Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to Predict College Students’ Dropout:
A Systematic Mapping Study
Henrique Soares Rodrigues, Eduardo da Silveira Santiago,
Gabriel Monteiro de Castro Xar
a Wanderley, Laura O. Moraes, Carlos Eduardo Mello,
Reinaldo Viana Alvares and Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
Graduate Program in Computer Science (PPGI) at the Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO),
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Algorithm, Students, Dropout, College, University, Systematic
Mapping Study.
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), including universities, colleges, and faculties, must develop strategies to
mitigate students’ dropout rates in undergraduate courses. This is crucial for fulfilling their social role, deliver-
ing high-quality professionals to society, contributing to economic development, and preventing the resource
wastage. In this context, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have emerged as powerful tools capable of
predicting dropout rates and identifying undergraduates at risk. This study aims to investigate and discuss the
state-of-the-art in applying AI algorithms to address students’ dropout. To achieve this objective, a systematic
mapping study (SMS) was conducted, encompassing 223 studies at first. Finally, 23 studies were selected
for in-depth analysis to explore the effectiveness of AI algorithms in predicting students’ dropout. Further-
more, we identified key methodological design issues associated with the application of these AI algorithms,
including common features and challenges in implementing these methodologies. This study contributes by
providing practitioners and researchers with an overview of the main challenges faced by AI algorithms in
predicting students’ dropout, highlighting issues related to modeling, experimental methodology, and problem
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) aspire for their
students to undergo both academic and professional
success, as it contributes to economic growth and so-
cial justice. However, one of the most problematic
issues that HEIs face is the dropout of students (Re-
alinho et al., 2022). The definition of dropout in this
study is from Kehm et al. (Kehm et al., 2019): stu-
dents leaving their university studies before having
completed their study program and obtained a degree.
Temporary dropout due to illness or pregnancy, for
example, is not considered dropout in this context.
According to Bardagi et al. (Bardagi and Hutz,
2005), reducing the dropout rates at HEIs is not only
an educational issue, but also an economic and politi-
cal issue. The dropout reduction may have a positive
impact on students’ professional and financial trajec-
tory, and it may reduce the waste of HEIs’ resources.
To address the student dropout issue in HEIs, artificial
intelligence (AI) algorithms have been recognized as
potential tools. They can identify students at risk of
leaving educational institutions, enabling these insti-
tutions to develop policies that support students in
continuing their studies until graduation. Therefore,
this study focuses on the use of AI algorithms to pre-
dict dropout rates and identify undergraduate students
at risk of dropping out.
The objective of this study is to identify the most
common algorithms used to predict student dropout,
the features used by these algorithms, and the typi-
cal challenges in their implementation. To do so, we
conducted a systematic mapping study (SMS) to iden-
tify and analyze the existing literature on experiments
using AI algorithms to predict dropout in HEIs, con-
tributing to an overview of this issue.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 details previous literature reviews on
this topic; Section 3 presents the planning and con-
duction of this SMS; Section 4 details the results of
this SMS; Section 5 discusses the findings of this
SMS; Section 6 explores the threats to validity of the
Rodrigues, H., Santiago, E., Wanderley, G., Moraes, L., Mello, C., Alvares, R. and Santos, R.
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to Predict College Students’ Dropout: A Systematic Mapping Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0012348000003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 344-351
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
SMS; and Section 7 presents final remarks and future
Tete et al. (Tete et al., 2022) conducted a system-
atic literature review to analyze studies related to
prediction models for student dropout from HEIs.
The authors found that the most common algorithm
is the Decision Tree. The most important features
were grouped into ve categories: socioeconomic
(gender, age, professional position, income, ethnic
group), academic (grades, Grade Point Average -
GPA, frequency), psychological (learning difficulties,
academic life satisfaction, sociability), health (well-
being, diseases, health issues), and accessibility. This
study did not identify any academic projects or ac-
tions to decrease student dropout.
Silva and Roman (Silva and Roman, 2021) also
conducted a systematic literature review. They found
that the most analyzed features in the studies relate to
socio-demographic and academic factors, as well as
psychological and motivational variables. They also
concluded that the most frequently used algorithms
are Naive Bayes, KNN, and Random Forest (a com-
bination of several decision trees).
This study, as in the previous reviews, also in-
vestigates the most common algorithms and features
used to predict student dropout. Our contribution is
to also investigate the accuracies reached by the algo-
rithms and the most common limitations and difficul-
ties faced in the implementation of such algorithms,
besides validating the previous results found in the lit-
We performed an SMS based on Kitchenham and
Charters (Kitchenham, 2012) and Petersen et al. (Pe-
tersen et al., 2015) guidelines, which prescribe the
following phases: establish research scope, execute
search, select studies, extract data, and perform anal-
ysis. The study was documented via Parsifal
, an on-
line tool to support SMS and it is detailed in the fol-
lowing subsections.
3.1 Search Strategy and Data Source
The research question that expresses the goal of this
study was formulated following the criteria specified
at the PIO (Population, Intervention, and Outcome),
as shown in Table 1. Therefore, the formulated re-
search question (RQ) is “How are the artificial intelli-
gence algorithms used to predict dropout rates among
higher education students?”.
Table 1: PIO structure to formulate the research question.
Population Higher Education
Institutions Dropout
Intervention Artificial Intelligence
Outcome Algorithms,
Accuracies, and
The desirable outcome of this research is to un-
derstand which AI algorithms are most commonly
used, which variables are used by these algorithms,
how well these algorithms can predict student dropout
in terms of accuracy, and the most common difficul-
ties and limitations on the implementation of such al-
gorithms. Moreover, to expand the comprehension
of the research question, the following sub-questions
(Sub-Q) were formulated:
(Sub-Q1): What are the biggest difficulties in us-
ing AI to predict university dropout rates?
(Sub-Q2): How do the AI algorithms use features
to predict university dropout rates?
The sources to search by the existing studies were:
ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, and Scopus.
3.2 Search String
A generic search string was created from the key-
words and their synonyms. Keywords were connected
using the AND logical operator, whereas variations
and synonyms were connected using the OR operator.
The terms of the search string were selected to con-
duct a broader search including a wide range of stud-
ies. We tested different configurations of the search
string in Scopus, which is considered the largest sci-
entific publication database that indexes the most rel-
evant publication venues. After calibrating the search
string, the final version was:
(“higher education” OR “college” OR “graduation”
OR “university”) AND (“predict*”) AND (“artificial
intelligence” OR “AI” OR “data science” OR “deep
learning” OR “machine learning”) AND (“drop off”
OR “drop out” OR “dropout”)
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to Predict College Students’ Dropout: A Systematic Mapping Study
3.3 Selection Criteria
To properly address the research question and its sub-
questions, we established selection criteria to include
studies relevant to the topic and exclude those that are
not. In this study, publication year was not deemed a
relevant criterion. The adopted selection criteria are
shown in Table 2. No criteria were set regarding the
publication date, and studies from any country were
considered acceptable.
Table 2: Selection Criteria.
Inclusion Criteria
IC1 Study describes an AI technique
for predicting dropouts in higher
Exclusion Criteria
EC1 Study describes an AI technique
for predicting dropouts in ele-
mentary, high school, or massive
open online courses (MOOCs).
EC2 Duplicate study.
EC3 Study is not available for reading
and data collection (files paid for
or not made available by search
EC4 Study is not peer-reviewed.
EC5 Secondary study.
EC6 Study is not written in English.
EC7 Study is not within the topic of AI
techniques to predict higher edu-
cation dropout.
3.4 Study Selection Process
After retrieving studies from the sources, the follow-
ing filters were used to select the studies: I) title, ab-
stract, and keywords screening; II) introduction and
conclusion screening; and III) full text screening.
3.5 Data Extraction
We extracted the following data for each of the ac-
cepted studies: Study ID, reference, algorithm(s)
used, features used, algorithm accuracy, and limita-
tions of the study. The extracted data were saved in a
spreadsheet form and later used to support the discus-
sion of the SMS results.
In this section, we present the survey’s main findings.
4.1 Sources of Studies
The number of studies retrieved from each source is
described in Table 3. From the search in the chosen
sources, 223 studies were retrieved: 31 were retrieved
by IEEE Xplore, 3 by ACM Digital Library, and 189
by Scopus.
After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria
and filtering, 23 studies were selected, as shown in
Tables 4 and 5. Not all features used in the studies
are displayed in the tables. When multiple algorithms
were used in a study, the algorithm with the highest
accuracy was selected.
Table 3: Number of studies by source.
Quantity of studies by source
IEEE Xplore 31
ACM Digital
Scopus 189
4.2 Filtering
The filtering process is described in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Studies’ filtering process.
From the set of studies retrieved, 11 were ex-
cluded because the dropout prediction focused on ba-
sic education or MOOCs. Thirteen studies were ex-
cluded due to paid access. Moreover, some studies
were about AI algorithms to predict academic perfor-
mance, not focusing on dropout risk.
4.3 Country of Origin of the Studies
The selected studies analyzed dropout behavior in
HEIs of different countries. Figure 2 describes the
number of studies conducted in each country.
We identified one study from Portugal, Hungary,
Vietnam, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, Costa Rica, the United States of
America, Brazil, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Italy, and
India. We identified 2 studies each from Colombia,
Chile, and Spain. Finally, we identified 4 studies
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Studies’ filtering process.
from Peru, the country with the most studies identi-
fied in this SMS. From the set of 23 selected studies,
10 were from Latin America, 7 were from Europe, 5
were from Asia, and one study was from North Amer-
4.4 Algorithms in the Studies
The percentage of each algorithm found in each study
is described in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Algorithms explored in the selected studies.
In the case of studies that compared a set of al-
gorithms, we only considered in Figure 3 the algo-
rithm with the highest accuracy; therefore, it does
not represent the total percentage for each algorithm
used in the studies. In other words, it represents only
the algorithm with the highest accuracy of each se-
lected study. After performing data extraction from
the selected studies, it was possible to answer the sub-
questions, presented in the next section.
4.5 (Sub-Q1): What Are the Biggest
Difficulties in Using AI to Predict
University Dropout Rates?
The most common difficulties and limitations are re-
lated to data availability and its small volume, they are
usually data from the authors’ HEIs affiliation. This
limitation causes biases in the analyses. Another lim-
itation is that data may differ in time, courses, and
different HEIs, such as the behavior of dropout rates
and student satisfaction with academic life.
By acknowledging and actively working to over-
come these challenges, higher education institutions
can harness the potential of AI algorithms to make
significant strides in supporting student success and
retention. Collaboration among institutions and re-
searchers can facilitate the sharing of knowledge and
resources, thus creating more robust, unbiased, and
adaptable predictive models.
Two studies proposed two new algorithms to pre-
dict student dropout (S12 and S22). Both stud-
ies claimed very high accuracy for their algorithms,
which should be replicated in other datasets to con-
firm such results.
4.6 (Sub-Q2): How do AI Algorithms
use Features to Predict Higher
Institutions’ Dropout?
We found that the most commonly used variables to
predict HEI student dropout can be grouped into so-
cioeconomic (gender, age, professional position, in-
come, ethnic group), academic (grades, GPA, fre-
quency, scores at entrance exams, quantity of failed
disciplines), and psychological (satisfaction with the
academic life, sociability). The majority(11) of the
analyzed studies used academic and socioeconomic
variables, only a few used(2) psychological variables,
and none used physical health and accessibility-
related variables. Thus, we could not verify Tete et
al. (Tete et al., 2022) results.
The analyzed studies on this SMS did not explore
major differences between gender, ethnicity, and age
group on the behavior of dropout prediction. How-
ever, it does not refute the existence of differences be-
tween these social groups.
The most important factors related to college stu-
dents’ dropout are academic performance, such as
grades, GPA, attendance in class, and credits taken.
The most important external factors are the psycho-
logical state of the student, such as satisfaction with
academic life and addiction to drugs. Finally, the
most used variables in AI algorithms to predict stu-
dent dropout are related to academic performance.
Several researchers around the globe are investigating
AI algorithms to predict student dropout, testing algo-
rithms, such as Random Forest, Cat Boost, Logistic
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to Predict College Students’ Dropout: A Systematic Mapping Study
Table 4: Results extracted from the studies.
ID Reference Algorithm Main Variables Best
S1 (Realinho
et al., 2022)
Random For-
Marital status, par-
ent’s formation
N/A Bias may occur
S2 (Nagy and
Cat Boost Hungarian entrance
exam scores, course,
gender, age
0.84 Limited to Budapest
S3 (Osorio and
Logistic Re-
Depression, drug ad-
0.80 Not mentioned
S4 (Anh et al.,
Light Gradi-
ent Boosting
Grades in subjects,
attendance in classes
0.95 Bias may occur
S5 (L
Angulo et al.,
Satisfaction with
N/A Satisfaction with academic
life may change in time
S6 (Jimenez-
Macias et al.,
Random For-
Grades, Employ-
ment, credits
0.99 Few data
S7 (Gutierrez-
Pachas et al.,
CNN Grades, GPA, HDI 0.98 Unequal behaviours
S8 (Zihan et al.,
Light BPM Grades, GPA 0.93 Not mentioned
S9 (Kotsiantis
et al., 2003)
Naive Bayes Occupation, grades,
attendance on tutor-
0.83 Not mentioned
S10 (Moseley and
Mead, 2008)
Decision Tree Grades, age, gender 0.94 Few data
S11 (Solis et al.,
Random For-
Average of Grades,
academic records
0.91 Few data
S12 (Zhang and
Logistic Re-
Scores of SAT and
0.98 New proposed algorithm
S13 (Pachas et al.,
Random For-
Quantity of fails 0.78 Lack of data diversity
S14 (Caselli Gis-
and Ur-
relo Huiman,
Neural Net-
Grades, use of mo-
0.87 Not mentioned
S15 (Fern
ıa et al.,
Not mentioned 0.72 Privacy issues
S16 (Santos et al.,
Decision Tree GPA, Entrance exam
0.95 Unbalanced classes
Regression, Neural Networks, Decision Tree, Naive
Bayes, KNN, Gradient Boosting, CNN, Light Gradi-
ent Boosting, Light BPM, and SVM. Some selected
studies in this SMS tested more than one algorithm.
In such cases, this study reported the algorithm with
higher accuracy. The Random Forest algorithm is
the most frequent algorithm with better performance.
Additionally, the difficulties reported are mostly re-
lated to the unavailability of large data sources be-
cause most of the analyzed studies used data provided
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 5: Results extracted from the studies.
ID Reference Algorithm Main Variables Best
S17 (S Sani et al.,
Academic year, high-
school GPA, chan-
nels of admission
0.93 Not mentioned
S18 (Uliyan et al.,
Neural Net-
Grades, GPA 0.90 Not mentioned
S19 (Agrusti et al.,
CNN Not mentioned 0.94 Data accuracy required.
S20 (Opazo et al.,
Grades, GPA 0.69 Different HEIs may need
different methods
S21 (Ramirez
et al., 2022)
Grades, age, gender,
academic credits
0.99 Not mentioned
S22 (Daza et al.,
Hybrid Ran-
dom Forest
and Neural
Gender, Age, Aca-
demic Credits
0.99 New proposed algorithm
S23 (Revathy
et al., 2022)
Not mentioned 0.97 Not mentioned
by the authors’ affiliated HEIs.
To develop a more reliable AI algorithm to
predict student dropout, it is necessary to retrieve
anonymized data from several HEIs in a large data
source. However, it is a hard task to execute since
different HEIs have different data formats, such as
grades that can be expressed on a scale of 0 to 10, on a
scale from F to A, or another format and variables, by
different legislations, such as the General Data Pro-
tection Regulation (GDPR) from the European Union
(European Commission, 2016) or the General Law on
Data Protection (LGPD) from Brazil (Brasil, 2018).
Collaborative efforts among HEIs, researchers,
and regulatory bodies are essential to overcome these
challenges. Establishing data-sharing agreements that
adhere to legal requirements while facilitating the ex-
change of anonymized data for research purposes can
help unlock the potential for more reliable AI algo-
rithms. Furthermore, initiatives to create standardized
data formats and encourage transparency in data col-
lection practices can contribute to the development of
a more cohesive and effective research ecosystem fo-
cused on predicting student dropout.
The majority of the analyzed algorithms used data
related to academic performance, such as grades and
GPA, to predict student dropout, or concluded that
such categories of features are the most significant
for making such predictions. However, it was not ex-
plored how grades are influenced by another variable.
In future work, it will be possible to investigate how
AI algorithms predict academic performance, such as
based on grades.
Another aspect to be explored is the influence
of non-academic features on academic performance.
These could include socioeconomic factors, such as
family background, financial stability, and access to
support services. Additionally, personal factors such
as motivation, study habits, and mental health can
significantly impact a student’s grades. Investigat-
ing how these variables interact with academic perfor-
mance can help create a more comprehensive under-
standing of the factors contributing to student dropout
Moreover, a subject of interest could be the tem-
poral aspect of academic performance prediction. An-
alyzing how students’ grades evolve and how early
warning signs in academic performance can be iden-
tified can be crucial for proactive interventions to pre-
vent dropout. Furthermore, the application of ad-
vanced AI techniques, such as machine learning in-
terpretability methods, could help shed light on how
certain features or variables contribute to academic
performance predictions. This can provide valuable
insights into the underlying mechanisms that drive the
results of AI models.
The main threats to this SMS are related to the strate-
gies adopted to create the search string, retrieve pri-
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to Predict College Students’ Dropout: A Systematic Mapping Study
mary studies, and extract data from these primary
studies. The completeness of this SMS may have
been affected by the missing relevant primary stud-
ies because some of them may not be retrieved by
the search string, or because some of them were ex-
cluded by EC3 due to paid access. The authors are
aware that considering only peer-reviewed studies on
the topic of using AI algorithms for predicting HEI
student dropout does not allow for the generalization
of the results, as there may be relevant content on this
topic in grey literature, such as technical reports.
In addition, the quality of this SMS may also be
influenced by potential biases introduced during the
selection and inclusion of primary studies. The cri-
teria used to determine which studies to include and
exclude could inadvertently introduce bias, affecting
the overall comprehensiveness and representativeness
of the findings.
We performed an SMS in which 23 studies were se-
lected for analysis. The results reveal that several
HEIs around the globe are testing algorithms to pre-
dict student dropout, trying to find the most signifi-
cant features, sharing their limitations, and trying to
maximize the algorithms’ accuracy.
From the results, we conclude that there is no spe-
cific recommended algorithm to predict higher edu-
cation students’ dropouts. Many studies test different
algorithms to perform this task, looking for the one
with the highest accuracy. In our search, the Ran-
dom Forest algorithm was the one that had a better
performance in most of the studies. The most recom-
mended features are related to academic performance,
such as grades, GPA, credits taken, and attendance in
class. Psychological health features, such as satisfac-
tion with academic life, drug addiction, and mental
diseases are also present but are less used. The most
common difficulties in implementing these AI algo-
rithms are related to the unavailability of a large quan-
tity of data to be used and the diversity of realities in
which different HEIs and undergraduate courses are
Based on this study, we hope to contribute to the
field by providing the current overview of the AI al-
gorithms used in predicting HEI students’ dropout.
This study was partly financed by Coordenac¸
de Aperfeic¸oamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior
(CAPES) and the Universidade Federal do Estado do
Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).
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