Fair and Equitable Machine Learning Algorithms in Healthcare: A
Systematic Mapping
Marcelo S. Mattos
, Sean W. M. Siqueira
and Ana Cristina B. Garcia
Graduate Program of Informatics - PPGI, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fairness, Equity, Bias, Machine Learning, Healthcare.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is being employed in many fields, including healthcare. While AI has the potential
to improve people’s lives, it also raises ethical questions about fairness and bias. This article reviews the
challenges and proposed solutions for promoting fairness in medical decisions aided by AI algorithms. A
systematic mapping study was conducted, analyzing 37 articles on fairness in machine learning in healthcare
from five sources: ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Scopus. The analysis
reveals a growing interest in the field, with many recent publications. The study offers an up-to-date and
comprehensive overview of approaches and limitations for evaluating and mitigating biases, unfairness, and
discrimination in healthcare-focused machine learning algorithms. This study’s findings provide valuable
insights for developing fairer, equitable, and more ethical AI systems for healthcare.
Ensuring fairness in healthcare is crucial for equi-
table access and quality care. Artificial Intelligence
(AI) promises advancements in healthcare decision-
making, but raises critical ethical concerns around
fairness and bias.
Unfair algorithms can lead to disparities in access,
quality, and health outcomes. For example, Ober-
meyer et al. (2019) found a widely used hospital read-
mission algorithm biased against black patients due to
historical healthcare disparities.
AI ethics addresses the ethical implications of
developing and deploying AI systems, drawing on
fields like engineering ethics, philosophy of technol-
ogy, and science and technology studies (Kazim and
Koshiyama, 2021). Fairness is a key ethical principle,
meaning AI systems should treat everyone equally,
regardless of personal characteristics (Ashok et al.,
2022). However, achieving fairness in AI can be chal-
lenging, as AI systems are often trained on data that
reflects historical biases.
This systematic mapping of the literature delves
into the intricate landscape of AI fairness in the con-
text of medical decision-making. By conducting a
comprehensive analysis, we aim to shed light on the
challenges posed by algorithmic biases and the pro-
posed solutions that can pave the way for a more eq-
uitable healthcare system. We analyzed 37 scholarly
articles sourced from reputable databases, including
the ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, PubMed, Sci-
enceDirect, and Scopus.
Our analysis reveals a growing interest in AI fair-
ness in healthcare, with a recent surge in publications.
This study offers a comprehensive overview of ap-
proaches and limitations for assessing and mitigating
biases, unfairness, and discrimination in healthcare
machine learning algorithms.
Research questions (RQs):
RQ1: What are the main statistical, technical, and
ethical approaches used to assess and mitigate biases,
unfairness, inequalities, and discriminations in ma-
chine learning algorithms applied to healthcare?
RQ2: What are the technical, ethical, and so-
cial limitations and challenges in the design, develop-
ment, and implementation of fair and equitable ma-
chine learning algorithms in healthcare?
RQ3: What are the research gaps pointed out in
the articles on fairness and equity in machine learning
in healthcare?
This systematic mapping literature review aims to
contribute to the study of AI ethics, specifically focus-
ing on fairness in machine learning within the health-
care field.
Mattos, M., Siqueira, S. and Garcia, A.
Fair and Equitable Machine Learning Algorithms in Healthcare: A Systematic Mapping.
DOI: 10.5220/0012394700003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 815-822
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Literature review publications have been providing
insights into the state of the art about fairness in the
field of ethical AI. Pessach and Shmueli (2022) con-
ducted a review on fairness in machine learning al-
gorithms, emphasizing the importance of developing
accurate, objective, and fair machine learning (ML)
algorithms. They discussed causes of algorithmic
bias, definitions, and measures of fairness, and mech-
anisms for enhancing fairness.
Garcia et al. (2023) conducted a systematic review
on algorithmic discrimination in the credit domain,
making important contributions by covering funda-
mentals of discrimination theory, the legal frame-
work, concepts of algorithmic fairness and fairness
metrics applied in machine learning.
Other reviews have focused on fairness in ethical
AI in the medical field. Bear Don’t Walk et al. (2022)
conducted a scoping review on ethical considerations
in clinical natural language processing (NLP). The re-
view highlights ethical considerations in metric se-
lection, identification of sensitive patient attributes,
and best practices for reconciling individual auton-
omy and leveraging patient data. Morley et al. (2020)
mapped the ethical issues surrounding the incorpo-
ration of AI technologies in healthcare delivery and
public health systems.
Our systematic mapping study differs from pub-
lished works due to its approach of searching the lit-
erature for studies that have investigated approaches,
limitations, and methods to evaluate and mitigate bi-
ases, injustices, inequalities, and discriminations in
machine learning algorithms applied in the healthcare
We followed the guidelines of Kitchenham and Char-
ters (2007) for conducting systematic mappings.
The systematic mapping process was conducted
using three software tools: 1. Parsifal: Assisted
in creating the search query, applying inclusion and
exclusion criteria, and retrieving relevant papers; 2.
Zotero: Used for organizing papers in a taxonomy,
creating classification terms, and conducting textual
analysis; 3. Iramuteq: Employed to visualize the re-
sults of the mapping process.
The search string design is the basis for any sys-
tematic study that will guarantee reproducibility.
The online tool Parsifal was used to identify pri-
mary studies. We entered the PICOC (population, in-
tervention, comparison, outcomes, and context) terms
and research questions into Parsifal, which automati-
cally generated keywords and a search string. We then
made the necessary adjustments.
The terms entered in Parsifal were: Population:
healthcare field; Intervention: machine learning,
deep learning, neural networks; Outcomes: evalua-
tion of the fairness of decisions made from the use
of machine learning algorithms applied in the health-
care field; Context: use of machine learning tech-
niques in the healthcare field with the aim of improv-
ing decision-making processes and, at the same time,
guaranteeing justice and equity in the results.
Based on the PICOC definition, the search string
was: healthcare AND (“machine learning” OR “deep
learning” OR “neural networks”) AND (fairness OR
bias OR discrimination OR equity OR justice).
We applied this search string to the ACM Digital
Library, IEEE Xplore, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and
Scopus databases, searching titles and abstracts with-
out a specific time period. The searches of ACM DL,
IEEE Xplore, PubMed, and ScienceDirect were con-
ducted on April 13, 2023, and the Scopus search was
conducted on May 9, 2023.
We retrieved a total of 1,013 records from the fol-
lowing databases: 59 from ACM DL, 70 from IEEE
Xplore, 227 from PubMed, 123 from ScienceDirect,
and 484 from Scopus (Figure 1).
To ensure that all duplicate records were identi-
fied, we used Zotero software in conjunction with Par-
sifal to check for duplicates: 349 duplicate records
were removed (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Prism diagram detailing the process of identifica-
tion, screening, and inclusion of studies.
We applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria
(Table 1). Initially, we assessed the title and ab-
stract of the articles, leading to the elimination of 558
records out of the initial 664 considered, resulting
in 106 records eligible for further assessment. Sub-
sequently, we thoroughly read the full texts and re-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Inclusion criteria
Criterion Description
IC1 Articles must describe the application of machine
learning techniques in healthcare and explore issues
of fairness and equity.
IC2 Articles must report on outcomes related to fairness or
equity in decision-making, with a focus on measures
of fairness in machine learning.
Exclusion criteria
Criterion Description
EC1 Articles that are not written in English.
EC2 Studies that are not related to healthcare or the appli-
cation of machine learning techniques in healthcare.
EC3 Studies that are preliminary reports, books, editorials,
abstracts, posters, panels, lectures, roundtables, work-
shops, tutorials, or demonstrations.
EC4 Studies that are systematic reviews, meta-analyses,
scoping studies, policy reports, guidelines, theoretical
analysis, or consensus statements.
EC5 Studies that do not report on outcomes related to fair-
ness or equity in decision-making.
applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria, which led
to the removal of an additional 69 records. As a result,
37 studies were included in the mapping (Figure 1).
Our analysis of the 37 articles included in the system-
atic mapping revealed key themes and trends. In this
overview, we used a word cloud (Figure 2) and a sim-
ilarity graph (Figure 3).
The selected articles were published from 2019 to
2023. We observed a total of 1, 6, 8, 17, and 5 publi-
cations in the years 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023
(5 publications by May 2023), respectively. These
data suggest a growing interest in our research topic
in 2022.
The word cloud (Figure 2) was generated based
on article titles and abstracts to identify the most fre-
quent words in the texts. We excluded the words that
were present from our search string to identify other
relevant terms.
Figure 2: Word cloud.
The word “model” emerges as the most prominent
word, highlighting its importance in the field of study.
“Data” and “method” also highlight the importance of
data and training methods in machine learning algo-
rithms. Other noteworthy words related to application
development and machine learning include dataset,
prediction, performance, system, application, algo-
rithm, training, classification, and accuracy. Words
like biases, group, racial, sex, subgroup, disparities,
and race are prominent in the context of fairness. Re-
garding healthcare, relevant words include clinical,
medical, and patient. The prominent words in Fig-
ure 2 align with the findings of the similarity graph
presented below.
Figure 3 illustrates a similarity analysis based on
the texts of article titles and abstracts performed us-
ing the Iramuteq software. The analysis highlights
the central term “model” and its connections to re-
lated concepts like healthcare, data, bias, fairness, and
machine learning.
Figure 3: Similarity analysis performed in Iramuteq.
The similarity analysis reveals several relevant in-
Healthcare Focus: Near the word “healthcare, we
find terms like system, application, datasets, and AI
(artificial intelligence), highlighting the focus on soft-
ware development and the application of machine
learning in healthcare in the selected articles.
Combating Bias: Within the context of “fairness,
studies focus on combating disparities that may arise
from biased machine learning algorithms used in
healthcare. Words associated with “fairness” include
improve, problem, research, resource, explainability,
measure, test, challenge, and work. Notably, “sen-
sitive” and “subgroup” appear between “model” and
Fair and Equitable Machine Learning Algorithms in Healthcare: A Systematic Mapping
“fairness,” indicating specific areas of concern.
Data and Methods: Connections to “datum” reveal
important words like medical, image, information,
synthetic, disparity, and investigate. These highlight
the need for research in fairness, data challenges, and
synthetic data generation approaches to reduce dispar-
ities and promote equity in medical AI development.
Next to the word “datum, we have “method, which
connects with reduction, equity, regression, and base,
further emphasizing these themes.
Machine Learning in this Context: Within the “ma-
chine learning” (ML) category, relevant words in-
clude structure, inequality, and recent. Additionally,
the “ml” branch (referring to machine learning) con-
nects with words like analysis, ethical, cardiac, pro-
cess, and regression based. These terms highlight cur-
rent research directions and ethical considerations in
this domain.
Mitigating Bias: Words related to mitigating algo-
rithmic biases and understanding their negative im-
pacts connect to the term “bias” through terms like
algorithm, mitigation, metric, introduce, effect, mech-
anism, mitigate, and study. This underscores the im-
portance of addressing bias issues in machine learning
This analysis provided valuable insights into the
key topics and concerns surrounding fairness in ma-
chine learning for healthcare.
This study contributes by providing answers to the
questions raised in the Introduction section, which are
presented below:
RQ1: What are the main statistical, technical, and
ethical approaches used to assess and mitigate biases
unfairness, inequalities, and discriminations in ma-
chine learning algorithms applied to healthcare?
For the purpose of organization, we classified the
approaches into three categories: statistical, technical,
and ethical.
1. Statistical approaches
There are several techniques to deal with imbal-
anced data, such as oversampling, undersampling,
and resampling. Among these techniques, we
found the following in the selected articles: 1.
Undersampling (Zhang et al., 2021); 2. Resam-
pling (Reeves et al., 2022); and 3. Stratified batch
sampling (Puyol-Ant
on et al., 2021).
Other articles were returned by the search string
that described the application of data sampling
techniques to balance imbalanced data, but they
were not included in this study because they did
not address fairness issues throughout the article.
2. Technical approaches
The following are the main technical approaches
described in the selected articles:
Adversarial training framework: Yang et al.
A new machine learning algorithm, called
pseudo bias-balanced learning: Luo et al.
Assessing the impact of Swarm Learning (SL)
on justice: Fan et al. (2021).
Differentially Private (DP): Suriyakumar et al.
EXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) as a
contribution to fairness in machine learning in
healthcare: Rueda et al. (2022).
Connections between interpretability methods
and fairness: El Shawi et al. (2019), Sahoo et al.
(2022), and Meng et al. (2022).
Technique “de-bias” based on AIF360:
Paviglianiti and Pasero (2020).
3. Ethical approaches
The table 2 below summarizes the main studies
and approaches described in the articles, aimed at
ensuring that machine learning models are devel-
oped and used fairly and ethically, reducing the
risk of bias related to factors such as gender, age,
race, and other sociodemographic factors.
RQ2: What are the technical, ethical, and social lim-
itations and challenges in the design, development,
and implementation of fair and equitable machine
learning algorithms in healthcare?
Complex interactions between clinical entities:
Predicting risk profiles accurately becomes diffi-
cult (Pham et al., 2023).
Lack of interpretability: Understanding underly-
ing mechanisms and model decisions is hindered
(Chang et al., 2022; Meng et al., 2022).
Access to healthcare data: Strict privacy laws pro-
tecting patient data in EHRs limit research re-
producibility and hinder new discoveries (Bhanot
et al., 2021).
Tailoring methods for healthcare applications:
Developing effective and specific models remains
a challenge, as for example in medical image anal-
ysis (Stanley et al., 2022).
RQ3: What are the research gaps pointed out in the
articles on fairness and equity in machine learning in
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 2: Main ethical approaches described in the articles.
Approach Description Article
A multi-view multi-task neural network
Researchers designed a multi-view multi-task neural network architecture
(MuViTaNet) and an equity variant (F-MuViTaNet) to accurately predict the
onset of multiple complications and efficiently interpret its predictions, miti-
gating unfairness across different patient groups.
(Pham et al., 2023)
A framework for Representational Ethical
Model Calibration
Framework developed to detect and quantify inequities in model performance
across subpopulations defined by multiple and interacting characteristics.
(Carruthers et al., 2022)
Analysis of the effects of sociodemo-
graphic confounding factors
Shows that unfair models can produce different outcomes between subgroups,
and that these outcomes can explain biased performance.
(Stanley et al., 2022)
Development of fairness metrics for syn-
thetic data
Two metrics were developed by the researchers: 1. a disparity metric for
synthetic data using the concept of disparate impact, and 2. a time-series
metric to assess disparate impact overtime.
(Bhanot et al., 2021)
Experiments on race prediction from con-
founding factors
Suggest that race prediction models can be biased due to the presence of con-
founding factors.
(Duffy et al., 2022)
Fairness metric and testing for regression
ML systems
Proposing a fairness metric and a fairness testing algorithm for regression
machine learning systems
(Perera et al., 2022)
Four-step analytical process for identify-
ing and mitigating biases
Provides a set of steps for identifying and mitigating biases in AI/ML algo-
rithms and solutions.
(Agarwal et al., 2023)
Machine learning (ML) and optimization
decoupling framework
Allows the ML and optimization components of the algorithm to be developed
independently, which can help to reduce bias.
(Shanklin et al., 2022)
Machine learning (ML) model to reduce
biases related to sex, age, and race
Uses a combination of techniques to reduce bias in machine learning models. (Perez Alday et al., 2022)
Metrics to measure the fairness of expla-
nation models or fidelity gaps between
The researchers introduce two new metrics: Maximum Fidelity Gap from
Average, and Mean Fidelity Gap Amongst Subgroups.
(Balagopalan et al., 2022)
Quantitative evaluation of interpretability
Uses metrics to evaluate bias in deep learning models. (Meng et al., 2022)
Study on predictive risks of minimal
racial bias mitigation
Demonstrates that minimal racial bias mitigation can lead to worse predictive
performance for minority groups.
(Barton et al., 2023)
A major gap is the need to address structural barri-
ers and individual interactions in the health context to
achieve health equity (Monlezun et al., 2022). Simply
optimizing AI/ML algorithms to remove bias is insuf-
ficient. It is crucial to understand the broader social
determinants of health and find subtler patterns that
advocate for patients, rather than relying solely on
group-level minority subgroup corrections (Li et al.,
Another identified research gap emphasizes the
importance of continually evaluating and auditing ML
models for racial bias in clinical decision-making,
even when explicit sensitive identifiers are removed
from clinical notes (Adam et al., 2022).
Finally, there is a need for further research and
testing of domain generalization methods in machine
learning in clinical settings, exploring their impact on
fairness and their performance when in the presence
of bias (Zhang et al., 2021).
In this section, we discuss the results of our mapping.
6.1 Approaches for Machine Learning
Models to Mitigate the Imbalanced
Data Problem in Healthcare
This section discusses approaches for mitigating im-
balanced data in healthcare machine learning mod-
els, acknowledging that such data is inherently imbal-
anced, uncertain, and prone to missing values (Wang
et al., 2022). We specifically focus on three data sam-
pling techniques: undersampling, resampling, and
stratified batch, discussed in detail below.
6.1.1 Undersampling Use
Undersampling balances datasets by removing major-
ity class samples. However, this risks losing valuable
information (Alani et al., 2020; Reeves et al., 2022).
Zhang et al. (2021) suggested a framework for
stress-test domain generalization methods in health-
care. They found that these methods can sometimes
outperform traditional approaches, but may also lead
to worse fairness and performance under certain con-
ditions. They observed that directly providing the
subsampled feature significantly reduces fairness and
performance for both domain generalization and em-
pirical risk minimization (ERM) algorithms. This
Fair and Equitable Machine Learning Algorithms in Healthcare: A Systematic Mapping
suggests increased reliance on spurious correlations
when the subsampled feature is directly provided, re-
sulting in poor performance and fairness significantly
worse under distribution shift.
6.1.2 Resampling for Fairness
Resampling methods can be classified into two main
categories: oversampling and undersampling, both
aiming to achieve a balanced class distribution (Alani
et al., 2020).
In Reeves et al. (2022), the strategy used was re-
sampling techniques (Blind, Separate, Equity) to bal-
ance the racial distribution in the data sample. Detail-
ing the approach:
Blind resampling: This is a baseline method that
randomly samples a subset of the majority class
(patients who do not die of suicide) to balance
the training set. It does not consider racial/ethnic
group membership.
Separate resampling: This method separates the
training data by racial/ethnic group and under-
samples the majority class in each group to bal-
ance the data. It trains disjoint models for each
racial/ethnic group.
Equity resampling: This method divides the train-
ing data by both racial/ethnic group and class la-
6.1.3 Stratified Batch Sampling
In this approach, the data is stratified by the protected
attribute(s) for each training batch, and samples are
selected to ensure that each protected group is equally
represented (Puyol-Ant
on et al., 2021).
6.2 The Importance of Explainability
for Justice in Machine Learning in
Rueda et al. (2022) highlight the inherent trade-off
between precision and explainability in AI models.
While high-performing models like deep learning of-
ten lack transparency, easily interpretable models typ-
ically exhibit lower precision (Holzinger et al., 2019
apud Rueda et al., 2022). This tension has significant
implications for distributive justice, which concerns
the fair allocation of resources. In healthcare, this
means ensuring everyone has access to quality care,
even when resources are limited.
Outcome-oriented justice theories prioritize preci-
sion to maximize benefits for the most people. How-
ever, Rueda et al. (2022) also bring procedural justice
into the argument, which emphasizes that the process
on which decisions are based is a fundamental aspect
of judgments about justice.
Rueda et al. (2022) argue for procedural justice,
emphasizing the importance of fair and transparent
decision-making processes. Explainability plays a
crucial role in achieving this, enabling verification of
unbiased decisions and attributing moral responsibil-
Balagopalan et al. (2022) introduced metrics to
measure the fairness of explanation models or fidelity
gaps between subgroups. They argue that an expla-
nation model can be faithful to the overall black box,
but still be unfair to certain subgroups.
6.3 Mitigating Biases and Injustices
Related to Sensitive Attributes
Mitigating biases related to age, race, gender, and
other sensitive attributes is critical in healthcare
AI. We identified various methods used by re-
searchers, including resampling techniques (Reeves
et al., 2022).
Adam et al. (2022) highlighted the importance
of clinical notes in machine learning models, but
also warned that these models can perpetuate biases
against minorities. Notably, they demonstrated the
ability to infer patient race from clinical notes even
without explicit access to the attribute.
This underscores the importance of combating bi-
ases in machine learning models used in healthcare,
as disparities in healthcare outcomes for minorities
have been well documented, such as the finding by
Lee et al. (2019) that “physicians are less likely to
provide Black patients with analgesia for acute pain
in the emergency room” (Lee et al., 2019 apud Adam
et al., 2022).
on et al. (2021) conducted an analyzing
the impartiality of deep learning-based cardiac mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) segmentation models.
Their work focused on the impact of gender and racial
imbalance in training data and proposed three strate-
gies to mitigate bias: stratified batch sampling, fair
meta-learning for segmentation, and protected group
Our findings suggest a growing interest in the re-
search topic, with a significant number of publica-
tions in recent years. Analyzing article titles and ab-
stracts revealed key themes like justice, bias mitiga-
tion, interpretability, and the impact of imbalanced
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
datasets. We identified various methods employed
by researchers, including hybrid approaches, subsam-
pling, and protected group models, to address imbal-
anced data and promote fairness. Additionally, ex-
plainability approaches were highlighted as crucial
for achieving transparency and understanding in ML
Our study also emphasizes the importance of dis-
cussing and mitigating biases related to sensitive at-
tributes like age, race, and gender. The Studies de-
scribed approaches such as balancing racial propor-
tions in datasets, examining implicit bias in clinical
notes, and improving model interpretability to iden-
tify disparities across demographic groups.
This comprehensive overview of the research
landscape provides valuable insights into addressing
biases and injustices in healthcare ML algorithms.
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tial Model Recommendations. In Proceedings of the
2022 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society,
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sifying Imbalanced Multi-modal Sensor Data for Hu-
man Activity Recognition in a Smart Home using Deep
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Ethical framework for artificial intelligence and digital
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Explainability is Paved with Bias: Measuring the Fair-
ness of Explanations. In 2022 ACM Conference on
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Carruthers, R., Straw, I., Ruffle, J. K., Herron, D., Nel-
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Nachev, P. (2022). Representational ethical model cali-
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