Uncertainty-Based Detection of Adversarial Attacks
in Semantic Segmentation
Kira Maag
and Asja Fischer
Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
Deep Learning, Semantic Segmentation, Adversarial Attacks, Detection.
State-of-the-Art deep neural networks have proven to be highly powerful in a broad range of tasks, including
semantic image segmentation. However, these networks are vulnerable against adversarial attacks, i.e., non-
perceptible perturbations added to the input image causing incorrect predictions, which is hazardous in safety-
critical applications like automated driving. Adversarial examples and defense strategies are well studied for
the image classification task, while there has been limited research in the context of semantic segmentation.
First works however show that the segmentation outcome can be severely distorted by adversarial attacks. In
this work, we introduce an uncertainty-based approach for the detection of adversarial attacks in semantic
segmentation. We observe that uncertainty as for example captured by the entropy of the output distribution
behaves differently on clean and perturbed images and leverage this property to distinguish between the two
cases. Our method works in a light-weight and post-processing manner, i.e., we do not modify the model or
need knowledge of the process used for generating adversarial examples. In a thorough empirical analysis, we
demonstrate the ability of our approach to detect perturbed images across multiple types of adversarial attacks.
In recent years, deep neural networks (DNNs)
have demonstrated outstanding performance and have
proven to be highly expressive in a broad range of
tasks, including semantic image segmentation (Chen
et al., 2018; Pan et al., 2022). Semantic segmentation
aims at segmenting objects in an image by assigning
each pixel to a fixed and predefined set of semantic
classes, providing comprehensive and precise infor-
mation about the given scene. However, DNNs are
vulnerable to adversarial attacks (Bar et al., 2021)
which is very hazardous in safety-related applica-
tions like automated driving. Adversarial attacks are
small perturbations added to the input image caus-
ing the DNN to perform incorrect predictions at test
time. The perturbations are not perceptible to hu-
mans, making the detection of these examples very
challenging, see for example Figure 1. This undesir-
able property of DNNs is a major security concern in
real world applications. Hence, developing efficient
strategies against adversarial attacks is of high impor-
tance. Such strategies can either increase the robust-
ness of DNNs making it more difficult to generate ad-
versarial examples (defense) or build on approaches
(a) Input image (perturbed half on right hand side)
(b) Semantic Segmentation prediction
(c) Entropy heatmap
Figure 1: Semantic segmentation prediction and entropy
heatmap for clean (left) and perturbed image (right) gen-
erated by a dynamic target attack for hiding pedestrians.
to detect adversarial attacks (detection).
Adversarial attacks have attracted much attention,
and numerous attacks as well as detection strategies
Maag, K. and Fischer, A.
Uncertainty-Based Detection of Adversarial Attacks in Semantic Segmentation.
DOI: 10.5220/0012303500003660
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 19th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2024) - Volume 2: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-679-8; ISSN: 2184-4321
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
have been proposed (Khamaiseh et al., 2022). How-
ever, adversarial examples have not been analyzed ex-
tensively beyond standard image classification mod-
els, often using small datasets such as MNIST (LeCun
and Cortes, 2010) or CIFAR10 (Krizhevsky, 2009).
The vulnerability of modern DNNs to attacks in more
complex tasks like semantic segmentation in the con-
text of real datasets from different domains has been
rather poorly explored. The attacks which have been
tested so far on semantic segmentation networks can
be divided roughly into three categories. The first ap-
proaches transfer common attacks from image clas-
sification to semantic segmentation, i.e., pixel-wise
classification (Agnihotri and Keuper, 2023; Gu et al.,
2022; Rony et al., 2022). Other works (Cisse et al.,
2017; Xie et al., 2017) have presented attacks specifi-
cally designed for the task of semantic segmentation,
either attacking the input in a way that leads to the
prediction of some predefined and image-unrelated
segmentation mask or the complete deletion of one
segmentation class (Metzen et al., 2017). Such at-
tacks are more difficult to detect than attacks that per-
turb each pixel independently. The third group of at-
tacks creates rectangular patches smaller than the in-
put size, which leads to an erroneous prediction of the
entire image (Nakka and Salzmann, 2020; Nesti et al.,
2022). Defense methods aim to be robust against
such attacks, i.e., to achieve high prediction accuracy
even on perturbed images. For semantic segmenta-
tion tasks, defense approaches are often robust against
only one type of attack (Arnab et al., 2018; Klingner
et al., 2020; Yatsura et al., 2022). In contrast, de-
tection methods aim at classifying an input as clean
or perturbed based on the output of the segmentation
model (Xiao et al., 2018).
In this paper, we present an uncertainty-based ap-
proach for detecting several kinds of adversarial at-
tacks on semantic image segmentation models. Un-
certainty information has already been exploited for
the detection of adversarial attacks on classification
DNNs, but has not been investigated in the context
of segmentation so far. In (Feinman et al., 2017) an
approximation to Bayesian inference (Monte-Carlo
Dropout) is proposed, which is widely employed to
estimate model uncertainty, for the detection of ad-
versarial attacks. The gradient-based approach intro-
duced in (Michel and Ewetz, 2022) generates salient
features which are used to train a detector. While both
methods require access to the inside of the model, our
approach can be applied as a post-processing step us-
ing only information of the network output. We con-
struct features per image based on uncertainty infor-
mation provided by the DNN such as the entropy of
the output distribution. In Figure 1 (c), the entropy
heatmaps for a clean (left) and a perturbed image
(right) are shown, indicating high uncertainties in the
attacked regions, motivating the use of uncertainty in-
formation to separate clean and perturbed images. On
the one hand, these features for clean and perturbed
inputs are fed into an one-class support vector ma-
chine that performs unsupervised novelty detection
(Weerasinghe et al., 2018). On the other hand, we
train a logistic regression model with clean and per-
turbed data for classification. The perturbed data used
during training is generated by only one kind of adver-
sarial attack method, while the detector is applied to
identify adversarial examples of other methods. Our
approach neither modifies the semantic segmentation
model nor requires knowledge of the process for gen-
erating adversarial examples. We only assume that
our post-processing model is kept private while the
attacker may have full access to the semantic segmen-
tation model.
In our tests, we employ state-of-the-art seman-
tic segmentation networks (Chen et al., 2018; Pan
et al., 2022) applied to the Cityscapes (Cordts et al.,
2016) as well as Pascal VOC2012 dataset (Evering-
ham et al., 2012) demonstrating our adversarial at-
tack detection performance. To this end, we con-
sider different types of attackers, from pixel-level
attacks designed for image classification (Goodfel-
low et al., 2015; Kurakin et al., 2017) to pixel-
wise attacks developed for semantic segmentation
(Metzen et al., 2017) and patch-based ones (Nesti
et al., 2022). The source code of our method
is publicly available at https://github.com/kmaag/
Adversarial-Attack-Detection-Uncertainty. Our con-
tributions are summarized as follows:
We introduce a new uncertainty-based approach
for the detection of adversarial attacks for the se-
mantic image segmentation task. In a thorough
empirical analysis, we demonstrate the capabil-
ity of uncertainty measures to distinguish between
clean and perturbed images. Our approach serves
as a light-weight post-processing step, i.e., we do
not modify the model or need knowledge of the
process for generating adversarial examples.
For the first time, we present a detection method
that was not designed for a specific adversarial at-
tack, rather has a high detection capability across
multiple types. We achieve averaged detection ac-
curacy values of up to 100% for different network
architectures and datasets.
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
In this section, we discuss the related works on de-
fense and detection methods for the semantic seg-
mentation task. Defense methods aim to achieve high
prediction accuracy even on perturbed images, while
detection methods classify the model input as clean
or attacked image. A dynamic divide-and-conquer
strategy (Xu et al., 2021) and multi-task training
(Klingner et al., 2020), which extends supervised se-
mantic segmentation by a self-supervised monocular
depth estimation using unlabeled videos, are consid-
ered as adversarial training approaches enhancing the
robustness of the networks. Another kind of defense
strategy is input denoising to remove the perturba-
tion from the input without the necessity to re-train
the model. In (Bar et al., 2021) image quilting and
the non-local means algorithm are presented as input
transformation techniques. To denoise the perturba-
tion and restore the original image, a denoise autoen-
coder is used in (Cho et al., 2020). The demasked
smoothing technique, introduced in (Yatsura et al.,
2022), reconstructs masked regions of each image
based on the available information with an inpaint-
ing model defending against patch attacks. Another
possibility to increase the robustness of the model is
during inference. In (Arnab et al., 2018) is shown
how mean-field inference and multi-scale processing
naturally form an adversarial defense. The non-local
context encoder proposed in (He et al., 2019) mod-
els spatial dependencies and encodes global contexts
for strengthening feature activations. From all pyra-
mid features multi-scale information is fused to refine
the prediction and create segmentation. The presented
works up to now are defense methods improving the
robustness of the model. To the best of our knowl-
edge so far only one work focuses on detecting adver-
sarial attacks on segmentation models, i.e., the patch-
wise spatial consistency check which is introduced in
(Xiao et al., 2018).
The described defense approaches are created for
and tested only on a specific type of attack. The prob-
lem is that you assume a high model robustness, how-
ever, the defense method may perform poorly on new
unseen attacks and does not provide a statement about
this insecurity. Therefore, we present an uncertainty-
based detection approach which shows strong results
over several types of adversarial attacks. The pre-
sented detection approach (Xiao et al., 2018) is only
tested on perturbed images attacked in such a way
that a selected image is predicted. The spatial consis-
tency check randomly selects overlapping patches to
obtain pixel-wise confidence vectors. In contrast, we
use only information of the network output from one
inference and not from (computationally expensive)
multiple runs of the network. For these reasons, the
detection approach introduced in (Xiao et al., 2018)
cannot be considered as a suitable baseline.
Post-processing classification models as well as
simple output-based methods are used for false
positive detection (Maag et al., 2020; Maag and
Rottmann, 2023) and out-of-distribution segmenta-
tion (Maag et al., 2022; Hendrycks and Gimpel,
2016), but have not been investigated for adversarial
For the generation of adversarial examples, we dis-
tinguish between white and black box attacks. White
box attacks are created based on information of the
victim model, i.e., the adversarial attacker has access
to the full model, including its parameters, and knows
the loss function used for training. In contrast, black
box attackers have zero knowledge about the victim
model. The idea behind these type of attacks is trans-
ferability, i.e., an adversarial example generated from
another model works well with the victim one. The
attacks described in the following belong to the white
box setting and were proposed to attack semantic seg-
mentation models.
Attacks on Pixel-Wise Classification. The attacks
described in this paragraph were originally developed
for image classification and were (in a modified ver-
sion) applied to semantic segmentation. For semantic
segmentation, given an image x a neural network with
parameters w provides pixel-wise probability distri-
butions f (x;w)
i j
over a label space C = {y
per spatial dimension (i, j). The single-step untar-
geted fast gradient sign method (FGSM, (Goodfellow
et al., 2015)) creates adversarial examples by adding
perturbations to the pixels of an image x with (one-hot
encoded) label y that leads to an increase of the loss L
(here cross entropy), that is
i j
= x
i j
+ ε · sign(
i j
( f (x;w)
i j
i j
)) , (1)
where ε is the magnitude of perturbation. The single-
step targeted attack with target label y
instead de-
creases the loss for the target label and is given by
i j
= x
i j
ε · sign(
i j
( f (x;w)
i j
i j
)) . (2)
Following the convention, the least likely class pre-
dicted by the model is chosen as target class. This
attack is extended in (Kurakin et al., 2017) in an it-
erative manner (I-FGSM) to increase the perturbation
Uncertainty-Based Detection of Adversarial Attacks in Semantic Segmentation
i j,t+1
= (3)
i j,t
+ α · sign(
i j
( f (x
i j
i j
with x
= x, step size α, and a clip function ensuring
that x
[xε,x+ε]. The targeted case (see eq. (2))
can be formulated analogously. Based on these at-
tacks, further methods for pixel-wise perturbations in
the classification context have been proposed such as
projected gradient descent (Madry et al., 2018; Bry-
niarski et al., 2022) and DeepFool (Moosavi-Dezfooli
et al., 2016). Some of these approaches have been fur-
ther developed and adapted to semantic segmentation
(Agnihotri and Keuper, 2023; Gu et al., 2022; Rony
et al., 2022).
Stationary Segmentation Mask Attacks. Another
type of attacks are so called stationary segmentation
mask methods (SSMM) where the pixels of a whole
image are iteratively attacked until most of the pixels
have been mis-classified into the target class (Cisse
et al., 2017; Xie et al., 2017). For each spatial dimen-
sion (i, j) I , the loss function per image x is given
L( f (x;w),y) =
|I |
(i, j)I
i j
( f (x;w)
i j
i j
). (4)
In (Metzen et al., 2017), the universal perturbation is
introduced to achieve real-time performance for the
attack at test time. To this end, training inputs D
are generated where y
fines a fixed target segmentation. The universal noise
in iteration t + 1 is computed by
= clip
α · sign(
L( f (x
+ ξ
with ξ
= 0. The loss of pixels which are predicted as
belonging to the desired target class with a confidence
above a threshold τ are set to 0. At test time, this
noise is added to the input image and does not require
multiple calculations of the backward pass.
The dynamic nearest neighbor method (DNNM)
presented in (Metzen et al., 2017) aims to keep the
network’s segmentation unchanged but to remove a
desired target class. Let o be the object class be-
ing deleted and ˆy(x)
i j
= argmax
f (x;w)
i j
the pre-
dicted class, where f (x; w)
i j
denotes the probability
the model assigns for the pixel at position (i, j) to
belong to class y, then I
= {(i, j)| ˆy(x)
i j
= o} and
= I \ I
. The target label is chosen by y
i j
with argmin
, j
+ ( j
for all
(i, j) I
and y
i j
= ˆy(x)
i j
for all (i, j) I
. Since
the loss function described in eq. (4) weights all pix-
els equally though both objectives, i.e., hiding a ob-
ject class and being unobtrusive are not necessarily
equally important, a modified version of the loss func-
tion with weighting parameter ω is given by
( f (x;w),y) =
|I |
(i, j)I
i j
( f (x;w)
i j
i j
+ (1 ω)
(i, j)I
i j
( f (x;w)
i j
i j
Note, the universal perturbation can also be computed
for the DNNM.
Patch-Based Attacks. The idea behind patch at-
tacks is that perturbing a small region of the im-
age causes prediction errors in a much larger re-
gion (Nakka and Salzmann, 2020). In (Nesti et al.,
2022), the expectation over transformation (EOT)-
based patch attack is introduced to create robust ad-
versarial examples, i.e., individual adversarial exam-
ples that are at the same time adversarial over a
range of transformations. Transformations occurring
in the real world are for instance angle and viewpoint
changes. These perturbations are modeled within the
optimization procedure and an extension of the pixel-
wise cross entropy loss is additionally presented in
(Nesti et al., 2022) to enable crafting strong patches
for the semantic segmentation setting.
Our method does not alter the semantic segmenta-
tion model, nor does it require knowledge of the ad-
versarial example generation process. While the at-
tacker may have full access to the semantic segmenta-
tion model, we only assume that our post-processing
model is kept secret or not attacked. Our approach
can be applied to any semantic segmentation network
serving as a post-processing step using only informa-
tion of the network output. In Figure 2 an overview
of our approach is given.
The degree of uncertainty in a semantic segmenta-
tion prediction is quantified by pixel-wise dispersion
measures like the entropy
i j
f (x;w)
i j
log f (x; w)
i j
, (7)
the variation ratio
V (x)
i j
= 1 max
f (x;w)
i j
, (8)
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
input image
network f
probs f (x;w)
semantic seg-
mentation ˆy(x)
p(x) κ
p(x) < κ
Figure 2: Schematic illustration of our detection method. The adversarial attacker can have full access to the semantic
segmentation model. Information from the network output is extracted to construct the features which serve as input to the
detector model classifying between clean and perturbed images.
or the probability margin
i j
= V (x)
i j
+ max
yC \{ˆy(x)
i j
f (x;w)
i j
. (9)
The entropy heatmaps for a clean (left) and a per-
turbed image (right) are shown in Figure 1 (c) in-
dicating that higher uncertainties occur in the at-
tacked regions which motivates the use of uncer-
tainty information to separate clean and perturbed
data. To obtain uncertainty features per image from
these pixel-wise dispersion measures, we aggregate
them over a whole image by calculating the averages
D = 1/|I |
(i, j)I
i j
where D {E,V,M}. More-
over, we obtain mean class probabilities for each class
y {1,...,C}
P(y|x) =
|I |
(i, j)I
f (x;w)
i j
. (10)
The concatenation of this |C| + 3 features forms the
feature vectors used in the following. We compute
these image-wise features for a set of benign (and
adversarially changed) images, which are then used
to train classification models providing per image a
probability p(x) of being clean (and not perturbed).
We classify x as perturbed if p(x) < κ and as clean if
p(x) κ, where κ is a predefined detection threshold.
We explore different ways to construct such a classi-
First, we consider two basic outlier detection tech-
niques which only require benign data, i.e., an one-
class support vector machine (OCSVM, (Sch
et al., 1999)) and an approach for detecting out-
liers in a Gaussian distributed dataset learning an el-
lipse (Rousseeuw and Driessen, 1999). Second, we
consider the supervised logistic regression (LASSO,
(Tibshirani, 1996)) as classification model trained on
the features extracted for clean and perturbed images.
Importantly, we do not require knowledge of the ad-
versarial example generation process used by the at-
tacker, instead we use attacked data generated by any
(other) adversarial attack (cross-attack). While the
OCSVM and the ellipse approach are unsupervised
and outlier detection is a difficult task, the super-
vised cross-attack method has the advantage of hav-
ing already seen other types of perturbed data. Third,
we threshold only on the mean entropy
E (which re-
quires only to choose the threshold value) proposing a
very basic uncertainty-based detector. Note, applying
our detection method is light-weight, i.e., the feature
computation is inexpensive and classification models
are trained in advance so that only one inference run
is added after semantic segmentation inference.
First, we present the experimental setting and then
evaluate our adversarial detection approach.
5.1 Experimental Setting
Datasets. We perform our tests on the Cityscapes
(Cordts et al., 2016) dataset for semantic segmen-
tation in street and on the Pascal VOC2012 (Ever-
ingham et al., 2012) (shorthand VOC) dataset of vi-
sual object classes in realistic scenes. The Cityscapes
dataset consists of 2,975 training and 500 validation
images of dense urban traffic in 18 and 3 different
German towns, respectively. The VOC dataset con-
tains 1,464 training and 1,449 validation images with
annotations for the various objects of categories per-
son, animal, vehicle and indoor.
Segmentation Networks. We consider the state-
of-the-art DeepLabv3+ network (Chen et al., 2018)
with Xception65 backbone (Chollet, 2017). Trained
on Cityscapes, we achieve a mean intersection over
union (mIoU) value of 78.93 on the validation set
and trained on VOC, a validation mIoU value of
88.39. Moreover, we use the BiSeNet (Yu et al., 2018)
trained on Cityscapes obtaining a validation mIoU of
70.32. We consider also two real-time models for the
Cityscapes dataset, the DDRNet (Pan et al., 2022)
achieving 77.8 mIoU and the HRNet (Wang et al.,
2021) with 70.5 mIoU.
Uncertainty-Based Detection of Adversarial Attacks in Semantic Segmentation
(a) Input image (b) Prediction (c) I-FGSM
(d) I-FGSM
(e) Ground truth (f) SSMM (g) DNNM (h) Patch attack
Figure 3: Input image (a) with corresponding ground truth (e). Semantic segmentation prediction for clean (b) and perturbed
image generated by an untargeted (c) and a targeted FGSM attack (d) as well as by SSMM (f), DNNM (g) and patch attack
Adversarial Attacks. In many defense methods in
semantic segmentation, the adapted FGSM and I-
FGSM attack are employed (Arnab et al., 2018; Bar
et al., 2021; He et al., 2019; Klingner et al., 2020;
Xu et al., 2021). Thus, we study both attacks in
our experiments with the parameter setting presented
in (Kurakin et al., 2017). The magnitude of pertur-
bation is given by ε = {4,8,16}, the step size by
α = 1 and the number of iterations is computed as
n = min{ε + 4,1.25ε⌋}. We denote the attack by
and the iterative one by I-FGSM
, # { ,ll},
where the superscript discriminates between untar-
geted and targeted (here ll refers to ”least likely”). For
the re-implementation of SSMM and DNNM (Met-
zen et al., 2017), we use the parameters ε = 0.1 · 255,
α = 0.01 · 255, n = 60 and τ = 0.75. For SSMM, the
target image is chosen randomly for both datasets and
for DNNM, the class person is to be deleted for the
Cityscapes dataset. For the VOC dataset, the DNNM
attack makes no sense, since on the input images of-
ten only one object or several objects of the same class
are contained. For our experiments, we use a model
where we add the implementations of the adver-
sarial attacks FGSM, I-FGSM, SSMM and DNNM.
As we also use the pre-trained networks provided in
the repository, we run experiments for the Cityscapes
dataset on both models, DeepLabv3+ and HRNet, and
for VOC on the DeepLabv3+ network.
For the patch attack introduced in (Nesti et al.,
2022), we use the provided code with default param-
eters and consider two different segmentation mod-
els, BiSeNet and DDRNet, applied to the one tested
real world dataset (Cityscapes). Since we use the
cross-attack procedure (logistic regression) as detec-
tion model, i.e., we train the classifier on clean and
perturbed data attacked by an attack other than the
patch, we use the data obtained from the DeepLabv3+
to train the detector and test on the DDRNet. For
the HRNet and the BiSeNet we proceed analogously,
since in each case the prediction performance (in
terms of mIoU) of both networks is similar.
As the Cityscapes dataset provides high-
resolution images (1024 × 2048 pixels) which require
a great amount of memory to run a full backward
pass for the computation of adversarial samples, we
re-scale image size for this dataset to 512 × 1024
when evaluating. In Figure 3, a selection of these
attacks is shown for the Cityscapes dataset and the
DeepLabv3+ network (or DDRNet for the patch
Evaluation Metrics. Our detection models provide
per image a probability p(x) of being clean (and
not perturbed). The image is then classified as at-
tacked if the probability exceeds a threshold κ for
which we tested 40 different values equally spaced
in [0,1]. The first evaluation metric we use is the
averaged detection accuracy (ADA) which is de-
fined as the proportion of images that are classi-
fied correctly. As this metric depends on a thresh-
old κ, we report the optimal ADA score obtained
by ADA
= max
ADA(κ). Secondly, we com-
pute the area under the receiver operating character-
istic curve (AUROC) to obtain a threshold indepen-
dent metric. Lastly, we consider the true positive rate
while fixing the false positive rate on clean images to
5% (TPR
5.2 Numerical Results
In the following, we study the attack success perfor-
mance and evaluate our adversarial attack detection
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: APSR results for the semantic segmentation pre-
dictions on clean data.
DeepLabv3+ DDRNet HRNet BiSeNet
Cityscapes 6.84 4.00 5.48 5.26
VOC 2.92 - - -
Figure 4: APSR results for the Cityscapes dataset and both
networks perturbed by different attacks.
Attack Performance. In order to access the per-
formance, i.e., the strength, of the attack generating
methods, we consider the attack pixel success rate
(APSR) (Rony et al., 2022) defined by
|I |
(i, j)I
f (x
i j
̸= y
i j
, (11)
where y
i j
denotes the true class of the pixel at loca-
tion (i, j). Note, this metric is the opposite of the ac-
curacy, as it focuses on falsely (and not correct) pre-
dicted pixels. If we replace x
in eq. (11) by the
input image x, we obtain a measure how well the se-
mantic segmentation model performs on clean data.
The values for this measure for the different networks
and both datasets are given in Table 1. As expected,
we observe small APSR scores: all values are below
The APSR results for various attacks on the
Cityscapes dataset are shown in Figure 4. For all vari-
ations of the FGSM attack (untargeted vs. targeted,
non-iterative vs. iterative) the APSR increases with
larger magnitude of perturbation strength. Moreover,
targeted attacks lead to larger ASPR values than their
untargeted counterpart. The I-FGSM outperforms the
FGSM due to the iterative procedure of individual
perturbation steps. For the SSMM attack, the target
is a randomly chosen image from the dataset. The ex-
amples shown in Figure 3 (a) and (f) indicate, that
the correct and target classes of the clean and the
perturbed image coincide in several areas, such as
the street or the sky reflecting the nature of street
scenes. This may explain the relatively low ASPR
values around 50%. For the DNNM attack, the APSR
Table 2: APSR results for the VOC dataset and the
DeepLabv3+ network perturbed by different attacks.
17.81 19.68 56.73 64.30 62.99
17.93 19.66 74.94 82.51
16.67 17.65 80.98 91.68
Figure 5: Detection performance results for the VOC
dataset and the DeepLabv3+ network.
scores are comparatively small since most parts of
the images are not perturbed but only one class is
to be deleted. We observe that the performance of
the patch attack has more or less impact depending
on the model. Comparing the two models, we find
that DeepLabv3+ is more robust against adversarial
attacks, as the APSR values are mostly smaller than
those of the HRNet network.
The results for the VOC dataset given in Ta-
ble 2 are qualitatively similar to the findings for the
Cityscapes dataset. However, the outcome for the
(targeted as well as untargeted) non-iterative FGSM
attack differs, i.e., the APSR scores are not increas-
ing with higher noise but stay at similar values. In
summary, for both datasets and the different network
architectures, most attacks achieve high APSR values
and greatly alter the prediction. Thus, the detection of
such attacks is extremely important.
Evaluation of Our Detection Method. The de-
fense approaches described above are created for and
tested only on a specific type of attacks. The sole pre-
sented detection approach (Xiao et al., 2018) is only
tested on stationary segmentation mask methods and
is computationally expensive due to the requirement
of multiple runs of the network. For this reason, nei-
ther this detection approach nor the defense methods
Uncertainty-Based Detection of Adversarial Attacks in Semantic Segmentation
Figure 6: Detection performance results for DeepLabv3+ (left) and the HRNet (right) trained on the Cityscapes dataset.
can be considered as suitable baselines.
In the following, we denote the single feature,
mean entropy based classification by Entropy, the or-
dinary one-class support vector machine by OCSVM,
the outlier detection method proposed in (Rousseeuw
and Driessen, 1999) by Ellipse and the logistic re-
gression model by CrossA. For training the regression
model, we chose data resulting from the iterative tar-
geted FGSM attack with a magnitude of noise of 2
as perturbed data (assuming that it might be advan-
tageous to have malicious data stemming from an at-
tack method with small perturbation strength, which
makes the attack harder to detect). The resulting clas-
sifier is then evaluated against all other attacks. Note,
the training of the detection models is light-weight
and no knowledge of the process for generating ad-
versarial examples is needed. For evaluating our de-
tection models, we use cross-validation with 5 runs.
The detection results for the VOC dataset are
shown in Figure 5 and for the Cityscapes dataset in
Figure 6. We observe comparatively lower detection
performance results for smaller perturbation magni-
tudes for the untargeted FGSM attacks which may
be explained by the fact that weaker attacks lead to a
change of prediction for a lower number of pixels and
are thus more difficult to detect. Targeted attacks are
better detected than untargeted attacks (with ADA
values over 80% for all models). This could be due
to the procedure of picking the most unlikely class as
target which results in larger changes of the uncer-
tainty measures used as features. The detectors per-
form not that well on the adversarial examples result-
ing from the untargeted I-FGSM despite the strength
of the attack. An inspection of these examples shows
that during segmentation only a few classes are pre-
dicted (see Figure 3 (c)) with often low uncertainty for
large connected components which complicates the
distinction between clean and perturbed data. Inter-
esting are the high detection results of up to 96.89%
values (obtained by CrossA for the Cityscapes
dataset and the DeepLabv3+ network) for the DNNM
attack as the perturbation targets only a few pixels,
(APSR values around 15%) and is therefore difficult
to detect. For the patch attack, it is noticeable that
the detection performance for the DeepLabv3+ net-
work on the Cityscapes dataset is low compared to the
HRNet which is explained by the higher disturbance
power of this attack on the HRNet, reflected in 36.11
percentage points higher APSR values. In general,
the detection capability for attacks on the HRNet is
stronger than for the DeepLabv3+, since the HRNet is
more easily to attack (see higher APSR values in Fig-
ure 4). Generally, our experiments highlight the high
potential of investigating uncertainty information for
successfully detecting adversarial segmentation at-
tacks. Already the basic method Entropy leads to
high accuracies often outperforming OCSVM and El-
lipse. However, across different attacks and datasets,
CrossA achieves ADA
values of up to 100%. Thus,
our light-weight and uncertainty-based detection ap-
proach should be considered as baseline for future
In this work, we introduced a new uncertainty-based
approach for the detection of adversarial attacks on
semantic image segmentation tasks. We observed
that uncertainty information as given by the entropy
behaves differently on clean and perturbed images
and used this property to distinguish between the two
VISAPP 2024 - 19th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
cases with very basic classification models. Our ap-
proach works in a light-weight and post-processing
manner, i.e., we do not modify the model nor need
knowledge of the process used by the attacker for gen-
erating adversarial examples. We achieve averaged
detection accuracy values of up to 100% for differ-
ent network architectures and datasets. Moreover, it
has to be pointed out, that our proposed detection ap-
proach is the first that was not designed for a specific
adversarial attack, but has a high detection capability
across multiple types. Given the high detection accu-
racy and the simplicity of the proposed approach, we
are convinced, that it should serve as simple baseline
for more elaborated but computationally more expen-
sive approaches developed in future.
This work is supported by the Ministry of Culture
and Science of the German state of North Rhine-
Westphalia as part of the KI-Starter research fund-
ing program and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemein-
schaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under
Germany’s Excellence Strategy EXC-2092 CASA
– 390781972.
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