Information Retrieval Chatbot on Military Policies and Standards
Charith Gunasekara
1 a
, Alaa Sharafeldin
, Matthew Triff
, Zareen Kabir
and Rohan Ben Joseph
Department of National Defence, Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Department of Engineering Physics, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada
Department of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada
Natural Language Processing, Information Processing, Chatbots.
In the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), navigating through extensive policies and standards can be a challeng-
ing task. To address the need for streamlined access to these vital documents, this paper explores the usage of
artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to create a question-answering chatbot. This
chatbot is specifically tailored to pinpoint and retrieve specific passages from policy documents in response to
user queries. Our approach involved first developing a comprehensive and systematic data collection technique
for parsing the multi-formatted policy and standard documents. Following this, we implemented an advanced
NLP-based information retrieval system to provide the most relevant answers to users’ questions. Preliminary
user evaluations showcased a promising accuracy rate of 88.46%. Even though this chatbot is designed to op-
erate on military policy documents, it can be extended for similar use cases to automate information retrieval
from long documents.
Individuals across various professions often face the
difficult task of navigating through long and dense
legal and procedural documents. The sheer volume
and complexity of these documents make them chal-
lenging to understand and apply effectively. Parsing
through these documents can take significant amounts
of time and may require help from an expert to clearly
understand. Automating the parsing of these docu-
ments could significantly reduce the burden on indi-
viduals, eliminating the need for them to sift through
the content themselves.
This challenge has led many organizations to uti-
lize question-answering systems for information re-
trieval based on user queries (Bayan Abu Shawar,
2007). Many of these question-answering systems
come in the form of “chatbots” to help support a bet-
ter user experience and allow for a smoother con-
versation rhythm. This approach allows for a more
streamlined information retrieval process and allows
the user to experience a more manageable and less
time-consuming process.
Some of the earliest methodologies used for chat-
bots were rule-based chatbots such as Artificial Lin-
guistic Internet Computer Entity (ALICE) and Eliz-
abeth which were chatbots that utilized pattern-
matching techniques to answer questions(Shawar and
Atwell, 2002). This pattern-matching relied on the us-
age of syntactic and semantic structures. Further ad-
vancements for these chatbots were done through the
usage of AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Lan-
guage) which used special markers and tags to have
a robust dialogue identification and pattern recogni-
tion infrastructure (Marietto, 2013). These additions
helped a more natural dialogue flow between users
and chatbots.
Scripting languages have also played a crucial role
in many rule-based chatbots. The usage of scripting
languages such as RiveScript (Gupta et al., 2015) and
ChatScript (Ramesh et al., 2017) has supported dy-
namic user inputs which had been a key limitation in
many rule-based chatbots. These created key struc-
tures to be able to better understand emphasis, conver-
sational redirects and contextual awareness. Although
pattern-matching methodologies are easy to imple-
ment, they have key limitations which make them dif-
ficult to work with. These algorithms require pre-
written patterns for many different user queries which
creates a lot of work for developers. Additionally,
they have been known to be difficult and inefficient
in managing large-scale data-sets(Adamopoulou and
Moussiades, 2020).
Gunasekara, C., Sharafeldin, A., Triff, M., Kabir, Z. and Ben Joseph, R.
Information Retrieval Chatbot on Military Policies and Standards.
DOI: 10.5220/0012351200003654
Paper copyright by his Majesty the King in Right of Canada as represented by the Minister of National Defence
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 714-722
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Key innovation in this field was a necessity and
diverged into many different areas. One such no-
table development was the creation of the QnA Maker
by Microsoft which was a cloud-based natural lan-
guage processing (NLP) service that uses a knowl-
edge base (KB) comprised of both structured and
semi-structured data (Agrawal et al., 2020). This tool
provided new innovation for parsing semi-structured
data such as FAQ pages and product manuals which
wasn’t possible with previous chatbots models. A
similar style of chatbot was created by Google called
Dialogflow which was also able to parse through
structured and semi-structured content(Peyton and
Unnikrishnan, 2023). However, a key disadvan-
tage with this type of chatbot framework is that they
require manual training through the usage of spe-
cific question-answer pairs, which is difficult to scale
for organization with large and complex knowledge
While the aforementioned innovations have sig-
nificantly improved user interaction and conversa-
tion flow in chatbots, the field has witnessed sub-
stantial advancements with the integration of seman-
tic search methodologies (Kim and Kim, 2022). Se-
mantic search has been a key addition in question-
answering systems as they allow chatbots to better un-
derstand user queries and provide a more natural and
relevant response by recognizing the user’s intent and
the contextual meaning of terms as they appear in the
searchable database. It goes beyond pattern match-
ing, by understanding the context and the intention
behind the question, offering more accurate and rel-
evant results. The addition of semantic search could
help to significantly improve simpler pattern-match-
based chatbots to better understand user inputs.
Another fundamental component in the construc-
tion of effective question-answering systems is the in-
tegration of information retrieval (IR) systems. These
systems enable chatbots to quickly and efficiently sift
through vast amounts of data to identify relevant re-
sponses. One such IR technique is used in Best
Matching 25 (BM25) , a bag-of-words ranking func-
tion (Amati, 2009). BM25, known for its efficacy
in retrieving key documents based on term frequency
and inverse document frequency, offers a speedy pre-
liminary filtering mechanism. While BM25 has been
instrumental in many information retrieval tasks, its
primary design is not specifically tailored for answer-
ing questions but rather for ranking documents in or-
der of relevance to a given query. BM25, rooted in the
probabilistic information retrieval model, functions
as a bag-of-words mechanism, emphasizing term fre-
quency and inverse document frequency. This makes
it swift and efficient, commonly used in traditional
search engines. However, it inherently lacks a deep
contextual understanding, sometimes missing contex-
tually relevant documents without exact term matches
and struggles with synonyms or paraphrasing. On
the other hand, and Bi-directional Encoder Repre-
sentations from Transformers (BERT) (Devlin et al.,
2019) a deep learning model, excels in grasping con-
text by analyzing text bidirectionally, taking into ac-
count both word order and semantics. This depth al-
lows BERT to perform exceptionally in diverse NLP
tasks, from sentiment analysis to question-answering.
However, this sophistication comes at the cost of
computational intensity, which can hinder its use in
real-time applications or resource-restrained environ-
ments. BM25 and BERT based models represent a
distinct paradigms in information retrieval and nat-
ural language processing. Ultimately, choosing be-
tween BM25 and BERT hinges on the task’s specific
needs, available computational resources, and desired
contextual depth.
Further advancements, like the introduction of
clarifying questions and the development of a
Multitask-based Semantic Search Neural Network
(MSSNN) have also marked a significant progress in
chatbot capabilities. These advancements, explored
by (Aliannejadi et al., 2019) and (Shi et al., 2022) re-
spectively, showcase progressive strides in improving
the chatbot’s capability to understand and respond to
complex user queries more naturally and relevantly.
A key example of the usage of this type of sys-
tem is in policy documents. Documents such as
those in regards to privacy policies for companies
and institutions are very complex documents that are
long and messy. Experiments such as (Ravichander
et al., 2019) conducted by Carnegie Mellon Univer-
sity, Penn State University and Fordham Law School,
have shown that question-answering techniques can
be used for users to get answers about a policy docu-
ment. In their experiment, they used various models
including BERT to benchmark the PrivacyQA data-
set. Given the complexity of these policies, the abil-
ity to ask questions about a policy document would
be incredibly beneficial. The results in (Ravichander
et al., 2019) achieved a precision of 44% vs. the 69%
of a human question-answering baseline.
In light of recent technological advancements,
there remains an evident gap in ensuring domain-
specific and contextually rich understandings, es-
pecially within specialized sectors like the military
forces. Notably, the military forces houses detailed
policy documents loaded with essential directives that
personnel must diligently adhere to. Yet, the sheer
volume and complexity of these documents pose
a challenge to extracting relevant information effi-
Information Retrieval Chatbot on Military Policies and Standards
ciently. Presently, queries regarding these policy and
standards documents are routed through various com-
mittees, a mechanism that, although reliable, is inher-
ently time-consuming. This is primarily because ad-
dressing these queries constitutes a secondary respon-
sibility for committee members, leading to potential
delays in response times.
This research endeavours to bridge the afore-
mentioned gap by tailoring advanced information re-
trieval and reranking algorithms specifically for mil-
itary policies and standards documentation within
the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF). Harnessing the
power of the BERT architecture and its variants, our
approach promises an elevated calibre of Natural Lan-
guage Understanding (NLU) over CAF policy docu-
ments. The main objective of our study is to archi-
tect a scalable system proficient in interpreting user
queries articulated in natural language and adeptly
pinpointing the segment within a long policy docu-
ment that most likely addresses the user’s inquiry.
2.1 Data
2.1.1 Policies and Standards Data
The data-set utilized in this project was the Canadian
National Defence Policies and Standards, referenced
at (Canada, 2023). This data-set is made up of data
stored in individual web pages with inconsistent for-
mats making them challenging to access and parse.
The policies in this web pages are formatted hierar-
chically with bullet points that can have sub-points
with additional information on the parent point. Ad-
ditionally the policies could also be contained in ta-
bles which provides an additional layer of challenge
as deviates from the typical format.
2.1.2 Data Collection
A systematic method for parsing this data is a neces-
sity for creating a suitable data-set which can be used
for the model. This is also an essential step to have
an up-to-date data-set which can be updated in real-
time. A set of Python scripts were used to extract the
data when executed. The scripts were designed to ac-
commodate the unique formats of the following pol-
icy documents: Canadian Forces General Messages
(CANFORGENS), Canadian Forces Dress Instruc-
tions, Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual, The
Canadian Forces Manual of Drill and Ceremonial,
and The Heritage Structure of the Canadian Forces,
Figure 1: Block diagram of the data collection algorithm.
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
with each document being scraped in both official lan-
guages, English and French.
The policies and manuals consist of text, images,
and images with text. The images with text provide
useful information and details that must not be left
out of the parsed data. To parse through these var-
ious structures, the scripts utilized the web-scraping
package BeautifulSoup (Zheng et al., 2015) for text
and Pytesseract (Saoji et al., 2021) for the text em-
bedded images. A recursive algorithm was developed
to parse through each sub-point in the list of bullet-
points until the algorithm reached the leaf points at
which point it halted. The text was then stored along
with the Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML) tags
to used in the Information Retrieval system. Figure 1
provides a block diagram of the data collection algo-
2.1.3 Data Structure
To enable efficient querying and referencing of the
policy documents and their respective formats, an ap-
propriate data structure was required. Considering the
nested bullet point formatting of the original docu-
ments a tree structure was found to be the best rep-
resentation. We build the knowledge base using this
structure, mirroring the hierarchical nature of the pol-
icy documents. The key components of the knowl-
edge base are nodes and edges
Nodes. Represents an individual bullet points
from the policy documents, and stores all relevant in-
formation about the text.
Edges. Symbolize the connections between
nodes, indicating sub-points and their associated par-
ent points. Every edge has parent and child specifica-
tions to identify the node level in the tree.
Each document is assigned a unique identifier (ID)
to identify between different manuals or policies and
account for language variations. This ID system en-
sures that we can query the database based on policy
type and language preference.
Along with the policy information, storing all in-
teractions between the chatbot and users was essential
to refine the chatbot further and improve the passage
retrieval models. To store these dialogues, we utilized
sessions and utterances.
Session. Represents the entirety of an interaction
between a user and the chatbot.
Utterance. Denotes individual messages within
the broader dialogue context.
A comprehensive representation of this data struc-
ture is provided in Figure 2. See Table 1 in the
Appendix for a detailed explanation of the database,
components and functionalities.
kg nodes
other_language_id (FK)
document page
document_id (PK, FK)
scraped_at (PK)
url (PK)
document_id (PK, FK)
document versions
document_id (PK, FK)
scraped_at (PK)
Figure 2: Database structure of knowledge base and dia-
logue management.
2.2 Answering Algorithms
Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of responses is
pivotal in the deployment of question-answering sys-
tems, particularly within a context as nuanced and
critical as the military. A retrieval-based chatbot sys-
tem has been strategically developed to minimize user
confusion and maximize trustworthiness. Such a sys-
tem derives answers to user inquiries directly from a
carefully curated knowledge corpus, thereby preserv-
ing the integrity and reliability of the information pro-
vided. The methodology centers around establishing
a passage retrieval mechanism engineered to retrieve
the most relevant passage from a policy document in
response to a user query.
Central to our experiments is using BERT for
encoding text into vectors, subsequently leveraging
this technique to extract the most relevant passage
in response to a given query. BERT, a language
representation model, utilizes a Transformer model
(Vaswani et al., 2017), departing from the commonly
employed recurrent neural network in language mod-
elling. Transformer models, exclusively based on at-
tention mechanisms, enhance learning speed and re-
duce language model complexity. Notably, BERT
trains bidirectionally, encoding each word within an
embedding context-aware from both sides, consid-
ering preceding and following text. In BERT’s ar-
chitecture, the Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017)
model encoder is used. While the original Trans-
former, proposed by Google, presented an encoder-
decoder architecture for sequence-to-sequence mod-
elling, BERT has been adapted purely as a text en-
coder for varied tasks, such as classification and ques-
tion answering. Employing multiple encoder blocks,
BERT utilizes six blocks, each composed of a multi-
head attention component and a rudimentary feed-
forward network.
The multi-head attention mechanism employs sev-
eral “heads” of dot-product attention, concatenating
Information Retrieval Chatbot on Military Policies and Standards
resultant vectors. Three vectors, key, value, and
query, are established by multiplying input vectors by
three weight matrices. The dot product between the
query and the key vectors is computed, the values nor-
malized using the softmax function, and subsequently
multiplied with the value vector. This process enables
the model to retain enhanced information regarding
dependencies between tokens in the text.
The following discussion outlines the retrieval and
rank algorithm that has been implemented, along with
an exploration of the models that power it.
2.2.1 Retrieval Algorithm
Considering the large number of possible passages
that could potentially contain answers to a question,
an algorithm capable of encoding passages into a
vector, which functions proficiently in a question-
answering setting, is needed. We have opted for
the msmarco-distilbert-base-v3 model (Reimers and
Gurevych, 2019), an encoder model pre-trained on the
MSMARCO Passage Ranking data-set (Bajaj et al.,
2016). MSMARCO, a vast information retrieval cor-
pus conceived for semantic search applications, is
derived from authentic user search engine queries
(Nguyen et al., 2016). Although the full corpus
encompasses 8.8 million passages, this model was
trained on 500k examples (Nguyen et al., 2016). Uti-
lizing this model as our encoder, we encode each pas-
sage derived from English policy documents, using
our scrappers, and store it into a large matrix for sub-
sequent retrieval.
Passage Emb.
Passage Aggregator
Encoded Passage
Passage Encoder
Candidate Passage
Question Emb.
Question Aggregator
Encoded Question
Question Encoder
Figure 3: Bi-encoder architecture overview.
In the bi-encoder model, displayed in Figure 3, the
encoder embeds both the question and the candidate
passage independently. Initially, the encoder frag-
ments the text into tokens, then employs a transformer
model to encode all tokens (Devlin et al., 2019) , with
a special token appended, into a set of vectors. A re-
duction function is subsequently utilized to convert
the set of vectors into a singular vector. In our appli-
cation, the vector of the special token represents the
entirety of the text (Humeau et al., 2019). Following
the encoding of the passages, we utilize the semantic
search function from the sentence transformers pack-
age in Python (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019), filter-
ing passages based on cosine similarity against the
question vector.
2.2.2 Re-Ranking Algorithm
Passage Emb.
Encoded Passage
Candidate Passage
Question Emb.
Encoded Question
Figure 4: Cross-encoder architecture overview.
Upon extraction of the top k most relevant passages, a
method for re-ranking was requisite to ensure that the
passages presented were optimally arranged to sat-
isfy the user’s query. To accomplish this, a cross-
encoder as shown in Figure 4 was employed. Di-
vergent from bi-encoders, which assess the question
and resultant passages independently, a cross-encoder
embeds the question and passage text collectively,
computing a score based on their relevance (Thakur
et al., 2020) (Vig and Ramea, 2018). Although cross-
encoders excel at identifying the most relevant pas-
sage, their computational intensity renders them sub-
optimal for processing extensive texts, thus justifying
our initial employment of the bi-encoder. The abil-
ity of the cross-encoder to embed both the question
and candidate passage collectively enables a richer in-
teraction between the question and passage, permit-
ting each token in the passage to engage with tokens
in the input, thereby facilitating a sophisticated self-
attention process. Consequently, the cross-encoder
realizes a more refined attention and distance calcu-
lation between the question and passage compared to
its bi-encoder counterpart. Please note that our two-
step approach for retrieval and reranking semantic
search steps differs from the Poly-encoder approach
proposed by (Humeau et al., 2019), which is a one-
step solution. The one-step poly-encoder solution by
(Humeau et al., 2019) is an attempt to compose the ac-
curacy of the cross-encoder layer to speed up the pro-
cessing time by allowing real-time processing, which
is not helpful in our use case because a couple of sec-
onds delay in a two-step approach is justified with in-
creased accuracy.
Prior to initiating this process, it is critical to con-
catenate the question and passage, introducing a spe-
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
cial token between them as exhibited in (Humeau
et al., 2019). Our implementation utilized the cross-
encoder/ms-marco-TinyBERT-L-4 model from (Hug-
ging Face, 2021), facilitated by the sentence trans-
former package (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019). This
model, trained on the MSMARCO Passage Re-
ranking Task, is expressly designed for information
re-ranking. Following the ranking of all passages,
those with the highest scores and answer relevance
from the cross-encoder are returned to the user.
2.2.3 Language Detection
In order to detect the language of the questions
asked, we employ an open-source language detection
model papluca/xlm-roberta-base-language-detection
from (Ou and Li, 2020). This model uses a
multi-class text classification algorithm and is a
fine-tuned version of xlm-roberta-base on the Lan-
guage Identification data-set, where XLM-RoBERTa
is a multilingual version of RoBERTa (Liu et al.,
2019). XLM-RoBERTa is pre-trained on 2.5TB
of filtered CommonCrawl data containing 100 lan-
guages, while the fine-tuned version papluca/xlm-
roberta-base-language-detection was trained on 70k
passages and currently supports 20 languages (Ou and
Li, 2020). The Language Identification data-set is a
collection of 90k samples consisting of text passages
and their corresponding language label (Ou and Li,
2020). The current version of the chatbot only works
in English; therefore, the retrieval mechanism is ac-
tivated if the language is detected as English. Fu-
ture work on this project involves adding in the ability
for the model to work in the French language as well
therefore this is a crucial feature in the chatbot to de-
tect the language of the questions.
2.3 User Interface (UI) Development
A web application was built as shown in Figure 5
where users could interface with the chatbot and we
could utilize that data to iteratively improve on our
application. We used React as a front-end frame-
work for the User Interface (UI) development. For
the back-end of the application, we used Flask as it
is a lightweight basic Application Programming In-
terface (API) framework that suited the needs of the
Integrating the chatbot through Microsoft Teams
was also am important addition to have further user
involvement, as it is a common form of communica-
tion throughout the organization. Therefore, we de-
veloped a gateway to communicate with the chatbot
through Teams using the Microsoft Bot Framework
(Biswas, 2018).
Figure 5: Web UI built with React.
2.4 Deployment
In order to deploy the application, it has been split
into three components. A front-end web application,
a back-end API server, and a database. To facilitate
easy and scalable deployment of the tool, both the
front-end and back-end have been separated into their
own Docker containers. Containers provide the ben-
efit of isolating application components from under-
lying system dependencies and requirements. This
allows applications to be repeatably deployed with-
out dealing with significant and complex setup proce-
dures on the servers from which they are run.
The chatbot comprises two main components: a
back-end API server and a front-end web application.
The back-end, as described in Section 2.2, is compu-
tationally intensive, processing user questions to de-
termine the most appropriate answer. The front-end
web application consists of the interface described in
Section 2.3. The front-end is relatively lightweight
and does not require significant computational power
to run. A SQLite database is used within the back-end
container to store the policy corpus, as well as previ-
ous questions and feedback from users.
Given that the chatbot relies solely on publicly
accessible policy information, it is well-suited for
deployment in a cloud environment. The most
straightforward deployment of the system could use
an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) offering from a
cloud provider. A cloud virtual machine (VM) with
Docker installed could run both the front-end and
back-end containers (the back-end container also in-
cludes the SQLite database).
Access to this VM could then be granted to users
who would access the chatbot through the web inter-
face to submit questions.. Figure 6a shows a system
diagram for this deployment model.
However, the simple deployment approach is in-
adequate for a system that is deployed to the en-
Information Retrieval Chatbot on Military Policies and Standards
Front-end Web
Interface Container
API Server
Virtual Machine (IaaS)
a) Simple Deployment
Hosted Container Services (PaaS)
Front-end Web
Interface Container
Microsoft Teams
Load Balancer
API Server
API Server
API Server
API Server
b) Scalable Deployment Model
Figure 6: A comparison of both simple and scalable deploy-
ment models.
tire DND/CAF organization particularly when faced
with a substantial volume of concurrent requests. In-
stead, the following changes should be implemented
in the future. Recognizing that the back-end API
server is the most resource-intensive component and
likely to become a system bottleneck, additional
Docker containers can be leveraged to deploy multi-
ple instances of the back-end. To facilitate this, the
SQLite database would be substituted with a dedi-
cated, hosted SQL database, which all back-end con-
tainers would connect to. Additionally, a load bal-
ancer component would be introduced to assign in-
coming sessions to specific back-end instances, en-
suring an equitable distribution of requests. When a
new session is opened with the chatbot, the load bal-
ancer will assign that session to a specific instance of
the back-end and ensure that no instance has more re-
quests than it can handle.
Finally, the front-end web interface should not be
the only way for users to connect with the system. Mi-
crosoft Teams can be integrated as alternative front-
end in addition to the web interface. All of these
components can be deployed using a Platform-as-a-
Service (PaaS) offering from a cloud provider. Such
PaaS solutions eliminate the need for administrators
to manage individual VMs, reducing the overall re-
sources required for system maintenance. Figure 6(b)
illustrates the system configuration for this more scal-
able deployment model.
To assess the performance of our chatbot, we com-
piled a test bank comprising questions and corre-
sponding passages containing the most accurate an-
swers to the best of our knowledge.
In order to create a robust knowledge base of ques-
tions, we conducted early demonstrations of our ap-
plication during the testing phase. These demonstra-
tions served the dual purpose of introducing our ap-
plication to users at the earliest possible stage and
obtaining real-world queries from them. These user
interactions yielded a substantial pool of questions,
which in turn facilitated an initial assessment of the
chatbot’s performance.
Once we obtained a sufficient number of question-
answer pairs, we proceeded to develop a script ca-
pable of evaluating the chatbot’s performance. The
evaluation script systematically traverses each ques-
tion within the test bank, comparing the chatbot’s re-
sponses with the expected answers from the test bank.
The number of accurately answered questions was tal-
lied, and to quantify our evaluation using a metric, we
computed the ratio of correctly answered questions to
the total number of questions in the test bank, yielding
a percentage indicative of the chatbot’s success rate.
Our evaluation suggests that our model excels
at answering fundamental questions but faces chal-
lenges when questions necessitate additional contex-
tual information. The chatbot gave 23 out of 26 ques-
tions the correct answers, and three questions received
incorrect answers. Hence, the chatbot’s accuracy, as
assessed using the current test bank, can be calculated
as follows.
Accuracy =
23 × 100 + 3 × 0
× 100%
= 88.46%
While our initial results are intriguing, there is still
room for improvement.
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
We are currently training our model to process
queries in French. For the French text, a pre-
trained French encoder model such as camembert-
large model from (Martin et al., 2019) would be suit-
able. However, our early tests show that it does
not perform as well as the English encoder model
for information retrieval tasks; therefore, further fine-
tuning is required.
Currently, the question answering algorithm is
retrieval-based, meaning that all the responses it gives
are directly from a policy. While this ensure that chat-
bot does not hallucinate, some of the responses it re-
turns can be long since they come from a policy docu-
ment where the length of text is not an issue. In order
to solve this, we could use a large language model to
perform text summarization on the response from the
chatbot. Text summarization is an NLP task where a
model attempts to shorten the input text as much as
possible while maintaining all the vital information.
In doing so, the responses from the chatbot will be
much shorter and easier for the users to read.
We also intend to fine-tune both the bi-encoder
and cross-encoder models from the BERT encoder
to strengthen the chatbot’s performance. Recogniz-
ing the potential of specialization, we aspire to train
the models to more policy and military-specific lan-
guage and contexts. Central to this enhancement strat-
egy will be user feedback, which we plan to har-
ness for both stages of fine-tuning. Initially, we’ll
fine tune the bi-encoder model using techniques from
(Wolf et al., 2020), with the data collected from user
feedback. Subsequently, the cross-encoder model
will also be fine-tuned for optimal answer re-ranking
(Thakur et al., 2020).
In conclusion, recognizing the complexity of long
military policy documents, we introduced an NLP-
based scalable and automated system to extract infor-
mation from web documents texts. We developed a
chatbot that leverages two BERT based encoder mod-
els: the bi-encoder for initial retrieval of the most rel-
evant answers and the cross-encoder for re-ranking
based on relevance. This chatbot is housed within a
user-friendly web application crafted with Flask and
React, eliminating the need for separate installations.
While our evaluations highlight the chatbot’s capa-
bility to address fundamental questions with approx-
imately 88.46% accuracy on military policy topics,
there are areas to enhance. Specifically, more precise
responses could be elicited when users pose vague
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Table 1: Description of database structures.
Table Name Field Description
kg nodes id Unique identification number of text
search text Scraped text (with acronyms replaced) to be retrieved when queried
html Scraped text with HTML tags
type Text type (section or body)
url URL of the policy that the text was retrieved from
raw text Scraped text (with acronyms)
document id Unique identification number of the URL
scraped at Time text was scraped
other language id ID of the same text in another language
document page versions document id Unique identification number of the URL
scraped at Time the webpage was scraped
url URL of the page scraped
hash Hashes of individual pages
document versions document id Unique identification number of the URL
scraped at Time the policy was scraped
root url URL of the main page scraped
documents document id Unique identification number of the URL
name Name of the policy
language Language of policy (English or French)
other language id document id of the same policy in another language
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods