Leveraging Health Informatics to Enhance Outpatient Chemotherapy
Operations Management
Majed Hadid
, Adel Elomri
and Regina Padmanabhan
Division of Engineering Management and Decision Sciences, College of Science and Engineering,
Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Doha, Qatar
Keywords: Cancer Care, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Decision Support.
Abstract: The rise in demand for cancer care services, particularly outpatient chemotherapy, highlights the importance
of improving the management of outpatient chemotherapy operations (OCOM). Despite the numerous studies
addressing OCOM issues, the existing literature has mostly focused on problem-driven research. In this study,
we aimed to utilize data-driven research to identify opportunities for improvement and address research
challenges. To achieve this goal, we collected extensive operational data from a large chemotherapy center
and performed a thorough analysis. Our findings revealed four key research challenges, including the
prediction of length of stay, change in patient drug posting weight, delay in appointment admission, and
stochasticity in drug administration duration. To address these challenges, we developed two machine
learning models to predict these outcomes, utilizing 15 features and highlighting the most important features.
Our results showed an efficient performance in predicting the outcomes using the XGBoost model,
emphasizing the potential of data-driven research in improving OCOM.
1.1 The Importance of Outpatient
Chemotherapy Service (OCS)
Outpatient chemotherapy has been increasingly
recognized as a cost-effective and convenient
alternative to traditional inpatient chemotherapy. The
significance of outpatient chemotherapy lies in its
ability to provide patients with the same quality of
care while reducing the burden of hospitalization.
Outpatient chemotherapy was associated with lower
costs, shorter hospital stays, and increased patient
satisfaction compared to inpatient chemotherapy
(Houts et al., 1984). This has important implications
for health care systems as it can free up hospital beds,
reduce wait times, and improve patient outcomes.
Outpatient chemotherapy was not only associated
with improved patient satisfaction, but also with
improved clinical outcomes, as patients received their
treatments in a timely manner without being admitted
to the hospital (Waller et al., 2014). These findings
highlight the importance of promoting and expanding
the availability of outpatient chemotherapy services.
1.2 Operations Management (OM)
Challenges in OCS
However, managing the operations of outpatient
chemotherapy process presents several challenges.
One major challenge is managing patient flow and
ensuring that patients receive their treatment in a
timely and efficient manner (Lamé et al., 2016).
Additionally, managing inventory and ensuring that
the right drugs are available at the right time is
another significant challenge (Hadid et al., 2021).
Moreover, managing the complex and dynamic
nature of the outpatient setting, including
unpredictable patient volume and the need for rapid
adjustments to accommodate for changes in patient
needs, can pose significant challenges for outpatient
chemotherapy providers.
Hadid, M., Elomri, A. and Padmanabhan, R.
Leveraging Health Informatics to Enhance Outpatient Chemotherapy Operations Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0012348600003657
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024) - Volume 2, pages 378-384
ISBN: 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
1.3 Gaps in Outpatient Chemotherapy
Operations Management (OCOM)
Despite the recognition of the importance of
outpatient chemotherapy and the challenges
associated with its operations management, there is
still a gap in the literature related to effective
strategies for managing the operations of outpatient
chemotherapy facilities (Evans et al., 2016). The
limited research has primarily focused on patient flow
and wait times, rather than on the broader operations
management issues associated with outpatient
chemotherapy (Lamé et al., 2016).
There is also a lack of research on the impact of
patient characteristics and behavior on the efficiency
and effectiveness of outpatient chemotherapy opera-
tions (Ahmadi-Javid et al., 2017). Additionally, there
is limited research on the use of advanced analytics and
technology to improve the management of outpatient
chemotherapy operations (Mandelbaum et al., 2019).
As technology continues to play a larger role in
healthcare delivery, it is important to understand how
it can be leveraged to improve the management of out-
patient chemotherapy programs and support patients in
their care. Although the use of data has the potential to
greatly enhance decision-making in the operations
management of outpatient chemotherapy, there has
been limited research on the application of data
analysis techniques in this field (Hadid et al., 2022).
1.4 Research Direction and
The key challenge lies in the effective utilization of
the collected data to drive improvements in the
operations management of outpatient chemotherapy,
rather than just digitizing the process and analyzing
the data. The ability to translate available data into
concrete actions is what sets Data-Driven Operations
Management Research (DDOMR) apart from other
data-driven research, such as data-driven research of
economists and statisticians or empirical Operations
Management (OM) research (Simchi-Levi, 2013).
Therefore, DDOMR has the potential to bridge the
gap between prior studies and real-world operations
by using data to identify areas for improvement and
provide novel solutions (Gupta et al., 2021). This
paper builds on this research direction and uses
DDOMR to address gaps in the management of
outpatient chemotherapy operations.
Through the collection and analysis of extensive
data, this research identifies several avenues for
further exploration, with a focus on using Machine
Learning (ML) models to predict key outcomes and
improve operations management. This study
contributes to the development of new ML models
that support decision-making and optimization in
outpatient chemotherapy. The models developed and
tested in this study show promising results in
predicting length of stay, admission delay, changes in
patient weight, and drug administration duration.
Furthermore, the study highlights the importance of
patient, drug, and process features in predicting these
outcomes. This contribution provides a foundation for
further research in this field and a roadmap for future
improvements in the operations management of
outpatient chemotherapy.
The literature on OCOM focuses on several key
themes, primarily the optimization of patient flow
through better appointment scheduling and planning,
coordination between departments in outpatient
chemotherapy centers, and resource allocation.
Operations management scholars have approached
these issues using various optimization and
simulation models to improve a wide range of
performance indicators (Lamé et al., 2016). The
models used in the literature to optimize outpatient
chemotherapy can be classified into deterministic,
stochastic, and data-driven (Hadid et al., 2021).
The dearth of research in OCOM using cutting-
edge data analytics such as ML models highlights a
significant gap. Currently, no studies have combined
ML models with decision support models in OCOM.
Although, two studies (Mosa et al., 2021; Smith &
Carlson, 2021) are relevant to the topic: the former
predicts the risk of chemotherapy-induced nausea and
vomiting using ML, while the latter suggests an ML-
based approach to decrease emergency admissions
due to chemotherapy side effects. This limited
number of articles underscores the need for further
data collection and utilization in OCOM research.
ML has been widely used in healthcare operations
management, particularly in the field of cancer
services. Numerous studies have shown its potential to
improve the efficiency and quality of care provided to
patients (Pianykh et al., 2020). For instance, ML
algorithms have been used to predict the demand for
certain cancer services, enabling healthcare organiza-
tions to manage their resources more effectively
(Bastani et al., 2020) and providing more accurate and
personalized care plans (Almeida & Tavares, 2020).
Nevertheless, despite its promising results, the
integration of ML into healthcare operations
management is still in its early stages and further
Leveraging Health Informatics to Enhance Outpatient Chemotherapy Operations Management
research is needed to fully realize its potential. The
search results from the Scopus database using the
query in Table 1 indicate a gap in the use of ML
models to improve the Outpatient Chemotherapy
Process (OCP). Out of the 92 articles found, none
used ML models to predict key factors affecting the
OCP management. This further highlights the need
for further research to utilize ML to improve the OCP
(Hadid et al., 2021, 2022).
Table 1: The Search Query Used to Collect Articles from
Scopus Database.
TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "machine learn*" OR "artificial
intelligence" OR "pattern* recognition*" OR "feature*
selection*" OR "deep neural network" OR "deep
learning" OR "convolutional neural network" OR
"artificial neural network" )
AND TITLE ( chemotherapy )
AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ( predict* OR forecast* )
AND NOT TITLE-ABS-KEY ( response )
This study aims to contribute to this research
stream by developing new ML models that support
decision-making and optimization in outpatient
chemotherapy. The focus is on predicting patient
behavior and key outcomes related to the
administration of chemotherapy drugs, such as
appointment delays, drug administration durations,
and drug dose variation.
We have conducted a time series analysis of
operational data to uncover patterns and potential
issues in daily activities. Figure 1 shows a significant
difference between planned and actual patient
admissions. The center allows early admissions to opti-
mize bed utilization and hasten drug order activation
and preparation processes. Patients are predominantly
admitted at two time slots, 7 AM and 11 AM, with
more patients arriving early for the 11 AM slot.
However, as depicted in Figure 2, the number of
patients receiving the primary service of drug
administration is significantly smaller compared to
those waiting or receiving secondary services. During
peak hours, the proportion of patients receiving drugs
does not surpass 15% of the total number of patients
in the center, which contradicts the expectations from
allowing early admissions and punctual patient
arrivals to reduce crowding and improve patient flow.
These factors make predicting the length of stay
difficult, as shown in Figure 3. There are multiple
medical and operational factors that contribute to the
Figure 1: Average daily planned and actual admission
patterns for one month.
Figure 2: Average daily patterns of number of patients in
the center and patients administering drugs for one month.
length of stay. The goal is not to study these factors,
but to highlight the challenge in accurately predicting
the length of stay, which is used as an input in
appointment planning and scheduling. The drugs net
infusion duration is not a representative of the length
of stay, even if the expected time for a nurse to change
the drug between drug infusions is added to it to
calculate the total drug administration duration.
Despite this, the total drug administration duration is
still not a reliable predictor of the length of stay as
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 3: Average daily percentage of number of patients in
main appointment stages over time for one month.
Figure 4: Comparison between length of stay, drug
administration duration, and net drug infusion duration for
737 appointments.
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
Therefore, there is a need for predictive models to
enhance decision support in outpatient chemotherapy.
Our analysis highlights the importance of predicting
four key factors: (1) change in patient body weight
between dosing day and appointment day, (2) delay
from the planned admission time, (3) drug
administration duration, and (4) length of stay. These
predictions are crucial for all departments involved,
particularly pharmacy and day care, as they can assist
in improving the accuracy of drug preparation and
scheduling. The prediction of changes in weight and
expected admission delays can help the pharmacy
increase the number of drugs prepared in advance.
Predictive models for drug administration duration
and length of stay can improve scheduling efficiency
and increase capacity utilization. Consequently, this
will reduce the gap between the percentage of drug
orders dispensed and the percentage of drug orders
initiated for administration, ultimately reducing the
number of patients present in the clinic during the day.
As discussed in the previous section, we aim to
demonstrate the potential of using ML models to
support decision making in outpatient chemotherapy
centers by predicting four important outcomes: (1)
change in patient body weight, (2) length of stay, (3)
admission delay, and (4) total drug administration
duration. The following subsections presents the data
preparation and model development steps.
4.1 Feature Selection
We identified the following features for our ML
models: age, gender, body weight, oral body
temperature, height, respiratory rate, blood pressure,
type of drugs used (9 categories), drug administration
duration for all cycles (1 to n-1), cancer type
(oncology or hematology), number of drugs used,
appointment slot (morning or afternoon), prior notice
for appointment in days, and day of appointment
(Sunday to Thursday). The type of drugs was encoded
into 9 categories, and days of appointment were
encoded into 5 categories, resulting in a total of 26
distinct features for predicting the desired outcomes.
4.2 Dataset
The dataset used for each of the four outcomes
consisted of 1121 rows of encounter details, 26
features, and the target outcome. However, due to the
presence of 817 missing values in the body weight
feature, only 304 encounter details were used to build
the predictive model for body weight variation. For
the other three outcomes, all 1121 data points were
4.3 Data Preprocessing and Model
For features with less than 20% missing values, KNN
imputation was used to estimate the missing values.
To predict all four outcomes, we developed linear
regression and Xgboost regression models by
splitting the available data into 80-20 train-test splits.
The predictive models were developed using the
scikit-learn library in Python, and the mean absolute
error metric was used to evaluate their performance
on the 20% test data set.
5.1 Predication of the Length of Stay
The length of stay of a patient is a crucial factor in the
management of hospital resources and bed capacity.
The traditional approach of estimating length of stay
by adding a fixed time to the drug infusion duration
is often insufficient in accurately predicting the actual
length of stay. This can lead to inefficiencies in bed
management and potentially result in overbooking or
underutilization of resources.
To address this issue, a ML model was developed
in this study to predict length of stay more accurately.
The model was trained on patient and process data,
including features such as age, height, blood pressure,
days to the appointment, number of drugs,
temperature, respiratory rate, cancer type (tumor or
blood cancer), drug infusion durations, day of
appointment, and type of drug. Results from the study
showed that these features are relevant for predicting
length of stay (Figure 5).
The utilization of this ML model will allow
schedulers to make more informed decisions and
accurately estimate length of stay, leading to a more
efficient management of bed capacityPredication of
the body weight variation
The process of determining the appropriate dosage of
drugs for patients is a critical aspect in oncology
treatment. One of the factors that affects the dose is
the change in the patient's body weight. In order to
calculate the percentage change in body weight, the
difference between the dosing weight and the
measured weight on the appointment day is divided
by the dosing weight and multiplied by 100.
Leveraging Health Informatics to Enhance Outpatient Chemotherapy Operations Management
Figure 5: Actual and predicted values of length of stay using
the two models as well as the top 15 relevant features to
predict the outcome.
Figure 6: Actual and predicted values of body weight
variation using the two models as well as the 10 most
relevant features with respect to the outcome.
The dosing day, which is usually before the
appointment day, is when the patient comes to the
center to be seen by the oncologist and have his
weight measured and drug order placed. However, the
patient's weight may change before the appointment
day due to various reasons. As a result, the nurse
checks the weight on the appointment day to confirm
that it is still within 5% error and the same drug order
is still valid.
The pharmacy does not prepare the drugs before
the weight is measured due to the possibility of a
weight change greater than 5% and the subsequent
waste of the prepared drug. Therefore, to predict the
change in body weight more accurately, the XGboost
model was used, which showed better and more
accurate predictions compared to the linear regression
model (Figure 6). The most important features for
prediction were found to be age, vital signs, and the
number of days between the dosing and appointment
Figure 7: Actual and predicted values of delay between
planned and actual admission using the two models as well
as the top 15 relevant features to predict the outcome.
Figure 8: Actual and predicted values of drug
administration duration using the two models as well as the
top 15 relevant features to predict the outcome.
5.2 Predication of Admission Delay
The results of predicting admission delay are
presented in Figure 7. The performance of two
models, linear regression and XGboost, is evaluated
on a test dataset. The results highlight the importance
of considering different factors that may influence
admission delay. One of these factors is the
appointment slot, which can either be 7 am or 11 am.
This factor is found to be relevant to admission delay
and can be used to enhance the overall patient
experience by improving the scheduling system.
Another important factor is the number of days
between the date when the patient was notified about
the appointment and the actual appointment date.
This factor can provide insights into the patient's
behavior and how early or late they are notified about
the appointment. These results highlight the
significance of studying patient behavior based on the
appointment time and notification date, which can
provide valuable information for optimizing the
scheduling system.
 
 
  
  
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
5.3 Predication of Drug Administration
In an outpatient chemotherapy center, beds and
infusion chairs are critical resources. Predicting the
length of stay of patients in these resources is crucial
for efficient resource management. Although the net
duration of drug infusion is known and fixed, patients
may require additional time during administration
due to the preparation and removal of the drip,
monitoring of their health status, and post-infusion
Figure 8 highlights that the type of drugs being
administered, such as monoclonal antibodies,
antimetabolites, and alkylating agents, are among the
top 15 relevant features that impact the drug
administration duration. This highlights the
importance of considering these factors when
predicting the drug administration duration in the
beds and infusion chairs.
5.4 Comparison of Models
In this study, the results demonstrate the potential of
using ML models for improved decision-making in
outpatient chemotherapy centers. As shown in Table
2, the Xgboost model performed better than linear
regression in terms of mean absolute error (MAE),
suggesting its effectiveness in predicting outcomes.
However, it is worth noting that a simple linear
regression model was also able to provide meaningful
predictions, indicating that the suggested operational
characteristics (OC) features and ML models can
provide valuable insights.
Table 2: Performance of the ML models for four outcomes
for outpatient chemotherapy operations management.
Mean Absolute error
of stay
Despite the positive results, it is important to
acknowledge the limitations of this study. One such
limitation is the classification of drugs into 9
categories, which was based on mechanism of action
and compound type. However, many drugs have
overlapping features and were not accounted for in
the classification process. For example, drugs like
ado-trastuzumab emtansine and brentuximab vedotin
have properties of both monoclonal antibodies and
cytotoxic drugs, but were classified under
monoclonal antibodies for simplicity. Additionally,
the number of drugs used was accounted for in the
feature "number of drugs", but the frequency of use
of each type of drug was not considered. Furthermore,
the ML models used in this study may benefit from
further fine-tuning of hyperparameters. Addressing
these limitations has the potential to further enhance
the overall performance of the models.
In conclusion, the present study aims to address the
gap in data-driven research in outpatient
chemotherapy (OCOM) operations management.
Extensive data was collected, and research
opportunities were identified. In particular, the use of
ML models, was thoroughly explored and tested. The
results show that XGboost model outperformed linear
regression in terms of mean absolute error in
predicting admission delay and drug administration
duration. These findings demonstrate the potential of
using ML models in OCOM to improve decision-
making, resource allocation, and patient satisfaction.
However, the study also highlights some limitations
and avenues for future improvement. Further research
is needed to address these limitations and fully
harness the potential of data analytics and ML in
OCOM field.
This article was made possible by National Priorities
Research Program -Standard (NPRP-S) Twelfth
(12th) Cycle grant# NPRP12S-0219- 190108, from
the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar
Foundation). The findings herein reflect the work,
and are solely the responsibility, of the author[s].
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HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics