Evaluating the Security and Privacy Risk Postures of Virtual Assistants
Borna Kalhor
and Sanchari Das
Department of Computer Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Department of Computer Science, University of Denver, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.
Virtual Assistants, Privacy and Security, Vulnerability Analysis, Voice Assistants, Security Evaluation.
Virtual assistants (VAs) have seen increased use in recent years due to their ease of use for daily tasks. Despite
their growing prevalence, their security and privacy implications are still not well understood. To address this
gap, we conducted a study to evaluate the security and privacy postures of eight widely used voice assistants:
Alexa, Braina, Cortana, Google Assistant, Kalliope, Mycroft, Hound, and Extreme. We used three vulnerabil-
ity testing tools—AndroBugs, RiskInDroid, and MobSF—to assess the security and privacy of these VAs. Our
analysis focused on five areas: code, access control, tracking, binary analysis, and sensitive data confidential-
ity. The results revealed that these VAs are vulnerable to a range of security threats, including not validating
SSL certificates, executing raw SQL queries, and using a weak mode of the AES algorithm. These vulnera-
bilities could allow malicious actors to gain unauthorized access to users’ personal information. This study
is a first step toward understanding the risks associated with these technologies and provides a foundation for
future research to develop more secure and privacy-respecting VAs.
Virtual assistants (VAs) are software systems utiliz-
ing natural language processing to facilitate human-
computer interactions via a series of intents cor-
related with service interactions and agent utter-
ances (Schmidt et al., 2018; Guzman, 2019). Cur-
rently, VAs are increasingly integrated into various
everyday interactions, such as with smartphones, the
Internet of Things (IoT), and smart speakers. Users
employ voice commands to perform a spectrum of
tasks, ranging from simple activities such as travel
planning to more intricate functions such as data anal-
ysis and information retrieval (Modhave, 2019). De-
spite the growing popularity of VAs, their adoption
hinges on the robustness of their security and privacy
features, areas that remain underexplored in existing
works. Ensuring the privacy and security of VAs is
paramount for their continued acceptance and integra-
tion into daily tasks by users.
As mentioned above, VAs come with their own se-
curity and privacy concerns since they necessitate ex-
tensive permissions to execute their designated tasks.
For example, they require access to the users’ loca-
tion for navigation, contacts for call initiation, and
storage for media playback and display (Burns and
Igou, 2019; Tan et al., 2014). Additionally, they
need calendar access for scheduling, background op-
eration permissions for continuous readiness, and net-
work access to interact with various servers (Neupane
et al., 2022). The microphone permission, crucial for
VA functionality, introduces a major concern for po-
tentially compromising user privacy (Dunbar et al.,
To delve deeper into understanding these vulner-
abilities and evaluating the security and privacy pos-
tures of VAs, we analyzed eight prevalent voice as-
sistants: Google Assistant (v0.1.474378801), Cortana
(v3.3.3.2876), Alexa (v2.2.49), Kalliope (v0.5.2),
Mycroft (v1.0.1), Braina (v3.6), Hound (v3.4.0), and
Extreme (v1.9.3). Using scanners MobSF (Abra-
ham, 2023), RiskInDroid (Georgiu, 2023), and An-
droBugs (Lin, 2023), we evaluated their security pos-
tures, scrutinized unnecessary permissions, and inves-
tigated the destinations of their network communica-
tions for potential malicious activity. This analysis
aimed to address specific research questions related
to these aspects.
Within the contemporary technological land-
scape, what specific vulnerabilities are prevalent
in the architecture and design of leading vir-
tual assistants? Additionally, what preventative
strategies can organizations implement to mitigate
these vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of mali-
Kalhor, B. and Das, S.
Evaluating the Security and Privacy Risk Postures of Virtual Assistants.
DOI: 10.5220/0012389500003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 154-161
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
cious exploitation?
As VAs become increasingly embedded in daily
digital interactions, how effectively does the ap-
plication architecture of the most widely utilized
VAs safeguard users’ sensitive data? Considering
existing literature and case studies, what practi-
cal measures or adaptations can be suggested and
verified to strengthen the intrinsic privacy and se-
curity protocols of these assistants?
Our study reveals significant vulnerabilities in pop-
ular VAs, including improper information manage-
ment, inadequately secure or absent encryption, lack
of certificate validation, unsafe SQL query execution,
and insecure communications breaching SSL proto-
col standards. Based on the findings of this study,
we recommend that VA developers implement robust
and secure communication and access control mech-
anisms, in addition to disclosing their privacy prac-
tices. Moreover, designers and developers are en-
couraged to integrate privacy-centric design princi-
ples into VAs; this includes privacy-enhancing fea-
tures, detailed user control over data sharing, and data
collection minimization to the essentials of function-
ality (Rahman Md et al., 2022).
In the subsequent sections, we will explore the
privacy and security issues of VAs in different as-
pects, namely code, access control, binary analysis,
and tracking. The discovery of weaknesses in this
study will be conducive to growing research aimed at
fortifying the security and privacy of intelligent AI-
powered chatbots and assistants.
The integration of VAs into various aspects of daily
life and work has brought about significant conve-
niences, but it has also raised substantial concerns
about privacy and security. This section reviews re-
search on VA security and privacy, connecting find-
ings from various studies and placing them in a
broader context.
Sharif et al. provided a foundational analysis
of the privacy vulnerabilities inherent to VAs, iden-
tifying six main types of user privacy risks (Sharif
and Tenbergen, 2020). They address key concerns
such as VAs’ constant listening, which may inadver-
tently gather and store sensitive user data. They also
highlight weak authentication mechanisms in VAs,
demonstrating how malicious actors can exploit them
for unauthorized access to user data or the device.
In addition to these user-centric vulnerabilities, the
study also draws attention to the potential risks asso-
ciated with the cloud infrastructure upon which these
VAs operate, indicating that it could be susceptible to
various forms of cyberattacks (Johnston et al., 2014;
Chen et al., 2021). Complementing this, the study
conducted by Liao et al. takes a closer look at the
transparency of VA applications, particularly in terms
of how they disclose their privacy policies (Liao et al.,
2020). They discovered inconsistencies in disclosure
practices, with some applications attempting to access
sensitive data without clearly stating so in their pri-
vacy policies.
Lei et al. further expanded the security aspect of
VAs, specifically focusing on access control weak-
nesses in popular home-based VAs such as Amazon
Alexa and Google Home (Lei et al., 2018). Through
the execution of experimental attacks, they demon-
strated the feasibility of remote adversaries exploit-
ing these vulnerabilities to compromise user security.
This study underscores the critical need for stronger
authentication mechanisms to safeguard user data and
privacy. Shenava et al. extended the discussion to
smart IoT devices utilizing virtual assistant technolo-
gies, such as Amazon Alexa, to explore potential pri-
vacy violations (Shenava et al., 2022). They created
a custom Alexa skill to acquire sensitive user pay-
ment data during interactions, illustrating the serious
privacy risks associated with custom endpoint func-
tions in VA skills. This research emphasizes the ne-
cessity for robust privacy controls and stricter gover-
nance over third-party skills to protect user data on
smart IoT platforms.
Adding an empirical dimension to the discussion,
Joey et al. conducted a study to understand end-
user privacy concerns concerning smart devices (Joy
et al., 2022). Their results reveal a substantial gap
between user perceptions and the actual privacy prac-
tices of these devices, highlighting the importance of
improved privacy-preserving techniques and clearer
communication from manufacturers. Lastly, Cheng
et al. provided a literature review focused on the pri-
vacy and security challenges associated with Personal
Voice Assistants (PVAs), with a special focus on the
challenges related to the acoustic channel (Cheng and
Roedig, 2022). They introduce a taxonomy to or-
ganize existing research activities, emphasizing the
acute need for enhanced security and privacy protec-
tions in PVAs.
Weaving together the findings and insights from
these studies, we gain a comprehensive understand-
ing of the multifaceted privacy and security chal-
lenges associated with VAs. Constant listening capa-
bilities, weak authentication mechanisms, and trans-
parency issues are identified as prevalent vulnerabil-
ities and issues that need urgent attention. Further-
more, the integration of VAs with smart IoT devices
Evaluating the Security and Privacy Risk Postures of Virtual Assistants
introduces additional complexities and potential av-
enues for exploitation (Alghamdi and Furnell, 2023).
Addressing these challenges requires a concerted ef-
fort from researchers, developers, and manufacturers
alike, highlighting the need for stronger security pro-
tocols, clearer communication regarding data prac-
tices, and user education to foster a safer and more
secure VA ecosystem. This body of work collectively
informs the present study, providing a critical back-
drop against which we can further explore and address
the security and privacy implications of VAs.
In our work, we aimed to find security and privacy-
centric vulnerabilities prevalent in eight of the most
widely used VAs on Android, analyzing their poten-
tial exploitation of personal data for purposes such as
targeted advertising and user tracking. To select the
applications for the study, we employed a selection
method that incorporated the number of installations,
user ratings, and activity levels in open-source repos-
itories, which resulted in the inclusion of VAs such
as Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Microsoft
Cortana (Warren, 2023). We used three tools for the
analysis: MobSF, RiskInDroid, and AndroBugs, each
providing a unique set of capabilities ranging from
malware analysis and API scanning to reverse engi-
neering and application sandboxing.
We specifically selected MobSF, which has been
widely used in the previous literature, due to its com-
prehensive analysis and highly active community on
GitHub. AndroBugs, armed with its efficient and
robust pattern recognition, enabled us to examine
complementary vulnerable areas that were not being
examined by MobSF. RiskInDroid was chosen due
to its novel approach to using artificial intelligence
and its special focus on access control. Although
MobSF, AndroBugs, and RiskInDroid each have their
strengths, using them in conjunction provided a more
thorough vulnerability analysis.
Examining the operational mechanisms of these
tools via their GitHub repositories, we discerned that
while they all follow a generic approach of decompil-
ing APK files and juxtaposing the source code against
a predefined set of rules, MobSF stands out for its
more rigorous analysis. MobSF engages in both static
and dynamic analysis of applications. In its static
analysis phase, MobSF decompiles the APK, trans-
forming it into a pseudocode that mirrors the original
source code, facilitating code examination without di-
rect access to the source. This decompiled code is
then analyzed to detect potential vulnerabilities us-
ing rules drawn from MobSF’s active open-source
community. Furthermore, MobSF scrutinizes the An-
droidManifest.xml file to extract critical information
about the application’s components and required per-
missions, shedding light on potential privacy and se-
curity concerns. The tool also evaluates the APIs em-
ployed by the application, identifying insecure APIs
as potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, MobSF
searches for hard-coded sensitive information, such as
encryption keys or credentials, which could pose sig-
nificant security risks. Beyond the decompiled code,
MobSF conducts binary analysis to uncover vulner-
abilities that might only become apparent during the
compilation process (GVS, 2023). MobSF also gen-
erated a comprehensive report detailing potential vul-
nerabilities, their severity, and the specific files where
these vulnerabilities were detected.
On the contrary, RiskInDroid provides a risk in-
dex for each application, indicating the potential risk
to users, with a higher index signifying greater risk.
RiskInDroid employs classification techniques using
machine learning libraries such as scikit learn and
classifiers like Support Vector Machines (SVM) and
Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB) to calculate a risk
score ranging from 0 to 100. RiskInDroid’s unique
capability lies in its ability to identify permissions
utilized by the application that are not explicitly de-
clared in the manifest files. AndroBugs, on the other
hand, does not generate overall assessment metrics for
the applications. Analyzing the generated reports, we
gained insights into each application’s security pos-
ture, evaluating its handling of sensitive data, utiliza-
tion of permissions, and server communications. This
enabled us to assess their resilience against potential
security threats. Our work underscores the criticality
of detecting and mitigating vulnerabilities in VAs as a
means to safeguard user privacy and security.
In our results, we discuss the vulnerabilities we found,
focusing on access control, privacy, and database se-
curity aspects, among others.
Vulnerabilities in Code. AndroBugs analysis iden-
tified several critical vulnerabilities across different
VAs. Alexa, for instance, improperly utilizes Base64
encoding as a security mechanism, leading to poten-
tial data exposure, as Base64 strings are easily de-
codable (Lei et al., 2017). Furthermore, implicit ser-
vice checking in Alexa, Cortana, and Hound could
allow unauthorized access and execution of sensi-
tive functions, undermining system security. Alexa
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Table 1: Overview of Critical Security Vulnerabilities in Virtual Assistants.
Critical Vulnerability Virtual Assistants
Non-SSL URLs Amazon, Cortana, Extreme, Hound,
Kalliope, Mycroft
Implicit Intent Usage Alexa, Cortana, Extreme, Hound, My-
Missing Stack Canary in Shared Objects Alexa, Cortana, Hound, Mycroft
Permissive HOSTNAME VERIFIER Cortana, Extreme, Kalliope
SSL Certificate Validation Bypass Cortana, Extreme, Kalliope
Raw SQL Queries in SQLite Cortana, Kalliope
Runtime Command Execution Cortana, Extreme
WebView Javascript Interface Vulnerability (CVE-2013-4710) Cortana, Extreme
ContentProvider Exported Alexa
Base64 Encoding Used as Encryption Alexa
Misconfigured ”intent-filter” Cortana
ECB Mode AES Usage Cortana
Clear Text Traffic Enabled Cortana
Non-Standard Activity Launch Mode Cortana
CBC Mode AES with Padding Oracle Extreme
Standhogg 2.0 Vulnerability Extreme
System-Level Permissions in Manifest Extreme
Insecure SSL Pinning with Byte Array/Hard-Coded Cert Info Kalliope
Fragment Vulnerability (CVE-2013-6271) Mycroft
Debug Mode Enabled Mycroft
Dangerous Sandbox Permissions Mycroft
also exposes its ContentProvider, risking unautho-
rized data access, and communicates over non-SSL
URLs, exposing data to potential DNS hijacking at-
tacks (Shahriar and Haddad, 2014). Extreme’s sus-
ceptibility to Strandhogg 2.0 allows malicious apps
to impersonate legitimate ones, jeopardizing user se-
curity. To mitigate this, setting singleTask’ or sin-
gleInstance’ launch modes in AndroidManifest.xml is
recommended, ensuring single activity instances and
thwarting malicious activity duplication.
In our analysis of Cortana and Kalliope, we iden-
tified several SSL security vulnerabilities. Both ap-
plications permit a user-defined HOSTNAME VERI-
FIER to indiscriminately accept all Common Names
(CN), constituting a critical vulnerability that en-
ables Man in the Middle attacks using a valid certifi-
cate (MITRE, 2023). Furthermore, Cortana initiates
connections with 13 URLs that are not secured by
SSL. The application also fails to validate SSL certifi-
cates properly, accepting self-signed, expired, or mis-
matched CN certificates. Additionally, the ”intent-
filter” in the app is misconfigured, lacking associated
”actions, thereby rendering the component inopera-
tive (Developers, 2023).
Our investigation also uncovered a potential for
Remote Code Execution due to a critical vulnerabil-
ity in the WebView ”addJavascriptInterface” feature,
allowing JavaScript to control the host application.
This is particularly hazardous for applications target-
ing API LEVEL JELLYBEAN (4.2) or lower, as it ex-
poses the application to arbitrary Java code execution
with the host application’s permissions (Labs, 2013).
In Mycroft, we discovered numerous critical vulnera-
bilities, including implicit service checking and three
URLs that are not secured by SSL. The application
is susceptible to the Fragment Vulnerability (CVE-
2013-6271), enabling attackers to execute arbitrary
code in the application context (NIST, 2013). Ad-
ditionally, the ”debuggable” property is set to ”true”
in AndroidManifest.xml, exposing debug messages to
attackers via Logcat.
Access Control and Application Permissions.
Commonly, VAs require access to sensitive informa-
tion such as the device’s location, storage, and inter-
net connectivity (Alepis and Patsakis, 2017). How-
ever, it poses a challenge for researchers to ascer-
tain the exact utilization of specific permissions by
developers. This ambiguity renders VAs attractive
targets for malicious actors, who could exploit these
permissions under the guise of legitimate functional-
ity (Bolton et al., 2021). Identifying an application’s
access permissions is relatively straightforward. One
can inspect the AndroidManifest.xml file to review
the declared permissions necessary for the app’s func-
tionality. Additionally, automated open-source code
analysis tools, such as MobSF and RiskInDroid, can
reverse engineer and scrutinize the code to identify
various permissions. Employing the Android SDK
also enables the monitoring of application requests to
determine the assets being accessed.
Our study revealed that Extreme uti-
lizes a system-level, special permission,
W RIT E SECURE SET TINGS”, as declared
in its Android Manifest file. This signature-level per-
mission is typically reserved for applications signed
with the system’s signing key, and it grants the app
extensive access, allowing it to modify the system’s
Evaluating the Security and Privacy Risk Postures of Virtual Assistants
Table 2: Trackers utilized by VAs for various purposes. No trackers were found in the remaining VAs.
Tracker Name VA name Alexa Cortana Extreme Hound
Amazon Analytics (Amazon in-
Bugsnag Crash reporting
Google Firebase Analytics Analytics Analytics Analytics Analytics
Metrics Analytics
Adjust Analytics
Google AdMob Advertisement
Google CrashLytics Crash reporting Crash reporting
Huawei Mobile Services (HMS)
Analytics, Ad-
vertisement, Lo-
Facebook Analytics Analytics
Facebook Login Identification
Facebook Share [Unspecified]
Google Analytics Analytics
Houndify Identification,
Localytics Analytics, Pro-
OpenTelemetry (OpenCensus,
secure settings. Such capabilities present substantial
security risks. Generally, special permissions of
this nature are granted exclusively to preloaded
applications, those integral to the device’s operating
system, or apps installed by Google. Furthermore,
observed in Extreme permits the application to
request the installation of additional packages. This
functionality raises security concerns, as seemingly
benign applications might exploit this permission to
deceive users into installing malicious packages.
Tracking in VAs. Trackers are software compo-
nents integrated into applications to collect data on
users’ activities, capturing details such as the duration
of app usage, clicked ads, and more. Often provided
by third parties, these trackers can be used to predict
future user behavior and interests. Companies utilize
this information to tailor their products and services to
user needs. Still, trackers can be seen as invasive, rais-
ing privacy concerns among users and privacy advo-
cates (Kollnig et al., 2021). Nevertheless, developers
sometimes employ trackers for benevolent purposes,
such as application maintenance. Trackers assist in
identifying the most and least effective parts of an
application, guiding necessary changes, and are also
commonly used for crash reporting (Farzana et al.,
Most applications opt not to develop their own
tracking systems, instead utilizing established track-
ers provided by major companies. Our study indicates
that a significant number of test subjects employ this
technology for a variety of purposes. Google Firebase
Analytics emerged as the predominant tracker among
the applications studied, primarily utilized for analyt-
ics. Google CrashLytics is another prevalent tool used
for transmitting crash reports to developers. Addition-
ally, various tracking products developed by Amazon,
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Huawei, and others are
employed for multiple purposes, including analytics,
crash reporting, and user behavior prediction. Table 2
outlines the trackers found in the VAs analyzed in this
study and their specific purposes.
Binary Analysis of Shared Libraries. Each appli-
cation undergoes numerous repetitive processes and
operations beyond its core functionality. Developers
often maximize code reusability across different ap-
plications by relying on pre-developed code compo-
nents, such as functions, classes, and variables, col-
lectively referred to as shared libraries. Although
this practice offers significant advantages in terms of
reusability, it also introduces potential security risks.
Malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities in out-
dated or improperly maintained libraries to compro-
mise the system. A notable example occurred in
November 2021 when security researchers discovered
a critical vulnerability in a widely-used Java logging
framework, a vulnerability that had remained unde-
tected since 2013—known as the log4shell vulnera-
bility (CVE-2021-44228) (Wortley et al., 2021).
Sensitive Data Confidentiality. In our analysis, we
discovered vulnerabilities in several VAs. Braina and
Google Assistant are susceptible to CWE-532 and
CWE-276, meaning they may inadvertently leak sen-
sitive information into log files or expose such data
through other means. Braina additionally poses a se-
curity risk due to its read/write operations on external
storage, which could be accessed by other applica-
tions. Cortana employs the ECB mode for crypto-
graphic encryption, a method considered weak since
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: App-Based Security Scores Generated by MobSF.
identical plaintexts yield identical ciphertexts (CWE-
327), resulting in predictable ciphertexts. Further-
more, Cortana utilizes the MD5 hashing algorithm,
which is known for its susceptibility to collisions. Our
findings also indicate that Alexa may expose secrets,
such as API keys. Kalliope, on the other hand, is at
risk of SQL injection due to its unsafe execution of
raw SQL queries, potentially enabling the execution
of malicious queries by users. Hound’s domain con-
figuration allows clear text traffic to specific domains,
creating a security vulnerability. Google Assistant
uses an insecure random number generator (CWE-
330) and employs the MD5 algorithm for hashing.
Extreme is signed with a v1 signature scheme, render-
ing it vulnerable to the Janus vulnerability on Android
versions 5.0-8.0.
The comprehensive security scores of the apps, as
generated by MobSF, are depicted in Figure 1. We
should note that these scores provide insights into the
number and severity of weaknesses identified by the
tool only.
The pervasive integration of VAs into daily life un-
derscores the crucial need for enhanced security and
privacy measures. Our study elucidates a spectrum
of vulnerabilities in widely-used VAs, predominantly
stemming from insecure communications, misconfig-
urations, and suboptimal encryption practices. These
vulnerabilities not only expose users to potential ex-
ploitation but also raise substantial privacy concerns,
particularly given the observed instances of user ac-
tivity tracking and data transmission to third-party
This study reveals vulnerabilities in several preva-
lent VAs, could assist corporations in pinpointing de-
ficient aspects of their software and striving to rein-
force them. Additionally, it educates the public on the
risks faced by the current status of VAs regarding han-
dling their data and how companies use their data. It
also serves as a reminder that the esteemed renown of
multinational corporations does not necessarily guar-
antee the security of their products. Based on this
study, we advocate for the adoption of privacy-by-
design principles (Sokolova et al., 2014) and compre-
hensive security practices across the software devel-
opment life cycle (SDLC)(Assal and Chiasson, 2018).
Specifically, organizations should implement end-to-
end encryption for sensitive data, both in transit (us-
ing TLS) and at rest (employing robust encryption
schemes such as AES-256), and refrain from embed-
ding sensitive information like API keys directly in
the code. Regular patching for software and depen-
dencies is paramount, as many exploits target known
vulnerabilities for which fixes are readily available.
For developers, embracing secure communication
protocols such as HTTPS is imperative to ensure the
integrity and confidentiality of data exchanges be-
tween VAs and servers (Hadan et al., 2019). The inte-
gration of robust authentication mechanisms, includ-
ing multi-factor and biometric authentication, adds a
critical layer of security, safeguarding user data from
unauthorized access (Khattar et al., 2019; Das et al.,
2018; Das et al., 2020). Transparent and user-friendly
privacy policies are vital, enabling users to make in-
formed decisions regarding VA usage. Regular up-
dates to these policies ensure alignment with cur-
rent data collection and usage practices (Xie et al.,
2022). Users, in turn, must be vigilant and proac-
tive in safeguarding their privacy. This includes scru-
tinizing the permissions requested by VAs, employ-
ing strong, unique passwords, and considering multi-
factor authentication (Warkentin et al., 2011; Jensen
et al., 2021). Moreover, explicit user consent should
be a prerequisite for the collection of sensitive data.
VAs should empower users with greater control over
their data, including the ability to delete it, dictate its
retention duration, or opt out of data collection en-
tirely (Hutt et al., 2023). Addressing these challenges
necessitates a concerted effort from developers, users,
and regulatory bodies aimed at establishing and main-
taining a secure and privacy-respecting virtual envi-
Due to proprietary restrictions imposed by Apple, iOS
assistants were not within our investigatory purview.
Additionally, there is a limited array of widely used
VAs available, generally pre-installed on devices,
which inherently narrows the scope of this work.
While this study successfully identifies vulnerabili-
ties, we plan to conduct subsequent evaluations to
augment these findings through experimental vali-
Evaluating the Security and Privacy Risk Postures of Virtual Assistants
dation. Furthermore, this study predominantly em-
ployed static analysis. In our future work, we plan to
incorporate dynamic and hardware analysis, utilizing
single-board computers to deploy the assistants.
The proliferation of VAs entails substantial privacy
and security ramifications for end-users. This study
assessed the security postures and privacy implica-
tions of the eight most commonly used VAs, en-
compassing Alexa, Braina, Cortana, Google Assis-
tant, Kalliope, Mycroft, Hound, and Extreme. Utiliz-
ing automated vulnerability scanners, we conducted
static code analysis to uncover latent code vulnera-
bilities and assess the necessity of requested permis-
sions. Our findings reveal that numerous VAs are rid-
dled with critical vulnerabilities, potentially exposing
users’ private data to malicious actors. Many VAs ex-
hibit flawed information handling practices and em-
ploy suboptimal encryption standards. Our analy-
sis also showed the prevalence of third-party track-
ers within these applications, highlighting potential
data-sharing practices with advertising entities. We
underscore the imperative for stringent security mea-
sures, advocating for enhanced encryption practices
and robust authentication mechanisms. Additionally,
we encourage users and developers alike to cognize
the inherent privacy risks associated with VA usage,
fostering a security-conscious virtual environment.
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Evaluating the Security and Privacy Risk Postures of Virtual Assistants