Assessment of the Academic Load in a Curriculum Through an
Optimization Model: Case Study of a Master Program
Myriam Gaete
and Marcela C. González-Araya
Doctorado en Sistemas de Ingeniería, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Talca, Campus Curicó,
Camino a Los Niches, km 1, Curicó, Chile
Departament of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Talca, Campus Curicó,
Camino a Los Niches km 1, Curicó, Chile
Keywords: Optimization Model, Academic Load, Linear Programming, Curriculum, Mathematical Modeling.
Abstract: The evaluation of academic load is necessary and constitutes a fundamental process in the design and redesign
of programs. This is because an excessive academic load can have academic consequences such as lag, as
well as effects on mental health, including depression, anxiety, burnout, self-esteem problems, among others.
Academic load is a complex and dynamic topic, resulting in the absence of a single approach to its study and
measurement. In this sense, this work proposes a mathematical model of linear programming. The case study
evaluated in Magister, a Chilean university. The results reveal an even distribution of academic load between
semesters and courses within the program. As the semesters progress, the academic load tends to increase
gradually. Integrated courses, such as Course 10 and Course 11, have higher loads compared to others. In the
third semester there is variability in the academic load, with one course concentrating most of the study hours.
In total, 294 hours of study are required to complete the program. A comprehensive review of academic load
distribution is recommended to ensure an equitable and manageable educational experience for students.
The academic load of a curriculum is a critical issue
for educational institutions because it is necessary to
guarantee the competences and skills established in
an outcome profile (undergraduate or graduate
profile). Therefore, the curriculum seeks to achieve
the outcome profile through the definition of course
contents and training periods. In this topic, the
academic load of a course represents the total time
that an average student must spend attending classes
and studying independently (i.e., making lectures,
projects, self-study, trainee, etc.) for obtaining the
learning outcomes (Ünal and Uysal, 2014). For this
reason, designing a curriculum involves several
complexities, such as the challenge of ensuring
accessibility and effectiveness of learning for all
students, considering their diversity in terms of
abilities, prior knowledge, learning styles, and special
needs (Dantas & Cunha, 2020; Woodcock et al.,
2022); the inclusion of excessive contents, generating
curricular overload (Chen et al., 2023); the necessity
of periodic curriculum reviews and updates for
ensuring its relevance and effectiveness (Chen et al.,
Regarding the academic load, optimization
models have been proposed in the literature for
establishing it. According to Lambert et al. (2006),
one of the first models that dealt with this topic was
the balanced academic curriculum problem (BACP)
introduced by Castro and Manzano, (2001). The
proposed model was an integer linear programming
model, which sought to design a balanced academic
curriculum by assigning courses to periods,
guaranteeing a similar academic load in each period.
The model was executed using synthetic instances,
concluding that it could solve medium size problems.
A few years later, Hnich et al., (2004) presented a
hybrid modelling approach that combines a mixed
integer linear programming model with a data-driven
model. Additionally, the authors used machine
learning techniques in order to forecast the course
Gaete, M. and González-Araya, M.
Assessment of the Academic Load in a Curriculum Through an Optimization Model: Case Study of a Master Program.
DOI: 10.5220/0012365400003639
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES 2024), pages 269-276
ISBN: 978-989-758-681-1; ISSN: 2184-4372
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
demand. These authors also applied their approach to
synthetic instances. They concluded that the hybrid
model could increase the complexity of the problem.
However, they did not mention conclusions about
improvements in the academic load related to their
approach. Based on the model presented by Castro
and Manzano (2001), Lambert et al. (2006) developed
a method for solving it, which combines two solution
techniques: genetic algorithms (Holland, 1992) and
constraint propagation (Jaffart et al., 1987). Genetic
algorithms are used to generate solutions for the
model of Castro and Manzano (2001), and to explore
the solution space, while constraint propagation
method is applied to improve the solutions, and to
ensure the feasibility of the solutions. In 2012,
Chiarandini et al. (2012) presented a generalized
version of the balanced academic curriculum problem
(BACP) proposed by Castro and Manzano, (2001)
The new version of the model considers different
curricula and professors’ preferences and was solved
by using a local search metaheuristic (Hoos, 2004). In
this study, the authors used a real case study,
corresponding to the curricula of an engineering
school of Italy. The new model aimed to balance the
academic curricula of all the engineering careers of
the school simultaneously. Therefore, some
limitations of the model discussed by the authors
were: i) a course established in the curriculum for
different engineering careers, one was scheduled for
each career instead of defining only one for all
careers; ii) the model did not balance the academic
load of professors; iii) the increase in the number of
elective courses made the model more complex; iv)
engineering students could have some terms without
courses because the model does not force that a
course be carried out every term. Later, Ünal and
Uysal (2014) presented a bi-objective mixed integer
linear programming model, which was called relevant
course balancing problem (RBCB). This model also
seeks to balance a curriculum but considers two
objective functions. One objective function
minimizes the distance (relevant score) of relevant
courses among periods, prioritizing scheduling these
courses in a same period (zero distance). The other
objective function minimizes the bias of the academic
load per term. In this study, the authors used a real
case study, corresponding to the curriculum of an
undergraduate career from the industrial engineering
department of Fatih University in Turkey. The
proposed model enables consolidating loads of
students per semester, meeting the prerequisite
conditions. Furthermore, the authors compared their
model with the BACP, where the RBCB generated
better course timetabling solutions than the BACP.
About this comparison, they concluded that the
BACP can be solved faster than the RBCB.
Nevertheless, the RBCB obtained optimal solutions
in about 3–15 minutes, which is a reasonable time. It
is important to highlight that none of the studies
presented in the literature took into account the
specific knowledges that need to be incorporated in
each course, which are directly related to the
academic load of a curriculum.
Regarding the taxonomy for classifying
knowledges, the current literature has dealt with this
issue as a peripheral topic (Tuma & Nassar, 2021). In
education, the taxonomy is relevant because it
classifies educational objectives into various
cognitive levels, from the simplest to the most
complex. The most known taxonomy is the Bloom’s
Taxonomy, proposed by Benjamin Bloom in 1956
(Choi-Koh, 2003), and it has had a significant impact
on education by offering a well-organized framework
for both curriculum design and the evaluation of
learning (Tuma & Nassar, 2021). Moreover, this
classification defines six levels of cognitive
complexity, which are: remembering (remember facts
and concepts); understanding (understand and
explain the meaning of the information); applying
(apply knowledge in new or specific situations);
analyzing (divide the information into parts and
understand their relationships); evaluating (judging
the validity of information, arguments or methods);
and creating (combining elements to form a new
whole or create something new).
In the current study, a methodology that includes
the development of a linear programming model for
designing a curriculum is proposed. In this way, the
developed model seeks to allocate knowledges to
courses, where the courses have been pre-defined for
each term. The objective of this allocation is to
guarantee the achievement of competences and skills
outlined in the graduate profile.
This article is structured as follows. Section 2
describes the proposed methodology to estimate the
academic load. Section 3 presents a real case study,
belonging to a Chilean university. Finally, the main
conclusions are presented in Section 4.
The proposed methodology of this study has three key
stages, which are described as follows.
Step 1. Rating Knowledges by an Expert
Team. In this step, the knowledges need to be
rated for incorporating them as input parameters
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
of the proposed linear programming model.
Therefore, a multidisciplinary expert team is
required to rate them. The rating process can be
carried out by using the “developing a
curriculum methodology.”
Step 2. Execution of the Optimization Model
for Estimating the Academic Load. In this step,
the proposed mathematical programming model
is executed by using the parameters determined
in the previous step. The model allows allocating
the minimum number of knowledges to the
courses, maintaining the defined academic load
of each course, that is, the established academic
credits of each course. Thus, excessive, or low
academic load per term is avoided.
Step 3. Comparison of Results with the
Current Curriculum. The purpose of this
comparison is to evaluate the quality and
consistency of the current curriculum, and to
propose improvements.
2.1 Model Knowledge-Based
Curriculum Balance (BKCP)
For contextualizing the terms used in the proposed
mathematical model, a schematic representation of a
curriculum is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Schematic representation of a curriculum.
In Figure 1, the concepts as term, credit, content
levels and Taxonomy Bloom’s levels. A term consists
in a group of courses dictated in the same period.
Every course is associated with a specific set of
knowledges. Furthermore, each knowledge is
characterized by a action verb, quantified according
to the Bloom’s Taxonomy, that is, from 1 to 6. It is
important to notice that every knowledge has a
content, which is also assessed by experts regarding
to its level of complexity, by using a scale from 1 to
6. On the other hand, in a curriculum, there are
integrative courses designed to comprehensively
address and evaluate the concepts’ learning. These
courses aim to foster the integration of knowledges
and skills from diverse content areas.
Two examples regarding the different
complexities of a content are described as follows.
For example, a student could need more time to solve
Quantum Physics exercises than Uniform Rectilinear
Motion problems because the first content requires
more knowledges. The similar situation can be
observed in the taxonomic level. For example,
memorizing axioms of probability requires less time
than applying them. Finally, the academic period also
influences the time required by a student for learning.
For example, a first-year student may spend more
time making a Python coding assignment than a
senior student.
The proposed model seeks to assign knowledge
assigned in each course and period of the program
curriculum according to a Bloom j taxonomy level, at
a content level of each knowledge. As mentioned
previously, the objective of the proposed model is to
allocate the minimal quantity of knowledges to
courses, while guaranteeing the academic load
requirements. In this way, it allows distributing the
academic load of a curriculum to comply with the
knowledges declared at graduation profile.
The linear programming model developed in this
study, called as knowledge-based curriculum balance
(BKCP), which is applied in the Step 2, is detailed as
Definition of Parameters:
𝐼= Number of courses,
𝐽= Number of Bloom’s taxonomy levels, where 1 =
remembering, 2= understanding, 3= applying, 4=
analyzing, evaluating=5 and 6=creating,
𝑀= Number of terms in the curriculum,
𝐾= Number of content levels, where 1= Very Easy,
2=Easy, 3=Moderate, 4=Difficult, 5= Very
Challenging and 6= Extremely Difficult,
𝐴 = Set of integrative courses,
= Set of terms from which the course i is excluded,
= Number of credits per course i, i = 1, …, I,
SC = Minimum number of knowledge elements
required per credit in the curriculum,
= Percentage of slack accepted between the
declared credits and the credits assigned according to
the model,
= The number of hours required by the student
to acquire knowledge based on course I, Bloom's
taxonomy level j, content level k, and term m, j = 1,
…, J, k=1, …, K and m=1, …, M,
𝑀𝐷 = The maximum number of knowledges of the
same course and content within a specific term.
Assessment of the Academic Load in a Curriculum Through an Optimization Model: Case Study of a Master Program
Definition of the Decision Variables:
= number of knowledge elements in course i
with a Bloom’s taxonomy level j, at a content level k,
in a term m, i=1, …, I, j = 1, …, J, k=1, …, K and
m=1, …, M.
Mathematical Formulation:
∀ 𝑖 = 1,,𝐼
∀ 𝑖 = 1,𝐼
=0 ,𝑖=1,𝐼,𝑚 𝜖 𝐵
≥0, 𝑘
The objective function seeks to minimize the
number of knowledge elements in the study plan.
Constraint (2) ensures that each course has at least p
percentage of the academic load defined in the
program. Constraint (3) ensures that courses cannot
have more than p
percentage of the academic load
defined in the program. Constraint (4) ensures that the
number of knowledge elements by taxonomy is
similar at different levels. Constraint (5) ensures that
the course has knowledge elements according to the
level where the course is located. Constraint (6)
ensures that each course has at least SC knowledge
elements for each of the assigned credits. Constraint
(7) ensures that courses in the first period cannot have
more knowledge elements of the highest taxonomy
level than the sum of the knowledge elements of
lower levels. Constraint (8) ensures equitable content
coverage, while Constraint (9) ensures that the
content is distributed equally across all semesters of
the program. Constraint (10) guarantees the inclusion
of all the required contents in each term. Constraint
(11) establishes the nature of the decision variables.
It is important to notice that in the BKCP model,
the parameter V represents the number of hours
required by a student to acquire knowledges and
skills. This parameter considers the complexity of the
contents, the taxonomic levels, and the current
academic period (term).
Below are the results, evaluating a 4-semester study
program at Magister a Chilean university. The
program consists of 98 SCT credits and 12 courses (of
which the 11th and 12th are integrative courses), and
the parameters can be found in the annexes of this
Each course has a different number of credits,
integrative courses have a greater academic load, as
can be seen in Table 1. Regarding the number of
knowledges, currently the program has 101
knowledge. By analyzing this knowledge by
semester, we can see that the curriculum has a large
amount of high-level knowledge according to
Bloom's taxonomy, in the first semesters of the
program. The courses with the highest number of
credits are in turn those with the lowest number of
knowledges, which shows an imbalance in the
academic load.
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Table 1: Number of knowledges per course of the study
Semester Course Credit
Bloom's Taxonomy
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 5 4 5 2
1 12
2 5
3 5 2
1 2 2 7
4 5
4 4 8
Total 1
20 4 7 12 1 7 6 37
5 5 1
6 2 1 10
6 5
7 5
3 3 6
8 2
9 5 1 1 1 3 6
Total 2 22 2 0 7 15 5 6 35
10 2 3 1 4
11 26 1 8 9 18
Total 3
28 0 1 0 0 11 10 22
4 12 28 3 4 7
Total 4
28 0 0 0 0 3 4 7
98 6 8 19 16 26 26 101
3.1 Model BKCP Results
The results reveal a substantial redistribution of
knowledge, with a notable increase from 101 to 336
units of knowledge. This increase is primarily
attributed to the higher levels of Bloom's taxonomy
(levels 4, 5, and 6). In terms of knowledge allocation
per course, those with 5 credits are associated with 15
units of knowledge distributed across various levels
Table 2: Model BKCP results.
Bloom's Taxonomy
Total 1 2 3 4 5 6
3 3 9 15
5 1 1 8 15
3 1 2 9 15
1 14 15
Total 1
0 7 6 20 1 26 60
5 7 3 15
4 1 10 15
1 1 12 1 15
4 11 15
1 5 6
Total 2
1 5 10 19 13 18 66
24 42 12 78
2 4 6
Total 3
0 24 2 4 42 12 84
55 20 38 13 126
Total 4
55 20 38 13 126
56 56 56 56 56 56 336
When considering the knowledge distribution in
integrative courses, the model suggests an increase of
over 70 units of knowledge. This substantial increase
is due to the considerably higher load of these courses
compared to other courses in the curriculum.
3.2 Comparison of Model Results with
the Current Learning Path
The current program has only one-third of the
knowledge items that the mathematical model
identified as optimal. According to the comparison
presented in Table 1, the existing pathway
demonstrates a notably lower quantity of high-level
cognitive knowledge. As a result, from a curricular
perspective, questions may arise regarding students'
achievement of the specified competency levels.
In analyzing the distribution of knowledge by
Bloom's Taxonomy and content, we can appreciate
that the results of the BKCP model diversify the
distribution of the academic load. This translates to
none of the 6 identified contents being at the highest
level of Bloom's Taxonomy (Figure 2 and 3).
Figure 2: Number of knowledges Number of knowledges
per Bloom's Taxonomy and content of the study program.
Figure 3: Number of knowledges Number of knowledges
per Bloom's Taxonomy and content of Model BKCP.
Furthermore, a disparity in the quantity of
knowledge among courses in the first and second
semesters is noticeable, despite all these courses
having the same number of credits.
Assessment of the Academic Load in a Curriculum Through an Optimization Model: Case Study of a Master Program
On the other hand, when we analyze courses 10
and 11, which were defined as integrative knowledge
courses, the number of knowledge items is low.
There is an unequal distribution of academic load
across different semesters and courses. Notably,
courses like Course 6 in the second semester and
Course 10 in the third semester exhibit significantly
higher loads compared to others.
Certain courses, such as Course 10 and 12, carry
notably heavier academic burdens compared to their
counterparts. This demands special attention to
ensure students can effectively manage their load.
Across all semesters and courses, a total of 336
areas of knowledge is required, providing a
comprehensive overview of the complete academic
load within the program.
Concerning the distribution of academic load
based on Bloom’s taxonomy, it becomes evident that
knowledge at the lower taxonomy levels is
predominantly concentrated in the first two
semesters, while higher-level knowledge in Bloom’s
taxonomy is predominantly concentrated in the later
For future research, it is advisable to consider the
incorporation of additional variables into the model,
including soliciting student feedback on their courses.
In addition, the inclusion of prerequisites for each
course would be considered, as has carried out in the
study of Lambert et al., (2006).
MSc Myriam Gaete G. would like to thank
NACIONAL/2021 under Grant 21211324 for its
financial support. Moreover, DSc Marcela González-
Araya would like to thank FONDECYT Project
1191764 (Chile) for its financial support.
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Valuation of academic load by type of knowledge.
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems
Bloom’s Taxonomy Content Semester Value
1 1 1 54,00
2 1 1 27,00
3 1 1 18,00
4 1 1 13,50
5 1 1 10,80
6 1 1 9,00
1 2 1 27,00
2 2 1 13,50
3 2 1 9,00
4 2 1 6,75
5 2 1 5,40
6 2 1 4,50
1 3 1 18,00
2 3 1 9,00
3 3 1 6,00
4 3 1 4,50
5 3 1 3,60
6 3 1 3,00
1 4 1 13,50
2 4 1 6,75
3 4 1 4,50
4 4 1 3,38
5 4 1 2,70
6 4 1 2,25
1 5 1 10,80
2 5 1 5,40
3 5 1 3,60
4 5 1 2,70
5 5 1 2,16
6 5 1 1,80
1 6 1 9,00
2 6 1 4,50
3 6 1 3,00
4 6 1 2,25
5 6 1 1,80
6 6 1 1,50
1 1 2 48,00
2 1 2 24,00
3 1 2 16,00
4 1 2 12,00
5 1 2 9,60
6 1 2 8,00
1 2 2 24,00
2 2 2 12,00
3 2 2 8,00
4 2 2 6,00
5 2 2 4,80
6 2 2 4,00
1 3 2 16,00
2 3 2 8,00
3 3 2 5,33
4 3 2 4,00
5 3 2 3,20
6 3 2 2,67
1 4 2 12,00
2 4 2 6,00
Bloom’s Taxonomy Content Semester Value
3 4 2 4,00
4 4 2 3,00
5 4 2 2,40
6 4 2 2,00
1 5 2 9,60
2 5 2 4,80
3 5 2 3,20
4 5 2 2,40
5 5 2 1,92
6 5 2 1,60
1 6 2 8,00
2 6 2 4,00
3 6 2 2,67
4 6 2 2,00
5 6 2 1,60
6 6 2 1,33
1 1 3 42,00
2 1 3 21,00
3 1 3 14,00
4 1 3 10,50
5 1 3 8,40
6 1 3 7,00
1 2 3 21,00
2 2 3 10,50
3 2 3 7,00
4 2 3 5,25
5 2 3 4,20
6 2 3 3,50
1 3 3 14,00
2 3 3 7,00
3 3 3 4,67
4 3 3 3,50
5 3 3 2,80
3 3 2,33
1 4 3 10,50
2 4 3 5,25
3 4 3 3,50
4 4 3 2,63
5 4 3 2,10
6 4 3 1,75
1 5 3 8,40
2 5 3 4,20
3 5 3 2,80
4 5 3 2,10
5 5 3 1,68
6 5 3 1,40
1 6 3 7,00
2 6 3 3,50
3 6 3 2,33
4 6 3 1,75
5 6 3 1,40
6 6 3 1,17
1 1 4 36,00
2 1 4 18,00
3 1 4 12,00
4 1 4 9,00
Assessment of the Academic Load in a Curriculum Through an Optimization Model: Case Study of a Master Program
Bloom’s Taxonomy Content Semester Value
5 1 4 7,20
6 1 4 6,00
1 2 4 18,00
2 2 4 9,00
3 2 4 6,00
4 2 4 4,50
5 2 4 3,60
6 2 4 3,00
1 3 4 12,00
2 3 4 6,00
3 3 4 4,00
4 3 4 3,00
5 3 4 2,40
6 3 4 2,00
1 4 4 9,00
2 4 4 4,50
3 4 4 3,00
4 4 4 2,25
5 4 4 1,80
6 4 4 1,50
1 5 4 7,20
2 5 4 3,60
3 5 4 2,40
4 5 4 1,80
5 5 4 1,44
6 5 4 1,20
1 6 4 6,00
2 6 4 3,00
3 6 4 2,00
4 6 4 1,50
5 6 4 1,20
6 6 4 1,00
ICORES 2024 - 13th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems