Mediapi-RGB: Enabling Technological Breakthroughs in French Sign
Language (LSF) Research Through an Extensive Video-Text Corpus
Yanis Ouakrim
1,2, a
, Hannah Bull
1, b
, Mich
ele Gouiff
1 c
, Denis Beautemps
2 d
Thomas Hueber
2 e
and Annelies Braffort
1 f
LISN, Univ. Paris-Saclay, CNRS, 91405 Orsay, France
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, GIPSA-Lab, CNRS, F-38000 Grenoble, France
Sign Language Processing, Sign Language Translation, Sign Language Corpora, French Sign Language, LSF.
We introduce Mediapi-RGB, a new dataset of French Sign Language (LSF) along with the first LSF-to-French
machine translation model. With 86 hours of video, it the largest LSF corpora with translation. The corpus
consists of original content in French Sign Language produced by deaf journalists, and has subtitles in written
French aligned to the signing. The current release of Mediapi-RGB is available at the Ortolang corpus reposi-
tory (, and can be used for academic research purposes. The
test and validation sets contain 13 and 7 hours of video respectively. The training set contains 66 hours of video
that will be released progressively until December 2024. Additionally, the current release contains skeleton
keypoints, sign temporal segmentation, spatio-temporal features and subtitles for all the videos in the train,
validation and test sets, as well as a suggested vocabulary of nouns for evaluation purposes. In addition, we
present the results obtained on this corpus with the first LSF-to-French translation baseline to give an overview
of the possibilities offered by this corpus of unprecedented caliber for LSF. Finally, we suggest potential tech-
nological and linguistic applications for this new video-text dataset.
In comparison to written and spoken corpora, there
is a lack of sign language (SL) corpora, particularly
large corpora with native or near-native signers in nat-
ural settings. Unfortunately, the existence of such
large annotated corpora is a prerequisite for the auto-
matic processing of sign languages. This is especially
true for translation (Camgoz et al., 2018a) or sen-
tence alignment (Bull et al., 2021), where deep learn-
ing models need to build an understanding of both the
source sign language and the target vocal language.
To this day, there are very few sign language
corpora translated into vocal languages. And when
they do exist, they are often very small (Braffort,
Equal contribution
2022) due to the fact that they are often produced
in laboratories, such as (Belissen et al., 2020a; Fink
et al., 2021), and are therefore expensive to ac-
quire, translate and annotate. To face this chal-
lenge, many researchers rely on interpreted sign lan-
guage data, i.e. a reverse translation from a vo-
cal language to a sign language., e.g. Phoenix-
14-T (Forster et al., 2012), SWISSTXT-WEATHER
and SWISSTXT-NEWS (Camgoz et al., 2021), Con-
tent4all (Camgoz et al., 2021) and BOBSL (Albanie
et al., 2021) datasets. These corpora are derived from
television programs whose vocal language has been
transcribed into subtitles and also interpreted into a
given sign language. Researchers using these corpora
are working on the assumption that the sign language
interpretation retains enough information so that it is
possible for a translation model to recover the subtitle
text from the interpreted sign language. Moreover,
there are differences between interpreted and non-
interpreted language (Dayter, 2019) due to source
language interference and time constraints. SL con-
tent from real-time interpretation tends to closely fol-
low the grammatical structure of the spoken language
Ouakrim, Y., Bull, H., Gouiffès, M., Beautemps, D., Hueber, T. and Braffort, A.
Mediapi-RGB: Enabling Technological Breakthroughs in French Sign Language (LSF) Research Through an Extensive Video-Text Corpus.
DOI: 10.5220/0012372600003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 2: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
due to strong time constraints (Leeson, 2005). There
is also some evidence of differences between hear-
ing and deaf interpreters (Stone and Russell, 2013),
and more generally differences between hearing non-
native signers, deaf non-native signers and deaf sign-
ers (Morford and Carlson, 2011). Therefore, the lack
of representation of native or near-native deaf signers
outside of laboratory conditions is also a key issue.
Datasets of non-interpreted sign language along
with translation are very rare; for a recent SL trans-
lation challenge, (M
uller et al., ) release a dataset
with 19 hours of original Swiss-German SL content.
MEDIAPI-SKEL, a first French SL (LSF) dataset of
27 hours, has been released with 2D keypoints data
aligned with subtitles (Bull et al., 2020a). Mediapi-
RGB aims to complement existing corpora by provid-
ing 86 hours of video of SL content outside of lab-
oratory conditions with a high representation of deaf
native signers.
Existing translated French sign language cor-
pora are of very limited duration (Braffort, 2022).
Mediapi-RGB is therefore the largest translated LSF
corpus, enabling to train machine translation models.
Along with the presentation of the corpus we apply
a simple transformer based machine translation base-
line to give an overview of the translationn possibil-
ities with this new corpus following existing works
on German Sign Language (DGS) (Camgoz et al.,
2018b), British Sign Language (BSL) (Albanie et al.,
2021) and American Sign Language (ASL) (Tarr
et al., 2023). The two main contributions of this paper
are the following:
The provision of the largest translated LSF corpus
to date and one of the largest compared to other
sign language corpora around the world.
The first machine translation model from LSF
video to French text.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides an overview of the dataset
and section 3 gives information about its production.
Then, section 4 proposes a translation baseline and
its results on Mediapi-RGB. Opportunities and limi-
tations of this new dataset are discussed in Section 5.
Mediapi-RGB is a large corpus (86 hours) of origi-
nal LSF content available for academic research pur-
poses. This corpus can be used for numerous research
applications, including training or evaluating SL re-
trieval, recognition or translation models.
We provide a summary of the Mediapi-RGB
Figure 1: Mediapi-RGB source data. The source data con-
sists of journalistic content in LSF, along with translated
French subtitles aligned to the signed content. (Subtitles
are not embedded in the video pixels).
dataset and compare this corpus with the MEDIAPI-
SKEL dataset.
2.1 Dataset Content and Statistics
The source of the data is the French media association
, the same source of the data used to create
MEDIAPI-SKEL (Bull et al., 2020a). M
edia’Pi!, is
a generalist and independent online media launched
in April 2018. It offers articles and reports on na-
tional and international news as well as topics related
to the deaf community in LSF and French. It oper-
ates on a subscription basis. The quantity and qual-
ity of original content produced by M
edia’Pi! (noted
episodes or original videos in the paper) is difficult
to find outside of laboratory-produced corpora, and
the diversity of scenarios better reflects the diversity
of real-world SL videos. The LSF produced by the
deaf journalists follows a natural structure. In a sec-
ond stage, the LSF content is translated into written
French and aligned to the LSF video in the form of
subtitles. The aligment between written subtitles and
LSF video is accurate. This is in contrast to inter-
preted data, where there is often a lag between the
written subtitles (aligned to the audio) and the sign
language interpretation. Figure 1 shows a screenshot
of a video from the M
edia’Pi! website along with its
associated subtitle in French (”Last Saturday, 19,000
doses of vaccine were released to vaccinate the entire
major population of the area”).
The dataset contains 1,230 videos, representing
a total of 86 hours of LSF produced between 2017
and 2022. In order to protect the economic model of
edia’Pi!, we are only able to publish videos of in-
formation and sports programmes with a time delay
of three years, and these videos may only be used for
academic research purposes. We have decided to use
videos dating from 2017-2018 in the validation set,
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
and videos from 2019 in the test set, so that models
trained on other corpora can already be evaluated on
Mediapi-RGB. Other videos from 2020-2022 will be
progressively released in the training set until Decem-
ber 2024. We are nevertheless able to release key-
points data, video features, automatic sign segmenta-
tion and subtitles of the training set videos. We also
propose a 4k vocabulary of common and proper nouns
in the Mediapi-RGB subtitles for evaluation purposes.
Table 1 gives information on the split between train,
validation and test sets.
Table 1: Train, validation and test split. The RGB train-
ing videos will be released progressively until Dec. 2024.
Features and skeleton keypoints on the training set are avail-
Train Val Test Total
Fully released No Yes Yes -
# videos 950 74 206 1230
# subtitles 37651 4373 8060 50084
# hours (full video) 66.1 7.2 12.5 85.9
# hours (subtitles) 52.3 4.9 10.8 68.0
2.2 Relationship to MEDIAPI-SKEL
The Mediapi-RGB dataset is intended as a re-
placement rather than a complementary dataset to
MEDIAPI-SKEL. This is because the training set of
MEDIAPI-SKEL partially overlaps with the test par-
tition of Mediapi-RGB. The current release of the
training set of Mediapi-RGB contains skeleton key-
points for the train, validation and test sets, and so
skeleton-based models can currently be trained and
evaluated on Mediapi-RGB rather than MEDIAPI-
SKEL. The main advantages of Mediapi-RGB are
that: 1) it’s a bigger corpus (86 hours vs. 27 hours),
2) the original RGB videos are available on the val-
idation and test sets, and will soon be released for
the training set, and 3) additional data such as Medi-
apipe keypoints (Lugaresi et al., 2019), Video Swin
Transformer features (Liu et al., 2022) and auto-
matic sign temporal segmentations are available. The
main disadvantage of Mediapi-RGB in comparison
to MEDIAPI-SKEL is the fact that there are fewer
signers, due to the exclusion of certain types of pro-
grammes including interviews. A comparison of the
statistics of MEDIAPI-SKEL and Mediapi-RGB can
be found in Table 2.
This section describes the dataset collection, as well
as various post-processing steps to facilitate usage of
Table 2: Descriptive statistics of our datasets MEDIAPI-
SKEL and Mediapi-RGB.
Global statistics
# subtitled episodes 368 1230
# hours 27 86
# frames 2.5 million 7.7 million
Video statistics
Resolution (# vids.) 1080p (327) 2160p (28)
720p (41) 1080p (1182)
720p (18)
480p (2)
Framerate (# vids.) 30 fps (111) 25 fps
25 fps (242)
24 fps (15)
Avg. length of vid. 4.5 minutes 4.2 minutes
# signers > 100 > 10
Text statistics
# subs. 20 187 50 084
Avg. length of sub. 4.2 seconds 4.9 seconds
10.9 words 12.2 words
Vocab. (tokens) 17 428 35 599
(nouns+verbs+adj.) 14 383 27 343
Mediapi-RGB. We temporally crop the videos using
the start and end times of each subtitle (Sec. 3.1)
and spatially crop the signers (Sec. 3.2). This cre-
ates video-text sentence-like pairs, with the signer
centered within a square crop of 444 × 444 pixels at
25fps. We remove duplicates to ensure that there are
no identical videos across the train, validation and test
splits (Sec. 3.3). Although we can not currently re-
lease the training set videos, we can release the cor-
responding processed data, including OpenPose (Cao
et al., 2019) and Mediapipe Holistic (Lugaresi et al.,
2019) keypoints (Sec. 3.4), Video Swin Transformer
features (Sec. 3.5), sign segmentation (Sec. 3.6), orig-
inal and processed subtitles (Sec. 3.7), as well as
a proposed noun vocabulary for evaluation purposes
(Sec. 3.8).
3.1 Temporally Cropping Subtitles
In Mediapi-RGB, the subtitles are aligned to the sign-
ing. Almost all of the M
edia’Pi! episodes are pro-
duced in LSF, then subsequently subtitled in written
French. There are rare cases where a hearing person
is interviewed in spoken language and this is inter-
preted into LSF. In these cases, the subtitles corre-
spond to the original audio, but are aligned to the sign-
ing, and the audio track is removed. We temporally
crop the videos using the subtitle timestamps, adding
0.5s on each side as padding. This creates sentence-
Mediapi-RGB: Enabling Technological Breakthroughs in French Sign Language (LSF) Research Through an Extensive Video-Text Corpus
Figure 2: Duration of subtitles. The distribution of the du-
rations of the extracted subtitle clips (without 0.5s padding).
Figure 3: Duration of episodes. The distribution of the du-
rations of M
edia’Pi! original episodes (without any modifi-
like video-text pairs. The distribution of subtitle du-
rations is shown in Fig. 2, and the distribution of the
duration of the original episodes is shown in Fig. 3.
3.2 Spatially Cropping Signers
As the M
edia’Pi! videos capture signers in differ-
ent positions and orientations, we automatically ex-
tract bounding boxes around the most likely signer in
each of the extracted subtitle crops (Sec. 3.1). To do
this, we follow the methodology described in (Bull
et al., 2020b) with available online code
. We ex-
tract the 2D OpenPose (Cao et al., 2019) keypoints of
each person in the videos, omit the legs and feet key-
points, track each person between consecutive frames,
impute missing skeleton keypoints using past or fu-
ture frames, temporally smooth keypoints using a
Savitzky-Golay filter and omit unlikely signers such
as people with occluded hands, people with hands that
hardly move or people in the background. In the case
of multiple potential signers, we then choose the most
likely signer based on a metric computed by multiply-
2 op data sl
ing the hand size and the variation of wrist movement
of the dominant hand. We then use a static square crop
around this most likely signer for the duration of each
subtitle. This square crop is then resized to 444 × 444
3.3 Removing Duplicate Videos
In the initial dataset, there were a large amount of du-
plicate videos, generally some extracts from an orig-
inal video (for advertisement or quoting) or recurrent
opening/closing titles. These duplications have to be
removed to avoid biases. To that purpose, we select
the videos that share the same subtitle and measure
the spatio-visual similarity between them using the
Video Swin features, described further in Sec. 3.5.
Letting {a
, ..., a
} be the sequence of visual feature
vectors of a video A and {b
, ..., b
} be the sequence
of visual feature vectors of a video B, we compute:
= max
i1,...,n, j1,...,m
· b
. (1)
If the maximum cosine similarity S
in (1) is
above a threshold T = 0.95, the two videos are con-
sidered to be duplicates. Once duplicated crops A
or B are detected, the longer one is kept since it is
more likely to correspond to the original video. Crops
with a similarity between T = 0.85 and T = 0.95
are considered as potential duplicates and have there-
fore been grouped in the same split to avoid biases.
Thresholds were set on the basis of manual observa-
3.4 Skeleton Keypoints Extraction
Skeleton keypoints are useful inputs for many auto-
matic SL processing tasks, such as hand or face crop-
ping (Huang et al., 2018; Shi et al., 2019), generating
SL (Ventura et al., 2020; Saunders et al., 2020), or
as inputs to improve recognition methods (Belissen
et al., 2020b; Jiang et al., 2021b). Thus, OpenPose
(Cao et al., 2019) and Mediapipe Holistic (Lugaresi
et al., 2019) keypoints are provided for the body, the
hands and the face. Fig. 4 shows an example of the
face, body and hand keypoints detection with both
Mediapipe Holistic and OpenPose.
3.5 Spatio-Temporal Features
Features are a useful input for automatic SL pro-
cessing systems, because they allow models to be
trained more rapidly than end-to-end systems using
RGB video frames as input. For example, features are
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Illustration of OpenPose and Mediapipe Holis-
tic keypoints. Illustration of the face, body and hand key-
points detection using both OpenPose (Cao et al., 2019)
(left) and Mediapipe Holistic (Lugaresi et al., 2019) (right).
used directly to train an automatic alignment model
in (Bull et al., 2021) and to search for lexical signs
in (Momeni et al., 2022).
To extract features, we use the Video Swin trans-
former model (Liu et al., 2022) trained for the task
of sign recognition using dense automatic annotations
acquired using the methods described in (Momeni
et al., 2022). Superior performance of this model
over I3D models is shown in (Prajwal et al., 2022)
for sign classification. The input to the Video Swin
transformer model is a temporal context window of
16 frames, and the output is a vector of features of
dimension 768. We extract these features at stride 1.
Due to 0.5s padding applied on each of the subtitle
timestamps during temporal cropping, all of the ex-
tracted videos contain at least 16 frames.
3.6 Sign Temporal Segmentation
In (Renz et al., 2021), the authors train a model
to automatically segment signs using annotated sign
glosses from BSL Corpus (Schembri et al., 2017).
This model inputs I3D features from (Albanie et al.,
2021) and outputs change-points between signs. The
model tends to recognise changes in handshape, and
thus over-segments fingerspelling. We use avail-
able online code
to segment signs in the Mediapi-
RGB subtitle crops. Although trained on BSL data,
this model provide valuable approximations of sign
boundaries in LSF. Fig. 5 shows an illustration of the
sign segmentation model on a Mediapi-RGB video.
The sign segmentation model recognises transitions
between signs due to visual cues such as changes in
hand shape.
Time in frames
t = 1
t = 15
t = 23
t = 34
Figure 5: Sign temporal segmentation. Example of sign
segmentation on an extract of video from Mediapi-RGB.
The blue line denotes the predicted output scores and the
green blocks denote a binary threshold for scores above 0.5.
3.7 Text Processing
We provide the raw subtitle texts for all of the videos
in the train, validation and test sets. Additionally,
we extract the part-of-speech of each subtitle word
The total vocabulary size is 35,599 and the vocab-
ulary size of nouns, verbs and adjectives is 27,343
(Tab. 2). Other parts of speech such as prepositions,
determinants and adverbs do not have associated lex-
ical signs. Linguistic elements of this type are carried
by non-manual components or movement features.
3.8 Noun Vocabulary
We propose a vocabulary of 3,894 common and
proper nouns for evaluation purposes. This vocabu-
lary corresponds to a list of nouns from the Mediapi-
RGB subtitles, appearing at least 5 times. These
nouns were lemmatized using the spaCy lemmatizer
trained on French news text
. Fig. 6 plots the fre-
quency of the top 20 most commonly used nouns in
this corpus. Fig. 7 shows the distribution of the num-
ber of words in each subtitle, as well as the number of
words in the vocabulary in each subtitle.
Following work conducted on other sign languages
(Camgoz et al., 2020; Tarr
es et al., 2023), we apply
a transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) based translation
baseline to Mediapi-RGB for LSF-to-French transla-
tion. An overview of the architecture of this baseline
is given in Fig. 8. On the sign language video side,
we use the features obtained with a frozen Video Swin
transformer model (Liu et al., 2022) trained on British
Sign Language (BSL) presented in section 3.5. On the
5 core news md
Mediapi-RGB: Enabling Technological Breakthroughs in French Sign Language (LSF) Research Through an Extensive Video-Text Corpus
Figure 6: Top 20 most frequent words in noun vocabu-
lary. The frequency of the top 20 noun occurrences.
Figure 7: Number of words in subtitles. In blue, the dis-
tribution of the total number of words in the Mediapi-RGB
subtitles; and in green, the distribution of the number of the
nouns in our vocabulary in each subtitle (see Sec. 3.8 for
details on this vocabulary).
text side, we use a tokenizer adapted to French
. Fi-
nally, the model is case-sensitive.
4.1 Implementation Details
Our architecture comprises two transformer encoder
layers and one transformer decoder layer. Each trans-
former block has 8 attention heads. Output of the
encoder block is a vector of 768 values. The fully
connected layer at the end of the decoder part has a
dimension of 64. We train the model with a batch size
of 32 and a RMSProp optmizer with a learning rate
of 10
. We use learning rate scheduling: the learn-
ing rate is halved with no improvement in validation
loss over 7 epochs. Similarly, we use early stopping:
training stops after 27 epochs after no improvement in
validation loss for 15 epochs. With this mechanism,
the result shown in the table corresponds to weights
obtained after the 12th epoch. The dropout is set to
0.5. We provide source code for the training and eval-
CamemBERTTokenizer made available by Hugging
face based on SentencePiece (Kudo and Richardson, 2018)
Transformer Encoder
Sign Language Video
Video Swin Embedding
French Text (shifted right)
Tokens (shifted right)
French Text
Positional Encoding
Positional Encoding
Transformer Encoder
Figure 8: Translation baseline architecture. Based on
the Transformer encoder-decoder architecture presented in
(Vaswani et al., 2017).
uation of this model
as well as the weights of trained
models. Future work could focus on hyperparameter
tuning and improving this baseline architecture.
4.2 Evaluation and Results
Table 3: BLEU scores obtained with our translation base-
line on the Mediapi-RGB test set.
Ours 21.56 10.76 6.40 4.14
Table 3 gives obtained BLEU score of the proposed
baseline on the Mediapi-RGB test set. We use the
standard SacreBLEU (Post, 2018) parameters for
the BLEU score computation (tokenizer 13a). As
BLEU scores depend on language structure, meaning-
ful comparison can only be achieved with the same
target language
. To the best of our knowledge, this
work is the first to adress LSF-to-French translation,
therefore, no comparison to results from other work
or method is possible so far. Table 4 provides transla-
tion examples with associated ground truth along with
English translations obtained with online translator
. We can note that the model has learnt se-
mantic links: predictions mostly employ words from
7 language
translation Mediapi-RGB
English translations given purely for information pur-
poses in Table 4, show this strong link between BLEU score
and target language. For the four given examples, the ob-
tained BLEU score if the target language was English would
have been 11.75 instead of 0.0.
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 4: Prediction examples with associated ground
truth. Text in brackets corresponds to English translations
obtained using online translator DeepL. These examples all
obtained a BLEU-4 score of 0.
GT La Premi
ere ministre britannique Theresa May
a annonc
e sa d
emission vendredi,
(British Prime Minister Theresa May an-
nounced her resignation on Friday,)
Pred Le Premier ministre britannique a annonc
e ven-
dredi, le Premier ministre britannique, Jean
(The British Prime Minister announced on Fri-
day, the British Prime Minister, Jean Castex,)
GT Bonjour, nous sommes le mercredi 11 mars
(Hello, today is Wednesday, March 11, 2019.)
Pred Bonjour! Nous sommes le lundi 11 mars 2019,
(Hello! Today is Monday, March 11, 2019,)
GT Ehpad : intoxication alimentaire mortelle.
(French nursing home: fatal food poisoning.)
Pred L’assurance-nil est un peu plus de retraite.
(The insurance-nil is a little more retirement.)
GT fait de nouveau l’objet d’une enqu
ete, ouverte
par le parquet de Paris.
(is once again under investigation by the Paris
public prosecutor’s office.)
Pred Le proc
es s’est ouvert le nouveau, le nouveau,
en justice de Paris.
(The trial opened on the new, new, Paris court.)
the same lexical field than the corresponding ground
In this section, we discuss opportunities and limita-
tions of the Mediapi-RGB dataset for technological
applications (Sec. 5.1) and for research in SL linguis-
tics (Sec. 5.2).
5.1 Applications Perspective
We note that there are historical examples of SL tech-
nological applications with little consultation of the
deaf community nor practical value (Bragg et al.,
2019; Erard, 2017). Research projects using Mediapi-
RGB should take into consideration input from deaf
researchers and members of the deaf community in
order to ensure practical benefits and to avoid harm.
edia’Pi! is a project created by deaf journalists to
increase access to information in the deaf commu-
nity. In that regard, we note three potential appli-
cations that could take advantage of Mediapi-RGB:
anonymization, sign retrieval and automatic transla-
One key characteristic of written language is the
ability to share information anonymously. It is oner-
ous to present information in SL without also rep-
resenting the identity of the signer. Solutions such
as computer-generated avatars are difficult to imple-
ment. MOCAP methods for animating SL avatars
are not necessarily anonymous, as individuals can be
recognised by their movements and signing style (Bi-
gand et al., 2019). In (Bigand et al., 2022), the authors
discuss methods to remove identity cues from SL pro-
duction. Such methods could be combined with tech-
niques of realistic sign generation (Saunders et al.,
2020; Ventura et al., 2020). Anonymous representa-
tions of SL can then be used to communicate factual
information such as legal or administrative informa-
tion, governmental documents or weather reports, or
to represent signers who wish to conceal their identity.
Search engines are very efficient for finding writ-
ten information based on textual queries. Search-
ing for information in SL using text queries or sign
queries is very difficult due to the challenges of recog-
nising signs and clustering similar topics in SL videos
without written translations. In (Duarte et al., 2022),
the authors present a method for searching for SL se-
quences using free-form textual queries. In (Jiang
et al., 2021a), the authors search for isolated signs
in continuous SL video on BSL Corpus (Schembri
et al., 2017) and PHOENIX14-T (Forster et al., 2012;
Forster et al., 2014). The Mediapi-RGB corpus can be
used to train and evaluate models for retrieval tasks on
continuous SL videos using textual or sign queries, as
the subtitles of the videos may be used as weak anno-
Adding subtitles to SL video improves accessibil-
ity and comprehension, but is a time-consuming task.
Various ways to simplify this task are automatic seg-
mentation into subtitle-units (Bull et al., 2020b), au-
tomatic alignment of subtitles to video (Bull et al.,
2021), and eventually automatic translation of SL
video to text. These tasks can be trained and evalu-
ated using the videos in the Mediapi-RGB corpus as
demonstrated in section 4.
Users of Mediapi-RGB should be aware of the
specificities of this dataset. Models trained on
other datasets may not necessarily perform well on
Mediapi-RGB, and models trained on Mediapi-RGB
may not generalise well to other situations. The
edia’Pi! videos are of professional quality and are
unlikely to be representative of spontaneous conver-
sations in daily life. This can be considered both
Mediapi-RGB: Enabling Technological Breakthroughs in French Sign Language (LSF) Research Through an Extensive Video-Text Corpus
an advantage and a limitation of Mediapi-RGB. The
signers are highly skilled deaf journalists producing
examples of eloquent and formal LSF, but models
trained on Mediapi-RGB may be less applicable to
signers with lower levels of fluency or a more infor-
mal register.
5.2 A Sign Linguistics Perspective
One common critique of current large SL corpora for
automatic SL processing is the over-representation
of interpreted TV data (Bragg et al., 2019). Never-
theless, the differences between interpreted SL data
and non-interpreted SL data are not well understood.
Comparing Mediapi-RGB with the other available
journalistic SL content from interpreted journalistic
data sources such as SWISSTXT-NEWS (Camgoz
et al., 2021), VRT-NEWS (Camgoz et al., 2021) and
BOBSL (Albanie et al., 2021) may provide some
clues on how SL production from deaf journalists dif-
fers from interpreted journalistic content from both
hearing and deaf interpreters. Increased linguis-
tic knowledge about this differences would help ac-
knowledge and alleviate the biases of models trained
on interpreted SL data.
The number of signers is lower in Mediapi-RGB
than in MEDIAPI-SKEL, due to the removal of nu-
merous videos involving interviews with members of
the public at events. Nevertheless, there are over 10
different signers in Mediapi-RGB, allowing for lin-
guistic comparisons across signers.
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RGB, a large dataset with 86 hours of content from
deaf journalists at the French online media M
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French. Mediapi-RGB can be used for academic re-
search purpose. We presented a first LSF-to-French
translation baseline, showing that Mediapi-RGB is
suitable for this research task. This is a stepping stone
towards future improvements. We hope that Mediapi-
RGB can be used to train and evaluate more automatic
SL processing tasks, as well as contribute to research
in SL linguistics.
We thank M
edia’Pi ! for providing the data.
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(PSPC), as part of the Serveur Gestuel project
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Paris-Saclay, and Gipsa-Lab University Grenoble
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