FaceVision-GAN: A 3D Model Face Reconstruction Method from a
Single Image Using GANs
Danilo Avola
1 a
, Luigi Cinque
1 b
, Gian Luca Foresti
2 c
and Marco Raoul Marini
1 d
Sapienza, University of Rome, Department of Computer Science, Via Salaria 113, 00199, Rome, Italy
University of Udine, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics, Via delle Scienze 206,
33100 Udine, Italy
GAN, 2D to 3D Reconstruction, Face Syntesis, 3D Modelling from Single Image.
Generative algorithms have been very successful in recent years. This phenomenon derives from the strong
computational power that even consumer computers can provide. Moreover, a huge amount of data is available
today for feeding deep learning algorithms. In this context, human 3D face mesh reconstruction is becoming
an important but challenging topic in computer vision and computer graphics. It could be exploited in different
application areas, from security to avatarization. This paper provides a 3D face reconstruction pipeline based
on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). It can generate high-quality depth and correspondence maps
from 2D images, which are exploited for producing a 3D model of the subject’s face.
The increasing computational power of recent com-
puters drives the scientific community to invest in
heavy computational approaches, e.g., very deep neu-
ral networks or systems of equations with millions of
parameters. It often provides improvements in lots
of application areas, e.g., human-computer interac-
tions (Avola et al., 2019), UAV self-driving (Avola
et al., 2023), or manufacturing (Avola et al., 2022).
In this context, recreating a 3D face mesh from im-
ages is a challenging task (Toshpulatov et al., 2021).
It depends on the quality of the images, the face pose,
the presence of occlusions, the lighting condition, or
the general environment in which pictures are taken.
However, it is a popular task in computer vision,
computer graphics, medical treatments, security, and
human-computer interaction. Given its central role,
many approaches have been used in the past years.
First, pair-wise stereo reconstruction has been used,
as in (Beeler et al., 2010). It consists of taking several
photos from different angles and using them to recon-
struct a complete 3D mesh of the subject iteratively.
Subsequently, such mesh is refined to introduce fine
texture details. Nowadays, neural networks have be-
come one of the top trending techniques to recon-
struct 3D mesh from a single image (Sela et al., 2017;
Richardson et al., 2017; Richardson et al., 2016; Isola
et al., 2017; Zhu et al., 2015). Most studies apply
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or Image-
To-Image translation networks to generate depth and
correspondence maps, the 2D representations of spa-
tial information. Starting from them, it is easy to
recreate the corresponding 3D model. This work pro-
vides a 3D face reconstruction module using Gen-
erative Adversarial Networks (GANs) (Kuang et al.,
2019; Goodfellow et al., 2014). We trained a com-
plete GAN model whose generator can recreate a cor-
rect depth and correspondence map from the original
RGB face image. We can generate a complete 3D
face model, subsequently enriched with fine texture
details. The results show appreciable qualitative de-
tails, which could validate the method’s effectiveness.
The dataset used is Labeled Faces in the Wild
(LFW)(Huang et al., 2008). It contains 13244 im-
ages of 246 subjects with a dimension of 250 × 250
taken in uncontrolled environments. However, we
also needed each image’s depth and correspondence
map to generate the training set. Since LFW does
Avola, D., Cinque, L., Foresti, G. and Marini, M.
FaceVision-GAN: A 3D Model Face Reconstruction Method from a Single Image Using GANs.
DOI: 10.5220/0012306200003654
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2024), pages 628-632
ISBN: 978-989-758-684-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
Figure 1: GAN architecture representation. Our generator
module comprises a single encoder and a double decoder,
while the discriminator is divided according to the two dif-
ferent tasks.
not contain such images, we created them separately
from the original dataset. We exploited the method
proposed in (Zhu et al., 2017), which, among its fea-
tures, provides the depth and correspondence map of
a given input image
. This tool is based on a face de-
tection approach, so we could also refine the images
by dropping the ones in which zero or more than one
face is found. At the end of this process, we obtained
a total dataset of 12044 images.
We used a GAN-based architecture to generate a
depth and correspondence map given an “into-the-
wild” face image. It comprises two models, trained
one against the other: the generator tries to generate
images that approximate the original training data; the
discriminator distinguishes whether the generator cre-
ates the given images or belongs to the real ones. An
overview of the architecture is shown in Figure 1.
3.1 Architecture of the Generator
Our generator architecture resembles the U-
net(Ronneberger et al., 2015) encoder-decoder
architecture with some changes. We wanted to
simultaneously generate depth and correspondence
maps from the same input image. Thus, our network
is made up of a single encoder and two different
decoders, one for each task. The encoder tries to
represent all the useful information to recreate both
output images in a lower dimensional latent space.
Starting from that encoding, the decoders specialize
in recreating a depth or a correspondence map.
Following the U-net architectural style, we added
skip connections between corresponding encoding
and decoding layers to share low-level information.
It helps the decoder recreate the original pose and
some texture details from the face.
3.2 Architecture of the Discriminator
We used a different discriminator for the two tasks.
Their architecture is based on PatchGAN (Demir
and Unal, 2018), aiming to discriminate N × N size
patches of the output image instead of considering it
as a whole. Such an effect is given by a predefined se-
quence of convolutional kernels, which uses a specific
size, padding, and stride. This architecture is power-
ful because it reduces the number of trainable param-
eters and speeds up the operation since the input im-
age size is reduced. Our discriminator can consider
70 × 70 size patches of the generator output image.
We also added a skip connection from the original
RGB image to the discriminator input to improve its
capacity. We used an advanced loss function to speed
up the convergence and support the models to store
and detect valuable low-level information. The de-
tails are provided in Equation 1 and discussed above.
= min
V (D, G) + λ
((ˆz) (z))
= min
V (D
, G)
= min
V (D
, G)
For each discriminator, the loss function is given by
the original GAN discriminator loss. As regards the
generator, its loss is given by the original loss plus the
L1 distance between the original and recreated out-
put image, and it also considers the L1 distance be-
tween the gradients. Each element is replicated to
consider depth and correspondence map generation
outputs. Some examples of the generated images are
provided in Figure 2, where the second row shows the
depth images, while the third contains the correspon-
dence maps.
We could generate a raw 3D triangular mesh from the
depth and correspondence maps synthesized by the
generator module. Firstly, the X and Y coordinates
of each point in the space are extracted from the im-
ages. Then, using the Delaunay Triangulation algo-
rithm (Lee and Schachter, 1980), a 2D grid mesh is
generated. Finally, every point is raised in 3D space
using the Z coordinate encoded in the map.
FaceVision-GAN: A 3D Model Face Reconstruction Method from a Single Image Using GANs
Figure 2: Depth (second row) and correspondence maps
(third row) synthesized by the GAN generator from the in-
put RGB face images (first row).
4.1 Mesh Refinement and Smoothing
We perform some refinement operations to improve
the 3D mesh quality. Firstly, we removed all the back-
ground triangles with a Z coordinate 0. After that, we
removed all the triangular spikes, characterized by a
bigger area or longer sides. We applied the Lapla-
cian smoothing filter (Badri et al., 2012) once the 3D
mesh triangles were refined. This operation consists
of slightly moving each vertex position to the centroid
of the position of its one-ring neighbors to remove all
the fine uneven details.
4.2 Detail Filling
After smoothing the 3D mesh, we performed a de-
tail filling, adding fine detail structures to the actual
geometry. Fine details are mainly visible by extract-
ing the high-frequency part of the original face tex-
ture. This is executed by applying low-pass filtering
and subtracting it from the original image converted
to grayscale. Once such features were extracted, each
point in the 3D mesh was moved along the direc-
tion of its normal small displacement step. The latter
is calculated considering the features of the one-ring
neighborhood vertices. The final shape of each model
is between 10000 and 15000 faces, correspond-
ing to a range of vertices from 5000 to 8000.
The custom dataset was divided into 11794 images for
the training set and 543 images for the test set, accord-
ing to the suggestions provided by (Joseph, 2022).
We trained our model for 50 epochs on depth and
correspondence maps, empirically noticing the con-
vergence of the model. We resized the images to a
dimension of 128 × 128, to fit in our computing re-
source. The involved hardware for the experiments
exploits a high-end CPU Intel Core i7-5930k, 16 GB
of DDR4 RAM, and a GTX1070 with 8GB of dedi-
cated RAM. The software is developed in Python, ex-
ploiting the PyTorch
framework. In Figure 3, some
results of the generated synthetic images by our ap-
proach are shown. We noticed that the proposed ap-
proach can capture even finer details about the mouth
position and the eyes. This quality is due to frequent
skipped connections in the network, which maintains
low-level features in the decoder layers. Starting from
such images, we reconstructed the entire 3D face
model and added texture details. Coarse grain face
details and model expression resemble the original
RGB image, showing that the network correctly syn-
thesized out-depth and correspondence maps. How-
ever, fine texture details are not extremely visible.
An explanation can rely on our lower 3D mesh tes-
sellation, which is a consequence of the original im-
age scaling operation. The collected results could not
be compared with other methods due to the custom
dataset exploited in the experimental phase. How-
ever, a manual evaluation could be performed (Borji,
2018), mainly based on visual similarity with the orig-
inal subject. As noticeable in the provided examples,
the generated shapes are very close to the original face
ones, even if some noise (spikes) and blur are present.
To the best of our knowledge, the system could not
be directly compared with any other work in the state
of the art due to the introduction of the proposed cus-
tom dataset generated from LFW. Moreover, the LFW
dataset is mainly used for face detection and/or recog-
nition, even when 3D reconstructions are involved
(Liu et al., 2018; Jiang et al., 2023). Thus, no metrics
in terms of precision, accuracy, or visual appearance
have been proposed for this specific task yet.
In this work, we proposed a method for reconstructing
3D models from a single 2D image of a face. First,
a generative network synthesizes the depth and cor-
respondence map from the original image. Subse-
quently, a complete 3D mesh is reconstructed from
it, refining the initial raw model, smoothing it out,
and restoring some fine details using the original tex-
ture. The obtained results seem promising, highlight-
ing an appreciable quality even in a limited-resources
environment. Moreover, some future improvements
ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 3: Original images (first column), generated shapes
(second column), and refined final output (third column) ob-
tained from the proposed pipeline.
could be assumed. The method seems particularly
suitable to provide appreciable results while avoiding
heavyweight models, e.g., Transformers (Basak et al.,
2022). Also, more powerful hardware could be ex-
ploited for testing the method with different hyperpa-
rameters and deeper architectures. Furthermore, the
details filling phase could be improved by capturing
finer texture details in the final geometry to provide
a more realistic face model. In conclusion, a com-
parative analysis will be conducted in the future: ex-
ploiting the same procedure to generate the custom
dataset, we will collect results after running different
well-known approaches on it and compare them with
the proposed solution’s ones.
This work was supported by the “Smart un-
mannEd AeRial vehiCles for Human likE moni-
toRing (SEARCHER)” project of the Italian Min-
istry of Defence (CIG: Z84333EA0D) and the re-
search leading to these results has received funding
from Project “Ecosistema dell’innovazione - Rome
Technopole” financed by EU in NextGenerationEU
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ICPRAM 2024 - 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods