Parameter Estimation of Macroeconomic Agent-Based Models Using
Evolutionary Computation
Takahiro Obata and Setsuya Kurahashi
Graduate School of Business Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo 112-0012, Japan
Macroeconomic Agent-Based Models, Parameter Estimation, Evolutionary Computations, Real-Coded
Genetic Algorithms.
This study reports the estimation of model parameters for a macroeconomic agent-based model (ABM) using
evolutionary computation methods. In an ABM, the parameter settings of the model are important in terms
of verifying the validity of its outputs, because the parameter settings are closely related to these outputs, and
determining whether the set parameters are appropriate. Conventionally, model parameters are qualitatively
set by researchers based on values confirmed from empirical studies in related fields. However, in recent years,
attempts to quantitatively determine model parameters using metaheuristic methods and Bayesian estimation-
based methods have become widespread. In this study, we attempted to estimate time-varying parameters using
a real-coded genetic algorithm, a type of evolutionary computation method, based on an inverse simulation
method, which has not been used in macroeconomic ABM parameter estimation. The analysis confirmed that
parameter estimation works well when the economic conditions to be assimilated are simple, whereas it is
difficult when economic conditions change in a short time, such as before and after economic shocks.
This study reports the estimation of model parameters
for a macroeconomic agent-based model (MABM)
using evolutionary computation methods. When de-
veloping an agent-based model (ABM), one of the
most important issues for researchers is whether the
parameters of the model are appropriate. In addition
to the appropriateness of the parameters, parameter
settings are important in terms of verifying the va-
lidity of the outputs of the developed ABM, because
parameter settings are closely related to the outputs
of the ABM (Fagiolo, 2018). Although researchers
generally set model parameters qualitatively by re-
ferring to values confirmed in empirical studies in
related fields, attempts to quantitatively determine
model parameters using metaheuristic methods or
Bayesian estimation have become widespread in re-
cent years (Delli Gatti, 2020). In this study, based
on the inverse simulation method proposed by (Ku-
rahashi, 1999) as a parameter estimation method, we
attempted to estimate the time-varying parameters of
an economic simulator using a real-coded genetic al-
gorithm (RCGA), a type of evolutionary computa-
tion method that has never been used for ABM pa-
rameter estimation in the macroeconomic field to our
knowledge. According to the analysis results, we
confirmed that parameter estimation works well when
the economic conditions to be assimilated are simple,
whereas it is difficult to estimate parameters when the
economic conditions change in a short time, such as
before and after economic shocks.
2.1 MABM
As a germ of research using ABMs in macroeconomic
analysis, some of the early studies were conducted
around 1960; however, it was not until the mid-2000s
that the use of ABMs became widespread. In partic-
ular, when the financial crisis occurred in 2008, there
was a movement to review economic analysis meth-
ods, partly because the crisis could not be predicted
using conventional analysis methods. Thus, the ef-
fectiveness of ABMs was recognized, and their use
expanded (Fagiolo, 2012).
While various models have been developed and
proposed in macroeconomic analysis utilizing ABMs,
a research paper that organized MABMs developed
since the 2000s (Dawid, 2018) identified seven major
Obata, T. and Kurahashi, S.
Parameter Estimation of Macroeconomic Agent-Based Models Using Evolutionary Computation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012313300003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 1, pages 205-212
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
MABMs/frameworks and summarized the character-
istics of each. One of these seven frameworks, com-
plex adaptive trivial systems (CATS), is frequently
used in studies focusing on emergent aspects of the
macroeconomy. (Caiani, 2016) proposed a bench-
mark model as a basis for various analyses of the
CATS framework. (Obata, 2023) listed a macroeco-
nomic approach, a sector-specific approach, and an
input–output approach as approaches for developing
an ABM to analyze the propagation of the impact
of economic shocks and developed a novel MABM
based on the benchmark model in (Caiani, 2016), uti-
lizing the strengths of each approach. In this study,
analysis is performed using a model that is an im-
proved version of the MABM developed in (Obata,
2023). The model details are presented later.
2.2 Parameterization of ABM and
Inverse Simulation Method
The setting of model parameters for ABMs is one of
the most important issues that researchers pay atten-
tion to when developing ABMs. In MABM research,
the validation of model parameters is typically con-
ducted by empirically confirming whether the output
and state of the model reproduce the stylized fact.
In recent years, attempts to estimate parameters us-
ing quantitative methods have increased, but no estab-
lished quantitative parameter estimation method ex-
ists (Delli Gatti, 2020). Quantitative model param-
eter estimation methods include metaheuristic meth-
ods and methods based on Bayesian estimation such
as particle filters ((Grazzini, 2017), (Lux, 2022)).
Although attempts to estimate model parameters
quantitatively are new to the field of MABM, vari-
ous methods have been used in ABM research as a
whole for more than 20 years. The inverse simulation
method proposed by (Kurahashi, 1999), (Kurahashi,
2013) is a pioneering study that attempted quantita-
tive parameter estimation. A typical simulation in-
volves developing a model with several parameters,
setting the parameters, running the simulation, and
adjusting the parameters based on the simulation re-
sults. Conversely, the inverse simulation method in-
volves the following process to solve a large-scale in-
verse problem:
1. designing a model with many parameters that rep-
resents the real world
2. setting up the evaluation function
3. simulation using evaluation function as objective
4. evaluation of the obtained initial parameters
Inverse simulation employs evolutionary computation
methods represented by genetic algorithms (GAs) as
parameter search methods. According to (Kurahashi,
2013), there are two approaches to the inverse simu-
lation method: one is to use it as inductive inference,
and the other is to use it as deductive inference. This
study attempts to estimate the parameters of MABMs
using an inverse simulation method while adopting
the former inductive reasoning approach.
2.3 Evolutionary Computations and
Evolutionary computations are multipoint search
methods wherein the computational algorithm is in-
spired by the evolution of organisms and swarm be-
havior to perform solution search. The common
features are as follows: the population of search
points are processed in parallel and the population is
changed, there is some kind of interaction among the
search points, stochastic actions are used to change
the population, and competitive actions work among
the search points, such as survival of the fittest.
A GA is a type of evolutionary computation that
incorporates the concept of natural selection, wherein
organisms that adapt to their environment survive and
those that fail to adapt die. It has the following char-
acteristics: (1) no assumption of differentiability of
the objective function is required, and (2) a global
search is possible. Although bit coding of 0 and 1 has
long been used as the genotype in GAs, when solv-
ing optimization problems with real-valued parame-
ters, the phase structure of the genotype space may
significantly differ from that of the phenotype space,
the real number space. Therefore, a child generated
from two-parent individuals close to each other in the
phenotype space may not necessarily be generated in
the neighborhood of its parent in the phenotype space,
even if it is in the neighborhood of its parent in the
genotype space.
An RCGA, which treats real-coded vectors as
genotypes, responds to these remarks (Wright, 1991).
Because an RCGA directly manipulates real-coded
vectors by crossover, it can generate sub-populations
in the neighborhood of the parent population in the
phenotype space. Therefore, compared with conven-
tional binary coding, the solution search efficiency for
real-coded problems is significantly improved. There
are various methods for RCGAs; however, in this
study, we use the distance-weighted exponential natu-
ral evolution strategy (DX-NES)(Fukushima, 2013), a
method that incorporates the concept of natural gradi-
ents. The literature reports that DX-NES improves the
performance of solution search as well as addresses
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
issues such as the bad scalability of the search area.
The MABM used in this study (hereinafter referred to
as the “current model” ) is the improved version of
the MABM developed by (Obata, 2023) (hereinafter
referred to as the “reference model”), which has been
improved by introducing the concept of capital goods,
etc. . In this section, we explain the main differences
from the reference model and discuss the simulation
results using the current model.
3.1 Major Differences Between
Reference and Current Models
The concept of capital equipment, which is one of the
remaining limitations of the reference model, is intro-
duced into the current model. All firms use capital
equipment to produce their products. The produc-
tivity of capital equipment, µ
, which represents the
number of products that can be produced per piece of
capital equipment, is set at 1.5 for all firms and all
capital equipment. The labor capital equipment ratio,
, which represents the maximum number of capi-
tal equipment that a worker can be equipped with, is
6.4. These two values were set referring to (Caiani,
2016). Thus, the maximum number of products that a
worker can produce in one step is 1.5 6.4 = 9.6. The
durability period of capital equipment, η
, was set to
20 steps (equivalent to 5 years in the real world). This
was determined by referring to the table of useful lives
of major depreciable assets published by the National
Tax Administration Agency of Japan. The firms deter-
mine the desired number of capital facilities assumed
for the current period using the following formula.
f i,t
= (1 + g
f i,t
f i,t1
f i,t
= γ
pc f r
f i,t1
+ γ
f i,t1
, (2)
where K
f i,t
denotes firm is desired number of capital
facilities in period t, g
f i,t
denotes the desired capital
facility growth rate, and K
f i,t1
denotes the number
of capital facilities owned in period t 1. γ
, γ
, ¯r,
and ¯u denote constants and are set to 0.01, 0.02, 0.03,
and 0.90, respectively. These values are taken from
(Caiani, 2016). pc f r
f i,t1
denotes the net asset cash
flow multiplier for firm i in period t 1, where the to-
tal capital equipment held is added to the calculation
of net assets, as defined in the reference model. The
investment amount of capital equipment purchased in
each period is not reflected in the operating cash flow
calculation because it is a capital transaction. There-
fore, the operating cash flows in the reference and cur-
rent models are the same. The net asset cash flow
multiples in the current model are as follows:
pc f r
f i,t
f i,t
f i,t1
f i,t
= reference models’ NW
f i,t
+ KV
f i,t
where KV
f i,t
denotes the total value of capital facili-
ties owned by firm i in period t. The capital equip-
ment owned by firm i is assumed to be depleted by
1/η ν
in each period. Firm i orders the quantity
of capital equipment it wishes to own, i.e., 1/η
f i,t
(1 + g
f i,t
), in each period. However, the abil-
ity to procure capital equipment based on the quan-
tity ordered depends on the availability of sufficient
products for capital equipment. The mechanism for
ordering and procuring capital equipment is based on
(Poledna, 2023), where the required quantity of cap-
ital equipment is aggregated by the industry attribute
of the firms, and the products produced by each firm
are provided according to its share of product sales in
the industry to which it belongs in the immediately
preceding period, rather than directly between indi-
vidual firms with supplier–customer relationships, as
in the case of product sales. Thus, a firm provides
the products it produces in proportion to its share of
product sales in its industry in the previous period.
Although the percentage of the products of each in-
dustry comprising a unit of capital equipment can be
set differently for each industry, in the setting of the
current model, the percentage of the products of each
industry comprising a unit of capital equipment is as-
sumed to be equal. The maximum quantity of prod-
ucts that a firm can provide for capital equipment in
each period is limited to 3% of the quantity of prod-
ucts manufactured in the period. How many products
a firm can produce depends on the number of workers
and intermediate input materials it has in the reference
model; however, in the current model, it also depends
on the number of capital facilities it has.
f i,t
= min{mat
1, f i,t
f i,1
2, f i,t
f i,2
,··· ,
n, f i,t
f i,n
f i,t
f i,t
where mats,
f i,t
denotes the quantity of intermediate
input materials s in stock for firm i in period t. inpq
f i,s
denotes the quantity of intermediate input materials
required by firm i to produce a unit of product, and
f i,t
denotes the number of workers employed by
firm i in period t. Because of the introduction of
the capital equipment concept in the current model,
the method of updating product markups has changed
from that in the reference model. The product markup
Parameter Estimation of Macroeconomic Agent-Based Models Using Evolutionary Computation
is the percentage that firm i adds to the product man-
ufacturing cost uc when setting the product price p
in step t, and their relations can be expressed as
f i,t
= uc
f i,t
f i,t
). In the reference model, the
only criterion for increasing or decreasing the prod-
uct markup is whether the product inventory ratio ex-
ceeds the threshold value ν. However, in the current
model, we introduced a capital equipment utilization
criterion, u
, and added another condition indi-
cating whether u
is more than 95%. This is
done to avoid raising the product markup when the
product inventory ratio becomes low under the con-
dition of low facility utilization. The current model
differs from the reference model in many other ways
because of the introduction of the capital equipment
concept (e.g., the capital equipment sales volume is
reflected in the calculation of expected product sales
volume). However, these are minor changes and will
not be explained here.
3.2 Simulation Results
This section reports the simulation results with the
model parameters based on the reference model.
Figure 1: Mean and standard deviation of each indicator
value obtained from ten trials of simulation up to 150 steps.
Figure 1 plots the mean value and ±1 standard de-
viation of the results of each trial, excluding the two
trials wherein the economy collapsed, after running
the 150-step simulation ten times. The price index
is calculated by taking the weighted average of the
average prices of firm and household products. Ac-
cording to the transition in nominal GDP, the standard
deviation is within a small range in the early stage
of the simulation; subsequently, the standard devia-
tion gradually increases. This movement is similar
to that of the reference model. As a common trend
observed in the other index values, the standard de-
viations are within a small range in the first 10–20
steps of the simulation. In the subsequent steps, the
standard deviations of the price index, unemployment
rate, and the number of corporate bankruptcies grad-
ually increase, whereas the standard deviations of the
real GDP growth rate and the rate of change in the
price index exhibit a slight tendency to increase until
steps 60-80; however, thereafter, they remain within
a narrow range. In the early stages of the simulation,
the results of each simulation are similar to those of
the reference model even though the degree of move-
ment is significant, partly due to the initial settings.
According to the standard deviation of the real GDP
growth rate and the price index change rate, the sim-
ulation results were mixed until approximately the
80th step, after which each simulation reached a sim-
ilar economic state. Excluding the initial stage by
the 35th step, where output fluctuations were signif-
icant, the average values per step (standard deviation
in parentheses) were as follows: nominal GDP growth
rate was approximately 0.73% (0.68%), price infla-
tion rate was 0.47% (0.14%), real GDP growth rate
was approximately 0.26% (0.68%), and GDP growth
rate was approximately 0.26% (0.68%). (0.68%) and
an unemployment rate of 23% (0.63%). These lev-
els are close to the reference model’s nominal GDP
growth rate of approximately 0.86% (0.9%), price in-
flation rate of 0.43% (0.08%), real GDP growth rate
of approximately 0.44% (0.9%), and unemployment
rate of 19% (3.3%).
Based on the MABM simulation results discussed in
the previous section, it takes approximately 80 steps
for the model behavior to converge to similar behav-
ior in each simulation. Therefore, when estimating
model parameters in evolutionary computation, the
results of simulation runs of up to 100 steps are used
as initial conditions with some buffer, and the model
parameters estimated using evolutionary computation
are reflected in the computation process of the simu-
lation after the 100th step.
As the parameter estimation method, DX-NES
is adopted, which is an evolutionary computation
method that has high solution search performance and
can achieve the optimal solution with fewer individual
evaluations. The parameters of DX-NES are set ac-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
cording to the reccomendation of (Fukushima, 2013),
except for the number of individuals explained later.
In the MABM parameter estimation in this study,
the evaluation values of the RCGA individuals depend
on the results of the MABM simulations. Therefore,
it is necessary to run MABM simulations to obtain in-
dividual evaluation values, which is computationally
expensive. DX-NES is suitable for the case in this
study. According to (Fukushima, 2013), because DX-
NES allows parallel execution of the solution evalu-
ation value calculation, the calculation time per gen-
eration does not significantly change even when the
number of individuals to be generated is increased to
the extent that parallel computing resources permit.
In this case, as the number of individuals generated
increases, the number of generations required to find
the optimal solution generally decreases. Consider-
ing the available machine specifications, the number
of individuals to be generated and evaluated per gen-
eration is set to 28.
The value of each individual is evaluated on the
basis of the absolute error between the time series of
each social indicator value to be assimilated and the
time series of social indicator values obtained from
the output of MABMs. The absolute error rather than
the squared error is used because we do not want
to focus on outliers in the output of the time series
but rather on the overall direction of the social in-
dicator values to be assimilated. The first step in
the process of calculating specific evaluation values
is to select the social indicators to be assimilated. In
this study, three indicators were selected: real GDP
growth rate, nominal GDP growth rate, and price in-
dex growth rate. Next, the MABM simulation is run
for 101-124 steps, using the set of MABM parame-
ters represented by the genes of each individual in the
evolutionary computation, and the social index values
are calculated on the basis of the output. The reason
why 24 MABM simulation steps are performed is that
the economic situation in an MABM artificial soci-
ety does not change immediately after each step, and
there is a lag until the impact of the parameters gen-
erated by evolutionary computation is reflected in the
economic situation. Even after the economic situation
is reflected, we cannot confirm whether the economic
situation is stable until a certain length of time has
passed. Finally, the absolute error between the social
indicator value to be assimilated and the social indi-
cator value obtained from the MABM is calculated,
and the sum of the absolute errors of the three social
indicator values is used as the individual’s evaluation
value. However, if the value of the gene of each indi-
vidual deviated from the initially set upper and lower
limits, the MABM simulation was not performed, the
absolute value of the value exceeding the upper and
lower limits was calculated for all genes possessed by
each individual, and the sum of these values multi-
plied by 100,000 was used as the evaluation value for
each individual as a penalty.
Because the MABM used in this study has many pa-
rameters, optimization using evolutionary computa-
tion is performed for parameters that affect agent be-
havior, excluding the setting parameters, such as the
number of agents, and parameters with external vari-
ables in the economic environment, such as policy in-
terest rates and tax rates.
5.1 Parameter Estimation Results
Table 1 shows the parameters estimated for parame-
ter optimization. For these parameters, the analysis
was performed in two patterns, one assuming stable
economic growth and the other assuming economic
In the case of stable economic growth, the pa-
rameters were optimized using evolutionary compu-
tation ve times using time-series data with 24 con-
secutive steps of 0.80% nominal GDP growth, 0.40%
price index increase, and 0.40% real GDP growth as
the transition of social indices to be assimilated to
these parameters. Conversely, in the case of an eco-
nomic downturn, the parameters were optimized us-
ing evolutionary computation five times using time-
series data with 24 consecutive steps of -0.40% nomi-
nal GDP growth rate, -0.20% price index growth rate,
and -0.20% real GDP growth rate as the social indica-
tors to be assimilated.
Table 2 shows the mean of the estimated values
of all individuals in the last generation of each trial
for both stable economic growth and downturns. Two
parameters for the capital equipment rate, u
and ¯u, were estimated to have lower values for sta-
ble growth. Because one condition for raising the
markup is for the capital equipment utilization rate
to be above u
, a lower u
is more likely
to promote a higher markup, leading to the conclu-
sion that prices are more likely to raise in the stable
growth case. ¯u denotes the threshold for increasing
the facility growth rate, and the lower the ¯u, the more
likely that the facility growth rate will increase. Be-
cause increasing the number of facilities and the quan-
tity of products produced leads to economic growth,
it is natural that the estimated value of ¯u is smaller
Parameter Estimation of Macroeconomic Agent-Based Models Using Evolutionary Computation
Table 1: List of model parameters to be estimated.
ν estimated inventory to product
sales volume ratio
0.10 1.00 0.00
λ weight of previous period’s val-
ues in the current period forecast
0.25 1.00 0.00
One of the thresholds at which
the markup is raised. Raise the
markup if capital equipment uti-
lization is above this threshold
and other conditions are also met
0.95 1.00 0.50
¯r One of the factors that determine
the capital equipment growth
rate. If the profit margin is above
this value, the capital equipment
growth rate may be increased.
0.03 0.20 0.00
¯u One of the factors that determine
the capital equipment growth
rate. If the capital equipment uti-
lization rate is above this value,
the capital equipment growth
rate can be increased.
0.90 1.00 0.50
γ1 One of the factors that determine
the capital equipment growth
rate. Adjustment terms for profit
0.01 0.10 0.00
γ2 One of the factors that determine
the capital equipment growth
rate. Adjustment term for capi-
tal equipment utilization.
0.02 0.10 0.00
w f c
Adjustment rate coefficient for
the number of workers.
0.50 1.00 0.00
One of the factors that determine
household consumption expen-
diture. Coefficient of household
0.40 1.00 0.00
One of the factors that determine
household consumption expen-
diture. Coefficient of household
0.25 1.00 0.00
for stable growth. adaptiveλ denotes a parameter that
affects each agent’s calculation of expectations, con-
trolling the weight between the actual and expected
values one period ago. The larger the adaptiveλ, the
greater the weight of the performance of the previ-
ous period. Therefore, a larger adaptiveλ may be
more likely to continue the previous period’s situa-
tion; however, whether this has a positive or negative
effect on the economy depends on the situation.
We review the evolution of economic indicators
that reflect the parameters estimated by evolutionary
computation in each economic situation. Figure 2
shows the evolution of each social indicator value for
stable growth. The graphs of all social indicators are
perfectly consistent up to the 100th step because the
common economic situation is read into the param-
eter estimation up to this step. The 101st step and
beyond show that nominal GDP is rising steadily and
the unemployment rate is declining. The mean value
(standard deviation) of each indicator value is as fol-
Table 2: Parameter estimation results.
Parameters Stable growth Downturn
ν 0.31 0.32
adaptiveλ 0.31 0.37
0.68 0.75
¯r 0.12 0.14
¯u 0.71 0.73
γ1 0.01 0.02
γ2 0.03 0.04
w f c
0.33 0.28
0.34 0.30
0.30 0.33
lows. The mean (standard deviation) of each indi-
cator value was +0.96% (+0.44%) for nominal GDP
growth, +0.82% (+0.08%) for price index growth, and
+0.14% (+0.39%) for real GDP growth. Figure 3
shows the same values for the economic downturn.
In Figure 3, the nominal GDP growth rate is flat im-
mediately after the 100th step, which is different from
the case of stable economic growth. The other major
differences from the stable growth case are the large
angle of the price index and the fact that the unem-
ployment rate, on average, remains flat. The nominal
GDP growth rate was +0.49% (+0.56%), the price in-
dex change rate was +0.92% (+0.14%), and the real
GDP growth rate was -0.43% (+0.52%), resulting in
lower nominal and real GDP growth rates than those
in the case of stable growth. Although the rate of price
index change exceeded the level of stable growth, be-
cause the three social index values were used to gener-
ate the individual valuation values, it may have been
easier to increase the individual valuation values by
reducing the errors in the two GDP growth rates, even
if the error in the rate of price index change increased.
This is an example of how evolutionary computation
may search for extreme solutions when there are mul-
tiple social indicators to be assimilated during param-
eter optimization. How to set the values of the social
indicators to be assimilated is for future studies.
Figure 2: Mean and standard deviation of transition of each
indicator value in stable growth case.
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Mean and standard deviation of transition of each
indicator value in downturn case.
5.2 Parameter Estimation in Cases
Where Economy Moves up and
down in the Short Term
Next, we tested whether appropriate parameter es-
timation can be performed even when the economy
moves up and down in the short term. When an eco-
nomic shock occurs, the economic situation changes
both before and after the shock. Therefore, it is nec-
essary to check whether the model parameters change
because of changes in the economic situation. There-
fore, assuming that there are ups and downs in the
economy, we prepared time-series data for a period
of stable growth before the economic shock, a pe-
riod of rapid economic decline, and a period of re-
covery after the shock was resolved; we conducted
parameter optimization. The initial eight steps of the
time-series data assumed stable growth, with nominal
GDP growth of 0.80%, price index growth of 0.40%,
and real GDP growth of 0.40%, followed by a shock
period for eight steps with nominal GDP growth of -
0.60%, price index growth of -0.20%, and real GDP
growth of -0.40%. Thereafter, the shock resolution
period for four steps is assumed during which the
nominal GDP growth rate, price index inflation rate,
and real GDP growth rate hover at 0.00%. Eventu-
ally, the economy returns to a period of stable growth
in four steps. We also performed parameter estima-
tion for ten parameters in the case of business fluctu-
ations. Table3 presents the results of parameter opti-
mization for the business fluctuation case. For ref-
erence, the results for stable growth and economic
downturn from the previous section are also included.
Table3 shows that many parameters are between the
two cases of stable growth and economic downturn,
or close to them.
After the 101st step in the case of business fluc-
tuations, the nominal GDP growth rate was +0.64%
(+0.51%), the price index growth rate was +0.79%
Table 3: Parameter search results for fluctuation case.
business (Reiterated) (Reiterated)
fluctuation Stable growth Downturn
ν 0.22 0.31 0.32
adaptiveλ 0.38 0.31 0.37
0.69 0.68 0.75
¯r 0.12 0.12 0.14
¯u 0.72 0.71 0.73
γ1 0.02 0.01 0.02
γ2 0.05 0.03 0.04
w f c
0.43 0.33 0.28
0.44 0.34 0.30
0.29 0.30 0.33
(+0.07%), and the real GDP growth rate was -0.13%
(+0.47%). The simulation results fall between stable
growth and economic downturn, implying that the es-
timation results capture the business fluctuation situ-
ation to some extent. Figure 4 shows the evolution of
each indicator simulated using the estimated parame-
ters for the business fluctuation case.
Figure 4: Mean and standard deviation of transition of each
indicator value in business fluctuation case.
Although the average values alone do not reveal
this, according to the output of individual simulators,
for example, there are cases wherein real GDP, af-
ter leveling off, exhibits an upward trend in the sec-
ond half of the period and cases wherein it exhibits a
downward trend in the middle of the period and levels
off in the last half, indicating that some of the charac-
teristics of the business fluctuation cases are captured.
However, overall, the economic transition was differ-
ent from the ups and downs in the economy. It is dif-
ficult to fit short-term upward and downward move-
ments when the model parameters are fixed through-
out the simulation period.
In this study, we attempted to estimate the parame-
ters of MABMs, which is an important issue when us-
Parameter Estimation of Macroeconomic Agent-Based Models Using Evolutionary Computation
ing an ABM, by RCGA. Conventionally, researchers
have set the parameters of ABMs by referring to styl-
ized facts. However, in recent years, an increas-
ing number of studies have attempted to estimate
the parameters of ABMs using quantitative methods
such as heuristic methods or Bayesian estimation-
based methods. In this study, we attempted to esti-
mate time-varying model parameters using evolution-
ary computation methods based on the concept of the
inverse simulation method proposed by (Kurahashi,
1999). From the experimental results, we confirmed
that parameter estimation by evolutionary computa-
tion works well in cases where the economic transi-
tion to be assimilated is stable. On this basis, we con-
firmed that parameter search using evolutionary com-
putation works well as an inverse simulation method.
Conversely, we confirmed that it is difficult to esti-
mate appropriate parameters in cases where the eco-
nomic situation to be assimilated changes in the short
term. One reason for this may be that it may be diffi-
cult to fit the economic fluctuations in the short term
with fixed model parameters.
One of our future tasks will be to develop a more
appropriate method of measuring the evaluation val-
ues of individuals in evolutionary computation. Cur-
rently, the absolute error is calculated for multiple so-
cial indicators to be assimilated, and the sum of these
values is used as the individual’s evaluation value.
However, it may be more appropriate to use a single
social indicator. As described in the previous section,
it is difficult to evaluate parameters when multiple in-
dicators are used, some of which are good while oth-
ers are not. The second issue is to develop a method
for capturing changes in parameter values in the short
term. In the analysis of this study, the economic sim-
ulator was run for 24 steps to evaluate each individ-
ual. The parameters used in the simulation reflected
the parameters estimated by evolutionary computa-
tion in the economic simulator only at the beginning
of the simulation, and the reflected parameters were
then continued. This is because the genes of each in-
dividual in the RCGA corresponded to each MABM
parameter. We would like to confirm as a future issue
whether it is possible to capture changes in parameter
values in cases wherein economic conditions change
in the short term by setting genes corresponding to
each parameter at each point in time.
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ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence