Seeing Through the Smoke: An Agent Architecture for Representing
Health Protection Motivation Under Social Pressure
Veronika Kurchyna
, Stephanie C. Rodermund
, Ye Eun Bae
Patrick Mertes
, Philipp Fl
, Jan Ole Berndt
and Ingo J. Timm
Cognitive Social Simulation, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Behringstr. 31, 54296 Trier, Germany
Business Informatics, Trier University, Universitaetsring 15, 54296 Trier, Germany
Agent Decision-Making, Social Simulation, Protection Motivation, Social Pressure.
Representing and emulating human decision-making processes in artificial intelligence systems is a challeng-
ing task. This is because both internal (such as attitude, perceived health or motivation) and external factors
(such as the opinions of others) and their mutual interactions affect decision-making. Modelling agents ca-
pable of human-like behavior, including undesirable actions, is an interesting use case for designing different
AI-systems when it comes to human-AI-interactions and similar scenarios. However, agent-based decision-
models in this domain tend to reflect the complex interplay of these factors only to a limited extent. To
overcome this, we enrich these approaches with an agent architecture inspired by theories from psychology
and sociology. Using human health behavior, specifically smoking, as a case study, we propose an agent-based
approach to combine social pressure within Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to allow for a theory-based
representation of potentially harmful behavior including both internal and external factors. Based on smoking
in social settings, we present experiments to demonstrate the model’s capability to simulate human health
behavior and the mutual influences between the selected concepts. In this use case, the resulting model has
shown that social pressure is a driving influence in the observable system dynamics.
In recent years, AI applications have had an increas-
ing impact on various aspects of people’s professional
and everday lives. Especially in health-related con-
texts there is a growing interest in designing inter-
active systems, e.g., in the field of assisted living or
health care monitoring (Jovanovic et al., 2022; Qian
et al., 2021). Unlike AI systems, however, human be-
havior is often irrational and guided by motivations or
other internal processes, making it sometimes unpre-
dictable and challenging for AI systems to respond
appropriately to such behaviors. Agent-based social
simulation (ABSS) has proven to be well-suited for
examining the behaviors of individuals in response to
social influences, individual needs, and dispositions
(Davidsson, 2002; Squazzoni et al., 2014). There-
fore, it can be used for investigating how cognitive
and social factors interact and influence human be-
havior. ABSS is especially popular for its controlled
environment and wide range of possibilities, which
enables experiments that are difficult or impossible
to implement in reality, and for testing mechanical
Corresponding author
characteristics of psychological and social science
theories (Smith and Conrey, 2007). By simulating
autonomous individuals, a complex system of vari-
ous interactions emerges (Macy and Willer, 2002).
For example, ABSS can be used to simulate a virus
spreading among people (Tapp et al., 2022), family
planning (Berndt et al., 2018), and crowd evacuation
in the presence of fire (Wagner and Agrawal, 2014).
Similarly, in health contexts, people’s decisions are
not only influenced by their own internal factors, such
as attitude and health status, but also by external fac-
tors. Social pressure, for instance, refers to the expec-
tations of the immediate social environment (Ajzen,
1991; Tesser, 1980) and it can induce individuals to
conform to such expectations or resist them, depend-
ing on their dispositions.
By combining psychological theories explaining
cognitive processes and concepts of social pressure,
models can represent the mechanisms of real systems
in an abstract manner. For instance, Protection Mo-
tivation Theory (PMT) is a widely used framework
in psychology. It illuminates how individuals assess
threats and make decisions about protective behaviors
in situations involving health risks (Floyd et al., 2000;
Hedayati et al., 2023), but also in other domains, for
Kurchyna, V., Rodermund, S., Bae, Y., Mertes, P., Flügger, P., Berndt, J. and Timm, I.
Seeing Through the Smoke: An Agent Architecture for Representing Health Protection Motivation Under Social Pressure.
DOI: 10.5220/0012347400003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 315-325
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
example information security (Mou et al., 2022) or
pro-environmental behaviors (Kothe et al., 2019).
However, the nature of PMT is non-cyclical, not
considering dynamic environments or the outcomes
of one’s actions. To address this issue, we use social
pressure as a source of system change which creates
a feedback-loop for agents. Smoking was chosen as
use case, since both personal traits (internal factors;
PMT) and social circumstances (external factors; so-
cial pressure) have an impact on the likelihood of the
behavior (Xu et al., 2015). More precisely, individu-
als may be inclined to smoke more when perceiving
a positive attitude towards smoking in their social en-
vironment and, conversely, are more likely to desist
facing a negative attitude of others towards smoking;
cf. e.g., (Ganley and Rosario, 2013).
This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 in-
troduces concepts of social pressure, protective be-
haviors, and their implementation in ABSS to offer
practical requirements for the conceptual agent archi-
tecture combining PMT and social pressure for health
behaviors in general, which is introduced in Section
4. The implemented model is presented and analyzed
in Section 5 using calibration and sensitivity analysis
to demonstrate the concept for the use case of smok-
ing. Then, the implications of the experiments are
discussed as the results of the study. Finally, the find-
ings are presented, focusing on potential avenues for
future research to expand upon this approach in Sec-
tion 6.
We discuss concepts of social pressure as well as
PMT with a special focus on smoking as use case. To
situate this work in the context of current research,
computational models applying these psychological
mechanisms are presented.
Protective Behavior and Smoking. This paper ad-
dresses the use case of smoking, as a high propor-
tion of deaths, especially in the northern hemisphere,
is still attributable to the consequences of smoking
(e.g. in 2019, this ratio was about 17% in Germany
(Radtke, 2023)). One way of examining the possible
factors that lead to an individual’s decision to smoke
is by using PMT to categorize different influencing
Generally, those factors can be grouped into in-
trinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors do not
Intrinsic Rewards
Extrinsic Rewards
Threat Appraisal
Response Efficacy
Response Cost
Coping Appraisal
Figure 1: Threat (a) and Coping (b) Appraisal according to
(Rogers, 1983).
just include factors such as their own attitude towards
smoking, but also more fundamental concepts such
as self-efficacy, which denotes the belief that one can
successfully perform an action, e.g., quitting smoking
(Rogers, 1983). Meanwhile, extrinsic factors include
situational circumstances or the social environment’s
attitude towards a behavior (Xu et al., 2015).
According to PMT, individuals perform two cog-
nitive processes: threat appraisal and coping ap-
praisal (see Figure 1). These processes are triggered
by information from internal or external sources and
determine whether agents react adaptively (benefi-
cial behavior) or maladaptively (harmful behavior)
(Rogers, 1983).
In the use case of smoking, threat appraisal de-
termines in how far adverse effects from harmful
activities are acknowledged. Subjective perceptions
of severity (e.g., how serious are the health conse-
quences of smoking in general?) and vulnerability
(how likely am I to suffer negative outcomes?) influ-
ence a person’s willingness to react adaptively. High
intrinsic rewards in the form of pleasure or satisfac-
tion or extrinsic rewards, such as the feeling of be-
longing to a smoking group increase the probability
of maladaptive behavior, in which a person will at-
tempt to deny or downplay the risks of their choices.
Analogously, coping appraisal evaluates the rec-
ommended protective behavior (not smoking) and the
agent’s estimated ability to cope with and prevent
the threat from occurring. This is determined by
factors such as response efficacy (i.e., does it really
bring health benefits to me if I quit smoking?) and
self-efficacy (i.e., will I be able to quit smoking?).
High efficacy increases the likelihood of adaptive re-
sponses, which is a healthy behavior (Rogers, 1983).
Response costs, such as negative reactions from peers
due to not smoking, may hinder adaptive responses.
Protection motivation can be expressed as ei-
ther single or multiple actions, both one-time and
repeated, or even inaction. That is, coping with a
threat may require actively doing something, such as
quitting smoking, or refraining, such as not starting
to smoke (Rogers, 1983).
Social Pressure and Smoking. As mentioned previ-
ously, the attitude of peers impacts the appraisal of
different strategies in the form of pressure. Social
pressure can be defined as perceived normative pres-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
sure one receives from members of its immediate so-
cial environment (Tesser, 1980). When there is a con-
flict between the social network’s opinion and the per-
sonal attitude towards a behavior, a person can expe-
rience cognitive dissonance, where different interests
conflict with each other (Festinger, 1957). As a way
to reduce this cognitive dissonance, a person typically
has two options. On the one hand, they may change
the comparison groups by seeking a new social en-
vironment with a preferably similar attitude. On the
other hand, they yield to social pressure by adjusting
their own disposition which can eventually lead to a
change in behavior(Festinger, 1957; Tesser, 1980).
Models of social pressure are mainly expressed
through normative multiagent systems, where the be-
havior of agents is rewarded for norm-compliance and
sanctioned for deviation. An important distinction be-
tween types of models lies in the choice of mecha-
nism to express pressure. On the one hand, explicit
norms for behavioral regulation (see, e.g. (Castel-
franchi et al., 1998)) are often distributed by commu-
nication between agents. On the other hand, perceived
social pressure is more subtle, and is often tied to a
threshold to determine when agent decisions are im-
pacted by pressure (see, e.g. emotional autonomy).
This leads to agents acting according to perceived so-
cial pressure, even in case of conflict with the agent’s
own attitude (Dechesne et al., 2013).
Besides explicit and perceived norms, there are
also different ways rewards and punishments are in-
cluded into the model. Typically, there is a distinction
between direct sanctioning, such as monetary pun-
ishment, or indirect sanctioning in the form of emo-
tional penalties. In such cases, decreased trust in non-
conforming agents leads to reduced odds of coopera-
tion, such as the conclusion of contracts (Nardin et al.,
2016), in the future, sometimes even leading up to
the exclusion of agents from the social network (Per-
reau de Pinninck et al., 2010).
Norms, rewards and punishments can be commu-
nicated (Savarimuthu et al., 2009) or only suspected
and perceived through some kind of filter (Hashimoto
and Egashira, 2001) just as the subjectively perceived
pressure does not have to correspond to the actually
exerted pressure or attitudes of the social network.
Additionally, some individuals may have a stronger
impact on social pressure than others, e.g., based on
the strength of relationships or similarities to the per-
son being influenced (Savarimuthu et al., 2008). It
is important to note that changing one’s attitude does
not necessarily equal changing behavior, and will vary
between different models (Sheeran and Webb, 2016).
As a result of these different mechanisms, agents
can develop cognitive dissonance, as described in
Section 2, where personal preferences no longer align
with the environment. Typical dissolution strategies
include changing attitude (Dechesne et al., 2013) to-
wards adaption of other’s opinions or exclusion from
the social network (Perreau de Pinninck et al., 2010).
In the conceptual framework of PMT, the social
network plays an important role by presenting an en-
vironmental source that can affect decisions, e.g., in
the form of verbal persuasion or observational learn-
ing, such as in Hear et al. (Haer et al., 2016) in
the context of flood risk management and the ef-
fect of different communication strategies and coun-
termeasures based on communication (Badham and
Gilbert, 2015). Mostly, PMT is used in connection
with climate-related decisions, e.g., with regard to
the implementation of preventive measures (see, e.g.,
(Wens et al., 2020; McEligot et al., 2019)) and the
general vulnerability to the consequences of climate
change (Kr
omker et al., 2008), or in health protective
behavior in the context of infectious diseases ((Ab-
dulkareem et al., 2018; Martin-Lapoirie et al., 2023)).
The impact of a social network on an agent’s deci-
sion is often not considered at all (see, e.g., (Kr
et al., 2008; McEligot et al., 2019)) or is only regarded
as an additional source of information (Abdulkareem
et al., 2018). While works like (Haer et al., 2016;
Badham and Gilbert, 2015) often include the social
network as a factor in decision-making, both models
lack a clear definition and the effects of social pres-
sure with regard to the development of cognitive dis-
sonance as well as the agent’s responses to it.
Similarly to (Kurchyna et al., 2022), who exam-
ined another pair of cognitive and social theories for
the use case of heart disease, this work investigates
the interplay of cognitive dissonance, PMT, and the
realism of resulting system dynamics.
Detached from the use case of smoking, this sec-
tion introduces the conceptual model of health pro-
tection motivation under consideration of social pres-
Seeing Through the Smoke: An Agent Architecture for Representing Health Protection Motivation Under Social Pressure
sure. Agents experience social pressure from their en-
vironment and determine whether to perform a health-
related behavior (e.g., to smoke or not to smoke)
based on the concepts of PMT (see Figure 2).
The environment consists of a set of agents A. In-
spired by the approach presented by L
opez y L
opez et
al. (L
opez y Lop
ez et al., 2002), the initialization of
these agents is based on pre-defined archetypes char-
acterized by a core desire. To reduce model com-
plexity for demonstration purposes, this model fo-
cuses on desires that we assume to be relevant for
most use cases: hedonism (desire
[0, 1]), security
[0, 1]), and conformity (desire
[0, 1]) as
defined by Schwartz (Schwartz, 1992). For example,
those who care more to have fun have a strong de-
sire for hedonism, those who are more careful when
it comes to health and safety have a strong desire for
security while those who favor social cohesion have
a strong desire for conformity. The closer a value
to 0, the weaker the desire an agent has while the
closer value to 1, the stronger the desire is. Agents
who desire pleasure for themselves the most (Heidari
et al., 2020) may neglect their need for safety (Mad-
dux and Rogers, 1983). Additionally, a desire to con-
form to expectations may interfere with the satisfac-
tion of either desire (Tesser, 1980). The archetype de-
termines the dominant desire of the agent, while the
other two desires are present to a lesser degree and
may influence the choice of an agent in edge cases.
There is no explicit categorization of agents within
the model, but is rather implied through their desires.
However, for the ease of communications, we refer
to the agents by their primary desire, the strongest
one. Hence, the agent’s environment can be defined
as A = {Hedonists,Con f ormists, Sel f Protectors}.
Each agent has a network N consisting of two dis-
joint groups: friends and locals. Friends (F A) is
a broad category which includes persons the agent
has friendly relations with (like family members or
friends). This set’s size is fixed to num f riends N.
Locals (L A) contains people the agent encoun-
ters in its local environment. This may include col-
leagues, people on public transport or various ser-
vice providers. Belonging to this set is determined
by neighborhood in the 2D-space of the simulation.
While the social network of friends remains persistent
for the agent, random movement at each step leads
to a frequent variation of the local environment. For
more complex use cases, routines and the formation
of long-term relationships between agents would re-
place the random movements.
Over the course of the simulation, agents experi-
ence situations in which social pressure is present and
their actions are chosen based on PMT. This choice
of action is influenced not only by the network of the
agents, but also by their own attributes. Agents have
an initial attitude towards a health behavior, based on
their hedonism and security desires while conformity
desire determines how likely they will follow major-
ity opinion. This attitude att is mapped as a numer-
ical value to an interval [0, 1]. An agent’s opinion
towards a behaviour can range from strong aversion
(0) to strong favor (1), introducing nuance that al-
lows agents to choose a harmful behaviour, such as
smoking, even if they are not in complete favour of
it. This attitude is a proxy for the actual behavior and
it allows tracking of changes over time. Due to the
phenomenon of the intention-behavior gap (Sheeran
and Webb, 2016), the translation of attitudes into ac-
tions requires further examination beyond the scope
of a proof of concept. Another important attribute is
the general health status [0, 1] of the agent, influ-
encing the way agents assess their own vulnerability
towards a threat. Here, the value 1 represents perfect
health, while values towards 0 represent increasingly
poor health such as chronic conditions and typical
health risk factors. Due to the delay between action
and effect, which makes it difficult to observe the ac-
tual causal relationship, the health status is kept static
throughout the simulation.
In reality, factors such as economic status corre-
late with smoking and its frequency (Casetta et al.,
2017). However, under the assumption that needs
are a mediating factor between characteristics and
observable actions, such factors are implied through
both the agent’s archetype and their initial attitude
towards smoking. Depending on the purpose of the
study, especially explainability and the tailoring of
targeted interventions, implied characteristics may
not suffice, and explicit implementation would be rec-
ommended in such a case.
The following paragraphs discuss the main com-
ponents of the proposed concept, i.e., the social pres-
sure component and the PMT components.
4.1 Social Pressure Component
Social pressure in this model is modeled by evaluating
the perceived attitudes against the agent’s own posi-
tion. In this case, there is no filtering through subjec-
tive interpretation or other approaches from opinion
dynamics, and instead, the actual attitude of the agent
is being perceived as abstraction from how exactly
this social pressure is formed and exerted, focusing
on its effects.
Hence, agents consider the attitudes of re-
mote peers (att
[0, 1]) as well as those of lo-
cals in their current physical environment (att
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Extrinsic Reward
Intrinsic Reward
Response Efficacy
Response Cost
Do Nothing
Figure 2: Agent-based model of PMT under social pressure.
[0, 1]). While att
takes the bidirectional influence
connection strength [0, 1] of agents on each other
into account, there is no such distinction for locals.
As a result, friends are weighted differently and can
have a larger or smaller influence compared to a local,
unlike some alternative approaches in which random
encounters always have less impact than friends (Li
et al., 2022), permitting situations of accute peer pres-
sure exerted by local contacts. The attribute reflecting
connection strength has an impact on the perceived
attitude of surrounding agents, and in certain cases
this can be perceived to be stronger than it actually
is and vice versa. For instance, att
is determined as
follows (Equation 1):
connection strength
Social pressure results from the sum of both aver-
age attitudes of locals and friends weighted according
to the number of connections of each type. The result-
ing social pressure [0, 1] is thus determined by the
distance between the agent’s own attitude att and the
values for att
and att
which are included proportion-
ally to the size of the whole network N (see Equation
pressure = |att
|F| + att
| (2)
4.2 Protection Motivation Components
As described in Section 4, agents can choose be-
tween two behavior modes: maladaptive or adap-
tive behavior. The decision for either is made based
on factors such as perceived social pressure, health
status and personal attitudes. To decide for one of
two behavior modes, the agent first computes the
threat appraisal (appraisal
) and coping appraisal
). A behavior [m, a] is maladaptive
(m), if appraisal
> appraisal
and adaptive
(a) if appraisal
> appraisal
(see Figure 2,
Function α).
is based on rewards that can be ob-
tained from performing a non-beneficial behavior (in-
trinsic i and extrinsic e) in the presence of individu-
ally perceived severity (severity
[0, 1]) and vulner-
bility (vul [0, 1]). Based on the theoretical equation
in Figure 1, threat appraisal of agents is calculated as
+ reward
+ vul))
In this use case, reward
is the own attitude rep-
resenting the pleasure from smoking, while reward
is the social pressure towards smoking — conforming
to this expectation is perceived as reward. Severity
is moderated by individual perceptions (Badham and
Gilbert, 2014) and defined as
= severity
+ ((1 desire
) (desire
The objective severity (severity
) is moderated by
and desire
to express the individual levels of
anxiety (Badham and Gilbert, 2014). Vul is the as-
sessment of personal applicability of a threat, and thus
individual health (Rogers, 1983) influences its com-
putation as follows:
Seeing Through the Smoke: An Agent Architecture for Representing Health Protection Motivation Under Social Pressure
vul = 1 (health + (desire
health) health) (5)
examines the self-efficacy
) and the response efficacy (efficacy
) of an
action while evaluating the response cost (cost
) of
the action. If appraisal
is high, quitting non-
beneficial behavior is perceived as more effective,
which leads to an adaptive response. It is defined as
+ efficacy
where efficacy
is defined as
= att
vul + severity
with perceived attitude (att p ) defined as
att p =
|F| + att
and cost
defined as
att + (desire
att p)
signifying both losing out on pleasure as well
as defying social norms. If a person has a highly
favourable attitude towards a non-beneficial behavior,
desisting is difficult. Likewise, a strong attitude (in
either direction) in the environment att p is hard to
resist, with both cases increasing response cost cost
(Huang and Wen, 2014).
depends on both own attitude and the
opinions of the environment, as defined in Equation
1 att if att > 0.5 att p 0.5
1 att p if att 0.5 att p > 0.5
att+att p
Here, we set 0.5 as the transition point where an
agent’s attitude toward a certain behavior switches
from not favorable to favorable or vice versa.
In each step of the simulation, all agents make a
decision to act and impact on their immediate sur-
rounding agents and friends. Each agent calculates
the threat and coping appraisals and acts according to
their decision. There are three potential actions as de-
fined in Figure 3, Function β, based on the cognitive
dissonance theory by Festinger (Festinger, 1957) ear-
lier introduced in Section 2. :
1. Create new consonant cognitions: An agent cuts
ties with friends that exert too much pressure on it
and finds new friends as well as moves on to an-
other location to switch their surrounding agents
(change environment). The user-defined variable
contact termination [0, 1] determines at which
degree of difference the entire local network and
friends with large attitude differences are replaced
to preserve the set num f riends.
2. Change cognition: An agent bows to the social
pressure and adjusts its own desires and attitudes
towards the group mean (adapt attitude). By
adapting att, desire
and desire
, the agent re-
duces the distance between its internal states and
its social network. The amplitude of changes
is moderated by a user-determined change rate
(c r [0, 1]). As a result, cognitive dissonance is
3. Reduce the importance of dissonant cognitions:
An agent does nothing if its own attitude is strong
enough to resist external influence or if pressure
is low due to similar attitudes (do nothing).
In Figure 3, both the actions change environment
as well as adapt attitude are chosen by the agent if
its attitude att is either specifically high or low (be-
low or above a determined threshold thd a and 1-
thd a) and the social network differs from that atti-
tude in a way, that it exceeds the value of c r. The
agent decides for a major change in its network only
if min stay [0, 10] steps have passed since previ-
ous changes to prevent a constant exchange of the
agent’s social network. If this is true, there are
two cases, in which the agent might adapt its net-
work structure: In the first case (a), the agent has
a strong attitude towards the respective behavior and
where appraisal
is stronger than appraisal
The behavior thus is defined as maladaptive, i.e., the
agent performs unhealthy behaviours. Here, agents
with a negative attitude towards the harmful behav-
ior are excluded from the agents sphere of influence
to reduce cognitive dissonance. The second case
(b) has a contrasting effect. The agent has a neg-
ative attitude towards the behavior. However, be-
cause the majority of its network has a positive atti-
tude and the agent’s appraisal
is greater than its
, the agent shows an adaptive behavior
self: unhealthy behavior self: unhealthy behavior
others: unhealthy
others: unhealthy
others: healthy behavior
self: healthy behaviorself: healthy behavior
others: healthy behavior
Others Attitude
Self Attitude
change environment
adapt attitude
adapt attitude
change environment
Figure 3: Decision for maladaptive or adaptive action de-
pends on the level of attitude (healthy or unhelathy behav-
ior) and the social pressure of the network (corresponds to
Figure 2, Function β).
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
and excludes friends and locals that might influence it
towards the harmful behavior. Adapt attitude makes
a similar distinction. If the agent’s att is rather favor-
able towards smoking and the social network exerts
much pressure while appraisal
is stronger than
the appraisal
, leading to the adaptive behavior,
the agent adapts its attitude and desires to reduce cog-
nitive dissonance to its network. In the second case,
the agent’s appraisal
is higher, which leads to
the maladaptive behavior. The agent adapts its att to-
wards unhealthy behavior to be more positive-minded
towards it. In contrast to the option of adapting the
network of friends and locals, adapt attitude can be
selected in each point in time. If none of these cases
applies, the agent chooses do nothing.
The implementation of the concept is demonstrated
with smoking as use case. Over the course of the sim-
ulation, with steps representing an abstract concept
of ‘situations’, agents experience social pressure. For
instance, people feel compelled by their peers to ei-
ther smoke or refrain from doing so, depending on
the group’s attitude. The act of smoking itself is not
modelled explicitly but is expressed via the attitude
as proxy. The model was implemented using NetL-
ogo 6.3.0. For the explanation of the model validation
process, its in- and outputs are described along with
the calibration process and exploration using sensitiv-
ity analysis.
5.1 Experiment Design and Calibration
The primary goal of this experiment is not a credible
simulation of smoking (and its cessation), but rather
to provide a use case in which this combination of
social pressure and PMT is explored. The analyzes
and experiments are performed with this goal in mind.
The implemented model includes a set of param-
eters which can be configured by users, listed and de-
scribed in Table 1. These parameters mostly deal with
the composition of agent archetypes and the rate at
which its state changes. To examine the model be-
havior, three types of output variables were observed:
Smoking behavior: The number of habit-
ual smokers (att 0.75), casual smokers
(0.25 < att < 0.75) and convinced non-smokers
( 0.25 att) in the population
Desires: The average desire for conformity, secu-
rity and hedonism in the population, which con-
veys the overall population trend
Actions: The number of times the ac-
tions do nothing, change environment and
adapt attitude chosen by the agents
A primary objective of this model’s calibration is
to examine whether there exists a parameter combina-
tion that results in a stable behavior without a severe
stagnation. While habitual behaviors, such as smok-
ing, have long delays between action and effect, other
behaviors may show much higher degrees of change
and more dynamic situations.
To establish a baseline parameter configuration
at which real-world observations are imitated by the
model, a calibration using BehaviorSearch, a tool in-
tegrated in NetLogo, was performed. In this study,
a distribution of 29% average smokers in Germany
was expected to be achieved, based on available em-
pirical data (Starker et al., 2022). In prior trial experi-
ments, the model showed that agents tend to build sta-
ble, homogenous groups after approximately 30 steps,
each representing a situation in which social pressure
might have been experienced. Thus, the goal of cali-
bration is to minimize the deviation of the number of
smokers from the target value at the end of the simu-
lation, once equilibrium has been reached. Addition-
ally, the composition of agent types should add up to
100%. Further, a system in which the initial number
of smokers and non-smokers matches statistical data
and starts in a stable equilibrium is not conducive to
the creation of a realistic system, which is why static
behavior (do nothing) is among the observations to
be minimized. As a result, Equation 5.1 was used as
minimization function for BehaviorSearch, with the
weights chosen to adjust the priority of the different
conditions according to their importance.
fitness =
do nothing 0.1)+ (11)
) 1) 10
The results of the calibration are included in the
last column in table 1. To better understand how the
parameters interact with each other, however, an in-
depth sensitivity analysis is required. Still, a prior
calibration as a first step towards model verification
is necessary to ensure that a model can achieve valid
Seeing Through the Smoke: An Agent Architecture for Representing Health Protection Motivation Under Social Pressure
Table 1: Parameters, ranges and the recommended default
values based on calibration. Population = 100 was set as
fixed parameter to restrict the search space.
Parameter Description Range Value
n people Number of agents int 100
Conformists % of conformists 0 - 1.0 0.23
Hedonists % of hedonists 0 - 1.0 0.64
Security % of health-aware 0 - 1.0 0.18
pressure mod. Strength of perceived pressure 0 - 1.5 1.25
contact term.
Allowed difference between
attitude and perceived pressure
before changing environment
0 - 1 0.4
min stay
Min. number of actions in new
env. before changing is possible
0 - 10 3
moving distance move forward set number of units 0 - 10 2
number friends Number of peers each agent has 0 - 10 2
change rate Rate of change of attitude 0 - 0.1 0.01
results. In this case, while competing solutions exist,
one possible configuration observes a dominant pro-
portion of hedonistic agents, with security-oriented
people and conformists in similar numbers. The pres-
sure modifier is slightly above the intended default
of 1, amplifying the intended effect. At 0.4, agents
are rather tolerant to differences in opinions, and will
only change their environment in the case of severe
conflict of attitudes. With small spatial movements
and a small social circle of two close friends as the
default, agents are thus more likely to hold on to
their environment than to change it, further confirmed
by the low change rate which favours slow, gradual
changes over abrupt shifts.
When testing viable parameter combinations, it
was observed that the system typically reaches a sta-
ble state after approximately 30 simulation steps, with
agents forming homogenous groups similar to various
segregation models (Goles et al., 2011).
5.2 Simulation Results and Discussion
Once the feasibility of realistic model behavior was
confirmed using calibration, a sensitivity analysis
was performed based on the example provided by
Jaxa-Rozen and Kwakkel (Jaxa-Rozen and Kwakkel,
2018). To show how the different design decisions
in the model impact the overall behavior, we an-
alyze the first- and second-order sensitivity indices
of the parameters in regard to the observation vari-
ables. A major finding was the initial distribution of
character types (Hedonists, Con f ormists and Sel f
Protectors) dominating the model behavior, which
aligns with empirical data that confirms most will re-
tain their initial attitude, e.g. those who are smok-
ers and hedonists at the same time will continue to
smoke, while those who are non-smokers and health-
conscious are unlikely to start smoking (Høie et al.,
To analyze the effects of other variables on the
different observations, the calibrated values for the
population distribution were used and the input vari-
able was removed from the sensitivity analysis. The
change rate (c r), describing the amplitude of changes
agents make and how strongly they perceive the pres-
sure, is the major determinant for model behavior, ac-
counting for approximately 70% of the variance in
most observations. The pressure modifier, adjusting
the strength of pressure agents experience, offered in-
sight into the role that peer pressure plays in the appli-
cation of PMT in this model. Figure 4 summarizes the
findings regarding the impact of the pressure modifier,
and thus the social pressure altogether, with respect to
the different observation variables.
Social pressure contributes towards the distribu-
tion of behavioral types in the population. The low
influence on the number of habitual smokers, in com-
bination with the number of non-smokers and casual
smokers being more sensitive to social pressure, in-
dicates that people with moderate to low attitudes are
more strongly affected by external influences. In that
regard, the population shows a strong leaning towards
persuading agents to give up smoking. Strong interac-
tions between the pressure modifier and other param-
eters, such as the number of friends and contact ter-
mination rates, indicate that social pressure is a major
contributor towards reduction of smoking, contrary to
the initial expectation that social pressure might be a
driving factor in previously non-smoking agents start-
ing to smoke. This gradual reduction of smoking at-
titude does indeed align with the global trend of a de-
creasing number of smokers (WHO, 2021).
Moreover, social pressure is strongly related to
agents deciding to be inactive — its absence or pres-
ence is the main explanator for the frequency of in-
action. While the desire for conformity is barely af-
fected by pressure, the average desire for hedonism
and security are dominated by the pressure modifier
without social pressure, agents will retain their ini-
tial beliefs. Assuming that agents will, at the begin-
ning of the simulation, already perform the behavior
that fulfills their desires, they will have no incentive
to change their attitudes or perform any adaptive or
maladaptive behaviors due to the lack of external in-
fluences. In this regard, this study comes to the same
conclusions as (Kurchyna et al., 2022), which noted
stagnation in a system with purely cognitive processes
that do not receive any external inputs in the form of
social influence.
Such findings indicate that the combination of
external/social and internal/cognitive components is
well-suited for autonomous systems of continuous
simulation without clearly defined end states. In this
example, agents pursue the continuous goal of a bal-
anced needs satisfaction in a mixed social environ-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 4: First (S1) and total-order (ST) indices for pressure sensitivity towards different observations.
ment that may hinder or encourage their quest for
homeostasis. Due to the mechanistic design of PMT
and the two-layered approach to contact networks, the
ideas of this model can also be transferred to other ap-
plication areas in which agents act under uncertainty
and conflicting goals and options. A good example
for such scenarios is human-AI-interaction and assis-
tance systems, which need to be able to anticipate and
consider inconsistent goals and seemingly irrational
user behavior.
The study of the decision-making processes leading to
people’s behavior and large-scale emergent phenom-
ena is an important research topic in ABSS. To exam-
ine how psychological theories can be used to model
decision-making processes of agents in continuous
simulations, an implementation of PMT and social
pressure for the use case of smoking was presented.
While PMT provides the cognitive process leading
to decisions within agents, the concepts of cognitive
dissonance and social pressure fill the model with
life. This proof-of-concept implementation shows
that without social pressure, cognitive concepts risk a
vacuum in which agents lose incentive to act, consis-
tent with previous findings in similar types of studies;
cf. e.g., (Kurchyna et al., 2022).
In the broader context of simulations in which
agents interact under uncertainty and with potentially
conflicting goals, concepts such as PMT may be well
suited to include a variety of factors into decision-
making without having the large scope of alterna-
tive approaches such as the theory of planned behav-
ior (Ajzen, 1991), which may be more suited for use
cases which require more complex behaviors and de-
liberate planning. The insights from the model will
enable AI assistance systems to support individuals
in their decision-making processes and motivate them
to pursue more desirable actions when faced with con-
flicting objectives and perspectives on each action cat-
egory. Additionally, this use case demonstrated two-
layered networks of contacts exerting potentially con-
tradictory influences. The insights provided by this
model and its evaluation are promising in regard to
various dimensions of future works.
Such future work therefore involves validating the
model using empirical data, as well as testing its
transferability to other health-related application ar-
eas. Furthermore, the authors plan on improving the
model with the aim of adjustments such as more in-
dividualized behavior. For example, in the current
model, adjustments in attitude and social network are
determined by the change rate and the contact termi-
nation threshhold. However, these variables are set
to a global static value. According to psychologi-
cal theory, a person’s emotional autonomy defines an
individual bound for each, which determines when
perceived social pressure will contribute to behavior
adjustment (Savarimuthu et al., 2008). Additionally,
the similarity of the person to its surrounding net-
work may play a role in the adaptation of behavior.
If the person does not identify enough with the group,
the social pressure exerted will have no influence on
the person’s behavior (Terry and Hogg, 1996). In the
same vein, a more elaborate model of social pressure,
which includes detailed perception of other’s opin-
ions, would provide benefits to the realistic represen-
tation of the agent’s decision making process. The
importance of other characteristics (such as demo-
graphic variables) should be examined as additional
variables, since, e.g., a person’s age may contribute
to willingness to change and thus adopt protective be-
haviors (Badham and Gilbert, 2015).
In general, the authors intend to extend and adapt
the agent architecture based on the BDI approach
(Rao and Georgeff, 1995) to achieve a more differen-
tiated model of individual desires as well as complex
decision-making, including planning steps towards
a behavior and the formation of habits (see, e.g.,
(Kurchyna et al., 2022)). Finally, a future step ex-
Seeing Through the Smoke: An Agent Architecture for Representing Health Protection Motivation Under Social Pressure
tends the model towards the possibility of testing dif-
ferent intervention strategies, for example, different
communication strategies (c.f. (Haer et al., 2016)),
in order to lead agents to beneficial behavior such as
quitting smoking.
This submission is a result of the work in the con-
text of the SEMSAI Project, funded by the German
Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the
grant number 031L0295A.
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The model’s NetLogo code can be viewed and
executed under
one model/7256.
Seeing Through the Smoke: An Agent Architecture for Representing Health Protection Motivation Under Social Pressure