Multi-Agent Quantum Reinforcement Learning Using Evolutionary
Michael K
, Felix Topp
, Thomy Phan
, Philipp Altmann
, Jonas N
and Claudia Linnhoff-Popien
Institute of Informatics, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
Quantum Reinforcement Learning, Multi-Agent Systems, Evolutionary Optimization.
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning is becoming increasingly more important in times of autonomous driv-
ing and other smart industrial applications. Simultaneously a promising new approach to Reinforcement
Learning arises using the inherent properties of quantum mechanics, reducing the trainable parameters of a
model significantly. However, gradient-based Multi-Agent Quantum Reinforcement Learning methods of-
ten have to struggle with barren plateaus, holding them back from matching the performance of classical
approaches. We build upon an existing approach for gradient free Quantum Reinforcement Learning and
propose tree approaches with Variational Quantum Circuits for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning using
evolutionary optimization. We evaluate our approach in the Coin Game environment and compare them to
classical approaches. We showed that our Variational Quantum Circuit approaches perform significantly bet-
ter compared to a neural network with a similar amount of trainable parameters. Compared to the larger neural
network, our approaches archive similar results using 97.88% less parameters.
Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance,
offering innovative solutions across various do-
mains. Key applications include autonomous driving
(Shalev-Shwartz et al., 2016), the internet of things
(Deng et al., 2020), and smart grids (Dimeas and
Hatziargyriou, 2010). Central to these applications
is the use of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). These
agents, though designed to act in their own interest,
can be guided to work together using Multi-Agent Re-
inforcement Learning (MARL). Notably, MARL has
proven effective, especially in resolving social dilem-
mas (Leibo et al., 2017b).
Reinforcement Learning (RL) itself has made
impressive strides, outperforming humans in areas
like video games (Badia et al., 2020; Schrittwieser
et al., 2019). Alongside this, quantum technologies
are emerging, suggesting faster problem-solving and
more efficient training in RL (Harrow and Montanaro,
2017). However, Quantum Reinforcement Learning
(QRL) has it’s challenges, such as instabilities and
vanishing gradients (Franz et al., 2022; Chen et al.,
2022). To address these, researchers have turned to
evolutionary optimization methods, as proposed by
(Chen et al., 2022), which have shown promising re-
sults. With the rising prominence of MARL, combin-
ing it with quantum techniques has become a research
focal point, leading to the development of Multi-
Agent Quantum Reinforcement Learning (MAQRL).
In this work, each agent is represented as a Variational
Quantum Circuits (VQC). We employ a evolutionary
algorithm to optimize the parameters of the circuit.
We evaluate different generational evolution strate-
gies and conduct a small scale hyperparameter search
for key parameters of the VQC. Our aim is to evaluate
MAQRLs capabilities and compare it to traditional
RL methods, using the Coin Game as a benchmark.
In this study, we model each agent using Vari-
ational Quantum Circuits (VQC), a promising and
adaptable representation in the quantum domain. The
inherent flexibility of VQCs allows for the encod-
ing of complex information, making them suitable
for representing agent behaviors in diverse environ-
ments. To fine-tune these quantum circuits and ensure
their optimal performance, we harness the power of
an evolutionary algorithm. This algorithm iteratively
optimizes the parameters of the VQC, guiding the cir-
cuit towards improved decision-making and interac-
tions. While evolutionary algorithms have been tra-
Kölle, M., Topp, F., Phan, T., Altmann, P., Nüßlein, J. and Linnhoff-Popien, C.
Multi-Agent Quantum Reinforcement Learning Using Evolutionary Optimization.
DOI: 10.5220/0012382800003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 1, pages 71-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
ditionally employed in classical domains, their appli-
cation in the quantum realm offers exciting prospects
for efficiently navigating the vast parameter space of
VQCs. As part of our experiements, we systemati-
cally evaluate multiple generational evolution strate-
gies. By comparing their effectiveness, we aim to
identify which strategies most beneficially influence
the learning trajectories of the VQCs. Furthermore,
recognizing the significance of the VQC’s parame-
ters in determining its behavior and effectiveness, we
undertake a small scale hyperparameter search. This
search is dedicated to fine-tuning key parameters, en-
suring the VQC. Central to our research objectives is
the evaluation of MAQRL and its potential contribu-
tions to the field. We are particularly interested in
benchmarking MAQRL against established RL tech-
niques to learn its advantages and areas of improve-
ment. For a robust and fair assessment, we have cho-
sen the Coin Game, a well-regarded environment in
multi-agent research, as our testing ground. In sum-
mary our contributions are:
1. Introducting evolutionary optimization in a quan-
tum multi-agent reinforcement learning setting.
2. Assessing the impact of three different genera-
tional evolution strategies and variational layer
3. Direct comparison to classical approaches with
different parameter counts.
We start in Section 2 by explaining the basics of
MARL and Evolutionary Optimization. We also
give a short introduction to Quantum Computing and
VQCs, and mention related studies (Section 3). Af-
ter outlining our methodology (Section 4) and experi-
mental setup (Section 5), we share the results and im-
plications of our experiments in Section 6. We end
with a summary and thoughts on next steps for re-
search (Section 7). All code and experiments can be
found here
2.1 Multi-Agent Setting
We focus on Markov games M = D, S, A, P , R ,
where D = {1, ..., N} is a set of agents i, S is a set of
states s
at time step t, A = A
, ..., A
is the set of
joint actions a
= a
, P (s
, a
) is the tran-
sition probability, and r
, ..., r
= R (s
, a
) R
is the joint reward. π
) is the action selec-
tion probability represented by the individual policy
of agent i.
Policy π
is usually evaluated with a value func-
tion V
) = E
] for all s
S , where G
is the individual and discounted return
of agent i D with discount factor γ [0, 1) and
π = π
, ..., π
is the joint policy of the MAS. The
goal of agent i is to find a best response π
= max
for all s
S, where π
is the
joint policy without agent i.
We define the efficiency of a MAS or utilitarian
metric (U) by the sum of all individual rewards until
time step T :
U =
where R
T 1
is the undiscounted return or sum
of rewards of agent i starting from start state s
2.2 Multi-Agent Reinforcement
We focus on independent learning, where each agent
i optimizes its individual policy π
based on indi-
vidual information like a
and r
using RL tech-
niques, e.g., evolutionary optimization as explained
in Section Evolutionary Optimization. Independent
learning introduces non-stationarity due to simulta-
neously adapting agents which continuously changes
the environment dynamics from an agent’s perspec-
tive ((Littman, 1994; Laurent et al., 2011; Hernandez-
Leal et al., 2017)), which can cause the adoption of
overly greedy and exploitative policies which defect
from any cooperative behavior ((Leibo et al., 2017a;
Foerster et al., 2018)).
2.3 Evolutionary Optimization
Inspired by the process of natural selection, evolution-
ary optimization have been shown to find optimal so-
lutions to complex problems, where traditional meth-
ods may not be efficient (Vikhar, 2016). They em-
ploy a population of individuals, randomly generated,
each with its own set of parameters. These individu-
als are evaluated based on a fitness function that mea-
sures how well their parameters perform on the given
problem. The fittest individuals are then selected for
reproduction, where their parameters are recombined
and mutated to form a new population of individuals
for the next generation. (Eiben and Smith, 2015)
Evolutionary optimization approaches like genetic
algorithms (Holland and Miller, 1991) have been used
successfully in a variety of fields, including the opti-
mization of neural networks, or in interactive recom-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
mendation tasks (Ding et al., 2011; Gabor and Alt-
mann, 2019). Furthermore these methods have been
used to solve a wide range of problems, from design-
ing quantum circuit architectures to optimizing com-
plex real-world designs (Lukac and Perkowski, 2002;
Caldas and Norford, 2002).
2.4 Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is a emerging field of computer
science that uses the principles of quantum mechan-
ics to process information. Similar to classical com-
puters, which store and process data as bits, quantum
computers use quantum bits, or qubits, which can re-
side in multiple states at once (Yanofsky and Man-
nucci, 2008). This property is called superposition.
A state |ψ of a qubit can generally be expressed as a
linear combination of |0 and |1
|ψ = α|0+ β|1, (2)
where α and β are complex coefficients that satisfy
the equation
+ |β|
= 1. (3)
When a qubit in the state of α|0 + β|1 is mea-
sured, its superposition collapses into one of its pos-
sible states, either |0 or |1, with probabilities deter-
mined by the coefficients |α|
and |β|
(McMahon, 2007). The quantum system transitions
from a superposition of states to an actual classical
state where the observable’s value is precisely known
(Nielsen and Chuang, 2010). Multiple qubits can
be bound together via entanglement to archive strong
correlations between them.
2.5 Variational Quantum Circuits
VQC, also known as parameterized quantum circuits,
are quantum algorithms that act as function approxi-
mators and are trained using a classical optimization
process. They are commonly used as a drop-in re-
placement for Neural Networks for Deep RL (Chen
et al., 2022; Schuld et al., 2020; Chen and Goan,
2019; Skolik et al., 2021; Chen, 2022). A VQC is
made up of three stages, as can be seen in Fig. 1. First,
the classical input is embedded into a quantum state in
the State Preperation stage U(x) using superposition.
In the Variational Layers stage V (θ), qubits are then
entangled and parameterized for training. Finally, in
the Measurement stage, the output of the circuit is
measured repeatedly to get the expectation value of
each qubit.
State Preperation. In this work, we use Amplitude
Embedding (Mottonen et al., 2004) to encode classi-
cal data into a quantum state. As the name suggests,
U(x) V (θ)
Figure 1: Structure of a Variational Quantum Circuit.
the features are embedded into the amplitudes of
the qubits. Using superposition, we can embed 2
features into n qubits. For Example, if we want to
embed feature vector x R
in to a 2 qubit quantum
= α
+ β
+ γ
+ δ
such that
+ |β|
+ |γ|
+ |δ|
= 1, we first pad our feature
vector so that it matches 2
features where n is the
number of qubits used. Next, we normalize the
padded feature vector y such that
= 1.
Lastly, we use the state preperation by Mottonen et
al. (Mottonen et al., 2004) to embed the padded and
normalized feature vector into the amplitudes of the
qubit state.
Variational Layers. The second part of the cir-
cuit, referred to as Variational Layers, is made up of
repeated single qubit rotations and entanglers (Fig. 2,
everything within the dashed blue area is repeated L
times, where L is the layer count). We use a layer
architecture inspired by the circuit-centric classifier
design (Schuld et al., 2020) in particular. All of the
circuits presented in this paper employ three single
qubit rotation gates and CNOT gates as entanglers.
RY (θ
) RZ(θ
RY (θ
) RZ(θ
RY (θ
) RZ(θ
denotes a trainable parameter in the circuit
above, where i represents the qubit index and
j {0, 1, 2} the index of the single qubit rotation
gate. For simplicity, we omitted the index l, which
denotes the current layer in the circuit. The tar-
get bit of the CNOT gate in each layer is given
by(i + l) mod n.
Measurement. The expectation value is mea-
sured in the computational basis (z) of the first k
Multi-Agent Quantum Reinforcement Learning Using Evolutionary Optimization
qubits, where k is the dimension of the agents’
actions space. Each measured expectation value is
then given a bias. The biases are also included in the
VQC parameters and are updated accordingly.
QRL is progressively gaining traction, emanating
from the intersection of RL and the emerging field
of QC (Chen et al., 2022; Kwak et al., 2021). This
chapter delves into diverse applications and theoret-
ical concepts within QRL that yield advancements
in parameter reduction, expedited computation times,
and addressing intricate problems.
Initially, we focus on a method by Chen et al.,
wherein parameters are refined using an evolutionary
approach (Chen et al., 2022), forming the foundation
upon which the current work is built. Evolutionary
algorithms have established their efficacy within tra-
ditional RL (Such et al., 2017) and have demonstrated
substantial value for Deep Reinforcement Learning
(DRL). The methodology employed within this re-
search integrates DRL strategies, substituting Neu-
ral Networks with Variational Quantum Circuits as
agents. Chen et al. demonstrated, in a discrete en-
vironment, that VQCs can efficiently approximate Q-
value functions in Deep Q-Learning (DQL), present-
ing a quantum perspective to RL, while notably reduc-
ing parameter requirements in comparison to classical
RL. Differing from Chen, the approach presented in
this work incorporates recombination and extends the
gradient free method to the domain of MARL.
An alternative route to Quantum Multi-Agent Re-
inforcement Learning is detailed in (Neumann et al.,
2020; M
uller. et al., 2022) which harnesses Quan-
tum Boltzmann Machines (QBM). The strategy orig-
inates from an extant methodology where QBM out-
performs classical DRL in convergence speed, mea-
sured in the number of requisite time steps, utiliz-
ing Q-value approximation. The outcomes hint at
enhanced stability in learning, and the agents attain-
ing optimal strategies in Grid domains, surmounting
the complexity of the original approach. This method
may serve as a foundational approach in Grid domains
and in other RL domains with superior complexity.
Resemblances to the method employed herein lie in
the utilization of Q-values and grid domains as test-
ing environments.
Moreover, (Yun et al., 2022) explores the appli-
cation of VQCs for QRL and the progression of this
concept to QMARL, bearing similarity to the method-
ology delineated in this thesis. The limited number
of parameters in QRL has demonstrated superior out-
, β
, γ
, β
, γ
, β
, γ
, β
, γ
, β
, γ
, β
, γ
Figure 2: Variational Quantum Circuit.
comes compared to classical computing. In order to
navigate the challenges of extending this to QMARL
in the Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum era and the
non-stationary attributes of classical MARL, a strat-
egy of centralized learning and decentralized execu-
tion is enacted. This approach achieves an overall su-
perior reward in the environments tested, compared
to classical methodologies, with disparities arising in
the employment of evolutionary algorithms and the
architecture of the VQCs.
Inspired by to (Chen et al., 2022), we propose to em-
ploy an evolutionary approach to optimize a θ param-
eterized agent. We however consider the more gen-
eral Multi-Agent setup introduced above. Thus, we
aim to optimize the utilitarian metric U (cf. Eq. (1)).
To maximize this fitness function we use a population
P consisting of η random initialized agents, parame-
terized by θ [π, π] to match the quantum circuits’
parameter space.
In contrast to previous work, we use VQC rather
than neural networks to approximate the value of the
agent’s actions. This should mainly demonstrate the
improved parameter efficiency, as previously denoted,
even applied to complex learning tasks. A VQC con-
sists primarily of three components: the input embed-
ding, the repeated variational layers, and the measure-
ment. Fig. 1 depicts the VQC we employ.
To convert the classical data into a quantum state,
we use Amplitude Embeddings, represented by U(x)
in Fig. 2. Caused by the high dimensionality of most
state spaces, Amplitude Embeddings are currently the
only viable embedding strategy that allow for embed-
ding the whole state information, being able to embed
states in n
The second part of the VQCs consists of varia-
tional layers that are variably repeated. Each iteration
increases the number of α
, β
, γ
parameters that are
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
defined by θ and make up each individual to be op-
timized. Per layer, there are n
= n
3 parameters,
where n
is the number of qubits. Furthermore, all ro-
tations are performed sequentially as R
), R
and R
). In addition to the parameterized rota-
tions, each variational layer is composed of adjacent
CNOTS to entangle all qubits. After n
repetitions of
the variational layer, the predicted values of the indi-
vidual actions are determined by measuring the first
qubits, where n
is the number of actions. This Z-
axis measurement is used to determine the Q-value of
the corresponding action. An agent chooses the action
with the greatest expected value.
The proposed evolutionary algorithm training pro-
cedure to optimize these individuals to maximize the
utilitarian metric U is demonstrated in Algorithm 1.
Data: Population Size η, Number of
Generations µ, Evaluation Steps κ,
Truncation Selection τ, Mutation
Power σ, and Number of Agents N
Result: Population P of optimized agents
Initialize population η with random θ
for g {0, 1, ..., µ} do
for i {0, 1, ..., η} do
Reset testing environment
Score S
for t {0, 1, ..., κ} do
Use policy of agent i for all agents
in env
Select action
argmax V QC
Execute environment step with
action a
Observe reward r
and next state
+ r
λ Select top τ agents based on S
Keep top agent based on S
Recombine η 1 new agents out of λ
Mutate η 1 generated agents
η 1 generated agents + top
Algorithm 1: Evolutionary optimization algorithm.
For each generation, first, the fitness of each indi-
vidual i is evaluated by performing κ steps in the envi-
ronment. Building upon this fitness, the best τ agents
are selected to develop a new generation. In addition,
we employ the so-called elite agent, the agent with
the highest fitness, that is excluded from the follow-
ing mutation procedure.
To form the next generation, mutation and recom-
bination possibilities are combined to generate a new
population. First, new individuals are formed by re-
combining the κ best agents of the current generation
using crossover. The new offspring is produced by
randomly selecting two parents and crossing their pa-
rameters at a randomly selected index. Furthermore,
mutation is applied to generate new agents by modi-
fying the parameters θ of the current generation of the
best τ agents:
θ = θ + σ ε (4)
The agents with the highest fitness values T are the
parents of the upcoming generation. For the mutation,
the parameters θ are modified as seen in the equa-
tion with the mutation power σ the Gaussian noise
ε N (, ). Consequently, all θ
parameters undergo
a minor mutation, and new agents, or children, are
generated. Finally, the unaltered elite agent is added
to the child population.
5.1 Coin Game Environment
As of today, we are in the Noisy Intermediate-Scale
Quantum era of quantum computing, where we can
simulate only a small number of qubits (Preskill,
2018). This heavily restricts the amount of data we
can embed into the quantum circuit. Therefore, we
are limited in our choices for the evaluation environ-
ment. We chose the Coin Game environment in its
3 ×3 gridworld version due to its relatively small ob-
servation space. The Coin Game, which was created
by (Lerer and Peysakhovich, 2017), is a well-known
sequential game for assessing RL strategies. Both the
Red and Blue agents in the environment are tasked
with collecting coins. Beside the agents there is a sin-
gle coin placed in the grid that corresponds with one
of the agents colors. Fig. 3 depicts a exemplary state
within the Coin Game.
When an agent is in the same position as a coin, it
is deemed collected. After a coin is gathered, a new
coin is generated at a random location, which cannot
be a place occupied by an agent, and is again either
red or blue. A game of the Coin Game is limited to
50 steps 25 per agent, and the objective is to maximize
the agents’ rewards. The Coin Game can be played in
both a competitive and cooperative setting. To make
the game cooperative, the reward for collecting a coin
is increased by +1 for the agent who collects the coin.
Moreover, the second agent’s reward is reduced by -2
if the first agent obtains a coin of his color. If we now
consider the agents’ total reward, there is a common
Multi-Agent Quantum Reinforcement Learning Using Evolutionary Optimization
Figure 3: Example State of the Coin Game by (Phan et al.,
reward of +1 for collecting an own coin and -1 for
collecting an opposing coin. This causes the agents to
be trained to gather their own coins and leave coins,
which are not the agent’s color, for the other agent to
collect. If both agents performed random behaviors,
the expected reward should be zero. As a result of
these rewards, the coin game is a zero-sum game.
Each cell of the 3×3 gridworld can contain either
agent 1, agent 2, a red or blue coin. Empty grids need
not be included in the observation, as movement can
occur on them without consequence at any time. An
agent may select from four possible actions, each of
which is only possible if the ensuing movement does
not lead outside the 3 ×3 gridworld. The numerical
actions range from 0 to 3. Action 0 indicates a step to
the north, action 1 a step to the south, action 2 a step
to the west, and action 3 a step to the east. To prevent
the VQC from choosing illegal actions, the expected
values are normalized to the interval [0, 1] and masked
with environmental regulations.
5.2 Baselines
VQC can be viewed as an alternative to the employ-
ment of classical neural networks as agents. In the
framework of our methodology, we employ neural
networks as agents, as they can be considered gen-
eral approximators. We employ a 2-layer basic neu-
ral network for this purpose. The inputs in the form
of observations are mapped to a variable number x of
hidden units in the first layer. The second layer relates
the number of our activities to x hidden units. Hence,
we obtain the individual Q-values for each action, just
as we did with the VQC. Moreover, the Q-values are
multiplied by the action mask to ensure that no ille-
gal action can be selected. Here, we limit ourselves to
this neural network with variable numbers of hidden
units. Similar to the VQC, there are a great number of
ways to alter the network and hence alter the results.
5.3 Metrics
We evaluate our experiments in the Coin Game envi-
ronment using three metrics: Score, Total Coin Rate
and Own Coin Rate. In our work, the agents are
solely playing against themselves, to easily evalu-
ate the agents’ performance. The first metric, Score
consists of the undiscounted individual rewards
until timestep T {0..49} accumulated over all
T 1
with agent i and generation n {0..99} averaged over
five seeds. This is a good overall indicator of the
agents performance in the Coin Game environment.
The next two metrics should provide insight into how
the score is reached. The total coins collected metric
is the sum of all collected coins c
by all agents
until timestep T {0..49}
T 1
with agent i and generation n {0..99} averaged over
five seeds. The own coins collected metric OC
the sum of all collected coins that corresponds to the
agents own color o
until timestep T {0..49} accu-
mulated over all agents
T 1
with agent i and generation n {0..99} averaged over
five seeds. Comparing the latter two metrics, we
can get a greater insight how much cooperation is
archived, with the own coin rate OCR:
T 1
5.4 Training and Hyperparameters
For our experiments in the Coin Game environment,
we train the agents for µ = 100 generations with a
population size of η = 250, pairing the agents against
themselves to play a game of 50 steps 25 per agent.
After a brief preliminary study we set the mutation
power to σ = 0.01. We select the top τ = 5 agents for
regenerating the following population. The VQC has
a Variational Layer count of 4 and n
= 6 qubits to
embed the 36 features of the coin game, resulting in a
parameter count of 76. Each experiment is conducted
with five different seeds 0..4 to provide a more
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
accurate indication of performance. Due to current
quantum hardware limitations we use the Pennylane
DefaultQubit simulator for all VQC executions. All
runs were executed on nodes with Intel(R) Core(TM)
i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz.
In this section, we present the results of our exper-
iments in the Coin Game environment. We tested
our approach with recombination and mutation com-
bined, as well as mutation only. Furthermore, we
tested two classical neural networks with two hid-
den layers, one with a hidden layer size of 64 ×64
and one with 3 ×4 respectively. The latter configu-
ration closely matches the amount of parameters that
the VQCs approaches use, to get better insights on the
model-size/performance ratio. Finally, we ran tests
with agents that take random actions at every step
which forms our random baseline. The number of pa-
rameters is listed alongside each approach.
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Average score
VQC(148): Mu
VQC(148): LaReMu
VQC(148): RaReMu
Figure 4: Average Score over the entire population. Each
individual has completed 50 steps in the Coin Game envi-
ronment each generation.
6.1 Comparing Generational Evolution
We aim to understand the impact of different gen-
erational evolution strategies. In this section, we
contrast the performance of a mutation-only strat-
egy (Mu) against two combined strategies of mu-
tation and recombination. The first combined ap-
proach involves a crossover recombination strategy
at a randomly chosen point in the parameter vec-
tor (RaReMu), while the second employs a layer-
wise crossover (LaReMu). Here, we choose a random
layer and apply the crossover after the last parameter
of the selected layer in the parameter vector. For all
strategies, the mutation power σ is fixed at 0.01.
Examining the average scores depicted in Fig. 4,
the mutation-only strategy emerges as the best
strategy. The crossover strategies showcase simi-
lar performance, though the layerwise method fre-
quently achieves marginally superior outcomes. The
mutation-only strategy starts with an average reward
of 5, dips slightly below 4 by the 17th generation, and
then steadily rises until the 140th generation. From
this point, it fluctuates around a score of 7. In contrast,
the layerwise recombination begins at a lower 3.3, ex-
periences a rapid ascent until the 30th generation, then
stabilizes, eventually reaching an average reward of
6 by the 123rd generation. This is followed by pro-
nounced fluctuations around this value. The random
crossover strategy starts close to the mutation-only at
4.7, but quickly descends to 3 by the 17th genera-
tion. It then steadily climbs until the 131st generation,
achieving a score of 6. However, this score is not sus-
tained and eventually settles around 5.5, making it the
least effective of the three methods.
Beyond score comparison, we evaluated the av-
erage number of coins collected during the experi-
ments. As inferred from the scores, the mutation-only
strategy consistently collects more coins, as shown in
Fig. 5a. Although there are periods where the strate-
gies yield almost identical coin counts, at other times,
a gap of up to 2 coins is evident. On average, the com-
bined strategies lag slightly behind the mutation-only
in terms of coin collection.
The layerwise crossover’s initial surge in Fig. 4
correlates with the uptrend in collected coins shown
in Fig. 5a and the coin rate detailed in Fig. 5c.
When comparing the strategies based on these met-
rics, mutation-only consistently achieves the highest
coin rate over all generations and collects the most
coins, accounting for its superior average reward.
The random crossover strategy, while collecting more
coins than the layerwise approach, has a significantly
reduced coin rate, resulting in diminished overall re-
Exploring the coin rate, depicted in Fig. 5c, the
layerwise strategy leads until the 90th generation. Af-
ter that, its rate declines, while the mutation-only
strategy exhibits a gradual, consistent rise. A higher
coin rate indicates enhanced agent cooperation within
the testing environment. This coin rate, combined
with the number of coins collected, determines an
agent’s reward.
In summary, the mutation-only strategy outper-
forms the combined strategies in our experiments. It
not only garners the highest reward but also aligns
best with our objective: maximizing reward. Hence,
subsequent experiments will exclusively employ the
mutation-only approach for the VQCs.
Multi-Agent Quantum Reinforcement Learning Using Evolutionary Optimization
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Average collected coins
VQC(148): Mu
VQC(148): LaReMu
VQC(148): RaReMu
(a) Total coins collected
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Average collected own coins
VQC(148): Mu
VQC(148): LaReMu
VQC(148): RaReMu
(b) Own coins collected
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Own coin rate
VQC(148): Mu
VQC(148): LaReMu
VQC(148): RaReMu
(c) Own coin rate
Figure 5: Comparison of (a) average coins collected, (b) average own coins collected and the own coin rate (c) in a 50 step
Coin Game each generation, averaged over 10 seeds.
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Average score
Figure 6: Average Score over the entire population. Each
individual has completed 50 steps in the Coin Game envi-
ronment each generation.
6.2 Assessing Varying Layer Counts
We investigate the performance dynamics of VQCs
with different layer counts, specifically with 4, 6,
8, and 16 layers. The relationship between layer
counts and parameters is governed by the formula
3 n 6 + 4, where n stands for the number of layers.
Accordingly, VQCs with 4, 6, 8, and 16 layers utilize
76, 112, 148, and 292 parameters respectively. We
trained all VQCs using the mutation-only approach,
setting the mutation strength to σ = 0.01.
Inspecting the average rewards in Fig. 6, all
VQCs, bar the 4-layered one which starts slightly be-
low 3, commence with scores ranging from 5 to 5.5.
By the 25th generation, each VQC stabilizes around
a reward of 4. The 4-layer VQC then gradually as-
cends, consistently holding an average reward of 5
from the 175th generation. The 6-layer VQC ex-
hibits a steady rise until the 62nd generation, with a
more pronounced increase after that, peaking at 6.7
around the 165th generation and subsequently oscil-
lating around 6.5. The 8-layer VQC consistently out-
performs the others, reaching a reward of 5.5 by the
70th generation, encountering a brief plateau, and
then climbing to 7 by the 140th generation. The
16-layer VQC, meanwhile, showcases a pronounced
growth phase between the 25th and 70th generations,
stabilizing around 6 before another rise to 6.5 around
the 160th generation.
For a comprehensive understanding, we next
probe the average coin collection in Fig. 7a. The 4-
layer VQC consistently tops the coin collection met-
ric, progressing from just below 7 to 8. The 6-layer
VQC commences at 6.5, dips to 5.2 by the 23rd gener-
ation, and then rises to 8 by the 165th generation. The
8-layer VQC, despite securing the highest average re-
ward, begins at 6 and only stabilizes around 8 after
the 180th generation. The 16-layer VQC, after an ini-
tial dip, witnesses a rapid increase from the 24th to
103rd generation, briefly declines, and then fluctuates
around 8 coins. Towards the concluding generations,
VQCs with more than 4 layers converge to collect ap-
proximately 8 coins.
Analyzing the own coin count in Fig. 7b, we ob-
serve that, except for the 4-layer VQC, all VQCs ini-
tially decline before ascending. The 4-layer VQC
displays a steady yet modest climb, concluding at a
count of 6.5. The 6-layer VQC takes the longest to
commence its ascent, eventually oscillating around a
count of 7.2. The 8-layer VQC initiates its climb ear-
lier, achieving a slightly higher count of 7.5 by the
end. The 16-layer VQC, notable for its r
Iapid early
ascent, consistently hovers around a count of 7 after
the 100th generation. Among the VQCs, the 4-layer
variant lags, collecting over one own coin fewer than
its counterparts.
Focusing on the own coin rate, the 4-layer VQC
performs the worst. The performance parallels be-
tween the 6-layer and 16-layer VQCs are evident,
both in terms of own coin rate and overall reward.
The standout remains the 8-layer VQC, which, with
its superior own coin rate and comparable coin count,
has the highest reward.
In conclusion, our tests spotlight the 8-layer VQC
as the top performer. Consequently, we select it com-
bined with the the optimal evolutionary strategy out-
lined in 6.1, for all further experiments. This section
underscores that a higher layer count doesn’t guar-
antee superior performance the 16-layer VQC falls
short of the 8-layer VQC’s achievements. The exper-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Average collected coins
(a) Total coins collected
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Average collected own coins
(b) Own coins collected
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Own coin rate
(c) Own coin rate
Figure 7: Comparison of (a) average coins collected, (b) average own coins collected and the own coin rate (c) in a 50 step
Coin Game each generation, averaged over 10 seeds.
iments, however, don’t conclusively establish the per-
formance dynamics beyond 200 generations.
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Average score
VQC(148): Mu
NN(147): Mu
NN(6788): Mu
Figure 8: Average Score over the entire population. Each
individual has completed 50 steps in the Coin Game envi-
ronment each generation.
6.3 Comparing Quantum and Classical
6.3.1 Comparing VQC and Random
First, we compare the results of our VQC approaches
to the results of the random baseline. In Fig. 8, the
score for the random acting agents is approximately 0,
since the cooperative sequential coin game is a zero-
sum game. The evolutionary-trained VQC approache,
however, perform significantly better leading to an av-
erage score around 7. The total coins collected de-
picted in Fig. 9a suggests that in contrast to the ran-
dom agents, the VQC agents successfully learn to col-
lect coins. The own coins collected correlates with
number of collected coins (Fig. 9b). In Fig. 9c we can
see that in neither case the cooperation increases over
time. In summary, trained agents performed signif-
icantly better than random on all metrics, indicating
that the training was successful.
6.3.2 Comparing VQC and Small NN
As depicted in Fig. 8, a better result is achieved by the
VQC approach compared to random. On this basis,
we compare the performance of this VQC approach
to that of a neural network with a comparable number
of parameters. Here we exploit the higher expressive
power of VQCs compared to conventional neural net-
works (Chen et al., 2022). Similar to (Chen et al.,
2022), we define the expressive power as the capac-
ity to represent particular functions with a constrained
number of parameters. Note that the VQC has 148 pa-
rameters (3 * 6 * 8 + 4). The neural network uses two
hidden layers with dimension 3 and 4 respectively, re-
sulting in a parameter count of 147. Both the neural
network and the VQC, are trained with mutation only
with mutation power σ = 0.01. In Fig. 8, we can see
that the neural network reward fluctuates in the range
of 2.5 to 3. As previously discussed in the last sec-
tion, the VQC approach exhibits a slow learning curve
leading to a significant higher score therefore conse-
quently outperforming this neural network. The infe-
rior performance can be explained by the small num-
ber of hidden units and parameters present in neural
networks. Typically, the number of hidden units is
chosen much higher. Further evidence of the neural
network’s deficiency is provided by the average num-
ber of coins collected. As shown in Fig. 9a, the NN’s
number of collected coins is below the average score
of the random agents until generation 115 and after
that slightly over it. In comparison, the VQC with
the same number of parameters collects two times as
many coins on average. The neural network is able
to outperform random agents on the basis of its col-
lected own coins, what can be seen in Fig. 9b, lead-
ing to the better performance regarding the own coin
rate (Fig. 9c). In terms of collected own coins and
the own coin rate, the neural network performs sig-
nificantly worse than the VQC with nearly the same
number of parameters. A neural network with this
few hidden units and, consequently, parameters is not
able learn in the coin game environment successfully.
This demonstrates the power of VQCs for RL archiv-
ing significantly higher with the same amount of pa-
Multi-Agent Quantum Reinforcement Learning Using Evolutionary Optimization
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Average collected coins
VQC(148): Mu
NN(147): Mu
NN(6788): Mu
(a) Total coins collected
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Average collected own coins
VQC(148): Mu
NN(147): Mu
NN(6788): Mu
(b) Own coins collected
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
Own coin rate
VQC(148): Mu
NN(147): Mu
NN(6788): Mu
(c) Own coin rate
Figure 9: Comparison of (a) average coins collected, (b) average own coins collected and the own coin rate (c) in a 50 step
Coin Game each generation, averaged over 10 seeds.
6.3.3 Comparing VQC and Big NN
In the previous section, we observed that a neural
network with the same number of parameters as the
VQC of our approach cannot match the VQC’s per-
formance. We will now compare the results with a
neural network that has significantly more parame-
ters. Again, mutation only is used for the evolution
of subsequent generations in both cases and the mu-
tation power is σ = 0.01. We chose a fully connected
NN with two hidden layers of size 64, resulting in
a parameter count of 6788. If we first examine the
reward of the neural network and the VQC, we can
see in Fig. 8 that both produce very similar results
over time. Initially, the VQC has a slightly higher
score. From generation 50 onward, there are only
minor differences in terms of average score. Over-
all, the two strategies yield a score of approximatly
7. On the basis of our experiments, we can say that
the VQC achieves nearly identical performance in the
Coin Game environment compared to a neural net-
work that has 46 times more parameters. In Fig. 9a,
the initial value of the VQC method is again higher
than that of the neural network. Due to a steeper
learning curve, the neural network is able to com-
pensate the lower starting value and achieves only
a slightly smaller number of collected coins. From
there are no discernible differences between the two
models. A similar performance of the two approaches
can be seen in Fig. 9b, where the average number
of own coins collected is shown. In Terms of own
coin rate, at first, the VQC archives a slightly higher
score. However, at Generation 25, the neural network
initially achieves a better own coin rate before being
slightly lower between Generation 80 and 162. In the
end, the neural network is slightly better in terms of
the own coin rate.
In summary, there is little difference between the out-
comes of the two approaches, despite the neural net-
work having 46 times the number of parameters com-
pared to the VQC. Thus, we can reduce the number
of parameters in our experiments by 97.88% without
sacrificing performance using VQCs. Similar to re-
sults in (Chen et al., 2022), the VQC exhibits a great
expressive power in and we recommend it for future
use in QRL.
Gradient-based training methods are, as of time of
writing, not suitable for MAQRL due to problems
with barren plateaus and vanishing gradients (Franz
et al., 2022; Chen et al., 2022). In this work, we pre-
sented a alternative approach to gradient based train-
ing methods for MAQRL. We build our approach
upon the evolutionary optimization process used by
(Chen et al., 2022), expanding it to Multi-Agent sys-
tems and different generational evolution strategies.
We proposed three quantum approaches for MARL.
All approaches use VQCs as replacement for neural
networks. Two approach use recombination in addi-
tion to mutation and the third approach mutation only.
For evaluation, we chose Coin Game as our testing
environment due to it’s cooperative setting and rela-
tively small observation space. As baselines, we used
random agents and classical agents with neural net-
works, which were also trained using the evolutionary
algorithm. To achieve a fair comparison, we chose a
neural network with a similar amount of parameters,
as well as one with a hidden layer size of 64 ×64.
In our experiments, we showed that our VQC ap-
proach performs significantly better compared to a
neural network with a similar amount of trainable pa-
rameters. Compared to the larger neural network, we
can see that the VQC approach achieves similar re-
sults, showing the effectiveness of using VQCs in a
MAQRL environment. We can reduce the number of
parameters by 97.88% using the VQC approach com-
pared to the similarly good neural network. In com-
parison to previous works (Chen et al., 2022), we used
recombination in addition to mutation in our evolu-
tionary algorithm, which performed worse than muta-
tion alone in the tested setting. Additionally, we used
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
more layers for the VQCs than previous works (Chen
et al., 2022), as they have yielded better results in the
In the future, the VQC results could be run not
only on a quantum simulator, but on real quantum
hardware to determine which and if there is a differ-
ence. Also, a comparison of the VQC approach with a
gradient based neural network would be an option for
future work. Another option would be to compare the
VQC approach in terms of the number of parameters
with a data reuploading method and see if this can
solve the coin game similarly well with even fewer
qubits. Additionally, we could work on the hyperpa-
rameters and see if even better results can be achieved
by adapting them.
This work is part of the Munich Quantum Valley,
which is supported by the Bavarian state government
with funds from the Hightech Agenda Bayern Plus.
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