Cryptocurrency Analysis: Price Prediction of Cryptocurrency Using
User Sentiments and Quantitative Data
Dayan Perera, Jessica Lim, Shuta Gunraku and Wern Han Lim
School of Information Technology, Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia
Cryptocurrency, Price Prediction, User-Generated Content (UGC), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM),
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), Bidirectional-LSTM, Deep Learning.
This research introduces an innovative approach to forecasting cryptocurrency prices by combining user-
generated content (UGC) and sentiment analysis with quantitative data. The primary goal is to overcome
limitations in existing methods for market forecasting, where accurate forecasting is crucial for informed
decision-making and risk mitigation. The paper suggests a robust prediction methodology by integrating sen-
timent analysis and quantitative data. The study reviews prior research on sentiment analysis and quantitative
analysis of cryptocurrency and stock price prediction. It explores the integration of machine learning and
deep learning techniques, an area not extensively explored before. The methodology employs Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Bidirectional LSTM and Gated Recurrent Unit
(GRU) models to capture temporal dependencies. Prediction accuracy is assessed using metrics including
Mean Squared Error (MSE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and a confusion matrix. Results show that
GRU models excel in prediction, while RNN models outperform in predicting price movements; with an em-
phasis on the significance of a suitable data preprocessing pipeline towards improving model performance. In
summary, this study demonstrates the effectiveness of integrating sentiment analysis and quantitative data for
cryptocurrency price forecasting using UGC data.
Cryptocurrencies have disrupted the financial land-
scape, ushering in a new era of digital assets that cap-
tivate investors and traders worldwide. Cryptocur-
rencies recorded peak total market capitalization at
USD 2, 953 billion in November 2021
. As these
decentralised digital currencies gain popularity and
are under the observation of regulators, predicting
their prices accurately becomes crucial for making in-
formed investment decisions and optimising trading
The volatility [Mu
c and Gr
zeta(2022)] and un-
predictability of the cryptocurrency market [Boukhers
et al.(2023)] pose formidable challenges to analysts
and investors alike. Current approaches for tradi-
tional fiat currencies or stock markets [Tang and
Chen(2018)] including quantitative analysis and news
article reactions on their own struggled to capture the
dynamics of these digital assets. Users do not con-
sume traditional news of cryptocurrencies much while
As reported by Statista
discussions were found to be prevalent on social me-
dia [Beck et al.(2019)].
In this paper, we delve into a novel method-
ology that integrates UGC sentiment analysis with
quantitative data to overcome the limitations of ex-
isting prediction methods. By combining (1) senti-
ment analysis, which reflects the emotions and opin-
ions of market participants; and (2) with quantitative
data representing market fundamentals and price pat-
terns we seek to create a more holistic, accurate
and robust prediction model. The synergistic effects
of these two distinct information sources can lead
to enhanced predictions, better risk assessment, and
improved decision-making for investors and traders.
Given the unstructured and noisy data, this research
also propose a data preprocessing pipeline.
This paper is structured as follows – section 2 pro-
vides a succinct overview of relevant works and their
findings, contextualising the purpose of this study. In
section 3, we outline our research objectives and elab-
orate on the approach taken, complemented by ex-
ploratory data analysis (EDA) on a collected dataset.
Subsequently, section 4 elucidates the experimental
Perera, D., Lim, J., Gunraku, S. and Lim, W.
Cryptocurrency Analysis: Price Prediction of Cryptocurrency Using User Sentiments and Quantitative Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0012315100003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 210-217
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
setup and rationale. The results and discussion are
presented in section 5, critically evaluating the out-
comes of the experiment. Finally, section 6 presents a
cohesive summary of key findings, achievements, and
implications for future research.
Most research on cryptocurrency and stock price pre-
diction can be categorised into one of two main ap-
proaches: (1) market sentiment analysis and (2) quan-
titative analysis. Another notable point of contrast in-
volves the comparison between machine learning and
deep learning techniques; however, only a few papers
have explored the combination of both approaches. In
this systematic literature review, we organise the sec-
tions to form an integral part of the system architec-
ture to provide a comprehensive overview of the rele-
vant research.
2.1 Price Prediction Models
Various methods have been employed to forecast
cryptocurrency values, including Logistic Regression
and LSTM models [Ammer and Aldhyani(2022)].
With the advancements in machine learning, par-
ticularly the deep learning models of today, atten-
tion has shifted towards the use of such technolo-
gies to build complex predictive models. One promi-
nent technology in this domain is a recurrent neural
network (RNN) variant known as the Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) [Hochreiter and Schmidhu-
ber(1997)]. LSTM is commonly used due to its effec-
tiveness in learning from long-term data, overcoming
the vanishing gradient problem found in traditional
RNNs. Furthermore, it has been discovered to excel
in forecasting price alterations [Armin et al.(2022)].
As a result, LSTM is widely used to train predictive
models, often in conjunction with other approaches
[Bin Mohd Sabri et al.(2022)] such as logistic re-
gressions [Ammer and Aldhyani(2022)], Ridge re-
gression [Armin et al.(2022)] and ARIMAX [Ser-
afini et al.(2020)]. Many of these approaches utilise
LSTM, with various architectures, particularly in the
dropout layers. Despite cryptocurrency prices be-
ing more volatile than stock prices, especially in the
absence of fixed trading windows or strict regula-
tions [Pervaiz et al.(2020)], an extension of LSTM
known as Stochastic LSTM can effectively account
for the randomness and fluctuations in prices [Jay
et al.(2020)].
2.2 Predictive Model Features
Various research studies make use of a wide variety
of features when attempting to predict stock or cryp-
tocurrency prices. Traditionally, financial attributes
such as the opening price, peak price, number of
transactions, and other related financial indicators are
commonly employed as features to train predictive
models [Awoke et al.(2020)]. The internet has made
information easily accessible, leading to the utili-
sation of new sources like Google Trends [Pervaiz
et al.(2020)] in predictive models. Cryptocurrency-
specific attributes, such as blockchain data, can also
be incorporated as features in the prediction process,
in addition to the traditional financial attributes [Ji
et al.(2019)].
The advent of social media has emerged as a
significant catalyst, generating a substantial amount
of commotion through the prolific creation of con-
sumable content on platforms like Twitter [Jay
et al.(2020)]. This phenomenon can serve as a
feature to assess the influence of social media on
both predicting and driving price movements espe-
cially when generated by key opinion leaders (KOL)
It is important to acknowledge the consistent find-
ings across various studies, revealing a correlation be-
tween stock prices and public sentiment expressed on
both traditional and social media platforms [Smith
and O’Hare(2022)]. Consequently, this research ex-
tends prior investigations to integrate public senti-
ments from social media [Sattarov et al.(2020)] as
features for price prediction models. This extension
is particularly pertinent for cryptocurrencies, charac-
terised by high volatility and inherent difficulty in pre-
diction. The extraction of such sentiments will be fa-
cilitated through the utilisation of state-of-the-art sen-
timent analysers as detailed in subsection 2.3.
2.3 Sentiment Analysis on Social Media
Sentiment analysis is a field that has been thor-
oughly researched and has its own set of estab-
lished approaches, including a variety of highly ef-
fective lexicon-based models [Adwan et al.(2020)].
These advancements have led to the widespread
use of popular pre-trained models such as VADER
[Hutto and Gilbert(2014)], enabling swift sentiment
analysis computation without compromising accu-
racy [Ibrahim(2021),Sattarov et al.(2020),Mohapatra
et al.(2019)]. It is worth noting that the inclusion of
sentiment analysis [Smith and O’Hare(2022)] has the
potential to enhance the models’ prediction perfor-
Cryptocurrency Analysis: Price Prediction of Cryptocurrency Using User Sentiments and Quantitative Data
mance of market movements. Since the primary focus
of this research is not on enhancing sentiment analy-
sis itself, we will utilise existing pre-trained models
for extracting sentiment features.
A challenge in extracting sentiments from social
media is the unstructured nature of UGC on such
platforms [Sasmaz and Tek(2021)]. Data prepro-
cessing is often necessary, which may include tech-
niques like stemming and removal of stop words.
[Ibrahim(2021)]. Moreover, platform-specific addi-
tions need to be handled with care such as the use
of hashtags as annotations on Twitter [Sasmaz and
Tek(2021)] or mentions creates a complex network
of content on the platform. Thus, researchers such
as Sebesti
ao H et al. [Sebasti
ao and Godinho(2021)]
have employed varying statistical methods, including
the Dickey-Fuller test, to perform enhanced data pre-
Based on the literature review discussed in section 2,
it was hypothesised that sentiment analysis on social
media content could serve as a reliable predictor for
cryptocurrency price trends. However, there is a need
for additional concrete data regarding the implemen-
tation and performance of sentiment analysis on so-
cial media content within the dataset. To confirm this
hypothesis, two-tailed t-tests were conducted to com-
pare the means of two groups, and simple linear re-
gression was employed to evaluate relationships be-
tween continuous variables.
Figure 1 visualised the correlations observed be-
tween the variables on the collected datasets outlined
in subsection 4.1
. Past research indicates that sen-
timent analysis can offer valuable insights into mar-
ket sentiment and its impact on cryptocurrency prices,
as discussed in the related works section. However,
sentiments alone may not be sufficient, as the find-
ings from Figure 1 reveal a positive relation yet weak
correlation (0.12) between sentiments and open or
close price. Similarly, a weak potential (0.037) was
observed in the volume variable for predicting the Bit-
coin prices. Thus in our research, both volumes and
sentiments have been employed in Bitcoin prediction
with the aim of enhancing and maximising the accu-
racy of our predictions.
Consequently, a new approach is proposed for our
experiment, combining sentiment analysis and vol-
ume to predict cryptocurrency trends. Equation 1
The dataset mainly retrieved and sourced from
describes the output gate of LSTM layers used in
our primary algorithms designed for sequence pre-
diction. These models are engineered to process
input sequences and generate predictions by lever-
aging patterns and dependencies within the data,
utilising their internal states. The LSTM model,
equipped with its specialised memory cell and gat-
ing mechanisms, excels at capturing long-term depen-
dencies in sequences, making it particularly effective
for modelling intricate temporal relationships [Sak
et al.(2014)]. We posit that its consideration of long-
term data contributes to improved predictions, align-
ing with our hypothesis.
= σ(W
· x
+ b
) (1)
Conversely, the RNN model relies on recurrent
connections to propagate information across time
steps and formulate predictions based on both cur-
rent and previous inputs. This characteristic is advan-
tageous when predicting price trends based on Vol-
ume [Valendin et al.(2022)]. Additionally, the RNN is
well-suited for price prediction when employing sen-
timent analysis, as it emphasizes the use of current
data. The GRU and the Bidirectional-LSTM are vari-
ants of the RNN and LSTM that perform more effi-
ciently and make use of other tricks to improve per-
formance. Therefore our approach incorporates RNN,
LSTM, Bidirectional-LSTM and GRU models opti-
mised through a basic Grid Search. Table 1 outlines
our best-performing models and their associated pa-
4.1 Datasets
The data used in this study was obtained from
two primary sources: Twitter and Kaggle datasets.
Specifically, our data training approach encom-
passed the time period from ’05/02/2021 10:00:00’ to
’05/10/2021 23:00:00, marked by a significant surge
in demand and the growing popularity of cryptocur-
rencies. We selected this timeframe with the expecta-
tion that it would provide a wealth of data and relevant
variables for our research. The combination of these
two sources resulted in a substantial dataset, compris-
ing more than 5799 observations. To maintain con-
sistency and coherence in the data, we conducted a
series of pre-processing steps to align their temporal
aspects. Given the diversity of data sources, this pro-
cess involved thorough data cleaning.
The Twitter data provided valuable insights into
sentiment dynamics, while the Kaggle dataset offered
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Correlation between Variables retrieved from Twitter and Kaggle.
information on cryptocurrency pricing trends. We fo-
cused on Twitter, motivated by its potential as a plat-
form housing reliable sources and extensive discus-
sions about cryptocurrencies, thereby enhancing the
value of our sentiment analysis. Employing a well-
structured pipeline, we utilised lemmatisation mod-
els to systematically process the content of tweets,
ultimately generating sentiment scores for individual
tweets. The resulting dataset, which formed the foun-
dation for subsequent training and testing, underwent
rigorous model training and testing procedures, con-
stituting the core of our analytical endeavours. The
dataset consisted of a total of nine variables, as indi-
cated in Table 2.
4.2 Data Cleaning
A proper data splitting method needed to be utilised
as simply using Scikit-learn’s TrainTestSplit led to er-
roneous results, as the method randomised the data.
This is incorrect given the sequential ordering nature
of the time series data. Moreover, handling missing
values required careful consideration due to the sig-
nificant number of data points with missing values.
Using a conventional imputer proved ineffective, as it
imputed the same value for all missing values in the
column. This approach is not suitable for time-series
datasets, which are prone to high variance. Therefore,
this research suggested the use of iterative imputer to
be used.
4.3 Data Scaling
Scaling is crucial, especially when the range of values
in columns differs. If left uncorrected, this discrep-
ancy can result in some variables having a dispropor-
tionately greater impact on the results simply because
they have larger values. Scaling brings all the vari-
ables to a similar range, allowing their true effect on
the results to be observed. Both Min-Max Normalisa-
tion and Standardisation were utilised, and the results
for each are presented in Table 3 for comparison.
Cryptocurrency Analysis: Price Prediction of Cryptocurrency Using User Sentiments and Quantitative Data
Table 1: Best Performing Models as Identified through Grid
Units: 64,
Return Sequences: True,
Activation: tanh
Units: 64,
Return Sequences: True,
Activation: tanh
Units: 64,
Activation: tanh
Dense Units: 1
Units: 64,
Return Sequences: True,
Activation: tanh
Units: 64,
Return Sequences: True,
Activation: relu
Units: 64,
Activation: tanh
Dense Units: 1
Units: 64,
Return Sequences: True,
Activation: tanh
Units: 64,
Return Sequences: True,
Activation: relu
Units: 64,
Activation: relu
Dense Units: 1
Units: 64,
Return Sequences: True,
Activation: relu
Units: 64,
Return Sequences: True,
Activation: relu
Units: 64,
Activation: relu
Dense Units: 1
4.4 Evaluation Measures
The models are evaluated using the following metrics:
Root Mean Squared Error(RMSE), Mean Squared Er-
ror(MSE) and a confusion matrix. This is achieved
through a row-by-row comparison, with the value of
0 indicating a price increase and the value of 1 in-
dicating a decrease. Meanwhile, RMSE and MSE
are utilised to assess the actual prices themselves.
The confusion matrix serves as a visual performance
assessment of the classification algorithm, evaluat-
ing how well the model predicts the price changes
[Ibrahim(2021)]. RMSE and MSE were chosen for
their effectiveness with regression-type data.
Table 2: Datasets Training Variables.
Variable Description
Date Date and time of the data point
(e.g., 2021-02-05 10:00:00)
Sentiment Sentiment score (range: 0 to 1)
User Follow-
Number of followers of the user
User Verified Whether the user is verified (0 or
Is Retweet Whether the data point is a
retweet (0 or 1)
Open Opening price of the financial in-
Close Closing price of the financial in-
Volume BTC Trading volume in Bitcoin
Volume USD Trading volume in U.S. dollars
We conducted experiments on four models: LSTM,
GRU, RNN, and Bidirectional-LSTM, evaluating
their performance through a combination of error
measures, a confusion matrix and graphs. The re-
sults are displayed in Table 3, indicating that the GRU
performed the best when considering both normalisa-
tion and standardisation with normalisation perform-
ing outperforming standardisation. This superiority
can be attributed to the GRU’s computational effi-
ciency compared to the other models, along with its
ability to better remember short-term data, which is
crucial for predicting cryptocurrency prices greatly
influenced by short-term events as well as a reac-
tionary market on social network sentiment. The visu-
alisations of the actual and predicted values over time
by RNN and GRU are illustrated in Figure 2, show-
casing GRU’s behaviour to be less volatile.
Table 3: RMSE values for RNN and LSTM variants. The
best-performing result is in bold.
Model Scaling RMSE MSE
LSTM Standardisation 1866 3482464
LSTM Normalisation 1214 1472836
RNN Standardisation 1185 1403514
RNN Normalisation 1099 1207855
Bi-LSTM Standardisation 1239 1534512
Bi-LSTM Normalisation 1020 1041181
GRU Standardisation 937 877861
GRU Normalisation 659 433958
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
(a) RNN
(b) GRU
Figure 2: Price prediction for RNN and GRU. Blue for the
predicted value and green for the actual value.
The preference for normalisation arises from the
fact that standardisation assumes a Gaussian distribu-
tion in the data. Additionally, our dataset lacks ex-
treme outliers, as Bitcoin prices in a short time win-
dow generally fall within a small range. This con-
dition favours normalisation, as standardisation typ-
ically excels when dealing with datasets containing
extreme outliers.
Figure 3 depicts experiments performed to deter-
mine the optimal window size, where window size
refers to the number of time steps (hours) the models
predict in advance. The number of time steps tested
ranged from 1 to 24 hours, and the results revealed
that the best-performing window size varied depend-
ing on the model. Interestingly, the window sizes of
24 and 17 appeared twice each in the optimal config-
uration of models. This variability in optimal win-
dow sizes is attributed to the models encoding differ-
ent amounts of long-term and short-term information.
Figure 3: Prediction accuracy for price increase or decrease
for each model. Only the best performing window size and
accuracy is shown due to space constraint.
In Figure 4, the confusion matrix for the optimal
models, identified by Table 3 and using a window size
of 17, is depicted. It is evident that when predicting
the price changes based on the polarity of prices, all
four models exhibit similar performance, with RNN
standing out in accurately predicting price increases.
This success can be attributed to the RNN’s reliance
on short-term memory, aligning well with the nature
of cryptocurrency prices that are predominantly influ-
enced by short-term events.
Figure 4: Confusion matrices for the price change predic-
tion (increase or decrease) of optimal models using a win-
dow size of 17.
This study also investigates the time of day when
the model performs the best. This categorical vari-
able is derived from the timestamps, corresponding
to specific segments of the day in Coordinated Uni-
versal Time (UTC), spanning from morning to night.
Significantly, the Afternoon‘ category emerges as the
Cryptocurrency Analysis: Price Prediction of Cryptocurrency Using User Sentiments and Quantitative Data
most accurate, indicating a notable surge in data vol-
ume during this time frame. This effectiveness can be
hypothesised to stem from its alignment with morning
hours in US time zones, particularly significant mar-
kets for BTC, where heightened trading activity and
increased Twitter engagement are prevalent.
This paper has presented the findings and outcomes
aimed at developing a predictive system for analysing
price trends of the highly volatile cryptocurrencies
such as Bitcoin using user sentiment from Twitter as
a popular User-Generated Content (UGC) platform
for discussion. The UGC dataset was generated from
the scraping of Twitter; temporal-mapped to the cryp-
tocurrency data from Kaggle. To do so, this paper ex-
plores and optimises four models – Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN),
bidirectional LSTM (bi-LSTM), and Gated Recurrent
Unit (GRU) for the task. The accuracy and relia-
bility of the predictions were then enhanced through
machine learning models and appropriate evaluation
GRU is the best-performing model based on Root
Mean Squared Error (RMSE), followed by Bi-LSTM.
This is due to its capabilities in remembering short-
term events. As such, the findings supported the hy-
pothesis for public sentiment as a price prediction fea-
ture. Besides that, the models were found to best
predict 17 to 24 hours in advance where the global
market does react slower despite the volatile nature of
cryptocurrency – thus investors are patient with a ten-
dency to hold and observe further, or it can be inter-
preted as slow reactors to public sentiment on UGC.
As a future work, we aim to explore the inclusion
of other UGC platforms and their sentiments to build
a more robust model. If more micro-economic data is
to be obtained, we would also like to explore smaller
temporal windows for price prediction for a more sen-
sitive model especially when there are anomalies in
the market such as during a rug pull.
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Cryptocurrency Analysis: Price Prediction of Cryptocurrency Using User Sentiments and Quantitative Data