The Classification and Impact of Cyber Attacks Targeting Critical
Service Providers
Josefin Andersson and Elias Seid
Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden
{josefin.andersson, elias.seid}
Cybersecurity, IT-Incidents, Societal Safety, Critical Infrastructure, Essential Services, NIS-Directive,
Impact Assessment, Cyberattack.
Over the past few decades, technological solutions have become increasingly crucial for providers of societal
services. Though increased productivity is advantageous, it also exposes people to the vulnerability of cyber-
attacks that aim to disrupt their systems and networks. While security agents issue new indicators and patches
to address breaches, the ever-changing nature of these indicators renders security solutions to cyber-attacks
potentially obsolete. Therefore, defending cyber-attacks requires a continuous and ongoing process. A thor-
ough analysis of the impact of cyber security on the cyberinfrastructure and functionality of critical service
providers is lacking. Conducting an analysis of cyberattacks and their impact on both digital and non-digital
domains is crucial for obtaining a thorough awareness. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) re-
ceives reports of IT incidents from Service Providers and Government Agencies that are within the jurisdiction
of the European Union. This study analyses IT incidents reported to MSB to enhance knowledge of cyber-
attacks and their impact on vital service providers. It evaluates the impact of cyberattacks on infrastructure,
organisations, and society. The objective is to analyse the impact of cyberattacks on the cyberinfrastructure of
vital service providers and their implications for organisations and society. Moreover, this paper categorised
the internal and external impact of cyber attacks, demonstrating the broad cyber threat landscape and vulnera-
bility of crucial service providers in Sweden.
Over the past decade, various sectors within soci-
ety have experienced a rapid process of digitalization.
One significant trend involves the migration of crucial
information resources and organisational procedures
from physical to digital platforms. The implemen-
tation of novel sociotechnical solutions has brought
about numerous advantages by significantly enhanc-
ing operational efficiency in both corporate and gov-
ernmental organisations, thereby altering the land-
scape of information and process management. How-
ever, it has also presented novel challenges. The
growing dependence on systems and networks has re-
sulted in heightened susceptibility of critical service
providers, such as government agencies and health-
care organisations, to incidents that impact their oper-
ations (Urbach and R
oglinger et al., 2018).
Cybersecurity incidents that impact the cyberin-
frastructure, encompassing the network and system
resources of significant service providers, have the
potential to significantly disrupt crucial digital oper-
ations. Consequently, this disruption indirectly ham-
pers the organization’s capacity to effectively deliver
services to its stakeholders. In addition to the general
public, various other organisations are also involved.
This prompts inquiries into the extent to which cyber-
attacks can inflict damage on organisational systems
and networks, as well as indirectly impacting organi-
sational functions and society as a whole
The occurrence of cyberattacks, such as the one
committed against the Kalix municipality in Sweden
in December 2021, resulted in the unavailability of
numerous municipal services due to the encryption of
critical assets through ransomware.
In contemporary times, the emergence of cutting-
edge technological advancements in domains such as
Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and cloud
computing has given rise to novel vulnerabilities and
subsequently posed significant cybersecurity chal-
lenges. The significance of understanding the cy-
ber threat landscape encountered by crucial service
Andersson, J. and Seid, E.
The Classification and Impact of Cyber Attacks Targeting Critical Service Providers.
DOI: 10.5220/0012374500003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 137-145
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
providers and the potential consequences of attacks
against them has been increased by these advance-
Insufficient study has been conducted to look at
the impact of cyberattacks on major service providers.
Moreover, there is inadequate scrutiny regarding the
extent of the impact these attacks have had on the cy-
berinfrastructure of organisations, as well as the fre-
quency at which incidents result in adverse conse-
quences beyond the digital domain.
The absence of research focused on the charac-
terization and consequences of malicious activity di-
rected at significant service providers can be consid-
ered problematic from various viewpoints. According
to (Plachkinova and Vo et al., 2023) and( Pat
and Kuypers et al., 2023), it has been argued that this
trend may have implications for organisations’ capac-
ity to effectively assess risk. This is due to a limited
understanding of the probability and characteristics of
potential attacks. (Caldarulo et al., 2022) and (Agrafi-
otis et al., 2018) points out the lack of research on
the adverse effects of cyber attacks, which hinders re-
searchers’ capacity to identify the organisational and
societal consequences of such malicious activities.
Objective of this study: This paper investigates the
defining characteristics of cyber attacks that specifi-
cally target significant service providers in Sweden.
It also explores the extent to which these incidents are
capable of impacting both the targeted organisations
and society as a whole, encompassing both the digital
realm and its broader implications. This study analy-
ses cyber security incident reports submitted to MSB
to enhance understanding of cyberattacks and their
impact on critical service providers in Sweden. The
study aims to address the following research ques-
tions (RQs), and the research questions are answered
based on the cyber security incident reports provided
to MSB.
RQ1. What is the impact of reported cyberattack
incidents on the organisational, social, and cyber
aspects of critical service providers’ cyberinfras-
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents the research baseline for our
work, while Section 3 presents methodology and a
case study. In section 4 we provide results, while sec-
tion 5 deals with discussions. Section 6 concludes and
discusses future work.
2.1 Digitising Critical Service Providers
The convergence of physical and digital dimensions
through digitalization has led to increased speed and
connectivity for society. (Urbach and R
oglinger et al.,
2018) argue that technology integration has increased
volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity in
social contexts. (Ulrich Beck et al., 1992) argued that
modern society has become a risk society due to in-
creased complexity, which drives comprehensive risk
management. (Arjen Boin et al., 2018), inspired by
Beck and interested in the impact of digitalization
on societies’ ability to contain incidents, proposed
that digitalization and globalisation contributed to the
transboundary crisis.
The need for specific measures has evolved as
more information assets and processes transition to
technology (Markoupolou and Papakonstantinou et
al., 2021; Osei-Kyei et al., 2021). This develop-
ment coincides with the securitization of cyberspace,
emphasising cyber threats as a matter of internal
and national security (Hansen and Nissembaum et
al., 2009). The study conducted by (Høyland et al.
(2018) emphasises the increasing significance of cy-
ber threats to societal services and infrastructures.
These threats result in more complex and uncertain
risks, which require interdisciplinary solutions. In
terms of academia, the disciplines of ”societal safety”
and ”societal security” have combined, advocating
for a ”all-hazards” strategy. Sweden has tradition-
ally adopted a comprehensive approach in its policies,
considering all types of hazards. MSB, includes ad-
versarial hazards in its assessments of national risks
(Pursianien et al., 2018).
As the EU emphasises cyber threats to internal
market stability, the merger becomes more apparent
(Calderaro and Blumfelde et al., 2022). According to
(Whyte et al.,2021), the EU’s cyber governance un-
derstanding is influenced by real situations more than
other authorities. Whyte et al. (2021) list 12 events
that could affect social and economic stability. The
EU Cyber Security Act defines cybersecurity as pro-
tecting IT resources and incident victims. EU regu-
lations are raising cybersecurity standards for key ac-
tors as digital integration blurs service provider lines
(Papakonstantinou et al., 2022).
2.2 The Classification of Impact in
Cyber Physical-Systems
According to Syafrizal et al. (2021), the rapid pace
of cyber development has led to a lack of consensus
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
on cyberattacks and their consequences. This study
adopts Derbyshire et al. (2018)’s definition of a cy-
berattack, which includes a wide range of ”offensive
actions” that affect an organization’s cyber infrastruc-
ture. DDoS attacks and cyber-exploitation, which in-
volves unauthorised information gathering, are offen-
sive actions (Harry and Gallagher et al., 2018).
Cyberattacks on cyberinfrastructure potentially
target processes, hardware, and users. Syntax (mal-
ware) and semantic (social engineering) cyberattacks
can access targeted cyber infrastructure (Syafrizal et
al., 2021; Harry and Gallagher, 2018). Derbyshire et
al. (2018) define ”offensive action” as social and non-
digital actions, including physical hardware targeting.
According to (Mancuso et al., 2014), cyberattack
frameworks typically include five components: goal,
attack-source, target, attack vector, and impact.
The authors identify three dimensions of these com-
ponents: adversarial, methodological, and opera-
tional, to differentiate their qualities better.
Adversarial refers to the threat actor and their
attack strategy and objectives. Threat actors use
methodological methods to achieve their goals. Fi-
nally, operational dimension refers to cyberattack im-
pact on targeted infrastructure. Operational cyberin-
frastructure impacts the targeted system, network or
information assets (Mancuso et al., 2014).
The AVOIDIT cyberattack taxonomy, developed
by Simmons et al. in 2009, is a widely recognised
and frequently referenced framework in academic lit-
erature. One could argue that this framework primar-
ily focuses on the operational aspect of cyberattacks.
Simmons et al., 2009 present a classification frame-
work comprising four classifiers to classify attacks.
The following are the classifiers: 1 ) Attack Vector,
2) Operational Impact, 3) Informational Impact,
and 4) Attack Target
Further, a classifier was added to classify inci-
dents by preferred defensive measures. Simmons et
al. (2009) define attack vector as the path to access the
targeted component, similar to MITRE’s ”initial ac-
cess” definition
. Unlike MITRE, AVOIDIT frame-
work focus on exploited vulnerabilities rather than
cyberattack tactics and techniques. Simmons et al.s
2009 operational and informational impact classifiers
describe impact.
Operational impact includes ”web compromise,
”installed malware, and ”denial of service. Infor-
mational impact classifies how the attack affects cy-
ber infrastructure informational resources. The classi-
fier includes “distortion” and “disclosure” categories.
The terms “installed malware” and “disclosure” refer
to cyberattacks that use spyware and other methods to
steal data. Simmons et al.s (2009) attack target classi-
fier targets “network” and “user” cyberinfrastructure.
2.3 Organizational and Societal Impact
Cyberspace incidents have had major effects on the
real world due to digital convergence. Berg and
Kuipers et al. (2022) distinguish cyber-incidents’ di-
rect and indirect harm. Direct impact on cyberin-
frastructure describes how various activities can allow
unauthorised access, modification, or removal of digi-
tal resources. Direct impact resembles Simmons et al.
(2009)’s operational and informational impact classi-
fiers. Berg and Kuipers et al. (2022) define indirect
impact as an incident outside of a digital space. Cyber
events have primary and secondary effects (Harry and
Gallagher et al., 2018).
Economic and financial impact is important for
situations like losing competitive advantage due
to sensitive information disclosure or a disruption.
(Shevchenko et al., 2023) analyse the average cost of
cyber incidents across business sectors to determine
the most impactful types. Their cyber risk model
e-Cornell and Kuypers et al., 2023) includes fi-
nancial loss.
Agrafiotis et al. (2018) say harm has evolved with
security. The authors suggest that cyber harm science
should consider physical and psychological harm to
individuals and communities. In order to achieve
this, Agrafiotis et al. (2018) identified five main cate-
gories: Physical or digital, economic, psychological,
reputational, and social. Physical or digital harm in-
cludes both individual and cyberinfrastructure dam-
age. Society suffers daily disruptions, national dam-
age, and lower employee morale .
The present study employs a survey-based research
methodology to achieve the stated objective. There-
fore, it is deemed suitable for conducting a study of
this nature, which seeks to portray the cyber threat
landscape across a significant number of organisa-
tions. The present study uses IT-incident reports as
the primary data source, which were obtained from
MSB . Furthermore, the research was conducted using
a secondary dataset consisting of written IT-incident
reports. These reports were submitted to MSB by
different government agencies and organisations in
Sweden. The selection of this dataset adhered to the
guidelines specified in the European Union’s NIS-
directive. The objective of this study is to contribute
to the existing body of knowledge by using non-
The Classification and Impact of Cyber Attacks Targeting Critical Service Providers
publicly accessible data that offers a broader scope
of coverage compared to alternative sources. Collect-
ing information about IT incidents from significant
service providers could bring challenges due to the
sensitive nature of the data. Employing this source is
advantageous due to the limited availability of infor-
mation on this topic to the general public. The report-
ing schemes are uniquely suitable due to their cover-
age of a significant number of vital service providers.
This approach may be limited by the fact that the sec-
ondary data used was not collected for this study. This
limits the analysis. Conclusions depend on the data
quality and format of MSB’s IT-incident reports. An-
other constraint is using reported incidents to analyse
the cyber threat landscape, which depends on organi-
sations’ reporting choices and methods.
Analysis. The tool provides the ability to analyse
both explicit and inferred value. This study employs
a directed content analysis approach for analysing in-
ferred meaning. The coding methodology for the re-
ports is pre-established before conducting data anal-
ysis, using prior research in the field of cyberattack
classification. The classification process will be di-
rected by the semantic interpretation of the report
contents, as specified by (Hsieh and Shannon et al.,
2005). The use of content analysis is considered suit-
able for this study owing to the inherent attributes of
the data source. The involvement of researchers dur-
ing the analysis contributes to the observed variations
among the questionnaires for IT-incident reports.
The data processing procedure was conducted in
four distinct stages. In the initial phase, all IT inci-
dents that occurred between April 1, 2019, and April
1, 2023, were collected, and only the incidents that
described malicious events were identified. The re-
maining individuals were omitted from the dataset. In
order to accurately categorise the malicious incidents,
the complete reports were thoroughly analysed, en-
compassing responses to both closed-ended and open-
ended inquiries. In the second stage, the IT-incident
reports were classified based on the attack vector, op-
erational and informational impact, attack target, and
organizational/societal impact.
The findings were then converted into a compa-
rable and measurable format. Incidents that lacked
sufficient information to be classified by each classi-
fier were categorised as unknown. In the third phase
of the data analysis process, the quantities within
each category were summarised in order to facilitate
frequency comparisons. This was done using Mi-
crosoft Excel to organise and analyse data. In the
fourth stage, Excel was used to graph and diagram
the results. MSB received 1332 IT-incident reports
from important service providers between April 2019
and 2023, with 256 from NIS-organizations and 1076
from government agencies. In 254 reports, malicious
events were described. Other causes of the remaining
incidents included technician and user errors, system
failures, natural events, and unknown
4.1 Attack Vector
The Attack vector classifier categorises cyberattacks
based on the vulnerability exploited or attempted to
compromise the organization’s cyber infrastructure.
The analysis revealed that social engineering was the
most prevalent category of reported cyberattacks. Ap-
proximately 32% of IT-incident reports describing cy-
berattacks (81 cases) used social engineering tech-
niques to gain initial access. This category includes
phishing, spear phishing, and other manipulation at-
tempts aimed at deceiving the recipient into taking
certain actions.
The large amount of social engineering incidents
suggests that deception is a common way to gain ac-
cess to key service providers. Insufficient capacity
was the second most common attack vector, account-
ing for 28% of reported cyberattacks and 72 cases.
This category refers to attacks that exploit cyber in-
frastructure limitations, such as DDoS attacks. .
Insufficient authentication refers to the use of
techniques, such as brute-force attacks, to bypass au-
thentication processes. Meanwhile, the term ”Un-
known” refers to incidents where the reporting organ-
isations did not provide sufficient details in their de-
scription of the event to determine the specific attack
method used. Subsequently, there were instances of
inadequate input validation and misconfiguration
accounting for 9%, 5%, and 5% of the occurrences,
respectively. The ”Other” category encompasses re-
ports that describe an attack method that does not fall
under any other specified categories. These primarily
describe broad vulnerability in systems and code.
According to attack vector usage, social engineer-
ing cases increased in April 2019-2020 and 2020-202.
Social engineering was used in 44% and 49% of re-
ported malicious incidents during these periods. After
that, social engineering became less common, con-
tributing only 15% of reported cyberattacks in 2022-
2023. This may suggest that threat actors are using
more diverse attack vectors. Instead, targeted organi-
sations are becoming better at defending against these
attacks and report them less. By April 2022-2023, ca-
pacity limits had become a major attack vector, rising
from 20% to 52%.
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 1: Categories of Operational impact.
4.2 Operational and Informational
The classifiers of Operational and Informational im-
pact have in this study previously been described as
forms of direct impact within the cyber infrastructure.
Based on the reports, the most common direct impact
generated by an attack, looking at both operational
and informational consequences, is the disruption in
access to information resources and systems. As
seen in figure 6, cyberattacks resulting in the opera-
tional impact of Denial of service has been concluded
to account for 43 percent, or 109 cases in total, of re-
ported malicious incidents.
In 17% of incident reports, resource misuse was
reported, followed by account hijacks in 13%. Threat
actors installing malware in an organization’s cyber
infrastructure comprise 11% of cyberattacks, which
total 28 cases. Website resource compromise inci-
dents make up about 5% of incidents. Unknown and
Other made up 6% and 5% of reported cyberattacks.
The Other category mostly includes fraud cases. The
attacks mostly affect human behaviour and economic
In 44 cases (17%), the attacker’s operational im-
pact was classified into multiple categories. On com-
promised systems, 39% of users install malware. 32%
of compromised user accounts were infected with
malware. Approximately 20% of DDoS attacks in-
volved operational compromises, with resource mis-
use being the most prevalent (11 cases).Incident re-
ports often describe availability disruption as an in-
formational impact. About half of malicious activity-
related incidents disrupt information and system ac-
cess. Reports indicate that disruptions resulted in in-
formation disclosure in 16% of cases. Information is
distorted in about 8% of cases.
Approximately 4% of cases involved mapping and
discovering the organization’s network and systems
structure. In only 1% of cyberattack reports, informa-
tion assets are permanently lost, making information
destruction a rare impact. This may be because com-
Figure 2: Operational impact.
panies are preventing permanent data loss.
In contrast to the CIA-triad, most observed cyber-
attacks compromise availability, while fewer compro-
mise confidentiality and integrity. The IT incident re-
ports may be biassed due to the requirement for NIS
organisations to report incidents that disrupt or de-
grade their operations.
Numerous incidents were found to have no opera-
tional or informational impact, according to the anal-
ysis. Analysis of reported malicious activity revealed
that over 20% of cases had no operational impact on
the organization’s cyber infrastructure. Additionally,
22% of attacks were reported as having no impact on
the organisations’ data. Around 15-21% of cyberat-
tacks between April 2019 and 2023 involved IT in-
cidents that did not appear to impact the targeted cy-
ber infrastructure. In April 2022-2023, only 12% of
incidents were classified as having no direct impact,
according to the study’s definition. In cases with-
out direct impact, social engineering and insufficient
authentication failed. Authentication vulnerabilities
and cognitive biases may increase failure risk. Based
on incident reports, this study may help organisations
identify failed vector attacks. Out of 109 identified
denial of service attacks, 94% caused availability
disruptions. One malware case had no informational
impact, while three had an unknown impact, indicat-
ing that the organisation reported a malware infection
but not its consequences.
Among installed malware, 67% reported disrup-
tion, 29% and 25% reported distortion and disclosure.
Due to the low value of informational impact, this
study cannot evaluate these attacks beyond their or-
ganisational and societal impact. In more IT incident
reports, attacks affect information rather than opera-
tions. This may be due to cyber infrastructure protec-
tion measures that affect information. Denial of ser-
The Classification and Impact of Cyber Attacks Targeting Critical Service Providers
vice attacks comprised 26% of cyberattacks in April
2019-2021 and 72% in April 2022-2023.
The analysis shows the share has increased pro-
portional and constant since April 2020. Other op-
erational impacts may not show a trend. In the past
few years, incidents disrupting information assets and
systems have increased from 34% in April 2019-2020
to 69% in April 2022-2023. Denial of Service attacks
don’t always disrupt. About 3% of reports showed no
disruption from a Denial of Service attack. Organi-
sations may have taken precautions to keep targeted
4.3 Attack Target
In the study, the fourth classifier identified cyber in-
frastructure components as targets for malicious ac-
tivity, including incidents within the reporting orga-
nization’s supply chain. The most common category
of attacks described was targeting software/software
systems. In 120 reported incidents, this occurred in
47% of cases. In 96 reports, 38% of all cases involved
attacks targeting users. Following this, 26 reported
cases involved attacks on network infrastructure. In 7
cases, the targeted cyber infrastructure was classified
as Unknown due to insufficient information in the IT-
incident report. Figure 13 indicates that 47% of re-
ported cyberattacks targeted websites, while 10% and
8% targeted emails or databases, respectively.
Further analysis revealed that 70% of attacks caus-
ing denial of service targeted software/software sys-
tems, while 39% targeted websites. Many incidents
have not affected internal cyber infrastructure, but had
the potential to disrupt external access to website re-
sources. Additionally, 64% were attributed to threat
actors targeting processing/network capacity, result-
ing in DDoS-attacks. About 16% of attacks, or 41
cases, involved organisations indirectly affected by
the cyberattack via supply chain links. The organisa-
tions were affected due to a supply chain organisation
being compromised. In 59% of cases, the incident tar-
geted the organization’s software system, while 22%
affected a network supplier.
Attacks on various cyber infrastructure compo-
nents have had a direct impact on various degrees.
Out of the attacks targeting users, predominantly us-
ing social engineering, 39% have not had any di-
rect impact. Approximately 4% of attacks on soft-
ware systems directly have not had any direct impact.
All reported attacks on network infrastructure compo-
nents have effectively caused direct impact. there has
been a relative increase in attacks targeting software
systems as well as relative decrease in attacks target-
ing users’ accounts more specifically.
Figure 3: Cyber infrastructure component which have been
4.4 Organizational and Societal Impact
Finally, investigating the indirect impact of malicious
incidents involved determining if IT-incident reports
described economic, psychological, reputational, or
physical harm to the organisation and wide-ranging
disruption with a societal impact. No indirect impact
case described no realised consequences beyond the
cyber infrastructure, and Unknown case contained no
further details. Based on the criteria, many attacks
were classified as unknown. Approximately 17% of
cyberattacks had an unknown indirect impact, indi-
cating insufficient report detail for conclusions.
Economic was the most common organisational
impact description in reports, at 19%. These incidents
include disruptions that increased employee work-
load and cyber infrastructure component replace-
ments. After that, Reputational (12%) and Psycholog-
ical (8%) were the most common organisational im-
pact categories. Many user compromise incidents had
reputational or psychological consequences. About
5%, or 13 cases, had societal impact. None of the in-
cident reports reported physical harm to people. Some
reports mentioned a health risk, but none proved it.
No operational or informational impact was re-
ported for 55% of incidents without indirect harm.
While the remaining incidents affected the organiza-
tion’s cyber infrastructure, they did not have signifi-
cant indirect effects. 71% of economic impact inci-
dents targeted software systems, while the same per-
centage targeted suppliers to the reporting organisa-
tion. Moreover, 65% of respondents cited denial of
service as an operational impact, while 20% attributed
it to resource misuse.
Anyone with a social impact was denied service.
Nearly 54% of respondents reported resource misuse
and denial-of-service, indicating cyberinfrastructure
intrusions caused disruptions, not DDoS attacks. Ap-
proximately 71% of respondents reported an attack
on an organization’s software system. Around 71%
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
of respondents said the attack affected their organ-
isation via supply chain links, indicating they were
not directly targeted.The attack affected the organiza-
tion’s supply chain, but they weren’t directly targeted.
Incident reports on societal impact often lacked at-
tack vector details, with 62% being unknown. Sup-
ply chain incident reports mentioned the same inci-
dent and supplier. This suggests that these important
service providers’ outsourcing and shared suppliers
increased the risk of wider disruptions.
5.1 The Impact Within the
After analysing Simmons et al.s (2009) opera-
tional and informational impact classifiers, denial-of-
service and disruption are the main direct impacts on
major service providers’ cyberinfrastructure. These
attacks have increased during the survey. In many
cases, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks
are implicated. Furthermore, many attacks indicate
the goal was to disrupt website resources. DDoS
attacks and disruptions have been linked to cyber-
infrastructure intrusions, resource misuse, and mali-
cious software installation. When comparing the ef-
fectiveness of DDoS attacks, 94% caused varying de-
grees of disruption.
The study does not specify the duration or services
most affected by these disruptions. Many denial-of-
service attacks involve distributed attacks on web-
site resources, according to previous research. Web-
site outages only affected external access, not em-
ployee information. Attacks can also cause DDoS.
Social engineering attacks are still common despite a
decline. Social engineering and insufficient authen-
tication attacks did not hit major service providers’
cyber-infrastructure as severely. As mentioned, or-
ganisations’ awareness of initial access attempts may
explain the trend. Social engineering to illegally ac-
cess user accounts has decreased, but major service
providers still report it as a significant malicious in-
cident. Web compromise was rare compared to re-
source misuse and denial-of-service attacks. The
most common impact reported was disruption, fol-
lowed by disclosure, and a malicious event at 16%.
Service disruptions or degradation outnumbered in-
tegrity or confidentiality breaches. Critics of this
study may point to bias in organisation incident re-
porting criteria.
5.2 Implications on Organisations and
Researchers claim digitalization has increased the risk
of it-incidents cascading beyond digital and organisa-
tional boundaries. Organisations rely more on com-
plex systems and supply chains. The study’s finding
that many incidents indicated the attack had no effect
was noteworthy. Over four years, 17% of reported in-
cidents had no direct impact on the organization’s cy-
berinfrastructure. About 20% indicated the incident
did not indirectly impact the organisation, while only
6% stated it affected society. An extra 17% lacked
sufficient data to classify indirect impacts.
This study shows that many cyber incidents af-
fecting the organization’s infrastructure have no re-
ported impact on the organisation or stakeholders, de-
spite the impression of vulnerable service providers.
This may have multiple causes. Important service
providers reduce direct and indirect attack damage.
Key services or society may be strong enough to pre-
vent many reported incidents from damaging. Our
analysis showed few incidents that destroyed infor-
mation assets, suggesting threat actors do not target
them and critical service providers can prevent this.
These findings do not prove cyberattacks are ineffec-
tive, but they challenge the idea that critical service
providers and society are overly vulnerable to mali-
cious attacks.
This study does not measure impact, but some in-
cidents may have significant economic, reputational,
or societal effects. Supply chain and denial-of-service
attacks often had organisational and societal effects.
Complex supply chains make incidents harder to
manage, according to study. Threats to a critical ser-
vice provider’s supplier can affect values beyond cy-
berspace, making prevention difficult. Results show
that incident reports about social impact often involve
the same suppliers. Key service providers using the
same suppliers are hazardous.
5.3 Threats to Validity
Access to major service provider cyber threat land-
scape data improved the study’s validity, generaliz-
ability, and credibility. Although not all critical ser-
vice providers must report incidents to MSB, the
study’s findings may be questioned. Different inci-
dent reporting and information inclusion criteria be-
tween government agencies and NIS organisations af-
fect results. NIS organisations, unlike government
agencies, do not need to report incidents that do not
disrupt or degrade services, making a higher reporting
threshold problematic.
The Classification and Impact of Cyber Attacks Targeting Critical Service Providers
The results could favour government agencies
over other vital service providers. Analysing only
NIS-organizations can ignore attack frequency with-
out consequence. Thus, “disruption bias” may af-
fect cyber threat landscape interpretation. Results are
based on incidents the reporting organisation consid-
ers reportable, which could cause disruption bias. Or-
ganisational reporting is autonomous. Second, inci-
dent taxonomies and data analysis are difficult. Con-
tent analysis was useful for studying IT incidents, but
the researcher’s subjective categorization hampered
the study. Researchers’ knowledge and interpretation
of events determine research results. A structured in-
cident classification could be beneficial, but this study
struggled to create a report taxonomy. An abstract
taxonomy is needed to classify IT-incident reports by
characteristics, including indirect impact.
AVOIDIT and Cyber Harm use high-level classi-
fiers to classify attacks, but the categories could be
too abstract and fail to distinguish attack character-
istics. The AVOIDIT taxonomy and categories may
be outdated since 2009. More could have been done
to represent relevant impact types. A weakness of this
study is that it classified impact within and outside the
cyberinfrastructure without measuring it. Although
disruption and economic impact are primary informa-
tional and indirect impacts, the study does not account
for total downtime or economic loss. Comparing cy-
berattack effectiveness is difficult.
The analysis of IT incident reports from Swedish ser-
vice providers to MSB indicates that denial-of-service
attacks and disruptions severely affect operations and
information. Many of the 254 cyberattacks studied
had no effect. Many social engineering attacks had
little direct impact. Social engineering for initial ac-
cess and user attacks is decreasing but still common.
Infection with malware is rare. Few malicious IT in-
cidents compromised critical service providers’ infor-
mation resources. The indirect impacts were mostly
economic. Supply chain incidents often impacted so-
ciety and the economy. By identifying cyberinfras-
tructure’s impact types on service providers and oth-
ers, this paper advances scientific understanding. This
study found that many critical service provider cyber-
attack reports show no impact.
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or organisational impact. This study supports pre-
vious findings on supply chain incidents and organ-
isational and societal impact.Cyberattack classifica-
tion and components could be studied. We lack in-
cident taxonomies by high-level characteristics and
affect. Methodological advances in cyberattack-
classification that focus on possibilities and limits
would benefit systematic analysis of cyber incidents
based on reports with varying levels of detail. Re-
search on incident severity using indirect impact in-
dicators is needed. It categorised incidents by com-
ponent. It would be important to study how DDoS
attacks prolong critical service downtime.
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The Classification and Impact of Cyber Attacks Targeting Critical Service Providers