The Role of Heuristics and Biases in Linux Server Administrators’
Information Security Policy Compliance at Healthcare Organizations
John McConnell
, Yair Levy
, Marti Snyder
and Ling Wang
Johns Hopkins, 5801 Smith Ave., Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.
College of Computing and Engineering, Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.
Learning and Education Center, Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A.
Keywords: Linux Server Administrators, Cognitive Heuristics, Cognitive Biases, Information Security Policy Compliance,
Healthcare Cybersecurity.
Abstract: Information Security Policy (ISP) compliance is crucial to healthcare organizations due to the potential for
data breaches. The healthcare industry relies heavily on Linux servers to house electronically Protected Health
Information (ePHI) due to their inherited lower volume of known vulnerabilities. However, Linux Server
Administrators appear to be more relaxed than other server administrators when it comes to ISP compliance.
Prior research suggests that the use of cognitive heuristics and biases may negatively influence threat appraisal
and coping appraisal, while ultimately impacting ISP compliance. Thus, the goal of our study was to
empirically assess the effect of cognitive heuristics, biases, and knowledge-sharing level on actual ISP
compliance measured based on actual security setting adjustments. Aside from the novel measure of actual
ISP compliance, we developed a survey instrument based on prior validated instruments to measure cognitive
heuristics and biases. A group of 42 Linux Server Administrators who oversee the servers at a major
healthcare organization participated in our study. Additionally, an intervention in the form of hands-on
cybersecurity training, periodic security update emails, and Linux-focused tabletop exercises was introduced.
Our results indicated that information security knowledge-sharing significantly influenced both cognitive
heuristics and biases. Conclusions and discussions are provided.
With the massive avalanche of data breaches in recent
years, information security is rising to the radar of
organizational leaders (Levy & Gafni, 2021). The
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)’s Internet
Crime Report estimated that in 2021, the cost of
cybercrime reached $6.9 trillion (FBI, 2022, March
22). With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the
healthcare industry experienced a massive wave of
cyber-attacks and, unfortunately, many successful
data breaches (Gafni & Pavel, 2021). Prior reports by
the FBI’s Internet Computer Complaint Center (IC3)
from 2021 that included COVID-19 cyber-attacks
statistics, documented over 230% increase in
cyberattacks in 2020 from the prior year, many of
these targeted the healthcare industry (FBI, 2021).
The number of healthcare breaches that resulted in at
least 500 records stolen increased from 220 in 2013
to 550 (250% increase) in 2020 (U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights,
2023). From early 2012 to early 2023, a total of
301,013,431 patient records were breached in 50
states and the District of Columbia impacting
physician practices, health plans, and hospitals (U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services Office for
Civil Rights, 2023). During the same period, server-
related incidents resulted in the loss of 229,563,942
individual electronic Protected Health Information
(ePHI) records (U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services Office for Civil Rights, 2023).
Healthcare-related server breaches represented
McConnell, J., Levy, Y., Snyder, M. and Wang, L.
The Role of Heuristics and Biases in Linux Server Administrators’ Information Security Policy Compliance at Healthcare Organizations.
DOI: 10.5220/0012297000003648
Paper published under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2024), pages 30-41
ISBN: 978-989-758-683-5; ISSN: 2184-4356
Proceedings Copyright © 2024 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda.
79.6% of the total records breached. The healthcare
industry is a complicated network of hospitals,
providers, independent laboratories, pharmacies,
imaging centers, insurance companies, and public
health departments centered on patients’ health
(Dixon, 2016). The ability to safeguard patients’ ePHI
in all three data states (at rest, at processing, & at
transit) is key to improving patient medical outcomes
and lowering the cost of healthcare (Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information
Technology, n.d.). Server administrators’ compliance
with the Information Security Policy (ISP) of the
organization is key to safeguarding patients’ ePHI
and minimizing the risk of data breaches (Chen et al.,
2018). While many organizations’ servers are
Windows-based, a significant number of larger, back-
end systems, especially at large-scale healthcare
organizations, are Linux-based to capitalize on
increased server processing power, reliability,
assumed increased information security, and
clustering technology (Beuchelt, 2017). As of
October 2023, it was reported that Linux servers
represent 82.0% of active Web servers worldwide
(W3Techs, 2023). Globally, Linux variants represent
67.21% of the operating system market share
(GlobalStats, 2023). Adequately managing servers’
security reduces the risk of systems disruption, loss of
confidential ePHI, harm to organizational reputation,
potential loss of revenue, and financial loss due to
litigation or fines (Donaldson et al., 2015). Server
administrators are humans, and like other individuals,
they use judgment to make decisions daily. Cognitive
heuristics are mental shortcuts that individuals use to
quickly assess a situation and determine an adequate,
though frequently flawed, conclusion (Kahneman,
2011). Cognitive biases describe how information
framing and context influence decision-making,
which departs from normal rational theory (Gilovich
& Griffin, 2013). Prior research provided strong
evidence that knowledge-sharing related to
information security issues among users, especially
Information Technology (IT) professionals, is critical
for the mitigation of cybersecurity risks in
organizations (Safa et al., 2016). A significant
volume of prior research related to security
compliance is based on self-reported compliance
(Mandiant, 2013). Moreover, self-reported behavior
has been documented in prior research to have a
limited correlation with actual human behavior
(Mahalingham et al., 2023). In the context of
information security, Wash et al. (2017) indicated that
“There are many user decisions that people do not
self-report accurately. When studying these
[information security] decisions, it is important to
measure actual behaviors rather than relying on self-
reports” (p. 2231). Additionally, self-reported
behavior frequently measures intention rather than
actual secure behaviors (Chen & Tyran, 2023). Thus,
the goal of our study was to empirically assess the
effect of cognitive heuristics, biases, and knowledge-
sharing levels on actual ISP compliance by Linux
Server Administrators. Moreover, we have
intentionally elected to craft multi-point metrics to
assess actual ISP compliance based on security
setting adjustments that the Linux Server
Administrators performed or not. Furthermore, we
have developed an intervention in the form of a set of
targeted Linux-focused tabletop exercises that
included hands-on interactive information security
challenges and provided the Linux Server
Administrators a platform for knowledge-sharing
when it comes to ISP compliance and cybersecurity
issues. Our two main Research Questions (RQs) for
this study were:
RQ1: What is the role of knowledge-sharing level,
cognitive heuristics, and cognitive biases on the
Linux Server Administrators’ actual ISP
compliance level mediated by their perceptions
of severity and vulnerabilities along with
efficacy (self-efficacy & efficacy-response) in
the healthcare industry?
RQ2: What is the role of an intervention in the form
of updated cybersecurity training, periodic
security update emails, and Linux-focused
tabletop excursuses on the Linux Server
Administrators’ actual ISP compliance level in
the healthcare industry?
2.1 Human Factor in ISP Compliance
The human aspects of information security must be
understood to reduce the risk of data breaches
(Antonucci et al., 2021). Users’ ignorance, apathy,
errors, resistance, and mischievous nature can result
in human-caused data breaches (Pollock et al., 2021).
Recently, the 2022 Data Breach Investigation Report
led by Verizon (2022) with contributions from 83
federal and state law enforcement agencies, noted that
so far in the first half of 2022 alone, “82% of breaches
involve the human element—something the silicon
isn’t going to be mitigating” (p. 45). To strengthen the
human aspect of information security, ISPs are
developed, which enhance cybersecurity, and
physical security, decrease vulnerability to data
The Role of Heuristics and Biases in Linux Server Administrators’ Information Security Policy Compliance at Healthcare Organizations
breaches, as well as ensure legal and regulatory
compliance (Pollock et al., 2021). Unfortunately,
employee noncompliance with ISP is the key threat to
organizational information security (Pollock et al.,
2021). Sadok et al. (2020) found that by connecting
ISPs with subject matter experts, work processes
improved overall ISP compliance. This was relevant
to the current research as the Linux Server
Administrators are the subject matter experts for the
organizational servers that they manage, yet they are
human too. Kahneman (2011) referred to the two
cognitive systems of decision-making as ‘System
One’ and ‘System Two’. System One lies outside of
individuals’ awareness and is intuitive, implicit, and
involuntary (Cooper et al., 2021). System Two, the
reasoning and analytical system, is where deliberate
thought occurs (Cooper et al., 2021; Kahneman,
2011). System Two is activated whenever a problem
presents itself to which System One cannot provide a
reasonable answer (Antonucci et al., 2021;
Kahneman, 2011). Several heuristics and biases may
negatively impact threat appraisal and coping
appraisal including the cognitive heuristic, optimism
bias, and confirmation bias (Kahneman, 2011). Use
of these heuristics and biases can result in
inappropriately low judgment of risk or an
overinflated estimation of coping skills, or human
error (Kahneman, 2011; Pollock et al., 2021).
Optimism bias can result in dangerous neglect of risks
(Rhee et al., 2012). This bias can enhance perceived
invulnerability to negative events and lead to
inappropriately high levels of risky behaviors
(Pollock et al., 2021; Rhee et al., 2012). To judge the
probability of an event, an individual may assess the
availability of associations related to the event
(Kahneman, 2011). It is cognitively easier to estimate
a probability based on the ease with which one recalls
occurrences of a similar event (Kahneman, 2011).
Pachur et al. (2012) found that the availability
heuristic significantly influenced perceived risk.
Confirmation bias and optimism bias are closely
related and can significantly influence decision-
making (Kahneman, 2011). With confirmation bias,
one gives greater validity to information that supports
one’s beliefs. Tsohou et al. (2015) found that
confirmation bias led individuals to inappropriately
assess information security threats. Kahneman (2011)
identified confirmation bias as a System One
heuristic, and it is, therefore, easily activated when
making decisions. Building on Kahneman’s (2011)
heuristics and biases work in assessing risk, this study
investigated how the availability heuristic,
confirmation bias, and optimism bias influenced
Linux Server Administrators’ implementation of
information security controls.
2.2 Knowledge-Sharing in Information
Flores et al. (2014) emphasized the importance of
knowledge-sharing processes in organizations. The
sharing of information security knowledge,
experience, and insights can improve organizational
performance and help enhance the overall
organizational cybersecurity posture (Safa & Von
Solms, 2016). Prior research provided ample
evidence that information security knowledge is
frequently scattered throughout organizations and
many organizations have not developed an effective
program to share critical knowledge within them
(Safa & Von Solms, 2016). Furthermore, prior
research indicated that one effective way of
increasing information security knowledge-sharing,
and cybersecurity skills is through effective SETA
programs (Safa & Von Solms, 2016). It appears that
the development of a formal means for information
security knowledge-sharing may help to foster the
sharing of ideas, experiences, tools, and processes to
improve the information security of organizational
information systems assets. Making users aware of
the current and evolving cyber risks, threats,
vulnerabilities, and their severities, the speed with
which the threats propagate, as well as the potential
impact on the organization is crucial to ISP
compliance (Safa et al., 2016; Siponen et al., 2014).
Safa and Van Solms (2016) found that information
security knowledge-sharing benefited businesses,
increased employee information security self-
efficacy, and improved ISP compliance.
2.3 Protection Motivation Theory
(PMT) and ISP Compliance
Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) was developed
by Rogers (1975) to understand how fear appeals
influenced behaviors. PMT is frequently used to
understand compliance with ISPs, and as a result, is
of great relevance to this study (Hanus & Wu, 2016;
Jansen & van Schaik, 2018). Two key constructs in
PMT are coping appraisal and threat appraisal
(Rogers, 1975). Coping appraisal, which includes
self-efficacy and response-efficacy, is an assessment
of how the individual can cope with, adapt to, and
change behavior to avoid harm (Rogers & Prentice-
Dunn, 1997). Threat appraisal is an assessment of the
perceived severity of a threatening event or attack
vector, also noted as “perceived severity” in short,
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
and the perceived probability of the occurrence of
such event that the individual attributes to the
threatening event or attack vector, also noted as
perceived vulnerability(Rogers & Prentice-Dunn,
1997). Prior studies found threat appraisal to be
positively correlated with ISP compliance intention
(Chen & Tyran, 2023), yet we question the validity of
such work, as noted previously when it comes to the
relationship between self-reported intentions and
actual behavior of individuals in the context of ISP
2.4 Security Education, Training, and
Awareness (SETA) and ISP
Security Education, Training, and Awareness
(SETA) programs are a means for organizations to
increase awareness and minimize the risk of insider-
caused information security failures or data breaches
(Chen et al., 2018). Prior research indicated that
engaging the users and ‘audience appropriate’ SETA
programs, positively influences self-efficacy and ISP
compliance (Chen et al., 2018; Pattinson et al., 2019).
Focusing the SETA program on the responsibilities of
the participants improved engagement, information
retention, and compliance (Schroeder, 2017). Posey
et al. (2015) found that SETA programs positively
correlated with both perceived severity and response-
2.5 Prior ISP Compliance Research
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) poses penalties and settlements levied
on healthcare systems and insurance companies
totaling millions of dollars yearly (HIPAA Journal,
2022). Given the potential financial liabilities
associated with data breaches and privacy violations,
it is imperative that healthcare organizations secure
their computing resources by following the HIPAA
and Health Information Technology for Economic
and Clinical Health (HITECH) guidelines. The
HIPAA Security Rule provided specifications and
standards that covered healthcare entities should
implement to help ensure the Confidentiality,
Integrity, and Availability (CIA) of ePHI (Koch,
2017). These policies and guidelines, however, will
not protect PII/ePHI data if they are not properly
implemented within the technical infrastructure
(Dixon, 2016). At the same time, HIPAA and other
governmental regulations require healthcare
organizations to develop well-articulated ISPs both
for their general employees and their IT employees.
As such, lack of ISP compliance appears to be a major
threat vector. However, based on our review of the
literature, there are several notable gaps that this
study investigated. First, research on ISP compliance
has focused primarily on end-users. While they are
critical to organizational information security, server
administrators have the highest privilege levels and
access to the critical data stored in the organization
(Beuchelt, 2017). Siponen et al. (2014) identified
employee failure to follow ISPs as a key threat to the
security of an organization. An additional risk is that
employees can make errors due to cognitive
limitations, task demands, as well as organizational,
social, or environmental factors (Safa & Von Solms,
2016). Most of these studies have evaluated end-user
ISP compliance intention (Chen & Tyran, 2023).
Behavioral compliance of Linux Server
Administrators, however, can be even more crucial as
the data hosted on the back-end Linux servers
frequently contain ePHI, PII, or financial data
(Beuchelt, 2017). Additionally, server administrators
are responsible for configuring security controls to
protect organizational servers and data (Beuchelt,
2017). Information security threat vectors for servers
include network- security-, and operating systems
misconfiguration, as well as unpatched systems or
device firmware, and privileged account escalation
(Caballero, 2013). Given these risks, it is important to
understand how to improve server administrators’
actual ISP compliance. Second, it appears that
research is scarce into the effectiveness of a SETA
program that focuses on the job activities of server
administrators, while they hold the most privileged
access at most organizations. It appears that most
SETA-related research studies have been focused on
organizational employees (Sarabadani et al., 2022).
As such, another innovation of our study is that it
investigated how a specially designed SETA
workshop affected heuristics and biases, as well as
actual ISP compliance of Linux Server
Administrators. Third, cognitive heuristics can lead to
biased decision-making as well as biased evaluation
of information security threats and risks (Pollock et
al., 2021). The inappropriate use of heuristics and
biases may prevent Linux Server Administrators from
correctly assessing the information security risks to
the organizational servers that they are overseeing,
which may reduce actual ISP compliance.
Participant-focused SETA programs can be an
effective means of reducing the use of cognitive
heuristics, biases, and improving actual ISP
compliance (Sarabadani et al., 2022). Fourth, while
Posey et al. (2015) integrated SETA and PMT, they
The Role of Heuristics and Biases in Linux Server Administrators’ Information Security Policy Compliance at Healthcare Organizations
appear to omit in their assessment the influences of
heuristics and biases on program effectiveness, which
our study attempted to do. Finally, while behavioral
intention is frequently taken as an indicator of
behavior (Chen & Tyran, 2023), it was noted by
several prior research (e.g., Mahalingham et al.,
2023) that intention differed significantly from actual
behavior in the context of implementation of security
controls. Comparing baseline (pre) and post-
intervention information security scans allowed the
present research to analyze actual information
security measures implemented by the server
administrators. Additionally, the use of optimism
bias, confirmation bias, or the availability heuristic
can lead to a fundamental underestimation of risk and
result in reduced ISP compliance (Tsohou et al.,
2015). Thus, it appears that there is great value in
further understanding how tailored SETA and
knowledge management programs, developed to
address the unique job functions of Linux Server
Administrators, influence their use of cognitive
heuristics, biases, information security knowledge-
sharing, and ultimately test if it has any effect on their
actual ISP compliance.
As indicated above from prior research, the
development of an information security knowledge-
sharing culture is an important goal for any
organization that has critical information systems
assets (Safa & Van Solms, 2016). Flores et al. (2014)
emphasized the importance of knowledge-sharing
processes in organizations. SETA workshops and
online training provide formal means of information
security knowledge-sharing within organizations
(Safa & Von Solms, 2016). These processes provided
a starting point for the present research’s cognitive
model of ISP compliance. Security knowledge-
sharing processes are theorized to directly influence
the three studied cognitive heuristics and biases used
by Linux Server Administrators (Kahneman, 2003).
Therefore, our first set of hypotheses noted in the null
form were:
H1: Information security knowledge-sharing will
have no significant influence on Linux Server
Administrators’ use of the availability heuristic.
H2: Information security knowledge-sharing will
have no significant influence on Linux Server
Administrators’ use of optimism bias.
H3: Information security knowledge-sharing will
have no significant influence on Linux Server
Administrators’ use of confirmation bias.
While prior research indicated that knowledge-
sharing has a significant influence on the three
cognitive heuristics and biases (Kahneman, 2003), in
this study we will assess if these also hold true in the
context of information security, especially with Linux
Server Administrators. Moreover, prior research
indicated that heuristics and biases influence threat
appraisal and coping appraisal from PMT
(Kahneman, 2011; Pachur et al., 2012; Rogers &
Prentice-Dunn, 1997). The key components of PMT,
threat appraisal and coping appraisal, have been
found in prior literature to be significantly influenced
by SETA programs and are, therefore, critical to
research into ISP compliance (Safa et al., 2016).
Dang-Pham et al. (2017) found that information
security awareness also improved the diffusion of
knowledge-sharing, in the context of information
systems, throughout the organization. Finally, threat
appraisal and coping appraisal have been shown in
the literature to influence compliance behavior (Safa
et al., 2016). As such, our study proposed to assess
such relationship in the contexts of ISP compliance of
Linux Server Administrators to include the following
four key areas: (1) SETA; (2) heuristics and biases;
(3) PMT, i.e., perceived severity, and perceived
vulnerability; as well as (4) actual ISP compliance.
Therefore, we hypothesized that:
H4: Availability heuristic will have no significant
influence on Linux Server Administrators’ (a)
perceived severity, and (b) perceived
H5: Optimism bias will have no significant
influence on Linux Server Administrators’ (a)
perceived severity, (b) perceived vulnerability,
(c) self-efficacy
, and (d) response-efficacy.
H6: Confirmation bias will have no significant
influence on Linux Server Administrators’ (a)
perceived severity, (b) perceived vulnerability,
(c) self-efficacy, and (d) response-efficacy.
H7a: Perceived severity will have no significant
influence on Linux Server Administrators’
actual ISP compliance.
H7b: Perceived vulnerability will have no significant
influence on Linux Server Administrators’
actual ISP compliance.
H8a: Self-efficacy will have no significant influence
on Linux Server Administrators’ actual ISP
H8b: Response-efficacy will have no significant
influence on Linux Server Administrators’
actual ISP compliance.
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
All hypotheses are noted in the null form for
uniformity and testing purposes.
The main aim and objective of our study was to
formulate a cognitive processing model to test the two
previously introduced research questions via a set of
hypotheses outlined above. Additionally, we
developed an integrated information security
knowledge-sharing model following the Information
Security Organizational Knowledge-sharing
Framework proposed by Flores et al. (2014). We have
also followed Kahneman, his colleagues, and other
researchers who extended his work into the
information security field on cognitive heuristics as
well as bias measures (Antonucci et al., 2021; Cooper
et al., 2021; Pollock et al., 2021), along with PMT
constructs (Posey et al., 2015) as depicted in Figure
1. The proposed model addresses RQ1.
Figure 1: The Research Model on the Factors Impacting
Actual Linux Server Administrators’ ISP Compliance.
4.1 Measures and the Research Model
This quantitative research was conducted in a pretest
and posttest design. The assessment included two
parts: Part 1 – Survey instrument, and Part 2 – Actual
ISP Compliance metrics, both were collected before
and 90 days following the intervention the Linux-
focused SETA workshop. In Part 1, participants
completed a survey instrument that included
questions for Optimism Bias (OB), Self-Efficacy
(SE), Response-Efficacy (RE), Perceived
Vulnerability (PV), Perceived Severity (PS), and
Information Security Knowledge-sharing (ISKS),
which were adapted from previously validated
instruments used by Safa and Von Solms (2016),
Moqbel and Bartelt (2015), Ifinedo (2012), Hanus
and Wu (2016), Rhee et al. (2012), Siponen et al.
(2014), as well as Safa et al. (2016). Questions were
modified to reflect the focus on servers rather than
personal computers. The questions used to assess a 7-
point Likert scale ranging from (1) Strongly Disagree
to (7) Strongly Agree. We developed the questions for
the Cognitive Heuristic (CH) and Confirmation Bias
(CB) following prior work by Kahneman, his
colleagues, Fischer et al. (2011), and other
researchers noted above. Confirmatory Bias was
measured using a fictional scenario, similar to the
technique of Fischer et al. (2011) where participants
are presented with a scenario, asked to make an initial
decision, and then provided six confirming and six
disconfirming bits of additional information they can
choose to review, and then asked to choose again on
the initial fictional scenario. The level of
Confirmatory Bias was determined by subtracting the
number of disconfirming choices (Cons) selected
from the confirming choices (Pros) selected (Fischer
et al., 2011; Gertner et al., 2016). The survey was
pilot-tested with 17 individuals who evaluated the
flow of the survey, the wording of the questions, as
well as the reliability and validity of the instrument.
Additionally, the participants took part in our
developed Linux-focused SETA workshop and an
online hands-on cybersecurity lab. The Linux-
focused SETA workshop and cyber lab were designed
with the following goals: (1) help increase
cybersecurity awareness among Linux Server
Administrators; (2) help Linux Server Administrators
mitigate information security risk for the
organizational servers that they manage; (3) Teach
Linux Server Administrators on how to perform basic
penetration testing and server ISP analysis using
common tools; (4) Provide Linux Server
Administrators hands-on cloud-based cyber lab to
teach them the fundamentals of network security tools
(WireShark, NMAP, Metasploit, etc.); (5) Provide
environment for Linux Server Administrators to
connect with other administrators to increase
knowledge-sharing and collaboration.
In Part 2 when assessing for the actual ISP
compliance, we used five information data points that
were extracted directly from the Linux servers.
Specifically, we wanted these data points to provide
an accurate assessment of the actual security controls
implemented on each server that is managed by the
Linux Server Administrators. All five data points are
requirements in the organization’s ISP for Linux
servers. As such, security scans, reports, and scripts
were run on all Linux servers associated with each
participant before, and 90 days following the
intervention the Linux-focused SETA workshop.
Following that, the five security data points metrics
we used to assess actual ISP compliance (our
dependent variable) by the Linux Server
Administrators included:
1. Percentage of Linux servers using centralized log
management, measured by a single data point
The Role of Heuristics and Biases in Linux Server Administrators’ Information Security Policy Compliance at Healthcare Organizations
extracted from the Security Incident and Event
Management (SIEM) tool.
2. Percentage of Linux servers with recorded
Tenable Nessus data, measured by a single data
point extracted from the organization’s SIEM
Tenable dashboard.
3. Percentage of Linux servers blocking telnet,
FTP, and remote services ports, measured by a
single data point extracted from NMAP scan
4. Percentage of Linux servers using Multi-Factor
Authentication (MFA), measured by a single
data point extracted from the organization’s
centralized Single-Sign-On (SSO) system.
5. Percentage of Linux servers that have had recent
software updates, measured by a single data point
extracted from the organization’s SIEM Linux
inventory dashboard.
4.2 Study Participants
All Linux servers and Server Administrators were
identified from a single healthcare organization’s
configuration management database. The
organization is a multi-hospital health system and
teaching university in the mid-Atlantic U.S. region.
Invitations to participate emails were sent to all server
administrators and their direct managers. The
invitation described our study, the Linux-focused
SETA workshop content, and the hands-on cyber lab.
Invitation responses included 53 potential
participants, where 30 of them were identified as
primarily Linux Server Administrators. Some
individuals (12) were identified as split responsibility
for both Linux and Windows servers. Four
individuals identified themselves as Windows-only
server administrators; seven individuals did not have
any responsibility for servers. A total of 42 who
identified both as the primary as well as the split
(Linux & Windows) participated in the study and
completed all the study protocols. The Linux-focused
SETA workshop had significant support from the
organizational leadership, including the Chief
Information Officer (CIO), Chief Information
Security Officer (CISO), the IT security team, as well
as directors and managers at the organization. We
believe that this organizational leadership support led
to such a high response rate. Unfortunately, due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, the Linux-focused SETA
workshop was conducted online via Zoom. The cyber
lab followed the workshop and provided hands-on
experience using information security tools in a
controlled environment. The module utilized two
Linux Virtual Machines (VMs) and consisted of
challenges associated with locating, enumerating, and
exploiting a Linux server. EDURange (2019)
provides cloud-based resources for security education
of students and researchers. A new EDURange
Metasploit scenario was developed as part of this
study and allowed participants to perform penetration
testing using NMAP and the Metasploit Framework.
Following the Linux-focused SETA workshop,
every three weeks, information security update emails
were sent to participants. A total of six emails were
sent which provided updates regarding recently
identified vulnerabilities, relevant information
security alerts, breach announcements, FBI InfraGard
( updates, ransomware
events, as well as information about Tripwire and
Rootkit Hunter applications. The goals of the
information security update emails were to see if the
current information security awareness, information
security knowledge-sharing, and information security
recommendations made during the workshop were
being neglected, retained, or enhanced. Finally, 90
days after the workshop, an email was sent to all
Linux Server Administrators who participated in the
study to complete the online post-intervention survey.
Also, information security scans and report
extractions were used to quantify the changes made
by the administrators before and again 90 days after
the workshop, as the metrics for the actual ISP
compliance. The measures comparisons of before and
after the above-mentioned intervention were set to
address RQ2.
5.1 Results of the PLS-SEM Analysis
Partial Least Squares - Structural Equation Modeling
(PLS-SEM) has been used extensively in prior
research to test complex models in information
security (Hanus & Wu, 2016; Ifinedo, 2012; Rhee et
al., 2012). PLS-SEM has characteristics relevant to
the present research including acceptance of small
sample sizes, no assumption of data normality,
variety of scales of measurement, and ability to
handle complex models (Hair et al., 2017). Hair et al.
(2017) indicated that for a significance level of 5%
with a maximum of three arrows pointing toward a
construct (threat appraisal), a minimum R2 of 0.25
requires a 33-participant sample size and a minimum
R2 of 0.50 requires 14 participants. SmartPLS 3.3.2
was used to perform analyses of our collected data.
The data analysis was completed in two phases. First
the pre-workshop and post-workshop data were
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
collected and analyzed using PLS-SEM. The data
from the surveys were exported from Qualtrics to a
Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The actual ISP
compliance metrics were collected, aggregated, and
merged with the survey data to provide a single
comma-delimited file for input into SmartPLS. The
pre-workshop (a) and post-workshop (b) PLS-SEM
analysis results are displayed in Figure 2.
Figure 2: (a) Pre-workshop PLS-SEM Analysis Results.
Figure 2: (b) Post-workshop PLS-SEM Analysis Results.
5.2 Results of the PLS-MGA Analysis
The next step in the analysis of the data was to
perform SmartPLS Multigroup Analysis (PLS-
MGA). Both pre-workshop and post-workshop
datasets were merged into a single data set, and a
group identifier column was added to differentiate
before-workshop and after-workshop data, which was
then used for the MGA. The measurement model was
assessed for internal consistency reliability, indicator
reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant
validity (Hair et al., 2017). The structural model was
assessed for collinearity among the constructs, as well
as the relevance and significance of the path
coefficients (Hair et al., 2017). The combined groups
model with R
and path coefficients can be found in
Figure 3.
Key paths in the MGA included Perceived
Actual Compliance (-0.864),
Confirmation Bias
Perceived Vulnerability
(0.628), Optimism Bias
(0.539), and Information Security Knowledge-
Optimism Bias (0.499). Bootstrapping
was performed for path significance and in the
analysis seven paths were significant: Confirmation
Bias Perceived Vulnerability (p < 0.001),
Information Security Knowledge-sharing
Optimism Bias (p < 0.001), Optimism Bias
Response Efficacy (p < 0.001), Optimism Bias
Self-Efficacy (p < 0.001), Optimism Bias
Perceived Severity (P < 0.047), Optimism Bias
Perceived Vulnerability (p = 0.022), and Perceived
Actual ISP Compliance (p < 0.001).
The effect size (f²) was used to assess how constructs
contribute to the explaining power of other
constructs. In the analysis, strong positive effects:
Confirmation Bias
Perceived Vulnerability
(0.602), Perceived Vulnerability
Actual ISP
Compliance (3.142), and moderate positive effects
for Optimism Bias
Response-Efficacy (0.423),
Optimism Bias
Self-Efficacy (0.334), and
Information Security Knowledge-sharing
Optimism Bias (0.331). Finally, blindfolding was
used to assess predictive power using the Stone-
Geisser values (Hair et al., 2017). In the MGA, strong
predictive power was found for actual compliance
(0.352), moderate predictive power for Self-Efficacy
(0.185), weak predictive power for Optimism Bias
(0.146), and Perceived Vulnerability (0.086).
In the next phase of analysis, the heuristics and
biases scores were evaluated for changes. Indicator
scores for each construct were compared before and
after the intervention using paired t-tests to assess if
significant changes occurred for each administrator.
The results indicate that the availability heuristic (p <
0.001, t = 3.914) and confirmation bias (p < 0.001, t
= 7.723) had significant changes, but optimism bias
did not meet the t critical requirement (p = 0.01, t = -
2.353). Next, actual ISP compliance metrics scores
were compared before and after the intervention using
paired t-tests to assess if significant changes occurred
for each administrator. The results indicated that all
compliance metrics showed significant changes. A
total of 17 hypotheses were evaluated based on the
The Role of Heuristics and Biases in Linux Server Administrators’ Information Security Policy Compliance at Healthcare Organizations
research model indicated in Figure 1. T-statistics
were used for H1-3 and PLS-MGA bootstrapping for
path significance analysis for H4a-H8b. The results
indicated that eight hypotheses were rejected (H1:
ISKS AH; H3: ISKS CB; H5a: OB PS; H5b:
OB PV; H5c: OB SE; H5d: OB RE; H6b:
CB PV; H7b: PV AC) and nine were accepted
(H2: ISKS OB; H4a: AH PS; H4b: AH PV;
H6a: CB PS; H6c: CB SE; H6d: CB RE;
H7a: PS AC; H8a: RE AC; H8b: SE AC).
Figure 3: Combined Groups PLS-SEM Multigroup
Analysis Results.
5.3 Model Evaluation, Validity, and
Reliability Measures
For the measurement model evaluation, internal
consistency reliability, composite reliability,
convergent validity, and discriminant validity were
assessed. Internal consistency reliability was evaluated
with Cronbach’s α. For established constructs results α
> 0.7 indicated internal consistency reliability and for
new constructs results α > 0.6 indicated internal
consistency reliability (Hair et al., 2017; Henseler et
al., 2016). The results indicated that perceived
vulnerability was below the threshold, aside from
Confirmation Bias (CB) which was measured by a
scenario following Fischer et al. (2011). All other
constructs met internal consistency reliability
requirements. Composite reliability was assessed with
ρ. For established constructs results ρ > 0.7 indicated
composite reliability and for new constructs, the cutoff
was ρ > 0.6 (Hair et al., 2017; Henseler et al., 2016).
The results indicated that perceived vulnerability was
below the threshold. All other constructs met
composite reliability requirements. Convergent
validity was assessed using the Average Variance
Extracted (AVE). Results > 0.5 indicate convergent
reliability (Ifinedo, 2012). Our results indicated that
perceived vulnerability was below the threshold. All
other constructs met convergent vulnerability
requirements. Finally, discriminant validity was
evaluated using the Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio
(HTMT). HTMT values < 0.85 indicated discriminant
validity (Hair et al., 2017; Kline, 2011).
Based on the analysis, the use of the availability
heuristic and confirmation bias were significantly
influenced by the Linux-focused SETA workshop and
the information security update emails (H1, H3).
Optimism bias did not meet the statistical cutoff for
significance (H3). It did, however, have a statistically
significant influence on all PMT constructs (H5a, H5b,
H5c, H5d). Also, the multigroup analysis showed
information security knowledge-sharing optimism bias
path was significant (H2). We believe that these results
point to the need for further investigation into
optimism bias. Confirmation bias had a significant
influence on perceived vulnerability (H6b). Lastly,
perceived vulnerability significantly influenced actual
ISP compliance (H8a). Both results were expected.
The failure of the availability heuristic to significantly
influence perceived severity (H4a) and perceived
vulnerability (H4b) was unexpected. We have adjusted
these survey questions for the construct of perceived
vulnerability based on prior literature in the context of
information security, however, we believe that
additional testing and adjustments to the survey
questions are needed. Confirmation bias did not have
the expected impact on perceived severity (H6a), self-
efficacy (H6c), or response-efficacy (H6d).
Confirmatory bias was tested using a fictional scenario,
similar to the technique of Fischer et al. (2011) where
participants are presented with a scenario, asked to
make an initial decision, and then provided six
confirming and six disconfirming bits of additional
information they can choose to review, followed by
asking them to choose again. This may have resulted
in historical bias due to having completed the survey
before and after the intervention. Actual ISP
compliance was not influenced by perceived severity
(H7a), response-efficacy (H8a), or self-efficacy (H8b).
This was not consistent with prior research that studied
ISP compliance intention and may be due to evaluating
actual ISP compliance instead. All the actual ISP
compliance metrics we used were novel and
demonstrated a significant increase between pre-
workshop and post-workshop analysis. In our findings,
port blocking and recent patching had the highest
ICISSP 2024 - 10th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
degree of change and resulted from the intervention
and following knowledge-sharing emails. Interestingly,
these two measures were changes that the Linux Server
Administrators could make with no interaction with the
IT security team. Vulnerability scanning and MFA
require Linux Server Administrators to request the
organizational servers they manage to be registered.
After setup, no interaction with the IT security team is
usually necessary and information security scans could
be run and viewed by the administrators on demand.
Centralized log management demonstrated the lowest
change between pre- and post-workshop. This metric
required sending server log data to the IT security team
via syslog forwarding. That means that the interaction
level, effort required, and data exposure were
significantly higher than the other metrics. It was noted
in the data analysis that the four perceived vulnerability
survey items did not reach significance levels for
Cronbach’s α, ρ, and AVE. One question was used
from the work by Hanus and Wu (2016), one question
was from the work of Siponen et al. (2014), one
question was from the work of Ifinedo (2012), and a
final question was developed based on the
recommendation of a pilot-tester. While these survey
items were deemed sufficient by pilot testers, it appears
that the four questions did not combine into concise
indicators for the perceived vulnerability construct. We
recommend future research to evaluate these survey
items and come up with a more coherent measure for
the perceived vulnerability construct.
This study demonstrated the influence of security
training and knowledge-sharing on the use of cognitive
heuristics, confirmation, and optimism biases of a
unique group of systems administrators. In the
institution where the study was performed the Linux
administrators were spread out geographically and
organizationally. Many participants managed a
handful of servers with minimal interaction with other
administrators. The security workshop brought
together many of these individuals from across the
institution to help them become aware of the
vulnerabilities facing Linux servers and the risks
associated with not implementing security.
Additionally, the workshop introduced participants to
the key actions they can implement and the tools they
can use to protect their Linux servers. The post-
workshop security updates provided news about newly
identified vulnerabilities, recent breaches, and more
guidance on how to implement security tools discussed
in the workshop. The goal of the post-workshop
security updates was to maintain security awareness
and encourage the implementation of security controls.
The feedback from participants regarding the content
of the workshop and security updates was consistently
positive. The interaction of the participants in the new
Microsoft Teams channel was also encouraging.
Clearly, from an organizational perspective,
institutions that have Linux administrators need to
provide security awareness training that is relevant and
provides them with the knowledge and tools they need
to improve the security of Linux servers. Additionally,
there seems to be a desire for a sense of community
even among the distributed Linux administrators in the
organization. Last, the security team needs to try to
approach Linux administrators to help them integrate
into the organization’s overall security strategy. At the
organization studied, the security team is largely
focused on the threats and vulnerabilities facing
Windows servers. This lack of Linux focus by the
security team leaves some Linux administrators feeling
overlooked and underappreciated and could lead to
dangerous levels of non-compliance. The workshop
and increased communications demonstrated the value
for Linux administrators to connect with the security
team. Additionally, it helped show the importance of
embracing security tools that protect the organization.
After the workshop, the cyber lab was instantiated
and made available to participants for four hours to
allow them to use Metasploit to breach a vulnerable
Linux VM. Unfortunately, only 42% of the participants
completed the server breaching exercise following the
workshop. If the lab could have remained running 24/7
for the weeks following the workshop, we believe that
the Linux Server Administrators would have had
significantly more opportunities to use the Metasploit
cyber lab. Unfortunately, due to the cost of running the
scenario in the cloud, it was not deemed possible to run
it continuously. Finally, had the workshop been in-
person as initially planned before the COVID-19
pandemic, it would have been easier to encourage
participation in the cyber lab. The original intention
was to run the workshop and cyber lab as a half-day
event where lunch could also be offered after
completing both. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19
pandemic, the work sites have been closed and remote
training was required.
This study demonstrated the influence of a focused
SETA workshop on Linux Server Administrators’ use
of cognitive heuristics and biases. Prior to the
workshop, many participants had minimal interaction
with the IT security team. The Linux-focused SETA
workshop brought together server administrators to
help them become aware of the vulnerabilities facing
Linux servers and the risks associated with not
The Role of Heuristics and Biases in Linux Server Administrators’ Information Security Policy Compliance at Healthcare Organizations
implementing proper security controls. Additionally,
the workshop introduced participants to the key actions
they can implement and the tools they can use to
protect the organizational Linux servers they manage.
The post-workshop information security updates
provided news about newly identified vulnerabilities,
recent data breaches, and more guidance on how to
implement information security tools discussed in the
workshop. The feedback from participants was
consistently positive. The interaction of the
participants in the new Microsoft Teams channel was
also encouraging. From an organizational perspective,
institutions that have Linux Server Administrators
need to provide SETA that is relevant to Linux as well
as provides the knowledge and tools they need to
improve the information security of the organizational
servers they manage. Additionally, there seems to be a
desire for a sense of community even among the
distributed administrators in the organization. The
questions and advice offered in the Microsoft Teams
channel demonstrated that shared knowledge helped
everyone increase the information security level to the
organizational servers they manage. Anecdotally, we
found that the Linux-focused SETA workshop, and
information security update emails demonstrated the
value for Linux Server Administrators to connect with
the IT security team. Additionally, it helped show the
importance of embracing information security tools
that protect the organization as a whole.
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