DiT-Head: High Resolution Talking Head Synthesis Using Diffusion
Aaron Mir, Eduardo Alonso
and Esther Mondrag
Artificial Intelligence Research Centre, Department of Computer Science, City, University of London, Northampton Square,
EC1V 0HB, London, U.K.
Talking Head Synthesis, Diffusion Transformers.
We propose a novel talking head synthesis pipeline called ”DiT-Head, which is based on diffusion trans-
formers and uses audio as a condition to drive the denoising process of a diffusion model. Our method is
scalable and can generalise to multiple identities while producing high-quality results. We train and evaluate
our proposed approach and compare against existing methods of talking head synthesis. We show that our
model can compete with these methods in terms of visual quality and lip-sync accuracy. Our results highlight
the potential of our proposed approach to be used for a wide range of applications including virtual assistants,
entertainment, and education. For a video demonstration of results and our user study, please refer to our
supplementary material.
Talking head synthesis is a challenging task that aims
to generate realistic and expressive faces that match
the speech and identity of a given person. In recent
years, there has been a growing interest in the de-
velopment of talking head synthesis models due to
their potential applications in media production, vir-
tual avatars and online education. However, current
state-of-the-art models struggle with generalising to
unseen speakers and limited visual quality. Most ex-
isting methods focus on person-specific talking head
synthesis (Chen et al., 2020; Doukas et al., 2021; Guo
et al., 2021; Shen et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2022; Ye
et al., 2023) and rely on expensive 3D structural rep-
resentations or implicit neural rendering techniques to
improve the performance under large pose changes,
but these methods still have limitations in preserving
the identity and expression fidelity. Moreover, most
methods require a large amount of training data for
each identity, which limits their generalisation ability.
With the rapid speed of innovation in machine
learning, we have better-performing models for
image-based tasks such as Latent Diffusion Models
(LDMs) (Rombach et al., 2021) that can generate
novel images of high fidelity from text with minimal
computational cost and Vision Transformers (ViTs)
(Dosovitskiy et al., 2020) that can capture global and
local features of images and learn effectively from
large-scale data. We argue that we should leverage
these models to address the challenges of talking head
synthesis in order to achieve higher fidelity and gen-
eralisation. We propose a novel talking head syn-
thesis model based on Diffusion Transformers (DiTs)
(Peebles and Xie, 2022) that takes a novel audio as
a driving condition. Our model exploits the powerful
cross-attention mechanism of transformers (Vaswani
et al., 2017) to map audio to lip movement and is de-
signed to improve the generalisation performance and
the visual quality of synthesised videos. Additionally,
DiTs are highly scalable, which can make them cost-
efficient and time-efficient for a variety of tasks and
dataset sizes.
The proposed model has the potential to signifi-
cantly enhance the performance of synthesised talk-
ing heads in a wide range of applications, including
virtual assistants, entertainment, and education. In
this paper, we present the main methods and techni-
cal details of our model, as well as the experimental
results and evaluation.
To summarise, we make the following contribu-
We design an LDM (Rombach et al., 2021) that
substitutes the conventional UNet architecture
(Ronneberger et al., 2015) with a ViT (Dosovit-
skiy et al., 2020; Peebles and Xie, 2022) that
can scale up, handle multiple types of conditions
and leverage the powerful cross attention mecha-
nism of incorporating conditions. Audio is used
Mir, A., Alonso, E. and Mondragón, E.
DiT-Head: High Resolution Talking Head Synthesis Using Diffusion Transformers.
DOI: 10.5220/0012312200003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 159-169
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
to drive the denoising process and thus makes the
talking head generation audio driven.
Facial contour information is preserved through
using a polygon-masked (Ngo et al., 2020)
ground-truth frame and a reference frame as ad-
ditional conditions. This lets the network focus
on learning audio-facial relations and not back-
ground information.
The proposed DiT-Head model can generalise to
multiple identities with high visual quality and
quantitatively outperforms other methods for talk-
ing head synthesis in visual quality and lip-sync
The remainder of the paper is organised as fol-
lows: Section 2 reviews related work on talking head
synthesis and explains the fundamentals of LDMs and
DiTs; Section 3 details our methodology; Section 4
reports our results; Section 5 discusses our findings,
limitations, future work, and ethical issues, and Sec-
tion 6 concludes the paper.
Talking Head Synthesis Models. Talking head
synthesis is the process of generating a realistic video
of a person’s face speaking, based on a driving in-
put. This technology has many potential applications
in areas such as virtual assistants, video conferencing,
and entertainment. In recent years, machine learning
models have been developed to improve the quality
of audio-driven talking head synthesis. These models
can be broadly divided into two categories: 2D-based
and 3D-based methods.
2D-based methods (Zakharov et al., 2019; Zhou
et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2019; Zhou et al., 2020;
Prajwal et al., 2020) use a sequence of 2D images
of a person’s face to synthesise a video of the per-
son speaking a given audio. Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al.,
2020) is a GAN-based talking head synthesis model
that can generate lip-synced videos from audio. This
method uses a lip-sync discriminator (Chung and Zis-
serman, 2016) to ensure that the generated videos
are accurately synchronised with the audio inputs.
Wav2Lip uses an audio feature, a reference frame
from the input video (a distant frame from the same
video and identity), and a masked ground truth frame
as inputs. This approach excels at producing accurate
lip movements for any person, but the visual quality
of the generated videos is suboptimal. This is because
there is a trade-off between lip-sync accuracy and vi-
sual quality. Furthermore, GAN-based models suf-
fer from mode collapse and unstable training (Wang
et al., 2022). More similar and concurrent to our
work, DiffTalk (Shen et al., 2023) uses a UNet-based
LDM to produce videos of a talking head. Smooth
audio and landmark features are used to condition the
denoising process of the model to produce temporally
coherent talking head videos.
3D-based methods (Chen et al., 2020; Doukas
et al., 2021; Guo et al., 2021; Shen et al., 2022;
Zhang et al., 2022; Ye et al., 2023), on the other hand,
use a 3D model (Blanz and Vetter, 1999) of a per-
son’s face to synthesise a video of the person speak-
ing the target audio. Meta Talk (Zhang et al., 2022)
is a 3D-based method which uses a short target video
to produce a high-definition, lip-synchronised talking
head video driven by arbitrary audio. The target per-
son’s face images are first broken down into 3D face
model parameters including expression, geometry, il-
lumination, etc. Then, an audio-to-expression trans-
formation network is used to generate expression pa-
rameters. The expression of the target 3D model is
then replaced and combined with additional face pa-
rameters to render a synthetic face. Finally, a neu-
ral rendering network (Ronneberger et al., 2015; Isola
et al., 2017)translates the synthetic face into a talking
face without loss of definition. Other 3D-based meth-
ods use Neural Radiance Fields (NERFs) (Mildenhall
et al., 2021) for talking head synthesis (Guo et al.,
2021; Shen et al., 2022). NERFs for talking head
synthesis work by modelling the 3D geometry and ap-
pearance of a person’s face and rendering it under dif-
ferent poses and expressions. They can produce more
natural and realistic talking videos as they capture the
fine details and lighting effects of the face and can
handle large head rotations and novel viewpoints as
they do not rely on 2D landmarks or warping (Guo
et al., 2021; Shen et al., 2022).
Both 2D-based and 3D-based methods have their
advantages and disadvantages. 2D-based methods are
computationally less expensive and can be trained on
smaller datasets, but may not produce as realistic re-
sults as 3D-based methods (Wang et al., 2022). 3D-
based methods, on the other hand, can produce more
realistic results, but are computationally more expen-
sive and require larger datasets for training (Wang
et al., 2022). Furthermore, 3D-based methods rely
heavily on identity-specific training, and thus do not
generalise across different identities without further
fine-tuning (Guo et al., 2021; Shen et al., 2022; Wang
et al., 2022).
Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs). LDMs (Rom-
bach et al., 2021) are a class of deep generative
models that learn to generate high-dimensional data,
such as images or videos (Yu et al., 2023; Blattmann
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
et al., 2023), by iteratively diffusing noise through
a series of transformation steps and then training a
model to learn the reverse process. Given real high-
dimensional data x, an encoder E (Esser et al., 2021)
can be used to learn a compressed representation of
x to generate latent representation z. Using maximum
likelihood estimation, LDMs can learn complex latent
distributions and generate high-quality samples from
them (Rombach et al., 2021; Lovelace et al., 2022;
Liu et al., 2023).
LDMs are versatile and can be applied to various
tasks such as image and video synthesis, denoising,
and inpainting. These type of generative model also
have the advantage of having a single loss function
and no discriminator, which makes them more sta-
ble and avoid GANs’ issues such as mode collapse
and vanishing gradient (Wang et al., 2022). More-
over, LDMs outperform GANs in sample quality and
mode coverage (Rombach et al., 2021; Dhariwal and
Nichol, 2021). However, LDMs have a slow infer-
ence process because they need to iteratively run the
reverse diffusion process on each sample to eliminate
the noise.
Diffusion Transformers (DiTs). Diffusion Trans-
formers (DiTs) are a recent type of generative model
that blend the principles of LDMs and transformers.
DiTs replace the commonly used UNet architecture
in diffusion models with a ViT and can perform better
than prior diffusion models on the class conditional
ImageNet 512×512 and 256×256 benchmarks (Pee-
bles and Xie, 2022). Given an input image, ViTs di-
vide the image into patches and treat them as tokens
for the transformer that are then linearly embedded.
This allows the ViT to learn visual representations ex-
plicitly through cross-patch information interactions
using the self-attention mechanism (Vaswani et al.,
Using transformers, DiTs model the posterior dis-
tribution over the latent space, which allows the
model to capture intricate correlations between the
latent variables. In contrast, standard LDMs use
the UNet architecture (Ronneberger et al., 2015) to
model the same correlations. Transformers have some
advantages over UNets in certain tasks that require
modelling long-range contextual interactions and spa-
tial dependencies (Cordonnier et al., 2019). They
can leverage global interactions between encoder fea-
tures and filter out non-semantic features in the de-
coder by using self- and cross-attention mechanisms
(Vaswani et al., 2017; Cordonnier et al., 2019). On the
other hand, UNets are based on convolutional layers
which are characterised by a limited receptive field
and an equivariance property with respect to trans-
lations (Thome and Wolf, 2023). In contrast, self-
attention layers of ViTs allow handling of long-range
dependencies with learned distance functions. Fur-
thermore, ViTs are highly scalable which assists in
handling a variety of image tasks of different com-
plexities and diverse datasets. These powerful mech-
anisms make the ViT an intriguing architecture for use
in multi-modal tasks such as talking head synthesis.
Conditioning Mechanisms of Diffusion Trans-
formers. Deep learning models often use condition-
ing mechanisms to incorporate additional information
(Rombach et al., 2021; Mirza and Osindero, 2014;
Cho et al., 2021). These mechanisms allow models
to learn from multiple sources of information and can
improve performance in many tasks. DiTs can incor-
porate conditional information in multiple ways and
can model conditional distributions as q(z|c), where c
represents the conditional information.
One such conditioning mechanism is concatena-
tion, which involves appending the additional infor-
mation to the input data. Although effective in nat-
ural language processing tasks like sentiment anal-
ysis, machine translation, and language modelling,
concatenation is less useful when dealing with high-
dimensional data of different modalities or unaligned
conditional information. A more effective condition-
ing mechanism is that of cross-attention (Vaswani
et al., 2017). The cross-attention mechanism of trans-
formers is a way of computing the relevance between
two different sequences of embeddings. For example,
in a vision-and-language task, the two sequences can
be image patches and text tokens. Cross-attention cal-
culates a weighted sum of the input data, where the
weights depend on the similarity between the input
data and the additional information. This mechanism
has shown to be effective in multi-modal conditioning
tasks e.g. text-to-image and text-to-video synthesis
(Rombach et al., 2021; Blattmann et al., 2023).
The aim of this work was to produce a viable ap-
proach to high-quality, person-agnostic, audio-driven
talking head video generation. We made use of
the powerful self- and cross-attention mechanisms of
DiTs in order to achieve this.
3.1 Data Pre-Processing and Overview
We employed a 2-stage training approach and an ad-
ditional post-processing step at inference-time to pro-
duce temporally coherent lip movements using a DiT
and incorporating audio features as a condition. For
DiT-Head: High Resolution Talking Head Synthesis Using Diffusion Transformers
data pre-processing, we used a face-detection method
(Zhang et al., 2017) to locate and crop the face from
each frame of the input video. This face crop is then
resized to H ×W ×3 where H N and W N. Next,
facial landmark information was extracted from these
images (Bulat and Tzimiropoulos, 2017) where face
images x R
. Finally, a convex hull mask
(Ngo et al., 2020) was created over a copy of these im-
ages using facial landmark information for boundary
definition where masked images x
. This
design choice greatly impacted the quality of gener-
ated videos as it further localised the learning power
of the self- and cross-attention mechanism used to
learn the relation between the jaw, lips and audio and
not the irrelevant information such as the neck, collar
etc. Additionally, in order to assist in lip and lower-
mouth generation and blending back into the ground-
truth video, we performed Gaussian α-blending to the
polygon mask. i.e. the boundaries of the polygon
mask were smoothed using a Gaussian kernel. For
input audio pre-processing, we sampled at 16kHz and
normalised in the range [1,1].
In the first stage, two autoencoders were trained
to faithfully reconstruct the ground-truth images and
images where the mouth is masked. In the second
stage, a DiT is trained whereby masked and reference
frames are used in addition to an audio feature as con-
ditions to drive the denoising process. The addition of
masked and reference frames make the process more
controllable and generalisable across different identi-
ties without requiring additional fine-tuning (Prajwal
et al., 2020; Shen et al., 2023). Thanks to the learn-
ing mode of the latent space, the model can achieve
high-resolution image synthesis with minimal com-
putational costs.
In the next sections, we will provide details of the
proposed DiT-Head pipeline including all stages. Fig-
ure 1 shows a visual overview of our architecture.
3.2 Stage 1: Latent Feature Generation
Taking our masked and ground-truth images, we
trained two VQGANs (Esser et al., 2021) to retrieve
the latent codes of the images with masks (E
) and
ground-truth images (E). Firstly, vector quantisation
(Van Den Oord et al., 2017) was applied to the con-
tinuous latent space which involves mapping contin-
uous latent vectors to discrete indices, which are then
used to represent the compressed latent space. The
decoder for the unmasked images, (D) is only used
for the final output and its weights and those of the
encoders are fixed during DiT training. We reduced
the dimensionality of the input face image by en-
coding it into a latent representation with a smaller
H and W by a factor f where H/h = W /w = f .
This made the model learn faster and with less re-
sources. The input face image x R
can be
encoded into z
= E(x) R
if it is unmasked,
or z
= E
(x) R
if it is masked.
3.3 Stage 2: Conditional Diffusion
In LDMs, a forward noising process is assumed
which transforms sample z
of the latent space to a
noise vector through a series of T steps of diffusion.
The diffusion process is defined by a Markov chain
(Geyer, 1992) that starts from the data distribution
(z) and ends at a simple prior distribution q
such as a standard Gaussian. At each step t, the la-
tent variable z
is corrupted by adding Gaussian noise
N (0,β
I), where β
is a noise level that increases
with T steps (Ho et al., 2020). The full forward pro-
cess can be formulated as,
) :=
where the Gaussian noise transition distribution at
each step t is given by:
) := N (z
1 β
where β
(0,1) and 1 β
represent the hyper-
parameters of the noise scheduler. As defined by (Ho
et al., 2020), using the rule of Bayes and the Markov
assumption, we can write the latent variable z
) := N (z
, and α
= 1β
. Then, the re-
verse process q(z
) can be formulated as another
Gaussian transition (Xu et al., 2023):
) := N (z
where µ
and σ
denote parameters of a neural
network ε
. In our work, the DiT was used as ε
learn the denoising objective such that we optimise:
= E
ε ε
where the added noise ε is predicted given a
noised latent z
where z
is the result of applying for-
ward diffusion to z
and t [1,..., T ]. ˜z
= z
is the denoised version of z
at step t. The final de-
noised version ˜z
is then mapped to the pixel space
with the pre-trained image decoder ˜x = D( ˜z
) where
˜x R
is the restored face image.
Since we want to train a model that can create a
realistic talking head video with the mouth in sync
with the audio and the original identity is matching,
audio features were used to condition the DiT.
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Audio Encoding. To incorporate audio information
as a condition for talking head synthesis, we made
use of a pre-trained Wav2Vec2 model (Baevski et al.,
2020). Wav2Vec2 is a deep neural network model
for speech recognition and processing, designed to
learn representations directly from raw audio wave-
forms without requiring prior transcription or pho-
netic knowledge. The architecture is based on a com-
bination of convolutional neural networks and trans-
formers, and is trained using a self-supervised learn-
ing approach (Baevski et al., 2020).
In our approach, for a given input video, the pre-
processed audio was converted to audio features us-
ing Wav2Vec2 (Baevski et al., 2020). From this audio
and using the pre-trained model, individual features
can be extracted for each frame of the video. We con-
catenated 11 audio features per frame to create an au-
dio feature window of 11 (each frame at time-step t
is associated with features from 5 frames prior and 5
frames after). Each concatenated feature window rep-
resents 0.44s of speech if the input video is sampled at
25 FPS. By concatenating audio information this way,
we provided audio-visual temporal context. After in-
troducing audio signals as a condition, the objective
can be re-formulated as:
= E
ε ε
where the concatenated audio features for the i-th
frame are denoted as a 363-dimensional vector, a
. This audio feature is then further encoded using
a linear transformation to a
where hidden
is the hidden dimension.
Person-Agnostic Modelling. Our goal was to cre-
ate a model that can produce realistic lip movements
for various people and speakers. To achieve this,
we used a reference image as an input to our model,
following the approach of Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al.,
2020). The reference image x
contains information
about the person’s face, head orientation and back-
ground. It is a random face image of the same person
as the target frame, but from a different segment of
the video (at least 60 frames away). We also used a
masked image x
as another input to guide the model
for mouth region inpainting without relying on the
real lip movements.
However, since DiT works in the latent space, we
used E and E
to retrieve the latent representations
of x
and x
respectively where z
= E (x
) R
and z
= E
) R
. Our final optimisation
objective can be re-formulated as:
= E
ε ε
Conditioning Implementation. In order to inte-
grate the conditioning information to the DiT, we used
concatenation and cross-attention. We concatenated
the spatially aligned z
and z
and noised input la-
tent z
channel-wise. This was used as the input for
the first layer of the DiT and introduced the masked
ground-truth and reference frame as conditions to
drive the inpainting process resulting in z
Furthermore, the audio condition, a and time-step
embedding, t were concatenated channel-wise and
then introduced to the DiT via cross-attention. In
our model, the spatially aligned concatenated latents,
serve as the query, while the concatenated audio
feature a and time-step embedding t served as the
key and value during cross-attention (Vaswani et al.,
3.4 Evolving Inference and Output
A Denoising Diffusion Implicit Model (DDIM) (Song
et al., 2020) was used as the sampling method to
perform denoising during inference. This method of
sampling is faster than the original Denoising Diffu-
sion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) (Ho et al., 2020)
method. While both DDPM and DDIM are based
on the diffusion process, they differ in their approach
to modelling it. DDPM uses a neural network to
model the data distribution and reduce noise step-by-
step while DDIM learns the mapping from the data
to the solution of a time-dependent partial differential
equation that models the diffusion implicitly. Overall,
DDIM can produce high-quality samples using less
denoising steps (Song et al., 2020).
When generating a talking head video during in-
ference, we provided the exact same conditioning as
in training for the first frame (a masked image, a
random reference image and a concatenated audio
feature) however the ground-truth image latent z is
substituted with noise. In addition, for subsequent
frames, we use the generated noise latent at time-
step t of the previous frame, z
, as the reference
latent z
as proposed by (Shen et al., 2023; Bigioi
et al., 2023). In this way, the generated face of the
previous frame is used to provide temporal contex-
tual information for the generation of the next frame
and results in a smoother evolution between frames
at the output. During inference, we use 250 DDIM
steps and the denoised output from the DiT for the
i-th frame, ˜z
, is decoded through the un-
masked image decoder D to obtain output face image
= D( ˜z
) R
DiT-Head: High Resolution Talking Head Synthesis Using Diffusion Transformers
Figure 1: The DiT-Head architecture. We train a diffusion-based model for generalised talking head video synthesis and use
a DiT to learn the denoising process. The latent representations of the ground-truth image x
, reference image x
and masked
ground-truth x
are extracted using VQGAN encoders E and E
. The latent representations of the reference image z
masked ground-truth z
are concatenated with noise at time-step t, z
, to produce intermediate representation z
. Additionally,
we utilise the powerful cross-attention mechanism of transformers to introduce audio as a condition.
3.5 Stage 3: Post-Processing
We applied video frame-interpolation (VFI) on the
resulting video in order to alleviate temporal jitter
around the mouth region. This temporal jitter is com-
mon when attempting to iteratively generate tempo-
rally coherent images using diffusion-based models
(Blattmann et al., 2023). VFI is a technique that can
generate intermediate frames between two consecu-
tive frames in a video, resulting in a smoother and
more realistic motion. We performed 2x interpola-
tion using the RIFE (Real-time Intermediate Flow Es-
timation) (Huang et al., 2020) model which uses a
neural network that can directly estimate the inter-
mediate flows from images, without relying on bi-
directional optical flows that can cause artifacts on
motion boundaries (Huang et al., 2020).
3.6 Training Details
6 hours of randomly selected footage from the HDTF
dataset (Zhang et al., 2021), containing high-quality
videos of diverse speakers, facial expressions and
poses, was re-sampled to 25 FPS and used for train-
ing. We randomly shift the mask and landmarks by
a few pixels during training to improve the model’s
generalisation ability and use a Gaussian kernel of
size 27 × 27 and σ of 5 for our mask. Our VQ-
GANs (Esser et al., 2021) use a downsampling fac-
tor of f = 4, produce an intermediate embedding of
z R
and use a learnable codebook of N
In our experiments, H = 256, W = 256, N
= 16384
and our pre-trained Wav2Vec2 (Baevski et al., 2020)
model was wav2vec2-large-xlsr-53-english. For the
diffusion process, we use the same hyperparameters
from ADM (Dhariwal and Nichol, 2021). Our learn-
ing rate was constant at 1×10
and our model had a
patch size of 2, 24 DiT blocks, 16 attention heads and
a hidden dimension of 1024 (DiT-L/2 (Peebles and
Xie, 2022)). The two VQGANs and DiT were trained
for 72 hours each using 4 A100 GPUs.
4.1 Evaluation Details
Our model was evaluated quantitatively on 11 un-
seen identities (around 18 minutes of video at 25
FPS) from our randomly selected HDTF (Zhang
et al., 2021) test set using ground-truth driving audio.
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) (Kotevski and
Mitrevski, 2010), Structural Similarity Index Mea-
sure (SSIM) (Wang et al., 2004), Learned Percep-
tual Image Patch Similarity (LPIPS) (Zhang et al.,
2018), Fr
echet Inception Distance (FID) (Heusel
et al., 2017), LSE-C (Lip Sync Error - Confidence)
(Prajwal et al., 2020) and LSE-D (Lip Sync Error -
Distance) (Prajwal et al., 2020) are used as quantita-
tive metrics. PSNR measures the pixel error between
the original and reconstructed image (Kotevski and
Mitrevski, 2010). Higher PSNR means better quality.
SSIM measures the similarity between the original
and reconstructed image by comparing their structure,
brightness and contrast (Wang et al., 2004). Higher
SSIM means more similarity. LPIPS measures the
perceptual similarity between two images by compar-
ing their features from a deep network (Zhang et al.,
2018). It aims to quantitatively reflect how humans
perceive images (Zhang et al., 2018). FID measures
the realism of generated images by comparing their
distributions with ground-truth images using their fea-
tures from an Inception network (Heusel et al., 2017).
Lower scores for LPIPS and FID mean better quality.
LSE-C and LSE-D are based on SyncNet (Chung and
Zisserman, 2016), which is a lip-sync scorer.
We compared padded face-crop videos from DiT-
Head to padded face-crop videos from other talking
head synthesis methods such as MakeitTalk (Zhou
et al., 2020) and Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020).
This reduces background bias but adds a padded area
for blending assessment. MakeitTalk (Zhou et al.,
2020) and Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020) were cho-
sen as they are among the current state-of-the-art for
2D-based person-agnostic talking head synthesis with
public implementations available. These implementa-
tions were used to generate the output videos. Table
1 presents our quantitative findngs, which includes a
quantitative comparison between MakeItTalk (Zhou
et al., 2020), Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020) and DiT-
Head w/o Stage 3. We use DiT-Head w/o Stage 3
for a fair comparison between frames and because the
lip-sync scorer (Chung and Zisserman, 2016) used
for LSE-C(Prajwal et al., 2020) and LSE-D (Pra-
jwal et al., 2020) metrics operates only on 25 FPS
videos. Our qualitative findings are presented in Fig-
ure 2, which provides a visual comparison between
MakeItTalk (Zhou et al., 2020), Wav2Lip (Prajwal
et al., 2020) and DiT-Head.
4.2 Quantitative Comparisons with
Other Methods
Among the three methods, Table 1 shows that
Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020) performs better than
DiT-Head in lip-sync, as it has a lower LSE-D (Pra-
jwal et al., 2020), which measures the lip shape er-
ror on the whole region. DiT-Head w/o Stage 3 has
a higher PSNR (Kotevski and Mitrevski, 2010) and
SSIM (Wang et al., 2004) in addition to lower LPIPS
(Zhang et al., 2018) and FID (Heusel et al., 2017) than
Wav2Lip. However, DiT-Head also has a lower LSE-
C (Prajwal et al., 2020), which measures the lip shape
error on the center region. MakeItTalk (Zhou et al.,
2020) has the lowest PSNR (Kotevski and Mitrevski,
2010), SSIM (Wang et al., 2004) and LSE-C (Prajwal
et al., 2020) as well as the highest LSE-D (Prajwal
et al., 2020), LPIPS (Zhang et al., 2018) and FID
(Heusel et al., 2017) among the three methods.
4.3 Qualitative Comparisons with
Other Methods
Figure 2 shows that MakeItTalk (Zhou et al., 2020)
fails to preserve the pose of the input video and re-
sults in incorrect head movements and facial align-
ment, which are especially noticeable in the second
identity. MakeItTalk (Zhou et al., 2020) also pro-
duces outputs with little expression, as it cannot cap-
ture the subtle changes in the facial muscles that con-
vey emotions. On the other hand, Wav2Lip (Pra-
jwal et al., 2020) achieves the most accurate lip shape
and expression among the three methods. How-
ever, Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020) suffers from
low quality and blurriness around the mouth region.
Moreover, Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020) generates
a bounding box around the lower-half of the face,
which can be seen as a sharp edge in some cases.
This is more noticeable in Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al.,
2020) on the second identity compared to DiT-Head.
DiT-Head can generate high-resolution outputs with
smooth transitions between the generated and origi-
nal regions. However, DiT-Head has less accurate lip
shape and expression than Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al.,
2020). Furthermore, it can be seen that both Wav2Lip
(Prajwal et al., 2020) and DiT-Head produce less fine-
detailed texture of the face when compared to the
ground-truth however the lip colour is more accu-
rate in Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020). We recognise
that lip-sync quality is highly subjective. Hence, we
encourage readers to view videos in our supplemen-
tary material (http://bit.ly/48MgiEr) for a more accu-
rate reflection of the qualitative differences and the
findings of our user study on visual quality, lip-sync
quality and overall quality of DiT-Head compared to
MakeItTalk (Zhou et al., 2020) and Wav2Lip (Prajwal
et al., 2020).
DiT-Head: High Resolution Talking Head Synthesis Using Diffusion Transformers
Figure 2: Qualitative comparison between DiT-Head and other 2D-based talking head synthesis methods (MakeItTalk (Zhou
et al., 2020), Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020)). We encourage readers to view the supplementary video for a more accurate
reflection of the qualitative differences between approaches.
Table 1: Quantitative comparison on the test set between other 2D-based talking head synthesis methods (MakeItTalk (Zhou
et al., 2020), Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020)) and DiT-Head w/o Stage 3. DiT-Head w/o Stage 3 was used for a fair comparison
between frames. The best performance is highlighted in bold.
MakeItTalk (Zhou et al., 2020) 22.47 0.73 0.207 55.20 3.40 11.4
Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020) 27.09 0.847 0.104 15.37 10.78 5.32
DiT-Head w/o Stage 3 28.37 0.872 0.0856 10.31 3.60 10.49
We aimed to compare different methods for talk-
ing head synthesis and to propose a novel method
that can generate high-resolution and realistic outputs.
The quantitative and qualitative results show that our
model is competitive against other methods in terms
of quality, similarity and lip shape accuracy.
Table 1 suggests that DiT-Head achieves the high-
est PSNR (Kotevski and Mitrevski, 2010) and SSIM
(Wang et al., 2004) compared to other methods, in-
dicating the highest fidelity and similarity to the in-
put video, as well as the lowest LPIPS (Zhang et al.,
2018) and FID (Heusel et al., 2017), indicating the
lowest perceptual and Fr
echet distance from the in-
put video. This suggests that DiT-Head preserves the
identity and expression of the ground-truth better than
the other methods. However, Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al.,
2020) performs the best in both LSE-C (Prajwal et al.,
2020) and LSE-D (Prajwal et al., 2020), indicating
the most accurate lip shape on the center region and
a similar lip shape on the whole region. This can be
explained by the powerful lip-sync discriminator used
in Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020) that ensures realistic
lip movements and a perceptual loss that preserves the
expression of the input. In contrast, DiT-Head outper-
forms MakeItTalk (Zhou et al., 2020) in both LSE-C
(Prajwal et al., 2020) and LSE-D (Prajwal et al., 2020)
and uses only a reconstruction loss with no lip-sync
discriminator which trains in a more stable manner
and is not prone to mode collapse.
Although we recognise lip-sync quality is highly
subjective, the qualitative results in Figure 2 also
highlight the benefits of our model over the ex-
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
isting methods. Our model can generate high-
resolution outputs with smooth transitions between
the generated and original regions, as it uses frame-
interpolation (Huang et al., 2020) and a temporal au-
dio window to enforce temporal context. This en-
hances the quality and sharpness of the face. Our
model can also capture the pose and expression of
the input video better than MakeItTalk (Zhou et al.,
2020), which uses a single identity image and audio
to drive the talking head. Therefore, it cannot cap-
ture the identity and expression of the input as well
as the other methods, nor can it generate realistic lip
movements. Moreover, our model can avoid the blur-
riness and artifacts that affect Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al.,
2020), which is trained on low-resolution images and
generates a bounding box around the lower-half of the
face. Both Wav2Lip (Prajwal et al., 2020) and DiT-
Head produce less fine-detailed texture of the face
when compared to the ground-truth which shows that
both methods may lose some high-frequency infor-
mation in the face.
5.1 Limitations and Future Work
Despite the promising results of our deep learning
model for talking head synthesis, we acknowledge
there are some limitations that need to be addressed
in future work. A drawback of our work is that
our model employs a ViT model (Dosovitskiy et al.,
2020; Vaswani et al., 2017) that requires a lot of com-
putational resources and training time to achieve its
high performance for multi-modal learning. Further-
more, we only train using a pre-trained audio model
(Baevski et al., 2020) for English speakers therefore
DiT-Head cannot be effectively expanded to multiple
Our model is scalable, but we aim to optimise
our procedures to reduce the computational cost and
speed up the training process by using flash-attention
(Dao et al., 2022). We also plan to explore tempo-
ral finetuning of the autoencoders to address the tem-
poral jitter issue (Blattmann et al., 2023). Moreover,
we acknowledge that the inference process for diffu-
sion models is slower than GAN-based approaches,
which is an open research problem for diffusion mod-
els. However, we still achieve a speedup compared to
most person-specific 3D-based methods. For exam-
ple, DFRF (Shen et al., 2022) takes about 130 hours
to finetune on a specific speaker and 4 hours to ren-
der a 55-second video at 720x1280 pixel size at 25
FPS (using default settings, excluding pre-processing
or post-processing) on a single RTX 3090, while DiT-
Head can produce a talking-head video of the same
speaker with any driving audio in 8 hours on the same
hardware. We believe that by addressing these limi-
tations, our model can become a viable approach for
person-agnostic talking head synthesis that can gen-
erate realistic and expressive videos.
5.2 Ethical Considerations
Talking head synthesis models can create realistic
videos of people speaking with any content, but they
can also create “deepfakes” that manipulate or de-
ceive others (Korshunov and Marcel, 2022). Deep-
fakes can harm individuals and groups in various
ways and erode the trust and credibility of information
sources. Thus, methods to detect, prevent, and regu-
late the misuse of talking head synthesis models are
needed. To address this threat, users of DiT-Head for
talking head generation will need to authenticate their
credentials and watermark generated videos. We did
not watermark our training dataset due to time con-
straints, but we plan to do so in future work to avoid
deepfakes generated by users of our model.
We have introduced a novel and advanced solution for
talking head synthesis, DiT-Head, that does not de-
pend on the person’s identity and harnesses the pow-
erful self- and cross-attention mechanisms of a DiT
as opposed to UNets which suffer from a limited con-
volutional receptive field and GANs that suffer from
unstable training and mode collapse. Our method
outperforms existing ones in creating high-quality
videos. The DiT enables our method to model the
audio-visual-temporal dynamics of the input videos
and produce realistic facial movements. In particu-
lar, the cross-attention mechanism allows our method
to fuse audio and visual information for a more nat-
ural and coherent output. Our method opens up new
possibilities for various applications in entertainment,
education, and telecommunications. Of course, fur-
ther work is needed to fully validate our technique:
We are planning to extend the testing and validation
of the model to faces from different ethnic groups (not
just white ones) and to different languages (not only
English) to avoid biases; and to expand the talking
head synthesis and lip synchronization to more real-
istic cases such as blurred/low resolution images, oc-
cluded faces and real world scenarios involving not
only straight, ID-type faces.
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