Efficient Parameter Mining and Freezing for Continual Object Detection
Angelo G. Menezes
1 a
, Augusto J. Peterlevitz
2 b
, Mateus A. Chinelatto
2 c
and Andr
e C. P. L. F. de Carvalho
1 d
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of S
ao Paulo, S
ao Carlos, Brazil
Computer Vision Department, Eldorado Research Institute, Campinas, Brazil
Object Detection, Continual Learning, Continual Object Detection, Replay, Parameter Mining.
Continual Object Detection is essential for enabling intelligent agents to interact proactively with humans in
real-world settings. While parameter-isolation strategies have been extensively explored in the context of con-
tinual learning for classification, they have yet to be fully harnessed for incremental object detection scenarios.
Drawing inspiration from prior research that focused on mining individual neuron responses and integrating
insights from recent developments in neural pruning, we proposed efficient ways to identify which layers are
the most important for a network to maintain the performance of a detector across sequential updates. The
presented findings highlight the substantial advantages of layer-level parameter isolation in facilitating incre-
mental learning within object detection models, offering promising avenues for future research and application
in real-world scenarios.
In the era of pervasive computing, computer vision
has emerged as a central field of study with an ar-
ray of applications across various domains, includ-
ing healthcare, autonomous vehicles, robotics, and
security systems (Wu et al., 2020). For real-world
computer vision applications, continual learning, or
the ability to learn from a continuous stream of data
and adapt to new tasks without forgetting previous
ones, plays a vital role. It enables models to adapt
to ever-changing environments and learn from a non-
stationary distribution of data, mirroring human-like
learning (Shaheen et al., 2021). This form of learn-
ing becomes increasingly significant as the demand
grows for models that can evolve and improve over
time without the need to store all the data and be
trained from scratch.
Within computer vision, object detection is a fun-
damental task aiming at identifying and locating ob-
jects of interest within an image. Historically, two-
stage detectors, comprising a region proposal network
followed by a classification stage, were the norm,
but they often suffer from increased complexity and
slower run-time (Zou et al., 2019). The emergence of
one-stage detectors, which combine these stages into
a unified framework, has allowed for more efficient
and often more accurate detection (Tian et al., 2020;
Lin et al., 2017). In this context, incremental learn-
ing strategies for object detection can further comple-
ment one-stage detectors by facilitating the continu-
ous adaptation of the model to new tasks or classes,
making it highly suitable for real-world applications
where the object landscape may change over time (Li
et al., 2019; ul Haq et al., 2021).
Recent works have concluded that catastrophic
forgetting is enlarged when the magnitude of the cal-
culated gradients becomes higher for accommodat-
ing the new knowledge (Mirzadeh et al., 2021; Had-
sell et al., 2020). Since the new parameter values
may deviate from the optimum place that was used
to obtain the previous performance, the overall mAP
metrics can decline. Traditionally in continual learn-
ing (CL) for classification, researchers have proposed
to tackle this problem directly by applying regular-
ization schemes, often preventing important neurons
from updating or artificially aligning the gradients for
each task. Such techniques have shown fair results
at the cost of being computationally expensive since
network parameters are mostly adjusted individually
(Kirkpatrick et al., 2017; Chaudhry et al., 2018).
To account for the changes and keep the detector
Menezes, A., Peterlevitz, A., Chinelatto, M. and de Carvalho, A.
Efficient Parameter Mining and Freezing for Continual Object Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0012362300003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 2: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
aligned with their previous performances, most works
in continual object detection (COD) mitigate forget-
ting with regularization schemes based on complex
knowledge distillation strategies and their combina-
tion with replay or the use of external data (Menezes
et al., 2023). However, we argue that the results pre-
sented by the solo work of Li et al. (2018) indicate
that there is room to investigate further parameter-
isolation schemes for COD. For these strategies, the
most important neurons for a task are identified, and
their changes are softened across learning updates to
protect the knowledge from previous tasks.
In this paper, we propose a thorough investigation
of efficient ways to identify and penalize the change
in weights for sequential updates of an object detec-
tor using insights from the neural pruning literature.
We show that by intelligently freezing full significant
layers of neurons, one might be able to alleviate catas-
trophic forgetting and foster a more efficient and ro-
bust detector.
The concept of using priors to identify the importance
of the weights and protect them from updating is not
new in CL. Kirkpatrick et al. (2017) proposed a reg-
ularization term on the loss function that penalizes
the update of important parameters. These parame-
ters are estimated by calculating the Fish information
matrix for each weight, which considers the distance
between the current weight values and the optimal
weights obtained when optimizing for the previous
task. (Zenke et al., 2017) similarly regularized the
new learning experiences but kept an online estimate
of the importance of each parameter. Both strategies
compute the change needed for each individual pa-
rameter, which can be computationally challenging
for large-scale detectors.
Also, on the verge of regularization, Li and Hoiem
(2017) saved a copy of the model after training for
each task and, when learning a new task, applied
knowledge distillation on the outputs to make sure
the current model could keep responses close to the
ones produced in previous tasks. Such a strategy
was adapted for COD in the work of Shmelkov et al.
(2017), which proposed to distill knowledge from
the final logits and bounding box coordinates. Li
et al. (2019) went further and introduced an additional
distillation on intermediate features for the network.
Both strategies have been used in several subsequent
works in COD as strong baselines for performance
In CL for classification, Mallya and Lazebnik
(2018) conceptualized PackNet, which used concepts
of the neural pruning literature for applying an iter-
ative parameter isolation strategy. It first trained a
model for a task and pruned the lowest magnitude pa-
rameters, as they were seen as the least contributors
to the model’s performance. Then, the left parame-
ters were fine-tuned on the initial task data and kept
frozen across new learning updates. Such a strategy
is usually able to mitigate forgetting, through the cost
of lower plasticity when learning new tasks. Simi-
larly, Li et al. (2018) proposed a strategy, here denoted
as MMN, to “mine” important neurons for the incre-
mental learning of object detectors. Their method in-
volved ranking the weights of each layer in the orig-
inal model and retaining (i.e., fixing the value of) the
Top-K neurons to preserve the discriminative infor-
mation of the original classes, leaving the other pa-
rameters free to be updated but not zeroed as initially
proposed by PackNet. The importance of each neu-
ron is estimated by sorting them based on the abso-
lute value of their weight. The authors evaluated this
strategy with variations of the percentage of neurons
to be frozen and found that a 75% value was ideal for
a stability-plasticity balance within the model. Al-
though simple, the final described performance was
on par with the state-of-the-art of the time (Shmelkov
et al., 2017).
The above parameter-isolation strategies for CL
consider that the most important individual neurons
will present the highest absolute weight values and
must be kept unchanged when learning new tasks.
This is a traditional network pruning concept and is
commonly treated as a strong baseline (LeCun et al.,
1989; Li et al., 2016). However, Neural Network
Pruning strategies have evolved to also consider the
filter and layer-wise dynamics. For that, the impor-
tance of a filter or the whole layer can be obtained
by analyzing the feature maps after the forward pass
of a subset of the whole dataset. Then, they can be
ranked and pruned based on criteria such as proxim-
ity to zero, variation inter samples, or information en-
tropy (Liu and Wu, 2019; Luo and Wu, 2017; Wang
et al., 2021). Even so, the available network capac-
ity will be dependent on the number of involved tasks
since important parameters are not allowed to change.
Based on the recent neural pruning literature, we ex-
plore four different ways to identify important param-
eters to be kept intact across sequential updates. The
following criteria are used to determine the impor-
tance of each network layer after forwarding a subset
Efficient Parameter Mining and Freezing for Continual Object Detection
of images from the task data and analyzing the gener-
ated feature maps:
Highest Mean of Activation Values. Rank and
select the layers with filters that produced the
highest mean of activations.
) =
) (1)
Highest Median of Activation Values. An alter-
native that considers the highest median of activa-
tions instead of the mean.
) = Med(F(x
)) (2)
Highest Variance. For this criterion, we consider
that filters with higher standard deviation in the
generated feature maps across diverse samples are
more important and their layer should be kept un-
) =
) µ)
Highest Information Entropy. Rank and select
the layers based on the highest information en-
tropy on their feature maps.
) =
)) (4)
where N is the number of images in the subset; F(x
is the flattened feature map; Med is the median of the
feature map activations; µ is mean of the feature map
activations; P is the probability distribution of a fea-
ture map.
Additionally, in a separate investigation, we ex-
plore whether relaxing the fixed weight constraint
proposed by MMN can allow the model to be more
plastic while keeping decent performance on previ-
ous tasks. For that, we propose to simply adjust the
changes to the mined task-specific parameters during
the training step by multiplying the gradients calcu-
lated in the incremental step by a penalty value. By al-
lowing them to adjust the important weights in a min-
imal way (i.e., with a penalty of 1% or 10%) across
tasks, we hypothesize that the model will be able to
circumvent capacity constraints and be more plastic.
For the proposed layer-mining criteria, we also
check which percentage (i.e., 25, 50, 75, 90) of frozen
layers would give the best results. Figure 1 describes
the proposed experimental pipeline.
3.1 Evaluation Benchmarks
Two different incremental learning scenarios were
used to check the performance of the proposed meth-
Incremental Pascal VOC. We opted to use the incre-
mental version of the well-known Pascal VOC dataset
following the 2-step learning protocol used by the ma-
jority of works in the area (Menezes et al., 2023). We
investigated the scenarios in which the model needs
to learn either the last class or the last 10 classes at
once, as described in Figure 2.
TAESA Transmission Towers Dataset. The detec-
tion of transmission towers and their components us-
ing aerial footage is an essential step for perform-
ing inspections on their structures. These inspections
are often performed by onsite specialists to catego-
rize the health aspect of each component. The advan-
tage of automating such tasks by the use of drones has
been largely approached in this industry setting and is
known to have a positive impact on standardization
of the acquisition process and reducing the number of
accidents in locu. However, there is a lack of success-
ful reports of general applications in this field since
it inherently involves several challenges related to ac-
quiring training data, having to deal with large do-
main discrepancies (since energy transmission towers
can be located anywhere in a country), and the neces-
sity to update the model every time a new accessory
or tower needs to be mapped.
To aid in the proposal of solutions for some of
the listed issues, we introduce the TAESA Transmis-
sion Towers Dataset. It consists of aerial images from
several drone inspections performed on energy trans-
mission sites maintained by the TAESA company in
Brazil. The full dataset has records from different
transmission sites from four cities with different soil
and vegetation conditions. In this way, the incremen-
tal benchmark was organized into four different learn-
ing tasks, each representing data from a specific trans-
mission site, as illustrated by Figure 3.
Each task can have new classes that were not
introduced before and new visuals for a previously
introduced object, making it a challenging “data-
incremental” benchmark. In addition, different from
most artificial benchmarks, images were annotated by
several people using a reference sheet of the possible
classes that could be present. For that, the possibility
of missing annotations and label conflict in posterior
tasks was reduced. A summary of the dataset with re-
spect to the number of images and objects, with their
description, for each task can be seen in Tables 2 and
3.2 Implementation Details
We opted to explore the RetinaNet one-stage detector
using a frozen ResNet50 with an unfrozen FPN back-
bone. The selected freezing criteria is therefore only
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: TAESA Dataset Summary.
of Boxes per label
Scenario Set
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Task 1
Training 526 690 2228 482 119 381 528 - - - 4428
Validation 67 78 245 55 16 29 49 - - - 472
Testing 69 91 252 49 10 42 60 - - - 504
Task 2
Training 431 86 950 260 4 - - 20 429 8 1757
Validation 55 14 120 32 - - - 2 55 - 223
Testing 55 2 120 29 1 - - 3 55 - 210
Task 3
Training 308 5 726 269 39 - - 303 - 4 1346
Validation 39 3 92 31 5 - - 36 - - 167
Testing 39 1 89 33 6 - - 38 - - 167
Task 4
Training 227 5 1242 357 - 770 83 - - 234 2691
Validation 28 2 165 50 - 98 12 - - 29 356
Testing 29 - 177 52 - 112 11 - - 29 381
VOC Base Classes 1-10
VOC Base Classes 1-19
VOC Incremental Classes 11-20
VOC Incremental
Class 20
Figure 2: Incremental PASCAL VOC Benchmark Evalu-
ated Scenarios.
applied to the neck (i.e., FPN) and head of the model.
The training settings are similar to the ones proposed
by Shmelkov et al. (2017). For both benchmarks, the
model was trained with SGD for 40k steps with an LR
of 0.01 for learning the first task. For the incremental
tasks, in the Pascal VOC Benchmark, the model was
trained with an LR of 0.001 for more 40k steps when
presented with data from several classes and for 5k
Table 2: ID for each class in the TAESA dataset.
Class Label Description
0 Classic Tower
1 Insulator
2 Yoke Plate
3 Clamper
4 Ball Link
5 Anchoring Clamp
6 Guyed Tower
7 Support Tower
8 Anchor Tower
Traning for
task tn
Mining important
Traning for
task tn+1
Weights not tunned
Weights tunned for task
Frozen weights
Weights tunned for task
Freezing weights
- Max absolute weight value
Freezing layers
- Max mean activation value
- Max activation variation
- Max activation entropy
Figure 1: Mining important parameters for efficient incremental updates.
Efficient Parameter Mining and Freezing for Continual Object Detection
Figure 3: Sample of images of each task for the TAESA
Transmission Towers Dataset.
steps when only data from the last class was used. For
the incremental tasks with the TAESA benchmark, the
model was trained with an LR of 0.001 for 5k steps for
each new task. The code for training the network was
written in Python and used the MMDetection toolbox
for orchestrating the detection benchmark and evalua-
tion procedure (Chen et al., 2019). The main followed
steps are depicted below in Algorithm 1.
As for the baselines, for the Incremental Pascal
VOC benchmark, we considered the results reported
on the work of Li et al. (2019) for the ILOD and
RILOD strategies which also made use of the Reti-
naNet with ResNet50 as the backbone in a similar
training setting. For the TAESA benchmark, we pro-
pose the comparison against Experience Replay us-
ing a task-balanced random reservoir buffer. We also
compare the results in both benchmarks against our
implementation of the MMN strategy from Li et al.
(2018) as well as the upper bound when all data is
available for training the model. To account for the
randomness associated with neural networks, we re-
port the performance of each strategy after the aver-
aging of three runs with different seeds.
3.3 Evaluation Metrics
For checking the performance in the Incremental Pas-
cal VOC benchmark, we use the average mAP[.5] and
for comparisons against the upper bound (i.e., join-
training) as usually reported by other works. To better
evaluate the potential of each strategy regarding the
model‘s ability to retain and acquire new knowledge,
we also apply the metrics proposed by Menezes et al.
(2023) known as the rate of stability (RSD) and plas-
ticity (RPD) deficits, described in Equations 5 and 6.
Algorithm 1: Incremental training with parameter mining
and freezing for COD.
1: M: Model to be trained
2: Tasks: List of learning experiences
3: S: Type of mining strategy
4: L: Percentage L of frozen layers or parameters
5: P: Percentage of gradient penalty
6: C: Criteria for freezing the layers
7: N: Percentage of samples from Task
to be used
for calculating freezing metrics
8: i 0
9: for i in range(length(Tasks)) do:
10: Train model M with data from Task
11: if S = gradient mining then
12: Dump previous gradient hooks
13: Attach a hook with the gradient penalty P
to the selected percentage L of parameters
14: end if
15: if S = layer f reezing then
16: Reset requires gr ad of the parameters in
each layer
17: Freeze a percentage L of the layers given
the chosen criteria C using statistics from the fea-
ture maps obtained after forwarding the N se-
lected samples
18: end if
19: Fine-tune in Task
for 1k steps to regularize
parameters for the next learning experience
20: i i + 1
21: end for
22: return M
old classes
old classes
100 (5)
new classes
new classes
old classes
100 (6)
Especially for the TAESA benchmark, the per-
formance is measured by the final mAP, with differ-
ent thresholds, and mAP[.50] after learning all tasks,
as well as with their upper-bound ratios
. Additionally, since the benchmark involves
the introduction of a sequence of tasks, we have mod-
ified the existing RSD and RPD metrics to consider
individual tasks instead of classes. In this evalua-
tion scenario, RSD measures the performance deficit
against the upper bound mAP in all tasks up to the
last one, while RPD evaluates the performance deficit
against the last learned task.
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
4.1 Pascal VOC 1-19 + 20
Table 3 describes the performance of each strategy
for the 19 + 1 scenario. For this scenario, we no-
ticed that the final mAP and
would heavily ben-
efit models that were more stable than plastic since
there was a clear imbalance in the number of repre-
sented classes (i.e., 19 1) for the incremental step.
With that in mind, we analyzed the results that bet-
ter balanced the decrease in RSD and RPD since,
by splitting the deficits in performance, it is clearer
to understand the ability to forget and adapt in each
model. By comparing the results of the application
of gradient penalty with respect to freezing the neu-
rons with the highest magnitude (i.e., MMN in Ta-
ble 3), we see that allowing the extra plasticity did
not produce broad effects in performance. However,
when 90% of the weights were mined, the extra ad-
justments introduced by using 1% of the calculated
gradients allowed the model to beat MMN. Regard-
ing the results of layer-mining, freezing based on in-
formation entropy presented a better balance in RS D
and RPD, even against more established techniques
such as ILOD and RILOD. For most of the results, in-
creasing the percentage of frozen layers gave a lower
deficit in stability with the caveat of increasing the dif-
ference in mAP against the upper bound for the new
learned class.
Overall, leaving a lower percentage of parameters
frozen across updates for the methods that worked on
individual neurons made their networks more adapt-
able. Yet, this hyperparameter for the layer-freezing
methods did not greatly affect the learning of the new
class but had a significant impact on the detection of
classes that had been learned previously.
4.2 Pascal VOC 1-10 + 11-20
Table 4 reports the results for the 10 + 10 alterna-
tive. For this scenario, the final mAP and
came more relevant as there was an equal representa-
tion of classes for their calculations. Results for ap-
plying a penalty to the gradient of selected neurons
showed a slightly superior performance compared to
completely freezing them. This was especially true in
all scenarios where a 10% penalty was applied. For
this benchmark, freezing 25% of the layers based on
information entropy yielded the best results, followed
by using the median of the activations to the same
percentage of frozen layers. However, the final mAP
indicate that these simply arranged strate-
gies might have a difficult time competing against tra-
ditional methods when processing a benchmark with
more complexities. Nonetheless, they can still serve
as a quick and strong baseline when compared to fine-
tuning and MMN due to ease of implementation.
Overall for the 10 + 10 scenario, all evaluated
strategies produced comparable final in terms of mAP
. Nevertheless, the best outcomes were ob-
served when freezing or penalizing 50% or less of the
parameters. Since most detectors based on deep neu-
ral networks are overparameterized and not optimized
directly for sparse connections, freezing more than
50% of available parameters or layers might affect
highly the network capacity for learning new objects.
We believe this to be true mainly for learning new
tasks with imbalanced category sets and objects that
do not present visual similarities with the ones previ-
ously learned. The Incremental Pascal VOC bench-
mark presents not only an imbalanced occurrence of
each category but also a considerable semantic differ-
ence for the labels of the two tasks, with the first hav-
ing more instances from outdoor environments and
the second focusing on instances from indoor scenes.
This can be further investigated by exploring task-
relatedness as a way to define the parameters that de-
termine how layer-freezing should take place between
Interestingly, as also shown in the final evaluation
remarks of the PackNet strategy for classification, the
final performance of the incremental model can be
weakened since it only uses a fraction of the entire pa-
rameter set to learn new tasks (Delange et al., 2021).
However, this tradeoff is necessary to ensure stable
performance in the tasks that were initially learned.
Considering the necessity for quick adaptation in con-
strained environments, having a hyperparameter to
adjust the plasticity of the model can be used as a
feature to preserve the performance in previous sce-
narios and slightly adjust the network to the new cir-
cumstances. This feature can be especially beneficial
when new updates with mixed data (i.e., old and new
samples) are expected in the future.
4.3 TAESA Benchmark
Table 5 summarizes the results on the proposed
benchmark with the green color highlighting met-
rics related to mAP and blue for mAP
. As the
benchmark involves class-incremental and domain-
incremental aspects, we noticed that when there is lit-
tle drift in the appearance of previously known objects
that show up in the new task images, these instances
reinforce the “old knowledge” and can be considered
as a small case of replay. This can be checked by the
fact that the forgetting in the fine-tuning approach is
Efficient Parameter Mining and Freezing for Continual Object Detection
Table 3: Results when learning the last class (TV monitor).
19 + 1 aero cycle bird boat bottle bus car cat chair cow table dog horse bike person plant sheep sofa train tv mAP
RSD (%) RPD (%)
Upper-bound 73.5 80.6 77.4 61.2 62.2 79.9 83.4 86.7 47.6 78 68.1 85.1 83.7 82.8 79.1 42.5 75.7 64.9 79 76.2 73.4 - - -
First 19 77 83.5 77.7 65.1 63 78.1 83.6 88.5 55.2 79.7 71.3 85.8 85.2 83 80.2 44.1 75.2 69.7 81.4 0 71.4 - - -
New 1 48 61.2 27.6 18.1 8.1 58.7 53.4 17.1 0 45.9 18.2 31.9 59.9 62.2 9.1 3.4 42.9 0 50.3 63.8 34.0 - - -
ILOD 61.9 78.5 62.5 39.2 60.9 53.2 79.3 84.5 52.3 52.6 62.8 71.5 51.8 61.5 76.8 43.8 43.8 69.7 52.9 44.6 60.2 0.81 18.01 45.66
RILOD 69.7 78.3 70.2 46.4 59.5 69.3 79.7 79.9 52.7 69.8 57.4 75.8 69.1 69.8 76.4 43.2 68.5 70.9 53.7 40.4 65.0 0.87 10.90 51.28
25 71.8 78.8 66.5 48.5 48.6 73.4 78.8 77.1 9.1 76.5 52.3 74.7 82.4 76.3 62.3 21.5 65.9 20.9 68.2 45.6 60.0 0.82 17.06 41.70
50 73.4 79 71.5 51 53.4 73.4 81.6 78.5 13.9 73.5 54.5 76.7 83.2 79.1 64 27.7 66.8 36.3 69.4 43 62.5 0.85 13.23 45.24
75 74.8 79.3 72.9 54.9 54 73.9 82 85 25.4 77.2 60 81.8 83.5 80.2 70.1 35.9 68 49.7 67.8 39.3 65.8 0.90 8.25 50.29
90 76.5 82.4 74.4 58.4 57.9 74.2 82.3 86.7 35.7 77.6 65.1 83.7 83.8 82.2 72.5 37 73.2 58.5 71.5 33.7 68.4 0.93 4.15 57.92
of 1%
25 71.9 78.8 66.5 48.6 48.5 73.4 78.8 77.1 9.1 76.5 52.3 74.6 82.4 76.3 62.3 21.5 65.9 20.7 68
45.5 59.9 0.82 17.08 41.84
50 73.3 79 71.4 51 53.3 73.4 81.6 78.4 13.8 73.5 54.4 76.7 83.2 79 64 27.4 66.8 34.7 69.3 43 62.4 0.85 13.43 45.24
75 75 79.3 72.9 54.9 54 73.8 82 84.9 25.3 77.2 59.8 81.8 83.5 80.1 70.1 35.8 67.9 49.3 67.8 39.4 65.7 0.90 8.32 50.15
90 76 82.1 74.4 57.3 57.3 74.1 82.1 85.9 34 77.4 63.4 82.9 83.4 82 72.1 37.1 72.4 57.1 70.5 34.3 67.8 0.92 5.01 57.10
of 10%
25 71.8 78.6 66.5 48 48.5 73.4 78.8 77.1 9.1 76.5 52.2 74.1 82.4 76.2 62.2 21 65.6 19.9 68.2 45.4 59.8 0.81 17.31 41.97
50 73.1 78.8 71.3 49.6 53.3 74.5 81.5 78.3 11.4 73.4 54 76.4 82.8 76.8 63.8 27 66.4 33.4 68.6 43.8 61.9 0.84 14.13 44.15
75 73.9 79.2 72.9 53.5 54.2 73.4 81.8 79.6 22 76.9 58.4 81.6 83.3 79.8 69.3 33.6 67.4 47.2 67.4 39.4 64.7 0.88 9.75 50.15
90 76.2 81.8 73.6 55.9 57 73.2 81.2 84.6 30.3 76.9 60.7 82.4 83.6 81.1 71.1 36.3 68.3 56 67 37.2 66.7 0.91 6.76 53.15
based on
25 75.1 78.8 71.6 57.3 54.3 75.3 81.1 78.6 27.5 77 60.4 80.8 82.5 79.6 70.5 32.5 72.3 57.3 74.1 31.3 65.9 0.90 7.52 61.19
50 75.3 78.6 72 57.7 53.8 74.7 81 79 27 74.7 62.5 77.8 82.7 77.5 70.5 33.1 72 56.5 73.1 32.4 65.6 0.89 8.03 59.69
75 76 79.5 73.2 58 57 75.8 81.6 84.4 27.3 77.3 64.8 82.1 82.7 80.4 71.5 36 72.7 57.4 74.8 25.2 66.9 0.91 5.66 69.50
90 76.2 81.3 71.9 60.8 49.9 75.7 82.8 86.2 24.8 76.5 69.4 82 82.9 80.9 68.5 26.2 71.9 60.3 79.4 41.7 67.5 0.92 6.01 47.02
based on
25 75.1 78.7 71.7 57.3 54.4 74.8 81.2 78.7 27.4 76.9 60.1 80.8 82.5 79.3 70.6 32.3 72.5 57.3 73.6 31.3 65.8 0.90 7.62 61.19
50 75.3 78.8 72.3 57.7 56.7 74 81.6 79.4 26.5 76.9 63.1 81.8 82.6 78.9 70.8 34.7 72.8 56.2 72.9 24.4 65.9 0.90 7.06 70.59
75 78 79.6 73.2 57.1 55.7 76.1 82.6 86.1 38.3 77.2 65.8 83.1 82.4 80.5 73.7 38.5 71.6 60.5 75.4 31.2 68.3 0.93 4.02 61.32
90 77.4 82.1 72.7 61.3 50.3 77.2 82.9 85.8 28.8 76.4 69.5 82 82.8 81.2 68.5 27.5 71.7 60.4 79.1 39.6 67.9 0.92 5.29 49.88
based on
25 75.1 78.9 71.6 57.3 54.3 75.3 81.1 78.6 27.5 77 60.4 80.8 82.5 77.4 70.5 32.4 72.3 57.3 74 31.5 65.8 0.90 7.68 60.92
50 75.1 78.9 71.6 57.2 54.3 75.3 81.1 78.7 27.5 77 60.4 80.7 82.5 77.4 70.5 32.3 72.3 57.3 74 31.4 65.8 0.90 7.70 61.05
75 75.7 79.1 72.9 57.1 56.4 75.2 81.4 79.3 25.2 77.4 61.5 81.6 82 79.5 70.6 33.7 72.9 56.1 74.5 27.9 66.0 0.90 7.12 65.82
90 77.6 79.9 73.5 57.3 56.6 77.7 82.8 86.2 38.2 77.1 65.9 82.8 82.5 80.2 73.7 39 72.4 61.5 76 31.5 68.6 0.94 3.62 60.92
based on
25 75.5 79.4 72.7 56.2 57.2 74.8 81.9 84.7 28.9 77.9 62 81.4 83.1 81.1 71.6 35.3 68.4 54.7 69 40.7 66.8 0.91 6.86 48.38
50 76.8 81.6 72.5 57 52.2 74.7 83.2 78.3 22.2 73.8 63.7 78.1 81.3 80 70.7 25.3 71 45.4 74.4 57 66.0 0.90 9.27 26.17
75 76.9 81.8 71.9 61.4 50.4 76 82.7 86 29.5 76 69.6 82.3 82.9 80.7 68.6 26.7 72.1 60.9 79.6 40.5 67.8 0.92 5.41 48.65
90 77.4 81.9 72.3 61.4 50.2 76.3 82.9 85.7 30 76 69.6 82.2 82.5 81.2 68.5 27.4 72 60.7 79.4 38.2 67.8 0.92 5.29 51.79
Table 4: Results when learning the last 10 classes.
10 + 10 aero cycle bird boat bottle bus car cat chair cow table dog horse bike person plant sheep sofa train tv mAP
RSD (%) RPD (%)
Upper-bound 73.5 80.6 77.4 61.2 62.2 79.9 83.4 86.7 47.6 78 68.1 85.1 83.7 82.8 79.1 42.5 75.7 64.9 79 76.2 73.4 - - -
First 10 79.2 85.6 76.5 66.7 65.9 78.9 85.2 86.6 60.2 84.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38.5 - - -
New 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74.6 85.7 86.1 79.9 79.8 43.9 76.3 68.5 80.5 76.3 37.6 - - -
ILOD 67.1 64.1 45.7 40.9 52.2 66.5 83.4 75.3 46.4 59.4 64.1 74.8 77.1 67.1 63.3 32.7 61.3 56.8 73.7 67.3 62.0 0.84 17.65 13.48
RILOD 71.7 81.7 66.9 49.6 58 65.9 84.7 76.8 50.1 69.4 67 72.8 77.3 73.8 74.9 39.9 68.5 61.5 75.5 72.4 67.9 0.93 7.59 7.29
25 59.2 37.4 38.7 33.3 17.2 46.3 52.9 57.5 5.9 45.7 62.9 73.6 76 68.8 77.1 37.6 62.9 60.9 72.5 73.5 53.0 0.72 45.84 9.72
50 65.0 42.7 43.4 37.6 19.8 53.1 58.5 58.5 6.0 46.0 59.4 72.6 73.1 69.5 75.5 35.7 60.0 59.2 69.2 71.7 53.8 0.73 40.89 12.44
75 61.5 40.3 49.0 35.8 19.5 48.0 54.8 52.3 10.5 44.0 62.5 71.0 74.1 68.4 75.6 36.2 59.6 61.3 69.6 70.7 53.2 0.73 42.91 12.00
90 67.2 24.9 56 39.9 31.2 59.1 62.2 64.6 6.5 53.4 34.1 53.5 35.2 63.1 72.1 27.5 30 45.3 61.9 62.9 47.5 0.65 36.18 34.27
of 1%
25 59.2 37.4 38.5 33.3 17.1 46.1 52.8 57.6 5.9 45.8 62.9 73.5 76.1 68.6 77.1 37.4 62.9 61 72.6 73.5 53.0 0.72 45.90 9.74
50 64.9 43.9 43.3 37.2 19.3 53.1 58.4 58.4 5.6 46.0 59.3 72.7 73.1 69.6 75.6 35.8 60.2 59.2 69.4 71.8 53.8 0.73 40.91 12.34
75 63.6 41.0 49.9 36.7 19.6 48.4 57.0 53.0 10.5 43.9 61.9 71.5 74.3 67.9 75.4 35.8 59.5 61.1 69.4 70.4 53.5 0.73 41.84 12.23
90 67.2 25.1 55.2 41 30.1 58.9 62.2 63.9 5 52.9 38.2 55 44.5 64.9 72.5 28.6 35 47.7 62.6 64.4 48.7 0.66 36.66 30.49
of 10%
25 59 36.8 36.5 33 16.5 46 52.7 56.8 5.8 45.8 63.1 73.7 76.5 68.6 77.1 37.9 63.2 61.1 73 73.3 52.8 0.72 46.55 9.48
50 67.2 44 43.5 38 20.4 51.8 60.8 60.5 4.7 46.5 59.1 72.7 73.2 68.9 75.6 34.7 59.6 59 69.8 71 54.1 0.74 39.94 12.74
75 66.5 44.1 50.8 37.0 19.5 52.1 57.2 56.1 8.3 46.2 60.4 70.2 73.0 68.7 75.4 35.4 59.3 58.7 69.3 70.9 53.9 0.73 39.93 13.08
90 67.6 25.8 50.6 39.5 24.9 57.2 61.5 58.5 4.7 47.6 57.2 68.1 69.8 70.7 75.3 34.0 55.1 57.7 68.3 69.3 53.2 0.72 39.88 15.24
based on
25 63 48.4 57.3 36.1 19.9 57.1 49.8 66 7.7 45 54 64 64 70.4 72.1 33.9 49.7 58.6 62.1 66.6 52.3 0.71 38.18 19.31
50 63.4 48.6 58 39.1 19 57.4 50 66.2 8.4 44.3 53.8 63.3 63.8 70.3 72.2 33.2 49.8 58.5 61.6 67.1 52.4 0.71 37.63 19.56
75 58.8 49.1 55.6 41.1 17.5 58.1 43.5 67.5 11 43.3 47 66 54.3 70 70.2 32.4 47.4 58.8 51 67.5 50.5 0.69 38.84 23.51
90 54.2 49.7 51.2 39.8 23.9 60.1 44.1 70.7 14.2 46.6 24.1 57.9 46.7 63.5 59.3 28.8 42 58.4 43.8 59.4 46.9 0.64 37.61 34.51
based on
25 60.9 48.3 57.8 34.3 23 57.3 43.8 65.7 10.4 46.2 55.1 65.2 67.7 71.3 72.8 33.9 52.8 59.3 65 68.3 53.0 0.72 38.54 17.13
50 58.5 48.8 55.4 41.5 18.7 58.4 43.8 70.5 11 41.9 53.7 66.8 54.2 71.2 71.8 35.1 49.4 59.6 52.6 68.7 51.6 0.70 38.43 20.99
75 54.6 48.9 52.7 38.4 24.6 59.3 44.1 70.9 14.1 47.2 29.4 58.7 49.5 63.6 60.4 29 42.8 58.6 45.8 59.9 47.6 0.65 37.57 32.62
90 53.6 42.4 51.9 38 23.8 60.1 44.1 71.3 14.4 47.5
28 58.7 49 64.7 60.1 25.4 42.3 58.4 46.8 59.7 47.0 0.64 38.62 33.25
based on
25 62.7 48.5 57.4 36.2 19.6 57.1 49.8 66.1 7.6 45.2 54.1 64.1 64 70.2 72.2 33.9 49.8 58.4 62.1 66.4 52.3 0.71 38.20 19.34
50 62.6 48.4 56.8 38.5 19.2 57.8 50 65.9 7 45.1 52.9 63.8 63.7 70.2 71.8 32.8 49.9 57.7 60.7 66.4 52.1 0.71 38.05 20.06
75 62.1 47.3 57.8 38.8 19.5 58.2 50.1 65.3 8.5 44.6 53.4 62.7 64 69.9 71.5 31.7 51.1 57.1 60.8 65.1 52.0 0.71 37.93 20.41
90 57.2 40.8 55 29.8 11.5 57.3 44.2 65.5 10.8 41.7 39.6 58.9 55.3 62.2 68.9 33.3 55.2 60 54.4 64.1 48.3 0.66 43.16 25.24
based on
25 68.3 42.3 49.8 42.1 15.3 53.3 60.8 60.9 4.8 51.4 49.9 71.4 72.4 71 75.5 36.2 53.5 57.5 70.4 70.2 53.9 0.73 38.36 14.87
50 60.8 34.1 48.2 30.1 32 51.8 42.2 56.9 14.9 45.3 55.7 63 67.5 66.5 73 32.5 46.9 58.8 62.3 67.4 50.5 0.69 42.82 19.56
75 61.2 31.9 49.4 32.8 29.2 55.7 46.5 57.4 10.6 47.7 55.8 66.6 65.4 64.5 71.8 30.8 45.7 57.7 63.8 66.4 50.5 0.69 41.99 20.25
90 54.6 53.6 63.8 46.0 24.4 55.9 53.4 69.4 20.0 51.6 31.4 53.7 49.1 59.2 40.0 7.5 31.0 55.0 41.1 34.8 44.8 0.61 32.43 45.58
“soft” when compared to other artificial benchmarks,
such as Incremental Pascal VOC, in which classes that
do not appear in further training sets are completely
forgotten. Furthermore, the benchmark was organized
in a way that minimized label conflicts, leading to less
interference in the weights assigned to each class.
Applying a penalty to the gradients of impor-
tant parameters improved the results of leaving them
frozen (i.e. MMN) in all scenarios. The best results
were seen when applying a 1% of the penalty to 50%
or more of the important weights. Due to a slight
imbalance between the number of available data and
classes in each task and the fact that the first task had
more learning steps, it was found that keeping most of
the old weights unchanged, or slightly adjusting them
to new tasks, proved to be effective for average perfor-
mance. However, when checking the performance in
the intermediate tasks (i.e., Tasks 2 and 3) and com-
paring them to the fine-tuning and upper-bound re-
sults, we see that forgetting still occurs, but to a lesser
extent than in the other evaluated methods.
Selecting the most important layers based on in-
formation entropy was the most impartial in terms of
the percentage of layers chosen, and generally yielded
superior outcomes compared to other statistical mea-
sures. Yet, freezing 75% of the layers based on the
mean of feature map activations seemed to produce
the best results, achieving a good balance in the fi-
, although it significantly im-
pacted knowledge retention in intermediate tasks The
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 5: Results for incremental training on the TAESA Benchmark.
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Final Eval
% Feature mAP mAP[.50] mAP mAP[.50] mAP mAP[.50] mAP mAP[.50]
mAP [.50]
AP[.50] RSD
mean 43.7 67.9 5.6 13.5 13.3 24.1 35.1 60.8 24.4 41.6 0.55 0.60 51.18 28.22
median 43.8 65.4 9.7 21 15.2 36.9 37.9 64.5 26.6 47.0 0.60 0.67 46.48 22.49
std 41.7 62.5 10.5 21.6 19.3 32.9 38.6 64.9 27.5 45.5 0.62 0.65 44.28 21.06
entropy 41.2 61.4 15.6 30.3 21 34.7 39.8 67.1 29.4 48.4 0.66 0.69 39.33 18.61
mean 44.0 69.6 5.8 13.9 11.8 23.2 35 61 24.2 41.9 0.55 0.60 51.96 28.43
median 43.3 64.7 10.5 22.5 14.8 26.3 37.2 62.6 26.5 44.0 0.60 0.63 46.52 23.93
std 41.4 64.4 10.9 22.8 19.8 34.3 38.4 64.9 27.6 46.6 0.62 0.67 43.77 21.47
entropy 41.0 61.8 16.6 31.5 22.2 37.8 39 65.9 29.7 49.2 0.67 0.71 37.77 20.25
mean 47.9 71.4 3.5 9.8 12.4 24.1 31 55.3 31.4 49.0 0.71 0.70 50.28 36.61
median 45.9 65.3 6.8 17.5 17.4 30.6 32.9 60 30.9 48.7 0.70 0.70 45.37 32.72
std 44.1 63.2 10.8 24 19.3 32.5 34.4 62.1 30.5 48.7 0.69 0.70 42.14 29.65
entropy 43.7 63.1 11.6 21.9 22.5 38.5 36.6 62.3 30.4 48.7 0.69 0.70 39.33 25.15
mean 46.2 69.9 6.8 13.9 9.9 20.7 23.3 44.9 21.6 37.4 0.49 0.54 50.95 52.35
median 45.4 68.8 8.6 22.8 15.8 29.9 25 48.5 23.7 42.5 0.53 0.61 45.62 48.88
std 44.8 68.6 13.1 27.6 18.4 33.4 25.7 49.7 25.5 44.8 0.58 0.64 40.54 47.44
entropy 45.6 67.0 13.9 28.5 19.5 33.8 28.4 53 26.8 45.6 0.61 0.65 38.43 41.92
0.1 44.2 67.8 7.5 16.6 20 34.5 37.2 64.4 27.2 45.8 0.61 0.66 44.14 23.93
0.01 29.2 65.7 8.8 18 19.9 34.1 37.9 64.7 24.0 45.6 0.54 0.65 54.84 22.49
0.1 45.7 69.7 9.7 21.4 18.8 32.6 35.2 61.7 27.4 46.4 0.62 0.67 42.16 28.02
0.01 45.4 67.9 11.2 23.1 20 34.9 37.1 64.3 28.4 47.5 0.64 0.68 40.28 24.13
0.1 47.5 70.6 9.7 23 18.5 31.6 31.5 57.7 26.8 45.7 0.61 0.66 40.97 35.58
0.01 47.0 71.6 21.1 36.5 19.2 32.6 32.3 59.4 29.9 50.0 0.67 0.72 31.96 33.95
0.1 48.7 72.9 15.6 31.1 17.7 32 28 53.1 27.5 47.3 0.62 0.68 36.09 42.74
0.01 49.2 73.5 20.4 39.4 18 32.3 27.9 53.7 28.9 49.7 0.65 0.71 31.69 42.94
25 - 44.6 68.0 5.1 12.2 17.8 31.3 33.5 60 25.3 42.9 0.57 0.62 47.36 31.49
50 - 47.3 69.7 4.2 10.1 17.4 31.7 31.5 58 25.1 42.4 0.57 0.61 46.33 35.58
75 - 49.4 72.7 6.7 15.9 15.5 28.8 28.1 52.1 24.9 42.4 0.56 0.61 44.16 42.54
90 - 48.6 72.0 10.4 18.6 14.2 26.8 13.8 32.5 21.7 37.5 0.49 0.54 42.97 71.78
Fine tuning - - 44.2 66.6 5.4 12.8 12 23.5 34.9 61.5 24.1 41.1 0.54 0.59 52.02 28.63
Experience Replay - - 46.7 71.3 21.5 37.8 24.9 40.6 42.5 71.9 33.9 55.4 0.77 0.80 27.40 13.09
Ground Truth - - 56.8 83.2 35.7 58.1 35.8 62.1 48.9 75.3 44.3 69.7 - - - -
other layer-freezing methods attained similar results,
but with less forgetting in the intermediate tasks. This
highlights the necessity to look at the big picture and
not only specific metrics based on averages.
Although the full benchmark seemed challenging
by having to deal with new classes and domains, the
initial task’s diverse and abundant data helped pre-
pare the model to learn with small adjustments in new
task scenarios. All evaluated strategies performed
better than fine-tuning and MMN baselines but fell
behind the results achieved through experience re-
play. For scenarios where saving samples is not fea-
sible, a hybrid strategy involving parameter isolation
and fake labeling may help reduce the gap in perfor-
mance against replay methods. Nevertheless, when
possible, combining these methods with parameter-
isolation strategies can be seen as a promising direc-
tion for investigation.
In this paper, we discussed different ways to mitigate
forgetting when learning new object detection tasks
by using simple criteria to freeze layers and heuris-
tics for how important parameters should be updated.
We found that mining and freezing layers based on
feature map statistics, particularly on their informa-
tion entropy, yielded better results than freezing in-
dividual neurons when updating the network with
data from a single class. However, when introduc-
ing data from several classes, the simple arrangements
brought by the layer-freezing strategy were not as
successful. The layer-freezing strategies mostly out-
performed the mining of individual neurons but pre-
sented lower performance when directly compared to
more traditional and complex knowledge-distillation
methods such as ILOD and RILOD, or experience re-
play. Additionally, results also showed that applying
individual penalties to the gradients of important neu-
rons did not significantly differ from the possibility of
freezing them.
As a future line of work, it may be beneficial to ex-
plore fine-grained freezing solutions that involve min-
ing and freezing individual convolutional filters based
on their internal statistics. Hybrid techniques that bal-
ance learning with the use of experience replay could
also be proposed to prevent forgetting and adapt more
quickly to new scenarios. Furthermore, it would be
useful to investigate measures of task-relatedness as
a means of defining the freezing coefficients among
sequential updates.
This study was funded in part by the Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior
- Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001 and by
encia Nacional de Energia El
etrica) and
TAESA (Transmissora Alianc¸a de Energia El
S.A.), project PD-07130-0059/2020. The authors also
would like to thank the Conselho Nacional de De-
senvolvimento Cient
ıfico e Tecnol
ogico (CNPq) and
the Eldorado Research Institute for supporting this re-
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications