Comparing the Effectivity of Planned Cyber Defense Controls in
Order to Support the Selection Process
Paul Tavolato
, Robert Luh
, Sebastian Eresheim
, Simon Gmeiner
and Sebastian Schrittwieser
Faculty of Computer Science, Research Group Security and Privacy, University of Vienna, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Department of Computer Science, UAS St. Pölten, A-3100 St. Pölten, Austria
Keywords: Security Management, Cyber Defense Measures, Security Control Assessment.
Abstract: Being able to compare the effectiveness of security controls on a sound quantitative basis would be of great
benefit when it comes to decide which security controls should be implemented under given budget
restrictions. This paper introduces a method for such comparisons based on a list of preventive defense
actions and a list of attack actions, where the attack actions are supplemented by basic success probabilities;
furthermore, a matrix showing the impact of the preventive defense actions on the success probabilities of
attack actions is developed. Site specific characteristics are taken into account by the use of weights which
must be defined by the security manager. Equipped with these tools a measure for the effectiveness of
individual defense controls can be calculated. Comparing the measures provides valuable decision support
in selecting defense controls to be implemented. A main focus lies on the easy applicability of the method
to real-world situations. This is accomplished by incorporating information from several proven tactical and
technical knowledge bases well established in the field.
Every organization nowadays, may it be a small-
scale business, a public service provider, or a
multinational corporation, is confronted with an ever
growing number of cyber-attacks. Hence, the
implementation of an adequate cyber security
management system is indispensable. The most
widely accepted standards in this realm are the
ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information security,
cybersecurity and privacy protection (ISO/IEC,
2022) and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework
(NIST, 2023). According to the ISO terms and
definitions (ISO) cyber security is defined as the
protection of an IT-system from the attack or
damage to its hardware, software or information, as
well as from disruption or misdirection of the
services it provides. And Security management as
the process for design and monitoring of security
policies, analysis, reporting and improvement of
security. And finally Information security
management as managing the preservation of
confidentiality, integrity and availability of
information. It is part of the risk management of an
enterprise and comprises:
the identification of an organization's assets
(including people, buildings, machines, systems and
information assets) the development, documentation
implementation of policies and procedures for
protecting assets.
In (Gold, 2004) we find a more detailed
definition of Information Security Management as a
multidisciplinary area of study and professional
activity which is concerned with the development
and implementation of security mechanisms of all
available types (technical, organizational, human-
oriented and legal) in order to keep information in
all its locations (within and outside the
organization's perimeter) and, consequently,
information systems, where information is created,
processed, stored, transmitted and destroyed, free
from threats.
Information security management consists of the
following main steps (Danzig, 1995):
1. Identifying information assets
2. Identifying potential threats, vulnerabilities,
and impacts
3. Evaluating the risks
4. Deciding how to address or treat the risks, i.e.,
to avoid, mitigate, share, or accept them
5. Selecting appropriate security controls
Tavolato, P., Luh, R., Eresheim, S., Gmeiner, S. and Schrittwieser, S.
Comparing the Effectivity of Planned Cyber Defense Controls in Order to Support the Selection Process.
DOI: 10.5220/0012421800003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 211-218
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
6. Implementing the selected security controls
7. Monitoring the activities and making
adjustments as necessary to address any issues,
changes, or improvement opportunities
This paper focuses on step 5: the selection of
appropriate security controls. As there are many
possibly valuable security controls and their imple-
mentation is usually associated with considerable
costs, security managers face the challenge of
selecting the most effective controls under given
budget restrictions. This requires a quantitative
assessment of the effectiveness of individual
security controls to provide a reliable basis for
decision-making. Such a basis is necessary to select
reasonable and effective security controls to be
implemented (McCabe, 2007). This paper proposes
such an assessment method based on information
available from known and accepted sources of
information security. To this end it breaks down
security controls to elementary actions called
defense actions and threats to attack actions. The
main constituents of this method are:
A list of defense actions
A list of attack actions together with a success
probability of each action
An impact matrix describing the impact of an
implemented defense action on the success
probability of affected attack actions
An overall measure to compare the influence of
various defense actions on the collected
success probabilities of the attack actions
within the given environment of the system to
be defended.
In order to be applicable in practice, the lists of
defense actions and attack actions must be close to
situations in practice. This is accomplished by taking
information from several proven data sources such
as STIX – Structured Threat Information eXpression
language (MITRE Corporation, D), the APT kill
chain by Hutchinson (Hutchins, Cloppert, & Amin,
2011), the CAPEC attack patterns – Common Attack
Pattern Enumeration and Classification (MITRE
Corporation, A), the MITRE ATT&CK
Adversarial Tactics, Techniques & Common
Knowledge – attack and mitigation patterns (MITRE
Corporation, B), the NIST SP 800-53
Countermeasures (Joint Task Force Transformation
Initiative, 2015), and MITRE D3FEND (MITRE
Corporation, C). The starting point of the defense
and attack action lists is an adversarial cyber
security game for threat assessment called PenQuest
(Luh, Temper, Tjoa, Schrittwieser, & Janicke,
2019). In this role-playing game two players, the
attacker and the defender, fight against each other in
order to achieve their respective goal: The attacker
has a predefined goal (violating one part of the CIA
triangle) and the defender has a given infrastructure
he wants to defend against attacks. The game is
characterized by its high degree of practical
relevance, mimicking real-life situations in cyber
security as close as possible. The defense actions are
attributed with success probabilities, which are
based on published statistical data provided by the
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
(CISA, 2022).
The impact matrix, where the rows are the
defense actions and the columns are the attack
actions, defines for each defense action the amount
of decrement of the success probability of the attack
actions, if the defense action is implemented. The
success probabilities of attack actions, which are not
affected by the defense action under consideration
remain unchanged.
The overall security measure of the system is
defined as a weighted mean of all success
probabilities. The weights must be provided by the
security manager of the system – they reflect the site
specific characteristics of the system. For example:
if a system does not provide features to connect to
the system by mobile devices, the weights for attack
actions that aim at compromising mobile devices can
be set to zero. This means that such attack actions
will not have any influence on the overall measure.
Section 2 discusses related work, section 3
discusses the defense actions, section 4 the attack
actions and in section 5 we describe the relationship
between defense and attack actions, that is the
influence that a defense action has on the success
probabilities of attack actions, and the overall
measure characterizing the effectivity of a defense
measure. The last section summaries the assessment
method and gives an outlook on future work.
There is some work on the assessment of security
controls but most of the papers deal with
procedures to assess them after they have been
implemented. These papers need not be considered,
because the aim of this paper is the evaluation of the
effectivity of security controls in the process of
selecting appropriate controls, which happens before
their implementation.
In (Johnson, 2020) the process of selecting
security controls is subdivided into two separate
procedures: first the selection of the baseline
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
security controls, which according to the risk
analysis are indispensable, and second the selection
of additional security controls. With respect to those
additional controls he states that data from threat
analysis …may affect organizational decisions
regarding the selection of additional security
controls, including the associated costs and
benefits. But he does not give any advice on how
this could be carried out.
Some research focusses on the decision process
of selecting security controls like (Al-Safwani,
Hassan, Katuk, 2014), (Al-Safwani, Fazea, Ibrahim
(2018), (Otero, Tejay, Otero, & Ruiz-Torres, 2012)
or others, but they lack either a detailed
classification of defense and attack actions or they
do not specify the origin of the data used.
The problem of collecting lists of attack actions
is mostly described in the realm of threat modeling.
Some valuable information can be found in the
following papers apart from the institutional
sources already mentioned in the introduction:
(Shostack, 2014), (Sidersky & Snyder, 20104),
(Tarandach & Coles, 2020).
The relationship between attack and defense
actions can be found in some institutional sources,
for example in (CISA 2022). The mutual
interdependence of defense and attack actions is
incorporated in an extension of the well-known
attack trees, the so-called attack-defense-trees
(Kordy, Mauw, Radomorivic & Schweitzer 2014);
some work on attack-defense-trees is concerned
with quantitative evaluations (Aslanyan, Nielson, &
Parker, 2016) and (Buldas, Gadyatskaya, Lenin,
Mauw & Trujillo-Rasua 2020). Again, the source of
the quantitative data the evaluation is based upon
relies on subjective judgement and qualitative
approaches only.
As mentioned in the introduction a list of defense
actions must be compiled that mirrors common
cyber security practices. The basis for this list are
known sources that contain established security
controls that have stood the test in the field, mainly
the MITRE D3FEND (MITRE Corporation, C) and
the NIST SP 800-53 Countermeasures (Joint Task
Force Transformation Initiative, 2015). There is
quite a number of problems when attempting to
compile such a list: there is no general standard of
nomenclature and the delimitation of the defense
actions from each other is not trivial as they might
be on different abstraction levels.
The whole list compiled for this project contains
115 different defense actions which for reasons of
clarity have been split into three categories:
1. Prevention actions
2. Detection actions
3. Response actions
Prevention actions are actions that are
implemented to harden the system against attacks in
general, to set up barriers in order to impede attack
actions and to make the attacker’s life harder (and
more cost prohibitive). Examples of prevention
actions are either of technical nature (e.g. encrypting
data, establishing one-time passwords, validating
input and so on) or they are of organizational nature
(e.g. awareness trainings or incidence response
trainings). The list contains 44 different prevention
Detection actions are provided for detecting an
attack. Examples of detection actions are analyzing
traffic profiles, detecting remote terminals,
analyzing resource use and the like. The delimitation
between prevention and detection actions is
sometimes blurry. The guiding rule was that a
detection action always detects or reports an ongoing
attack, while a prevention action generally tries to
impede an attack or to even render it impossible.
The list contains 48 different detection actions.
Response actions are defined as actions that
mitigate the damage of an attack that already took
place and was at least partially successful. Examples
are disabling an account, blacklisting an address or a
file or even shutting down the system. The list
contains 23 response actions.
This paper is about the assessment of preventive
actions only; detection actions and response actions
will be dealt with in the future. The main goal is to
evaluate the effectivity of each prevention action and
hence provide a valuable decision basis for selecting
security controls under given budget restrictions. A
list of the 44 prevention actions can be found in the
In order to evaluate the impacts a prevention action
has on the success probability of various attack
actions, a list of attack actions together with a
baseline of success probabilities is necessary. Again
we use known and field-proven sources to construct
the list, namely: the MITRE ATT&CK
Adversarial Tactics, Techniques & Common
Knowledge (MITRE Corporation, B), the STIX –
Comparing the Effectivity of Planned Cyber Defense Controls in Order to Support the Selection Process
Structured Threat Information eXpression language)
(MITRE Corporation, D), the APT kill chain by
Hutchinson (Hutchins, Cloppert, & Amin, 2011),
and the CAPEC Common Attack Pattern
Enumeration and Classification attack patterns
(MITRE Corporation, A).
For the sake of having a more structured list we
classify the actions into three categories:
1. Reconnaissance actions
2. Actions for initial access
3. Execution actions
Reconnaissance actions are aimed at gathering
information about the victim’s system; they may be
of technical or social engineering nature
sometimes there is no clear distinction. Examples for
more technical actions are vulnerability scans or
searching the victim’s website; actions from the
realm of social engineering are pharming or
phishing. There are 15 reconnaissance actions in the
Actions for initial access are intended to get
access to the victim’s system via different means, for
example by brute forcing a password, exploiting a
vulnerability or maliciously manipulating inputs.
There are 30 such actions in the list.
The largest group are actions for executing some
payload on the victim’s system, altogether 102
actions. They span a wide range of adversary
activities including for example code injections,
keylogging, stealing stored credentials, encrypting or
destroying data, downloading malicious files,
tracking mobile phone locations or many more.
The restriction to three categories is opposed to
the CISA definition, which uses 11 groups (Initial
Access, Execution, Persistence, Privilege Escalation,
Defense Evasion, Credential Access, Discovery,
Lateral Movement. Collection, Command and
Control, Exfiltration); such a distribution on 11
groups, however, leads to the disadvantage of
attributions of an action to multiple groups. A list of
the 147 attack actions can be found in the appendix.
Another important information needed for the
intended purpose is a baseline success probability of
each attack action. For this reliable data is not easily
available. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
Security Agency (CISA) issues a yearly report on
“Risk and Vulnerability Assessments Results”
(CISA 2022) which contains statistical data gathered
from Risk and Vulnerability Assessments (RVA).
Upon request, CISA identifies vulnerabilities that
adversaries could potentially exploit to compromise
security controls. CISA collects data in an on-site
assessment and combines it with national threat
information to provide customers with a tailored risk
analysis report. The information gathered at these
assessments is mapped to the MITRE ATT&CK
Corporation, B) and for each technique a percentage
is calculated representing the success rate for that
technique across all RVA assessments of a year. In
2022 the data is based on 121 RVAs. We used this
information as a starting point and complemented it
accordingly where necessary.
In order to assess the effectivity of a defense action
another information is important: The impact of an
implemented defense action on the success
probability of an attack action. First, a decision has
to be made, which attack action is influenced by a
specific defense action. This information is available
from the sources mentioned before, especially in
CISA (2022) and also in (MITRE Corporation, B).
In cases of doubt we decided in favor of an
influence. As an example lets look at the attack
action “Spearfishing”: the following defense actions
have a mitigating impact for this attack action:
“Train Security Awareness”, “Create Decoy
Account” and “Validate Input”. Another example:
on the attack action “Keylogging”, the following
defense actions have a mitigating effect: “Encrypt
Transmission”, “Authenticate Messenger”, “Check
Driver Integrity”, “Check Platform Integrity”,
“Check File Integrity”, “Restrict Software Usage”,
“Limit Resource Utilization” and “Validate Input”.
The impact an implemented defense action has
on the success probability of an attack action is
organized in the following groups:
1. Full annulation: the success probability of the
attack action is reduced to 0.
2. Nearly full annulation: the success probability
of the attack action is reduced to 10% of the
baseline value.
3. Medium impact: the success probability of the
attack action is reduced to 50% of the baseline
4. Small impact: the success probability of the
attack action is reduced to 80 of the baseline
5. No impact: the success probability remains
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Reductions of success probabilities may add up:
a second or third defense action aiming at the same
attack action reduces the attack action’s success
probability even more. Of course, probabilities
cannot have a value below 0.
For the afore mentioned examples we define the
following impacts:
Table 1: Example of impact matrix.
Spearfishing Keylogging
Train Security
medium no impact
Create Decoy
small no impact
Validate Input small no impact
no impact
no impact
nearly full
Check Driver
no impact medium
Check Platform
no impact medium
Check File
no impact small
Restrict Software
no impact small
Limit Resource
no impact small
Validate Input no impact small
With the help of this matrix the effectiveness of
a specific defense action or a set of defense actions
can easily be calculated: it is represented by the
overall reduction in the success probabilities of
affected attack actions. Site specific features are
incorporated into the method by means of a
weighting of the attack actions. For each attack
action the security manager of the system under
consideration must decide on the relevance of each
attack action within the environment under
consideration. This information should be right at
hand from the first three steps of information
security management as defined in (Danzig 1995)
and mentioned in the introduction: identifying
assets, identifying potential threats, vulnerabilities,
and impacts and risk evaluation. The success
probabilities of the attack actions are multiplied by
these weights. Some attack actions may be irrelevant
in the environment under consideration and hence
the corresponding attack actions can be given a
weight of 0. Others might be of utter importance in
that environment leading to a larger weight. Weight
values are limited to the interval [0,2], meaning that
the maximum weight doubles the importance of the
attack action, while a value of 0 nullifies the action.
To compute the overall measure S the success
probabilities of the attack actions are multiplied by
the weights and the mean value of all weighted
probabilities is calculated. Mind, that this is no more
a probability as S might be larger than 1.
To compare the effectiveness of two defense
actions (or sets of defense actions) d1 and d2, apply
the row corresponding to d1 of the impact matrix to
the success probabilities of all attack actions, which
changes some of the probabilities; then compute S
Do the same for d2 giving S
. Comparing S
to S
shows whether d1 or d2 has a more effective
influence in the given environment: if S
< S
d1 must be preferred to d2 as it implies a lower
overall risk.
The goal of this proposal is to provide viable and
realistic decision support for security managers
facing the problem of assessing the effectiveness of
specific defense controls (or sets thereof) before
their implementation. Restricted budgets make such
an assessment indispensable when trying to optimize
expenditures. The method proposed here consists of
the following steps (see Figure 1):
1. Make up site specific weights for all attack
actions reflecting the importance of each attack
action in the context of the system under
consideration. This information should be
available from the results of the risk analysis so
2. Choose some defense actions for comparison.
3. For each defense action calculate the values for
all attack actions by multiplying the attack
actions’ success probabilities with the weights
and compute the mean of these values. This
gives the effectivity value of he defense action.
4. Compare the defense actions by these mean
values: the lower the value, the more effective
is the defense action.
With the suggested process security managers can
compare the effectiveness of specific security
controls. The key ingredients are the list of
preventive defense actions and the list of attack
actions. The attack actions are attributed with
Comparing the Effectivity of Planned Cyber Defense Controls in Order to Support the Selection Process
success probabilities; finally there is a matrix
relating the defense actions to the attack actions
containing the impact of a specific defense action on
the success probabilities of those attack actions
affected by the defense action in question. The
amount of reduction of success probabilities of a
defense action signifies its effectiveness. Thus,
different defense controls can be compared with
respect to their effectiveness in tackling cyber-
attacks in a given environment. Under given budget
restrictions such assessment constitutes a valuable
decision support for security managers.
Figure 1: Method overview.
The main contributions of this paper are:
A practical method to compare planned defense
controls with respect to their effectiveness
A consolidated list of preventive defense
A consolidated list of attack actions together
with a success probability for each action
An impact matrix defining the amount of
impact of a defense action on the relevant
attack actions
Integrating site-specific information into the
method by means of a weighting of the attack
Future work will include fine-tuning the action
lists: the prevention defense actions as well as the
attack actions. The list of prevention actions is rather
complete, but may need adjustment with respect to
the abstraction level of some actions; furthermore,
the definitions of each action may be improved to
exclude misinterpretation. The list of attack actions
so far only includes actions directly aimed at doing
harm to the victim. The list could be augmented with
so-called support actions; by support actions we
mean actions that support the attacker’s strategy
without doing explicit harm to the victim system;
these are actions for hiding effects of the attack from
being detected by defense controls, such as
removing log entries, hiding files that were created
by the attack, suppressing execution warnings,
downloading additional code and the like.
Furthermore, the success probabilities of attack
actions can be updated when new information is
available. Another future work will be the
integration of detection and response actions into the
defense action list.
This research was funded in whole, or in part, by the
Austrian Science Fund (FWF) P 33656-N. For the
purpose of open access, the author has applied a CC
BY public copyright license to any Author Accepted
Manuscript version arising from this submission.
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List of Defense Actions – Prevention
Check Exception Handler Create Decoy Persona Separation of Duties Check File Integrity
Prevent Segment Execution Publish Decoy Information Least Privilege Authenticate Bootloader
Randomize Start Address Authenticate Transmission Limit Logon Attempts Least Functionality
Detect Segment Overwrite Encrypt Transmission Auto-Lock Session Limit Info Disclosure
Remove Unneeded Code Authenticate Messenger Require Re-Authentication Restrict Software Usage
Authenticate Pointer Reroute Broadcast Run Decoy Service Restrict Hardware Usage
Verify Server Identity Use Encrypted Tunnel Run Decoy System Restrict Software Install
Multi-Factor Authentication Encrypt Data Run Decoy Network Limit Resource Utilization
One-Time Password Dispose Data Place Decoy Session Token Validate Input
Remove User Permissions Check Driver Integrity Create Decoy Account Train Security Awareness
Restrict User Accounts Check Platform Integrity Place Decoy Data Train Security Response
List of Attack Actions – Reconnaissance
Hijack External Account Collect Org Information Collect Device Information Search Victim Website
Collect Net Information Buy Information Collect User Information Pharming
Vulnerability Scan Search Open Source Info Search Technical Info Pretexting
Discovery Scan Scan System Phishing
Comparing the Effectivity of Planned Cyber Defense Controls in Order to Support the Selection Process
List of Attack Actions – Initial Access
Drive-by Compromise Abuse Password Recovery Mobile: Attack via USB Hijack Connection
Remote Access Exploit Bug (Access) Mobile: Install Evil App Denial of Service
Misuse Remote Access App Brute Force Mobile: Abuse PC Link Append Malicious App
Remote Service Connect Use Hash Authentication Mobile: Abuse WiFi Append Malicious Doc
Abuse Auto-Installer Manipulate Shared File Mobile: Manipulate Settings Exploit Bug (Evasion)
Provide Malicious Update Install Hardware Mobile: Bypass Lockscreen Spearphishing
Manipulate Input Malicious USB Drive Network Denial of Service Request Screen Control
Impersonate Login Prompt Compromise Supply Chain
List of Attack Actions – Execution
Record Microphone Steal Stored Passwords Wipe Disk Mobile: Service Login
Read User Bookmarks Check Permissions Compromise Firmware Mobile: Root/Jailbreak
Install Browser Plugin Cloud: Steal Token Mobile: Steal Data Sniffing
Steal Clipboard Data Steal Cookie Android: Read Notification Man in the Middle
Manipulate System App Steal Authentication Ticket Mobile: Scan Apps Search Network Services
Manipulate Website Intercept OTP Android: Broadcasts Search Network Shares
Hijack App Execution Steal Unsecured Passwords Mobile: Steal SMS Read Net Configuration
Cloud: Add Container Destroy System Data Android: Billing Fraud Check Net Connections
Take Screenshot Destroy User Data Mobile: Lock Device Check App Windows
Buffer Overflow Encrypt System Data Mobile: Eavesdropping Cloud: Scan Infrastructure
Manipulate Pointer Encrypt User Data Mobile: Control SMS Cloud: Read Dashboard
Code Injection Manipulate System Data Android: Force Foreground Cloud: Search Service
Manipulate Server App Manipulate User Data Mobile: Activity Fraud Manipulate Boot Process
Manipulate System Service Steal Configuration Data Mobile: Fake Input Prompt Scan Registry
Record Webcam Steal Local Data Mobile: Jamming Hijack Resources
Abuse Windows Mgmt App Steal Network Share Data Mobile: Track Location Read System Info
Manipulate Domain Policy Steal Correspondence Android: Manipulate Cache Check System Services
Exploit Bug (Execution) Search Files Mobile: Manipulate Startup Shut Down
Exploit Bug (Elevation) Auto-Start Program Android: Run Native Code Manipulate App
Exploit Bug (Credentials) Auto-Start Script Mobile: Steal Cloud Backup Inter-Process Comm.
Lock Account Run Command Mobile: Remote Wipe Auto-Start Office File
Manipulate Account Run Triggered Command Mobile: Rogue Cell Tower Check Processes
Create Account Run Program Function Mobile: Rogue Access Point Process Injection
Steal Stored Credentials Schedule Task Mobile: Swap SIM Card Man in the Browser
Auto-Logon Stop Service Mobile: Read Device Info Request User Execution
Keylogging Load Evil Library
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy