Speech Recognition for Indigenous Language Using Self-Supervised
Learning and Natural Language Processing
Satoshi Tamura, Tomohiro Hattori, Yusuke Kato and Naoki Noguchi
Gifu University, 1-1 Yanagido, Gifu, Japan
Speech Recognition, Self-Supervised Learning, Neural Machine Translation, Transformer, HuBERT,
Indigenous Language, Under-Resourced Language.
This paper proposes a new concept to build a speech recognition system for an indigenous under-resourced
language, by using another speech recognizer for a major l anguage as well as neural machine translation and
text autoencoder. D eveloping the recognizer for minor languages suffers from the lack of training speech data.
Our method uses natural language processing techniques and text data, to compensate the lack of speech data.
We focus on the model based on self-supervised learning, and utilize its sub-module as a feature extractor. We
develop the recognizer sub-module for indigenous languages by making translation and autoencoder models.
We conduct evaluation experiments for every systems and our paradigm. It is consequently found that our
scheme can build the recognizer successfully, and improve the performance compared to the past works.
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is a technique
to transcribe human speech. In recent yea rs, speech
recogn ition technology has been widely used in a lot
of environments, improving work efficiency and en-
hancing quality of life. Voice assistance and voice
input are ofte n employed on smartphones and smart
speakers. ASR is also used to take minutes in on-
line meetings and on-site conferences. Spee ch trans-
lation based on ASR is expected to make our inter-
national com munication richer and easier. ASR has
made remarkable progress for this decade, with the
rapid development of Deep Learning (DL). Many re-
searchers have attempted to build DL models, result-
ing in significant improvements in recognition accu-
racy. Several languages with large populations, such
as English, Mandarin, and Spanish, now have high-
performance ASR technolo gy, as DL requires huge
data sets, and it is relatively easier to do so. Develop-
ers are also interested in having such the techniques
for languages spoken in emerging markets, such as
Hindi, Bahasa Indonesia, and so on.
It is k nown that there a re more than 7,000 lan-
guages on this plane t. However, only a few lan-
guages have been well studied for DL-based ASR,
while most indigenous languages having small pop-
ulations used in limited area s have not yet, due to
the lack of spoken data. To discuss this issue, UN -
ESCO, ELRA (European Language Resource Asso-
ciation) and several societies jointly organized a con-
ference on L anguage Technologies for All (LT4All)
in 2019 (UNESCO, 2019). We need to strongly en-
courag e researcher s and developers to build ASR sys-
tems for these minor languages. And in order to do
so, we should develop and improve DL techn iques in
under-resource d conditions.
Recently, Self-Supe rvised Le a rning (SSL) has
been fo cused on in the DL field. SSL allows us to uti-
lize unla beled data or low-quality data, and to obtain
effective feature representation for subsequent tasks.
In ASR resear c h works, several SSL techniq ues such
as HuBERT (Hsu et al., 2021) and wav2vec (Baevski
et al., 2020) are o ften employed. Focusing on the Hu-
BERT model, we have developed a speech recogni-
tion scheme for under-resourced languages (Hattori
and Tamura, 2023). In our previous work, we firstly
prepare d an English ASR system consisting of a pre-
trained HuBERT and a shallow DL model for recog-
nition. We secondly applied fine-tuning to the system
using Japanese speec h data, to obtain the recognizer
for Japanese.
This paper proposes a new paradigm of ASR for
indigenous languages, enhan cing the recognition per-
formance. In our work, we employ several Natu-
ral Language Processing (NLP) techniques, such as
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) and text autoen-
coder. We assume that the HuBERT-based English
Tamura, S., Hattori, T., Kato, Y. and Noguchi, N.
Speech Recognition for Indigenous Language Using Self-Supervised Learning and Natural Language Processing.
DOI: 10.5220/0012396300003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 779-784
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Feature representation
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Japanese encoder
Japanese text
(c) Japanese autoencoder
Japanese decoder
Japanese text
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Feature representation
English decoder
English text
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Japanese text
Japanese text
(b) Japanese-English NMT
English speech signal
CNN Encoder
Feature representation
Pre-trained HuBERT-
based encoder
English decoder
English transcription
(a) English ASR
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Japanese speech signal
CNN Encoder
Feature representation
Pre-trained HuBERT-
based encoder
Japanese decoder
Japanese transcription
(d) Japanese ASR
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Japanese as an indigenous language and English as a major language. Bold indicates model training or fine-tuning)
Figure 1: Our proposed concept to build an AS R method for an indigenous language.
ASR can be divided into two sub -modules: a fe a ture
extraction module based on HuBERT and a recogni-
tion module. By using the rec ognition module as a n
English decoder and adding a new Japanese encoder,
we build a Japanese-English NMT system. Subse-
quently, we choose the Japanese encoder and pre-
pare a new Japane se decoder to make a text autoen-
coder. Finally, we can develop a Japanese ASR sys-
tem by employing the HuBERT feature extractor and
the Japanese dec oder. The novelty of this work is that,
we can build a n ASR system using le ss or ideally no
speech data of a target indigenous language, thanks
to state-of-the-art SSL and NLP technology. In addi-
tion, using NLP techniques is expected to enhance the
semantic fea ture representation, improving the ASR
performance. As far as the authors know, there is no
other work regarding indigenou s ASR incorporating
HuBERT, NMT and text autoencoder.
The rest of this paper is o rganized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 explains o ur concept in detail. Experiments are
reported in Section 3. Section 4 concludes this work.
Figure 1 illustrates our proposed scheme to build an
ASR sysem for an indigenous language. In this pa-
per, we use Japanese as an indigenous minor language
and English as a major language; though Japanese has
a large population, th e reason why Japanese is cho-
sen in this work is that, we can compare our scheme
with conventional D L-based ASR methods as large-
Table 1: Training and fine-tuning settings.
(a) E. (b) J-E (c) J. (d) J.
# epochs 40 50 50 40
Batch size 8 256 256 8
Optimizer RAdam Adam Adam RAdam
Learning rate 1e-4
Loss function Cross entropy loss
size Japanese corpora are available, and the authors
can easily conduct subjective evaluation to the results.
(a) First of all, a DL-based SSL model is prepared,
that is trained using a number of speec h data of
the major language. The model is used as a fea-
ture extractor from speech data. We employ a
pre-train ed English HuBERT mode l in this work.
We then build an English ASR system using the
model followed by a transformer-based decoder.
We believe that a feature vector extracted by the
first part includes contextua l or semantic informa-
tion, and the second model can be performed as a
speech recognizer to generate English sente nces.
(b) Suppose a text encoder for an indigenous lan-
guage, in this case Japanese. Using the en-
coder and the decoder introduced above, we build
an NMT system from the indigenous language
(Japanese) to the major language (English). Whe n
training the sy stem, all the para meters in the En-
glish decod er are fixed, while the model parame-
ters in the Japanese encoder are optimized using
Japanese-English parallel text data.
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 2: Examples of English ASR results in Figure 1 (a). Underlined words mean recognition errors.
Reference Recognized characters
(c) We further introduce a new text decoder for the
indigenous language. Next, we make an text au-
toencod er for the m inor language, consisting of
the above encoder as well as the decoder. We ap-
ply model train ing using the text data written in
the indigenous language, only to the decoder.
(d) Finally, we use the HuBERT encoder as a feature
extractor and the text decoder for the indigenous
languag e, to build an ASR system for the mino r
languag e. It is said that English phonemes fully
cover Japanese vowels and consonants, therefore,
the English feature extractor is expected to also
work for Japanese speech data as well. Note that
in this paper, to improve the p erformance we ap-
ply fine-tuning not only to the decoder but also to
a part of the encoder.
The ad vantage of this scheme is that, ideally we do
not need any speech data for the indigenous la nguage,
or only a few data may be significant for fine-tuning
to finalize the A SR model. As mentioned above, it
is har d to collect speech data for such a minor lan-
guage with a small population . In our scheme we uti-
lize a pre-trained SSL-based feature extractor, that is
originally built for different languages, because a hu-
man speech production system is language inde pen-
dent . Furthermo re, for indigen ous languages, it is rel-
atively easier to collect text data than speech data; w e
can obtain text data from official government docu-
ments, textbooks, news sites and internet articles such
as Wikipedia.
We conducted exper iments to evaluate the effective-
ness of our proposed approach . First, we report
preliminar y experime ntal results about training data
size for an indigenous langua ge. Second, we exam-
ine our NMT and autoencoder performance to check
Japanese encoder and decoder. Finally, we evaluate
our Japanese ASR. Table 1 shows model training an d
fine-tunin g settings in the following experiments.
3.1 Preliminary Experiments
3.1.1 Machine Translation
In our pr evious work, we investigated the influence of
training data size and model complexity in NMT. We
used the M ultiUN and Wikipedia data sets provided in
OPUS ( Tiedemann, 201 2), in order to obtain par allel
sentences. We then chose German-English sentence
pairs as a training data set. Though German has a
large population, in this experiment German is treated
as an indigenous language, while English was a ma-
jor language . We employed a pr e-trained NMT model
provided by OpenNMT (Klein et al. , 2017), that was
based on a tiny transformer; the encoder and decoder
had six layers respectively. A transformer model was
then explored w ith different settings, such as the num-
ber of layers in the encoder and decoder parts, and the
number of training sente nces.
It turns out that, with the small data set, we can
build an NM T model, which achieves roughly the
same performance as the pre-trained model, by ad-
justing the hyperparameters; we should make an en-
coder for indigenous language smaller to m a intain
the translation performance, while the decoder should
still be large because it directly affects the perfor-
mance. It is well known that the larger the training
data set becomes, the better NMT performance is. On
the other hand, it is sometimes hard to obtain larger
data sets. Acco rding to our preliminary results, in this
work we decided to use 10,000 sentences in the fol-
lowing experiments, which is quite small compared to
the data set used in existing works.
3.1.2 English Speech Recognition
Next, we tested an English ASR shown in Figure 1
(a). We adopted an English Hu BERT model provid ed
by Facebook, which was trained using 960 -hour spo-
ken data f rom Librispeech (Panayotov et al., 2015).
The transformer consisted of a CNN encoder a nd a
12-layer transfor mer. As an En glish text decoder, we
employed a two-layer transformer, each having 12 at-
tention heads. When building the ASR system, in the
encoder transformer, we fixed the eight layers on the
Speech Recognition for Indigenous Language Using Self-Supervised Learning and Natural Language Processing
Table 3: Examples of input, reference and t r anslated sentences in Figure 1 (b).
Input Japanese text Reference text Tr anslated English text
i w a n t t o s e e h i m i m e e t h i m
m y s o n s t a r t e d
p l a y i n g p i a n o
m y s o n
p i a n o
p l e a s e u s e i t u s e
’—’ indicates space.
Table 4: Examples of Japanese autoencoder results in Figure 1 (c).
Reference Reconstructed characters
かれにあいたいの かれはあううすす
わたしのむすこがちょうどぴあのをはじめたんです わたしのののぴあのはちかかがはじめたです
よかったらつかってください よかかかつかうういい
input side, while fine-tuning the remaining four lay-
ers on the output side. The decoder was trained from
scratch. We used the Librispeech test-clean-100 data
set to re-train the model, a nd a one-hou r subset of Lib-
riLightLimited (Liu et al., 2019) for evaluation.
Table 2 shows reco gnition result examples. As a
result, the English ASR achieved a word error rate
of 11.04%. We finally confirmed that the feature en-
coder and the English text decoder were properly pre-
pared for the following exper iments.
3.2 Experiments in NLP
3.2.1 Japanese-English Machine Translation
First, we checked our machine translation model, de-
picted in Figure 1 (b). We utilized a JESC corpus
(Pryzant et al., 2018 ), consisting o f Japanese-English
subtitle pairs. From the c orpus, we ran domly se-
lected 10,000 pairs for model training, 1,000 for vali-
dation, and 1,0 00 for evaluation. As explained in Sec-
tion 2 , only the Japanese enco der was trained, while
the decoder was derived from the E nglish ASR sys-
tem. The architecture of the Japan e se encoder was
the same as that of the English decoder. Note that
our Japanese encode r only accepted Japanese hira-
gana characters. Japanese characters were firstly con-
verted to IDs, followed by the embedding pr ocess to
obtain a 768-dimensional vecto r for each character,
the size of whic h was the same as the input/output
size of th e English decoder.
Table 3 shows examples of translation results,
where the BLEU score is 0.20. Although it was
not sufficient, it can be seen that our model can cor-
rectly translate several words that probably app eared
in the training data set. It is generally acceptable that
words which did not appear in the training data set
can hardly be translated correctly, because the model
did not know the terms. It is fina lly concluded that
the translation system was trained, and can tran slate
Japanese sentences into English sentences to some ex-
3.2.2 Japanese Text Autoencoder
Second, we investigated our Japanese text autoen-
coder, illustrate d in Figure 1 (c). We used the same
data set as in the NMT experimen t above; only
Japanese sentences were used this time. The encoder
was the same as the Japanese enco der in NMT, which
was fixed thro ughout this experiment. The decoder
had the same model architecture, and was op timized
using the Japa nese sentences.
Table 4 indic a te s th e results, and the BLEU score
is 0. 24. Similar to the N MT results, some words could
be reconstructed correctly, while the other parts could
not. In spite that the output sentences seem to be in-
appropriate perha ps due to the lack of vocabulary in
the data set, it can be said that semantic information
may still be retained in our model.
In NMT and autoencoder experiments, we ob-
served still lower BLEU performance, mainly due to
the lack of vocabulary. It is of course needed to im-
prove the scores, however, it was unknown that such
the systems could contribute to o ur final goal, to build
a better ASR system. We then moved to the next ASR
experiment usin g the above NLP models.
3.3 Experiments in ASR
3.3.1 Our Proposed Method
Finally, we evaluated our Japanese ASR system,
shown in Figure 1 (d ). For fine-tuning, we prepared
5,880 Japanese spoken sentences from the Commo n
Voice 7 .0 Japanese data set (Ardila et al., 2019). Re-
garding a recognition model, the English HuBERT-
based feature extractor wa s chosen, in addition to the
Japanese text decoder. The whole decoder and the
four layers on the output side in the encoder were
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 5: Examples of recognition results of our proposed method in Figure 1 (d).
Reference (English translation) Recognized characters
(The screen is full of ads, making it difficult to see.)
(I have a personality that cannot leave people in need.)
(They bribed the postman and managed to get the letter.)
(Even for the same content knowledge, common sense
and science have different ways of being.)
Table 6: Examples of recognition results of the competitive method.
Reference (English translation) Recognized characters
(I’m not good at science, but I only remember the
Doppler effect)
(Because he is the best friend I have.)
(Two said it was expensive.)
(Even within the same chain of supermarkets, each
store has its own unique selection of products.)
Table 7: Character err or rates of Japanese ASR systems.
Model CER [%]
Proposed 20.18
Baseline 27.97
then fine-tuned. We also obtained test da ta , i.e. 1,928
Japanese spoken sentences, from the same data set.
Table 5 shows examples of Japanese rec ognition
results. The who le character err or rate is 20.18%. It
is found that the recognition re sults seem to be accept-
able; they are not perfect, but in many cases we can
easily guess the meaning.
3.3.2 Competitive Baseline Method
For comparison, we also built another Japanese ASR
model as a baseline, which was similar to ( H a ttori
and Tamura, 2023). We prepared a model consist-
ing of the same architectu re as our proposed scheme:
the En glish HuBERT-ba sed feature extractor and the
Japanese recognizer. Similar to our previous work,
we carried out fine -tuning to the four laye rs in the en-
coder, and trained the decoder fro m scratch. Table 6
indicates rec ognition examples. We then obtained a
character erro r rate of 27.9 7%, which means that our
scheme achieved a 7.79% absolute improvement or a
27.85% relative error reduction over the baseline.
Table 7 summa rizes both accu racy. Still, the per-
formance needs to be improved fo r practical use.
However, as mentioned it is hard to collect speech
data for any minor language, and the lack of the data
set causes low ASR accuracy. It is found that o ur
scheme could comp e nsate the performance by em-
ploying NLP technology and text data. Consequently,
we believe that the effectivene ss of our proposed con-
cept to build a better indigenous ASR method using
another SSL-based ASR for a major language as well
as NLP techniques is clarified.
Speech Recognition for Indigenous Language Using Self-Supervised Learning and Natural Language Processing
This pape r proposed a novel framework to build an
ASR system for under-resourced languages by utiliz-
ing an SSL-b ased ASR system for a major language,
as well as NLP technology such as NMT and text au-
toencod er. First, we made English ASR, Japanese-
English NMT and Japanese text autoencoder. We
checked their performance, and confirmed that we
had developed th e m well. Second, we built a Japanese
ASR using sub-modules of the above systems. We
condu c te d evaluation exp eriments, and it is found that
we could successfully develop the system with ac-
ceptable accuracy.
As our future works, we need to improve mod-
els to achieve higher BLEU scores using larger data
sets. Investigating the relationship between the da ta
size and the performance is also useful, sin ce col-
lecting a larger database for indigenous languages re-
quires higher costs. We will also compare our scheme
with the state-of-the-art NLP and ASR system so that
we could know the performanc e upper limit, which is
useful for future improvement. It is also obvious that
applying the proposed technique to real indigenous
languag es is included in our future tasks.
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ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods