Robust Image Deepfake Detection with Perceptual Hashing
Chun-Shien Lu and Chao-Hsuan Lin
Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, ROC, Taiwan
AI Security, Deepfake, Image Forensics, Perceptual Hashing, Robustness.
Owing to advert of deep learning, deepfake has received considerable attention in this deep learning era. The
challenging problem of deepfake detection has been identified to the generalization capability in two aspects:
(1) Cross-dataset evaluation and (2) Robustness against content-preserving image manipulations. In this work,
we study an image hashing scheme that can be plugged into the existing deepfake detection model to improve
their generalization capability. Preliminary experimental results have demonstrates the effectiveness of our
perceptual image hashing method.
Due to the popularity of internet and social networks,
and image editing or generation tools, the fake media
or mixup of real and fake contents have been fleed
hither and thither. Image tampering can be achieved
through splicing, object removal, inpainting, copy-
move, and so on (Cozzolino and Verdoliva, 2020). The
powerful capability of deep learning technologies and
models even worsen this problem as they can generate
and synthesize a fake object/image that is indistin-
guishable from a true one to preserve the perceptually
pleasing property. To deal with tampered images and
verify the authenticity of images, studies of multime-
dia security such as data hiding and fingerprinting have
given rise to a new wave of study a couple of decades
ago. Until recently, AI generative models awaken us
the challenges of deepfake detection in this deep learn-
ing era (Yan et al., 2023). In this paper, we will focus
on image deepfake detection.
A basic principle of image classifier model-based
deepfake detection is to use the classifier model as
an external force to learn deep features. This prin-
ciple leads a certain performance in deepfake detec-
tion. Nevertheless, the challenges in deepfake detec-
tion are recognized as (1) Cross-dataset evaluation:
If the method is trained on dataset A, how is the de-
tection performance on the datasets other than A? (2)
Robustness: If the fake image is further gone through
image manipulations like compression (e.g., JPEG),
will the fake clues be eliminated by the compression ef-
fect? In this paper, we will address the aforementioned
1.1 Literature Review
Traditional image forensics contains three types of
forgeries: Copy-move (copy one or more regions of
an image and paste them in the same image with dif-
ferent locations), Splicing (copy one or more regions
of an image and paste them on another image), and
Inpainting (removal of undesired objects or creation
of desired objects).
Nevertheless, in the deep learning era, a new type
of forgery, Deepfake, appears. For example, Deepfake
can substitute a face of a person with another person
to create a fake political or pornography image or
video with the fake image quality far better than those
generated by non-learning techniques. These crimes
cause a severe negative social impact. Hence, a series
of studies try to detect Deepfake contents.
In the literature, Zhou et al. (Zhou et al., 2018)
devised a two-stream Faster R-CNN in that one RGB
stream is to find tampered regions like strong contrast
difference and unnatural tampered boundaries. Kwon
et al. (Kwon et al., 2021) proposed CAT-Net to de-
tect and localize image splicing. An RGB and DCT
stream is considered to trace the JPEG compression
artifacts without losing helpful information from the
original RGB view. Yang et al. (Yang et al., 2020) pro-
posed Constrained RCNN, which adopts BayarConv
(Bayar and Stamm, 2018) as the first convolution layer
to create a unified feature representation of various
content manipulations. Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2021)
proposed an MVSS-Net model to detect and localize
the tampered regions. Both the edge feature extrac-
tion and noise feature extraction modules, together
Lu, C. and Lin, C.
Robust Image Deepfake Detection with Perceptual Hashing.
DOI: 10.5220/0012317800003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 374-378
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
with a dual attention module, are integrated to build
the MVSS-Net. In (Zhao et al., 2021), Zhao et al.
proposed a multi-attentional deepfake detection mech-
anism, wherein texture features and global features
are first extracted at the shallow and deep layers, re-
spectively, and then fed into an attention module for
real/fake image classification. In (Luo et al., 2021),
Luo et al. proposed to generalize face forgery detec-
tion with high-frequency features. The authors ob-
served that a generalizable forgery detector should
consider texture-related and texture-irrelevant features
and identify the discrepancy between the tampered
face and pristine background. They used noise features
(SRM) (Fridrich and Kodovsky, 2012) to extract high-
frequency features and boost the generalization ability.
Sun et al. (Sun et al., 2021) proposed meta learning for
domain general face forgery detection. Their method,
termed learning-to-weight (LTW), contains the meta-
test set generated based on the meta-split strategy
and meta-optimization for learning a domain-invariant
model used in detecting unseen domains. More re-
cently, Sun et al. (Sun et al., 2022) proposed dual
contrastive learning for general face forgery detection.
In their method, the training images are augmented
via the data views generation module, and then the
intra-instance contrastive learning module and inter-
instance contrastive learning module are proposed to
learn general features. Hu et al. (Hu et al., 2022) pro-
posed the frame inference based detection framework
(FInfer) by feeding into two branches of video frames,
i.e., source frames and target frames. There are three
learning modules in FINfer: the faces representative
learning module encodes both the source faces and
target faces, the faces predictive learning module pre-
dicts the target face representations from the source
face representations, and the correlation-based learn-
ing module utilizes a representation-prediction loss for
1.2 Our Contributions
In this paper, we propose a robust deepfake detection
method via perceptual hashing.
To our knowledge, we are the first to introduce
perceptual hash and incorporate it into deepfake
detection models. The goal is to achieve not only
the detection of fake images but also the resilience
against content-preserving image manipulations,
including compressions, online social networking
(OSN) (Wu et al., 2022) processing, etc.
The proposed perceptual hashing mechanism is a
plug and play module to enhance to robustness of
existing deepfake detection methods.
In this work, deepfake detection is casted as a binary
classification problem, where the true image is labeled
“0” and fake one is labeled “1”. We define a “fake”
image as the one obtained from the true image by
content-changing manipulations to change the contents
globally or locally, including face swapping, splicing,
and so on. On the other hand, if the image is edited
via content-preserving manipulations, including com-
pressions, blurring, sharpening, and so on, without
changing its meaning, the resulting version is still re-
garded as “authentic.
In addition to distinguishing from true and fake
images, a more challenging problem is encountered
when a fake image is further gone through content-
preserving manipulations. Specifically, the problems
are (1) if a JPEG compressed fake image can still be
detected to be falsified? and (2) if a JPEG compressed
real image can be detected to be authentic? In particu-
lar, for Problem (1), we concern if the fake clues will
be eliminated or destroyed by the JPEG compression
effect, while for Problem (2), we concern if the JPEG
effect is regarded as the fake clue so as to judge the
compressed image to be inauthentic.
Therefore, a practical deepfake detection method
should satisfy two requirements in that content-
changing modifications are detected to be fake and
content-preserving manipulations are treated to be au-
In addition to robustness, it is highly possible that
a detection model is trained on dataset A but will be
later tested on datasets other than A. This is referred
to as the cross-dataset evaluation problem.
The goal of this paper is to develop a robust deep-
fake detection method.
In this paper, we propose an image perceptual hashing
method together with a deepfake detection model to
deal with robust deepfake detection wherein a fake im-
age, even being involved with content-preserving mod-
ifications (e.g. , JPEG), still can be detected but a real
image manipulated with content-preserving process-
ing can be tolerated. This image perceptual hashing
method can be further extended to deal with cross-
dataset evaluation. Our method can be incorporated
with any deep learning model for the deepfake detec-
tion task. Since deepfake detection is casted as a binary
classification problem in this paper, in addition to the
conventional cross-entropy loss, we will introduce the
so-called hash-preserving loss in the following.
Robust Image Deepfake Detection with Perceptual Hashing
3.1 Image Perceptual Hashing
Image Perceptual Hashing (abbreviated as IPH here-
after) has been studied based on hand-crafted features
(Lu and Hsu, 2005)(Swaminathan et al., 2006) a cou-
ple of decades ago. Here we will develop an IPH
method in terms of deep learning features. For ease of
descriptions, let
denote the feature vector obtained
from the last convolution layer of a learning model
from which a corresponding hash vector/code
be generated. The hash is designed to be a bipolar
vector as:
H(i) = torch.sign(F(i) torch.median(F(i))), (1)
1 i L
denotes the length of
), and
H {−1, +1}
. We select the feature map of
the last convolution layer for hash generation as it is
a kind of low-frequency features, which is considered
to be a stable feature without being easily affected by
It can be been from Eq. (1) that the hash vector
is designed to have half
s and half
s, where hash
is defined when
is larger than the median
value; otherwise, hash bit is
. Such a design is
common and traditional in the literature and has been
verified to provide a kind of robust feature in reflecting
content-changing modifications and resisting content-
preserving manipulations.
In the following, we will describe how to com-
bine the perceptual hashing with a deepfake detection
model to deal with the two challenges mentioned in
Sec. 1.
3.2 Deepfake Detection with Perceptual
We denote the image
as an input to the network
can be any backbone network model used in a
deepfake detection method. Let
denote the feature
map of the last convolution layer of
by feeding
f , and let H
denote its hash sequence.
In the deepfake detection scenario, it is assumed
that we will have four kinds of images for training: true
image (TI), fake image (FI), JPEG true image (JTI),
and JPEG fake image (JFI). Since we cannot expect to
have unlimited numbers or types of images for training,
we will use JPEG to represent the content-preserving
manipulations, and the JPEG compressed images are
used as a kind of data augmentation. Thus, in addition
to the true and fake images used for training as usual,
both JPEG true and JPEG fake images will be used as
the augmented data for calculating the hash-preserving
loss during training.
Specifically, the true image and its corresponding
JPEG compressed version are considered to be authen-
tic and, thus, their hashes should be similar (Case 1).
On the contrary, any pair of images, where one from
true or JPEG true image and another from fake or
JPEG fake image will be treated to be different as the
latter contains fake parts. Thus, such a pair of images
will have dissimilar hashes (Case 2). In the literature
with non-learning paradigm, one usually employs the
Hamming distance to measure the similar between two
hash codes. Such a distance measure, however, is in-
consistent with the form of cross-entropy loss for the
classification task, and is not appropriate for training.
In our method, we will transform the conventional
hash loss in terms of Hamming distance to a proba-
bility form such that it can be jointly combined with
cross-entropy loss for (true/fake) image classification.
It is said that two images with similar hashes will be
classified to the same class (either true or fake), and
those with dissimilar hash codes will belong to differ-
ent classes.
More specifically, let
be the hash codes
with respect to images
obtained from Eq. (1),
{T I, FI, JT I, JFI}
, and let
< H
, H
denote their inner product. We refer to (Xia et al.,
2021) to relate
< H
, H
with classification proba-
bility as:
, H
) =
δ(< H
, H
>), S
= 1
1 δ(< H
, H
>), S
= 0,
δ(< H
, H
>) =
1 + exp( < H
, H
denotes a sigmoid function. In Eq. (2),
= 1
indicates images
belong to the same
class; otherwise
= 0
. To apply the characteristic of
hashing in deepfake detection, it should be noted that
Eq. (2) is realized in a batch depending on the class
labels of a pair of image. Actually, in addition to Case
1 and Case 2, there is one case that will be excluded
in our implementation. This case contains the images
in a batch that share the same label but are not from
the same origin as in Case 1. This is because, despite
having the same label, these images are fundamentally
different and their hash values should not be forced to
be similar.
Thus, the loss function of coding consistency be-
δ(< H
, H
is defined as (Xia et al.,
= S
logδ(< H
, H
(1 S
)(1 logδ(< H
, H
>)). (4)
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
3.3 Overall Loss
Suppose an existing deepfake detection model is se-
lected as the baseline model, which is incorporated
with our proposed Image Perceptual Hashing for deep-
fake detection, with the loss function being denoted as
. Now, the total loss function here will be
= (1 γ)L
+ γL
, (5)
where the weight
is used to strike a balance, ensuring
optimal improvement in the model’s generalization
capability while not significantly compromising model
performance. As an example, please refer to (Zhao
et al., 2021; Chen et al., 2022) for the detail of L
To evaluate the effectiveness of our perceptual hash-
ing method as a plug-and-play module in robustly de-
tecting deepfake images, two state-of-the-art Deep-
fake detection models, namely MADD (Zhao et al.,
2021) and SLADD (Chen et al., 2022), were selected
for experiments as the authors released codes for fair
comparison. Three popular datasets, including Face-
Forensics++ (Rossler et al., 2019), Celeb-DF (Li et al.,
2020), and Deepfake Detection Challenge (DFDC)
(Dolhansky et al., 2020), were used.
4.1 Datasets
FaceForensics++ is a dataset that comprises videos at
three distinct compression levels: RAW, High Quality
(HQ), and Low Quality (LQ). At each compression
level, there is in total
1, 000
videos, with
videos being allocated for training, validation,
and testing, respectively. For Celeb-DF, it consists of
real videos and
synthesized videos. For Deep-
fake Detection Challenge (DFDC), it is the most re-
cently released large scale deepfake detection dataset,
which includes over
1, 000
real and
4, 000
fake videos
manipulated by multiple Deepfake, GAN-based, and
non-learning methods.
4.2 Robust Deepfake Detection Against
Content-Preserving Image
So far, the state-of-the-art deepfake detection models
have demonstrated their performance on standard deep-
fake datasets, including FaceForensics++, DFDC, and
Celeb-DF. Nevertheless, when the detection models
are subjected to testing using images that have under-
gone image content-preserving manipulations, such
as compression or transmission through online social
networks, the detect performance will be degraded.
In this paper, in addition to conducting cross-
dataset evaluation, we take both JPEG compression
and online social network (OSN) processing (Wu et al.,
2022) into consideration as representative of content-
preserving image manipulations to verify the robust-
ness of our proposed deepfake detection method.
4.3 Evaluation Results
Figure 1: Trained on FF++ HQ and evaluated in terms of (a)
AUC and (b) PRAUC, where the X-axis shows the (manipu-
lated) datasets used for testing.
Figure 2: Trained on CelebDF and evaluated in terms of (a)
AUC and (b) PRAUC, where the X-axis shows the (manipu-
lated) datasets used for testing.
Figure 3: Trained on DFDC and evaluated in terms of (a)
AUC and (b) PRAUC, where the X-axis shows the (manipu-
lated) datasets used for testing.
Our method was evaluated on three cases, that is, the
model was trained individually on one of the datasets,
FF++, Celeb-DF, and DFDC, but tested on each of
them. During testing on deepfake detection, each
dataset will also be processed through JPEG compres-
sion with Quality Factor (QF=
) and OSN (Online
Social Network) processing with a few different pa-
rameters, denoted as OSN10, OSN30, OSN50, and
OSN70, to imply different degrees of manipulations.
Both AUC (Area Under the Curve) and PRAUC
(Precision-Recall Area Under the Curve) were used as
the evaluation metrics. These metrics are known for
their objectivity and reliability in assessing model per-
Robust Image Deepfake Detection with Perceptual Hashing
formance, whether in typical scenarios or in situations
involving imbalanced datasets.
The deepfake detection results were shown in Fig.
1, Fig. 2, and Fig. 3 (best viewed in a color display),
where the blue and orange bars indicate the results
obtained from MADD and our method (MADD+hash
loss), respectively. It can be observed that the orange
bars are generally higher than blue bars, indicating
that the proposed hashing is efficient in improving
the generalization capability of MADD not only in
resisting content-preserving manipulations, including
JPEG and OSN attacks, but also in dealing with cross-
dataset detection. In particular, the performance gap
between the original MADD and MADD+our hashing
is large remarkably in several cases. Although it is not
shown here, we have also observed similar results for
SLADD trained on FF++.
In this paper, we have presented a perceptual image
hashing method that can be plugged into the existing
deepfake detection models to boost their performance
in resisting content-preserving image manipulations
in that the fake clues can be properly reserved under
JPEG compression and online social network process-
ing. The preliminary experimental results demonstrate
the effectiveness of proposed perceptual hashing. In
the future, we will further study and apply the idea of
perceptual hashing in other deepfake detection models.
This work was supported by the National Science and
Technology Council (NSTC), Taiwan, ROC, under
Grants NSTC 112-2221-E-001-011-MY2 and 112-
2634-F-001-002-MBK. We also thank Taiwan Cloud
Computing (TWCC) for providing computational and
storage resources.
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