Improvement of Satellite Image Classification Using Attention-Based
Vision Transformer
Nawel Slimani
1 a
, Imen Jdey
2 b
and Monji Kerallah
3 c
National School of Electronics and Telecommunications, Sfax University, Sfax, Tunisia
FUniversity of Sfax, ReGIM-Lab. REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines (LR11ES48), Sfax, Tunisia
Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Sfax University, Tunisia
Deep Learning, Classification, Remote Sensing, Computer Vision, Vision Transformer, Self-Attention
Mechanism, Satellite Image.
This study introduces a transformative approach to satellite image classification using the Vision Transformer
(ViT) model, a revolutionary deep learning method. Unlike conventional methods, ViT divides images into
patches and employs self-attention mechanisms to capture intricate spatial dependencies, enabling the discern-
ment of nuanced patterns at the patch level. This key innovation results in remarkable classification accuracy,
surpassing 98% for SAT4 and SAT6 datasets. The study’s findings hold substantial promise for diverse applica-
tions, including urban planning, agriculture, disaster response, and environmental conservation. By providing
a nuanced understanding of ViT’s impact on satellite imagery analysis, this work not only contributes insights
into ViT’s architecture and training process but also establishes a robust foundation for advancing the field and
promoting sustainable resource management through informed decision-making.
The classification of hyperspectral images (HSI) is a
very active area of research in remote sensing and
earth observation. HSI is distinguished by its ex-
tremely high spectral dimensionality (Hang et al.,
2020). Satellite imagery can be defined as a represen-
tation of a complete part of the earth acquired with
artificial satellites(Devi et al., 2023), and it is an im-
portant tool for understanding our planet and manag-
ing its resources (Scheibenreif et al., 2022) and (Dim-
itrovski et al., 2023). It provides a unique perspective
on the Earth’s surface, and it can be used to moni-
tor changes over time and across large areas (Baig
et al., 2022). It can offer insightful information for
a variety of applications, including emergency man-
agement(Daud et al., 2022), land use, and cover anal-
ysis (Baig et al., 2022), which provide valuable infor-
mation about the land surface, including vegetation,
water bodies, and urban areas. Image classification
helps to identify and map these features, which is im-
portant for monitoring changes in land use and land
cover over time. Environmental monitoring can also
be used to monitor environmental conditions such as
water quality, soil moisture, and air pollution. Satel-
lite image classification helps identify areas where
these conditions are changing, which is important for
managing natural resources and protecting the envi-
ronment. Yet, there have not been many attempts to
apply visual attention techniques to the study of re-
mote sensing data in the literature (Mehmood et al.,
Deep learning methods, in particular Convo-
lutional Neural Networks (CNNs), have recently
demonstrated considerable potential for reaching high
accuracy in this job (Bazi et al., 2021) (Slimani et al.,
2023). However, these models might fail to capture
the image’s long-range dependencies, which could
lead to incorrect classification or a lack of compre-
hension of complicated visual structures.
Deep learning’s attention mechanism is a potent
technique that enables the model to concentrate on
particular areas of the input image while ignoring ir-
relevant data (Zu et al., 2023). The application of
this approach to problems involving image identifi-
cation and natural language processing has been suc-
cessful. Recently, it has also been applied to satellite
image classification to improve deep learning model
Slimani, N., Jdey, I. and Kherallah, M.
Improvement of Satellite Image Classification Using Attention-Based Vision Transformer.
DOI: 10.5220/0012298400003636
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2024) - Volume 3, pages 80-87
ISBN: 978-989-758-680-4; ISSN: 2184-433X
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
performance (Zu et al., 2023). It works by assign-
ing a weight to each element of the input sequence
based on its relevance to the output. The elements
with higher weights are given more attention, while
those with lower weights are given less attention.
The ViT learns to generate a weight vector for
each input patch in each self-attention layer of the
transformer encoder, depending on how similar it is
to every other patch in the sequence. This is ac-
complished by creating a dot product between each
patch’s query, key, and value vectors, and then using
the softmax function to create a normalized weight
vector (Xian et al., 2022).
The weight vector shows how significant each
patch is in determining how the feature representation
of the image is computed. In contrast to irrelevant or
noisy patches, which are given lower weights, patches
that are highly relevant to the classification job are
given greater weights(Zu et al., 2023). The attended
feature representation is then created by computing
the input patches’ weighted sum using the weight vec-
tor as the weights. This enables the model to ignore
unimportant or noisy patches and choose to concen-
trate on the image’s most crucial parts.
The feedforward neural network is then fed the
attended feature representation to generate the final
classification output. The feedforward network ap-
plies non-linear modifications to the attended fea-
ture representation, which enables the model to accu-
rately predict and capture complicated relationships
between the input patches (Xian et al., 2022).
This research paper begins by offering contextual
information. Next, we provide an overview of per-
tinent literature and explore previous methods that
influenced our proposed approach. The paper intro-
duces the proposed approach, which involves using
an attention-based vision transformer to improve the
classification of satellite images in remote sensing
monitoring. We present the achieved results and dis-
cuss their significance. Lastly, the article summarizes
the key findings and proposes potential avenues for
future research.
ViT is a recent breakthrough in the area of computer
vision(Jamil et al., 2023)(Jdey et al., 2012a). While
transformer-based models have dominated the field of
natural language processing since 2017, CNN-based
models are still demonstrating state-of-the-art perfor-
mances in vision problems(Li et al., 2022b). Last
years, a group of researchers from Google figured
out how to make a transformer work on recognition.
They called it a ”vision transformer. The follow-up
works by the community demonstrated superior per-
formance of vision transformers not only in recog-
nition but also in other downstream tasks such as
detection, segmentation, multi-modal learning, and
scene text recognition, to mention a few. It is a vari-
ant of the popular transformer architecture that was
originally developed for natural language processing
(NLP) tasks but has since been adapted for computer
vision applications such as image classification. Ac-
cording to (Jiang et al., 2019), the main idea behind
the ViT is to treat an image as a sequence of patches,
each patch being a small, fixed-size subimage of the
original image. The patches are flattened into a se-
quence of 1D vectors, which are then processed by a
standard transformer encoder.
The ViT architecture consists of a series of stages,
each containing a multi-head self-attention mecha-
nism followed by a feedforward neural network layer.
The attention mechanism allows the model to capture
long-range dependencies between patches, while the
feedforward layer applies non-linear transformations
to the representations(Jiang et al., 2019). To improve
the quality of the learned features, the ViT model is
typically pre-trained on large datasets of images us-
ing self-supervised learning techniques. During pre-
training, the model learns to predict the relative posi-
tion of different patches within an image, which en-
courages the model to learn spatial relationships be-
tween patches and improves its ability to recognize
objects. Once the model is pre-trained, the final lay-
ers can be replaced or fine-tuned for specific down-
stream tasks, such as image classification or object
detection. Overall, the ViT architecture has shown
promising results on a variety of image recognition
tasks, achieving state-of-the-art performance on sev-
eral benchmarks while requiring significantly fewer
parameters than traditional convolutional neural net-
works(Jiang et al., 2019).
2.1 Attention Mechanism
One common way to use attention in image classifica-
tion is to apply it to the feature maps produced by the
convolutional layers of a deep neural network(Duan
and Zhao, 2019). In this approach, the attention
mechanism learns to assign weights to different spa-
tial locations in the feature maps based on their rele-
vance to the classification task(Duan and Zhao, 2019).
The attention weights are computed by applying
a small neural network to each spatial location in the
feature maps. The output of this network is a scalar
value, which represents the importance of the corre-
sponding spatial location for the classification task.
Improvement of Satellite Image Classification Using Attention-Based Vision Transformer
The attention weights are then normalized using a
softmax function so that they sum to one across all
spatial locations.
So f tmax(Z)i =
Weighted summation of feature maps using atten-
tion weights as weights yields a curated feature rep-
resentation of the image. This curated representation
can be used as input to a classifier, such as a fully
connected plane, to predict class labels for images.
Another way to pay attention to image classification
is to apply attention to the intermediate representation
generated by the network. This approach focuses on
feature maps at multiple stages of the network, allow-
ing the model to focus on different levels of abstrac-
tion within the image.
Both self-attention and attention processes, which
are similar strategies, are employed to identify the
connections between various elements of an input se-
quence or collection. While there are some parallels
between the two procedures, there are also some sig-
nificant variances.
A technique called self-attention is used to create
a weighted representation of an input sequence or set
depending on how similar the items in the sequence
or set are to one another. The input sequence or set is
divided into the query vector, key vector, and value
vector in self-attention. Based on the relationships
between the elements in the input sequence or set,
these vectors are utilized to create a weight vector that
represents the relative importance of each element.
The attended representation of the input sequence or
set is then represented by computing a weighted sum
of the value vectors using the weight vector (figure
1). When determining the score of multiple key and
query vectors at the same time, we can replace the key
and query vectors with the key and query matrices, K
and Q, respectively, in the above equations. Given Q,
K, and V, the value of the corresponding query vectors
is given by:
Attention(Q, K, V ) = f tmax(score(Q, K)) (2)
Figure 1: Attention mechanism parameters.
The self-attention processes are similar, except
that instead of functioning between the encoder and
decoder components, they also operate between the
input and output elements (the present looks at the
past and future since the future is yet to be generated)
(Jlassi et al., 2021).
Multi-head attention is an attention mechanism
module that runs through an attention mechanism
several times in parallel. The independent atten-
tion outputs are then concatenated and linearly trans-
formed into the expected dimension (Tiwari and Nag-
pal, 2022).
2.2 Transformer
Based on the concept of self-attention, the trans-
former design enables the model to record relation-
ships between various elements of the input sequence.
The input sequence is divided into three vectors called
the query vector, key vector, and value vector in the
transformer(Duan and Zhao, 2019). These vectors
are then used to calculate attention weights for each
element in the input sequence. The attended repre-
sentation of the input sequence is represented by a
weighted sum of the values, which is computed us-
ing the attention weights(Duan and Zhao, 2019).
Each layer of the transformer architecture is made
up of a feedforward neural network and a multi-head
self-attention mechanism. The feedforward neural
network gives the model non-linearity and flexibil-
ity, while the multi-head self-attention mechanism en-
ables the model to attend to different regions of the
input sequence at varying degrees of granularity.
The classic recurrent neural networks (RNNs),
which were previously employed for many NLP ap-
plications, have a number of disadvantages when
compared to the transformer design. The transformer,
as opposed to RNNs, is able to capture long-range de-
pendencies in the input sequence without the require-
ment for recurrence or explicit modeling of the input
history. It can also be parallelized more easily than
RNNs, which speeds up training and makes scaling to
bigger datasets simpler.
It is used to parallelize sequential data using an
encoder-decoder. It is a deep learning model (i.e., a
neural network) of type seq2seq, which has the pecu-
liarity that it uses only the attention mechanism and
no RNN or CNN. Based on an encoder-decoder ar-
chitecture (figure 2).
2.2.1 Encoder
The encoder is an important part of the architecture
of the transformer encoder-decoder. It is in charge
of understanding the input sequence through analy-
sis and representation. A continuous representation
of the input, or embedding, is created by the encoder
after processing the input sequence. The decoder
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: The Transformer – Model Architecture.
then uses these embeddings to produce the output se-
quence (Han et al., 2022).
A feed-forward neural network and a self-
attention mechanism are commonly included in each
layer of the transformer encoder architecture. By cal-
culating the dot product of the embeddings, the self-
attention mechanism enables the model to assess the
relative relevance of various input sequence compo-
nents. The term ”multi-head attention” also applies to
this technique (Jdey et al., 2012b).
2.2.2 Decoder
The task of the decoder, which contains similar sub-
layers as the encoder, is to generate text sequences.
It has two layers of multi-headed attention: a feed-
forward layer with point-wise residual connections
and a normalization layer after each sublayer. These
sublayers exhibit similar behavior to the encoder’s
linear layers, but each multi-headed attention layer
performs a distinct function (Bhatt et al., 2021). A
classifier-like linear layer and a softmax are added
as a finishing touch to obtain the word probabilities.
The encoder output, which comprises the attention in-
formation from the input, and a list of prior outputs
are both inputs that the auto-regressive decoder uses.
When it produces an end token as an output, the de-
coder stops decoding(Hcini et al., 2022).
The ViT architecture has shown promising results in
various computer vision tasks, including the classifi-
cation of satellite images. In particular, the use of ViT
in satellite image classification has been studied in a
few research papers. In (Bazi et al., 2021), the authors
explored the use of ViT for multi-label classification
of satellite images. They compared ViT to other state-
of-the-art models and found that it outperformed them
on several datasets. ViT draws the attention of several
researchers on the classification of remote sensing im-
ages, such as the authors of(Pei et al., 2019) whose
study covers more than 60 recent methods based on
transformers for different remote sensing problems in
the subfields of remote sensing: Very High Resolution
(VHR), hyperspectral (HSI) and Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR) imagery.
As it is shown in table 1 there are some studies
were conducted to evaluate the performance of ViT
classifier for image classification.
In 2022 (Mehmood et al., 2022), ViT was applied
to two datasets, Sentinel-2 and EuroSAT, achieving an
accuracy score of 95% for both datasets.
In 2021 (Li et al., 2022a), a new method called
C-Tran based on ViT with RGB input was proposed
and evaluated on two datasets, COCO and Visual
Genome, with the results showing an accuracy score
of 90.1%, a recall score of 65.7%, and an F1 score of
76% for COCO, and an accuracy score of 51.1%, a
recall score of 12.5%, and an F1 score of 20.1% for
Visual Genome.
In 2020 (Hang et al., 2020), ViT was evaluated on
two datasets: Houston 2013 (16 class) with Attention-
Aided CNNs, achieving an accuracy score of 90.38%
and an F1 score of 90.67%, and Houston 2018 (20
class) with 48 bands achieving an accuracy score
of 72.57%. Another dataset, HyRANK (7 class),
was evaluated with 176 bands, achieving an accuracy
score of 58.55%. Overall, these studies show that
ViT can achieve high accuracy scores across different
types of datasets and applications, making it a promis-
ing tool for future research.
Our proposed approach is about applying the ViT
model without data augmentation using the Keras
framework for SAT4 and SAT6 where the ViT model
brings several benefits to these two datasets for image
classification. They excel in capturing long-range re-
lationships in satellite imagery, offer scalability and
transfer learning from large datasets, provide inter-
Improvement of Satellite Image Classification Using Attention-Based Vision Transformer
Table 1: Accuracy obtained for satellite image using ViT Classifier.
Ref Datasets Number
of images
Classifier Type of im-
Accuracy Recall F1
et al.,
(10 class)
27,000 ViT RGB
et al.,
C-Tran RGB 90.1% 65.7% 76%
et al.,
Merced (21
AID (30
(31 class)
A remote-
method based
on vision
et al.,
2013 (16
2018 (20
Aided CNNs
48 bands
pretable attention maps, and have a track record of
top-tier performance. Their adaptability to differ-
ent patch sizes and availability of pre-trained models
make ViT models a compelling choice for improving
accuracy and generalization in satellite image classi-
fication tasks, provided they are fine-tuned and cus-
tomized to suit the specific dataset characteristics.
The proposed model starts by defining the input
layer for flattened images of size 28x28. Patches
are then extracted from the input images using the
Patches layer. These patches are encoded into a
higher-dimensional representation using the PatchEn-
coder layer. The model then proceeds with multiple
Transformer blocks, each consisting of layer normal-
ization, multi-head self-attention, skip connections,
and MLP layers. The final encoded patches undergo
layer normalization and are flattened. Dropout is ap-
plied to the flattened representation, followed by an-
other MLP layer for feature extraction. The output
logits are obtained through a dense layer, and the
model is created using the specified inputs and out-
We have conducted a comprehensive examination
of the available literature and performed a meticulous
investigation to confirm that there are no previous in-
stances where the Vit model has been applied to the
Sat4 and Sat6 datasets.
Several key parameters that affect the architecture
and behavior of our ViT-based model for image clas-
sification are involved. We focus on the patch size
hyperparameter in our study, and we try to employ a
patch size of 16 applied to an image of size 28*28.
5.1 Datasets
Table 2 presents data derived from two datasets em-
ployed in the assessment of our proposed approach.
ICAART 2024 - 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 3: Exploring the Performance of Vision Transformer Model for Satellite Image Classification.
Datasets Nb-epochs Accuracy
Recall F1-score Time(h)
Table 2: Sat4 and Sat6 Caracteristics.
Dataset’s char-
Total number of
500000 405000
Training sets 400000 324000
Test sets 100000 81000
Number of class 4 Barren
Land, Tree,
Other Class
6 Building,
Barren Land,
Tree, Grass-
land, Road,
spatial Resolu-
Image size 28*28
Color depth 8 bits un-
Bands available RGB and PIR
Approximate lo-
State of Cali-
fornia (united
size 1.36Go 1.12Go
5.2 Results and Discussion
Table 3 shows the results of training the ViT model
on Sat4 and Sat6 datasets for different numbers of
epochs. The model achieved an accuracy of 98.66%
on Sat6 after 100 epochs and 98.61% on Sat4 af-
ter 50 epochs of training. The precision, recall, and
F1-score for Sat4 were 83.37, 94.75, and 94.09, re-
spectively, while for Sat6, they were 97.80, 97.27,
and 97.50, respectively. These results demonstrate
that the model was able to correctly classify the im-
age for both datasets, with higher precision and re-
call achieved on Sat6. The time required to train the
model on Sat4 was 9.4 hours, while on Sat6, it was
1.26 hours, indicating that Sat4 took longer to train
due to its larger size and complexity.
Figure 3: Architecture Vision Transformer.
Figure 4: Image from SAT4 and SAT6 datasets.
The hyperparameter range values are shown in ta-
ble 4. All of the images in our tests and alternatives
are sized to 28*28. The input image’s patch size P is
Improvement of Satellite Image Classification Using Attention-Based Vision Transformer
Table 4: The range of hyperparameter values.
Hyperparameter Description textbf-
Image size The height and width
of an image in pixels
28 × 28
Patch size A small patch means a
population of small di-
mension with greater
external influence
reaching the inner
Batch size The number of units
manufactured in a pro-
duction run
Learning rate Hyperparameter that
controls how much to
change the model in
response to the esti-
mated error each time
the model weights
Stochastic gradient
descent method that
is based on adap-
tive estimation of
first-order and second-
order moments with
an added method to
decay weights (Jdey
et al., 2023)
Weight decay Weight decay is a reg-
ularization technique
that penalizes large
weights in the model.
Heads The number of heads
refers to the number of
parallel self-attention
heads in the trans-
former layers
Layer The number of trans-
former layers deter-
mines the depth of the
Epochs The number of epochs
is an important hyper-
parameter that deter-
mines how long the
model trains and how
many times it updates
its parameters
Dropout rate The dropout rate is set
at 20%, indicating that
approximately one out
of every five inputs
will be randomly omit-
ted during each update
set to 6, the batch size is set to 16, and the starting
learning rate is set to 0.001. With four heads, eight
layers, and various values of epochs, the AdamW op-
timizer is used to train the model deeply. It has a
weight decay of 0.0001.
When compared to the works listed in the related
works section, our model performs better in terms of
accuracy, precision, recall, and training effectiveness.
This shows that our model, particularly when applied
to the Sat6 dataset, produced state-of-the-art perfor-
mance in satellite image classification tasks. The par-
ticular hyperparameter values we used also point to
a well-considered and possibly efficient model setup.
The specifics of each dataset and task must be taken
into account, though, as performance can vary based
on things like the size and complexity of the dataset.
The results suggest that the ViT model was effec-
tive in classifying satellite images from both Sat4 and
Sat6 datasets, achieving high accuracy and general-
ization performance. However, the model achieved
slightly better results on Sat6, which may be due to
its smaller size and simpler features compared to Sat4.
The results also highlight the importance of hyperpa-
rameter tuning, particularly the number of epochs, in
achieving optimal performance of the model.
Our study highlights the effectiveness of the ViT
model for satellite image classification, demonstrat-
ing its ability to learn meaningful representations of
satellite images and generalize well to new data. The
results also emphasize the importance of hyperpa-
rameter tuning, particularly the number of epochs, in
achieving optimal performance of the model. Addi-
tionally, our study shows that the ViT model can be
applied to different satellite image datasets with vary-
ing complexity and features, providing a promising
avenue for future research in satellite image classifi-
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Improvement of Satellite Image Classification Using Attention-Based Vision Transformer