Triadic Rules for Analysis of Productive and Well-Being Social in
Activity-Based Working Environments
Thiago H. C. Oliveira
, Mark A. J. Song
and Luis E. Z
Applied Computational Intelligence Laboratory – LICAP, Computer Science Department,
Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
Activity Based Working Environments, Data Mining, Longitudinal Data Mining, Triadic Concept Analysis,
Triadic Rules.
A longitudinal database records data and its variations over a period of time. The objective of this article
is to use this resource, together with the Triadic Concept Analysis theory, to analyze and characterize how
employees adapted and felt before, during and after the implementation of an activity-based work environment
which is defined as a flexible work setting where employees have the autonomy to choose where they perform
their tasks, seeking locations that offer optimal solutions in terms of social interaction, communication, and
collaboration. The results seek to support the implementation of this concept, verifying how, and under what
conditions, key points of employee experiences vary over time.
Longitudinal studies involve the collection and anal-
ysis of data from the same sample of objects or indi-
viduals over consecutive time periods referred to as
waves. These studies can be applied to various ar-
eas of interest, such as health, social studies, ecology,
among others. For example, in the social work con-
text, these studies allow for the analysis of an indi-
vidual’s behavior before, during, and after a specific
organizational change, whether related to the individ-
uals themselves or influenced by the environment in
which they interact. Playing an essential role in ver-
ifying and identifying temporal behavioral patterns,
longitudinal studies become a valuable source for val-
idating and describing appropriate procedures to en-
sure the well-being of individuals in work environ-
An Activity-Based Working Environment (ABW)
is characterized by being a flexible work environment
where employees have autonomy to choose where to
perform their tasks, seeking locations that offer the
best solutions related to social, communication, col-
laborative, and well-being aspects.
With the constant advancement of information
technology and the increasing connectivity of work
environments, the ABW concept has stood out, aim-
ing to optimize usable spaces, increase productivity,
foster information exchange, and enhance the well-
being and mental health of employees.
This study considers a longitudinal study regard-
ing the implementation of an activity-based working
environment (ABW) (Halldorsson et al., 2022) to ex-
tract information related to the fluctuation of satis-
faction and productivity metrics: a) before the im-
plementation of ABW, b) during the implementation
of ABW; and c) after the implementation of ABW;
and establish the relationship between these changes
considering the temporal aspect. The goal is to assist
decision-making regarding the adoption or not of this
type of work environment in a business office. The
longitudinal study considered in this work contains 11
variables tracking 100 employees before, during, and
after the application of the Activity-Based Working
Environment concept in their workplace.
For the description of employee behavior patterns
subjected to the ABW concept, this work is based on
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), which is a branch
of applied mathematics related to the theory of con-
ceptual lattices, constructed from a dataset composed
of objects, attributes, and their incidence relationships
(Ganter et al., 1999). Through Triadic Concept Anal-
ysis (TCA), an extension of FCA that allows intro-
ducing a third condition, such as time, it is possible
Oliveira, T., Song, M. and Zárate, L.
Triadic Rules for Analysis of Productive and Well-Being Social in Activity-Based Working Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0012309800003657
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2024) - Volume 2, pages 293-299
ISBN: 978-989-758-688-0; ISSN: 2184-4305
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
to identify temporal relationships for changes in vari-
ables of interest over time, such as aspects of satis-
faction, stress, psychological factors, etc. These rela-
tionships can also be characterized using association
rules for specific contexts, such as the relationship be-
tween variables before and during the implementation
of ABW, the relationship between variables during
and after its implementation, and the relationship be-
tween variables before and after the implementation
of ABW.
In this study, triadic rules are extracted to char-
acterize and evaluate the efficiency and satisfaction
of the work office over time. The results obtained
highlight the potential of Triadic Concept Analysis
(Konecny and Osicka, 2010) in investigating longi-
tudinal databases. Overall, observing the implemen-
tation of an Activity-Based Working Environment
(ABW) through a longitudinal study enables an un-
derstanding of the impacts of this transition both on
the work environment itself and on the employees in-
This article is organized as follows: in Section
2, the theoretical framework covering Formal Con-
cept Analysis and Longitudinal Data Analysis is pre-
sented. In Section 3, related works are discussed.
Section 4 describes the adopted methodology, in-
cluding the materials and methods used. Section 5
presents the results and discussions based on the eval-
uation metrics. Finally, Section 6 provides the con-
cluding remarks, including potential future work.
2.1 Formal Concept Analysis
Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a branch of ap-
plied mathematics related to the formal conceptual
hierarchization, based on a set of objects, attributes,
and incidence relations between them (Ganter et al.,
1999), with the aim of identifying properties and ex-
tracting relevant knowledge from data.
In FCA, a formal dyadic context corresponds to a
tuple of the form K := (G, M, I), where G corresponds
to a set of objects (extension), M to a set of attributes
(intension), and I corresponds to the incidence rela-
tion (I G ×M) between objects and their properties
(attributes). From this formal context, it is possible to
extract formal concepts, from which association rules
can be derived. Table 1 shows an example of a dyadic
Considering the formal dyadic context K :=
(G, M, I), it is possible to obtain formal concepts de-
fined by a pair (A, B) where A G, and B M. The
Table 1: Dyadic Context.
G/M a
× ×
× ×
formation of the pair (A, B) follows the following con-
dition: A = B’ and B = A, where the derivation oper-
ator (
) is defined by Equations 1 and 2:
= {m M|(g, m) Ig A} (1)
= {g G|(g, m) Im B} (2)
From the formal context, it is possible to extract
implication rules of the form P Q, where P and
Q are subsets of attributes with P
. This means
that a given object that has attributes in P also has at-
tributes in Q. An implication rule P Q is valid if
and only if every object that possesses the attributes
in P also possesses the attributes in Q. These implica-
tions are dependencies between elements of sets ob-
tained from a formal context.
For each rule, evaluation metrics can be associ-
ated, such as Support and Con f idence. Formally,
Support corresponds to the proportion of objects in
the subset g G that satisfy the implication P Q,
relative to the total number of objects |G| in the for-
mal context K (Equation 3) where (
) corresponds to
the derivation operator.
Suporte(P Q) =
|(P {Q})
Confidence corresponds to the proportion of ob-
jects g G that contain P and also contain Q, relative
to the total number of objects |G| (Equation 4).
Con f (P Q) =
|(P {Q})
Suporte(P Q)
2.2 Triadic Concept Analysis (TCA)
In some applications, it becomes essential to associate
a condition related to the temporal aspect. TCA ex-
tends the classical FCA theory by introducing a new
dimension. In this case, the formal context is defined
by a quadruple K = (K1, K2, K3, Y ), where K1, K2,
and K3 are sets of objects, attributes, and conditions,
respectively, and Y corresponds to a ternary relation
among them (I K1 × K2 × K3). Table 2 shows an
example of a triadic context.
Although originating from FCA, the triadic ap-
proach has more complex definitions of concepts, im-
plication rules, and derivation than the dyadic ap-
proach. For example, a triadic formal concept is now
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
defined by a triple (A
, A
, A
), such that A
, and A
, and A
× A
× A
The sets A
, A
, A
are called objects, attributes, and
mode, respectively. The set of all concepts in a par-
tially ordered triadic context forms a complete lattice,
also called a conceptual lattice.
From triadic contexts, it is possible to obtain asso-
ciation rules of the Biedermann Conditional Attribute
Association Rule (BCAAR) and Biedermann Attri-
butional Condition Association Rule (BACAR) types
(Biedermann, 1999):
1. BCAAR: (A1 A2)B(sup, con f ), where A1 and
A2 are subsets of attributes, (A1, A2 K2), and B
is a condition, (B K3). If the subset of attributes
A1 occurs with the condition B, then A2 will also
occur, with support (sup) and confidence (con f ).
2. BACAR: (B1 B2)A(sup, con f ). Here, B1 and
B2 are conditions, (B1, B2 K3), and A is a sub-
set of attributes, (A K2). If B1 occurs for the
attributes A, then the condition B2 will also occur,
with support (sup) and confidence (con f ).
2.3 Longitudinal Database
Longitudinal studies in health typically record obser-
vations related to clinical, symptomatic, psychologi-
cal, emotional, environmental, among other data. De-
pending on the type of study, the database may in-
clude the addition of new individuals from the study
population and even add new variables of interest to
the study. Longitudinal databases are sets of records
where the time period (wave) is a parameter of analy-
sis. In these databases, one can observe the variation
of attributes and characteristics, monitoring their up-
dates during the waves. This opens up possibilities
to explore cause-and-effect relationships, making this
area of study relevant.
Table 3 shows part of the database considered in
this work. It presents the variation of attributes (P1,
P2, and P3) for an employee (Object) over two waves
(t1 and t2), making it possible to observe how the
data behaves between these time periods. For exam-
ple, attribute P1 changed from a satisfaction level of
6 (high) to 3 (intermediate) between the first and sec-
ond waves. In this work, we extract association rules
that allow evaluating changes in satisfaction and well-
being relationships among employees in a company
after the implementation of the ABW approach.
The articles (Lana et al., 2022) and (Noronha et al.,
2022) are likely the first works to explore triadic anal-
ysis in describing longitudinal studies in the field of
health. The first article focuses on analyzing the effec-
tiveness of prevention methods against COVID-19 in-
fection, while the second work delves into pattern dis-
covery related to human aging by observing the clin-
ical and environmental evolution of individuals over
In the realm of TCA-related work, there is the
study by (Zhuk et al., 2014), where a series of ex-
periments compared the results and performance of
algorithms for triadic context analysis. Additionally,
one can mention the work by (Missaoui and Emami-
rad, 2017), where the Lattice Miner tool is proposed
to generate triadic association rules, including impli-
In the context of ABW, numerous studies propose
various methodologies to assess its impact. The ma-
jority of these studies benefit from longitudinal re-
search, utilizing the variation of performance metrics
over time as an analytical tool. The works by (Rolf
et al., 2018) and (Blok et al., 2012), both longitudinal
in nature, provide a good introductory understanding
of the theme and detail case studies of implementing
this type of approach in work environments, as well
as the adoption of more flexible practices. In these
studies, employees are subjected to questionnaires,
and the responses are used to define comparison met-
rics. The obtained results offer values and references
for comparison and composition of the triadic context
presented in this article.
The present work differs from previous studies
such as (Arundell et al., 2018) and (Haapakangas
et al., 2019), which utilized Linear Mixed Mod-
els (LMM), and (Haapakangas et al., 2018) and
acklander and Richter, 2022), which used Linear
Regression models, by addressing Formal Concept
Theory. Although all of them are longitudinal studies
and share similar data collection methods (question-
naires), the study proposed in this article differs in its
utilization of FCA (Formal Concept Analysis) as the
foundation of the methodology.
The methodology proposed in this work aims to de-
scribe temporal associations between questionnaire
variables concerning the level of satisfaction with the
implementation of ABW and the new type of work-
place organization.
Triadic Rules for Analysis of Productive and Well-Being Social in Activity-Based Working Environments
Table 2: Triadic Context.
× × × ×
× × × ×
× × ×
Table 3: An example of a longitudinal database.
Object P1-t1 P2-t1 P3-t1 P1-t2 P2-t2 P3-t2
1 6 6 6 3 4 3
4.1 Materials
The longitudinal database used for this study is avail-
able in (Halldorsson et al., 2022). The database con-
tains records of 100 employees working for a state-
owned company implementing ABW. This database
comprises 43 questionnaire variables, including re-
sponses from different perspectives of interest. Ta-
ble 4 shows the attributes that make up the database,
segmented according to the area related to each ques-
tionnaire item. The longitudinal study spans 3 waves:
the first wave representing 2 months before the ABW
implementation, the second for 4 months after imple-
mentation, and the last for 9 months after adopting
this approach. However, upon exploring the database,
it is evident that not all employees responded to the
entire questionnaire, resulting in response rates of
87%, 75%, and 69%, respectively, across the waves.
4.2 Methods
4.2.1 Preprocessing
Before effectively starting the extraction of triadic
rules from the database, a preprocessing stage was ap-
plied. Firstly, as discussed earlier, the database does
not have 100% adherence in responses during the 3
waves. Therefore, employees with many missing data
in more than one wave were disregarded, reducing the
database size from 100 to 83 records.
Furthermore, since the database still contains
empty values in some attributes, an imputation strat-
egy was applied, filling these fields with the mean
value of the responses for the same attribute within
the same wave. For example, if an employee did not
answer a question in the first wave (t1), this data was
filled with the average of this attribute for the t1 wave.
This is a common procedure in Machine Learning, al-
though other strategies can be applied. In general, any
sort of data imputation creates a distortion in reality.
Due to the large amount of information available
in the dataset, it was decided to segment the database
limited to the relationships between the following se-
lected topics: ”Productivity, ”Job Satisfaction, and
”Workload”. This segmentation resulted in a dataset
with 83 samples and 7 attributes.
4.2.2 Discretization
After the preprocessing stage, reference values, such
as thresholds, were defined to determine when the to-
tal value of the questionnaire would correspond to a
negative or positive satisfaction. For this purpose, the
mean value of the scale was used as the threshold, i.e.,
on a scale from 1 to 7, the threshold defined for posi-
tivity is any value above 4. Table 5 shows an example
of the triadic context, representing positive satisfac-
tions with an X.
After obtaining the triadic context, it was con-
verted into a suitable format for input into the Lattice
Miner software ((Missaoui and Emamirad, 2017)) for
the extraction of triadic rules. To do this, a JSON file
was created containing the relationships between ob-
jects, attributes, and conditions in the specific format
described in the tool’s documentation, specifying the
minimum support and confidence values for generat-
ing BCAAR and BACAR rules.
For the analysis of satisfaction levels in the ABW
implementation, the following cases were considered
relevant, taking into account A and B as subsets
of questionnaire variables, and the waves of the
longitudinal study a - before, b - during, and c - after:
Case 1: Relationship Between Attributes Before
and During the ABW Implementation.
1. ( A B ) ab
2. ( a b ) A
3. ( b a ) A
Case 2: Relationship Between Attributes During
and After the ABW Implementation.
1. ( A B ) bc
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 4: Variables available in the database.
Questionnaire variables
Productivity Three items related to the impact on productivity.
Privacy Six items related to the impact on privacy, whether focused on the task
or on communication.
Feeling of Psychologi-
cal Ownership
Four items related to the feeling of ownership in the workplace.
Satisfaction Two items related to job satisfaction.
ABW A single item related to liking or not ABW.
Workload Four items related to workload.
Stress Four items related to stress caused by work.
Change of environment A single item that questions the frequency of changing the work envi-
Effects on performance Personal estimation of the effect of the work environment on perfor-
Gender The employee’s gender.
t1 Wave before ABW implantation - 2 months before.
t2 Wave after ABW implantation - 4 months later.
t3 Wave after ABW implementation - 9 months later.
Table 5: Example of table after processing.
ID P1-t1 P3-t1 P1-t2 P3-t2 P1-t3 P3-t4
1 X X X
2 X X X X X X
2. ( b c ) A
3. ( c b ) A
Case 3: Relationship Between Attributes Before
and After the ABW Implementation.
1. ( A B ) ac
2. ( a c ) A
3. ( c a ) A
Considering, for example, rule (1) in case 1, we
have: ”Employees who positively assessed the vari-
able(s) in set A of the questionnaire in the first wave
also did so in the second wave.” This rule allows eval-
uating the initial impact of ABW implementation and
can later serve as a way to assess employee adaptation
to the new concept over the longitudinal study. An-
other example is rule (1) in case 3, where we under-
stand: ”Employees who positively assessed the ABW
implementation in A also did so for B before and after
ABW implementation.
After applying LatticeMiner, it was possible to ex-
tract BACARs and BCAARs for the cases described
in the previous section, enabling the analysis of the
impact of ABW implementation in the company.
Case 1 (Before and During):
(a) ( t1 t2 ) Productivity2 [support = 96,4% confi-
dence = 98,8%]
(b) ( t1 t2 ) Productivity1 [support = 92,8% confi-
dence = 95,1%]
(c) ( t1 t2 ) Satisfaction2 [support = 68,7% confi-
dence = 78,1%]
(a) ( Productivity2 Satisfaction1 ) t1 [support =
89,2% confidence = 90,2%]
(b) ( Productivity2 Satisfaction1 ) t2 [support =
85,5% confidence = 87,7%]
(c) ( Productivity1, Productivity3 Satisfaction1 ) t1
[support = 86,7% confidence = 90,0%]
(d) ( Productivity1, Productivity3 Satisfaction1 ) t2
[support = 78,3% confidence = 90,3%]
Triadic Rules for Analysis of Productive and Well-Being Social in Activity-Based Working Environments
(e) ( Satisfaction2 Satisfaction1 ) t1 [support = 85,5%
confidence = 97,3%]
(f) ( Satisfaction2 Satisfaction1 ) t2 [support =
67,5% confidence = 77,8%]
Case 2 (During and After):
(a) ( t2 t3 ) Productivity1 [support = 92,8% confi-
dence = 95,1%]
(b) ( t2 t3 ) Productivity1 [support = 92,8% confi-
dence = 97,5%]
(a) ( Productivity1 Satisfaction2 ) t2 [support =
72,3% confidence = 75,9%]
(b) ( Satisfaction2 Productivity1 ) t3 [support = 62,7%
confidence = 98,1%]
(c) ( Satisfaction1 Satisfaction2 ) t2 [support = 67,5%
confidence = 77,8%]
(d) ( Satisfaction1 Satisfaction2 ) t3 [support =
60,2% confidence = 96,2%]
Case 3 (Before and After):
(a) ( t1 t3 ) Productivity1 [support = 95,2% confi-
dence = 97,5%]
(b) (t3 t1 ) Satisfaction2 [support = 62,7% confidence
= 98,1%]
(a) ( Satisfaction2 Satisfaction1 ) t1 [support = 85,5%
confidence = 97,3%]
(b) ( Satisfaction1 Satisfaction2 ) t3 [support =
60,2% confidence = 96,2%]
With these rules, it is possible to describe and ob-
tain information about the ABW implementation pro-
cess from the longitudinal study. For example, ana-
lyzing the BACARs (c) rules from Case 1 and the (b)
rule from Case 3, it can be observed that job satis-
faction decreased, as employees who responded pos-
itively to Satisfaction2 (”I am satisfied with my job”)
did so less frequently between the waves (before
during) and (before after), with the support drop-
ping from 68.7
BCAARs rules (a) and (b) from Case 3 also indi-
cates a drop in general satisfaction, pointing that the
support of Satisfaction 1 (”My department/agency is
a good place to work”) and Satisfaction 2 (”I am sat-
isfied with my job”) decreased from 85.5% to 60.2%
between the first and third wave.
Another interesting example would be BACAR
rule (b) from Case 1 in conjunction with BACAR rule
(a) from Case 3. In this context, it can be inferred that
overall efficiency decreased, as evidenced by the sup-
port between the first and third wave, where the sup-
port dropped to 95.2%. This indicates that employees
who felt efficient no longer do so. However, this sup-
port grows compared to the result in the second wave,
at 92.8%, showing that some efficiency was recovered
by the end of the study, highlighting a possible adap-
tation of employees to the new way of working.
BACAR rule (a) from Case 1, together with
BACAR rule (a) from Case 2, indicates that efficiency
decreased for collaborations, as employees who re-
sponded positively to Productivity2 (”I feel efficient
when collaborating with my colleagues”) did so less
frequently between the waves (before during) and
(during after), with the support dropping from
96.4% to 92.8
In this work, we showed the potential of applying tri-
adic rules to describe longitudinal study databases in
social contexts, where changes in the way of working,
as described in this article, result in various implica-
tions. In this context, rules were generated that enable
a better understanding of employee behavior before,
during, and after the implementation of ABW.
It is important to highlight that Triadic Concept
Analysis can become relevant in decision-making and
the overall analysis of longitudinal databases. Its ap-
plication to higher-dimensional databases will pro-
vide greater precision and description of the data,
leading to even more meaningful conclusions.
As future work, it would be interesting to con-
duct studies involving time intervals that allow for
a greater number of waves to observe whether em-
ployees become accustomed to and adapt to the new
way of working. This could mitigate the negative ef-
fects on performance and job satisfaction caused by
the shock of the work change.
Furthermore, the analysis could be extended to
various companies, making it possible to evaluate the
contribution of the internal culture of each company
and its employees to the negative or positive impact
of ABW implementation, given that the nature of the
topic has gaps due to the possibility of personal inter-
pretation of the changes by the participants.
HEALTHINF 2024 - 17th International Conference on Health Informatics
The authors would like to thank: The National
Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
ment of Brazil (CNPQ), The Coordination for the Im-
provement of Higher Education Personnel - Brazil
(CAPES) (Grant PROAP 88887.842889/2023-00
PUC/MG, Grant PDPG 88887.708960/2022-00
PUC/MG - INFORMATICA and Finance Code 001),
Minas Gerais State Research Support Foundation
(FAPEMIG) under grant number APQ-01929-22, and
the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais,
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Triadic Rules for Analysis of Productive and Well-Being Social in Activity-Based Working Environments