Face Blending Data Augmentation for Enhancing Deep Classification
Emna Ghorbel
, Ghada Maddouri and Faouzi Ghorbel
CRISTAL Laboratory, GRIFT Research Group ENSI, La Manouba University 2010, La Manouba, Tunisia
Low Size Dataset, Face Data Augmentation, InceptionV3, Face Classification.
Facial image classification plays a vital role in computer vision applications, particularly in face recogni-
tion. Convolutional Neural Networks have excelled in this domain, however, their performance decline when
dealing with small facial datasets. In that context, data augmentation methods have been proposed. In line
with this, we introduce the Face Blending data augmentation method, which augments intra-class variability
while preserving image semantics. By interpolating faces, we generate non-linear deformations, resulting in
in-between images that maintain the original’s global aspect. Results show that Face Blending significantly
enhances facial classification. Comparisons with Mix-up and Random Erasing techniques reveal improved
accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, particularly with limited datasets. This method offers promise for
realistic applications contributing to more reliable and accurate facial classification systems with limited data.
In the field of computer vision, Convolutional Neu-
ral Networks (CNNs) have made significant strides
in the recognition and classification of facial images.
In fact, CNNs have demonstrated their effectiveness
in a wide range of applications within facial analy-
sis, whether it involves 2D or 3D facial structures,
grayscale, or color images. Nevertheless, the perfor-
mance of CNNs can decline when confronted with the
challenges of small-scale facial datasets. The learn-
ing phase of neural network models demands copi-
ous data for convergence, and such datasets, in prac-
tical applications, often fall short. To address this
limitation, several data augmentation methods have
been proposed (Summers and Dinneen, 2019; Inoue,
2018; Kang et al., 2017; Zhong et al., 2020; Gatys
et al., 2015; Konno and Iwazume, 2018; Bowles et al.,
2018; Su et al., 2019; El-Sawy et al., 2016; Patel et al.,
2019; Ciregan et al., 2012; Sato et al., 2015; Patel
et al., 2019; Yin et al., 2019; Paulin et al., 2014; Chat-
field et al., 2014). These techniques can be classified
into three distinct categories. The first one encom-
passes the geometric-based methods as the similari-
ties’ transformations (scale, rotation, translation, and
flipping) on images (Ciregan et al., 2012; Sato et al.,
2015; Simard et al., 2003), Part-based method apply-
ing linear and affine transformations on shape parts
after a cut detection process (Patel et al., 2019), and
the Shape morphing based technique for augmenting
2D shapes (Ghorbel et al., 2023). The second cate-
gory is driven by deep learning as Neural Style Trans-
fer data augmentation (Gatys et al., 2015), Features
space based on Auto-Encoders (Konno and Iwazume,
2018), Generative Adversarial Neuronal (GANs) ar-
chitectures (Bowles et al., 2018). The third cate-
gory operates at the pixel level, deploying techniques
such as kernel filters (Kang et al., 2017), homogra-
phy (Paulin et al., 2014), mixing pixels (Summers
and Dinneen, 2019; Inoue, 2018), and random eras-
ing techniques (Yin et al., 2019; Zhong et al., 2020).
Despite their contributions, adapting these aug-
mentation methods for facial classification can be es-
pecially challenging, given the nuanced complexities
involved in this task. Often, these methods prove in-
adequate in capturing the nuances of intra-class vari-
ations, which may lead to the loss of significant facial
details in the process.
In this paper, we introduce a novel data augmenta-
tion technique meticulously crafted to enhance CNN
performance in facial classification. Our method aims
to augment intra-class variability while preserving the
semantic integrity of facial images. We present the
Face Blending data augmentation, tailored specifi-
cally to improve facial classification tasks. This pa-
per explores the theoretical foundations, integration
of Face Blending into CNN architecture, and its ap-
plication to three small-scale facial datasets. Our ob-
jective is to provide compelling evidence that this in-
Ghorbel, E., Maddouri, G. and Ghorbel, F.
Face Blending Data Augmentation for Enhancing Deep Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0012357900003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 274-280
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
novative technique significantly boosts facial classifi-
cation accuracy, particularly in scenarios with limited
datasets. Notably, this method is a hybrid, combining
geometric and pixel-based approaches.
Throughout this paper, we present a comprehen-
sive analysis of the Face Blending data augmenta-
tion method as applied to facial classification. We
compare its performance with existing techniques and
substantiate its efficacy in elevating the performance
of facial classification while preserving the meaning-
ful content of facial images.
In this section, the data augmentation based on face
blending is proposed. Facial blending, often em-
ployed in image processing and computer vision, is
a technique that combines different facial features or
characteristics from multiple images to create a com-
posite or blended face. We describe in the following
the key components of our proposed Face Blending
data augmentation method, which include Landmark
Face Detection (Xiang and Zhu, 2017), Face Inter-
polation based on Warping and Delaunay Triangula-
tion(Wolberg, 1998), and Data Cleaning through face
The process begins by selecting pairs of images
denoted respectively A and B from the same class of
a dataset D = {Class
, ...Class
}. Then, the land-
mark face detection algorithm namely the Multi-
Task Cascaded Convolutional Networks (MTCNN)
(Xiang and Zhu, 2017) is applied on faces in
order to extract the face reference points noted
respectively {(x
, y
), . . . , (x
, y
), . . . , (x
, y
and {(x
, y
), . . . , (x
, y
), . . . , (x
, y
)}. From
Image A and Image B, and their corresponding land-
marks, the Delaunay triangulation is performed on
the landmarks separately for both images, resulting in
two sets of triangles, namely T
and T
, respectively.
For each corresponding pair of triangles (t
, t
(one from T
and one from T
), points positions are
interpolated in order to create a new set of triangles
, which consist in the morphed face. Therefore,
we perform the warping phase by blending the posi-
tions of the triangles in T
and T
with t [0, 1] in
order to obtain the in-between images as follows,
(t) = (1 t) · P
+t · P
, 1 i n
where each vertex P
(t) T
is the position of P
time t, P
is the position of P
in Image A, P
is the
position of P
in Image B.
Thereafter, in-between triangular meshes are gen-
erated, where each triangle in T
is deformed ac-
cordingly based on the warped vertices P
(t). Then,
the morphed image is obtained by mapping the pixel
values from the original images (A and B) to the cor-
responding triangles in T
based on the barycentric
coordinates of each pixel within the triangles. There-
after, m images are generated. Figure 2 illustrates
an example of the obtained face interpolation. Since
in-between images are obtained, we carry out post-
processing for cleaning the generated object in order
to ensure the integrity and consistency of our aug-
mented face dataset. Therefore, We reapply the ro-
bust face detection algorithm MTCNN (Xiang and
Zhu, 2017) to thoroughly scan and localize faces
within the augmented dataset. Any objects identi-
fied as non-facial are subsequently removed, ensur-
ing that the dataset exclusively comprises facial sam-
ples. This meticulous cleaning methodology ensures
that our face dataset remains free from non-face ele-
ments. The Face Blending data augmentation pipeline
is illustrated in Figure 1, showcasing the stages of our
Figure 3 presents examples of obtained results
where the in-between images include faces belonging
to a same class. In the following, we propose to val-
idate the proposed method qualitatively and quantita-
tively through a chosen model in the case of low-size
face datasets.
In this part, qualitative and quantitative results are
presented in order to validate the proposed method for
enhancing face classification.
3.1 Datasets
We evaluate the proposed method with the three fol-
lowing small benchmarks. The Face Shape dataset
(Lucifierx, 2022) encompasses seven distinctive face
shape categories. These categories represent a vari-
ety of facial shapes, including heart, oval, square, and
more. Within this dataset, each of the seven classes
comprises a carefully selected collection of facial im-
ages, with each category containing between 10 to 20
images. This dataset serves as a valuable resource for
facial shape identification and differentiation. The 14
Celebrity Faces Dataset (Nelson, 2018) is composed
of 14 distinct classes. Each class contains between
15 and 20 images of the respective celebrity. This
dataset has been curated for the specific purpose of
celebrity face recognition, ensuring a balanced distri-
Face Blending Data Augmentation for Enhancing Deep Classification
Figure 1: Blending Face Data Augmentation pipeline; (a) Original dataset, (b) MTCNN landmark detection on pair of images
belonging to a same class, (c) generated in-between images with the Warping-Delaunay blending, (d) MTCNN face detection
for the data cleaning postprocessing, and (e) Augmented dataset.
Figure 2: An example of a warping-delaunay-based blend-
ing between two faces belonging to a same class.
Figure 3: Examples of images generated with the Data aug-
mentation Blending Face method applied on The Pathaan
Movie Characters Dataset (Ichhadhari, 2019).
bution of images across different personalities to fa-
cilitate accurate identification and distinction. The 5
Celebrity Faces Dataset (DanB, 2017) presents a ro-
bust resource for celebrity recognition. This dataset
features five distinct classes, each corresponding to
an actor and containing between 15 and 20 images.
3.2 Implementation Settings
Since the blending face data augmentation method is
fully automatic, we propose to add it as an augmenta-
tion layer. We use Python and the Keras framework to
carry out our experimental study. All experiments are
conducted on the Inception convolutional neuronal
networks namely InceptionV3 (Szegedy et al., 2015)
pre-trained on ImageNet. The datasets are separated
into three sets: 70% are used for the training, 10%
for the validation, and 20% for the testing. We use a
learning rate of 0.006 and a momentum of 0.1 with an
SGD optimizer.
3.3 Qualitative Results
Here, qualitative examples of data augmentation re-
sults for each dataset are presented.
Figures 4, 5 and 6 illustrate several examples
of blending data augmentation applied on the Face
Shape dataset, the 14 Celebrity Faces dataset, and the
5 Celebrity Faces Dataset, respectively. Results, in
all cases, are visually satisfactory. In fact, this data
augmentation method generates images that have se-
mantic meaning. This will significantly improve the
classification results, as observed in the next subsec-
3.4 Quantitative Results
In this part, quantitative results are reported. First,
both the accuracy and loss history of the blending-
face-InceptionV3 model trained on each dataset are
presented. Then, comparisons with Mix-up and Ran-
dom erasing data augmentation methods are con-
ducted according to several metrics of which the Ac-
curacy, the weighted average (w.a.) Precision, the w.a.
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 4: Examples of images generated with the Data aug-
mentation Blending face method applied on the Face Shape
Figure 5: Examples of images generated with the Data
augmentation Blending face method applied on the 14
Celebrity Faces Dataset.
Recall, the w.a. F1 score. Note that weighted average
metrics are used because of the unbalanced classes.
To demonstrate the added value of our pro-
posed method, we conduct a comparative analysis be-
tween the ”Blending-Face-InceptionV3” model and
the standard InceptionV3 model according to loss,
validation loss, accuracy, and validation accuracy his-
tories for each dataset. Figures 7, 8, and 9 illustrate
these comparisons when models are trained on the
Face Shape dataset, the 14 Celebrity Faces dataset,
and 5 Celebrity Faces Dataset, respectively. In all
Figure 6: Examples of images generated with the Data aug-
mentation Blending face method applied on the 5 Celebrity
Faces Dataset.
Figure 7: Comparison between Blending-Face-InceptionV3
and InceptionV3 according to the Training and Validation
metrics when trained on the Face Shape dataset. (a-1) Ac-
curacy and Accuracy validation of the proposed model. (b-
1) Accuracy and Accuracy validation of InceptionV3. (a-2)
Loss and Loss validation of the proposed model. (b-2) Loss
and Loss validation of InceptionV3.
cases, the Blending-Face-InceptionV3 models is, rel-
atively, performing well on the training data while
providing a significative generalization.
Figure 10 presents a comparison between no aug-
mentation (No-aug), Mix-up (Summers and Din-
neen, 2019), Random Erasing (RE) (Zhong et al.,
2020), and Blending Face (BF) data augmentation
techniques according to the training metrics of which
accuracy and loss.
In the case of the Face Shape Dataset, we ob-
serve in Table 1 that the model without augmentation
achieves the lowest accuracy (23.53%). The weighted
average (w.a.) precision is also relatively low (0.15),
suggesting a high rate of false positives. The w.a. re-
call and F1 score are also relatively low, indicating
that the model struggled to identify relevant instances
in the data. The Mix-up method performed better
Face Blending Data Augmentation for Enhancing Deep Classification
Table 1: Comparison of several data augmentation methods with the pre-trained InceptionV3 model trained on the Face Shape
dataset according to various performance metrics.
Method Accuracy(%) Precision Recall F1 score
No-aug 23.53 0.15 0.06 0.08
Mix-up (Summers and Dinneen, 2019) 10.53 0.03 0.11 0.05
RE (Zhong et al., 2020) 10.53 0.11 0.11 0.11
BF (ours) 95.03 0.97 0.91 0.94
Table 2: Comparison of several data augmentation methods with the pre-trained InceptionV3 model trained on the 14 Face
Celebrity dataset according to various performance metrics.
Method Accuracy(%) Precision Recall F1 score
No-aug 67.86 0.83 0.18 0.29
Mix-up (Summers and Dinneen, 2019) 62.96 0.15 0.11 0.12
RE (Zhong et al., 2020) 51.85 0.15 0.11 0.12
BF (ours) 96.80 1.00 0.95 0.97
Figure 8: Comparison between Blending-Face-InceptionV3
and InceptionV3 according to the Training and Validation
metrics when trained on 14 Celebrity Faces dataset. (a-1)
Accuracy and Accuracy validation of the proposed model.
(b-1) Accuracy and Accuracy validation of InceptionV3. (a-
2) Loss and Loss validation of the proposed model. (b-2)
Loss and Loss validation of InceptionV3.
than No-aug in terms of accuracy (10.53%), but it’s
still quite low. Precision is very low (0.03), indicating
a high rate of false positives. The recall is relatively
high (0.11), but the F1 score is still quite low. Sim-
ilar to Mix-up, RE, method achieved low accuracy
(10.53%). Precision (0.11) and recall (0.11) are also
quite low, resulting in a low F1 score (0.11). We ob-
serve that the BF method outperforms the others by a
significant margin with an accuracy of 95.03%. The
precision, recall, and F1 score are all relatively high,
indicating that this method is effective in enhancing
the model’s performance for face shape classification.
When performing classification on the 14
Celebrity Faces Dataset as shown in Table 2, the
original model achieves an accuracy of 67.86%. The
precision is quite high (0.83), suggesting a low rate of
false positives. However, the recall is relatively low
(0.18), resulting in an F1 score of 0.29 announcing
overfitting. The Mix-up method achieved a relative
Figure 9: Comparison between Blending-Face-InceptionV3
and InceptionV3 according to the Training and Validation
metrics when trained on 5 Celebrity Faces Dataset. (a-1)
Accuracy and Accuracy validation of the proposed model.
(b-1) Accuracy and Accuracy validation of InceptionV3. (a-
2) Loss and Loss validation of the proposed model. (b-2)
Loss and Loss validation of InceptionV3.
lower accuracy as well as RE. Similar to the first
table, the BF method stands out with high accuracy
(96.8%) and high precision (1.00). The recall is also
quite high (0.95).
The results presented in Table 3, based on the 5
Celebrity Faces Dataset, offer a comprehensive com-
parison of these methods. First, the performance
without data augmentation attains an accuracy of
73.68%, accompanied by a precision of 0.84, a re-
call of 0.53, and an F1 score of 0.62. The Mix-up
method enhances accuracy to 81.25%, it comes with
lower precision, recall, and F1 score values, standing
at 0.18, 0.19, and 0.18, respectively. The RE method
has obtained an accuracy of 68.75%. The precision,
recall, and F1 score exhibit values of 0.32, 0.38, and
0.34, respectively. BF presents relatively exceptional
results with an accuracy of 98.50% while all three
metrics achieve 0.98, underscoring the efficacy of our
Blending Face data augmentation consistently
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Table 3: Comparison of several data augmentation methods with the pre-trained InceptionV3 model trained on 5 Celebrity
Faces Dataset according to various performance metrics.
Method Accuracy(%) Precision Recall F1 score
No-aug 73.68 0.84 0.53 0.62
Mix-up (Summers and Dinneen, 2019) 81.25 0.18 0.19 0.18
RE (Zhong et al., 2020) 68.75 0.32 0.38 0.34
BF (ours) 98.50 0.98 0.98 0.98
Figure 10: Comparison between various data augmentation
techniques with Pre-trained InceptionV3 according to the
Training metrics when trained on 5 Celebrity Faces Dataset.
(a) Accuracy comparisons. (b) Loss comparisons.
outperforms the other augmentation methods in terms
of accuracy, w.a. precision, w.a. recall, and w.a.
F1 score. This suggests that, at least for low-size
datasets, the proposed data augmentation technique is
highly effective in improving model performance for
face classification. However, it is important to note
a limitation, which is the presence of minor artifacts
in the generated images, as can be observed in three,
fourth and fifth rows in Figure 5 above. Specifically,
small black pixels may appear near the mouth area
due to the high gradient between the teeth and the lips.
Nonetheless, it is essential to emphasize that this limi-
tation does not adversely affect the performance of the
Inception V3 classification, as demonstrated by our
results. Additionally, the individual’s facial identity
remains recognizable despite this minor occlusion.
In this paper, we introduced the Face Blending data
augmentation method, specifically designed to en-
hance the performance of Convolutional Neural Net-
works (CNNs) in facial classification, particularly
when dealing with small-scale datasets. This innova-
tive approach aims to augment intra-class variability
while preserving the meaning of images. Therefore,
We have demonstrated that the proposed method sig-
nificantly improves facial classification accuracy, as
evidenced by a series of comprehensive experiments
on three distinct small-scale facial datasets. In fact,
it outperformed conventional augmentation methods,
resulting in significantly improved InceptionV3 ac-
curacy, precision, recall, and F1 score. Future work
should further refine the Face Blending data augmen-
tation for specific facial analysis tasks as improving
real-world recognition systems with limited data.
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ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods