Improvement of TransUNet Using Word Patches Created from Different
Ayato Takama
, Satoshi Kamiya
and Kazuhiro Hotta
Meijo University, 1-501 Shiogamaguchi, Tempaku-ku, Nagoya 468-8502, Japan
Semantic Segmentation, TransUNet, Mix Transformer, Word Patches.
UNet is widely used in medical image segmentation, but it cannot extract global information sufficiently. On
the other hand, TransUNet achieves better accuracy than conventional UNet by combining a CNN, which is
good at local features, and a Transformer, which is good at global features. In general, TransUNet requires a
large amount of training data, but there are constraints on training images in the medical area. In addition, the
encoder of TransUNet uses a pre-trained model on ImageNet consisted of natural images, but the difference
between medical images and natural images is a problem. In this paper, we propose a method to learn Word
Patches from other medical datasets and effectively utilize them for training TransUNet. Experiments on the
ACDC dataset containing 4 classes of 3D MRI images and the Synapse multi-organ segmentation dataset
containing 9 classes of CT images show that the proposed method improved the accuracy even with small
training data, and we showed that the performance of TransUNet is greatly improved by using Word Patches
created from different medical datasets.
UNet(Ronneberger et al., 2015) is the most com-
monly used model for medical image segmentation.
UNet based on CNN can extract local features, but it
cannot extract global information sufficiently. On the
other hand, TransUNet(Chen et al., 2021) combines a
CNN, which is good at extracting local features, and
a Transformer, which is good at extracting global fea-
tures, to enable segmentation while extracting more
global information than conventional UNets.
In general, Transformers(Vaswani et al., 2017)
have the problem of requiring a large number of train-
ing images. Since it is difficult to prepare a large num-
ber of training samples in the medical field, it is nec-
essary to achieve high accuracy with as few training
images as possible. The encoder in TransUNet uses
a pre-training model based on ImageNet, which con-
sists of natural images and has a large gap with medi-
cal images, and it may be unsuitable as a pre-training
Transformer was originally proposed in the field
of natural language processing. Unlike natural lan-
guage processing, the field of image recognition does
not have the concept of a word. Therefore, we should
create words from medical images and incorporate
them into the Transformer to achieve the potential
ability of the Transformer.
In this paper, we create Word Patches from a
different medical dataset from training images, and
the Word Patches are incorporated into TransUNet as
cross attention as shown in Figure 1. The information
in different medical images that could not be obtained
in the pre-training can be used in TransUNet.
Since the similarities between Word Patches and
the patterns appearing in the training image of the
problem to be solved can be used for learning and
classification, the accuracy of TransUNet is expected
to be improved even with a small number of training
We conducted the experiments on the Au-
tomatic Cardiac Diagnosis Challenge (ACDC)
dataset(Sakaridis et al., 2021) containing 4 classes
of 3D MRI images and the Synapse multi-organ
segmentation dataset containing 9 classes of CT
images of the lower abdomen. The proposed method
was compared to the conventional TransUNet method
in the case where only 10% of the training images
were used. We incorporated word patches created
from various datasets into TransUNet, and confirmed
that the proposed method improved the accuracy
Takama, A., Kamiya, S. and Hotta, K.
Improvement of TransUNet Using Word Patches Created from Different Dataset.
DOI: 10.5220/0012419900003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 378-385
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: Architecture of the proposed Method.
compared with the original TransUNet with fewer
training images.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
scribes related studies. Section 3 explains the pro-
posed method. Section 4 presents experimental re-
sults. Finally, Section 5 describes conclusion and fu-
ture works.
In recent years, many methods for improving the
Vision Transformer (ViT)(Dosovitskiy et al., 2020)
have been studied after the sucess of ViT in image
classification. For example, TrackFormer(Meinhardt
et al., 2022), MOTR(Zeng et al., 2022), and Trans-
MOT(Chu et al., 2021) for object tracking, and
DETR(Carion et al., 2020) for object detection, Seg-
Former(Xie et al., 2021), Swin Transformer(Liu et al.,
2021), MetaFormer(Yu et al., 2022), and TransUNet
are well-known for semantic segmentation.
Among them, TransUNet is an improvement of
UNet, the most well-known model for medical im-
age segmentation: the CNN-based UNet can extract
local features, but it does not sufficiently extract the
global information that is important for segmenta-
tion. Therefore, TransUNet combines a CNN, which
is good at extracting local features, and a Transformer,
which is good at extracting global information, mak-
ing it possible to perform segmentation while extract-
ing more global information than conventional UNets.
Figure 2 shows the architecture of TransUNet,
which is a model that incorporates ViT into the UNet
encoder. The encoder performs feature extraction us-
ing a CNN to extract local features. Then, the Trans-
former is used for feature extraction of global infor-
mation. At the decoder, up-sampling is performed as
in UNet. The final output is the segmentation result.
The feature maps at encoder are connected to the cor-
responding layer of the decoder by a skip-connection.
In general, Transformer has the problem of requir-
ing a large number of images for training. Since it is
difficult to prepare a large number of training sam-
ples in the medical field, it is necessary to achieve
high accuracy with as few training images as possi-
ble. The encoder of TransUNet uses a pre-training
model based on ImageNet, which is a natural image
and has a large gap with medical images. Therefore,
there is a problem that it may not be appropriate as a
pre-trained model.
In recent years, there has been a lot of methods
(Guibas et al., 2021; Sethi et al., 2021; Tan et al.,
2021) that improve token mixing, but there has been
no method focusing on the words. We consider that
words are important because original Transformer
was proposed in natural language processing and used
words effectively. Thus, we create Word Patches from
some datasets and use them for classification. If the
Improvement of TransUNet Using Word Patches Created from Different Dataset
Figure 2: Architecture of TransUNet.
proposed Visual Word Patches are used effectively,
we would use the potential performance of the Trans-
former, and the accuracy would be improved.
PatchCore(Roth et al., 2021) is a method used for
anomaly detection. First, we extract features from
image patches of only normal images. After that, a
memory bank is created by the following sampling
1. Randomly sample patch features from a dataset.
2. Select the feature vector that is farthest from the
rest of the feature vectors.
3. Among the distances to other feature vectors,
choose the shortest distance as the farthest feature
4. Repeat step (3) until the desired number of feature
vectors is reached.
By doing the above process, we can obtain patch fea-
tures that reflect the diversity within the dataset. As
a result, the number of patch features stored in the
memory bank can be reduced.
In this paper, we extract feature vectors from
the layer just before the final layer of a pre-trained
ResNet. Word Patches are created from all training
images in the dataset by using the above sampling
method. We used the Word Patches in TransUNet to
use the information of the other medical image dataset
In the proposed method, we aim to improve the accu-
racy of TransUNet by introducing Word Patches cre-
ated by PatchCore’s sampling method into the origi-
nal TransUNet. By incorporating Word Patches into
TransUNet as cross attention, we consider that the in-
formation of medical images, that could not be ob-
tained by pre-training with ImageNet, can be used in
For anomaly detection by PatchCore, feature
maps at the 2nd and 3rd blocks in ResNet are used.
However, since TransUNet’s encoder uses feature
maps at the layer just before the final layer of ResNet,
we create Word Patches using the feature vectors from
the same layer of ResNet by the sampling method in
Because TransUNet can learn and classify using
the similarities between training images and Word
Patches, we can use the information about what pat-
terns appear in each class and how similar they are
to each other. Thus, we expected to improve the
segmentation accuracy even with a small number of
training images.
Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of the pro-
posed method. Word Patches created from medical
images are mixed with the output of TransUNet’s
Transformer using Mix Transformer. Mix Trans-
former consists of Multi-Head Attention, Layer Nor-
malization, and MLP. In Multi-Head Attention, the
output of TransUNet’s encoder is used as Query,
while Word Patches are used as Key and Value.
Equation (1) shows the computation of the Mix
Z(Q, K, V ) = Concat(head
, ..., head
= so f tmax
= A
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 1: Accuracy on ACDC dataset while changing the sampling percentage.
ACDC class Background Right ventricle Myocardium Left ventricle mIoU
baseline 98.94 71.81 57.96 83.26 77.99
(ACDC 10%)
99.00 62.73 62.54 88.70 78.24
(ACDC 50%)
98.79 59.57 65.75 88.20 78.08
(ACDC 100%)
99.03 61.00 61.85 87.04 77.23
Figure 3: Mix Transformer.
where Z(Q, K, V ) is the output of Multi Head At-
tention in Mix Transformer, A
is the attention map.
Query, Key, Value are computed as
Q = W
K = W
V = W
where V
indicates the output of the conventional
TransUNet and P
indicates the Word Patches created
by medical images. W
, W
and W
are the 1×1 con-
By using Mix Transformer, we can leverage the
similariteis between the feature representations in
TransUNet and the Word Patches. We create an atten-
tion map from the similarity between the Query (Q)
from the output of TransUNet’s encoder and the Key
(K) from the Word Patches. This allows us to train
the model while considering the specific features for
medical images and their relationships.
Mix Transformer used in this experiment was not
pre-trained, and when Word Patches were added di-
rectly to the encoder output without using the Mix
Transformer, the accuracy decreased. This shows that
the Mix Transformer allows the similarity between
the Word Patches and target data to be taken into ac-
count, and this improves the segmentation accuracy.
4.1 Datasets and Parameters
The following experiment utilizes two datasets: the
Automatic Cardiac Diagnosis Challenge (ACDC)
dataset consisting of 3D MRI images, and the
Synapse multi-organ segmentation (SMO) dataset
containing CT images of the lower abdomen. The
ACDC dataset consists of 4 classes with 690 train-
ing images, 95 validation images, and 190 test im-
ages. On the other hand, the SMO dataset consists of
9 classes with 2474 training images, 613 validation
images, and 692 test images.
We also used the Drosophila dataset(Gerhard
et al., 2013) when we create Word Patches. The
dataset consists of 20 grayscale cell images of size
1024x1024 pixels. From this dataset, 12 random
crops of size 256×256 pixels are used. The cell im-
ages are more similar to medical images than the nat-
ural images in ImageNet used for pre-training, and we
would like to verify the effect of Word Patches using
these cell images on TransUNet.
Minibatch size was set to 16, the number of
epochs to 300, and Adam and cos scheduler were used
as optimization methods. In addition, mean Intersec-
tion over Union (mIoU) was used as an evaluation
measure. In experiments, 5-fold cross validation was
4.2 Sampling Percentage
When we create Word Patches, the percentage of sam-
pling is a hyperparameter. The experimental results
on the ACDC dataset while changing the hyperpa-
rameter are shown in Table 1. In this experiment,
Improvement of TransUNet Using Word Patches Created from Different Dataset
Table 2: Evaluation result on ACDC dataset.
ACDC class Background Right ventricle Myocardium Left ventricle mIoU
baseline 98.94 71.81 57.96 83.26 77.99
99.13 76.62 59.85 82.73 79.59
ours (ACDC) 99.00 62.73 62.54 88.70 78.24
ours (SMO) 99.20 72.17 61.58 87.05 80.00
Table 3: Evaluation result on SMO dataset.
SMO class Background Aorta Gallbladder Left kidney Right kidney Liver Pancreas Spleen Stomach mIoU
baseline 96.46 35.01 19.72 55.79 37.77 55.04 30.02 42.61 17.76 43.35
97.31 38.66 12.39 45.38 44.16 67.99 16.79 52.37 24.98 44.45
ours (ACDC) 97.13 38.72 17.99 49.65 48.83 72.09 7.96 65.07 23.53 46.77
ours (SMO) 96.70 46.07 12.77 51.96 41.60 63.60 18.84 43.13 17.82 43.61
Word Patches were created from the ACDC dataset.
In the Table, the baseline refers to the conventional
TransUNet without using Word Patches, ”ours(ACDC
10%)” is the result when 10% of the original features
is selected by sampling, ”ours(ACDC 50%)” is the re-
sult when 50% of the original features is selected by
sampling, and ”ours(ACDC 100%)” is the result when
no sampling is done and all of the original features are
When 50% was used, the accuracy did not im-
prove compared to the case that sampling percentage
is 10%. when 100% of original features was used as
Word Patches in TransUNet, the accuracy much de-
creased. This indicates that it is important to select
appropriate number of features as Word Patches. As a
result, the accuracy was improved the most when 10%
of all features were selected as Word Patches. If the
sampling percentage is high, similar Word Patches are
included. Therefore, 10% is effective, and the sam-
pling percentage was set to 10% in the following all
4.3 Experimental Results
Table 2 shows the accuracy on the ACDC dataset
when Word Patches were created using the
Drosophila dataset, ACDC dataset, and SMO
dataset. The baseline refers to the conventional
TransUNet without using Word Patches, ”ours
(Drosophila)” indicates the accuracy when Word
Patches were created using the Drosophila dataset,
”ours (ACDC)” represents the accuracy when Word
Patches were created using the ACDC dataset, and
”ours (SMO)” indicates the accuracy when Word
Patches were created using the SMO dataset. In
addition, Table 3 shows the accuracy on the SMO
dataset. In this experiment, 10% of randomly se-
lected training images from each dataset were used
for training.
From Tables 2, we see that the accuracy was im-
proved by using Word Patches in comparison with
baseline. The accuracy is the worst when we use
Word Patches from the ACDC dataset which is used
for the test. On the other hand, surprisingly, when
we use Word Patches created from the SMO dataset
which is different from test dataset, the accuracy was
the best. Since the ACDC Word Patches are the same
as the training images, we consider that the accuracy
could not be improved that much. By incorporating
Word Patches in cross attention, it is possible to learn
and classify each pixel by utilizing the similarities be-
tween Word Patches and the patterns that appear in the
training images for segmentation. However, if Word
Patches are created using the same training images,
the advantage of Word Patches, which uses the re-
lationship between different images, cannot be used
sufficiently. Therefore, we believe that the highest ac-
curacy was achieved when we create Word Patches
from different dataset from training images.
Similarly, in Table 3, the accuracy is the worst
when we use Word Patches created from the SMO
dataset, while the Word Patches created from the
ACDC dataset achieved the best accuracy. This indi-
cates that the usage of Word Patches created from dif-
ferent dataset allows the model to learn features that
are not present in its own dataset, and this leads to
improve the accuracy. This result shows the effective-
ness of our proposed method.
Figure 4 shows the segmentation results. The Fig-
ure on the left side shows the segmentation results on
the ACDC dataset, while the Figure on the right side
shows the segmentation results on the SMO dataset.
The grayscale images in the first and third rows rep-
resent the test images. From left to right in the sec-
ond and fourth rows show the ground truth, the base-
line (TransUNet without Word Patches), and ”ours
(Drosophilia)” means that Word Patches are created
from Drosophilia dataset, and ”ours(ACDC)” means
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 4: Segmentation Results.
that Word Patches are created from ACDC dataset,
and ”ours(SMO)” means that Word Patches are cre-
ated from SMO dataset, respectively. The usage of
Word Patches gave better segmentation results com-
pared to the conventional TransUNet without Word
Patches. Additionally, we see that Word Patches cre-
ated from a different dataset lead to improve segmen-
tation quality. This demonstrates the effectiveness of
features from different dataset because we can use the
features which are not present in training dataset.
Figure 5: Class distribution per pixel in SMO dataset.
The distribution of classes per pixel in the before
layer of final output layers for test images is shown
in Figure 5. We used dimensionality reduction by
UMAP(McInnes et al., 2018). It shows the distribu-
tion of 9 classes in the SMO dataset. Only 90,000
pixels (10,000 pixels of each class) are selected at ran-
dom because the amount of all pixels is too large. The
different classes are represented with different colors.
In the baseline, the blue and yellow classes on the
left and bottom are heavily overlapping. Some classes
in the center also overlap. In contrast, when we use
Word Patches, there is no significant overlap between
the different classes. Thus, it can be seen that the clas-
sification is more successful when Word Patches is
used than the baseline without Word Patches. In addi-
tion, when Word Patches created from ACDC dataset
is used, the same classes are grouped together and the
different classes are separated from each other. On the
other hand, when SMO dataset was used for creating
Word Patches, different classes partially overlapped
with each other. This result shows that it is possible
to learn and segment each class while utilizing fea-
tures that are not present in the original dataset when
Word Patches is created from different dataset. This
enables successful classification.
4.4 Experiments with Different Number
of Training Images
Table 4 shows the accuracy on the ACDC dataset
when only 10%, 30% and 50% of all training images
were used for training the model. In this experiment,
Word Patches were created using the Drosophila
dataset. Similarly, Table 5 shows the accuracy on the
SMO dataset. In both Tables, ”10%, 30% and 50%”
means that only 10%, 30% and 50% of all training
images are used for training the model. From Ta-
ble 4 and 5, we see that the usage of Word Patches
improved the accuracy in both cases. These results
demonstrate that Word Patches improved the accuracy
with a small number of training images. However,
the smallest improvement in accuracy was obtained
at 50% for both ACDC and SMO datasets. This in-
dicates that the introduction of Word Patches can im-
prove the accuracy by using information from other
data when the amount of training data is small and it
is difficult to train with only original data.
4.5 Ablation Study
We conduct ablation study when we mix Word
Patches created from different dataset. The ex-
perimental results on the ACDC dataset are shown
Improvement of TransUNet Using Word Patches Created from Different Dataset
Table 4: Accuracy on ACDC dataset when we change the number of training images.
ACDC class Background Right ventricle Myocardium Left ventricle mIoU
baseline 10% 98.94 71.81 57.96 83.26 77.99
ours 10%
99.13 76.62 59.85 82.73 79.59
baseline 30% 99.30 71.23 69.85 85.62 81.50
ours 30%
99.31 77.70 66.88 89.27 83.29
baseline 50% 99.43 84.64 71.47 90.27 86.45
ours 50%
99.58 86.59 74.64 89.05 87.47
Table 5: Accuracy on SMO dataset when we change the number of training images.
SMO class Background Aorta Gallbladder Left kidney Right kidney Liver Pancreas Spleen Stomach mIoU
baseline 10% 96.46 35.01 19.72 55.79 37.77 55.04 30.02 42.61 17.76 43.35
ours 10%
97.31 38.66 12.39 45.38 44.16 67.99 16.79 52.37 24.98 44.45
baseline 30% 98.51 54.54 53.63 44.10 47.40 80.96 35.80 83.53 58.55 61.89
ours 30%
98.71 60.93 53.85 58.59 46.93 81.08 33.53 75.54 61.47 63.40
baseline 50% 98.77 76.90 56.52 80.08 76.92 80.98 43.14 64.48 69.96 71.97
ours 50%
99.15 64.62 55.63 67.94 64.00 86.38 44.34 85.27 70.86 72.02
Table 6: Accuracy on ACDC dataset when we mix different Word Patches.
ACDC class Background Right ventricle Myocardium Left ventricle mIoU
baseline 98.94 71.81 57.96 83.26 77.99
99.13 76.62 59.85 82.73 79.59
ours(ACDC) 99.00 62.73 62.54 88.70 78.24
ours(SMO) 99.20 72.17 61.58 87.05 80.00
(Dro ACDC)
99.12 60.91 62.55 90.23 78.20
(Dro SMO)
99.18 78.84 63.06 85.61 81.67
99.27 72.48 65.57 85.08 80.60
ours(all) 99.06 65.47 61.60 85.75 77.97
in Table 6. In the Table, ours(Dro ACDC) is the
result with a mixture of Drosophila and ACDC
Word Patches, ours(Dro SMO) is the result with
a mixture of Drosophila and SMO Word Patches,
ours(ACDC SMO) is the result with a mixture of
ACDC and SMO Word Patches, and ours(all) indi-
cates the result with a mixture of Word Patches of
Drosophila, ACDC and SMO datasets.
When some Word Patches were mixed, higher
accuracy was obtained than the Word Patches cre-
ated from only one dataset. When ACDC is the tar-
get, Word Patches including SMO dataset achieved
higher accuracy. However, when we mix the Word
Patches of ACDC, SMO, and Drosophila, the accu-
racy is higher than that of baseline, but lower than that
of the Word Patches created from each dataset. This is
because there is too much different information when
the attention is used in the Mix Transformer. When
the sampling percentage increased, the accuracy de-
creased as shown in Table 1. Therefore, the similari-
ties between the target image and many Word Patches
may not be good for training. These results indicate
that it is not enough to simply use Word Patches cre-
ated from a large number of datasets, but that it is
necessary to use Word Patches appropriate for the tar-
We proposed a method to improve the TransUNet by
using Word Patches created from the other medical
datasets. Through experiments with a small number
of training images, we confirmed that the segmenta-
tion accuracy was improved. In this paper, we have
selected a dataset to create Word Patches manually.
In the future, we would like to create Word Patches
dynamically according to the property of target data.
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
This research is partially supported by JSPS KAK-
ENHI Grant Number 21K11971.
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Improvement of TransUNet Using Word Patches Created from Different Dataset