Deep Discriminative Feature Learning for Document Image
Manipulation Detection
Kais Rouis
, Petra Gomez-Kr
, Micka
el Coustaty
Saddock K
and Vincent Poulain d’Andecy
L3i Laboratory, La Rochelle University, La Rochelle, France
R&D Department, Yooz, Aimargues, France
Document Forgery, Manipulation Detection, Deep Neural Model, Residual Network.
Image authenticity analysis has become a very important task in the last years with one main objective that is
tracing the counterfeit content induced by illegal manipulations and forgeries that can be easily practiced using
available software tools. In this paper, we propose a reliable residual-based deep neural network that is able to
detect document image manipulations and copy-paste forgeries. We consider the perceptual characteristics of
documents including mainly textual regions with homogeneous backgrounds. To capture abstract features, we
introduce a shallow architecture using residual blocks and take advantage of shortcut connections. A first layer
is implemented to boost the model performance, which is initialized with high-pass filters to forward low-level
error feature maps. Manipulation experiments are conducted on a publicly available document dataset. We
compare our method with two interesting forensic approaches that incorporate deep neural models along with
first layer initialization techniques. We carry out further experiments to handle the forgery detection problem
on private administrative document datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the superior performance
of our model to detect image manipulations and copy-paste forgeries in a realistic document fraud scenario.
Today lots of documents are used and processed in
document flows in companies, banks and administra-
tions. These documents can be original digital doc-
uments or scans of printed documents. The manip-
ulation detection of these documents has become an
important concern as the use of fraudulent documents
can lead, for instance, to false identity documents,
identity theft or fraudulently obtained credits. Several
types of fraudulent manipulations exist. The authors
of (Cruz et al., 2018) report four tampering operations
in document images: the imitation of font character-
istics to insert text into the document image, the copy
and paste of a region from the same document image,
the copy and paste of a region from another document
image, and the deletion of information. Furthermore,
the authors of (James et al., 2020) report additionally
the tampering by pixel manipulations. This means
that pixel values are modified to change the visual as-
pect of a character, e.g. to change the character ”c”
into the character ”o”.
Document images are qualified by their binary
character, and strong contrasts and contours as well
as poor textures compared to natural scene images
amer, 2022). When dealing with struc-
tured data such as documents, featuring visual ob-
jects with similar salient shapes and homogeneous
backgrounds, we may encounter learning issues along
overly deep architectures. This is due to the poor
enclosed information in terms of textures and pixel
intensity variations. Therefore, outliers correspond-
ing to manipulated image regions illustrate for most
forgery operations similar perceptual properties to the
original samples. The document image domain re-
lates indeed to particular requirements compared to
natural image statistics.
Taking into account the aforementioned state-
ment, understanding the behaviour of deep neural
models is a key step to represent dierent levels of
forensic features. In (Bayar and Stamm, 2018), a con-
strained convolutional neural network (CNN) archi-
tecture was designed to adaptively learn image ma-
nipulation features, and to determine the type of un-
genuine image editing. The model allows to learn
low-level prediction residual features, using a con-
strained layer placed at the top of the proposed net-
work, while deeper layers learn high-level manipula-
tion features and two fully connected layers of 200
neurons classify the output features. In a similar vein,
an interesting CNN first layer initialization method
(Castillo Camacho and Wang, 2022) was introduced
Rouis, K., Gomez-Krämer, P., Coustaty, M., Kébairi, S. and Poulain d’Andecy, V.
Deep Discriminative Feature Learning for Document Image Manipulation Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0012410800003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
based on statistical properties of the training data. The
aim is to properly scale the used high-pass filters as
convolutional kernels. The authors studied the im-
pact of variance stability of the first-layer output fea-
tures on the detection accuracy. The used network is a
less deeper version of (Bayar and Stamm, 2018). Ex-
periments were conducted on a benchmarking digital
image forensics dataset, where the original uncom-
pressed images have undergone manipulations includ-
ing filtering, resampling and compression among sev-
eral parameters.
Furthermore, few forensic approaches have been
particularly suggested for document images. For in-
stance, the method in (Nandanwar et al., 2021) ex-
plores the DCT coecients to analyze the eect of
tampering distortions. Reconstructed images from
the inverse DCT are filtered by Laplacian kernels to
point out the dierence between textual regions and
surrounding pixels. The authors in (Abramova and
ohme, 2016) examine feature representations pro-
posed in the literature with respect to the correct de-
tection of copied text document segments. To model
contextual information (Cruz et al., 2017), multiple
descriptors of forged regions can be combined based
on locally extracted texture features. On the one hand,
the performance of such methods strongly depends on
the document content characteristics, i.e. processing
forgeries with high or low visual distortion levels. On
the other hand, the related works proposed for natural
images cannot be straightforwardly applied to docu-
ment images seeing the dissimilar perceptual proper-
In this paper, we propose a new residual-based
network architecture to detect document image ma-
nipulations and forgeries. First, we demonstrate that
our scheme achieves higher performance to classify
manipulation operations, in comparison to related
methods (Bayar and Stamm, 2018; Castillo Cama-
cho and Wang, 2022). In fact, the application of
these methods is quite convenient to our objectives,
as we aim to define a robust shallow residual CNN
model, which is able to detect realistic fraudulent
blocks within document regions.
Our deep learning strategy is entirely distinct from
preceding solutions which are based on hierarchical
stacked convolutional layers. We aord a shallower
architecture by means of shortcut connections within
residual blocks as basic network units. Afterwards,
we conduct experiments on a private administrative
document dataset, to prove a consistent hypothesis: if
a deep model can eciently determine applied ma-
nipulations, it is possible to train the model using
only transformed original samples to predict finally
the fraudulent ones. More precisely, we propose to
train our model to separate between compressed ver-
sions of the inputs with varied quality factors. In this
part, each compression level represents a particular
class during the training step.
We choose the compression as a non-geometric
transformation with regard to copy-paste forgeries.
Also, we use only original samples of image blocks
without content modification (copy-paste operation)
in the learning. The features of engendered compres-
sion noise will have an unnatural distribution for fake
image content. Consequently, if the model fails to rec-
ognize the compression levels of a test sample, then
we judge it as a fraud, otherwise it is genuine.
Our approach diers entirely from double com-
pression detection. Here, the compression has a dif-
ferent impact on forged content producing unnatural
artefact distributions. Therefore, the model will not
be able to predict the right compression ratio (as a
class) for such distributions. We do not rely on the use
of compressed images particularly, but on the com-
pression as a normal or abnormal pixel alteration.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 reviews related works on document image ma-
nipulation detection. In Section 3, we introduce the
theoretical background about the shallow deep model
principle. Section 4 describes the details of the pro-
posed residual-based architecture. Experiments in
Section 5 demonstrate the performance of our method
to classify manipulation operations (public document
dataset). Copy-paste forgery detection is further in-
vestigated on a private document dataset. Finally,
some conclusions are drawn in the last section.
Documents can be secured using active approaches
introducing security elements into the document.
These approaches insert an extrinsic fingerprint into
the document to check their authenticity afterwards.
Typical approaches are watermarks (Brassil et al.,
1999; Huang et al., 2019) or digital signatures (Tan
and Sun, 2011; Gomez-Kr
amer et al., 2023). How-
ever, the security elements have to be added to the
document during its production.
That is why passive approaches have gained in in-
terest. These methods look for intrinsic characteris-
tics in the document that indicate a modification of
the document content. Printer identification (Joshi
and Khanna, 2020; Choi et al., 2013) aims at identify-
ing the printer that was used to produce the document.
However, many documents are transmitted in original
digital format or printed by the user itself. Thus, the
basic assumption that the printer used to create the
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
document is known is no longer valid.
Lately, document tampering detection methods
have appeared, but until now quite few work has
been presented for this task. Early methods aim at
detecting graphical signs of manipulations such as
slope, size and alignment variations of a character
with respect to the others (Bertrand et al., 2013),
font or spacing variations of characters or in a word
(Bertrand et al., 2015), the variation of geometric dis-
tortions of characters introduced by the printer (Shang
et al., 2015), or the text-line rotation and alignment
(Beusekom et al., 2013). These methods only apply
to a specific type of manipulation.
The authors of (Ahmed and Shafait, 2014) use dis-
tortions in the varying parts of the documents (not the
template ones) through a pair-wise document align-
ment to detect forgery. Hence, the method needs sev-
eral samples of a class (template). In (Abramova and
ohme, 2016) a block-based method is proposed for
copy and move forgery detection based on the detec-
tion of similar characters using Hu and Zernike mo-
ments, as well as PCA and kernel PCA combined with
a background analysis.
The method of (Cruz et al., 2017) is more gen-
eral. It is based on an analysis of LBP textures to de-
tect discontinuities in the background around charac-
ters, residuals of the image tampering. In (Nandanwar
et al., 2021) DCT coecients are used to detect dis-
torsions caused by the tampering of the text. Recently
methods based on neural networks have emerged. The
method of (Joren et al., 2022) uses a graph neural
network with optical character recognition bounding
boxes as nodes to detect copied and moved charac-
ters. However, the results strongly depend on the
quality of the optical character recognition which per-
forms poorly on noisy documents such as printed and
scanned documents.
Although significant works have been presented
for document tampering detection, the methods lack
of generality as they focus on a specific type of ma-
nipulation or content. Furthermore, noisy documents
such as printed and scanned documents are still a
challenge. For this reason, we present in this article
a flexible and ecient method for manipulation de-
tection which does not depend on the manipulation or
content type.
CNN architectures have seen a regular increase of the
number of layers in the last few years, looking for-
ward to improve the model performance. As we stack
more layers together, training deep models has sev-
eral risks such as exploding/vanishing gradients and
degradation. The ultimate purpose of deep learning
lies in the ability to capture abstract features as the
signal moves into deeper layers. In a typical CNN
architecture, hidden convolutional layers extract fea-
tures from each lower-level output map. The convolu-
tion operation between a convolutional layer and the
feature maps is given by:
+ b
, (1)
where x
is the k
output feature map of the l
is the j
channel of the (l 1)
layer, w
is the
channel in the k
filter of the l
layer, and b
is the
bias term. We consider the stochastic gradient descent
(SGD) solver (Robbins and Monro, 1951) to form pa-
rameter updates that attempt to improve the loss. The
iterative update rule, given in Eq. 2, is used for kernel
coecients during the backpropagation pass.
= w
z }| {
γ .
+ λ.γ . w
, (2)
where E is the average loss between the true class la-
bels and the network outputs. w
denotes the gra-
dient of w
and γ is the learning rate. In the experi-
ments, α and λ are used for fast convergence and cor-
respond to decay and momentum, respectively. One
can clearly notice how the optimization process of the
overall parameters becomes considerably dicult for
a large number of CNN hidden layers.
Useful techniques were suggested to relieve the
optimization process including initialization strate-
gies (He et al., 2015) and skip connections (Raiko
et al., 2012). In this work, we opt for the concept
of residual blocks along with skip connections to re-
move the learning degradation problem. A resid-
ual block incorporates a set of few convolutional lay-
ers. The non-linearity is applied after adding the out-
put feature map of a layer to another deeper layer
in the same block. Nevertheless, the technique of
skip connections, alternatively called shortcut con-
nections, consists of skipping some of the network
layers and feeds the output of the previous layer to
the current position (He et al., 2016). Let us con-
sider the input feature maps x of a residual block and
a residual function R(x). The expected outputs of this
block can be defined as the underlying mapping to be
fit: M(x) = R(x) + x. Hence, assuming that the in-
put and output channels of the residual block are of
Deep Discriminative Feature Learning for Document Image Manipulation Detection
the same dimensions, the group of considered layers
try to learn the new mapping function from the dif-
ference (i.e. residual) between inputs and expected
outputs: R(x) M(x) x. Basically, R(x) would have
two stacked convolutional layers. For instance, with a
shortcut connection from layer l to l + 2, the activation
of layer l + 2 can be computed as:
= A
+ y
with y
= x
+ b
where A is a ReLU activation function, x
connection) and x
are respectively the input and
output feature maps of the stacked layers within a
residual block. If x
7→ 0, then x
= A(x
Since we use a ReLU activation, an identity mapping
(shortcut connection) is created as x
= x
. Thanks
to shortcut connections, the solver can drive easier the
weights of the multiple nonlinear layers toward zero
to approach identity mappings.
It is more compelling for forensic applications to
expand a conclusive representation of local residual
noise distributions. To this end, we let our model learn
residual features from a modeled noise, to finally pre-
dict manipulations and unnatural artefacts.
4.1 First Layer Kernel Initialization
At this step, we build a first convolutional layer,
namely the Init-layer, to suppress the content and con-
struct low-level error map features. We just set the
Init-layer kernels with predefined high-pass filters to
forward output error maps to the following residual
blocks in the network. Actually, we do not normalize
the initialized kernel weights as proposed in recent re-
lated works (Bayar and Stamm, 2018; Castillo Cama-
cho and Wang, 2022). We are essentially interested
in using a pre-processing step that will improve rel-
atively the model performance. We implement the
layer as not trainable to produce high-pass filtered
inputs for each batch. We just use a tangent hyper-
bolic activation function. In our setting, we used 30
filter kernels generated by the Spatial Rich Model
(SRM) (Fridrich and Kodovsky, 2012). These filters
extract local noise features from adjacent pixels, cap-
turing low-level content dependencies. The noise is
modeled as the residual between a pixel (central filter
value) and its estimated value by interpolating only
neighboring pixels. The kernel size of the Init-layer is
fixed to 5 × 5. Some of the SRM filters were accord-
ingly padded with zeros (initially of size 3 × 3). We
tested two configurations: using all 30 SRM filters
and selecting randomly 3 SRM filters (over multiple
4.2 Residual-Based Network
We introduced in the previous section the residual-
based learning background to design a shallow CNN
network. Figure 1 illustrates our proposed architec-
ture which consists of three main stages: (1) extrac-
tion of low-level error maps (Init-layer), (2) resid-
ual feature learning (one convolutional layer + three
residual blocks ResBlock
) and (3) classification from
the previously learned features.
In Figure 1, ResBlock
(i = 1, 2, 3) are detailed be-
low the baseline network. The blue and red dashed
lines surrounding ResBlock
represent two dierent
types of shortcut connections (shown as dashed ar-
rows). The first residual block (ResBlock
) is pre-
ceded by a convolutional layer with 16 filters of input
size 3 × 3 × 30 and a stride of 1. Batch-Normalization
(BN) and ReLU activation are applied to each layer
input feature map. Their outputs are added to the out-
puts of two stacked convolutional layers. It is worth
to mention that identity mapping does not add extra
parameters. The network can still be trained by an
SGD solver with backpropagation (end-to-end). The
input of ResBlock
=16) and the second layer in
the main path have the same dimensions (x
and y
in Eq. 3, respectively). In this case, the mapping is
defined by an identical-shortcut.
Figure 1: Proposed residual-based network architecture for
manipulation detection.
In contrary, the dimensions of the shortcut out-
put (residual block input) and the stacked layers
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
are dierent for ResBlock
=32) and ResBlock
=64). We define here a residual mapping through
an additional convolutional layer (conv-shortcut) to
resize the output of the shortcut path. We set indeed
the kernel size of this layer to 1 × 1 with a stride of 1.
The role of this layer is to apply a learned linear func-
tion that adjusts the input dimension. The output fea-
ture maps of ResBlock
undergo BN and ReLU op-
erations. We use afterwards an average-pooling layer
to reduce the dimensionality of these feature maps.
A softmax layer of k elements, corresponding to the
number of manipulation class labels, is finally used to
convert the subsequent flattened tensor to a probabil-
ity distribution.
4.3 One-Class Network Learning
A model that is able to predict image manipulations
can be more explored in a one-class learning con-
text to detect forgeries. We propose to train the net-
work on manipulations that are only applied to origi-
nal samples. The original class refers in this context
to genuine document images, i.e. without forged tex-
tual content. For the experiments, we created fraud-
ulent samples generated by copy-paste forgeries on
private datasets, which are detected if the model fails
to predict the correct manipulation class label de-
pending on computed scores. We used as manipula-
tions the compression of image blocks with dierent
quality factors. Each quality factor corresponds to a
class label. Inspired by the method in (Golan and El-
Yaniv, 2018) which detects out-of-distribution images
by learning geometric transformations (classification
problem), we consider applied manipulations in our
context as non-geometric transformations of the input
In fact, we address the problem of forgery de-
tection as a learning process of a scoring function
(Schlegl et al., 2017). Let S be the set of original sam-
ples and C = {C
} the set of compression
quality factors. For any original image sample x S , j
is the true label of the manipulated sample C
(x). We
use the set S
(x), j
: x S,C
to learn
our shallow deep k-class classification model f
are the model parameters). The model is trained over
using the cross-entropy loss function. A normal-
ity scoring function can be then defined assuming that
all of the conditional distributions are independent:
log p
. Higher
scores would correspond to the set of original sam-
ples. To predict the manipulation class at inference
time, unseen original and fraudulent samples undergo
each of the applied compression factors on the train-
ing set. We compute the final score based on the vec-
tor of softmax layer responses:
(x) =
. (4)
The model performance is typically assessed by mea-
suring the area under the receiver operating charac-
teristic curve (AUC) metric. Besides the AUC met-
ric, we expect in realistic applications to detect forged
document content considering a predefined threshold
condition. Therefore, the pre-trained model predicts
if a sample x is fake when the model fails to pre-
dict the correct manipulation class label, i.e. N
(x) <
We conduct experiments to evaluate our approach un-
der dierent scenarios. Two main experiments are
considered: (1) the multi-class classification problem
of a set of manipulations and (2) the forgery detection
problem of copy-paste operations.
Table 1: List of image manipulation operations. Resam-
pling and compression parameters are randomly selected
from the given set.
Median filtering WindowS ize = 3
Gaussian blurring std = 0.5, WindowS ize = 3
Additive Gaussian noise std = 1.1
Resampling Factor {0.9, 1.1}
JPEG compression QualityFactor {90, 91, ..., 100}
For (1), we use the publicly available PRImA
dataset (Antonacopoulos et al., 2009) which presents
a wide range of realistic contemporary documents
(478 scanned documents). We consider the first
scanned version that is saved in a lossless format as
the reference quality and original content, with re-
gards to eventually applied manipulations and forg-
eries. A PRImA document contains four types of
annotated regions: text, image, table and graphi-
cal object. We extract randomly from each region
64 × 64 patches converted to grayscale. We follow
(Castillo Camacho and Wang, 2022) to create ma-
nipulated patches using the operations listed in Ta-
ble 1. We classify indeed six classes for each patch:
original + 5 manipulated versions. Finally, the train-
ing/validation set includes about 83183 patches (
13863 per class), and the testing set comprises 9249
patches ( 1540 per class). We define the train-
ing parameters as follows: the batch size equals 64,
the total number of epochs is 60, the optimizer is
based on SDG with the momentum=0.95 and the
weight decay=0.0005, the initial learning rate is 10
that decreases by a factor of 0.5 every six epochs.
Deep Discriminative Feature Learning for Document Image Manipulation Detection
We compare with two existing CNN models for
image manipulation detection, namely (Bayar and
Stamm, 2018) and (Castillo Camacho and Wang,
2022). We show in Figure 2 the evolution of test ac-
curacy metric over 60 epochs of the model training.
Our model outperforms the compared references and
achieves promptly a stable high performance.
0 10 20 30 40
50 60
Figure 2: Evolution curves of test accuracy for the multi-
class manipulation detection problem.
We compute the classification accuracy on the
testing set (test accuracy) as the percentage of cor-
rectly predicted patches among all the test patches of
dierent class labels. In Table 2, the accuracy per-
centages are shown for each model. We inspected our
model performance under three scenarios: “Without
Init-layer” without error map extraction at the first
layer, “Default kernel filter initialization” using first
layer kernel filter Xavier initialization (Glorot and
Bengio, 2010) and “High-pass kernel filter initializa-
tion” as the original version of the proposed method.
Table 2: Test accuracy (in %, average of 5 runs) of the multi-
class classification problem on each network. We report the
higher accuracy of the proposed method according to dier-
ent configurations.
Default kernel filter
High-pass kernel filter
3 filters 30 filters 3 filters 30 filters
(Bayar and Stamm, 2018) 87.95 87.92 85.17 87.77
(Castillo Camacho and Wang, 2022) 88.84 89.18 92.83 93.07
Proposed 93.001 92.75 92.82 94.04 95.26
We have not excluded the first layer for the com-
pared methods since it represents a main conceptual
block in their networks during the training step. Even
without Init-layer, the test accuracy of our model per-
forms better with 93% against Xavier kernel initial-
ization of the first layer. Besides, the use of high
pass filters improved the performance except for the
Bayar method which suggests specific filter computa-
tion over randomly initialized first layer weights. The
proposed and Castillo models implicate 3 randomly
selected SRM filters and the overall set of 30 filters.
We can clearly notice the valuable impact of using an
adaptive learning with respect to the document im-
age characteristics. Typical deep CNN models could
not be appropriate and the conception of initializa-
tion strategies should be carefully implemented. Our
model achieved the best accuracy with 95.26% using
30 SRM kernel filters as Init-layer kernels.
Figure 3: First row: Two examples of extracted document
regions from Private Set 1 (left) and Private Set 2 (right).
The red squares surround the forged content (fake informa-
tion). Second row: The image gradient (Laplacian) of the
forged region of the upperleft example. No particular noise
can be visually observed around the forged region.
In the forgery detection experiments (2), we in-
spect our proposed residual-based network over two
private document datasets received from a workflow
of industrial partners. We are constrained to make
the documents publicly available as they are subject
of an confidentiality agreement. We consider Pri-
vate Set 1 (2374 authentic images) and Private Set 2
(444 authentic images) of two companies to anal-
yse the authenticity of their business bills. The im-
ages are in JPEG format that represents the common
used extension of scanned business documents. We
create a mixed dataset (Mixed Private Set) including
all Private Set 1 and Private Set 2 documents. We
use our implemented software tool to automatically
generate copy-paste forgeries between blocks having
relatively the same scale and dimension. XML an-
notation files are generated for each image includ-
ing bounding box information of the original block
(copied) and the fraudulent block (pasted in a new lo-
cation). For Private Set 2, we perform 5 generation
runs to produce approximately the same number of
patches as for Private Set 1. The selection of copy-
paste regions is random from one image to another.
Hence, dierent blocks are selected at each run. We
extract 64 × 64 patches in intersection with original
and forged blocks. For Private Set 1, the training and
testing sets include 24241 patches (only originals) and
12312 patches (6090 originals + 6222 forged), re-
spectively. For Private Set 2, the training and test-
ing sets comprise 24659 patches (only originals) and
12546 patches (6195 originals + 6351 forged), re-
spectively. Mixed Private Set consists of 48983 orig-
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
inal patches for training, and 24857 patches for test-
ing (12202 originals + 12655 forged). We show two
examples of forged blocks in Figure 3. In each set,
the documents have similar layouts and tabular struc-
tures. As illustrated by the surrounded frauds, we
cannot capture perceptually the forged blocks of such
uniform textual patterns with homogeneous back-
Table 3: AUC and test accuracy (in %, average of 5 runs)
of the forgery detection problem according to private docu-
ment datasets.
Private Set 1 Private Set 2 Mixed Private Set
AUC Accuracy AUC Accuracy AUC Accuracy
(Castillo Camacho and Wang, 2022) 93.43 84.09 96.82 89.72 93.59 84.03
Proposed 94.72 88.43 96.01 91.69 92.54 85.32
We train our model with only transformed original
patches (manipulated explicitly). We have precisely 6
classes according to applied compression quality fac-
tors: [70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95]. Each applied quality fac-
tor is associated to a class label. We use the same
training parameters as in the manipulation detection
experiments, with a total number of epochs equal to
30 (chosen empirically). We present in Table 3 the
AUC and testing accuracy metrics. At the testing
stage, we predict the compression class of both orig-
inal and forged patches and then we take the average
as in Eq. 4. The predicted scores and the ground truth
labels of the original patches are used to compute the
AUC, which represents the recognition performance
of the genuine content. It is mandatory to avoid high
percentages of false fraud alerts in a company work-
flow process. Moreover, the accuracy is evaluated us-
ing a predefined threshold. If the average of predicted
scores of a given test patch is below 0.7 then we judge
it as fraudulent content. This means that the model
can not predict accurately the correct class for abnor-
mal compression noise distributions. We compute the
accuracy percentages based on the ground truth labels
of original and patches. Compared to (Castillo Cama-
cho and Wang, 2022), we have further achieved supe-
rior performance for the overall private sets.
In this paper, a shallow residual network is proposed
with three basic residual blocks and shortcut connec-
tions. We demonstrated that our architecture is suit-
able to extract deep discriminative features with re-
spect to perceptual document characteristics. Con-
volutional kernels of an additional first layer are ini-
tialized with high-pass filters to learn low-level pre-
diction error features. A forgery detection method is
additionally implemented based on a one-class learn-
ing process including only original samples during the
training stage. In a realistic document flow, we expe-
rience much more authentic scanned images than ma-
nipulated or forged ones. Therefore, as a major ad-
vantage, we do not depend on a large fraud document
dataset to provide a relevant pre-trained model. In
the future we will perform further experiments to in-
vestigate other transformations besides compression.
We are interested in extending the application of our
model to detect various cases of forgeries.
This work was supported by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine
region under the grant number 2019-1R50120
(CRASD project) and AAPR2020-2019-8496610
(CRASD2 project) and by the LabCom IDEAS under
the grant number ANR-18-LCV3-0008.
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