Character Identification in Images Extracted from Portuguese
Manuscript Historical Documents
Gustavo Cunha Lacerda and Raimundo C. S. Vasconcelos
Instituto Federal de Bras
ılia, Taguatinga - DF, Brazil
OCR, Text Recognition, Historical Manuscripts, Neural Networks.
The creation of writing has facilitated the humanity’s accumulation and sharing of knowledge, being a vital
part of what differentiates humans from other animals and has a high importance for the culture of all peoples.
Thus, the first human records (manuscripts), historical documents of organizations and families, began to have
new perspectives with the digital age accumulation. These handwritten records remained the primary source
for the history of countries, including Brazil before the period of independence, until the Gutenberg movable
type printing press dominated the archival world. Thus, over the decades, these handwritten documents, due to
their fragility, became difficult to access and manipulate. This has changed, with the possibility of digitization
and, consequently, its distribution over the internet. Therefore, this work shows a solution for transcribing
historical texts written in Portuguese, bringing accessibility, searchability, sharing and preservation to these
records, which achieved a result of 97% of letters recognized in the database used.
Writing is the symbolic process that allowed human
beings to expand the information generated by the
species far beyond what was possible in time and
space for a single individual. In this way, given the
importance of the emergence of this process, which
marked the beginning of Ancient History around 4000
B.C., there was the beginning of the documentation
and recording of human actions, beginning the era of
the accumulation of knowledge, which is properly the
creation of the culture of today’s civilizations. Thus,
writing and documentation play an extremely impor-
tant role in human history, as they are fundamental
tools for the preservation and propagation of knowl-
edge throughout the generations. This production of
information has a unique importance in the construc-
tion of the human being and is much deeper than we
think, being the foundation for culture, technological
and scientific knowledge.
The process of civilization has relied heavily on
human records, which are mainly generated from
social, family, and personal organizations. These
records were traditionally written, copied, and edited
by hand until the advent of primitive printing meth-
ods. The oldest known printed texts date back to
Japan in the years 764-770, specifically Buddhist
prayers. However, it was Johannes Gutenberg’s in-
vention of the movable type printing press in Eu-
rope during the 15
century that popularized printing
worldwide. Prior to Gutenberg’s press, records were
created by scribes or literate individuals who used
their own handwriting, resulting in significant varia-
tions in the appearance of characters. This is evident
in historical Portuguese documents, where cursive
writing leads to different letter connectors and shapes
depending on neighboring letters and the writer’s con-
Before the invention of the Gutenberg press,
records were written by hand by scribes and literate
individual, resulting in non-standardization of char-
acters and variations in cursive writing. This is ev-
ident in historical Portuguese documents. Addition-
ally, there is a problem with storing these valuable
documents, as many are incomplete and damaged. In-
correct storage practices include using unsuitable ma-
terials, lack of backup copies, and storing in hard-to-
access locations. To preserve the integrity of these
documents and make them easily accessible to re-
searchers, proper storage is crucial.
The widespread use of computers has led to a shift
towards digital documents, with software replacing
handwriting. This trend has sparked debates about
the abolished of handwriting in some European coun-
tries. In Finland, handwriting was discontinued in
2016, as typing was deemed more relevant in today’s
Lacerda, G. and Vasconcelos, R.
Character Identification in Images Extracted from Portuguese Manuscript Historical Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0012353900003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 3: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
context. Minna Harmanen, president of Finland’s Na-
tional Board of Education, acknowledged that while
handwriting aids in motor coordination and memory
development, the personal nature of cursive handwrit-
ing can harm literacy skills.
Through the use and spread of digitization, there
is the process of collecting and storing non-original
texts digitally through manual transcription or more
modern techniques such as Optical Character Recog-
nition (OCR), which is a machine learning applica-
tion for recognizing characters in images. This tech-
nique is common in standardized typography and is
currently widely used for text recognition in digital
fonts such as signs and printed books (Edwards III,
This paper suggests an approach using image pro-
cessing and neural networks to process and recog-
nize the content of handwritten texts in Portuguese.
These texts come mainly from images collected by the
digital databases of the national libraries of Portugal,
Brazil and France, each of which has an initiative to
digitize documents physically available at their head-
quarters with the mission of cataloguing and repro-
ducing handwritten historical documentation relating
to the human history of various countries in various
languages, including the official language of Portugal
and several other nations such as Brazil.
Trying to recognize characters from handwritten or
printed historical documents Insertionsare full of var-
ious types of problems, as they differ greatly from
the more standardized structure of magazines, news-
papers or scientific articles (Edwards III, 2007).
According to (Yanque, 2018) these problems arise
mainly because of characteristics related to:
Individual’s personal handwriting (Figure 1):
This problem represents a significant challenge
challenge for OCR systems because different peo-
ple’s writing styles vary a lot. Unlike standard-
ized fonts, individual handwriting has unique id-
iosyncrasies with letter formats, sizes, spacing,
and slant angles, making it difficult for OCR sys-
tems to accurately transcribe handwritten text.
Marks of the tools used for writing (Figure 2):
This problem mainly occurs when is used a of
low-quality ink and paper, on which stains and pa-
per marks appear on manuscripts. These problems
are separate classified as faded ink (Ink fading
over time), bleed-through (Stains that go through
the paper) and ghosting (Letter stains from other
text on the page).
Deterioration (Figure 3): This problem is caused
by time and various factors such as improper stor-
age, age the archive and various material degrada-
tion processes that lead to holes, stains, tears and
the total loss of documents.
Figure 1: Individual’s personal handwriting from two au-
Figure 2: Examples of marks due to the material used at the
Figure 3: Example of a document that has been damaged.
In (Str
obel et al., 2022), the authors develop a search
for TrOCR on historical documents, proposed by (Li
et al., 2021), using a neural network pre-trained with
the dataset Image-Net-1K, containing 1.2 million im-
ages. Synthetic handwritten text creation techniques
were used to augment the data and improve the train-
ing of the TrOCR architecture in the English lan-
guage. Using the fine-tuning process with real data
from other datasets, it was possible to obtain a CER
of 2.55% in validation over the 15 fine-tuning epochs.
The study concludes that the data shows that better
accuracies come from methods using fine-tuning to
improve accuracy.
In (Silv
erio Costa et al., 2022), the computational
Lusophone language processing software Lapelinc
Framework ((Costa et al., 2022)) was used. This
software is made available through JSP and JPA. In
addition, backend uses the TensorFlow library from
Python to produce handwritten text recognition. The
program accepts training based on the letters and
words found and has proven to be of great value for
recognizing and segmenting the words in documents.
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
In (Mart
ınek et al., 2019), ideas are presented
about how to train a neural network to recognize texts
in historical documents in the best possible way using
the state of the art. A way of generating new data is
proposed, as well as three training approaches: using
some real handwritten texts, using only manuscripts
generated by software and the third approach com-
bines the use of real and synthetic manuscripts. In this
way, using old newspapers from Germany, the results
showed that using only synthetic texts is sufficient to
obtain results in OCR programs, but combining the
two types of data is the most suitable way to guaran-
tee better accuracy with little real data.
Another work by the same author, (Mart
ınek et al.,
2020), described methods for segmenting historical
document structures and an OCR method for digi-
tizing the information. In this project, Kraken, CNN
and LSTM were used to produce a model that could
be trained with data generated by software and ad-
justed using the fine-tuning technique with real data.
The results proved to be superior to the state of the
art in Porta Fortium dataset of old German newspa-
pers, reaching an WER and CER of 0.118 and 0.024,
The eScriptorium browser program is described in
(Kiessling et al., 2019). This project arose from the
absence, in the state of the art, of a web program with
a user-friendly interface and open-source to recognize
texts from historical manuscripts. The software has an
interface that allows both automatic and manual tran-
scriptions and uses the same input sector. Thus, us-
ing the trainable OCR library for historical documents
from Python, Kraken ((UNIVERSIT
E PSL, 2015)), it
was possible to obtain an CER of between 2% and
8.9% on historical Arabic manuscripts.
In (Salimzadeh, 2019), a method is proposed for
treating errors in the output of OCR algorithms, im-
proving the quality of text digitization. Using natural
language processing to correct the errors generated in
the OCR output, it was possible to correct 92% of the
errors generated in the output of the character recog-
nition algorithms. Despite having used the English
language for testing and training, the author proposed
transfer-learning so that the system would work satis-
factorily in other European languages.
The work (Neudecker et al., 2021) presents an
evaluation of the metrics used to assess OCR models
for historical documents. In this way, an experiment
was carried out to see if common methods and met-
rics for evaluating OCR agree or disagree when eval-
uating the results for different historical documents,
using two different data sets. Several common met-
rics such as CER and WER and alternatives such as
the GT-free heuristic were used, comparing the effi-
ciency, use and comparability of each.
In (Aguilar and Jolivet, 2022) a system for recog-
nizing handwritten texts from medieval documents is
described. The author used a pre-trained R-CNN with
around 5.9 million adjustable parameters with a batch
size of 1 and a learning rate of 0.0001 to train the
network. It was thus possible to obtain an accuracy of
85% and, through fine-tuning, this accuracy increased
to values above 90%.
In (Milioni, 2020), an analysis of the transcription
program for historical documents called Transkribus
is presented. A qualitative study was carried out based
in two research methods: a distribution questionnaire
and an experimental evaluation of the tool. The au-
thor concluded that the user interface of Transkribus
is quite simple and user-friendly for humanities schol-
ars, including all the processes and steps necessary
to achieve an automatic transcription. However, the
quality of the transcriptions produced is not yet the
highest so that libraries and archives can use this tool
systematically and for different types of historical ma-
For this work, the Python language was chosen, which
is a high-level, general-purpose programming lan-
guage created in 1989 by Dutch mathematician Guido
van Rossum. It has a simple and intuitive syntax,
which makes it an easy language to learn and use.
The ecosystem chosen to train an OCR model is
Kraken, a system developed at the French Universit
PSL, optimized for recognizing texts from historical
documents. This system has or is easily coupled with
various tools ranging from data collection to publi-
cation of the generated model, and is widely used in
the work found in systematic mapping. This choice
is also due to the fact that Kraken is open-source and
has a native option for fine-tuning through the use of
a customized database, as in the case of this work.
The tools provided and supported natively by the
ecosystem are:
Ketos: this is the main Kraken tool, which has
commands for managing data, compiling and gen-
erating model training and tests. Using Ketos, it is
possible to create new data with the augmentation
option, in which an alphabet is formed from the
symbols found, which are then recombined into
new word sequences.
eScriptorium: is a software that facilitates cer-
tain OCR processes, mainly the creation of
databases. It includes tools for processing, seg-
Character Identification in Images Extracted from Portuguese Manuscript Historical Documents
menting and creating the masks needed for tran-
scription, which generates an ALTO file used by
Kraken for training and testing. This file contains
the coordinate information of the delimiters of the
words and letters found with the appropriate tran-
scription made by the user through a very simple
Zenodo: this is a repository of neural network re-
search and models in which Kraken stores its base
models and is ideal for finding solutions made by
other researchers and developers.
The research method is shown in Figure 4 and defines
the general tasks that make up the work. The first
step is to define the problem, which consists of clearly
and objectively defining the question that will be ad-
dressed throughout the project. In addition to present-
ing the context in which the problem is inserted and
raising important definitions for the scope of the topic.
Figure 4: Steps of the research used in this work.
After, the process of analyzing the problem and
surveying the literature begins in parallel. The prob-
lem analysis stage involves gathering information, as-
sessing the context and expectations in order to find a
possible solution. In the bibliographic survey stage, in
the case of this research, a systematic mapping tech-
nique was used to search for, agglomerate and syn-
thesize ideas, procedures and solutions from similar
Subsequently, data was collected to be used in the
OCR stage, in which images are used as input for the
system that generates the prediction of the texts in the
images. In the case of historical documents, this pro-
cess is carried out by collecting the original document
and digitizing it using scanners and cameras. Once
the digitized documents have been collected, they are
agglomerated into datasets such as those used in this
research. This was done through national digitiza-
tion projects in Portugal and France. It was then tran-
scribed by the author of this research to obtain prop-
erly cataloged data for use in supervised training.
In the stage of using OCR, the key steps for ana-
lyzing historical documents presented by (Dixit and
Shirdhonkar, 2015) were used and adapted to the
needs of this research. The adapted sequence of steps
for the OCR stage is described in Figure 5 and has the
following specifications:
Figure 5: Specific OCR steps used in this work separated
by tool.
Image and Document Capture: The first stage of
the process is understood as the collection and se-
lection of data. In the case of historical docu-
ments, this process involves collecting the origi-
nal document and digitizing it using scanners and
cameras. Once the scanned documents have been
collected, they are agglomerated and catalogued
in datasets like those of the digital libraries used
in this research.
Binarization and pre-processing: at this stage the
images are filtered to reduce wear and noise, with
a focus on highlighting the textual components of
the documents collected. An example of a cru-
cial filter for text analysis is binarization, which
consists of a process of selecting areas of interest
in a given image using a cut-off threshold defined
by the technique used. The result of binarization
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
is an image highlighted in binary pixels of inten-
sity 0 or 1, usually white and black respectively.
This technique is used in character recognition to
highlight text in relation to the environment and
material on which it is printed or written.
Layout analysis: at this stage the document is sep-
arated by areas of interest for analysis. In the
case of this research, texts are extracted from the
documents and separated from images, drawings,
graphics and other non-textual elements.
Text analysis and recognition: once the texts have
been properly filtered and separated, with the best
possible highlighting, some recognition algorithm
is applied to each character of the texts found in
the document. The technique used in this research
uses machine learning to recognize handwritten
Text description prediction: after recognizing
each character, a statistical value between 0 and
1 is assigned, which corresponds to the chance of
the character being a particular letter of the por-
tuguese alphabet, making changes if necessary to
form words correctly and maintain the original
content of the document. This stage results in the
completely digitized text of the initial manuscript.
In these more specific stages, related to optical
character recognition, two main technologies from the
Kraken ecosystem were used: eScriptorium and Ke-
tos. At first, after choosing the documents, the steps
that make up the construction of the database are car-
ried out, in which the software web eScriptorium. It
pre-processes, analyzes and recognizes the text and
also creates transcription files for each word and let-
ter found. Figure 5 shows how the stages are divided
according to each technology.
Next, the ALTO files are compiled by Ketos into a
Arrow file type used by the program to carry out train-
ing faster than directly using the documents in XML
pairs, with coordinates and transcription, and the im-
ages. This compilation stage divides the data into
personalized parts for training, validation and testing,
which in the case of this work follow the proportions
of 0.75, 0.15 and 0.15 respectively. Finally, after com-
pilation and division, training is carried out using the
Ketos training command with a pre-trained base neu-
ral network. We also used the SGD optimizer, learn-
ing rate of 0.001 and the tool’s own data augmenta-
For the number of training epochs, a earling stop-
ping solution was chosen, which stops training when
there are a number of drops in accuracy in the val-
idation at the end of each epoch, in the case of this
research. This technique avoids overtraining (Over-
fitting is a common problem in machine learning and
neural networks, in which a model overfits the train-
ing data. As a result, the model becomes very specific
to the training data and is often unable to generalize
well to new, unseen data, leading to poorer perfor-
mance in real-world situations.) with the data used
and works well in cases of fine-tuning (Fine-tuning is
the process of adjusting a pre-trained machine learn-
ing model to a specific task or data set, taking advan-
tage of the model’s prior knowledge.)
5.1 Database and Transcripts
An extremely important part of defining the effective-
ness of a neural network is the data on which it is
trained. For this research, we couldn’t find a dataset
that had an available catalog and transcriptions of his-
torical documents handwritten in Portuguese. There-
fore, it was necessary to create a database of tran-
scriptions to test how the model would adapt to Old
Manuscript Portuguese.
The first step was to choose the documents needed
to carry out the procedures. The criteria were files
that had good reading quality and few faults to facil-
itate and speed up the data cataloging process, since
the main objective of the research is not to create a
large complex database that can be used by other OCR
training models, although it is possible, as this would
require increasing the overall scope of the research.
Using the search engines and filters of the web-
site libraries, the few documents with a good reading
quality were chosen so that there would be no doubts
at the time of transcription, thus avoiding divergences
caused by wrong classification.
After the selection, the documents were processed
to remove artifacts, deterioration, stains and other
problems that make it difficult to extract only the text.
This part is left to non-linear binarization, which uses
methods that take into account the relationship be-
tween neighbouring pixels and the distribution of in-
tensities in the image to carry out the binarization in-
stead of a fixed threshold value. This stage of the
process highlights the letters written in focus on the
page and eliminates most of the problems of histori-
cal manuscripts such as ghosting and bleed-through.
After the binarization stage, the images go
through a layout analysis and segmentation process in
order to eliminate the other non-textual components
and ensure that only the text is catalogued and used
in the transcriptions. This is done by another internal
neural network and pre-trained by the eScriptorium,
which has a very interactive abstraction in the web-
site, which requires no configuration other than file
selection and segmentation initialization. The infor-
Character Identification in Images Extracted from Portuguese Manuscript Historical Documents
mation found by the algorithm is saved in an ALTO
file and has the coordinates of the limiters that form
the mask of the text found by the program, the num-
ber of lines, text direction and transcription, as can be
seen in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Result of segmentation and layout analysis on a
part of a document history.
The documents are then transcribed via input by
the user, who is able to make the relationship between
the line mask and the written text. An example of how
the process of transcribing a page of a document takes
place can be seen in Figure 7. Finally, the transcrip-
tions are saved in the ALTO files in pairs with the
respective images.
Figure 7: Example of transcription input based on lines in
The process of creating the transcriptions resulted
in 20,961 characters being transcribed into four docu-
ments totaling 307 pages. Not all the characters were
transcribed, only those that there was no doubt about
in order to maintain cohesion in the database. In ad-
dition, stains and other problems made it impossi-
ble for the segmentation algorithm to recognize some
lines, which were also discarded from the generated
files. The document with the most transcribed data is
”Copia do emperio e reinos dos xarifes na Berberia
em Africa e de algumas terras de negros, comessando
da emperial cidade de Marrocos, cabessa do dito em-
perio e sua comarca. from the National Digital Li-
brary of France, with 16,349 letters corresponding to
approximately 78% of the dataset.
Firstly, a curation process was carried out to see which
model would have the best base performance to carry
out the end-tuning (Results in Table 1). To do this,
they were selected from the newest models available
on the Zenodo platform, which Kraken recommends
and uses as a solution repository. Thus, four models
were chosen and tested on the base dataset.
Considering the accuracy results, the Generic
CREMMA and UB Mannheim German models were
chosen as the basis for fine-tuning.
The model using the dataset CREMMA reached a
peak in character accuracy on the 24th epoch, with
a value of 97.38% over 34 total epochs before early
stopping stopped running (Figure 8). This fine-tuning
result had a gain of 18.93% compared to the base
model tests, which is a leap that justifies this type of
training. The final generated model is 22MB and the
process took around 6 hours to complete. In addition,
the specific OCR metrics were used to measure the
quality of the generated model in which the CER and
WER values were 2.62% and 24.7%, respectively.
The results for insertion, deletion and addition er-
rors can be seen in Table 2. Finally, Table 3 shows
the relationship between the ten substitutions made
by the model in the character tests, which explains
which characters were the most difficult to transcribe
The UB Mannheim German model, on the other
hand, reached its accuracy peak in the dataset cre-
ated by this article in epoch 19, with a character accu-
racy value of 97.38% over the 29 total epochs before
stopping its execution (Figure 8). This fine-tuning re-
sult represented an increase of 18.72% over the base
model tests. The model was finalized with the same
16 MB size as at the start, which is much smaller than
that of Generic CREMMA with a similar result.
In addition, the CER and WER values were 2.62%
and 24.7%, respectively. The results for insertion,
deletion and addition errors can be seen in Table 4.
Table 5 shows the ten most frequent substitutions
made by the model in the character tests, highlighting
which characters were the most challenging to tran-
scribe correctly.
Thus, the results were satisfactory compared to
the state of the art of OCR in terms of letter match-
ing. Words had a higher error rate because no treat-
ment was carried out on the output of the predic-
tions, as in related work. This absence is explained
by the fact that applying a spelling correction to the
text would require a specialized corrector for colonial
Portuguese, something that was not easily found and
that the construction was not in the initial proposal of
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Results of the curation of the OCR methods.
Modelo Base(s) de Dados Tamano Acur
acia de Letras
Generic CREMMA CREMMA Medieval; CREMMA Medieval Latin; Eutyches. 22.8 MB 78.45%
Medieval Latin and French 12th-15th c. expanded CREMMA Medieval; Oriflamms; Saint-Victor. 21.62 MB 71.39%
UB Mannheim German Urfehdenbuch X. 16.4 MB 78.60%
Joseph Hooker HTR Model Teanscric¸
oes de um pequeno grupo de volunt
arios. 16.2 MB 57.18%
Figure 8: Accuracy in fine-tuning the Generic CREMMA and he UB Mannheim German models.
Table 2: Results of the specific OCR errors in the fine-
tuning of the Generic CREMMA model.
Metric Absolute Value Percentage
Insertions 126 22,95%
Deletions 234 42,62%
Insertions 189 34,42%
Total 549 100%
Table 3: Results of the ten common errors in the predictions
of the fine-tuning of the Generic CREMMA model.
No. of errors Correct character Prediction
294 ”Nothing” ”Space”
99 u v
36 ”Space” ”Nada”
24 ”Nothing” o
24 f s
6 - ”Nothing”
6 ”Nothing” s
3 g b
3 a ”Nothing”
3 a .
the research due to the non-mandatory nature of the
transcriptions and the difficulty.
Another test was carried out with another docu-
ment that had not been trained in the model, in which
the accuracy results dropped considerably for a com-
pletely new type of writing and author. This data re-
veals that fine-tuning served to add the handwritings
of the authors used in the constructed dataset rather
than generalizing to Portuguese as a whole. The rea-
son for this divergence is that de-standardization is
colossal when it comes to cursive writing and the so-
lutions based on Kraken were not good at universaliz-
ing with the limited amount of data provided.
Similarly, the Generic CREMMA and UB
Mannheim German solutions declined in letter ac-
Table 4: Results of the specific OCR errors in the fine-
tuning of the UB Mannheim German model.
Metric Absolute value Percentage
Insertions 198 35,3%
Deletions 135 24,06%
Insertions 228 40,64%
Total 561 100%
Table 5: Results of the ten common errors in the predictions
of the fine-tuning of the UB Mannheim German model.
No. of errors Correct character Prediction
72 ”Space” ”Nothing”
66 ”Nothing” ”Space”
36 - ”Nothing”
18 ”Nothing” a
18 . ”Nothing”
18 a ”Nothing”
12 s ”Nothing”
12 S s
12 t s
a 9
curacy when using the dataset developed by this re-
search using the same Latin characters. There is
also great similarity in the initial accuracy and errors
of the two base models, which reinforces this idea,
but a larger amount of data and a better constructed
database are needed to corroborate this information.
To continue the work presented, it would be ideal to
segment the lines of research present, bringing more
specific improvements to each aspect of the solution:
Character Identification in Images Extracted from Portuguese Manuscript Historical Documents
Use or create some method of spell-checking the
result of the predictions to improve the quality
of the transcription of words from colonial Por-
tuguese and other eras.
Create another optical character recognition archi-
tecture that is better at generalizing the transcrip-
tion of manuscripts with a smaller amount of data.
In this way, the solution could be more com-
plete in all respects and would gain independence,
especially in the creation of an improved database,
to help and proliferate the identification of charac-
ters from images extracted from historical Lusophone
manuscript documents.
Using a small training database to perform OCR on
certain documents, using models trained in other lan-
guages with the same character, is not only possible
but also very advantageous. Although the blind use
of the model does not guarantee high accuracies, with
a small number of transcriptions, it is possible to add
the author’s handwriting and the algorithm takes care
of the rest of the translation. However, in this spe-
cific case of falling accuracy and the lack of treatment
of the output with the use of spell-checkers, fully au-
tomatic transcription is impossible. Therefore, using
Kraken with eScriptorium proved to be a better alter-
native to help digitize a handwritten historical docu-
We gratefully to the Conselho Nacional de Desen-
volvimento Cient
ıfico e Tecnol
ogico (CNPq) for the
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ument image analysis and retrieval system. Interna-
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VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications