately Spying on You: A Critical Analysis of Privacy Practices in the Robotics Industry.
DOI: 10.5220/0012422200003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 219-225
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
industries is expected to skyrocket as they are used in
company automation processes (Mikolajczyk, 2022).
However, it is not uncommon to imagine the pri-
vacy implications of robots in these spaces (Ryan,
2020) because of the increasing power of robotics
observations. Robots facilitate direct surveillance,
which magnifies their ability to observe (Ryan, 2020).
They aid in the data acquisition of users’ health and
home information. They facilitate conversations with
their owners, gathering millions of useful and private
information. One may wonder what will happen if
hospital data acquisition robots are hacked. What
happens to the information of patients on them? Is
that data protected in any way? Do robot manufactur-
ing companies have access to that data, and what do
they do with them? Is there any consent sought from
robot users on the data acquired from them?
The sensory ability of robots raises certain con-
cerns about the information they record. It is still
vague whether robots record information more than is
necessary for functionality, record more information
than the owner has consented to, or record informa-
tion in locations where they have not been consented
(Kaminski, 2019). This raises the concern of robot
autonomy if these machines act independently and ac-
cess private information otherwise inaccessible.
In addition, robotics introduces many security and
privacy concerns to which people react differently.
Studies have proved that people are hardwired to re-
act differently to anthropomorphic technologies such
as robots (Lutz and Tam
o-Larrieux, 2021). It has also
been proved that adults behave differently near robots
and tend to enhance their privacy in the presence of
robots (K. Caine and Carter, 2012). On the contrary,
the rate of robot usage is increasing every day, mak-
ing us wonder if adults probe or notice the change in
their behaviors, as stated in some studies.
A further clarification indicates that the reason
behind such changing behavior is their inability to
accurately tell what information these robots col-
lect, who the data is transferred to, and how it is
processed (Postnikoff, 2022). This paper examines
the externalities of using data collected by robots.
It also studies consent and choice in data acquisi-
tion in robotics and research on some privacy mea-
sures/protocols/regulations for robots and how robot
companies comply with them.
This section talks about how consent and choice are
taken in data acquisition in robotics and related stud-
ies done on it. It also talks about some externalities in
using data acquired by robots. It answers the ques-
tions of third-party usage of robotic data and con-
sumers explicitly giving their consent to companies
to take their information.
2.1 Consent and Choice in Robotics
Robots are programmed to sense, process, and record
the world around them.They have access to locations
and areas that humans cannot, and they can take in-
formation that humans may not be aware of (Ryan,
2020). With a robot’s ability to sense, record, and
speak in certain cases, it surveys every location it has
visited. This poses a threatening privacy invasion for
home robotics as robots access certain parts of the
home that humans may have never accessed, thereby
recording all the information of the house.
Robots might have first been allowed in homes as
toys. Kid toys with the ability to speak, and Pleo,
the robotic dinosaur, uses its speech recognition to
adapt to its owner’s behavior and do household chores
(Kaminski, 2019). With all these, one may wonder
what happens to all the data collected by these robots
used daily, both in our industries and at home. One
may also wonder if purchasing a robot automatically
gives consent to these robots and their companies to
record buyers’ data. It is still unclear whether grant-
ing an entity such as a robot access into your private
space automatically grants its permission to record in-
formation about that space (Kaminski, 2019).
The European Union’s General Data Protection
Regulation privacy (GDPR) and security law limits
firms and regulates how companies can collect, store,
use, share, and even access personal data. Compa-
nies protected by the GDPR seek consent from their
consumers and are limited to the use of personal data
from consumers (Wu, 2021). They are compelled
to notify their consumers of their usage by explicitly
stating it in their privacy policies and through pop no-
tifications on their mobile apps.
Companies that do not follow the GDPR seek con-
sent from their privacy policy. Therefore, privacy
policies must be clearly defined to include what in-
formation a robot can process and forward to their
company. Some companies make decisions on what
should be included in their privacy policies and how
to present them to their potential users and consumers.
They do so with robust legal language making it
hard for users to comprehend. Others present simple,
easily-comprehensible bullet points informing users
of the privacy protection level and data governance
policy offered. It may be reflected in a company’s
culture, the clarity and increased level of choice they
give to consumers over the control of their data and
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
its usage (Chatzimichali A, 2021). Such data protec-
tion and usage clarity could inform our choices when
purchasing home robots.
Research shows that robot companies use inter-
faces to disclose information about their data collec-
tion and processing mechanisms (Culnan and Mil-
berg, 1998). This put trust in the product, and
users were more willing to release private information
about themselves (Culnan and Milberg, 1998). Other
researchers also conclude that disclosing the informa-
tion handling practices of a company reduces privacy
A study by Stedenberg et al. (Calo, 2020) shows
that data may be acquired from robot consumers with-
out their consent. In their study on an autistic child
whose parents purchased a robot to aid the child in
learning social cues at home, it was later discovered
that the robot stored videos and audio interaction of
the child and friends in a cloud server that the parents
could not access (Calo, 2020).
Another scenario is of a now 30-year-old disabil-
ity patient whose parents bought a learning robot to
help in learning and improve his speech but discon-
tinued using the robot after three years. The data and
records of the child persist with the robot manufac-
turer which has been acquired by a larger corpora-
tion. The data of this person has now been merged
with a larger dataset of others to be used by the com-
pany. In this case, the owners of the information were
not notified nor given a choice to allow these com-
panies to use their information, which is a breach of
their informational privacy and may cause subjective
harm [ (E. Sedenberg and Mulligan, 2016)] to them
because of the extended timescale in the use of their
data (Calo, 2020; E. Sedenberg and Mulligan, 2016).
2.2 Externality in the Use of Robotics
In the case of the now 30-year-old who has persis-
tent data with a now-acquired robot manufacturer, the
externality is that the data is used building new pre-
dictive algorithms for the development of new robot
products, which was not the intended purpose of us-
ing the robot.
Calo claims that home robots present a novel op-
portunity for the government, private agencies, and
hackers to access information about private spaces in
people’s living spaces (Ryan, 2020). Their suscepti-
bility to attacks gives hackers access to data to be used
for other unintended purposes (Ryan, 2020).
Robot shopping assistants, used in Japan for me-
diating commercial transactions, collect consumer in-
formation and are later used in profiling. These robot
shopping assistants are meant to approach customers
and guide them toward a product. However, unlike
human clerks, they record and process every aspect
of the transaction, including capturing the images of
these consumers (Ryan, 2020), which are later pro-
cessed with face recognition for easy re-identification
and later used for market research.
Private institutions such as robot manufacturers,
government agencies, and third parties such as data
brokers pose a social threat by processing this in-
formation, leading to individual profiling (Lutz and
o-Larrieux, 2021) through data aggregation. An
example of this is in the case of an old woman who
purchased a robot to assist in her daily memory task
to slow down the progression of her memory loss dis-
ease. Because she is using the robot at home without
the supervision of her doctors, she is not protected by
the US federal government privacy laws, and her med-
ical information is subsequently sold to data brokers
(Calo, 2020).
One of the most controversial uses of AI data,
such as data from surveillance robots, is by the mili-
tary for performing missions such as reconnaissance
and assassinations (Ishii, 2017). The Office of the
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology,
and Logistics published in a research paper in 2016
that robots act as autonomous weapons for selecting
and engaging targets which speed decision-making
and rapidly increase the autonomy of this transition
into warfighting capabilities in the advantage of the
US (of Defense, 2022).
Home robots, for example, Roomba, map every
detail in your house. It knows what furniture you
have and the size of all the rooms in your house. It
knows what you keep in each room measured by the
things it hits in your room. This data could help these
companies to deduce your income level, and you will
subsequently see ads for items you do not have or that
the robot thinks you need. This occurrence signifies
that data is shared with third parties. However, com-
panies claim that the information is shared with third
parties with users’ consent which is mostly sought
from privacy policies that most people do not even
read (Privacy-Not-Included, 2022).
This paper analyzes the privacy policies of 20
US robotics companies to determine what data is
collected from users, how consent is taken from
users, the externalities in the data collected, and the
rules/regulations governing these companies in data
Your Robot Might Be Inadvertently or Deliberately Spying on You: A Critical Analysis of Privacy Practices in the Robotics Industry
The companies were selected on the basis of the
functionality of the robots they manufactured. For
example, general industrial robots, healthcare robots,
garbage sorting robots, vacuum cleaning robots, ther-
apeutic robots, etc. collectively classified under in-
dustrial or service robots. Of the 20 companies we
analyzed, 11 were industrial robot manufacturers and
8 were service robot manufacturers. Only one com-
pany produced industrial and service robots, as seen
in the pie chart below.
Figure 1: Categorisation of companies.
For every company, we answered the following
questions to understand how the companies made
those decisions.
Do they seek consent from users?
Do they share information with third parties?
If they do, how do they do it? Do they notify their
users in their privacy policies?
What rules and regulations for data protection do
they use? For example, the EU GDPR, etc. Do
they explicitly state their compliance?
What information do they collect? Location,
house size, etc.
Is there anything odd you noticed we should add?
Do they have different privacy policies for their
These questions will help us understand what data
our friendly home robots and company robots collect,
whether it can be traced back to us, used against us,
used for re-identification, or used for purposes other
than intended, and to know if they sought our permis-
sion. The results will be presented on the basis of
their consent and notice to customers, sharing of data
to third parties, and their compliance with rules and
regulations surrounding data protection
This section examines the outcomes of the analysis
conducted on individual companies, focusing on their
practices regarding seeking consent for data collec-
tion, sharing data with third parties, and compliance
with rules and regulations.
Initially, it was observed that certain companies
lacked privacy policies on their websites, and insuffi-
cient information was available regarding their acqui-
sition. Consequently, the total number of companies
considered in terms of privacy policies was reduced to
17, as three companies did not provide access to their
privacy policies on their websites, as illustrated in the
accompanying pie chart.
Figure 2: Availability of privacy policies.
For companies that have privacy policies, 13 com-
panies do not have different privacy policies for each
of their products. However, 4 out of 17 compa-
nies have a specific privacy policy for their individual
robot products, as seen in Fig 3 below.
Figure 3: Companies with different privacy policies for
their products.
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
4.1 Consent in Data Collection
For most companies, you consent to their data collec-
tion policies by visiting their website or buying their
products. Some companies explicitly state them in
their privacy policies while others do not. As in Fig
4 below, it can be seen that 16 companies explicitly
take consent from users while one company does not.
Figure 4: Consent from users.
Some companies that explicitly take consent from
their users give them the right to withdraw their con-
sent and the right to delete their information acquired
by the company. 70% of these companies do not pro-
vide users the right to withdraw their consent, and
80% of these companies do not state in their privacy
policies that users can ask for the deletion of their in-
formation, as seen in the figures below.
Figure 5: Withdrawal of consent.
4.2 Third-Party Sharing of Data
Robot companies collect numerous data depending on
the functionality of the robots. From Fig 7 below, you
can see that most of the robotic companies take the
name, location, distance covered, address, and IP ad-
dress of the users of robots. On the other hand, only
Figure 6: Right to deletion.
a few companies take the signal strength for WiFis
and emails. Some companies further take the role of
users, their industry of work, and financial informa-
tion, as seen in Fig 7 below.
Figure 7: Information taken by robots.
Third-party sharing of data is rampant in the
robotics industry as three-fourths (75%) of the com-
panies share data with third-parties, as seen below.
The subdivision of third parties these companies
share data with shows that almost all the companies
that share data with third-parties do so for analytic
purposes, share them with their affiliates, or brokers
as can be seen below.
4.3 Rules/ Regulations for AI Data
15% of these companies explicitly stated that they
comply with data protection regulations, including
COPA, CCPA, GDPR, and CoPPA. Surprisingly, 55%
of these companies do not state the data protection
laws they comply with, as seen below.
This analysis of robotic companies’ privacy poli-
Your Robot Might Be Inadvertently or Deliberately Spying on You: A Critical Analysis of Privacy Practices in the Robotics Industry
Figure 8: Companies that share data with third-party.
Figure 9: Categories of third-party data sharing purpose.
Figure 10: Company compliance with regulations.
cies shows that some companies don’t have privacy
policies, which raises questions concerning user un-
derstanding and openness. A few companies have
product-specific privacy policies, showing that they
recognize the need for tailored data protection strate-
While most companies explicitly seek consent for
data collection, the way users can withdraw consent
or delete their data varies, suggesting that users have
different levels of control over their information.
The common practice of disclosing user data to
other parties, mostly for analytical purposes, empha-
sizes how crucial it is to comprehend the particular
kinds of information that are shared. Robots gather
a wide range of data, from industry-specific informa-
tion to personal details, thus possible privacy issues
must be carefully considered.
Also, a significant number of companies do not
explicitly state the data protection regulations they
comply with, raising questions about the industry’s
adherence to legal frameworks. The fact that only a
few companies comply with specific regulations sug-
gests that standardized practices are needed to ensure
strong data protection across the robotics industry.
In conclusion, this analysis of the privacy practices of
robotic companies illuminates critical facets of data
protection within the industry. The absence of univer-
sally accessible privacy policies and the existence of
product-specific variations underscore the importance
of standardizing transparency practices to empower
users with informed choices.
The findings surrounding user consent reveal both
positive aspects, with the majority seeking explicit
consent, and areas for improvement, such as the lim-
ited provision for withdrawal and deletion. As tech-
nology advances, ensuring users have robust con-
trol over their data becomes increasingly paramount.
Users should be aware of the risks associated with us-
ing robotic products and services. They should care-
fully review the privacy policies of robotic compa-
nies before using their products or services, and they
should only share data that they are comfortable with
being shared.
The prevalence of third-party data sharing for ana-
lytical purposes demands a closer examination of the
categories of shared information. The extensive range
of data collected by robots, coupled with the observed
data-sharing practices, necessitates a balance between
innovation and safeguarding user privacy. Robotic
companies should take steps to be more transparent
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
about their data collection and sharing practices. They
should also take steps to better protect user data. This
may include developing privacy-enhancing technolo-
gies, such as differential privacy and federated learn-
Furthermore, the revelation that a considerable
percentage of companies do not explicitly cite the
data protection regulations they comply with raises
broader questions about industry-wide commitment
to legal frameworks. As regulatory landscapes evolve,
a collective effort is essential to align practices with
established standards, fostering a trustworthy and ac-
countable robotics ecosystem.
In moving forward, stakeholders, including com-
panies, policymakers, and users, must collaborate to
establish comprehensive and standardized guidelines.
These guidelines should prioritize transparency, user
consent, and adherence to data protection regulations,
ensuring the responsible and ethical evolution of the
robotics industry. Only through collective efforts can
we foster an environment where innovation harmo-
nizes with privacy, propelling the field toward a fu-
ture that prioritizes both technological advancement
and user trust.
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Names of Companies we studied
AMP robotics
Boston Dynamics
Honeybee Robotics
Barrett Technology
Tempo Automation
Your Robot Might Be Inadvertently or Deliberately Spying on You: A Critical Analysis of Privacy Practices in the Robotics Industry